Chapter 62

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Bite Marks

The shaking of the cruise ship became more and more serious, and some unfixed furnishings in the banquet hall fell to the ground one after another, and the tables and chairs were tilted here and there.

Several crew members were busy fixing the two bodies to prevent damage, and the murderer dressed as a crew member next to him knelt on the ground and cried.

Kurokawa Rin felt bored after listening to it.

Sure enough, it is a typical murder motive in the world of Conan. The murderer and the first victim, Mitsui Kenta, are good friends from the same club in the university. He wanted to frame Mitsui Kenta first as the murderer, and then commit suicide by jumping into the sea. However, it was an accident that Mitsui Kenta claimed to have an eyewitness. Although the person had not been found, his suspicion was gradually ruled out by Kudo Yusaku, so he could only take the risk and kill Mitsui Kenta.

Because the Elizabeth is full of Japanese upper-class dignitaries and rich people, everyone's eyes are also focused on the same kind of people, and the ordinary crew members are ignored for a while.

In fact, when the suspects were investigated for the first time, there were more than one or two staff members who provided services throughout the banquet hall without witnesses.

"President Shirakawa, this brother, is he okay?" Kudo Shinichi slipped over again.

"It's okay, I'm just seasick." Rin Kurokawa stroked Amuro's back and said again, "His name is Kenji Hoshino."

"Well, Xiaolan brought seasickness medicine, but it's not easy to go back and get it now." Kudo Shinichi felt apologetic.

"It's okay, he doesn't usually get seasick." Kurokawa Rin patted his head and said softly, "Don't run around, hold on to things to fix them. If you fall at this time, you will easily be trampled on, which is very dangerous."

"I know." Kudo Shinichi slapped his hand away with disgust and complained, "Don't keep touching my head, I won't grow taller!"

"Really?" Kurokawa Rin thought about Kudo Shinichi 5 years later in the original book.

Well, the height difference with Xiaolan is quite standard, no problem.

So keep kneading.

"I'm angry!" Kudo Shinichi made a face at him, and rushed out from under him.

"Shinichi." The Kudou couple also walked over wearing Mao Lilan.

"Mr. Kudo, the cruise ship is completely out of control, is it because of the previous explosion?" Kurokawa Rin asked first.

"I'm afraid not." Yusaku Kudo said solemnly, "The suspect blew up the control room just to delay time. However, the light switch is broken. Although the light switch cannot be controlled, it does not mean that the light itself is broken, but the state of the light cannot be changed anymore. That's all."

"The accident in the room happened an hour after the explosion, and the two should have nothing to do with each other." Rin Kurokawa thought for a while before saying, "Mr. Kudo means that there is someone behind the murderer?"

"That's not necessarily the case." Yusaku Kudo shook his head. "Compared to this, I suspect that there is another force on the cruise ship. For what purpose, it deliberately made the cruise ship completely out of control, and it has something to do with Mitsui Kenta."

"Oh?" Kurokawa Rin raised his eyebrows.

"After Mitsui Kenta died, I checked his belongings again and found that something was originally hidden in the lighter, which had been taken away." Yusaku Kudo said.

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