Extra Family Time

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The next morning Emma was already packing up their bags for their flight back home. Killian was surprised to see wife up before him. "Morning, Love."
"Morning, honey." He approaches his wife knowing she was getting stressed and he wrapped his arms around her waist.
"Did you get enough sleep?"
"No. I got up early because I want to make sure that I pack everything for our trip back home and I have to mail Hope's canopy, her duck doll, her bedding from Primark because it won't fit in our luggage. I was not thinking when we were shopping..."
"Emma....Emma love. You shopped for our little lass because we do not have the stores in Storybrooke. Hope is going to love the bedding you bought for her crib and all of the clothes you bought for her and Henry."
"I want to make sure we have everything. I am just worried our luggage bag is going to too heavy."
"Love, if we need to we can pack the box with some of the clothes so we do not go over the weight limit."
"That is a great idea." Emma divided the clothes she bought and packed them in her shared luggage and the big package box that they were going to send out before going to the airport with the help of her husband who would not leave her side until she was finished packing and preparing her outfit for the airport and Hope's carrier and diaper bag ready for their flight
"Love get some rest." Hope began to cry. "I got her love. Go get some sleep."
"Thank you. What about everything else?"
"Love, after we got home from dinner, I cleaned everything else in the kitchen. Now, please get some rest and I will take care of our lass."
"Thank you." They kiss. Emma goes to get some shut-eye while Killian tends their little girl.
"Morning, little love. You and I need some Daddy-daughter time. We need to let mommy sleep." He takes Hope to the back porch watching the waves crashing onto the shore as the sun was rising. He held Hope in his arms. "Little love, you like the sound of the waves?" Hope cooed. "Aye, I love the sound of the waves. The sound of the waves is so relaxing and peaceful." Hope cooed. "Aye, Hope you are like so much like your Daddy little pirate." Hope reached her arms out to the ocean which made Killian smile. "Hope, it is still cold to go in the water." Hope whimpered. "We can still go to the water. Just do not tell your Mommy. It is our pirate secret." Hope smiled. He kisses Hope on the head. He takes her back up to their room and finds Hope's swim diaper and bathing suit. Emma was still asleep snoring. Killian got Hope dressed and himself dressed quietly as possible. "Hope we are going to the ocean little love." Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry little love?" He brings Hope to Emma. "Emma...Hope is hungry." Emma wakes up and takes Hope in her arms and feeds her daughter.
"Hope, why are you in your swimsuit? Killian?"
"Hope wants to go to the ocean."
"Hope it is too cold now sweetie."
"I told her that and she started to cry." He sits next to his wife and daughter and wraps his arm around his wife and daughter.
"Killian, I know Hope is going to have fun with her Daddy in the water."
"Aye, Hope and I are going to have fun on our last morning here before we get back home." They kiss.
"I love my two pirates."
"Aye, I love you my swan and our little pirate."
Emma smiles. "Yes, she takes after her daddy." She kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, are you going to the ocean with Daddy?"
"Love, what time do we need to leave?"
"Our flight is 5:00 pm, we have to be there 2 hours early and return the car. We have to leave here at 12:00 pm. What time is it now?"
"6:00 am."
"Is everything packed?"
"Aye love. Everything is packed." Hope was full. "Love, I can burp Hope."
"Hope, here is your Daddy." She kisses Hope on the head and hands her over to Killian.
Killian burped his daughter. "Hope are you ready to go into the ocean?" Hope cooed and moved around. "Aye, you are my little pirate." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope, have fun with your daddy." She kisses Hope on the head. "Killian, make sure she is warm after your swim in the ocean. You do not want Hope to get sick."
"Aye, love. I have towels for Hope and I. We will come back soon." Emma loved how Killian love this time being with both of their children especially their one on one time. Emma went back to sleep since she packed all of hers, Killian and Hope's luggage for their flight home most of the night and needed some rest. Killian walked on the beach carrying his little lass, the beach was empty and no lifeguard on duty yet. "Hope, we are at the beach little love. Are you ready to swim in the ocean with Daddy?" Hope smiled big and moved around in her Daddy's arms. Killian smiles "Aye, Hope you are Daddy's little pirate." He sets down their towels and diaper away from the shore. Hope reached her arms out to the ocean. "We are going swimming little love." He sits on the wet sand and let Hope sit upon him. Hope loved the waves crashing on her getting herself wet with her cooing loudly. Killian loved seeing Hope enjoying herself moving around on his lap. "You are having fun little love."
"Hope, are you having fun with your Daddy?"
"Swan. You are here to join us?"
"Yes, I am here. I could not let you and Hope have all the fun without me." She sits next to her loving husband and little girl who loves the water. "Killian, she loves the water."
"Aye, love. Hope loves getting wet."
"Hope, are you splashing around?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you are my little fishy," She kisses Hope on the cheek. Killian and Emma both enjoy watching Hope splashing around and kicking her legs. Killian helped Hope stand up on the wet as he was holding her.
"Hope, is Daddy helping your stand getting your feet wet?" Hope began to cry. "Killian I do not think Hope likes the wet sand."
"Aye, you are right love." He lifts up Hope from the wet sand. "Little love, Daddy is going to wash the sand off."
"Mommy will help." Emma got the sand off of her daughter's feet. "There you go, Hope. No more wey sand for you." Killian hands over Hope to his wife. "Hope, you want to get wet with Mommy?" Emma held Hope in her arms and Hope reached out her arms. "Hope, you want to go deeper?"
"Aye, that is how she told me she wanted to go here in the first placed."
Emma laughed. "Hope is our very smart little girl."
"Aye, she is love. Like you her Mommy." They kiss.
"We can try a little deeper for Hope."
"Aye, as long as I can go with your both,"
'Hope do you want Daddy to join us in the ocean?" Hope smiled which made them both smile. Emma carried Hope in the ocean. "Hope, Daddy is with us, sweetie." Emma went up to her knee-length in the ocean. Emma spun herself and Hope around in the ocean which made Hope smile. "Hope you like that?" She kissed Hope on the cheek. "Yes, you are having fun with Mommy in the water." Emma held onto her daughter as they were getting wet in the water. Killian took pictures of his wife and daughter having fun getting wet in the ocean. Hope began to cry. "Baby what is the matter?" She takes Hope out of the ocean. Emma checks her diaper. "Uh-oh."
"What is it swan?"
"Hope had poop explosion."
"Love, we can change her." Emma took off Hope's poop covered swimsuit. "Love, I do not think she needs to wear that anymore."
"You are right. Hope can just wear her swim diaper." Emma changed Hope's swim diaper. "Hope, you want to swim more?" She tickles hope's tummy which made her smile. "Yes, you are my little pirate."
"Hey, love I thought I was your pirate."
"Yes, you are my captain." They kiss. Hope began to cry.
"Aye, little love. Daddy will swim with your and your Mommy will join us." Killian brought Hope into the ocean. Emma took pictures of Hope and Killian bonding in the water enjoying their love ocean together. "Hope, when you are bigger you and I can swim the big waves would you like that?" Hope coos. "That is my little pirate." Emma joins that in the water.
"I can hold our little pirate."
"Aye, here is your Mommy little love." He hands over their daughter to his wife.
Emma held hope in her hands letting her little body in the ocean letting Hope enjoy the water before a wave came at them. Hope was moving around in the water and splashing the water with her small hands.
"Hope, you love the water like your Daddy." Hope cooed.
"Aye, she is my little pirate after all." She lifts Hope out of the water and into her arms.
"She is our little pirate captain."
"Aye, she is." They kiss and let Hope enjoy the ocean until Hope tired herself out. They went back on land to rest and dry up before heading back to their beach house. Hope was sleeping in her Mommy's arms passed out from all of her fun.
"Killian Hope is just like you. She loves the ocean. My little pirate is tired out from her ocean."
Killian wrapped his arm around his wife and daughter. "Aye, Hope loves the ocean like her Daddy. She is part you and part of me. She takes after you and me."
"Yes, that she certainly does." They both look at their sleeping daughter. "I still cannot believe that Hope is ours and that we made her."
"Aye, I think the same love. We made her and she is ours forever."
"Yes, our little princess duckling pirate."
"Love, we should take showers before we head to the airport."
"Yes, we have."
"How did you know we were here?"
"I heard you talking to Hope about the ocean. So I woke up and changed into a bikini and found out you were here."
"You aren't mad?"
"No, I am not. Seeing my husband and little girl happy together is one of the happiest moments I ever saw."
"Love, you can join us anytime."
"I know." They kiss. She hands over their daughter to Killian.
"Daddy had so much fun with our in the ocean today little Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. They go back to the beach house. They see Allison in the kitchen.
"Morning, Emma and Killian."
"Morning, Allison."
"Did you both take Hope for an early morning swim?"
"Aye, Hope wanted more ocean time while we are here."
"Yes, Killian took Hope to the beach without me. I followed them."
"Love, I did tell you."
Emma gave him a look. "Killian, I wanted to see Hope have fun with her daddy in the water too."
"I know love but you need rest."
"Killian, I am going to be fine." Hope woke up. "Hope, you need a bath my little fishy." She takes Hope from her Daddy. She brings Hope upstairs to give her a bubble bath.
"Killian, how much sleep did Emma get?"
"Not too much, between feeding Hope at night to packing and boxing supplies...not too much. I brought Hope to the beach to let Emma sleep."
"Killian, if Emma needs to sleep on the plane or before I can watch Hope."
"Aye, that will be very much appreciated by both Emma and I. I do not want Emma to overtired herself like after our last vacation."
"I remember that. Do not worry, I can help with Hope."
"Thank you, Allison."
After Emma gave Hope her bubble bath, she needed a shower. Emma dressed Hope in her new purple romper for their flight with a matching bow. "Emma, I can watch Hope."
"Thank you, Allison. My little girl loves her time in the water."
"I can see where she gets it from."
"Oh yes, from her Daddy. She is already dressed for our flight."
"Emma, Hope's romper is so cute."
"Yes, it is." Emma takes a shower and Allison plays with Hope.
"Hope, did you have fun getting wet in the ocean with Mommy and Daddy?" Hope smiled bug. "Yes, you did. You love the water." She tickles Hope. Henry entered his parent's room.
"Morning, Allison."
"Morning Henry. Hope Henry is awake."
"Hi, Hope. Are you having fun with Auntie Allison?" He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope did you have a bubble bath?"
"Yes, she did. Hope had a morning swim in the ocean with Mommy and Daddy."
"Hope did you have fun with Mommy and Daddy?" Hope cooed.
"At the airport, we can give your mom a break. She barely got sleep."
"You and I can watch hope. I do not mind playing with Hope."
"I know Hope loves you."
"Yes, she does. Aunt Allison, we love you. We are going to miss seeing you all the time."
"Henry." She jugs him with Hope in the middle. "I am going to miss seeing you and Hope all of the time. I am going to be over at your house all the time having girl time with your mom and sister. You can come over to my house to Henry to talk or anything."
"Aunt Allison you are the best." Henry hugs his aunt. Hope makes a sound. "Hope, am I squishing you, little sis? Sorry, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. "We can visit Aunt Allison at her house."
"Yes, you, Henry, Mommy, and Daddy are always welcome over at my house. I know that I will visit you at your house." Hope placed her hand on Allison's chest. "Yes, I love you too my little god niece." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma got out of her shower dressed for their airport seeing Allison getting all of the love from her children.
"Allison, I think Hope and Henry are going to miss you."
"Yes, they are. I am going to miss them and you and Killian. I told them that I will be over at your house all of the time and they are welcomed always to my house."
"Yes, I have a feeling we will see each other all the time. Henry, are you packed?'
"Yes, Mom."
"Good, we need to mail a package before returning the car and going to the airport."
"Mom, I will load the car with Dad." He hugs his mom before leaving the room. Emma sat with Allison and her daughter. "Allison, I know that we live nearby each other. Can we have sleepovers at each other houses?'
"Yes, we can! I am going to miss you too. You are my sister."
"Yes, you are mine." They hug. After everyone was ready, they packed up the car and left their beach house. Killian held Hope in his arms and Emma wrapped her arms around his waist. "I am going to miss this place."
"Aye so do I and Hope."
"We are coming back next year."
"Aye, yes we are." They kiss.
" Hope say bye bye to the beach." Hope reached her arms for the beach. "Hope, we are going home now." Hope began to cry. "Now I got her upset."
"Love, I can calm her down." He bounces Hope in his arms. "Hope we are going to the beach at home little love. I know I know I am going to miss the beach like you are little love. You and I both love the ocean, Hope." Hope cried more.
"Killian let me try. I did upset her." He hands over their upset daughter to his wife. "Hope baby girl. Mommy bought you a baby pool. I know you love the water baby. I got you a baby pool for you to swim in anytime you want. I know Henry is going to swim with you and Daddy will swim with you and mommy will swim with you in our backyard." She looks at her Killian. "I know your Daddy will bring you to the ocean all the time."
"Aye, little love. I will bring you to the ocean and to Daddy's ship. You and I are going to have a lot of daddy-daughter time on my ship." He kisses Hope on the head. He lets Hope grab his hook with the pink protector on it.
"Hope really is a little pirate."
"Aye, she is. She is also a little princess with her nails painted."
Emma giggled. "Yes, you are right." They look at their daughter who was gripping her Daddy's hook. "Hope you can play with your Daddy's hand later sweetie."
Love, let me put her in her car seat." They kiss. Emma gave him Hope. "Little love, Daddy loves you. Are you going to be a good little love on the plane ride home?" Hope cooed. "Aye, we love you, Hope. We have to get to our plane." He kisses Hope on the head and placed her in the car seat and buckled her in.
"Killian, I got Hope from here."
"Thank you, Allison." He shuts the door and gets in the driver's seat.
"Hope, auntie got you your Pluto." Hope grabbed her Pluto from her aunt. "Yes, you love Pluto." Hope smiled. Allison gave Hope kisses on the cheeks. Emma sat in front with Killian who was driving. Emma mailed the huge package back to Maine. They went to car rental place and returned their car after they got a lift to the airport. They checked in their luggage. Hope was in her carrier began to cry, Emma knew Hope needed to eat. "Hope mommy will feed you now." Henry gives his mom her cover and Hope ate from her as they were heading into the line for security. The line at Orlando airport was long which gave Emma plenty of time to nurse Hope in line waiting in one place. Killian helped Emma to burp Hope. He puts Hope back in her carrier, sound asleep. "Our little love is tired out from her morning swim."
"Yes, she is. I am just hoping she is not fussy on the plane."
"Love, you have me and Allison to help you with Hope. Remember you are not alone love, you have your family to help you, me, Allison and Henry."
Emma smiled. "Yes, I have you all." Emma was able to avoid the security machine and went through with Hope. She was patted down by a security guard including her back-pack and Hope's diaper bag. Killian had Hope's stroller and Henry had Hope's car seat. Emma and Hope waited for the rest of their family out of security. Hope made poop.
"Hope, Mommy will change you. I just have to find a bathroom." Hope began to cry. "Killian, I will meet you at the gate. I have to change Hope."
"Love, we will wait for you."
"Killian, I can go with them. We will be back soon." Allison helped Emma find the closest bathroom for them. Hope needed to be changed. Emma cut through the line to get to the baby changing station. "Hope, we are going to change you, sweetie." Allison helped Emma by taking her backpack off. Emma took Hope out of her carrier and placed Hope on the changing table. Hope cried more. "Hope, Mommy is going to change you now sweetie." Emma took off Hope's romper that was covered in poop. "Hope. Allison, can you give me a new onesie for Hope? She had another poop explosion." Allison hands her a clean onesie and a clean diaper.
"Another?" Emma cleaned up Hope with a lot of baby wipes.
"Yes, she had poop explosion at the beach which is why she came back to the beach house with only a swim diaper on. Does more than one poop explosion happens a lot to a newborn?'
"It can." Allison passed Emma the baby powder. "She supposed to make poop like 5 times a day." Emma changed Hopes diaper and onesie. "Hope, you are all clean and ready for our plane ride." She kisses Hope on the head and placed her back in her carrier. " They left the bathroom. "Allison, thank you for helping us in there."
"You welcome, Emma. I love helping my loves ones." She wrapped her arms around her best friend and her god niece. "Hope, are you ready to go home?" Hope cooed. "Yes, when you are on the plane, you will be with Mommy most of the time. Henry will be next to you reading stories." They found the boys.
"Love are you ready to go to our gate?"
"Yes, we are. Hope another poop explosion. Mommy got it cleaned up right baby?" She kisses Hope on the head. They walked to their gate and found a spot for all of them to sit together.
"Mom, can I get Cinnabon?'
"Yes you can." Henry went to get his snack.
"Love, you want me to hold Hope for a while?"
"Sure you can." Killian takes Hope from her carrier and wraps her in her quilt. Emma takes off the carrier.
"Emma, I am going to get Starbucks. Do you want something from there?"
"Yes, can you get me iced decaf coffee with milk and sugar and a cookie."
"Sure, I can. I will be back soon." Allison left for Starbucks.
"Love, you can sleep on me."
Emma smiled. "You knew what I was going to do next."
"Aye, I know you so well now. Love, get some rest. You need to sleep. I got our little love who is sleeping."
"Yes, you have both of your two loves sleeping on you."
"Aye, that is what I love the most." They kiss. Emma fell asleep on his shoulder. He had Hope in his arms and his true love Emma resting on him, he could not think how life can get better than being with his family. Henry returned with his Cinnabon and knew to be quiet knowing his Mom needed to rest. Hope woke up from her nap.
Henry whispered"Dad, I can hold her.'
Killian whispered. "Aye, lad. You can. We need to let your Mom rest as much as possible." Henry takes Hope from their Dad.
"Hope, it is storytime little sis." He kissed Hope on the head to calm her down and gets his storybook out. "Hope, I got my storybook out just for you, little sis." He holds Hope in one of his arms and placed the book on his lap. He kissed Hope on the head. "Once upon a time, there was a man named Aladdin..." As Henry read the story to his sister, Allison arrived back from Starbucks and joined Killian watching Henry reading to Hope. Killian had Emma fast asleep on him on his lap. When Henry finished Hope began to cry. "Hope, I will read you another story little sis." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Henry, Hope loves storytime with you."
"Yes, she certainly does Aunt Allison. I have been reading her stories when she was in Mommy's tummy. I used to feel her move around inside of Mom while I was reading to her she knew that I was reading to her." Hope fussed. "Hope, I will read you another story little sis." An announcement, "Flight 322 to Maine is two hours delayed."
"Bloody hell."
"Killian, there must be a reason why our flight is delayed. I will go check." Emma was still sound asleep on her husband's lap.
"Hope, once upon a time there was a little girl named Snow White..." Allison returned to their group. "Our flight is delayed because there is thunderstorm back in Maine."
Emma wakes up. "Our flight is delayed?"
"Aye love due to a thunderstorm in Maine."
"Yes, our flight is delayed for two hours until the storm slows down."
"Allison, what if the storm does not stop?"
"Then we have to reschedule our flight and get a hotel for the night. We will get updates. Emma, I got you your coffee."
"Thank you." She hands Emma her Starbucks order.
"Your welcome. I knew you needed your Starbucks."
"What if we are stuck here overnight?"
"Emma, we can reschedule our flight and get a hotel."
Emma watched Henry reading to Hope. "How long has Henry been reading to Hope?"
"Love, he has been keeping Hope entertained while you took your nap. This is his second story that he has been reading to our little love."
"Let me call my Dad telling him our flight is delayed." She steps away from her family to make her phone call. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Emma."
"Our flight is delayed because of the thunderstorm in Maine."
"We have a thunderstorm here right now. It has just started storming. How was your vacation?"
"Dad, we had a fun time at the beach every day. It has just been a lot of family time and Killian and I had one on one with both Henry and Hope. Hope loved the ocean and Henry loved the beach building sand castles with Allison. Allison got closer with all of us. The kids are going to miss seeing her all the time."
"I know that you two are going to see each other all the time."
Emma smiled. "Yes, we will. When we get back to Maine I have so many photos to show you and Mom. We can have a barbeque in our backyard. I got Hope a baby pool she loves the water."
"She is a little pirate."
"Yes, she is. She is also my little princess."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, Dad. Allison painted her nails yesterday." Emma smiled. "The way she was lying down while her nails were drying it was so cute she looks like a princess."
"Emma, she is a princess so are you."
"Yes, well...I am. Dad, I will text you if our flight is delayed more or canceled and rescheduled for tomorrow."
"Emma let me know, I will pick you up whenever you land."
"Thanks, Dad. Have you seen Regina by any chance?"
"Yes, she came here to talk to your Mom about Henry. She feels really guilty for isolating him for all of those years."
"Dad, Henry was only venting his feelings that he kept inside of him for all of those years. Killian and I taught him to be open about his feelings."
"Emma, I know you and Killian are teaching him and Hope to be open and honest people. Call me or text me when you get updates of your flight."
"I will Dad. Bye." They hung up. Emma walks up to her family seeing Hope crying in Henry's arms. "Hope, what is the matter, baby?" Henry gives Hope their Mommy.
"Hope, I told you Mommy did not leave. She thought you left."
"Hope, I did not leave. Mommy was on the phone with Grandpa." She kisses Hope on the head and let her snuggle on her. Emma sits next to Henry and Killian. "Henry, I know Hope love storytime with you."
"Yes, she did until she did not know where you were."
"Aye, I told her you were on the phone nearby us she just wanted you."
"Hope you are with Mommy now my baby girl." She kisses hope on the head as Hope snuggled on her Mommy.
Allison returns from her phone call with her husband and sits with her extended family. "I spoke to Ted and told him about our flight is delayed. He told me that it is thundering and lightening badly in Storybrooke."
"That what my Dad told me on the phone and I was going to update him whatever happens." Emma held Hope in her arms. She gives Hope eye contact."Hope...Hope....I love you...Hope..." Hope copied her Mommy. Emma smiled big. "Mommy..." Hope copied her Mommy by trying to talk. "Hope...Mommy..." Hope copied her Mommy. "My baby girl you are trying to talk." Killian enjoyed watching his love trying to talk.
"Mom, can I try?"
"Yes, you can. Just talk slow. "
"Hope....Hope can you say Henry....Henry..." Hope tried copying her big brother. Emma smiled as her son trying to teach his little sister how to talk."Henry...." Hope tried copying her brother. "Hope, you are learning to talk little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. "Aunt Allison Hope is trying to talk."
"I know Henry. Let me try." Allison goes close to Hope and Emma. "Hi, Hope. Hope....Hope...." Hope tried to copy her auntie's talking. "Hope you are trying to talk. You are doing so good my little niece." She tickles Hope's belly. Hope began to cry and reaches out to her auntie Allison. Emma smiled. "Hope, you want your auntie, Allison?"
"Emma, hand over my little niece. Hope wants to spend time with me." Emma smiles and gives Hope to her auntie. Allison gives Hope a kiss on the cheek."Hi, Hope. Are you having fun with your family while we are stuck at the airport?" Hope cooed. "Yes, you are. You are just happy you get to spend more time with me." Hope smiled big which made all of them smile.
"Swan, do you want to get something to eat?"
"Yes. Since our flight is delayed. I am hungry."
"Lad, do you want us to get you something to eat?"
"Sure. I can stay here with Hope and Aunt Allison. One of us will call you if we get updates. "
"Aye, lad. We will be back with food."
"Allison, do you want something to eat? Killian and I are getting food."
"What are you getting?"
"We saw a burger place nearby and thinking of getting burgers."
"Can you get me a cheeseburger?"
"Great, I can spend time with my niece and nephew."
"I know they are happy that we get have more together." Allison played with Hope as Henry read a book.
Emma and Killian held hands as they walking through the airport. "Love, is this a little date?"
"You mean being stuck in an airport with our flight delayed you considered that as a date?"
"Aye, perhaps."
Emma smiled. "Anywhere I get alone time with you is a date for me."
"Aye, that what I like to hear." They make out with other people looking at them while they pass by the happily married couple. When they get to the restaurant. "Do you want to eat our food here or to go?"
"We should order ours to go just in case our flight gets undelayed." They ordered their food to go including meals for Henry and Allison. Emma gets a call from Henry. "Henry?"
"Mom, Hope is crying. Aunt Allison and I cannot calm her down." In the background. "Hope has another poop explosion."
"Henry, we are on our way back. We will be back to our a few minutes kid." Emma hangs up.
"Love what is wrong?"
"Hope is crying and had another poop explosion."
"That is her third poop explosion today."
"Yes, I am hoping our baby isn't sick." They rush back to their gate seeing Hope crying in Allison's arms. "Emma, Hope had another poop explosion." Emma set down their meals.
She takes crying Hope from Allison."Hope, Mommy is back." She rubs Hope's back. "Allison, this is her third poop explosion today. Do you think she is sick?"
"She does not have a fever. Her appetite is still the same. If you want to I can examine her."
"Great. I am so happy you are on this trip with us."
"I am her doctor and her godmother. I do not like seeing Hope upset." Allison carried the diaper bag and followed Emma with crying Hope.
"I do not want Hope to be sick on the plane ride."
"I know, Emma. That will not be good for her or everyone else." They found the nearest bathroom to change Hope's diaper. Emma changed Hope's diaper. Allison examined Hope's dirty diaper. "Her poop is normal." Emma cleaned up Hope with the rest of the baby wipes.
"Oh no."
"What Emma?"
"I ran out of baby wipes and have one more diaper. I put her ointment so I know it is not her diaper rash is not bothering her."
"Emma she is cleaned now. I can examine Hope. You can call Killian to get us wipes and newborn diapers."
Emma hugs Allison. "I would have not been able to travel with Hope without you. Being a new mom is hard."
"I am here for you Emma. I am here for my little niece." Allison examined Hope. "Hope, let's see how your tummy is little niece."
Emma makes a phone call to Killian. "Killian."
"Swan, is everything alright?"
"Can you find the nearest store to find newborn diapers and baby wipes? I ran out of baby wipes and just used the last newborn diaper."
"Love, I will go get your newborn diapers and baby wipes. It is alright love. I know Hope had a lot of poop blowouts. Is she sick?"
She looks at Allison examining her daughter. "I do not think so. I just want to have an extra supply."
"Love, I know just in case we are stuck here overnight and Hope needs diapers. Love, I am finding a store now. I will get diapers and wipes." They hang up. Henry was reading a book. "Lad, how do I find the nearest store?"
"We can use the map. "
"Your mom is out of newborn diapers and baby wipes."
"Dad, I can get Mom the supplies for Hope."
"Are you sure lad?"
"Yes, I can go to the store. You can stay here to let here updates on our flight."
"Aye lad." Henry went to the store to find newborn diapers and baby wipes to help his little sister and be a good big brother since she was not herself. Henry found a store quickly got newborn diapers, baby wipes and a toy for his little sister a soft nuby teething key set.
Emma and Allison returned to their spot with Hope and see Killian. "Killian, where is Henry?"
"He offered to go shopping for Hope. He knew Hope was not herself."
"Aw. Hope, your brother cares so much for you sweetie." She kisses Hope who was snuggling on her Mommy.
"Allison, is she sick?"
"Hope has no fever, her eating is normal. I think Hope has an upset stomach."
"Is she going to be like this for the rest of the night?"
"Depends on how her tummy is. Now we have to keep an eye on her and make her she is as happy as possible." Henry returned to his family.
"Dad, I am back."
"Lad, was it hard to find the store?"

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now