Healing Time

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As Emma recovered from her miscarriage, Killian stayed home from work and tend to his wife and his little lass. The first days of Emma's recovery from the miscarriage were the roughest for her, she was mostly in bed crying. Allison watches Hope, so Killian can focus on Emma. Allison arrived at Emma's house and finds Killian and Hope in the living room with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the television, Hope watched Pluto on the big screen and crawled around and Killian played with his little love. "Little love, are you enjoying Pluto on TV?" Hope babbled."Killian, she loves Pluto."Killian smiles. "Aye, you do not have to tell me twice. She is being a good little lass. How are you, Allison?""I am good." She sits on the carpet next to Killian and watches Hope crawling around. "How is Emma?""She is crying a lot. I am there for her and Henry has been watching Hope more so I can concentrate on her." Allison puts her hand on his shoulder. "She is going to be alright, I know you are worried about Emma.""I am very worried about her. What if Emma goes into a depression?""She has you, Henry, Hope and I to show how much we love her. All she wants to be with you, Henry and I can watch Hope. I know Hope loves being with Emma, which is hard on Hope.""Aye, she is very attached to Emma, when Emma is not crying I bring Hope up to our room and she brings so much happiness to her Mommy.""Mommy?"He puts Hope on his lap. "Yes, little love. You are making Mommy so happy. Mommy's tummy is still hurting her and she is very sad that she had a very tiny baby in her tummy. She is going to get better really soon, little love." Hope put her hand on her Daddy's face. "Aye, Mommy is going to get better with you and Henry's helping her. Daddy is going to take care of Mommy and you can play with Auntie Allison. Later, I know your Mommy is going to be so happy to play with you later." Hope hugs her Daddy. "We have been having a lot of extra daddy-daughter time little love." Hope babbled. He kisses Hope on the head."Hope loves you, Killian.""Aye, Hope is happy that I am home more. I am going back to work until Emma is recovered. How long will she be in pain?""Two weeks the most.""She takes Tylenol and heating pads...I am just worried.""Emma has you on her side, she has the best care which is yours. How is being a daddy and taking care of Emma?""It is challenging, Henry has been a lot of help and you coming over has been very helpful, I can be more with Emma.""I understand, Killian. Emma needs you especially now. Has her Mom been calling her?""Aye, Emma ignore her calls." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. You want to talk?" She grabs her Daddy's hook. "When Mommy is better we are going to go on the Jolly Roger together. Daddy will give you and Henry a star navigation lesson." Hope makes poop and sighs. Killian chuckles."Is that a good poop little love? You love being a little stinker." She hugs her Daddy. "Little love you love being a little smelly pirate.""Dada."Allison giggles. "I was only teasing little love." He hugs his little love. "Allison, since you are Hope's pediatrician. Hope is crawling but not standing up yet. Is she suppose to be able to stand up now?""Hope might be having some delays from the surgeries she had like to standing up and by holding onto something like the couch or your hands, it might take Hope a while. Hope is starting to try solid foods now which is a good sign. With yours, Emma and Henry's help her, Hope will be able to stand up soon.""Henry and I been taking turns feeding Hope and we are letting her try new foods every meal but with her standing up I am just concerned.""You are her Daddy, you just want to make sure Hope is developing properly. I know Hope is going to stand up holding onto something pretty soon, she is a little strong fighter like her Mommy.""Aye, you are right, Allison. Hope takes a lot after Emma." He kisses Hope on the head who was holding his hook."Killian, I can change Hope.""Little love, be a good little pirate and have fun with Auntie Allison. I know you will have fun with her. Later, you can have one on one time with Mommy.""Mommy." Hope began to cry."I know little love you miss Mommy. Mommy wants to play with you, have girl time and love your hugs, but she needs to rest. Her tummy is in a lot of pain." Hope cried louder. He bounces Hope up and down and rubs her back. "You get to have one on one time with Auntie Allison, I can be with Mommy to help her feel better. When Mommy gets better you can have all of the Mommy and Hopey time." Hope wailed. Allison takes Hope from her Daddy."Hope, we can play with Pluto dolls, your new narwhal and Captain Hook doll, play with toys and watch Pluto on TV. We can have girl talk, just you and me." Hope cried more. "Mommy needs to rest and later I will bring you upstairs for your time with Mommy. For now, you can play with me and I know we will have fun together.""Little love, you are going to have fun with Auntie Allison.""Killian, I can watch Hope. You can go be with Emma. Hope and I are going to be out in the hammock after I change her." Allison changes Hope's diaper and puts her coat on. "Hope, we are going outside." Allison brings Hope to the backyard, it was cold outside, she knew Hope needed some fresh air. They sit on the hammock and Allison rocks the hammock. "Mommy.""Your Mommy is going to feel better in a few days, little niece. I know how much you love your Mommy and I know how much you love being with her. You are making your Mommy very happy." Hope smiled which made Allison smile. "You are doing your job Hope, making your Mommy happy." She bops Hope's nose, which makes Hope smile. Hope hugs her Auntie Allison. "You give the best hugs little Hope." She kisses Hope on the head moves the hammock with her foot and Hope napped on her with a blanket on top of them.Killian brings up a meal for his wife and leaves the tray on the floor. "Killian?"He wraps his arms around his wife, "Emma, I am right here." He kisses her on the head and hugs her as she cried into him. "I am not going anywhere, love. I am right here.""Where is Hope?""Allison is watching her downstairs, they are watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and having one on one time.""I am so sorry, Killian."He rubs her back and hugs her."It is not your fault love.""I feel so awful and guilty for not knowing about...""You did nothing wrong...you are loved by me, Henry, Hope, and Allison. You did not make a mistake and it was not your fault." He rubs her back. "I am right here, love. Am I hugging you too tight?""Not at all, I always feel safe in your arms and knowing everything is going to be alright. I just want you to stay.""You can stay in my arms as long as you need to love, I am right here. You are not alone, swan.""I just can't stop crying...the pain is reminding me of what happened.""I'm right here, love. You can cry on me.""Are you sure?""Aye, your tears on my shirt and jacket is better than the salty ocean waves.""I love the ocean smell on you, I love it, the smell reminds me of you and it is comforting me."Killian smiles. "That is the scent of me? The ocean?"Emma smiles. "Yes, it has always been and it will always be your smell, in a good way.""Aye, that is your personal smell of me.""Yes, it is." They kiss. "I love you, Killian.""I love you too, Emma. We are going to get through this together as team Swan-Jones and as a family." Emma cried more into and eventually falls asleep on her husband's chest and wrapped in her arms feeling safe and love as always with Killian. "I love you so much, Emma. I am right here when you need me. I will never leave you and always will be there for you and our family." He kisses Emma on the head. Emma wakes up a while later, hearing Hope's crying and sees Hope with Allison. "Emma, I am sorry to wake you up. Hope misses her Mommy."Emma smiles. "I do miss my little girl. Hopey." She opens her arms out as Allison smiles and hands over Hope who was squirming to get to her Mommy, "Mommy."Emma smiles big, "Hi, baby girl. I missed you so much." Emma hugs Hope. "I needed your hugs. I love you." Hope babbled happily being with her Mommy. She gave Hope kisses. "Did you have fun with Auntie Allison?" Hope babbled. "You watched Pluto and played with Auntie Allison? That sounds so much like fun, Auntie Allison is the best auntie." Hope gripped her Mommy. "You are with Mommy sweetie. I am right here." She gave Hope kisses and rubbed her back. "You are with Mommy, Hopey.""Be gentle with Mommy little love, her tummy hurts her still." Hope puts her face into her Mommy's chest.Emma was in awe. "You really missed Mommy. You are with Mommy now, Hopey. We are having Mommy and Hopey time. When I get better we are going to have Mommy and Hopey time together, we can go to town to the library, get our nails done,, shop and play in the park just you and me.""Love, let me know if you need anything.""Thank you. I just want to be with our little girl. She missed me.""Hope wanted you but I got Hope to calm down on the hammock in the backyard. When I brought her back in we played and she wanted you. Did we wake you up?""We slept for about 3 hours. I am not as much pain as I was two days ago. As you can see Hope loves giving me extra love.""I did tell Hope that she was doing her job right.""Yes, she is. Allison, thank you for helping out.""Your welcome, you can always call me if you need me to come over to talk. I am a phone call away.""Thank you, Allison." Emma iPhone rings and Killian checks to see who is calling her and he hangs up."Let me guess my Mom?""Aye, love.""I am not talking to her.""I know, love." He kneels down to talk to his little love. "Hope, are you going to be a good little love for Mommy?" Hope babbled. "Good little pirate." He kisses Hope on the head. "I am going to get dinner ready, love.""Hope is going to be with me. She is not going to crawl anywhere, she just wants to snuggle." Killian heads to the kitchen."Emma, are you still in pain?""Not as much as two days ago but I am in pain." Hope fussed. "Are you hungry?" Emma nurses Hope. "I have a question?""Yes, Emma?""How long can I breastfeed Hope?""Two years old is when breastfeeding ends. Most mothers breastfeed their baby for a year the most.""Hope takes the bottle of my breast milk as you know I mostly nurse her.""You can slowly teach her to use regular milk, you can mix your breast milk in regular milk. It will take time. She can drink water in a bottle.""Hope has been drinking water in a bottle she has been doing that lately with Henry and Killian. I am enjoying my extra time with Hope, I am just afraid when she stops nursing she will not need me as much...." Emma began to cry."Hey." Allison hugs her best friend. "It is okay, Emma. Hope is going to need you her whole life. I know how close you two are now you two will have a very close mother and daughter relationship.""I know Hope is going to follow me everywhere, we are going to shop together, get our nails done and she is going to give me a lot of hugs all the time.""Emma, she will be very close to you, I just know it because Hope missed you when I was watching her she just wanted to be with you so I brought her up here to stop her from crying. Just seeing how Hope is now." (Allison looks at Hope enjoying being with her Mommy and smiles.) "I know Hope is going to be very close with you as she gets older."Emma kisses Hope on the head. "When I am better we are going to have a girls day. We can shop or get our nails done.""Emma, we can do both and Hope is joining us.""Yes.""What are your plans for Hope's first birthday?""We are having Hope's first birthday party here inside or the backyard depending on the weather. I know Hope will want to be on her Daddy's ship in the morning. Then a birthday party with most of the town here. You, Lizzie, Connor and Ted are definitely invited.""We are definitely coming. I am not going to miss my goddaughter first birthday.""I know Hope is going to be spoiled on her birthday, Henry got her a few gifts while we were in New York. Thank you for letting us use your former apartment.""Your welcome, I had a feeling that my apartment will be very convenient for you all." Allison leaves after they talk for a long time. Emma enjoys her one on one time with Hope, snuggling her. "Hope, I am sorry I am not with you a lot recently. When I feel better we are going to do so much together, play, sing songs, go out shopping and get our nails done." Hope looks at her Mommy. "You have Dada, Henry and Auntie Allison who love you so much as I love you, taking good care of you when I am recovering..." Emma began to tear up. "There was a very tiny baby in my tummy that died...which caused my tummy to be in a lot of pain." Hope puts her hands on her Mommy's face. "Even though I am in pain, you are making me so happy Hopey. You are my special baby girl." Hope gave her Mommy kisses. "You love giving me kisses." Emma smiled and enjoying her baby girl showing her extra love and being with her. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, You make me happy when skies are grey, You'll never know, dear, how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away." She hugs Hope. "I love you, Hope." Hope babbled. "You want to talk? Tell me what is going on with you? Did you watch a lot of Pluto today?" Hope babbled. "You got to play with Daddy in the living room and play flying Jolly Roger with him?" Hope babbled. "Yes, Dada is the best, I know that because I fell in love with him and married him and have you with him." She bops Hope's nose which makes Hope smile. Killian saw his two loves having one on one time. Hope was getting a little rough by moving excitedly on her Mommy. She puts Hope right next to her. "Mommy needs less pressure on her tummy. We can still talk." Hope whimpered. "Hey, Hope I know you are having a hard time understanding this, Mommy's tummy hurts." She gives Hope eye to eye contact. "You cannot lie on my belly now because I am in pain. When you are bigger you can give me hugs and sleep with Mommy and Daddy. Like now, you can lie down next to me and I can hug you like this." Emma wraps her arm around Hope's body. "This is still a hug. When my tummy is in no more pain you can hug me by lying down on me. I love my Hopey hugs, they are my special hugs. I can hug you like this and you can be with me as long as you want to. I miss you being my little sidekick, you are my little sheriff and my little girl." Hope gripped her Mommy's arm. "I am not going anywhere. I am staying right here with you, my little buttercup who gives the best hugs and loves me so much as much I love you.""Mommy.""Hopey." She kisses Hope on the head and continued their conversation until Hope fell asleep with her Mommy's arm wrapped around her."You just want to be with your Mommy." She rubs Hope's head."Love, is everything alright?""My stomach is in pain and when she is moving around on me, my stomach hurts. I know she is almost 10 months, she knows something is wrong with me and...she does not understand that I cannot hold her on my tummy..." Emma began to cry. Killian hugs his wife."Emma, Hope knows in her own way that you are not yourself and she knows that you need her love more than ever. Hope just wants to be with her Mommy." He looks down at Hope who was fast asleep holding her Mommy's arm. "Even though Hope is not on your tummy gripping you, she is sure holding onto your arm."Emma looks down and smiles at Hope. "Yes, you are right. Hope just loves being with me her Mommy and she knows that she is making me happy and feel loved. She takes after you and me, her kind caring heart.""Aye, she takes after you, her Mommy."Emma smiles. "And her Dada." They kiss.There were times when Henry would see his Mom crying in pain and thinking of the miscarriage, and he just hugs his Mom in bed showing her that he is there for her and she is not alone. One of the days, when Killian knew Hope needed fresh air and he needed a break emotionally to think about the miscarriage. He decided to bring Hope on the Jolly Roger with him, their one on one time. Henry came home from school, he saw his Dad getting Hope ready to go out. "Hi, Hope. Where are you going with Daddy?""Your sister and I are going on the Jolly Roger, Hope has been a good little lass all day, between her and your Mom, Hope and I need daddy-daughter time.""I know you and Hope need time on the Jolly Roger. I can be with Mom. I have just been thinking about her in school all day."Killian puts his hand on his son's shoulder. "She is going to be better soon, lad. She has all of us.""I know, I just feel so sorry for her." Hope reached out to her big brother and he gets Hope from their Dad. "Hope, I know you, Daddy and I are giving Mommy extra love. Right Hope?" Hope babbled. "That is right little sis, we love Mommy so much we are there for her when she needs us as she always there for us." Hope kisses Henry on his cheek. "That is a yes from you little sis." He kisses Hope back. "Dad, I can take care of Mom. Mom and I need one on one time, I know Hope wants to crawl around on the Jolly Roger." Hope babbled."Little love, we are going on the Jolly Roger. Henry, if anything happens to call me. Hope and I are going to spend time on Jolly Roger.""Dad, Mom is going to be with me.""Aye, we will see you later, lad. Hope say bye bye to Henry." Hope babbled."Have fun with Dada little sis." He kisses Hope on the cheeks and they leave. Killian smiled as he saw Hope got excited when she saw their family ship and squirmed. "Little love, we are almost there." When they got closer to the ship, "Wa-wa." Killian stopped walking and couldn't believe what Hope was saying."Little love, what did you say?""Wa-wa."Killian smiled big. " Roger?""Wa-wa.""Yes, Hope, Roger. We are at the Jolly Roger, you are right." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "You can say part of second home little love. Daddy is proud of you." He kisses Hope on the head. "We are going to have daddy-daughter time on the Jolly Roger today." Hope grabbed her Daddy's hook. "My little pirate." Killian recently added baby gates all over his ship ever since Hope began to crawl so his littlest pirate won't get hurt or get into mischief. Killian sets Hope on deck and watched her crawl around, he took many pictures of Hope crawling around all over their ship. He gave Hope a sailing lesson. Hope began to cry and Killian brings Hope to his captain quarters, Hope snuggled on her Daddy, which Killian loved. "You are being such a good little lass at home. I know you, Henry, and I do not like seeing Mommy in pain and not happy. We are showing Mommy love all the time to make her feel better soon. I know you do not understand why she is not herself but you make her happy Hope every single day since we found out you were coming into our lives." Hope smiles at her Daddy. He took so many pictures of Hope in his captain quarters, selfies of them together and her napping on him.Henry joins his Mom on his parent's bed, who was crying. He hugs his Mom. "Mom, I am right here."Emma smiles seeing her son next to her. "Hey, kid. How are you?""I am good. I want to spend time with you." Henry hugs his Mom"Are you sure, Henry? I am a crying mess right now."Henry gives his Mom a tissue. "I want to be with you, especially when you need my company.""I do need to spend time with my special son.""I am your only son."Emma giggles. "You are the best Henry.""I love you, Mom.""I love you so much, Henry." She kisses Henry on the head. "Where is Dad and Hope?""Dad took Hope to the Jolly Roger.""You, Dad and Hope are all pirates.""Mom, you are a pirate too, we are a family full of pirates and royals.""Yes, we are Henry." Emma held her stomach, Henry saw his Mom's face in pain."Mom, I will be right back." Henry goes downstairs and gets a heating pad and Tylenol and returns to his Mom. "One heating pad and Tylenol.""Thank you, Henry." Henry lies next to his Mom."I am here if you need anything.""I just want to spend time with you.""Are you up for Netflix?""Yes.""Great." Henry makes popcorn with melted milk duds and brought it upstairs. "What are we watching?""We are watching, "The Princess Bride.""Awesome.""It is my favorite movie."They watched the movie together and ate popcorn. Henry made sure his Mom was alright, throughout the movie. He knew that his Mom was crying a lot and all he wants to do is make her happy. After they watched Emma's favorite movie, Emma let Henry choose the next movie which was Star Wars. "Mom, I have a question." She pauses the movie and faces her son. "Since you were Princess Leia when you and Dad went back in time, did you ever imagine that you were going to be in a book as a different character other than yourself?"Emma smiles, "Well I asked your grandfather after we returned to the present, he said I am in the book, even in my parents' love story and my own story." Henry holds his Mom's hands. "I chose Princess Leia on the spot because I knew that name is not taken in the book." Emma laughs. "It is pretty cool I named my disguise character after a famous Star Wars character."" I think it is pretty cool to have you as a mom, savior and Princess Leia in your parents' story."Emma chuckles. "After changing the past, I still think you had the hardest job kid?""Which was?""To get me to believe that my parents are Snow White and Prince Charming and magic."Henry thought about it. "Yes, that was hard. Was it hard to get the timeline fixed?""Yes, your dad helped me fix it before I disappeared from the future. He made sure I blended in and prevent me to not destroy the timeline even more than I did." Emma smiled. "After he followed me back to the past, helped me and returned back and told me that he traded his ship to get back to us from New York and brought us home, I knew he was my true love." Henry hugs his Mom."Mom, Dad is amazing in Neverland and now with us. When I did not have my memories, when he brought us back here, I looked up to him and he was fun. He was my father then. All I see is good in him, he is amazingly supportive to you and always at his side when you need him and Hope loves him so much. He is the right guy Mom.""I know, that is why I married him." They continued watching, the movie, Henry kept hugging his Mom, which they both enjoyed. Killian returns with Hope in the evening. "Little love, we are back home. Did you have fun on the Jolly Roger with Dada?""Wa-wa."Killian smiles. "Aye, Jolly Roger. Let's go see what Mommy and Henry are up to." They go upstairs to find, Emma and Henry cuddling and watching a movie. "Hi, swan.""Hi, Dad. Hi, Hope.""Hi, Killian. How was the Jolly Roger?" Hope reached out to her Mommy. "Hi, baby girl." Killian hands over Hope to his wife. "Did you have fun on the Jolly Roger with Daddy?""Wa-wa."Emma smiled big. "Hope, are you saying Roger? Jolly Roger?" Hope babbled. Emma kisses Hope on the head."Aye, Hope can say the beginning of Roger now.""Little Sis, you can say Roger?""Wa-wa.""Very good little sis.""When did Hope say Roger, Killian?" Killian joined his family on the bed."As we were getting closer to the Jolly Roger. I heard Hope say "Wa-wa." I just stopped and looked at Hope. I could not believe what I was hearing, her saying wa-wa the beginning of Roger. I am so proud of our little love's new word, her first pirate word." He smiles at his little love. "You said your first pirate word little love.""You got to see your little pirate say our second home's name first.""Aye, it was a very special daddy-daughter moment. Hope loved crawling around w most of the ship. I let her hold the steering wheel and we had storytime and took a nap in my captain quarters, it was fun. I even taught Hope how to sail a little bit, a beginners class for our littlest pirate."Emma smiled. "Hope did Daddy gave you a sailing lesson?" Hope babbled. "I know Hope loved her first sailing lesson with her Dada." Killian shows his wife and son the many pictures of Hope he took on the ship, their sailing lesson and their daddy-daughter selfies together."Killian, Hope looks so happy in the photos. It looks like you and Hope had a very fun daddy-daughter time.""Aye, Hope loved it but Hope mostly wanted to hold onto the steering wheel and did not want to let go." Emma giggles."Hope definitely is a stubborn little pirate.""Aye, she takes after her Mommy and her Dada.""That is right." They kiss."Little sis, did you have fun Daddy?" Hope babbled. Henry tickles Hope which makes her laugh. "I know Daddy will give us a sailing lesson together. Daddy is the best teacher.""Dada.""That is right, we have the best Daddy ever." Emma and Killian smile each other knowing their children love them so much and they are so close."Lad, how was your one on one time with Mom?""It was fun. Can we play video games later?""Aye, yes we can. Is your homework done?""Yes, Dad. I have a test on Monday in math can you help me study for it?""Yes, I can Henry." Hope began to cry."Hopey, are you hungry? You and Dada were on the Jolly Roger for a long time. I know you just hungry." Emma nurses Hope who latched on quickly."While you were giving Hope a sailing lesson, Mom and I watched a movie marathon.""What movies did you watch?""The Princess Bride and Star Wars.""Let me guess your Mom's favorite movie first?""Yes, it was her idea to watch movies together. We watched The Princess Bride first and I chose the next one, Star Wars. Both of them are on Netflix. We talked about you and Mom's trip to back in time."Killian smiled. "Aye, is it because of Princess Leia?""Yes." They laughed."That is when I knew you cared for me and never leave me.""Aye, you know that I will never leave you." They kiss. Henry looked away. Killian cuddled with his two loves and watched Netflix with his family.There were times when Henry would bring Hope into his parents' room to check on his Mom. Henry sat their parents' bed with Hope on his lap, "Hope, we have to be quiet, Mommy is sleeping. When Mommy wakes up we can play with her." Henry just lied next to her while she slept and when she would wake up seeing her two children sleeping right beside her waiting for her to wake up. Seeing her two children in her bed waiting for her made Emma happier that her children wanting to be with her and she is not alone. Emma sees Henry sitting next to her with Hope on his lap chewing on her chew ring toy. "Hey, kid. Hi Hope.""Mommy is awake little sis." Hope babbled."What are you two up to?""Hope and I just want to keep you company, right little sis?" Hope babbled and hit her chew toy onto her brother's face. "Hopey." Henry gave his sister kisses."Hope, be nice to Henry." Hope babbled."Mom, Hope is playing with me that is all. Hope is a cute little pirate princess. I know she will never hurt me on purpose." Emma chuckled. Henry moved closer to their Mom. "Are you okay?" Emma hugs her children. "Just having you and Hope right next to me is making me feel better. I have both of my children with me.""Mom, you are not alone. You have Dad and me to help you when you need us and Hope who loves being with you. Right Hope we are giving Mommy extra love?" Hope reached her arms out to her Mommy. Emma was in aww and picks up Hope from Henry and gave her hugs. "You love giving Mommy love." Hope babbled and Emma gave her kisses."I told you, Mom, you are the best Mom.""I have the best children with me." She gives Henry a hug and Hope on her. Henry hugs his Mom back.Hope was ten months old. Emma takes a picture of Hope next to her month bear with the pink blocks that say 10 months. "You are ten months old Hope!" Hope smiled. Emma gets her daughter from the crib. "Do you want Mommy and Hopey time in my room?" Hope smiled. Emma takes Hope to her room. Emma loved seeing Hope crawling around on her bed. She read books to her, they played, talked and sing songs. Emma lied down on her bed and Hope crawled to her. "Mommy?"Emma smiles. "Hopey, my tummy still hurts but I am getting better." Hope puts her hand on her Mommy's face. "Little duck, you know when I am sad. You always make me happy Hope." Hope smiled. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, You make me happy when skies are grey, You'll never know, dear, how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away." Hope smiled and hugged her Mommy's face. Emma laughed, "Hopey. Are you hugging my face?" Hope babbled. She tickles her daughter, and they both laugh, "Tickle, tickle." Hope was laughing so much, making her Mommy very happy. Killian sees his two loves playing together and took a picture of their girl time, he hasn't seen his wife this happy in days since they were in New York. Henry comes home from school with his homework done. He finds his sister with their Mom on the bed. "Hi, Mom. Hi, Hopey." He hugs his Mom. "How are you today?""I am not that in much pain as a few days ago. Hope and I are having girl time, we are playing, singing songs and reading books that we got from New York." Hope began to cry. "Hopey, are you hungry?" She picks up Hope and nurses her. While Hope was being nursed she makes poop. "You need a diaper change after you eat my little pirate. How was school today?""It was good. Ever since you and my other Mom stood up for me and got James suspended. He and his jock friends avoid me in school Mom, you really scared him."Emma smiled. "Yes, I was on mama bear mode times one hundred that day, if someone hurts you or Hope, I get the person payback fight and scare that person. No one hurts my babies."Henry hugs his Mom. "Thank you, Mom, for always sticking up for me.""It is my job as your Mom." Hope began to cry."Mom, I can change Hope." Henry brings Hope to her room to be changed. Hope made a lot of poop. "Hope, you are going to be clean soon little sis." Henry cleans off Hope and put her in a clean diaper and he puts a new onesie on her that says, "I love my Mommy." He puts a bow headband on her. "You are in a new outfit." Hope rolls on her belly. "Hope." Henry takes Hope to their parent's bedroom and sees their Mom sleeping. "Hope, Mommy is sleeping. We are going to have Henry and Hopey time. Do you want to play in the park with me?" Hope smiled. Henry brings Hope downstairs. "Hi, Dad.""Hi, Henry and Hope.""I just changed Hope's diaper. Can I take Hope to the park?" Killian smiled."Aye, yes you can Henry. Hope needs to get fresh air, she been inside all day." Hope reached out to her Daddy and Killian gets his little lass from his son. "Little love, are you going to the park with Henry?" Hope smiled. Henry gets Hope's diaper bag upstairs. "Little love you are being such a good little lass. When you get home later, we can have Daddy-daughter time." Hope holds Killian's hook. "Aye, we are going to have one on one time." He puts Hope in her stroller. "Dad, how being home with Mom and Hope?""Hope and I played down here while your Mom napped and Hope had one on one time with Mommy. You are helping so much with Hope, lad."Henry smiled. "I love making Hope happy. I know you and Mom need alone time." Henry hugs his Dad. "How are you holding up?""I am still sad but helping your Mom and Hope have been keeping me busy which is a good thing.""Dada." Killian smiles at his little love."Are you having fun with Dada at home more?" Hope gripped his leather jacket. "Aye, you are my little pirate. When Mommy feels better we can go on the Jolly Roger to sail." Hope babbled very loudly. Killian gave Hope kisses on her cheek and made her laugh."Dad, that is a yes from your littlest pirate.""Aye, you are right, Henry. Hope be a good little lass to Henry at the park. I know you two will have a lot of fun together." Henry puts Hope in her stroller. "Dad, I will call anything happens." Hope began to fuss. Henry gives Hope her big Pluto to hold. "Henwy." He kisses Hope on the head."Thank you, Henry. Your Mom needs to rest and Hope needs fresh air.""I like helping out and get extra time with my little sis." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope, we are going to the park. Say bye-bye to Daddy." Hope babbled. Henry pushes the stroller and Hope to the park. Hope was babbling away as Henry brought Hope to the playground, through town. They see their Grandpa. "Hi, Gramps.""Hi, Henry. Hi, Hope. How is my favorite princess?" Hope babbled. He rubs Hope's cheek. "Where are you two off to?""We are going to the park. Dad has been taking care of Mom and Hope all day, I knew that they needed alone time. I have been helping with Hope a lot." Hope dropped her Pluto doll and began to cry. Henry gives her Pluto doll back to Hope. "I got it, little sis, don't cry. Here you go, Hope. Hold onto your Pluto you do not want to lose him. ""Henwy." He kisses Hope on her cheek."Henry, I can walk with you and Hope to the park. I have not seen you both in a long time." They walked to the park together. "I know, we were very busy before vacation and when we came home...it has been rough but Dad and I are working together keeping Mom and Hope happy. Aunt Allison has been coming by helping around the house, watching Hope and talking with Mom. We are all showing our love to Mom more ever since..." Charming puts his hand on Henry's shoulder. "Even though it has been rough mostly for Mom, I get to have extra time with Hope. Hope has been a very good girl listening to Dad and I when Mom is resting. I came home and Hope was with Mom. We are there for her. By the way, did you know that Grandma came to our house after my Dad told her my mom did not want her around at the hospital.""That where she went after we left the hospital I thought she went to the woods to shoot arrows at trees to vent. No wonder why she was still mad when she returned back.""I stood up for my Mom who did not need another fight with Grandma. Dad was arguing with Grandma while I lead Mom and Hope inside, Mom was in so much pain on Sunday. I am just happy that it is Thursday and tomorrow is Friday. Then it is the weekend, I can be home helping Dad by being there for Mom and Hope.""I know you are helping so much. Hope is loving your time with you.""Yes, Hope loves playing with me. We do art together, talk, read my storybook and I been chasing her around the house." They arrived at the park. Henry takes Hope out of the stroller. "Hope, do you want to go on the swings?" Hope smiled. "Hopey, Gramps is joining us. Do you want him to push you on the swings?" Hope smile. Henry puts Hope in the swing and Charming pushed Hope. Henry took pictures of their Gramps spending time with Hope. Hope fussed. Charming takes Hope out of the swings. "Hope, did you have fun on the swings?" Hope babbled and Charming kisses his granddaughter on the head. "Little sis, do you want to crawl on the grass? We can show Grandpa how much you can crawl now." Henry leads Charming and Hope to the grass area and laid down a blanket. Hope crawled around, "Henry, Hope is getting better at crawling.""Yes, she is getting better every single day, Mom calls it the worm crawl." Hope babbled. Henry took out Pluto. Charming tickles Hope with Pluto, making Hope laugh. Henry was enjoying watching Hope playing with Grandpa. Henry hears Leo screaming, "That is my Daddy.Get away from him." Leo was running over to their spot. Henry quickly gets his sister and holds her against his chest. "That is my Daddy. Get away from him." Leo grabs Hope's big Pluto and throws it far away. Hope began to wail.Henry was mad. "Leo get my sister's toy back."Leo faced Henry full of anger. "NO!"Charming was mad and faces his son eye to eye, "Neal Leopold Charming get Hope's toy right now!" Leo trudges to get Hope's Pluto doll. Snow White came running. "What are you doing here Snow?""We wanted to come to see you at work but Granny told me that she saw you with Henry and Hope heading to the park.""Leo saw me playing with Hope, got jealous and throws her toy far away." Leo returns with the toy. "Leo give it back to Henry and Hope, now." Leo smiled and threw the Pluto on the grass stomped his feet on the Pluto. Henry was furious, as Hope was wailing. "I will do the same to your toys ruin them. You are a mean five-year-old, you are not going to have any friends since you are so mean." Henry takes her big Pluto doll put it in the stroller. "Your son made things worse Grandma, Hope was having fun with Gramps until you and Leo arrived. Thanks to him, I have to bring Hope home upset." Hope was wailing. "Hope, we are going home little sis. We are going to get your Pluto fixed. Uncle Leo is mean and takes after our grandma who both like to cause trouble." He looks at their grandma, "You need to get Leo darkness controlled. We as in my Mom, Hope Dad and I do not trust you. Your son ruined Hope's favorite toy." Hope gripped her brother. "You are with me little sis, we are going home to Mommy and Daddy." He pushed the stroller with one hand and carried Hope in the other and went home.Killian was able to relax for a few hours with his wife sleeping in their bed and he cuddles her and napped together. Emma wakes up knowing she was in her husband's arms. "Hi, Killian.""Hello, love." Emma turns to face her husband."Where are the kids?""Henry took Hope to the park. He offered to bring her and our little love needs fresh air. We get to have alone time. How are you feeling love?""I am in less pain physically and mentally...I just cannot believe that I had a miscarriage..I feel awful that it happened." Emma began to cry and Killian hugs her."Love, you did nothing wrong. No one is mad or blaming you. We love you, Emma. Hope, Henry and I love you so much.""The baby had no heartbeat, it was not my fault...I am in pain and I don't even know where I miscarried in New York, on the plane or in Maine? Am I that a bad person for not knowing?"He rubs his wife's back. "No, love. You have a good kind caring heart and personality. You are an amazing person. You thought you were having a period, only a doctor would know that you miscarried. Allison knew something was wrong once she saw you. I knew something was wrong with you when we were at TSA. Then on the plane, I watched you carefully; I was worried love if anything happened up in the air...I would not know what to do. I am just relieved that Allison was there with us when you almost fainted. She helped me with the kids so I focus on you, my wife. I was afraid that I was going to lose you. You are with me now, with our family. If I lost you...I don't know what to do. You are my home love. I would be lost without you." Emma hugged her husband."You are my home, Killian. You are there for me, our family, and on my side when I need you the most. You did not let go of me when we were in the hospital, I was afraid the whole time and when we found out..." Killian holds his wife tighter. "You were right next to me when we got the worst news ever...I hate failing people...but knowing you were with me in one of the worst situations of my life, this is coming from the foster system, living on the streets as a runaway, having Henry in prison...out of all the worse parts of my life I was alone and then this happens...you were there and stayed with me no matter what, held me and was at my side when I needed you the most...I was not alone you were there. You were there right next to me and did not leave my side." Emma cried more and Killian hugs his wife. "You are there for me, supporting me during my family feud to a few days ago and stood up for me so many times in the fights ...thank you. I love you so much.""I will always be on your side ever since we met. I will support you, be there for you. You are my wife, my best friend and first mate. I hate seeing you hurt and fighting. When someone threatens or cause fights with my wife, I am always going to defend you when you are being threatened, that is my job as your husband to protect my family, keep you happy, safe and your heart have no walls. I worked very hard for you to trust me and break down those walls. Once I broke your walls, I knew it was my job to keep the walls down because I love you so much that I do not want anyone to hurt you ever again." Emma hugs her husband."You are doing your job.""Aye, yes I am. I do need to protect my beautiful wife from getting hurt and not be alone. I am never going to lose you, Zeus is the one who brought me back to life and brought me back to you.""You helped us defeat Hades.""Aye, now, we are married, have a normal life with our family. Zeus is Hope's godfather.""Yes, the most powerful Greek god of all gods is our daughter's godfather.""He is helping us watch over Hope. He brought you back to me, my home. You are my home, Killian.""Aye,I am with you my forever home." They kiss."I love you, Killian. I love our life together with you and our children, this life with you is all I can ever ask for.""Aye, we are living our life together through the good times and bad times. That is what family do they stick together, be there for everyone, love one another and help one another no matter what." He hugs his wife. "I am sad that we lost the baby but we have our two amazing kids.""Yes, we have pretty amazing children. I just want to focus on them. I am not ready for another baby or child just yet.""Aye, our little love is showing us her personality already."Emma chuckled. "That is right our little girl takes after you and me.""Mostly you love.""Killian, I am still in pain.""I can get you a hot heating pad.""Instead of a heating pad, can you run a bubble bath for me?"Killian smiles. "Of course, love. One bubble bath coming right up." They kiss."Oh, wait." She gets a bath bomb. "We can use this.""Aye, I will put it in." As Killian runs Emma a bath using a pink sparkly bath bomb in the tub. Emma came into the bathroom naked. "Killian..." Killian jaw drops and takes his shirt off. They make out. "I do need a bubble bath. I do not want to be alone in the tub?" She gives him a flirty look and put her hands on his chest."Aye, we can do a bubble bath together." They kiss. Killian takes his clothes off and they get into the tub and make out for a little bit and cuddled. "This bubble bath is helping my stomach, and our kissing is making me happier." They smile at each other."I am glad that I am helping you, swan.""You have been so helpful taking caring of me and Hope. We both needed to relax." Killian held Emma in his arms, she always felt safe in his arms. After their bath, they changed into comfy clothes. They heard the door open and Hope wailing. "Killian, something is wrong." They rush downstairs seeing Hope wailing in Henry's arms, Henry furious mad and looked like he was about to cry. "Henry, Hope, what happened?" Emma hugs her two children and takes Hope from her son. "Hope, you are with Mommy baby girl...shh...shh...You are home with Mommy and Daddy, sweetie." She hugs her daughter and rubs her back to calm down Hope until she stopped crying.Killian puts his hand on his son's shoulder. "Lad, what happened at the park? Tell us, son.""It will be easier if I show you. Mom, make sure Hope is not looking." Emma continued to rub Hope's back and held her head. Henry took out Hope's big Pluto was destroyed, his parents were in shock. "Henry, who did this to Hope's Pluto doll?""Leo. We bumped into Gramps into town. He joined us at the park, Grandpa pushed Hope on the swings after we went on the grass...Grandpa was tickling Hope with Pluto and... I hear Leo yelling, "That is my Daddy. Get away from him." I instantly take Hope just in case he was going to hurt her again. He comes to us and throws the Pluto doll. Grandpa orders him to get the doll back, Hope was crying already. Grandma told Gramps that they were looking for him and Granny told them that he went to the park with us. Leo comes back with Pluto and stomps the Pluto on the grass. Hope was crying the whole way home, gripping me...I am just mad that Leo destroyed Hope's favorite toy...I am so sorry Hope. I should have grabbed you and Pluto..." Henry began to cry, Killian hugs his son as he looks at Emma. "Henry, you did the right thing lad. You protected Hope from Leo hurting her. He is very unpredictable with his actions. He hurt Hope so many times, you thought of Hope's safety and he could have hurt Hope again. You got Hope to safety which all that matters you protected Hope, son. Your Mom and I can fix Hope's Pluto doll.""Hopey, Mommy, and Dada will fix your Pluto doll. He is going to be alright. I know Leo is very mean." Hope gripped her Mommy. She hugs her daughter, "Hope, we are going to fix your Pluto. You are going to play with him in no time." She continued rubbing Hope's back and gave her kisses, Hope was gripping her."Dad, I know how much Hope loves her Disney plushies. I held onto Hope so tight because I did not want him to hurt Hope again."Emma talks to her son. "Henry, you made the smart decision. You know that Leo likes hurting Hope for fun, your brother instincts told you to get Hope and you did, Henry. Hope is not hurt, she is home safe with us which is most important, kid. She is very sad but we can fix Hope's Pluto doll. Leo was jealous of my Dad playing with your sister, Leo could have hurt or done something worse to Hope..." Emma blinked the tears from coming down. "We have a loss already...the point is that you got Hope to safety in your arms and out of Leo's way of hurting her again and we can fix her Pluto. If Leo hurt Hope or worse...Hope is not replaceable.""Mom, I understand what you're saying. Hope is our family and Leo could have hurt Hope much worse than he did ever. " Henry hugs his Mom. "We cannot lose Hope.""That is right, Henry." She kisses her son on the head. "You are Hope's hero today. You saved her from Leo."Henry smiles. "I am, aren't I?""Yes, you are Henry. Now let's see how we can fix this Pluto doll." Emma was still in pain. Killian read his wife's face. "Love, let's all sit down and figure out how we can fix Hope's Pluto." He guides his two loves to the couch. Henry goes upstairs and gets Hope's plushies. "Hope, look who I have." Hope sees all of the Disney plushies, Ariel, Winnie the Pooh, Captain Hook, small Pluto and not her big Pluto and began to wail. "Hope, I know you want your big Pluto little sis. Mommy and Daddy are going to fix your Pluto, I promise Hope you are going to play with Pluto again. I am mad at Leo that he hurt Pluto." He rubs Hope's cheek. "Pluto is going to get fixed, little sis. Don't cry.""Henry, can you look up on your iPhone how to fix a Disney plush doll? After you can bring the Disney plush dolls back up to her room.""Sure." Henry went on his iPhone and did research."Killian, I am pretty sure that Pluto needs to get cleaned up in the washing machine first.""Aye, I can do that.""Dad, I searched online on how to clean a Disney plush, you have to put it in a pillowcase and then into the washing machine and put it on gentle while drying." He shows his Dad directions."Lad, thank you for looking it up.""Your welcome, I want to make it up to Hope.""Henry, your sister is not mad at you. You are her hero today, she knows that you saved her from mean Leo.""I am not going to feel any better until Hope is happy and has her Pluto with her. I am her hero but I do not like seeing Hope unhappy.""Lad, you did what you have to save your sister." He rubs Henry's back and goes downstairs to clean the Pluto from the grass stains and dirt stains. Henry sits with his Mom and sister. "Mom, I am sorry. I got you more stressed which you do not need now. I am sorry, to you and Hope." Emma shifted Hope to her lap and got Henry to hug her. "You got Hope safe which all that matters. Pluto can be clean and fixed." She whispered to Henry in his ear, "If worse to come to worse, we can get Hope a new Pluto." Henry hugs his Mom. "You and Hope are not causing me stress. Hope needs her Mommy especially now when her Pluto doll was being tortured by my brother and you look so mad when you came in. I needed to give you both hugs and help as much as I can to make you both feel better again, that is my job as your Mom." She rubs Henry's back."I was mad and tired I had to push the stroller and hold Hope...""You did amazing today as her big brother, Hope knew that you weren't to let anything bad to happen to her. You got Hope not hurt from Leo. I know you are mad at Leo for throwing and dirtying up Pluto, he can be fixed, Henry. Hope you are not mad at Henry? Henry is your hero right?" Hope reached her hand out and touched Henry's face which makes her big brother smile. "I am your hero, Hope. " Hope babbled."Hope, are you saying you love Henry?" Hope babbled."See, I told you she is not mad at you, Hope knows that you saved her today from getting hurt from Leo.""I am always going to be there for you little sis. I am your hero, that is my job as your big brother." He kisses Hope on the head. The doorbell rings, "Henry, help me up." Henry helps his Mom stand up. "Hope, Let's see who is at the door." Emma opens the door and sees her parents and her brother. "Dad, Mom, Leo what are you doing here?" She holds Hope closer to her knowing her brother is near them. Henry joins his Mom and sister once he knew Leo was there while their Mom held Hope tighter in her arms, Hope was crying knowing her uncle was there. "You do know Leo is not allowed here?""Yes, Emma. Leo owes Hope an apology. Leo, do you have something to say to Hope?""No."Snow White bends down to Leo."Leo, you need to apologize to Hope right now."Henry looked at his Mom. "Mom, I can hold Hope." Henry takes Hope and kneels down to Leo's level. "Leo, what do you have to say to Hope?"Leo was face to face with his little niece, "Hope. I ...am... sorry for throwing your toy." Leo said it in a not really meaning it, which Hope knew. Hope kicked her mean uncle Leo in the face and smiled. Leo got mad and was about to hit Hope, Henry holds Hope against him to protect her and got away from their little uncle as Emma grabs her brother's hand she was in mama bear mode, "Do not even think about laying your hand on my daughter. You do not hurt your family and you have to be nice. You do not hurt Hope. If you lay your hand on Hope ever again or try to destroy Hope's toy again you are going to be in big trouble. Do you understand?""I like hurting Hope.""You do not hurt her or anyone else." Emma was mad. "Do you understand me, Leo?""Yes and no. I just like hurting Hope, it is fun.""You are not welcome in this house, if you ever hurt my daughter again you are going go to jail.""Emma, Hope kicked Leo in the face.""Yes, Mom she giving him payback for all of the pain he caused her, she is 10 months old and knows that her uncle hurts her. He almost hurt her again today twice right in front of you and he likes hurting her for fun, he is not a good Mom. You do not see that by now?"Charming puts his hand on his wife's shoulder, to prevent another mother-daughter argument. "Emma, we are working on it.""You definitely need to work on it more, he almost hurt Hope twice today, if Henry did not get to Hope on time he would have hurt Hope again and who knows what will happen this time.""I know, Emma. I do not want Hope hurt as much as you do. Leo won't come here again.""I want to hurt Hope.""That is why you are not coming over here again, Leo." Charming, Snow White and Leo leave. Emma closes the door, she sees Henry talking to Hope who was hugging him, "Good kick little sis. You kicked Leo right in the face. It is about time he gets payback for all the hurting he caused you. You are a little kicker just like our Mommy."Emma smiled and leans to Hope. "Hope, you kick just like Mommy. I told you that you are a little fighter." Hope smiled and reached out her arms. Emma smiles as she gets her daughter from her son. "When you are older, Mommy will teach you on how to fight. I knew you are going to be a little fighter like me because you were a little kicker when you were in my belly." She kisses Hope on the head as Hope babbled happily."Henwy.""Hopey, I am right here little sis." He gives Hope kisses on her cheek."I think Hope is saying thank you for saving me twice in one day." Henry smiles and kisses Hope on the head. "I am always going to be your hero little sis. That is my job as your big brother." Hope puts her hand on Henry's face. "Henwy."Emma smiles. "I told you, kid. You are Hope's hero.""Yes, I am." He kisses Hope on the head and makes her laugh. Killian comes upstairs from the basement and sees his family having a moment. "Swan, what did I miss?""Well, Hope showed Henry and I that she takes more after me."Killian smiles. "Oh, really? What did she show you?""My parents brought Leo over here to apologize to Hope. Hope was crying once she knew Leo was here and Henry held Hope as Leo apologized to Hope, she knew he did not mean any of it." Emma smiles. "Hope kicks her foot into my brother's face. She takes after me a little fighter." Killian smiles seeing how proud Emma was of their little lass takes from her fighting skills."Little love, did you kick Leo like Mommy fighting a villain?" He rubs Hope's cheek and makes her smile."Leo was so mad he was about to hurt Hope, Henry got Hope away as I grabbed Leo's hand.""Dad, Mom was in mama bear mode.""Aye, I can imagine that.""Hope gave Leo a good kick in the face, she gets that from our Mom." Hope babbled."Little love, did you like kicking your mean uncle in the face?"Hope smiled, "Mommy."Killian smiled. "Aye, you get your fighting skills from your Mommy. I know when you are older, you are going to get fighting lessons from your Mommy." Hope babbled and Killian tickled his little lass's tummy. Hope grabbed his hook and Killian takes Hope from his wife. "Little love, do you want to have Daddy daughter time?""Mommy.""Aye, Mommy can join us.""Hope, do you want a story, little sis? I can read a story to you." Henry goes upstairs to his room to get his storybook. "Killian, Hope is a little pirate and she is going to be a little fighter just like me.""Aye, I knew once I married you a strong woman our little love would take after her Mommy.""Yes, she definitely takes after me." They kiss. "How is the project downstairs?""In the dryer." Hope fussed in her Daddy's arms. "Hope, you want to be with your Mommy?"Emma takes Hope from Killian, Hope snuggled into her Mommy's chest. "How are you feeling love?""My stomach still hurts, Henry kneeled down with Hope so Leo can apologize to her and once Leo was about to hit our little girl my mama bear mode came on and I ignored my pain to stop Leo from hurting our Hope. No matter how much pain I am in, Hope and Henry's safety is my top priority." She kisses Hope on the head."Do you need a hot water bottle?""Yes, and maybe my favorite drink.""Aye, cinnamon hot chocolate for my love." Emma sits down on the couch with Hope. Hope fussed in her Mommy's arms. "Hope, do you want to crawl?" Emma sits on the carpet and lets Hope crawl around in the baby gates. Hope began to cry. Emma takes her out of the baby gated area and lets her crawl by her. "You just wanted to be near Mommy." Hope smiled big and stood up grabbing the couch. "Hope, you are standing up. You are becoming such a big girl." She clapped her hands. Emma saw Hope took a step toward her, Emma smiled big. "Come to Mommy, Hope." Hope took another step. "You are cruising baby girl." Emma recorded Hope cruising to her, holding the couch and making a step towards her. "Killian! Henry!" Killian rushes back from the basement. Henry returns downstairs with the book, "Hope, are you ready for a story?" The boys see Hope cruising to Emma. "Come, to Mommy Hope." Hope let go and falls toward to her Mommy but Emma catches her just in time. "I got you, Hope. You did such a good job, cruising to Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head and Hope hugs her back."Mom, is Hope walking?""She is starting to walk, Henry. Hope is just beginning to cruise around, she is taking baby steps holding onto the couch, it is a start.""Little love, did you took your first steps to your Mommy?" Hope babbled. "Aye, Daddy saw you walk to Mommy. I am very proud of you little love." He kisses Hope on the cheek."Little Sis, you are starting to walk." They heard a laundry machine beep."Love, I will work on the project downstairs." Killian goes back to the basement."Mom, can Hope cruise over to me?""We can try. Hope you want to cruise over to Henry?" Emma puts the heating pad on her stomach as Hope crawled to Henry. "Aww, Hope."" Mom, Hope just wanted her big brother." Henry gave Hope kisses. "Who is the best little sister ever?" Hope babbled. "That is right, that is you, Hope." He tickles Hope. Hope drops her pacifier from her mouth. "Hope, do you want your paci?" He puts it in her mouth, "Here you go, Hopey." Hope grips Henry's shirt and tries to stand up. Henry smiles and helps Hope stand up with his hands, helping her balance. Henry smiled big, "Mom!" Emma takes pictures of Hope standing up with Henry's help."Yes, Henry. I see Hope, kid. Hope wants to stand up with your help.""You are doing great little sis." Hope falls and her brother catches her on time and she gives Henry a big hug."Hopey, are you giving your brother a hug?"Henry smiles big, "Mom she is giving me a big hug. You give the best hugs, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope.""I can tell." Emma takes a picture of Hope hugging Henry. "She loves her big brother.""She loves me and I love her." Emma watched her children play together happily as she was resting, Henry was an amazing big brother to Hope, he was helping Hope to learn to stand."Are you hungry Henry?""Yes, I am.""We have leftovers in the fridge. I know Hope needs to be fed soon." Hope reached over to their Mom. "Mom, Hope wants you to carry her." Emma gets Hope from her son. "Hope, do you want num nums?" Hope babbled. "That is a yes from you.""Hope, I can choose your food little sis." Emma gets Hope in the high chair. Henry gets food ready for his sister to eat, avocado chopped up, blueberries and a little bit of chicken and put it in a plate. "Here you go, little sis.""Hope, Henry made your dinner for you, say thank you." Hope babbled. "Henry, I know Hope is saying thank you.""I know. I got Hope a healthy meal for her to eat.""I know Hope will love it. You are getting better at preparing Hope's meals.""I have been helping her try new foods all week.""Thank you for helping this week.""Mom, you help us all the time and we help you. I got to learn how to cook for Hope this week, and Mom I learned the hard way what Hope doesn't like to eat.""What did she do?""Oh, not eat the food after one try of new food or dump the plate on the floor or on her high chair table."Emma gave Hope a fake surprise look. "Hope, did you give Henry trouble feeding you?" Hope chewed on her spoon and babbled. "You are being a little pirate, little sis." He kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope puts her slobbery spoon on her brother's face. "Little Sis, you love being a little pirate." Hope babbled. Emma loved seeing her two children's relationship getting closer. Emma spoon feeds Hope her food. Hope ate most of her food. Emma cut up the chicken into smaller pieces for Hope. Emma pours milk into a bottle for Hope. "Hope, you can try milk from this bottle." She hands over the bottle and Hope tried and began to cry and drops the bottle. "Hope." Emma takes Hope from the high chair. "You have to try other milk, sweetie." Hope continued to cry"Mom, why is Hope crying?""I gave her normal milk. She wants my breast milk.""She drinks from the bottle when Dad and I feed her.""Yes, but it is still my breast milk." Killian enters the kitchen."Hope, what is the matter, little love? Why are you crying, my little pirate?""Hope tried regular milk and threw the bottle and began to cry. I think I need to slowly get her to try regular milk." Hope tugs her Mommy's shirt. "Hope, I will nurse you." Emma nurses Hope. "Now you are happy, you just want Mommy's milk." She kisses Hope on the head."Love, why did you give her regular milk?""I am trying to wean off breastfeeding.""Oh, really?""Yes, Allison told me that babies can be nursed until 2 years old. If Hope wants to be breastfed until she is two I do not mind but I want my body back...I do not know why I chose to try tonight but I want Hope to get used to not leaning on my boobs...Hope is getting so big.""Aye, she is becoming a big lass but not too big."Emma giggles. "She can be nursed still, but in a few months I am slowly going to wean her off but for now, I am going to enjoy my special time with our little girl.""Aye, enjoy it, love. I know Hope is enjoying her extra time with you."Emma smiles down at Hope. "Yes, Hope loves her extra time with me. How is the project downstairs?""It is getting dry.""Any other damage?""It is hard to tell but I have to see once it is all dry.""I really hope we can fix it.""Love, we will. I do not want to see Hope upset as you do.""Me too, Dad.""I know son." Hope stopped nursing and began to cry. "I got her love." He takes Hope from his wife. "What is the matter, little love?" He rubs Hope's back slowly over his shoulder. "You are with Daddy little love." Hope pukes over her Daddy's shoulder. "Little love, did you eat too much? You are not in trouble, Hope. Do not cry. Shh..shhh..." He walks her around the kitchen until Hope slowly stops crying and hugs her Daddy. Emma cleans up the puke from the floor and back of Killian's shirt. "Killian, do you need a new shirt?""Hope is comfy on me, love. I do not need a clean shirt just yet." He sits on the chair with Hope while Henry and Emma ate their dinner. "You are happy with Dada little love.""Dada."Emma smiles. "She loves her time with her Dada.""Aye, I did promise one on one time with her. Hope, we are going to have Daddy-daughter time in the living room." He takes Hope to the living room as Emma and Henry ate their dinner. "Little love, you want to cruise to dada?" He sits on the carpet and let Hope crawled around and she grabs the couch. "You are a strong little lass, just like your Mommy." Hope babbled. "Come to Dada little love." Hope took small steps, her Daddy was watching her walk holding the couch to walking towards him so proud. "You are doing great little love." Hope let's go and about to fall but Killian catches her in time, "Dada caught you just in time, little love." He lets Hope sit on his lap. "You did great, little love. I am so proud of you. If you need help you can always come to Daddy." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope babbled. "I know when we go on the Jolly Roger I need to set up more baby gates on my ship." Hope babbled. "You are my little pirate, I do not want you to get hurt." Hope babbled and grabbed his hook. "Aye, when we go sailing you can help me steer. I know you will like to explore you can but you have to be safe at the same time when we sail you have to wear a life jacket, safety is always first. Do you understand?" Hope babbled loudly. "Aye, that is my little pirate." Killian tickles Hope and makes her laugh. "Hope, do you want to play flying Jolly Roger?" Hope tugged her Daddy's hook. Killian gently flew Hope around the living room. "We are going up....we are going down..up...We need to land on the ocean little love steer down...." He makes Hope feel like they were sailing on the waves. Emma watched from a distance took some pictures and videos, Killian's one on one time with their little girl. "Little love, we are getting back to our port prepare to land." He lands Hope on the couch, Hope was still laughing. "Aye, you like being my little pirate." He gave her raspberries on her belly and makes her laugh and she grabs her Daddy's hair. "Little love, are you tugging Daddy's hair?""Dada."Killian smiles. "I can never be mad at you." Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you tired, little love?" He stops playing and holds her against his chest. He sniffs his daughter. "You need a change, little love." The dryer machine alarms go off."Killian, I can get our little pirate ready for bed and changed." Emma takes Hope from her Daddy. "Hope, Mommy saw you playing pirates with Dada. Did you have fun?" Hope babbled. "Yes, you get to play with Dada so much this week. I know you are loving your extra daddy time." Hope grabbed her Mommy's hair."Hopey.""Our little love wants her time with her Mommy.""Hope just wants to spend time with her family today.""Aye, that is right love. I will let you know about the project." They kiss. Killian goes to the basement and Emma takes Hope up to her room to get a clean diaper and changes Hope into a pink onesie with ducks on them. Henry brings in his storybook to Hope's bedroom seeing his Mom rocking Hope to sleep. "Mom, can I read Hope a story?""Kid, I think it is one story, for now, your sister is getting sleepy.""Hope, one story. Once upon a time, there was a mermaid name Ariel...." Halfway through the story, Hope was fast asleep on her Mommy. "Good night, Hope. I love you so much, baby sis." Henry kisses Hope on the head.Killian went to the basement and took the Pluto out of the dryer, it had a rip and fluffing came out. "This is not good." He gets his iPhone out and makes a call. "Hi, Granny.""Hi, Killian. What can I get you?""Not food Granny. Do you know anything about sewing?""Yes, I do. How can I help?""Leo got jealous of Hope playing with Charming. He threw and stomped on Hope's big Pluto doll at the park. I washed it and dried in the dryer machine but it has a rip and losing it's stuffing.""Killian, I can come over now and fix it. It is my fault for telling Snow White where Charming was, I did not expect them to go and Leo's ruining Hope's toy.""Aye, I will see you soon." Emma heard the doorbell and she puts Hope in her crib, Henry was in his bedroom sleeping. She opens, the door. "Hi, Granny.""Hi, Emma. How are you and Hope?""I am recovering as it should be...Hope had a rough day today one of her favorite plush dolls got ruined by my brother.""I heard Hope had a rough day from Killian, he called and asked for my assistance in sewing.""Love, I had to ask Granny to come over since she has sewing skills. Hope's big Pluto ripped and stuffing came out.""Hope is going to be devastated.""Emma, I can sew fluff it up and sew it up, it will look good as new by the time, I finish it. I sewed many dolls for Ruby especially before she knew she was part wolf." Granny stuffed Pluto with fluffing to even it out and make sure it was fluffy for Hope to hug and sewed the tear in the living room with needle and thread, Killian and Emma watched. "Pluto is all ready for Hope.""Granny thank you so much. Hope is going to be so happy to see her favorite plush doll to be fixed.""You are very welcome, Emma. It was my fault that I told your Mom where your Dad was with your children.""My mom and brother have been causing trouble for Henry, Hope and I, it has been just crazy." They hear Hope crying from the baby monitor. "I will be right back, Hope is going to be so happy to see her Pluto doll fixed." Emma gets Hope from her crib. "What is the matter baby girl? Bad dream?" She sniffs Hope, "You need a change." Emma changes Hope's diaper. Henry enters the room, "Mom, any update on the project?""Yes, Granny helped us with it.""Is it fixed?""Yes, Henry Granny stuffed it and sewed it up and looks good as new. ""Can I be the one to give it to Hope?"Emma smiles. "Yes, Henry." Hope makes more poop. "Hope, are you being a little stinker?" Hope babbled."Mom, I will meet you and Hope downstairs." Henry goes to the living room. Emma changes Hope's diaper and holds Hope. "Hope, we are going downstairs." Emma takes Hope downstairs, Henry hides the big Pluto behind his back. "Hopey, I got a surprise for you." He shows Hope her big Pluto doll all fixed. Hope babbled loudly, "Henwy." Henry gives Hope her Pluto doll. All of the adults were smiling at Hope's reaction and Henry giving Hope her Pluto doll. Hope babbled as she gripped her toy. "Hope, I really am sorry that I did not get Pluto in time. I needed to get you in my arms to protect you so our mean little uncle did not hurt you again. Do you forgive me?" Hope reached her hand out and placed it on his cheek. "Henry, Hope is not mad at you, she knows that you got her to safety from Leo who could have hurt her much worse than..." Henry hugs his Mom."I am Hope's hero.""Yes, you are her hero Henry and her amazing big brother." She talks to Hope. "Hopey, are you happy that your Pluto is fixed?" Hope screamed in happiness."That is a yes from Hope, Mom.""Hope, say thank you to Granny and Dada for fixing Pluto.""Emma, just seeing how happy Hope is, a thank you enough." She talks to Hope. "Hope, when you come to the diner, I know you are going to be holding your Pluto with you." Hope chewed on her Pluto. Granny leaves."Little love, Pluto is good as new. You can chew and play with it with your heart desire. You can bring him onto our ship." Hope smiled and he kisses his lass on the head. "I love to see you, happy little love." He wrapped his arms around his two loves. "I told you, love, that we can fix it.""You are right, captain. Now our little pirate is very happy." She kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, back to bed.""No." They all laughed."Yes, you need your sleep, sweetie. Your Pluto can sleep right next to you in your crib.""Mom, I can read Hope another story.""Henry, you have school in the morning.""Mom.""Henry you need your sleep, too.""Yes, Mom." He kisses Hope on her cheeks. "I am so happy that your Pluto is fixed. Tomorrow after I come home from school, we are going to have Henry and Hope time." He kisses Hope on the head and goes back to bed. Emma rocked Hope to sleep, kisses Hope on the head and put her daughter in her crib with big Pluto right next to her. "Sweet dreams, Hope. Mommy loves you." She goes to her room and cuddles with her husband. "Killian.""Yes, swan?""I have an idea for Hope's birthday present from the both of us and something she will have in her whole childhood, also a childhood dream of mine to have when I have my own family...""What is the idea love?""I have been thinking we can get Hope a playground, like a swing set, a slide to go with her pirate ship in the backyard."Killian smiled. "Love, that is a great idea. I know Hope will love her own personal playground in her own backyard.""Really?""Aye, Hope and Henry can play in the backyard together and not have any issues at the park. We can take her to the park but having it right in our backyard will be great too when Hope can run around and play before bedtime. We can watch her play from inside the house.""Yes. I want Hope and Henry to have a place in the backyard to have fun together, we are going to use the baby pool in the summer.""Aye, our little love is going to be crawling.. wait, walking and sneaking her way in the pool and onto her own little Jolly Roger. I am going to set her Jolly Roger up soon, so Hope can play on it on her birthday.""She is going to love playing on her play version of her Daddy's ship.""That is our little pirate."" Oh, Hope is going to have swimming lessons soon.""When is her first swimming lesson?""In March 20th is her first swimming class when she turns 11 months old. The class is like a mommy and me class but in the pool.""Aye, let me know so I can come to watch.""I know our little pirate would love seeing her dada when she is learning how to swim. My little fish.""Aye, our little fish needs to know how to swim.""Yes, she wanted to be swim when she was growing inside of me.""Aye, she loves the water like her Dada."She kisses Killian's cheek. "Just like her dada." They fell asleep.The next afternoon, Emma and Henry were playing in the living room with Hope who wearing her Pluto shirt and floral leggings over a onesie and a pink bow headband. Hope was crawling around. Allison comes for a visit. "There is my best friend.""Hi, Allison.""Hi, Emma." They hug. "How are you?""I am in less pain. Come join us, we are playing in here.""Hi, Aunt Allison.""Hi, Henry. I brought you snacks.""Thank you, Aunt Allison."Allison smiles seeing Hope in her Pluto shirt. "Hi, Hope. I love your Pluto shirt." She sits next to her niece. Hope babbled. "No way, Henry got you the shirt in New York?" Hope smiled and fussed."Hope, Pluto is right here little sis." Henry hands over Hope's Pluto to his sister. Hope grabs it and chews on it. "Henwy."Henry smiles. "Yes, Hope. I am your hero and got a little help from Daddy and Granny with Pluto last night.""Hope, are you being a good girl for Mommy?" Hope smiles. Allison gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Hope almost fall backward sitting up and Emma caught Hope. "Hope, are you okay?" She got Hope's elephant pillow for her to lean on. "There you go, you can hug your Pluto and talk to Auntie Allison." She kisses Hope on the head.When Hope began to fuss, "Mom, Hope and I need to do some art. You and Aunt Allison can have girl talk.""Thank you, Henry. Just be careful with the paint and Pluto.""I am not going to let Pluto get dirty." Henry takes Hope upstairs to his room. "Hope, we are going to do some paint. Pluto can watch from my bed so you and I can paint together." Hope babbled.Emma and Allison talk in the kitchen and ate a snack together and have girl talk. "Emma, what happened with Hope's Pluto doll?""Henry took Hope to the park yesterday, on the way there they bumped into my Dad in town. He joins them to the park. While my Dad was playing with Hope with her Pluto. Leo comes running screaming "That is my Daddy. Get away from him." Henry instantly gets Hope into his arms and holds her as Leo comes to them and throws Hope's Pluto out of jealousy. My Dad told me to get her toy and he returns with it and stomps it on the ground." Allison was in shock. "Hope was in hysterical crying. Henry brought her home crying, he was mad and felt bad for getting Pluto ruined. Killian and I told him that he protected Hope, knowing of his past of hurting her for fun and he was jealous, who knows what he would have done to Hope...""Henry did the right decision. He protected his little sister.""I know, that what Killian and I told him all night. He felt really bad. Killian washed the Pluto in the washing machine and he saw the result afterward and called Granny. She came to stuff him and sew Pluto back together. Leo tried to ruin Hope's Pluto.""Pluto is fixed and looks brand new. I would have not known he was dirty and unstuffed yesterday if you did not tell me."Emma smiles. "My parents brought Leo over to apologize. Henry was holding Hope when Leo was apologizing to her, Hope was crying." Emma smiles. "Hope kicks Leo in the face."Allison laughed."Hope really did that?""Yes, she takes after her Mommy, she is a little fighter. After she kicks him, Leo got so mad and was about to hit Hope, I went into mama bear mode and grabs his hand and spoke to him in a serious tone. After they left, Henry and I were so proud of Hope she was a little kicker like when she was in my belly.""I can help for Hope's birthday.""I do need my best friend. I can use the help. I never had done a baby party before, I do need someone with experience.""I am the perfect person to help." They both laughed.Henry carries Hope who was holding her Pluto doll to their Mom and Aunt Allison. "Mom, Hope wants you.""You can give her to me." Henry gently puts Hope on their Mom's lap. "Hi, Hope. Did you have fun with Henry?" Hope babbled."Mom, Hope did cruising around by my bed. I made thank you card for Granny for helping us fix Pluto.""I know Granny is going to love it." Hope babbled. "Are you happy you have Pluto with you?" Hope leans back on her Mommy. "You just want to be with Mommy and hold your Pluto.""Mommy." Emma kisses Hope on the head."Hope, I heard what happen to your Pluto yesterday. Your Pluto looks good as new. Your Pluto doll takes after you can fight through anything like you." Hope chewed on her Pluto doll.The next evening, Killian returns home from town, he sees Henry and Hope in his room. "Lad, what are you and Hope up to?""We are making a gift for Mom. She has been very sad and we just want Mom to be happy. Hope, our gift will make Mommy happy?" Hope babbled and made poop."Lad, I can change Hope. You can continue on your surprise. I know this gift will cheer your mother up." Killian bathed Hope and changed her into her pajamas with anchors on them. Henry and Hope made a special art project for their Mom, using a canvas and paints. "Hope, do you think Mommy will like the gift we made for her to make her feel extra special?" Hope clapped her hands which makes Henry smile. "Let's go give it to her." Henry let Hope crawled into their parents' room as he carried their gift for her. Emma wakes up hearing Henry talking to Hope. She sees Hope on her bed and Henry hiding something behind his back."Hi, Henry and Hope. What are you two up to?""Hope and I made something for you. We both really hard on it.""I know that I will love it, Henry especially it is a gift from you and Hope." Emma closes her eyes and Henry puts the gift in her hands and he puts Hope on his lap. Emma opens her eyes and sees a painted canvas with ducklings following the mama duck in a pond, "You will always have your two little ducks right behind you. You are the best Mom. We love you, Henry and Hope." Emma cries happy tears "Come here." She hugs her children. Killian took pictures with his iPhone Henry and Hope giving Emma their gift to her."We know you have been really sad about the baby, we both wanted to show you in our way that we love you and want to cheer you up.""I love you both so much. I love this gift you both made me." She kisses both of them on their head. "Hope, did you have Henry with his art project?" Hope babbled."Mom, Hope gave me the idea of duckling since your story is the ugly duckling and your nickname for her is duckling. Hope also helped me painted the background with her hands. Dad helped me clean her up. It was a brother and sister project.""Henry, Hope you both did a beautiful job, I love it. Thank you both so much. You are making me feel better." She gives them a big hug."We love you, Mom. We wanted to make you feel better."Emma smiled. "You both already are making me feel better. I have the two best children in the world, which you both are." She hugs them tight. Hope began to cry. "Hopey." She takes Hope from her son. "I love the gift you made me with Henry. Thank you for the special gift." She kisses Hope on the head."Mommy.""Henry, thank you for the very thoughtful gift, I love it.""You are welcome, Mom. we both wanted to make you smile.""You both make me smile every single day.""Hope, we have to best Mommy little sis." He kisses his Mom the cheek. "I love you, Mom.""I love you too, Henry. I really love the gift." They talked more and cuddled together. Hope and Henry fell asleep on their parents' bed right next to their Mom. Killian sees his family together. "Swan."Emma smiles. "Hi. They gave me a special gift that they made for me.""Oh, really?""Yes, an ugly duckling painting, my story. After they gave me the gift, Henry and I talked now they are sleeping next to me. Both of them are being so sweet." Hope was sleeping on her big brother. Killian cuddles with his wife and watches Henry and Hope sleep."They wanted to show you how much they love you and want to be with you. "Emma smiles, "They cheered me up. I am still sad.""I know, love. I am still sad too.""We are getting through this as a family.""Yes, we are love. I am at your side.""I am so grateful for you, Henry and Hope. Our family.""You have all of us, Emma.""I have my family with me when I need you and I am always going to be there for you.""You are always there for us and we are there for you. That is our Swan-Jones family is to love each other, to be together and help one another.""That is right." Emma and Killian kiss and enjoy the family of four being together, which they will enjoy being with their children and family time. Being in Kilian's arms and with her children made Emma realized that she is going to get through this very difficult time of her life the unexpected miscarriage. Just having her loved ones supporting her, being her two children showing their love for her more than usual which was amazing. Killian at her side whenever she needs him. With Emma's family help, she is going to recovery very soon and going to be there for her family as they were being there for her in her time of need. Growing up alone and now with her family, she loves her family so much and would do anything for them as they are being there for her family means everything to her.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now