New York Comic Con 2018

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Henry was really excited when he and his family landed in NYC. They arrived an evening flight from Maine to New York, at JFK Airport. Hope was with their Mommy in her carrier. "Hope, we are in New York City."
"Aye, little love this is here Daddy found Mommy and Henry here and brought them back home." Hope was now 5 and half months old. Hope can sit up longer, her grip is getting stronger, and stronger in tummy time and her hair is getting longer. They took a taxi to the city. Henry sat next to Hope in their taxi. "Look Hope. There are a lot of tall buildings and flashing lights. Mommy and I lived in the city for a year. It was very different from Maine." Emma booked a hotel in the Marriott hotel in Times Square. Emma held Hope as Henry and Killian emptied the van of their luggage. Emma registered them in as Killian and Henry pushed the cart to their room. Hope began to fuss while waiting for their elevator. Emma takes Hope from her carrier and lets Hope snuggled on her. Hope recently began hugging so Emma loved when Hope hugged her. "Hope, I love your hugs sweetie. Mommy loves your hugs." She kisses Hope on the head. She found their room and her two boys and Henry got the key from her since Emma's hands were full of Hope hugging her. They settled in for the night. Hope did tummy time on one of the beds while her parents were unpacking. Henry was looking forward to comic con, they have two-day tickets. "Mom." He hugs his Mom. "Thank you for this trip, everything. I am loving this trip so far."
"I know you and I are going to have fun seeing all the creatures tomorrow."
"Yes, I know we have to get their early tomorrow to wait in line for autographs and panels."
"Kid, you are in charge tomorrow, of who we meet, get autographs and take pictures with."
He hugs his mom. "Mom, I love you so much. You are the best! I have a list of who I want to see, but who do you want to meet mom?"
"Yes, it is your trip too."
"I have never been to a comic con so it will both of our first time and our first experience and I get to share it with you." Henry hugs his Mom until Hope cried.
"Hope, what the matter little sis?" He picks up his little sister. "Henry, got you Hope." He rubs her back and bounced her in his arms. Hope gave Henry a hug. Henry smiles. "Hope, you just wanted to hug me?" Hope made a sound. "I love you too Hope." He looks at his Mom. "Mom, Hope just wanted to hug me."
Emma smiled. "Hope loves you kid. You are her big brother."
"On Sunday, since we leave in the afternoon? Can I show Hope Times Square?"
"Kid, we have out flight in the afternoon." Henry got sad. "Henry if your Dad and I are nearby, I will be less nervous in the city if we go early in the morning. Or we can go somewhere not many tourists, like Central Park,"
"We can go to Central Park. I just want to spend time with my baby sis." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, I will show you, New York. Hope and Henry time." Hope fussed in her brother's arms.
"Kid, Hope needs to be fed." Henry gives Hope to their Mom when she was ready to nurse Hope. "Lad, what do you say you and I get dinner for us and your Mom."
"Sure, can we get Shake Shack?"
"Sure lad." He talks to Emma. "Love, what do you want from Shake Shack?"
"You know my usual."
"Aye, cheeseburger with cheese fries and a chocolate shake."
"That is right." They kiss. Killian kisses Hope on the head and he and Henry left and walked around the city. Henry and Killian arrived, later on, looking tired. Hope was playing with her Mommy. "Where have you two been?" Henry carried in a Disney bag.
"Mom, we got sidetracked. We brought you your dinner."
"I see more than just my Shake Shack kid."
"I could not help myself. I got something for Hope."
"Love, it was his idea, not mine. I saw the Peter Pan section, this Disney man got Peter Pan all wrong. He is the little green devil."
Emma chuckled. "I can never watch Peter Pan the movie ever same again since I experienced the real one."
"Mom, I think Hope will love what I bought her." He opens the bag and gives Hope a Minnie Mouse Halloween bodysuit.
"Hope, look what Henry got you sweetie. You can wear it on Halloween." He took out a book and a bodysuit, "Peek a Boo with Winnie the Pooh." "Henry Hope is going to love this and she can wear Winnie the Pooh bodysuit tomorrow."
'Yes, we are meeting the voice of Winnie the Pooh tomorrow first."
"Henry." She hugs her son. "You are the best. You are thinking of your sister on your birthday trip."
"Mom, Hope is my baby sister. I want to have fun on this trip too.' He takes Hope from their Mom. "Hope, do you like the gifts I got you?" Hope smiled. "Yes, I got them for you little sis." He takes the Winnie the Pooh book and reads it to her.
Emma leaned on her husband. "This is a great vacation so far."
"Love it is only the beginning."
"I know." They kiss.
The next morning, Henry was up early to get ready and made sure he had his lists on who to meet and get autographs from. Henry wore a marvel t-shirt that his mom got him for his birthday and a few funkos her got as well to get autographed. Killian and Emma shared the next bed to him and Hope was sleeping in between her parents. "Mom...Mom. Comic-con." Emma wakes up.
"Yes, Henry today is Comic Con. I can tell you are excited."
"Yes, I am. How do you know."
'You are dressed at sunrise."
Emma got dressed and ready for the day, packing Hope's diaper bag and be prepared if Hope needs to leave the convention with Killian, with directions for him to take her. Hope was awake sitting up on her Daddy's lap, with her book in her mouth. "Little love, you like the book?" Hope smiled. Emma got Hope dressed for the day. "Hope, are you ready to meet Winnie the Pooh?" Hope smiled. Emma carried Hope in her carrier and walked with Killian and Henry was ahead. Emma and Killian got Starbucks before heading to the Javits Center for the convention knowing that they will have a long day with their very excited son. When they entered the Javits Center, they went to find Winnie the Pooh voice actor Jim Cummings to get autographs. They waited on line until he came. Hope was snoozing in her carrier all dressed up for Winnie the Pooh. "Henry, do you have anything for him to sign?"
"Well, I brought one of the Winnie the Pooh DVDs to sign."
"Kid, you are my smart son."
"Yes, I am. I want Hope to remember this. The autograph will be proof besides pictures."
"As long we do not meet the "voice" of the green devil I will be fine."
"Dad don't worry he won't be here." While they were online there were seeing many comic book fans dressed up as characters or wearing t-shirts like Henry. A lot of people randomly posed pictures with Killian or took pictures of Killian.
"Lad, why are they taking pictures of me and with me?"
"Dad, I told you. You do have the best costume also you are Hook." Emma laughed.
"Lad, I am the real Hook."
"Yes, you are that is why they are taking pictures."
"Hope, a lot of people want to take pictures with your Daddy." She kisses hope on the head who was sleeping in her arms.
Jim Cumming made his appearance.
"Hope, Winnie the Pooh is here little sis." Hope woke up before they met him.
"Hope, we are meeting Pooh."
Killian took video of Jim Cummings talking to his family. Jim Cumming spoke as Winnie the Pooh. "Hello, who is the little princess?"
"Hi, Jim Cummings. I am Emma, this is my little girl Hope who loves your movies and book."
"Hello, there Hope." Hope smiles.
"Hope, say hi to Winnie the Pooh."
"Hi, Hope. I am Winnie the Pooh." Hope babbled and reached out to Jim.
"I can take a picture with her." Emma let Jim Cumming hold her daughter. "Are you having a good day?" Hope made a loud sound and moved around. Her parents took pictures of Hope with Jim Cummings. "Is this boy your brother?"
"Yes, I am Hope's big brother Henry."
"Would you like a picture?"
"Yes and an autograph."
"Of course. I do like a smackerel of honey." He took pictures of Hope and Henry together and with Emma. "Hope, is your Daddy Captain Hook?"
"Aye, I am. Winnie the Pooh."
"I am also Tigger."
"Wow, you do both?"
In Tigger's voice. "Yes, I do!"
Hope fussed in Jim Cummings arms. Emma takes her daughter. "Thank you, Jim Cummings, for your time." Hope hugged her Mommy. "I know Hope I am surprised as you are meeting Winnie the Pooh, I am starstruck myself."
"You are welcome, Emma. Your daughter is adorable. I love her outfit."
"Thank you."
"I got her outfit yesterday."
"Henry, you are a great big brother."
"Bye Hope." Emma waves Hope's hand.
"Hope, say bye-bye to Winnie the Pooh." They left the autograph session.
"Mom, Hope loved him."
"I know. Hope looked so happy when he was doing Pooh's voice."
"Henry, where to next?"
"I want to meet Stan Lee."He used the map to lead his family to the next autograph line. This line for autographs was much longer wait since Stan Lee was a comic book legend. Hope got hungry. "Hope, Mommy will feed you." Killian got the cover out and Emma held Hope and nursed her in a cover. While they were waiting in line more teenagers and young adults were taking pictures of Killian. Emma snickered. "You are really loving this."
"Love, I do have dashing good looks."
"I married you and you are my dashing handsome pirate." They kiss. Hope was full. Emma burped her daughter. "Mom, I can hold Hope."
"Hope be a good girl for Henry. Mommy is right here." Henry holds his sister. "Hope, are you enjoying seeing crazy fans in costumes? Strangers taking pictures of Daddy" Hope babbled. "I know. That is Daddy's usual outfit, not a costume. I know he is Daddy to you and me." He kisses Hope and Hope hugs her brother.
"Hope, you love hugging Henry?" Hope smiled big. "Yes, you love your big brother." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope made a loud sound and poops. "Hope you need a change." Henry gives Hope to their Mom. "Henry, text me where you are going next just in case the bathroom line as long as the autographs ones."
"Mom, I will call you when I am done."
"Love, I will take pictures."
"Thank you." They kiss. Emma takes Hope to find the closest bathroom. Henry met Stan Lee and got his autograph on his spiderman funk box and pictures with him. He also signed Henry's t-shirt. Killian took pictures of Henry with Stan Lee. After Killian and Henry went to a few panels.
Hope began to cry. "I know...I know Hope. You need to be changed but Mommy has to find a bathroom to change you in." The place was really packed crowded. Hope cried louder. When she found the bathroom, it was really long. She moves her way in. "Excuse me...sorry. I have to get to the baby changing area." One lady did not let Emma through and gave Emma attitude with Hope crying "This line is out the door."
Emma grew inpatient. "I am only getting through to the changing station for my daughter who needs to change." Hope cried louder. Emma pushed the lady and calmed down Hope. "Hope, Mommy was mad at the mean lady who would not let us through. Mommy is not mad at you Hope. Mommy is going to change you now." Emma found the changing section, got the changing pad out and placed Hope on it. "You baby girl are really smelly. Mommy is going to clean you up." Hope moved around while her mommy was changing her. "Hope, you have to stay still sweetie." Emma got Hope changed. "Hope you are all cleaned, sweetie." She puts Hope in her carrier and repacks her diaper bag. "Hope, let's go find Daddy and Henry." She gets a text from Henry. "We are online for a panel."
She responds back. "Panel will be too much for Hope. Will see you after the panel. Have fun."
Emma needed a break from the crowds and she knew Hope needed a break. "Hope, let's go to the park and get fresh air." Emma took Hope to Bryant Park. Emma bought herself a hotdog to eat. There was a merry go round. "Hope, you can go on your first ride." Emma took a selfie with Hope on the carousel. Hope loved the music as the merry go round was moving. "Hope we are moving sweetie." Emma clapped Hope's hands together and Hope smiled. When the ride was over Emma took Hope to the grass and let Hope did tummy time. Emma played with Hope and helps Hope stand up. "You are getting so big Hope." Emma lied on the grass and kisses Hope and lifts her up and down cooing to Hope and making Hope smile. Hope napped on her Mommy as Emma laid down on the fake grass. Emma gets a phone call. "Hi, Killian."
"Hello, love. Where are you and Hope?"
"Hope and I are at Bryant Park. Hope and I needed a break from the crowds and the noise."
"Love, I understand. Henry and I are waiting in line for one more panel. Can we get dinner together?"
"Sure. Where do you want to go to?"
"Love, we can meet you at Bryant Park and we can decide together."
"That sounds good. Hope and I played on the grass and Hope and I rode a merry go round."
Killian smiled. "How was Hope's first ride?"
"Killian, Hope absolutely loved it. Now Hope is napping on me."
"Love, we will be there soon." They hung up.
Emma loved her one on one time with her daughter and she knows Killian and Henry are enjoying their boy time together. Hope woke up from her nap. "Hope, did you have a good nap little duck?" Hope smiled and hugged her Mommy. "Yes, you just want Mommy hugs." She holds her daughter as Hope hugged her soaking up all the baby time she had with Hope before Hope gets bigger. She loves her special Mommy and Hope time. Emma spoke to Hope and pointing out the buildings, grass, and trees around them. Emma played their special game and Hope laughs every time they played their game and she also tickled Hope a lot. As the evening began to get chilly, Emma wrapped up Hope in a pink jacket and her quilt in her carrier. "Hope, you are warm and cozy on Mommy." Hope babbled. Killian and Henry found Emma and Hope in the park "Mom!"
"Henry!" He hugs her. "How were the rest of the panels?"
"It was awesome! When I met Stan Lee, he signed my shirt and my funko pop!"
"That is awesome! We got a few more signatures too, the lines are too long. Why did you and Hope leave?"
"The crowds were getting too much for me and Hope. As we were getting into the changing area a rude lady and I got into a fight which made Hope more upset. After I changed Hope, we needed a break from the noise and really packed crowds... So I took Hope here. She loved her first carousel ride." Hope babbled. She rubs Hope's cheek.
"Hope you went on a ride?" Hope smiled. "Mom, can I go on the carousel with Hope?"
"Sure you can." She hands over Hope to Henry and they went inline for the merry go round.
"How is my dashing husband?" Emma tugged Killian's shirt.
"Good. I never have seen so many teenagers taking pictures of me."
"Oh, you." They kiss and make out.
"Mom, we are next."
"Killian, Hope loves this ride." They watched as Henry and Hope rode the carousel together. They took pictures of Henry and Hope who was loving the ride. Killian smiled big seeing his little love happy and enjoying herself on the ride. After they found a place to eat. After a long day, Henry went to bed in his street clothes. Hope was already sleeping in Killian's arms. "My sweet boy. I am hoping you are loving your birthday trip." she kisses Henry on the head.
"Love I been thinking, since you had baby duty all day. I need a break from the convention. Can I take Hope to the children's museum in Brooklyn?"
"You do know that Brooklyn is a train ride out of Manhattan."
"Aye? Hope and I will have lots of fun. Allison gave me subway directions and directions to the museum."
"What if you and Hope get lost?"
"I will call you or Allison."
"You just want to avoid the crazy girls who take pictures of you."
Killian chuckled. "They just think that I am dashingly handsome. Are you jealous?"
"Why you asked that? No, I am not. You are my dashing handsome captain husband." They make out. Hope was still sound asleep when they were done making out. "I will pump her a few bottles for when she is hungry while you and Hope have your Daddy daughter day."
"Love, Hope and I will have fun tomorrow. I will send you pictures of us having fun."
"I know Hope will love the museum and she will have fun with her Daddy." They kiss.
The next morning, Emma woke up so she can pump a few bottles for Hope, not knowing how long she was going to away from her daughter, but Hope was going to be with her Daddy which lessen Emma's nerves a little bit and packs Hope's diaper bag with Hope's diapers and wipes and extra clothes. Emma got dressed. When she returns the room, Hope was awake. "Good morning, Hope." She takes Hope from their bed. "Did you have a good sleep?" She kisses Hope on the head and snuggled with her daughter. "You are going have fun with Daddy today. He is going to take you on the subway and you and Daddy will play in a fun museum." Emma dressed her daughter in a long sleeve pink onesie with baby leggings and with a cute bow on her head. Emma nursed her daughter and read her "Winnie the Pooh." Killian woke up hearing his wife storytime to Hope. He knows Emma is going to miss Hope when he takes Hope to the children museum. After storytime, Hope had her morning nap on her Mommy. Henry woke up and got ready in the bathroom. "Morning, love."
"Morning, honey." They kiss. "Hope's diaper bag is packed for you and her when you two leave."
"Love, we are going to be fine." Emma gives Killian a MetroCard. "This is for you when you ride the subway, do not lose it."
"I will not love."
"Mom, I am ready to go."
"Henry, I am ready to." Emma rechecked Hope's diaper bag.
Killian knows his wife was nervous not having Hope with her in another state and another borough. "Love, you have everything for Hope when she is with me. Hope will be fine with me love."
"You are right." She looks down at her sleeping daughter. "Hope, have fun with Daddy sweetie. You can tell me all about it later and give me all of my Hope hugs." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Mom, Dad and Hope are not coming with us?"
"Nope. Hope is going to the Children's Museum with your Dad. She is going to have a lot of play time." She hands over Hope was still sleeping to Killian. "Do you remember how to swipe the MetroCard?"
"Yes, love. I know and also go to downtown F train to Brooklyn and uptown F to get back to Bryant Park. Love Hope will be safe with me. Go have fun with Henry." They kiss. She gives Hope another kiss. "Have fun with Daddy sweetie." Emma and Henry left. They went to Starbucks before heading to the Javits Center. "Mom, let me guess Dad turn to be on baby duty?"
"I guess so. He told me he was tired of getting pictures taken"
Henry laughed. "Yes, everywhere we went yesterday he was getting his picture taken maybe 100 people or more."
Emma was impressed. "I can see why he wanted to be Hope to the Children's Museum." They fall in line to get into the Javits Center and talked.
After Emma and Henry left, Killian relaxed in bed a little longer before traveling with his little love. He wore the carrier and placed Hope in the carrier and had her diaper bag. They walked to the subway. Hope was excited to see so many people in the crowded streets of Manhattan. "Hope you like seeing so many people, little love?" Hope babbled "Aye, so do I, little love." Killian found the train station without an issue. He and Hope made it in turnstile without a problem. Hope was fascinated when she was riding on the F train. Killian pointed out the Brooklyn bridge. "The F train is on the bridge, see little love the ocean and over there in Manhattan." Hope smiled. "Yes, we are going to another land called Brooklyn. He took a selfie of him and Hope riding the subway together. "Daddy daughter time in NYC." When they got off the right station. He used the directions that Allison wrote down for him to the museum. "Here we are, little love. We are the Children's Museum." He saw a long line to get in. He paid for himself since Hope can get in for free since she was under the age of one. He found a play area for Hope to play in. "Hope, you can play in her little love. Hope does tummy time for a little bit. Killian brings over a few toys for her to play with. Hope was able to sit up without support for a little bit. "Look little love." Hope grabs the toys. There were a lot of babies around Hope and Killian walking and crawling around. He knows Hope will love this place and have fun. He took pictures for Emma to see how hope was enjoying herself. A little boy a year older came and took the toy ball from Hope's hand. Hope began to cry.
"Little lad, can you please give Hope the toy she was playing with it." His mother came. "Your son took the toy out of my daughter's hand."
"Johnny, please give the ball back to the little girl." Johnny gives Hope the toy back.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome. I am sorry he is only two years old and he is learning how to share."
"That is alright." Hope began to fuss. "Come on little love, there is a lot to see in this museum." He picks up Hope and takes her to another exhibit. There was a Sparc bridge exhibit. Hope was able to look around with her Daddy's help and played with some of the toys. Hope began to cry. "Hope, you need a diaper change." Killian found a bathroom and changed Hope's diaper. "You are all clean little love." Killian finds another play area for toddlers to use imaginations, such as house, school bus driver, putting on a show, and there were alligator slide and castle theme slide. He takes a photo of Hope on the alligator slide before they slide down. "Hope, you are on a crocodile." They went on the castle slide. "Your grandpa is going to love this Hope." Hope babbled. "Aye, I know you are having fun here." He kisses Hope on the head. Killian has been taking photos of everything he had seen to show Emma and how Hope having fun. A little while after the imagination room, Hope began to cry. "Hope, Daddy got you. You are hungry?" He finds them a place to sit and feeds her daughter. "Hope you are being a good little love for Daddy."
At the Comic-Con, Emma and Henry were in line to meet a few cartoon artist, like the one who created Avatar the Airbender, Marvel, and Star Wars. Henry got to meet many artists who gave him tips on how to improve his drawing technique. Emma and Henry took a lot of pictures of each to her making memories and a lot of mother and son selfies enjoying the comic con. Henry got a lot of autographs and bought magnets, keychains, a few shirts and he found something for his sister. "Mom, look what I found." He shows her the squeaky yellow bug car.
"Henry is that my car the toy version?"
"Maybe. Can I get it for Hope?"
Emma pretends to think and smiles."Hope will love the squeaky sound, yes, you can get it for Hope." Emma loved how much her son loves his little sister. Emma bought herself a few t-shirts of wonder women and few onesies for Hope. They saw many action figures from power rangers, marvel to superheroes all around the convention center. She got a few texts from Killian, pictures of them on the subway, Hope playing in different exhibits having fun. "Mom, are you having fun?"
"Yes, I am. How about you?"
"Yes, I did not expect these lines to every panel or autograph session to be this packed and very long."
"I know, kid. Who do you want to see?"
"I saw everything that I wanted to see. Can we go somewhere not too crowded?'
"Yes, we can kid. We have been here all day."
"Can we meet up with Dad and Hope. I miss them."
Emma smiled knowing her son misses the rest of their family as much as she does."I miss them too. Let me call them and see where they are." Emma calls Killian. "Killian."
"Hello, Love."
"How is Hope?"
"The little lass love the museum. We are in the Dumbo area of this Brooklyn land. We are sitting by the water. Hope loved the museum and now is having a long nap on me."
"Henry and I are done for the day."
"You and Henry can come to meet us in Brooklyn. There is a big carousel that Hope and Henry can go on. There are eating places too."
"Killian hold on...Henry you want to take a trip to Brooklyn?"
"Sure, another part of New York sounds like fun."
"Killian, we will see you and Hope soon." Henry and Emma packed their souvenirs in Henry's backpack and they found the F train and met the rest of their family in Dumbo Brooklyn. Emma and Henry found Killian with Hope by the water. "Dad!"
Killian sees his wife and son. "Hope, Mommy and Henry are here." Hope got excited and reached out to her Mommy. Emma gets Hope from Killian."Hope, hi baby. Did you have fun with Daddy?" Hope babbled and smiled. "Oh, really you had a lot of playtime with a lot of toys?! You had so much fun." She kisses Hope on the head. "Hi, honey." They kiss. "How was Hope today?"
"Hope had so much fun in the children's museum. Hope played so much with toys and went on many slides."
"Dad!" Henry gives Killian a big hug.
"Hi, son. How was comic con?"
"It was fun, we met a few cartoon artist and went to a few panels.I got something for Hope." He takes out the squeaky yellow bug car.
"Lad, Hope is going to love it." Henry gives the toy to his sister.
"Hope look what I got Mommy's car in toy version." Emma smiled Hope grabs the toy and squeezes it and smiles.
"Love, I have a feeling we are going to hear that sound a lot ."
"Me too."
"I found a restaurant to eat in."
"Great, Henry and I starving."
"Met too love." Killian took his family to the Vinegar Hill House, a sit-in outside or indoor restaurant and had good meal options. As they were all together, Henry told Killian about their day while Emma played with Hope who she missed so much. They played their kissing game which made Hope laughed so much. Henry took pictures of his Mom and sister having so much fun together, he knew his mom misses his little sister when she was with him all day. By the time their food arrived Hope was hungry too, Henry gave his mom the cover, and Hope nursed while her family ate their meals and her Mommy was eating while she was being fed. Emma burped Hope and placed Hope in her carrier. After they ate, they got ice cream in the area. Hope woke up in time for carousel ride with her family. "Hope we are in a big carousel." Emma held Hope in her lap and sat in carousel chair while Henry and Killian were sitting on the horse. Emma loved Hope was happy in the ride and her two boys enjoying themselves. After the ride, "Mom, can go on it again?"
"Sure, kid."
"Love, I can ride with Hope.' Emma hands over Hope to her husband and she rode a horse next to Henry. Killian saw how much Emma and Henry was having as he rode with Hope who was loving the ride. After the carousel ride, they took the F train back to Manhattan. Emma was carrying Hope who was fast asleep snuggling on her and sat in between her two boys. Henry was fast asleep on her shoulder after another long busy day in New York. "Killian, this short family vacation is great."
"Aye, love, it is. We got to spend time one on one time with both of them."
"I saw Hope's pictures you took at the museum, she loved it. It just made me wanted to be there."
"Love the next time we come here. You can take Hope to the Children's Museum."
"Deal." They kiss. "I am pretty sure Henry loved his birthday trip."
"Aye love I have not seen him this excited since Florida."
"I know."
"Your birthday is coming up Swan. What do you want to do?"
Emma had to think. "My Birthday like Henry used to be I have you Hope, Allison, and my parents. I am looking forward to my birthday. I just want to spend time with my loved ones all day."
"Love we can arrange that." They kiss.
They love their family time in New York. The next day they went to Central Park to the Alice In Wonderland section and took many pictures and family selfies everywhere they went. Before Henry knew it, it was time to go home. He had a wonderful birthday trip and wanting to plan a great birthday for his Mom which was coming up soon. Since his mom made a great birthday trip for him he wants to do something great with his Mom. He knows that she has many many bad birthdays as a reminder of being abandoned. For Henry's sake, he had his other Mom Regina. His Mom was alone most of her life until he found him and he brought her to her family. Now having his Dad, Hope, and Aunt Allison in her life, he knows her birthday will be extra special this year. He has a good feeling that his Mom will have a great birthday. He is going to make it up to her for her birthdays when she was alone and he and family will make sure Emma has a great birthday with all of her family together.

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