Returning to Storybrooke

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Hope woke up Emma to be fed only twice during the night and did her changes too. After her last change around 5:30 in the morning, Hope was on her Mommy's chest awake. "Hope, you like being held by me do you my little buttercup." She kisses Hope on the head. "We are going back home today. Are you going to be a good girl while we are on the road? Mommy will sit next to you little girl. You kept me up all night. Daddy is going to drive home." Hope happily cooed "You love me in the back sitting next to you." Hope moved in her Mommy's arms. Emma giggled. "I am taking that as a yes." She gives Hope kisses on the cheeks. Hope puts her small hand on Emma. "Mommy loves you so much baby, even though you do not give me any sleep." Since Emma was awake, she got Hope and herself dressed ready. Emma cuddles sleeping Hope on the bed until Killian wakes up. He smiles seeing the sight of wife loving quality time with their Hope.
"Morning, love."
"Did you get any sleep?"
"Maybe 2 hours? You are driving. I need to sleep."
"Love, I do not mind driving. Henry can help me with the GSP."
Emma laughed. "It is called a GPS."
"What time can we leave?"
"Check out is at 11:00 am. We can leave at 11:00 am and have brunch at IHOP or Denny's on the way home."
"Sounds good love. Let me hold Hope and you can get some shut-eye." They kiss. Killian takes baby Hope from Emma and she fell asleep. Killian sat next to his sleeping wife, holding sleeping Hope. "Hope, you kept Mommy up, little love. I love seeing Mommy so happy with you, even though you do not let her sleep yet. Daddy loves you, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head and watches her sleep.
Emma woke up around 10:00 am. Killian was out of the room, Henry was holding Hope and talking to her. She smiled at their two kids. "Morning, Henry."
"Morning, Mom. Dad is packing the car. He told me not to wake you, we both know that Hope kept you up all night."
"Hope definitely kept me up, I did not sleep until 6:30 am."
"Wow, Dad and I are going to be sitting in the front of the car."
"Yes, I told him that he is driving us back home. How is Hope?"
"Dad gave me Hope about an hour ago. I changed Hope's diaper."
"Henry, you changed her diaper?"
'Yes, Mom. I did. I did not want Hope to get sad and wake you up." He bends down to Hope, "Right, sis? I did a good job for the first time." He looks up back at his Mom. "Luckily she was only wet I talked to her a little bit until she fell back to sleep."
"I am going to check on your Dad, with loading the car."
"I will stay here with Hope."
She kisses Henry on the head. "Henry, you are the best son that a mom can ask for."
"Mom, I love you, Hope, and Dad. I would help my family no matter what."
"You are the best, kid." She kisses sleeping, Hope. "Hope, mommy will be back soon. Be good for Henry." She leaves the hotel room and makes a phone call. "Hi, I would like to make an appointment for Hope Swan-Jones for her 1 month check up....Wednesday, May 23st at 2:00?...Great. Thank you." She goes to her car, seeing her husband struggling. "Do you need a hand captain?"
"Swan, did the kids wake you up?"
"Nope. I woke up myself. I made an appointment for Hope, her 1 month of check up on this Wednesday at 2:00. She is going to get another round of her vaccination shots. Can you make it?"
"Love, I am going to be there for Hope and you. I can tell your Dad that I will take the morning shift."
"Great. I do not think I can do another round of her getting vaccinated myself. I hate seeing her in pain."
"Love, I will be at your side. You know that." He hugs his Emma. "She will be fine. We know what to do this time for the side effects." He kisses Emma her on the forehead.
"Henry is watching Hope, he told me he changed Hope's diaper."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, he did.I am pretty sure we can let him babysit or he can help me when you are at work."
"He is the perfect sitter, he loves Hope so much."
"Yes, he can give me a break so I can get some sleep."
"Aye, love. Let's get our luggage packed so we can hit the road."
"Yes!" Emma helped Killian organized the car. After they were done, they heard Hope crying. They see Henry holding Hope.
"Mom, I think she is hungry."
"You are right kid." She looks at Killian. "Can you calm down Hope, I need to check us out of the hotel. It is almost 11:00."
"Sure, love." Henry hands over Hope to Killian. Emma kisses Hope on the head.
"Mommy will be right back in a few minutes sweetie, then I will feed you." Emma rushes back into the hotel to check out. Henry gives Hope her pacifier.
"Good thinking, lad."
"Thanks, she began to cry and I checked the time it was almost 11:00. I decided to take her here before she had a meltdown."
"Aye, lad we do not want our little lass to have a meltdown. It would be been a long ride home."
"Yes, that would have been very bad."
Hope began to fuss. "Little Hope, Mommy is coming back in a few minutes little love." He kisses Hope and bounces her to calm her down. Emma returns. "Hope, Mommy is here little love."
"We are checked out. Let me feed her before we leave." Killian hands over Hope to Emma. "Mommy is going to feed you now sweetie." She kisses Hope and takes her in the car and feeds her. Henry and Killian get in the car and talk until Hope was finished with her meal. Once Hope was full and asleep. Emma kissed Hope on the head. "Hope, sleep well baby." She buckles Hope in her car seat.
"Love, are you ready?"
"Yes, I am are you two ready?"
"Yes, we are ready."
Killian began to drive the family to the highway. "Lad, can you search up the closest diner for brunch."
"Sure. We did not eat only Hope."
"Aye." He looks up at the back seeing Emma sleeping nearby Hope who was both fast asleep.
"Dad, should we find a place too if we need a rest stop for Hope?"
"Good idea, lad." They drove more on the highway into traffic. "I hate bloody traffic."
"Yes, Dad it is Monday traffic." Henry looks back at his Mom and little sister. "Hope, really kept Mom up all night."
"Aye, lad, Hope did. I had a feeling I would be the one driving us all back to Maine." He glances up at the mirror to see Hope still asleep. "Your mom made an appointment for Hope's 1 month check up on this coming Wednesday."
"So you are telling me to study before coming over from school?"
Killian chuckled. "Aye, lad. Your mom and I know what to do this time."
"I know, it will be easier to study during my free period anyways. Can you still help me with my math though?"
"Of course, Henry. I am your tutor after all."
"Thank you, Dad, for helping me, I know that you are busy with work and Hope."
"Henry you are my son, I make time for you always."
Hope wakes up crying. Killian looks up at the mirror, "Little love."
Emma wakes up. "Hope, Mommy is next to you sweetie. Do not cry, sweetie." She gives Hope a few kisses with Hope grabbing her finger. "Hush now,
Don't be scared,
Through this tide of darkness.
Shadows may march,
Thunder may roar, but peace soon prevail,
Through our land, This sacred land,
Nightmares sprite confusion,
But stand your ground,
Until you've found,
The strength to light your way." Hope falls back to sleep smiling after she cooed. "That is Mommy's good girl." She kisses Hope's little hand. Killian watched the whole time of Emma singing softly to Hope. She looks up at Killian. "How far are we?"
Killian smiled at his wife."Emma, you sang beautifully to Hope."
Emma smiled. "Thank you, I have not sung in front of people since our wedding day."
"Yes, love. I love how you sang to Hope."
"Thank you, Hope loves music. I sang to her a few times before this trip."
"Aye love. Hope loves when we both sing to her."
"Yes, I figured singing will calm her down since we are stuck in traffic. How long we have been traveling?"
"We have been traveling for about 2 hours and traffic."
Henry turns around, "Mom, we are not close to Maine yet."
"Killian, what is the plan for a rest stop?"
"The lad came up with the idea, whenever Hope needs to be fed or changed we can get off at the next exit and find a restaurant for brunch."
"I like your plan, kid."
"Thanks, Mom."
"Since we are stuck in traffic, study a little."
"Yes, Mom." Emma falls back to sleep. Henry talks to his Dad. "She sang really good to Hope."
"Aye, she sure did lad."
"Yes, when she broke the Black Fairy's curse at my other's mom's office. The book showed me a part of her story that she had a song of everyone in her heart. She was afraid to sing now that she knows she was loved by everyone on Enchanted Forest, love gave her strength. I think mom is slowly showing her singing side."
"Aye, lad. I think she is starting to get the confidence to sing, like at our wedding."
"Yes, after breaking the curse, you both did your vows and sung at your wedding party before the black fairy's curse."
"Aye, luckily after the final battle Emma and I had a real honeymoon."
"That is when normal began in Storybrooke."
"Aye, lad it did. Now study before your sister wakes up."
"Yes, Dad." Henry studied for his exams while they were in traffic.
Traffic lessen up, Hope woke up crying, Emma wakes up. "Hope, are you hungry baby?" She sniffs Hope. "Yep, you need to be fed and changed baby."She looks at Killian. "Killian."
"On it love. Henry, can you find a restaurant nearest us? I am getting off the highway in a few minutes."
Emma comforts Hope. "Do not cry, baby."

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