New Normal

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After two weeks of Emma's painful recovery from her miscarriage, she slowly began to get back to her usual routine. Killian first day back to work since Emma has been in recovery from the miscarriage. Killian playing with Hope on his lap before heading to work in the kitchen. "Who is my little pirate?" Hope babbled. "That is right, you are my little pirate princess." He tickles Hope and gave her raspberries on her tummy which makes her laugh. Emma saw her family together, while she was making breakfast for Hope and Killian, Henry already left for school.
"Killian, breakfast is ready." He puts Hope in her high chair as Emma made Hope her plate of scrambled eggs, bread and her breastmilk in a bottle, Hope was slowly learning to use her hands to feed herself but she wanted her Mommy to feed her, which her Mommy did not mind. "Emma, are you sure you are going to be alright with Hope today?"
"Yes, I am. Hope and I are going to have a girls day today, just her and I." She spoon feeds Hope her eggs. "I have been in the house for two weeks and I am feeling that I need to get out of the house."
"Love, you can call me for anything."
"I know. You have been so helpful over the last few weeks..." Killian hugs his wife.
"You know I am always- on your side and help you when you need me."
"I am very lucky to have you as my husband. Thank you for taking such good care of me when I needed the most."
"You are very welcome, love. I will always be there for you."
"Yes, I will always be there for you." She hugs him and they kiss. Hope babbled loudly.
"Hope is learning a lot from Henry."
Emma giggled. "Hope, you want more num-nums?" Kilian loved watching his two loves bond.
After finished her breakfast, Killian helped Emma clean up the high chair table and play with Hope while Emma ate her breakfast. "Little love, be a good little lass for Mommy today. I know you are going to have fun with Mommy." He kisses Hope on the cheek and Hope gave her daddy a sloppy food kiss. "You take after your Mommy with your kisses." Emma giggles and hands him a wet rag. "Hope, when I get home from work we are going to have dada and Hope time."
Hope grabbed his face, "Dada."
"Aye, I know you are going to tell me all about your special time with Mommy."
"Little duckling." He kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope." He turns to his wife, "Love, if you need anything call me."
"I will. On the way home, can you get us more snacks and cereal on the way home?"
"Aye, I am planning to cook dinner tonight."
"Have a good day at work."
"Have fun with our little love." They kiss. Killian leaves the house. Killian arrives at the station and sees Charming. "Hi, Charming."
"Hi, Killian. How is Emma?"
"It was very rough for Emma she was in a lot of pain and crying. She is slowly getting better and back to herself."
"Did you manage to get the Pluto doll fixed?"
"Aye, yes we did. Granny helped us sewing and fluffing the toy since there was a rip after it was getting clean by your son who stomped on the doll."
"I know, I was there and I saw it. I felt really bad and Snow almost starting a fight with Emma did not help."
"Aye, it did not help. Emma is getting and she is spending a girls day with Hope."
"That is what I like to here."
Hope began to cry when her Daddy left. "Aww, Hopey. Do not cry." She kisses Hope on the head. "Daddy is coming back, he has to go back to work. I know you love playing with Dada, you got extra dada time. I know you are going to miss him being home with us all day. He will come home from work and play with you." Hope gripped her Mommy. "Hope, we are going to have a girls day. We can get our nails done, do some shopping, and go to the library for storytime would you like that? A fun day with Mommy?" Hope babbled. "Just you and me, sweetie. I know when I was in pain you wanted to be with me. Now we are going to have our special Mommy and Hopey time." She kisses Hope on the head and Hope napped her Mommy. Emma cuddles with Hope in the living room until Hope woke up from her nap. Emma got a text from Killian. "How are you?"
She responded with a selfie of her and Hope cuddling. "I am good. We are cuddling."
He responded. "Nap time?"
"Yes, after I got her to stop crying because she did not want you to leave."
"Love, I can come home for lunch."
"Hope and I are going are going into town."
"Aye, do you want to get lunch at Granny's?
"Yes. Hope will be very happy to see her Daddy." Hope woke up from her nap. "Hi, baby. Are you still sleepy?" She kisses Hope on the head. "We are going to get our nails done." Emma got Hope dressed and let Hope crawl on her bed while she got herself ready and packed her diaper bag. She changes Hope's diaper before they leave. Emma drove Hope to town in her yellow bug. She takes Hope out of her car seat. "Hope, we are having a Mommy and Hopey day." Hope smiled. Emma carries Hope and the diaper bag into the "Three Bears Nail Salon." "Hope, we are going to get our nails painted." Hope babbled. "You can choose your nail polish color." She brings Hope to the nail polish section. Emma showed Hope the colors, "There is pink, red, purple, green, blue, yellow, orange..." Hope grabbed the polish she wanted. "Good choice. Hope. We got to give it to the salon worker so she can paint our nails."
"Hi, Emma."
"Hi, two manicure and pedicures."
"This color?"
"Yes, for both of us, please." The nail salon worker leads Emma and Hope to a comfy massage chair. Emma got Hope on the chair, as she got a few things out of the diaper bag when Hope wanted to crawl around. "Mommy."
"I am right here, sweetie." She got Hope and sat down and put her daughter on her lap. She put a few books next to them. The worker put the books and Pluto doll on the next chair so Emma and Hope can have space. "Thank you."
"Your welcome. Who I am going to do first?"
"You can paint her toenails first." The worker pressed a button to move the chair closer so she can paint Hope's toenails first. Emma took a selfie with Hope before Hope got her toenails clipped, filed and painted. "Mommy and Hopey day." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope was fascinated watching her nails turn a different color and stayed still for her pedicure, "Your toenails are looking so pretty Hope. You chose a good color." After the nail salon coated Hope toenails, it was Emma's turn. "Hope, your toenails need to dry." She held Hope in her arms so her toes can dry. Hope tugged her Mommy's hair. "Hopey, what are you doing...what are you doing?" She tickles Hope and makes her laugh. Hope babbled. "Do you want a story?" Hope smiled. "Once upon a time, there was a long lost princess of the Enchanted Forest who escaped the dark curse through a magical tree wardrobe..."Hope listened to her Mommy's story and babbled at her favorite parts which made Emma smile. Even though Emma was getting her toenails were getting painted, all she was focusing on her baby girl and bonding with Hope who was really enjoying girl time. When Emma's nails were done, they needed to get their manicure. "Hope, it is time to get your fingernails painted." Hope smiled. They got settled in the table, while nail salon worker carried their stuff. The worker moved her chair next to Hope and Emma and painted Hope's fingers. After Hope's manicure, Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry?" The worker gets Emma's bag and Emma got the nursing cover and put it on herself and carefully got Hope to nurse without ruining her nails. After Hope was fed and burped, Hope fell asleep in her Mommy's arms. Emma got the cover off and the worker put it back in the bag. Emma positioned Hope sleeping on her lap and her head on one of her arms so one of her hands can get a manicure, the worker helped Emma get Hope positioned when Emma needed her other painted, Hope began to cry. "Hopey, you are okay...shh...shh...You are with Mommy baby girl." She shows Hope her painted fingernails. "I am almost done with my fingernails to be painted. We are going to have matching nail colors." Emma reaches for her bag and gets Hope a toy to play with, Hope gets the toy and drops it, "Hope."
The worker picks up Hope's toy. "Thank you, sorry about that." Hope grabbed her Mommy's arm. "You just want to be with Mommy. You can watch Mommy get her fingernails painted." Hope babbled to her Mommy as Emma got her fingernails painted. "Oh, really. Dada taught you how to be a pirate?" Hope babbled. "Dada taught you how to sail? Was that fun?" Hope smiled. "Are you going to show Mommy and Henry how to sail when we go on the Jolly Roger."
"Yes, Roger, Dada's ship."
"You are my little pirate." Hope babbled loudly which made Emma laugh. "Do you want to be Mommy's little sheriff? You can come to work with me and be my little sheriff?" Hope smiled and grabbed her Mommy's hair. "So is that a yes?" Hope gripped her Mommy's shirt. "You can come to work with me and play in my office." Hope clapped her hands which made her smile. After Emma's nails were painted, the worker carried Hope for Emma and placed Hope on her lap when Emma was ready. "Mommy has to get her fingernails dry then we can get lunch at Granny's. You are being such a good girl being a good listener." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope squirmed around. "Hope." Hope grips her Mommy's shirt and stands on her Mommy's lap and faced her Mommy. "Hopey. Did you need to stretch your legs?" Hope smiled grabbed her Mommy's face, which made Emma smile. "Hope, are you hugging Mommy's face?" Hope babbled. Emma gave Hope kisses. After her nails were dry, Emma paid for their manicure and pedicures and got their bags and carried Hope into town. "Hope, we are done with our manicure and pedicure. Do you want to go shopping?" Hope babbled. Emma carried Hope around to a few stores, she let Hope choose a few toys to buy. Emma bought herself and Hope clothes. She let Hope crawl around the stores a little bit to let her stretch as she watched her very closely and rest from carrying Hope. Emma texted Killian to meet them at Granny's. "Do you want to go Granny's for lunch?" Hope makes a lot of poop. "You definitely need a change sweetie." Emma enters the diner and sees Granny and sit down at their booth. "Hi, Granny."
"Hi, Emma and Hope. Hope, how is your Pluto doll?" Hope babbled.
"Granny Hope has been hugging it, playing with it and chewing on it. You did amazing, thank you for fixing Hope's toy."
"You are very welcome, Emma. I noticed you both got manicures."
Emma smiled. "Yes, we both got our nails done and Hope chose our nail polish."
"What can I get you both?"
"Can I have my usual? Killian is coming too, so for him his usual. For Hope can you make pancakes for her with blueberries and strawberries on the side and no syrup."
"She does not like syrup?"
"Yes, I think it is too sweet for her."
"I will get your orders." They hear the doorbell and enters Killian.
"Hello, love."
"Hi, honey." They kiss. "Hope, look who is here to join us for lunch dada!"
"Dada!" Hope reached out for her Daddy. Killian and Emma both smiled.
"Hi, little love." He takes Hope into his arms. "Did you have fun with Mommy?" He noticed her nail polish. "Hope, did you get your nails painted at the nail salon?" Hope smiled. "They are very pretty little love." He sits on the opposite side of Emma holding Hope.
"Hope, Daddy noticed your nails, not mine."
"Love how can I forget my beautiful wife's nails." He looks at her nails. "Swan, you two have matching nail colors."
Emma smiled."Yes, Hope and I got matching Mommy and Hopey manicures and pedicures."
"Aye, with your favorite nail color which is your favorite color red."
"Yes, you are right captain. Our little girl chose our nail color. She was a good girl the whole time we are the nail salon."
"Oh, really. Hope did you like getting your nails painted?" Hope grabbed her Daddy's hook.
" I told Hope a story. She told me all about your teaching her how to sail and how much she loves crawling around the ship."
"Aye, I want Hope to learn early how to sail since she loves to be on my ship." Hope makes more poop. "Hope, you need a change little love. Dada will change you, Mommy has pretty nail as you do. I do not want your Mommy to ruin her nails." He gets the diaper bag and brings Hope to the bathroom to change her. Hope had a big poop explosion."Daddy will change you, little love. You have pretty nails. You chose a good nail color, Mommy's favorite color." Hope smiled. Killian changes Hope's diaper and a new outfit. "You are all clean. We can go back to Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma saw Hope in a new outfit when Killian brings Hope back. "Hopey, did dada change your outfit?" Hope babbled.
"Love, Hope had a poop explosion but she is all clean now."
"Granny brought over a booster seat for Hope to sit in." Emma places Hope in her booster seat.
"How was work?"
"Quiet not too busy. I am just happy to be with my two loves for lunch." Hope babbled. "Yes, little love, I am having lunch with you and Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head.
Hope was being tickled by both of her parents. Granny bring their orders to their table. Emma cut up Hope's pancakes and berries. Hope ate some of the pancakes on her own. "Swan, I can feed Hope. You need to eat." Killian feeds Hope her lunch. "Love, what is next on your girls day with our little love?"
"I was thinking taking Hope shopping, the library or..."
Killian looked at his wife."What swan?"
"I was thinking if Hope and I can go on your ship. I know it is your ship. I have never been on your ship without you."
Killian smiled big. "Love, you do not have to ask me for my permission to go on my ship without me. I told you love that the Jolly Roger is our second home you and Hope can have fun on my ship. You will see how much Hope crawls around on deck."
"I might go to the Jolly Roger last knowing Hope she won't want to leave your ship."
"Aye, what else are you two planning today?"
"If Hope is napping, I will push her in the stroller around town. We already did some shopping after we got our nails done. Hope crawled around a few of the stores." Hope babbled. Emma smiled at Hope who face was covered with blueberries and pancakes. "Am I stopping dada from feeding you?" She tickles Hope which makes her smile. After Killian fed Hope, she yawned. "Swan, I think it is someone's nap time." Emma smiles and takes Hope from the booster seat and cleans her face with a baby wipe. "Hope, is it your nap time?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "You can nap on Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head.
They got ready to leave, Killian carried Hope's diaper bag as Emma carried Hope who did not want to let go of her. They went to Emma's car. "Oh, man. I knew that I forgot something."
"What did you forget swan?"
"Hope's stroller." Killian rubbed his wife's shoulders. "It is okay, swan."
"I never forget something."
"Love, instead of walking around town, we can go to our special spot."
"Don't you have work?"
"Aye, I am married to the sheriff, I know I won't get in trouble."
Emma smiled. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, swan. I want to be with my two loves." He wrapped his arm around his two loves.
"I can never say no going to our special spot." They walked together to their special spot. Killian helped his loves sit and he wraps his arms around them. Emma looks at Hope, was getting close to sleeping. She rubs Hope's back and sang to her, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, You make me happy when skies are grey, You'll never know, dear, how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away." Hope fell asleep, Emma kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope." Killian smiles at his wife, Emma smiled back. "What are you looking at?"
"Just seeing you with Hope, you are an amazing Mommy to her it just makes me so happy seeing my family full of love."
"I love our baby girl. I love being her Mommy. I forgot to tell you about the rest of the salon trip."
"I am all ears, love."
Emma smiled. "Well, I nursed Hope before I got my nails painted. It was a little tricky to get my fingernails painted since I had to position Hope on me whenever I had to get each hand needed to be painted."
"Did she give you any trouble?"
"Uhm..only when the nail salon worker moved her when she was sleeping to my other side, which she woke up from her nap and began to cry. I reassured her that she was with me. Hope and I had a long talk about how much she loves being a pirate with you and loves the Jolly Roger." Killian smiles. "Hope also watched my nails getting painted. She loves her dada teaching her how to be a pirate."
Killian smiled. "I am a dashingly handsome good teacher." Emma giggled. "I want to teach Hope early as possible to be a good sailor pirate. I want Hope to learn boat safety and how to sail and not cause accidents." Emma was in awe.
"You really want to teach our daughter how to sail safely."
"Yes, love the right way. What else happened during your Mommy and Hope time?"
"When our nails were getting dry, Hope and I talked about her being a little pirate. I also told Hope about joining me at the station. I asked her and she wants to be my little sheriff."
"Love, you are the boss, you can bring Hope to work. I can help you watch Hope if you have a case."
"Aye, we can work together and have Hope with us."
"I been thinking about having Hope with me in the station with me in my office, there are no villains around. Whenever I am at the station and you are home with Hope, I miss our little girl. I do not want to miss anything with her. At the nail salon, we had a mommy and daughter moment." Emma smiled. "As I was getting my nails dry, Hope stands up on my legs and hugged my face and babble to me. I responded by kissing her. She just continued giving me hugs and babbles until my nails were dry. I could not stop smiling. I love my special time with our little girl."
"Love, I see the happiness in your eyes right now telling me about your special moment."
"It was special. I love our little girl and I do not want to miss anything with her." She hugs Hope. "She is my second chance of being a Mommy. I am treasuring this time with her before she doesn't want to be held by me...."
"Love, I know Hope is going to come running to you if she something is wrong, she is always going to want to be with you and hug you. I know that Hope is going want to follow you around and be like her Mommy. Knowing our little love, she will follow around at the station. Emma Hope loves you. She is going to look up to you her whole life and come to you for advice, help or to talk."
"I love Hope. I love being her Mommy." She hugs her daughter who was fast asleep on her. Killian knows something else was bothering his wife. "Love, you can tell me what is on your mind. I know my swan. What is it, love?"
"I am tired not as in much pain but...I am not okay...I feel awful about it. The miscarriage got me thinking, to enjoy my time with Hope and be her Mommy...I do not want to lose my chance of being her Mommy like the one we lost..." Emma began to cry. Killian hugs his wife.
"I am right here, love." He rubbed her back as she cried into him.
"It just...the pain is gone but not knowing about the pregnancy and not being aware of my body changing...I still feel awful. The only thing that is making me feel better is you, Henry and Hope. I want to spend more time with Hope."
Killian rubbed his wife's back. "Love, it is not your fault. It is not your fault. You have your family who loves you and cares for you. Our children just want to make you happy. There is nothing you could have done to prevent it, love. No one is mad at you, you are not failing me, love. We have our children. We are raising our family together, you and I. I know you are feeling horrible love but you have me on your side. We are going to get through this together love, you and I." Emma looked at his ocean blue eyes knowing he meant every word of it. "You are in my side when I need you always. You are my rock. You have not left my side."
"Aye, I will always be on your side, Emma. "
"I will always be on your side, Killian." They kiss.
"I know having Hope at the station with us will make us both happier, because when you are home with Hope, I miss being with my two loves. I could not stop thinking about you two all morning."
"That is why you text me this morning?"
"Aye, I was concerned about my two loves."
"Hope cried as soon after you left."
"Whenever you ready to go back to work, I will be very happy to be my two loves at work, with my beautiful wife with me." He kisses Emma on the head.
Hope woke up crying. "Hopey, what is the matter baby?" Hope moved around and hugs her Mommy. "I am not letting you go, sweetie. You can give me all the hugs, Hope."
"Love, I think we should bring Hope home."
"Yes, Hope needs to move around and play. She did not get to crawl enough today. I do need a nap." Killian helps his wife up from their spot. Hope continued to cry. "Little love, Dada is right here." He gives Hope his hook which she grabs. "Let's go home, love." Killian walked his loves home.
When they arrived home, Henry was home with Regina. "Hi, Mom." Hope babbled. "Hi, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. Henry hugs his Mom. "How was your girls day with Hope?"
"We got our nails done. We did shopping too." Hope fussed. "Hope, we can show Henry our matching nails."
"Hope, did Mommy chose the nail polish color?"
"Kid, Hope chose our nail polish color."
"Yes, Hope knows my favorite color. She chose it. "
"Mom, I can play with Hope."
"Hope, Henry wants to play with you. Henry, Hope was not able to crawl too much today so I am letting you know Hope will be full of energy."
"I am prepared Mom." Henry takes Hope from their Mom, "Hope it is playtime little sis." He brings her to the living room.
"Love, do you need anything?"
"Yes. I forgot my car in town. Our shopping bags are in my car ."
Killian rubs his wife's shoulders. "I can drive the yellow bug home love." He kisses her on the head.
"Thank you." Emma kisses Killian on the cheek and hugs him.
Regina approaches Emma. "Hi, Emma. How are you?"
"I am not in much pain but still...not myself. Excuse me, Regina. I have to take a nap getting nails done with a 10-month-old was challenging but fun." Emma goes to her room and goes to sleep.
"Killian, how is she?"
"She is taking it hard mostly surprised that she was pregnant and feels guilty and blames herself. Henry and I been telling her it is not her fault."
"Kilian, if you need anything..."
"Aye, for Emma, can you tell Snow White to stop calling her. She has been calling us nonstop since all of this happened."
"I heard from Henry about what happened after you came home from the hospital, how Snow keeps calling her and the Pluto incident."
"Aye, I just been focusing on Emma and Hope, Henry has been so helpful watching Hope or cheering his Mom up."
Hope crawls over and tugs her Daddy's pants. "Dada." Regina was in awe.
Killian smiles and kneels down to Hope. "Little love. You want Dada to hold you?" Hope smiled and he picks her up. "Regina, Emma is not in pain but emotionally she is still getting back to normal. She has all of us make her feel better. Right Hope? You are making Mommy happy." Hope babbled. Henry finds his sister with their Dad. "Hope, there you are. I have been looking all over for you. Did you escape from me to be with Daddy?" Hope babbled.
"Little love, are you going to be a good little lass for Henry? While I go back to work." Hope began to cry. "Do not cry little Hope. Do not cry. You are going to play with Henry. I know you love playing with Henry and your Pluto dolls. When I get home we will have dada and Hope time." He kisses Hope on the head and rubs her back until she stopped crying. "Hope, I will be home soon. We can daddy-daughter time when I get home. Have fun with Henry." He hands over Hope to his son. "Lad, keep a close eye on your sister."
"I will Dad. I will check on Mom too."
"Thank you, Henry. I will see you both later." Killian leaves.
Hope began to cry. "Hope, you are with me, little sis. We can play in the living room with your toys." Henry brought Hope to the living room scattered with her toys. He got Hope to play with shapes in the hole, he taught her how to play. Hope put the circle into the hole, which she babbled very loudly. "Hope, you did it, little sis, all by yourself. I am so proud of you." He gave her a lot of kisses on her cheek which made her laugh. "We can show Mommy and Daddy later. Let's try the square. Where does the square go?" Henry pointed to the square shape and Hope put the square into the hole. "You did it, Hope." They continued to play shapes in the hole until Hope got all of the shapes in the box. "Hope, you got all the shapes in the box. Good job little sis." He kisses her on the head and made her laugh. Hope played with the shapes after and crawled around.
"Mom, I taught Hope how to fill in the hole. I taught her something new."
"Yes, you did, Henry. I saw it." Henry chases his sister around until he was tired out.
"Mom, babies have a lot of energy."
"Yes, they do Henry." Hope crawled to Henry and lifted herself up from behind him and babbled. "Henry, stay still Hope is right behind you."
"I can feel Hope tugging on me."
"Yes, she is leaning against you." Hope hugs Henry from behind.
Henry smiles."Hope, why are you hugging my back?" Regina took pictures of Hope holding onto Henry. Hope babbled and fell down, which made her cry. Emma heard Hope crying and woke up downstairs. Henry gets his sister from the carpet. "Hopey, you are alright. Shh...shhh. Don't cry." Regina checks for injuries. Emma comes down running hearing Hope crying. "Henry, Hope." She goes to her kids. "Hopey, what happened?" Hope reached out to her Mommy and Emma gets her daughter from her son and gave her kisses and rubbed her back. "Hope, you are with Mommy, sweetie." She rubs Hope's back as Hope dug her face into her Mommy's chest.
"Mom, Hope was crawling around and decided to stand up and grip back of my t-shirt and hugs me and she fell down."
"Emma, I checked her. She is not hurt."
"She is afraid, I know my little sister."
"Hopey, you are with Mommy." Hope gripped her Mommy. She checks Hope for injuries. "You are okay, Hope. You have no injuries. I know you scared that you fell but you are not hurt, you are safe with Mommy. Henry is right here with us. He knows you were having fun with him. He loves playing with you. " Hope rubbed her head against her Mommy. Emma sits down on the couch with Hope.
"You are with Mommy little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. Henry gets Hope Pluto doll and tickles her with it, which made Hope laugh. "Hope, is your brother making you laugh?" Hope reached for her Pluto and grabbed it. "Mom, Hope is happy being held by you and big Pluto."
"Yes, she is. You make her happy, Henry."
"Mom, you make her happy too." Hope was chewing on her big Pluto. "I will be right back." Henry leaves the room. "How are you, Regina?"
"I am good. I heard from Henry and Killian about your brother."
"Yes, he still has darkness in him." Hope fussed. She rubs Hope's back. "Hope kicked Leo in the face."
Regina smiled. "Hope, did you kick Leo in the face?" Hope babbled. "You definitely take after your Mom." Hope began to cry.
"Hope, what is the matter baby? Do you need a nap?" She kisses Hope on the head. "You can nap on Mommy." Hope let go of her Pluto and hugged her Mommy. Emma rubbed Hope's back in slow circles until she fell asleep.
"How was your girls day?"
Emma smiled. "It was fun. I needed to get out of the house. Hope and I got a manicure and pedicures and we went shopping afterward had lunch at Granny's. Hope did not cause too much trouble at the nail salon." Hope began to cry. "Hopey, what is the matter? Regina, I am going to take Hope upstairs."
"Hope wants to be with you."
"Hopey, do not cry." Henry came downstairs.
"Mom, what is wrong with Hope?"
"Hope needs a nap."
"Little sis, we will play later." He kisses Hope on the head and goes to the living room. Emma takes Hope to her room. "We are going to nap together. Mommy and Hopey naptime." She gets comfortable on the bed, "Naptime with my baby girl is the best." She kisses Hope on the head. "I love my girls days with you, Hopey." She listens to Hope snore on her. "I love you, Hope." She hugs her daughter and fell asleep. Killian returns home finding Henry in his room. "Hi, son."
"Hi, Dad. Mom and Hope are sleeping in your room."
"How was Hope?"
"Hope and I played in the living room. Hope fell down when she was hugging my back and Mom came straight downstairs. Hope was not hurt."
"I know she had fun with you, lad."
"We did."
"Lad, do you need a tutoring session?"
"Yes, can we have the session after dinner?"
"Yes, we can, lad." Killian sees his wife and daughter sleeping together and smiles.
Killian kisses Hope on the head and Emma on her head and she wakes up smiling. "Hi, honey."
"Hello, love. Your car is in front of our house. The shopping bags are in Hope's room."
"Thank you for bringing my yellow bug home. I will organize the clothes later. How was the rest of your day?"
"It was not too busy, I am just happy to be with my family." He joins his family on the bed.
"Hope played with Henry and we are having a nap together."
"It sounds like you and Hope had a very successful girls day."
"Yes, it was. I love being with Hope."
"She loves being with you, swan."
Emma returned back to work a few weeks later at the Sheriff Station. Their new morning routine was Emma got herself ready, while Killian and Hope were sleeping in bed right next to her. Killian wakes up to get ready in time for Emma to get Hope dressed for the day and diaper bag packed. Killian cooks his family breakfast. Emma feeds Hope her breakfast first before eating hers. Hope began to cry. Emma takes Hope out of her high chair. "Hopey, what is the matter baby?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "You are coming with Daddy and Mommy to the sheriff station. You are going to be my little sheriff at work every day when I am there. I miss you when I am too far away from you too long. You get to work with Mommy and Daddy. You can be with me in my office. Okay?" She kisses her daughter on the head. Hope babbled. Emma and Killian looked at each other knowing her bringing Hope to work was the right decision. Even though Emma is at work she loves having Hope crawling around and babbling away, she just wants to have her daughter nearby her since she was grieving on the one they lost and doesn't want to miss anything with Hope. When Emma had a case, Killian would watch Hope in the station. Emma especially loves when Hope pulls herself up and pats her Mommy's leg for attention. Emma smiles down at her baby girl with her ocean blue eyes staring up at her, "Do you want to be Mommy's sheriff?" Hope gave her Mommy a gummy smile. She picks Hope up and placed her on her lap.
Emma smiles and gives Hope a hug. "You can keep me company while I do paperwork." Hope babbled, and Emma gave her kisses on her daughter's head as she did her work. Killian checks on his two loves and took pictures of Emma working with Hope on her lap. Hope grabbed papers. "No, Hope. Mommy needs that to work." Hope began to fuss. "Hope, I know you want to help Mommy. After Mommy work, we can go home." Emma gets Hope's big Pluto for her to play with. "Hopey, look who I have, Pluto." Hope babbled. "You are welcome, Hope." Emma got a lot of paperwork done, by the time she was finished, Hope was sleeping on her. Killian enters the office, "How are my two sheriffs?"
Emma giggles. "Hope crawled around until she wanted to help me with my paperwork. She just fell asleep on me."
"I know Hope had fun with her Mommy especially at work. "
Emma smiles at her sleeping daughter. "I like having Hope with me at work. I get to do my job as sheriff and be with our little girl, I do not want to miss anything with her."
"You are not going to miss any milestones with Hope, love."
"I know. Just with the miscarriage made me think more about not missing anything with Hope, she is our second chance of being parents and I love my special time with Hope and being her Mommy. I do not want to miss anything with her."
"You are not going to miss anything, I can watch her when you are out on patrol, have a case or busy. I love seeing my two loves at work, Hope playing in here with you working and missing anything. I know Hope is loving being with her Mommy."
"I love being with our little girl."
"Are you almost done for the day?"
"Yes, I am. We can get Granny's?"
"Aye, we do need lunch."
"We can take Granny's to go and eat in the park since it is almost Spring."
"Aye, it is a beautiful day, we can do that love." Killian puts Hope in her stroller who began to cry. "Love, she wants you to hold her."
Emma smiles and picks up her daughter. "Hopey, you are with Mommy sweetie. We are going to get lunch at Granny's and eat it in the park with Dada." They walked into town together, Emma holding Hope as Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. They entered Granny's and saw Granny. "Hi, Granny."
"Hi, Emma, Killian, and Hope. What can I get you?'
"Our usuals to go."
"I can get your order. Hi, Hope."
"Hope say hi to Granny." Hope fusses. "Sorry, Granny. Hope just woken up from her nap. She was playing in my office all morning. She loves being my little sheriff and wants to help me do my work."
"Hope, did you play with your Pluto in your Mommy's office?" Hope babbled.
"Granny, the Pluto is good as new and Hope has been playing with her Pluto all the time. Thank you again for fixing him."
"You are welcome, Emma."
"Aye, I did call the right person for the job." They hear the door rang. Hope began to cry.
Killian looks and sees Leo and Snow White. "Love, Leo, and your mom are here."
"Emma, your order is ready,"
"Thank you, Granny."
"Mom..." Hope griped her Mommy. "Hopey, you are with Mommy baby girl. You are safe."
"Emma, please talk to me. I have been worried about you." Leo gets closer to Emma and Hope.
"Mom, get Leo away from Hope please."
Leo went closer to his sister. "Hope." He begins to poke his niece. "Get away from Hope, Leo. Now."
Killian gets Leo away from his wife and daughter. "Leo, leave Hope alone."
Emma looks at her mother not surprised not disciplining her brother. "Mom, discipline Leo." Emma heads towards the door, "Killian, I will meet you outside. Hope needs to get out of here." Emma slams the door. "Hopey, we are outside far away from Leo. Don't cry. Mommy got you. You are safe." She rubs Hope's back as Hope was hugging her and put her face into her Mommy's chest. "You are with Mommy, sweetie. I am your protector no one hurts my little girl." Killian arrives outside.
"Love, I have our orders." He wraps his arms around his two loves. "Hope, Dada is right here with you and Mommy. You are safe, little love." He kisses Hope on the head. "Love, want to go home?"
"Yes, I want to calm down Hope and cuddle her."
"Aye, we can cuddle her together."
"Don't you have work?"
"Aye, yes but I do not like it when my love is in distress and our little love is terrified." She puts her hand on her husband's chest. "Thank you."
Snow White exits Granny's. "Emma, please let me talk to you."
"No, you cannot discipline your son when my daughter is terrified of him! You just stood there and let him bother Hope? What kind of a mother does that? You have not changed Mom. I have to go, Hope is terrified again." Hope wailed. "Hopey, Mommy got you. We are leaving now." Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves and walked away from Snow White. They did not go straight home, "Love, where are we going?"
"Our spot. Hope and I need to relax."
"I had a feeling we are going to go there." Hope began to cry. Killian takes Hope from Emma. "Little love, you are with Dada." He sniffs his daughter. "Love, Hope needs a change. We can change her on my ship." Killian brings his family onto his ship. "Little love, look where we are?"
Killian and Emma both smile. "That is right, my little pirate. You want to show Mommy your sailing lesson while we are here?" He kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope babbled. "Let's get you changed then we can have a sailing lesson." Kilian changes Hope into a clean diaper. "Hope, are you ready to have a sailing lesson?" Hope rolled over to her tummy and began to crawl.
"Killian, our little pirate is ready for her sailing lesson."
"That is right, love. Are you alright?"
"Just seeing Hope happy with you and ready to have a sailing lesson is making me happy."
"Our little pirate is calling you."
Killian gets Hope. "Hope, are you ready to show Mommy what Dada taught you?" Hope squirmed. "We are going out little love." They left the captain quarters.
"Killian, you put up a lot of baby gates."
"Aye, I did, love. I do not want our little pirate to get hurt or cause mischief."
"Knowing our little pirate she wants to get into everything."
"That is right love. Now Hope, are you ready to show Mommy how you sail with dada?" Hope screamed.
"Hope, I know your Dada is a good teacher." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian gives Hope a sailing lesson, pulling the sails. "That is it, little love." Emma watched as her husband gives their daughter a sailing lesson and took pictures but mostly enjoyed her Killian giving Hope a sailing lesson. Killian is the perfect man for her and their children. "Mommy." Emma got out of her daydream and went to her daughter and husband. "Hopey, Mommy is right here."
"Hope do you want to show Mommy what you have just learned?" Killian lifts Hope up and Hope gripped the sail. "Killian!"
"Little love, let go." Hope lets go of the sail. "Good little Hope. you can listen to Dada." He kisses Hope on the head. "You are a good little pirate."
"Killian, what did you teach Hope?"
"Emma, I will never let Hope do that when the Jolly Roger is moving. I was teaching Hope how to hold and let go. Also, I wanted Hope to feel the sails, which is part of her lesson, sensory lesson."
"You are teaching her sensory lessons besides sailing."
"Aye, I want Hope to know everything. I read in the baby book that Hope learns by touch and feel. I wanted to make it fun for Hope and use sailing easy for her to understand."
"You are amazing Daddy."
"Thank you, love." Hope babbled. "Hope, do you want to show Mommy more? Aye, we can." Killian carries Hope to the steering wheel. Hope babbled. "Hope, Mommy knows the steering wheel very well, little love." Emma giggles remembering their first adventure in Neverland. Hope was holding the steering wheel. "Hope, when we want to move left we turn the wheel left and right we turn right. You understand that?" Hope babbled.
"Hope, are you driving Dada's ship?" Hope smiled. "You are doing so good. Your dada is a great teacher."
"I am right here, baby. I am watching you drive Daddy's ship."
Emma smiled. "Yes, Hope. Roger. We are on the Jolly Roger." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma watched Hope enjoying her sailing lesson with her Daddy. Hope fussed. "Little love, do you want to crawl?" He sets Hope on deck and let her crawl around. Killian and Emma sit down on the step together and watch Hope crawling around. Emma hugs her husband and he hugs her back. "Killian, you are amazing with Hope."
"Aye, I am her Daddy, that is my job."
"You are doing your job. She loves playing her and loves getting a sailing lesson from you."
"I am a good teacher. Hope is a good little student who has the ocean running in her veins like me love." Emma kisses Killian on his scruffy cheek.
"I love you."
"I love you, too." They kiss. Hope crawls over to her parents and stands up by gripping her Mommy's leg. Emma smiled."Hopey." She puts her daughter on her lap.
"Little love, are you interrupting Daddy kissing Mommy?" Hope babbled.
"Killian, I think Hope wants me to play with her. Right sweetie? You want Mommy to play with you?" Hope babbled. "Mommy will play with you." Emma plays with Hope who was trying to walk, Emma held her daughter's hands helping her stand up longer. Killian smiles and takes many pictures of his two loves enjoying his shop and Hope learning how to walk. "You are doing great, Hope." Hope began to cry and Emma gets her daughter. "Hope, are you hungry?"
"Love, I think our little pirate needs her lunch and a nap."
"Yes, she needs a break." They ate their lunch in the captain quarters. Killian spoon feeds Hope's lunch. "Good little love." Hope began to cry.
"Hopey." Emma rubs Hope's back. "You are with Mommy. I know you are tired. You had a very busy day. You were my little sheriff and you had a sailing lesson with Dada." Hope hugged her Mommy. "You can nap on me." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope makes a lot of poop.
"Love, I will get the diaper bag."
Emma changes Hope's diaper. "You are clean, Hope." Hope reaches for her Mommy. Emma gets her daughter. "You want to snuggle with Mommy?" She kisses Hope on the head. Hope hugged her Mommy. She sits on the bed with Hope. "You give the best hugs Hope." Killian joined his loves and wrapped his arm around them. "Little love, are you happy to be with Mommy?" Hope smiled. "Aye, your Mommy makes me happy too little love." He rubs Hope's cheek and they make faces at each other until Hope fell asleep on her Mommy.
"Yes, love?"
"I have been thinking, can we stay on the ship tonight? I know the kids have been waiting for a star navigation lesson from you."
Killian smiled. "Aye, I would love to teach Henry and Hope a start navigation lesson."
"I promised them more nights on the Jolly Roger, just the four of us. I did not expect to have the..."
"I know love." Killian kisses his wife on the head.
"I am feeling so much better now and I just want to have our family back to normal."
"Aye, we are getting back to normal love, slowly and we are together." He kisses Emma on the head. "Love, are you going to be okay here with Hope?"
"Yes, why?"
"I can pack our overnight bags and bring Henry."
"We do need our son..."
"Love, what is wrong?"
"After everything that aren't mad that our routine has changed ever since the miscarriage?"
Killian hugs his wife."Emma, I am not mad at you. Our new routine for work, I love it. We get to work together and bring our little love with us. I get to see you be an amazing Mommy to our little love and be sheriff at the same time. Hope loves being with us at work. She always got upset when you left and I left. She is happy to play in your office."
"I still feel guilty..."
"You have nothing to be guilty to be about, love. Our new change is for the better work is not busy as it used to be and we get to have Hope at work with us. I know in the summer, we are going to make a lot of memories with both Henry and Hope."
"We are going to make more memoirs soon. Hope's first birthday is coming up."
"Aye, I know Hope is going to have fun at her birthday party."
"Yes, you, Henry and I are going to spoil her." Killian gets Hope her quilt and wrapped it around his two loves. "Love, I will be back with Henry." They kiss. Killian arrived back at the house and finds his son, "Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Dad. Where are Mom and Hope?"
"They are at the Jolly Roger. We are going to have a star navigation lesson tonight and sleep on the Jolly Roger."
Henry gets excited "We are?"
"Aye, lad. Yes, we are. Help me back overnight bags."
"Dad, can we order pizza?"
"Aye, I can have it delivered to the Jolly Roger. I will pack a meal for your sister. She is too young for pizza." They got overnight bags packed and packed snacks and water for the family. They arrived back to the docks and sees Snow White. "Lad, can you bring in the bags inside the captain quarters."
"Sure, Dad." Henry goes ahead.
"Killian, I want to be close with my daughter again. Please let me talk to her? I miss her."
"She is mad at you for not stopping her brother bothering Hope. You just stood there and did nothing."
"I..I am still learning to be a mother to a dark child. It is just hard for me to admit that. I want a close relationship with Emma. I have been feeling awful of not being there for her when she had the miscarriage."
"You did not help her when she did to want you to be at our home when she came home from the hospital. You slapped her in the face and blamed her for your suspension. She doesn't trust you."
"Killian, please let me see my daughter."
"Emma is finally getting back to her normal self, she just returned to work this week and still grieving we all are. I have been at my wife's side the whole time and been supporting her with the support of Allison and our children. We are finally getting back to normal as a family."
"I just want to talk to her, please."
Killian sigh. "You can but do not cause her any stress. She is still grieving over the miscarriage. She doesn't trust you."
"I won't cause her stress this time."
"If you do, Emma already had lost her complete trust in you"
Snow White gulped and followed her son in law on his ship.
Henry finds his Mom and sister in the captain quarters. "Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry."
"Mom, Grandma is at the docks."
Henry gave his Mom a confused look. "Mom and Leo came to Granny's Leo were bothering your sister and my mom did not stop him, your Dad and I did."
"Mom, we are going to have fun tonight." He joins his Mom and sister on the bed. Killian enters the cabin. "Love, your mother is here. She wants to talk to you." Emma sighs.
"Mom, I can watch Hope." Henry takes his sleeping sister from their Mom. "Hope is going to be with me." Emma kisses Henry and Hope on their heads. Emma goes with Killian.
"I am right here love."
"Just stay close."
"Always." They kiss. Emma finds her Mom on the deck, Killian was watching from a distance. She put her arms underneath each other not trusting her mother. "Mom, what are you doing here?"
"Emma." Snow White hugs her daughter who did not hug her back. "I have been so worried about you. How are you?"
"With Killian, Allison and my children with me, I am getting better. I am getting back to my normal self with their support. Why are you here?"
"I was in town when I saw with you and Hope together a few weeks ago. You both look so happy, you are an amazing Mom to Hope and Henry. I just want to be in your life again. I miss you."
"You have not changed, a few hours ago you just let Leo bother Hope who was crying. I looked at you in the eye and you did not do anything you just stood there. I took my daughter away from being tormented by Leo. What kind of mother has done that? Hope is terrified of Leo and you did not do anything to stop him. Why you did not do anything? Hope is your granddaughter. Why you did not tell your son to stop him? Killian and I did."
"When I see Leo causing trouble, I freeze and have no control of my mind is saying that he is only playing and not causing trouble, which he is. I have no control of him, I am not a good parent to Leo. I am still learning to be a mom to a dark one. I am so sorry of all of Leo has done to Hope."
"If you are sorry, why you didn't stop him today of scaring Hope?"
"I am still learning."
"Or how about when he nearly destroyed Hope's toy? Did you see his anger?"
"Yes, I did. Emma....your dad is helping me realizing it, his school but seeing it myself, my child has darkness in is hard to accept it."
"Our whole town accepted his darkness. We all see it, how can you not see it? You are my mom Snow White, a brave fighter, how can you not admit Leo has darkness and don't do anything?"
"I...I do not know Emma."
"How can I trust your judgment? How can I trust you to be with Hope and Henry? All I care is for my children's safety. Hope got hurt from Leo so many times, and she is terrified of him. He is not allowed in my house."
"Emma, I know. I want to gain your trust again I want to be in your life again."
"When we had that huge fight at my house, I meant it. I do not trust you around Hope and being alone with her. You will bring Leo and he will hurt her. I am not going to have my family broken. I am sorry, I just don't trust him or you."
"Emma, I won't bring him."
"I do not trust you, Mom. Don't you get it?! I do not feel safe having you around my children especially Hope. You think Leo is a good boy and he loves hurting my daughter for fun."
" You hurt, Hope, Henry, and I. I went through a lot in the foster system with horrible abusive foster parents who did not give a crap about us foster kids. When I met you...I trusted you but all you have done since Hope got her fractured rib...I do not see trust in you...My own Mom...."
"Emma." Snow White leans in for a hug.
Emma pulls back. "I am tired of fighting but I do not trust you..."
"I will gain your trust again, Emma. I just want to be in your life again."
"With you and Leo, I do not trust my little brother at all not around Hope. With you, I do not know after all you have done to me and my children and Leo... I do not know."
"I understand....but I know you and I will be close again."
"I do not know...after what I saw at Granny's today, I do not trust you or Leo. I have to get back to my family."
"Just leave us alone, please. You did not do anything this afternoon to Leo when he was bothering Hope. You just stood there. I saw it in your eyes, the denial. Killian and I took charge of my brother." Killian was at Emma's side.
"Snow, I saw it all happen too, your son is out of control. Get the help that he needs then we'll talk. Emma and I do not trust you to be with our children, especially Hope."
"Emma, I will get you to be in my life again."
"I do not know how mom? After all, you and Leo have done to my family.No." Snow White leaves angry.
Killian was holding onto his wife. "Love, I am right here."
"I do not trust her."
"I know, love. After what we saw at Granny's I do not blame you." Henry carries Hope to their Mom.
"Mom, how was the talk?"
"We are still fighting. I told her I do not trust her with you and Hope. I really do not know how I can regain her trust." Hope reaches out for her Mommy. She gets Hope from Henry. "Hope, did you have a good nap?" Hope babbled, she kisses hope on the head. "You had a good nap on Dada's ship!" She kisses Hope on the head. "Henry, you and Hope's safety is all I care about."
"You did great, love." He gives his wife a hug. Hope babbled. "Little love, you want a star navigation lesson? It is not night time yet little love. We need night time to see the stars. You and Henry can help me get ready?" Hope gripped her Mommy, Killian smiles. "Hope, Mommy can help up too." While the family got ready for star navigating, they set up sleeping bags, blankets and pillow on deck. Killian got maps of stars, his telescope ready, with Henry's help. Henry also got their pizza order when the pizza arrived. "Killian, you ordered pizza?"
"Mom, it was my idea." Henry set the food down as Emma was getting his sister away from the food. "Hope, are you crawling all over blanket?" Hope babbled. "You can sit with me. We can share a blanket since it is going to be cold out tonight."
"Love, we are all sleeping in my captain quarters tonight." They ate dinner while Emma nurses Hope. Killian turns lanterns on as the sun was setting. Hope crawled around as Henry was chasing her all around the ship. Killian and Emma shared a blanket as they watched their children playing. "This is nice, Killian. We need to do this often."
"Aye, we can do this during the summer."
"Yes, it will be warmer to sleep underneath the stars."
"Love, I love your idea swan. You are a pirate."
"Yes, I am captain." They kiss. The hear Hope wail. They rush over to Henry and Hope.
"Mom, Hope bumped her head into the bulwark. The side of the ship. " Emma scoops up Hope into her arms. "Hope, you are with Mommy baby. Let me get a good look at your head." Emma sits down with Hope and Killian gets a lamp. Hope gripped on her Mommy. "Hope, you are going to be alright." Killian returns with a bright lamp. Emma examines Hope's head with a little red mark. "Hope, you are alright. You just need to ice your head. You have your first boo-boo." She kisses Hope's bump. "Your boo-boo is going to be gone soon, sweetie."
"Mom, I will get ice from the cooler."
Killian looks at Hope's head. "You are not hurt too bad little love." Henry returned with the ice pack. Emma gets the ice pack from her son and placed it on Hope. "It is cold, sweetie. It will help you to get boo-boo to go away." Hope began to cry when the ice was on her head and trying to hold onto her Mommy. "Mom, I can put the ice on her bump while you hold her." Emma readjusted Hope in her arms and Henry put the ice on his sister's head. Hope stopped crying. "You are okay, little sis. After you feel better we are going to look at stars with Daddy."
"How did Hope bumped her head?"
"She was crawling around and bumped her head. She is not hurt right?"
"Hope has a little red mark but she is not bleeding. Hope is going to be alright." Killian wrapped his arm around his loves. "First injury love?"
"Yes of many to come. Hope has us to be there for her when she gets hurt." Hope grips her Mommy. "Mommy got you, Hopey. You are okay." She kisses Hope on the head. After Hope calmed down and felt better, Killian taught Hope and Henry all about the different stars, Hope was sitting on her Mommy's lap next to her big brother, he showed them a map of different constellation stars making different shapes and sizes. "The names of the constellation are Scorpius, Lyra, Cygnus, Ursa Major which is the big one and the Ursa minor is the little one." Hope babbled.
"Dad, I think you need to explain what the constellations look like for Hope."
Killian smiled. "Aye, you are right Henry. You can help me draw them out."
"Sure." Henry got a pencil and a drawing pad. "Hope, the stars are like.."Hope fussed and moved around her Mommy's lap.
"Hopey, you want to look at what your big brother is drawing?" Hope smiled at her Mommy and Emma kisses Hope on the head and puts Hope on her son's lap. "Hopey, these dots are the stars up in the sky. If I make lines to connect star dots, it makes a shape. Dad, which one should I draw dots to show Hope?"
"Ursa minor is the smallest one and it is a shape of a bear, Orion is the most important star, it moves around the earth all day and most famous one. Draco is the snake constellation."
"You mean Draco like in Harry Potter Dad?"
"Aye, you are right, Henry. Draco is a snake and I can understand why he is named after a snake."
"Yes, the snake is Slytherin in Harry Potter terms, Hope. We can watch Harry Potter when you're older little sis."
Henry draws the dots for his sister to understand. "Hope, this is Ursa minor, minor means small. This is the little bear star constellation."
"Lad, you can draw the Lyra constellation." Killian showed his son the picture of the constellation on his star map and Henry copied it. "Hope, this Lyra. Dad, can you explain what Lyra is?"
"Aye, I can, Henry. Little love, Lyra is a greek string musical instrument. It is what musical instruments performed to the Greek Gods, like your godfather Zeus."
"Wait, Zeus is Hope's godfather?"
"Yes, lad, of course, he is Hope's godfather." Emma smiled. "Zeus did bring me back to life after all." He wrapped his arm around his wife. "He knew that your Mom and I have belonged together. He thanked me to bring me back to life after I helped your mother defeat Hades."
"That is right, that is why Hope's godfather is Zeus, which was both of our ideas to have him as Hope's godfather . He did brought your Dad back to life. I can never thank him enough for that. I would not be the same without him." They kiss.
"Mom, was it your idea to have Aunt Allison to be Hope's godmother?"
Emma looks Killian and smiles. "Well, it was my idea but I spoke to your Dad about it before I asked her which Allison gladly accepted." Hope fussed and moved around.
"Little sis, do you want to look at the stars and Daddy to teach us more?" Hope moved around. "Dad, Hope wants you to teach us." Emma giggled.
"Little love, Dada will teach you how to use the telescope." He takes his daughter from his son. He taught Henry and Hope how to use his telescope to look at stars. Henry looks at the stars, "Dad, I think I see Lyra."
"Let me see son." He looks at the constellation. "Good eye, Henry. You found that really quickly."
"You taught me really well when I did not have my memories. I remember how you taught me the name of the constellations."
"That is my son, now you are helping me teach your sister." Killian and Emma smile at each other.
"Hope, check the stars little sis. We can see them through here." Hope gripped her Mommy, Emma holds Hope as Henry helps his sister to see the stars. "That is Lyra a big connect the dots of stars." Hope gripped the telescope. "Little love, be gentle." After a few hours of looking at stars, Hope began to cry. "Little love, are you getting tired?"
"Hope, it is way past your bedtime." She sniffs her daughter. "You need a diaper change." Hope cried more. "Mom, Dad I think Hope wants to stay." Emma and Killian giggled.
"You might be right, Henry but your sister is getting cranky. She needs her sleep." She puts Hope on her hip. "Hope, it is way past your bedtime. I know you had a lot of fun with your Daddy and Henry learning all about the stars. You need to get sleep."
"Little pirate, listen to Mommy. You need to go to bed little love, if not that is a bad form, little pirate. We can do more star navigating soon little love. Time for bed." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope, we will play more tomorrow little sis. I had fun with you and Daddy. Night, night Hopey." Henry kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope, bedtime, little duck. You have a busy day of being my little sheriff to being a little pirate, sailing lesson and a star lesson." Emma brings Hope inside the captain quarters and got Hope ready for bed. "Did you have fun learning all about the stars with Dada and Henry?" Hope babbled and turned to her tummy and crawled away heading to the door. Emma scoops her daughter into her arms. "You are being a little stubborn pirate, you take after me." She snuggles on the bed with her daughter, "You like looking up at the stars?" Hope babbled. "Yes, they are so pretty to look up at." Hope smiled. "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky, Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are." She bops Hope's nose which makes her daughter smile. Hope babbled. "You like me singing to you?" Hope babbled. "Thank you, Hopey. I love singing to you, baby girl." She hugs her daughter, Hope gripped her Mommy and fell asleep. "Good night, Hope. I love you so much baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian and Henry looked more at stars before going to sleep. "Dad, can we do this more often?"
"Lad, of course, we can. It is Spring now and we can sail during the day and at night we can have a star lesson."
"Good, Hope loves it. I like it when you and I are teaching her besides Mom."
"We can all teach Hope, son."
"I know." Henry went to below deck and went to bed. Killian found his wife sleeping with their little lass on his bed. He gently moved them over so he can join them. Emma woke up, "Hi."
He wrapped his arm around his swan. "Hello, swan."
"How was the rest of the star navigation go?"
"We looked at stars and talked. Did Hope gave you a hard time?"
Emma smiled. "She was being a little pirate after I changed her into her pajamas she rolled to her belly and crawled away wanting to look at stars more. I sang to her twinkle little star and we had a little conversation and snuggle before she fell asleep."
"She had a long busy day."
"Yes, she did. Hope helped me at the station, had a sailing lesson from you, crawled all over the ship, got her first boo-boo and her first-star navigation lesson."
"Love, Hope loved the lesson from Henry and me."
Emma smiled. "Yes, she loved it. I know we are going to do this more in the future."
"Aye, you are right love."
"Even though there are many changes now, our routine is different and...change is good right?"
"Yes, love. Change is good, we are having a lot of family time now. Both of children loving our family time on our second home and we are together."
"I am happy with this type of change but with the...unexpected change that is different."
"I know love. You have me and our children who love you."
"I have my family with me. I am not alone."
"Love, you have me on your side, I will never leave you and our children love you so much." He hugs his wife. "I love you, Emma."
"I love you too, Killian. I really am loving this, having nights on our second home."
"We are going to do this a lot."
"Does that include sleeping on the deck underneath the stars?"
"Yes, love. We can do that in the summer. You are my first mate." They kiss. Emma fell asleep on her husband's chest, holding her sleeping daughter. Killian falls asleep after watching both of his two loves sleeping on him. Hope was up crying which wakes both of her parents up. "Love, I can be with Hope." Killian gets Hope from his wife and changes Hope's diaper. He snuggles with Hope who was still awake. "Are you awake little love?" Hope babbled. "Aye, you want more of our star navigation lesson?" He kisses Hope on the head and gets a blanket for them to share and takes her on deck. "Little love, the stars look tiny from here but using the telescope we can look up closer to stars." He shows Hope stars using the telescope. "That star pattern is Orion, little love. He is very big." Killian sat on the deck with his little love made sure she was warm and they snuggled together. "You take after me little love, you like being on Jolly Roger."
Killian smiled. "Yes, Hope. Roger. We love the ocean and we like stars. A pirate always knows how to travel home by using the stars to guide them. When you are older, I am going to teach you how to make maps with stars. Would you like that?" Hope babbled and grabbed her Daddy's jacket. "Aye, you also take after your Mommy, you love leather jackets like Mommy and Daddy." Hope hugged her Daddy. "I love you, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky, Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are." Hope babbled. "You like me singing to you?" Hope babbled. "Aye, you can always ask me to sing to you, Daddy and Mommy love singing to you, little love." Hope babbled. "Hope, I can sing you the song again. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky, Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are." Hope fell asleep on her Daddy hugging him. "Good night, Hope. Daddy loves you so much my little pirate-princess." He hugs Hope and watches her sleep and enjoy the smell of the ocean moving underneath them. He thought to himself this is one of the happiest moments on this ship having family time with his family and teaching them all about the stars. Emma sees Killian with Hope from a distance and took pictures of them having daddy-daughter time. She brings out a pillow and an extra blanket. "Killian. Do my pirates need a pillow?"
"Love, I thought you were sleeping?
"No, I could not help but watch you and Hope have more star lessons." She got the pillow adjusted behind Killian's back and sits next to her family and wrapped a blanket for them to share. She kisses Killian on his scruffy cheek. "You are joining us?"
"Yes, I am. If that is okay with you?"
"You can join us, love. I was getting lonely since Hope is asleep." She hugs her husband and kisses Hope on the head. "Before you came out here love, I was just thinking of how this moment with our children, teaching them all about the stars to now snuggling with you and Hope now is one of the happiest moments on this ship."
Emma smiled. "Captain, we are going to have many happy memories on this ship."
Killian smiled. "Yes, we are love. We are going to have many happy memories that we are going to create together."
"That is right, my captain."
"You are right my swan." They kiss. Emma fell asleep with her husband and daughter wrapped up in a blanket feeling happy and safe with her family, knowing changes of their new normal are good for all of them and they are all happy and together.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ