Family Support Each Other

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A week later after Hope came home from the hospital, Killian, Emma, and Henry were prepared for long nights with Hope during her recovery from her surgery. When Hope was in the hospital, the nurses taught Emma and Killian how to help Hope when she is in pain from her fractured rib. Killian and Emma were up with Hope most of the nights with Hope making her comfortable Henry spend time with his sister as much as possible by reading to her, talking to her and playing with her. Allison came by often to check up on Hope and watch her whenever Emma and Killian needed a break.
Killian was cleaning in the kitchen and Emma found Hope with Henry in the living room. Emma watched her two children have one on one time, which she loved. Hope was sitting on her brother's lap, Henry had a drawing pad in front of them. "Hope, you are helping me with my new art project." Hope babbled. "What do you think I do for my next drawing? Should I use color pencils, making the color pop or pencils? What do you think little sis?" He shows her a color pencil and a regular pencil. Hope grabbed the color pencil. "Good choice, Hope.Color pencil drawing it will be." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope you are my art assistant, you get to help me with my art decisions. Okay?" He kisses Hope on the head. Hope fussed on his lap. "Hope what is wrong?"
Emma enters the room and sits on the carpet nearby her two children. "I think your sister wants to move around, kid." She helps Henry make room for Hope to do tummy time on the carpet. Hope was in her tummy time position. "Hope, where do you want to go?" Hope began to scoot to her Mommy, Emma and Henry were surprised. "Killian!!"
Killian rushes in the living room. "Love, what is wrong? Is Hope alright?" He saw Hope scooting with his very own eyes and joined his family on the carpet watching his little lass scooting for the very first time.
Emma had tears in her eyes. "Come to Mommy baby." Hope made her first movement and started to cry. Emma picks up her daughter."Hope, you did great. Mommy is proud of you sweetie. I know you are hurting." She kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy is so proud that you can move on your own even just for a little bit." She hugs her daughter.
Killian was surprised with tears in his eyes and smiled big. "Little love, did you scoot to your Mommy?" Hope continued to cry. "Aye, Dada is so proud of you, little love." He kisses Hope on the head."Love, I will get Hope's ice." He returns and places ice on his daughter's fractured rib. "Here you go little love, do not cry. The ice will help your pain." He kisses Hope on the head and wrapped his arms around his wife and daughter.
"Killian, Hope is starting to move."
"Aye, we all got to see it."
"Yes, we did."
"Hope, I am so proud of you little sis." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "You can move around. Soon enough you can follow me around." Hope babbled.
"Killian, we have to put the baby gates up soon when Hope begins to crawling then we really have to watch our little pirate more than we do now."
"Aye, I know when Hope is in less pain and not in recovery anymore, she will be crawling a lot around here."
"Yes, you are right, captain. Our little pirate will take over the house very soon."
"Yes, she will Killian."
"Mom, can I have Hope back? Hope is my art assistant."
"Hope is your art assistant?"
"Yes, she is. Hope is helping me make decisions on my art projects."
"Is this for school or for fun?"
"This is for school but it is going to be fun. Since Hope cannot paint with me, I decided for Hope to help me with my art projects until she gets better or it can be part of our one on one time."
"I know Hope will have fun with you either way."
"Mom, when Hope is a little better, can Hope join my art class in school please?" Emma and Killian smiled. "Henry, Hope can join your art class at school but only if I am there and only when Hope is not in too much pain. I do not want Hope to disrupt your art class."
"Mom, I will make Hope so happy when she is with me in my class. Please."
"Okay, Henry. Hope can join your art class when she is in less pain not now."
"Deal." Hope made her poop face.
"Hope, do you need a change?" She sniffs her daughter. "You need a change sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Yes, Mommy will change you and get you ready for bed." Hope began to cry.
"After I change you. You can help Henry with his art project." Emma takes Hope upstairs to her room to get ready for the night.
"Dad, I am making Mom's Christmas gifts and Hope's at the pottery store tomorrow after school. What do you want for Christmas? I..I wanted you to get something that you like."
Killian smiled big. "Lad, you can get me anything or make anything that I like. I would love whatever you get me. As long it is from you, I will love it."
"Did you have Christmas before coming to Storybook?"
"Aye, when I was a lad, yes. My father gave me and Liam a present each one was candy. My father always was running from each port...he stole us candy for Christmas when I was seven years old...A few months later, he sold Liam and me into servitude..." Henry hugs his Dad hard.
"I love you, dad. You are nothing like your father at all. You are kind, caring and always there for me and Hope." Emma got Hope ready for bedtime and carried Hope downstairs, hearing Killian Henry's conversation. "Hope, we are listening to Daddy and Henry's talk then you can do art with Henry."
"I knew once you and Mom rescued me from Neverland, I knew you were my Dad who was always going to be there for me. I knew your story from my storybook, how you hated Neverland and it took a lot of guts to return to that place to rescue me, you did not even know me. You love my Mom and you wanted to help her to get me back from that evil place."
"I did not want to see another family separated, I wanted to help keep your family together. Your Mom fought a lot in Enchanted Forest...I let her win our first sword fight to get back to you. She told me that she had a son. I know what it is like when a parent abandons a child and cannot go back...I did not want you to lose a parent."
"Dad, you went back to a place you hate to rescue me you are a hero. My biological Dad was a coward to face his father and framed my Mom and she had to go to prison for his crime and ran away from her. He did apologize and made excuses for leaving her. She was alone again after she gave me away. You are the first person I have ever seen with my mom that never left her, she was able to open up and you are there for her all the time, besides me. You support my mom all the time, which I knew that I trusted you because you cared for her endlessly. I knew that you are my Dad because you are always there for me, never left me and you are amazing Dad to Hope."
"Henry, you are my son. Even though you are not biologically related to me, you are my son, Henry. I love you so much."
Henry hugs his Dad. "You are my Dad. I love you so much. I just want to get you a great Christmas gift."
"Whatever you get me, I will love it, lad."
Emma brings down Hope. Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. We are with your brother." She chuckles. "Henry, your sister is ready to help with your art project." Henry gets Hope from their Mom.
"Hope, you can help me with my art project then storytime." Hope hugs her brother.
"Henry, do not keep Hope up too late."
"Yes, Mom. I won't keep up too late.." Henry sat down on the carpet with Hope on his lap. "Hope's let's continue." Hope babbled.
Killian and Emma cuddled together in bed. Killian hugged his wife. Emma kissed his cheek. "Hope and I heard your conversation with Henry."
"Really swan?"
"Yes, we did."
"Aye, Henry told me that I am his dad and I told him he is my son."
"I told you that he loves you."
Killian smiled. "Aye, he told me himself."
"You are his father and Hope's Daddy. They both love you so much, like how much I love you."
"I love you Emma and our children." They kiss.
"We all love you." Emma fell asleep in Killian's arms.
Hope was sitting on her brother's lap as she was being asked by Henry on what to do for his art project she would smile or babble to respond. When Hope began to fuss, Henry gave Hope a chewy ring. Hope began to cry. "Hope, do you want Mommy?" Henry brought his sister upstairs to their parents' room. Emma wakes up hearing Hope crying. "Mom, Hope wants you." Emma goes to her children and takes Hope from Henry. "Did you have fun with Henry?" She kisses Hope on the head. Hope continued to cry. "Hope, are you hungry?" Emma sits on her bed and nurses Hope. "You just wanted Mommy's milk." She gives Hope kisses on the head. "Henry, did Hope helped you with your art project?"
"Yes, she did. Hope is a good listener. I love spending time with Hope. She is the best."
"I know Hope loves spending time with you." Hope began to cry. "Hope, what is the matter, baby?" Hope spit up and cried more. Emma burps Hope. "Henry, can you get me a onesie to change her into?"
"Sure, I will be right back." He leaves the room to Hope's room
Emma changed Hope out of her onesie. "Hope, what is the matter, little love?" He kisses Hope who was crying. "Hope, daddy is here, little love."
"I do not know if she is in pain or uncomfortable or both."
Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "We will figure it out, love." He kisses Emma on the head. Henry returns with Hope's onesie.
"Thank you, Henry."
"Your welcome, Mom." Emma changes Hope into a new outfit. Henry takes Hope. "Hope, what is the matter, little sis?" He kisses her on the head and tries to soothe her. She just continued to cry. "Henry is here." Hope gripped on her big brother.
"Love, I will get her medicine and an ice pack."
"She probably was in pain when she was eating." Killian went downstairs to eat. "Henry sit next to me." Henry holds his sister and sits next to their Mom. "Hope, you know that Henry is here for you." Hope hugged her brother. "You have the best big brother, Hope."
"Hope, it is okay little sis. Daddy is getting your medicine." He talks to their Mom. "Is she in pain"
"Yes, she did not eat enough, probably her rib hurting when she was being fed." She rubs Hope's back. "Hope, Mommy, and Daddy will give you your medicine and you will feel better sweetie. We know you are in pain Hope. Mommy is here. You are okay, sweetie. You have Mommy, Daddy, and Henry who are taking care if you...shhh...shhh."
"Mom she wants to be held by me."
"She knows that you are helping her and you are there for her."
"Of course, I am there for her. She is my little sister. I am her hero after all." Emma giggled. "I am going to be there for her always." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, Henry is here. I am not leaving you." He kisses his sister on the head. "Mom, I do not like it when she is upset."
Emma wrapped her arms around her two children, "I do not like seeing Hope in pain and crying too, I want to make happy as much as possible during her recovery. You made her happy before."
"I did!"
"Yes, she was so happy with you being your art assistant."
"Hope is the best, Mom. She listens to me and loves spending time with me." Emma smiled.
"You are her big brother, Henry. She loves you so much."
"I want to make her happy."
"You are Henry. Making her happy when she is in very uncomfortable pain, that is showing her that you are there for her."
"I will always be there for her." Killian returns with Hope's medicine and ice pack.
"Henry, give me your sister." Hope began to wail. "Hope, Mommy has to give you ice sweetie and your medicine." Emma got Hope out of her onesie. "Henry, can you hold her as your Dad feeds her her medicine."
"Sure, Hope wants me." Henry gets Hope from their Mom. Henry sets Hope on his lap. "Hope, Daddy has to give you your medicine little sis." Killian feeds Hope her medicine.
"Hope, you are being good little lass for your brother."
"Henry, she needs to be nursed." Henry gives Hope to their Mom. Hope began to cry.
"Hope, Henry is right here. I did not leave you." Emma nursed her daughter. Henry held Hope's hand. "Hope, Henry is right next to you and Mommy little sis. Do not cry." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope stopped crying. Emma smiled.
"Henry, you have made Hope happy."
Henry smiled. "Hope just wants me for some reason."
"You are her hero Henry. She knows that you are there for her."
"Mom, I am just happy to be there for her." Emma hugs her son. Hope fell asleep while being fed.
"Hope." She kisses Hope on the head. "Henry, get some sleep while you can."
"Yes, I will now. I am just happy that I can make Hope happy."
"You are helping us so much with Hope."
"I hate seeing my baby sister in pain. I love her...I do not like seeing her suffering."
"The more important thing is that you are making her very happy just being there for her and she loves you so much, Henry. You are helping your Dad and me with Hope. Get some sleep, kid."
"Yes, Mom." He kisses her on the head and Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope." Henry hugs his Dad." Dad, let me know when you need me to help with Hope."
"Lad, we will. Get some sleep." Henry goes to bed. Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. Emma sighs. "Are you okay love?"
"Just seeing Henry and Hope together...their brother and sister all I ever dreamt of." Emma began to cry. "Hope loves Henry so much, she knows that her brother will always be there for her. Henry loves her so much..."
Killian hugs his wife. "I saw Henry with Hope tonight, they are very close. When they get older their brother and sister bond will grow."
"I am just so happy that they love each other so much...My two babies. They are going to be there for each other...I did not have that as a child or a teenager someone looking out for me." killing hugged his wife.
"Love, they have you as their mother. You are raising them to be close siblings. You are raising them, close love. "
Hope woke up crying. Killian placed Hope's ice pack on her rib. "Here, you go little love." He kisses Hope on the head and she babbled. "You are welcome, little love." He talks to his wife. "You are making Hope and Henry very happy being there for them. We all are working as a team to get Hope better, just like we are now, taking turns comforting Hope."
Emma kisses Hope on the head. "I love you so much, baby."
Killian and Emma were both up most of the night with Hope. Emma was comforting Hope and walking around the room with her. "Hope, you are with Mommy sweetie." She rubs her back slowly. Hope gripped her Mommy. "Hope, you and I are going to do skin to skin." Killian helped Emma by taking off Hope's onesie as she took off her pajama shirt. She watched Killian talking to their little girl. "Little love, it is okay. You are with Daddy and Mommy. We know you are uncomfortable and in pain." He rubbed his hook hand on her belly and over her scar to calm her down since she loves his hook."You like Daddy's hook?" Hope smiled. "That little love is your scar that shows your pirate side of you." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. Daddy had many many scars from when I was a boy from my masters. You my little love your scar shows us that you are a survivor and a little pirate from an injury that should not have happened. We love you Hope so much. Mommy, Daddy and Henry are here to help you when you are in pain." Hope reached out to his face and grabs his hair. "Little lass." he kisses Hope on the cheeks, made her laugh and then cry because of her rib pain. Emma gets Hope from the bed. "Hope, you are okay, sweetie. Daddy was making you happy...we know you are in pain. You and I are going to have skin to skin. Mommy and Hopey time." Hope gripped her Mommy.
"Love, she is ready for skin to skin."
"Yes, she is." Emma got Hope and her self settled down on the bed. Emma massaged Hope's little body and loving her special time with her baby girl. Hope calmed down and fell asleep. "Sweet dreams baby girl."
"Love, I am sorry for upsetting Hope."
Emma smiled. "Killian, you did not upset our daughter on purpose. Hope loved your time with you, listening to your story about how you got your scars. I saw the look of our daughter's face who loved her storytime with her Daddy. Every time, I see you talking to Hope, your daddy and daughter are so happy...I am so grateful for you being at my side having a family with. You are amazing to both of our children."
Killian smiled big. "You have changed me, Emma. If it weren't for you I will be still out for revenge with no love in my heart..."Killian smiled. "You my beautiful wife showed me that I can love again and be a good person. Now I have a family with you. I never imagined that in a very long time."
"You love me for me, for who I am. You never judged me. You are my true love and someone who is always there for me at my side. I always feel safe with you in your arms."
"Aye, like this." He wrapped his arms around his two loves."
"Yes, exactly like this." They kiss. "I love you."
"I love you, Emma." Emma fell asleep wrapped in Killian's arms with Hope sleeping on her. Killian changed Hope when she needed to be changed and put an ice pack on her rib. "Here, you little love. Are you feeling better?"
"Aye, Mommy is sleeping little love. You and I are going to have Daddy-daughter time." Killian carried Hope to her room. He puts the ice pack on her rib. Hope grabs his hook. "You love Daddy's hook."
"Aye, little love dada. " He kisses Hope on the head. Hope fell asleep holding her Daddy's hook. "Daddy's love you Hope."
Emma woke up knowing Hope wasn't with her and Killian. She puts her pajama robe on and finds Killian and Hope in Hope's room, Killian holding sleeping Hope in his arms and she smiles big. Emma goes over kisses Killian on the head. "How is daddy-daughter time with Hope?"
"It is going good love. Our little pirate princess woke up, I changed her and put iced on her rib. She asked for you?"
"Oh really?"
"Aye, she said mommy. I told her that you were sleeping. I brought her in here and talked to her while she held my hook and she fell asleep in my arms. She has been asleep ever since."
"She looks comfy on you."
"Aye, she loves her daddy-daughter time."
"She loves her daddy."
"Aye,I love her so much. Love, get back to bed. I can be with our little love." Emma kisses her husband on the head. "I love you both so much."
"We love you too." They kiss. Emma goes back to bed for more sleep. Hope wakes up crying. "Little Hope, do you want Mommy?"
"We can go to Mommy." He brings Hope back into their room. Emma wakes up hearing Hope crying. "Swan, someone wants her Mommy."
"Hope, come to Mommy baby." Killian smiles and hands over Hope to his wife. "Hope did you have fun with Daddy?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "Yes, now you want Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. She takes her shirt off and does skin to skin. "Mommy."
"You love your time with Mommy." Hope moved around happily, which made her Mommy smile. Hope began to cry. "Hope, you are okay. I know you are in pain sweetie, I know." She soothes her daughter and Hope fell asleep doing skin to skin gripping her Mommy.
"See, love. Hope loves her time with you."
"Yes, I know. Hope is a very lucky girl she just wanted to spend one on one time with all of her family members tonight."
"Aye, she loves us all and wanted to be with everyone." Emma and Killian watched their daughter sleep.
The next morning, Henry woke up early seeing his parents passed out of exhaustion with Hope sleeping on their Mom. Henry left his parents a note. "I am going out but I will be back soon." Henry went to the pottery store to make his parents gifts for Christmas. He made his Mom a sword out of clay with her name on it, with ducks on them, swans, his and Hope's names, and her yellow bug on them. For his Dad, he made a clay version of the Jolly Roger for his Dad. He waited for them to dry and painted his parent's gifts. Henry had ideas on what to get Hope or Christmas, he ordered a few toys on Amazon for her and wanted to buy toys for his sister at the toy store in town.
He sees his Mom with Robin and his two kids. Robin, Roland, and Rowand sat at another table. "Hi, Mom."
Regina sat with him. "How are you?"
"Tired and looking forward to Christmas."
"How is having Hope home?"
"Hope is in a lot of pain. Last night, Hope is my art assistant. She is helping me with another art project. I ask her for her opinion for my art project she would babble, smile and I let her hold my color pencils or pencils. "
"What is the art project?"
"It is for school." Henry was painting the Jolly Roger for his dad. "Hope is up most of the night in pain...last night, Hope did not want to let go of me... I do not like seeing her in pain."
"Henry, she is going to get better really soon. I know she has you, your Mom and Dad being there for her."
"I know my parents told me to go to bed but I end up hearing Hope crying all night, she wanted one on one time with all of us." Regina smiles.
"She knows that you are all there for her."
"Hope knows, she is almost 8 months and she is a good listener and smart sister ."
"Have your grandparents come for a visit?"
"No, not yet. I know my Mom does not want to see her Mom."
"I know that for a fact. If you need to sleep, Henry, you can sleep in my office."
"Thank you, Mom, for the offer. Can you stay until I am finished with my art projects?"
"Yes, I can stay. Are these gifts for you Mom and dad?"
"Yes. they are their Christmas gifts for them."
"I will keep it a secret." Regina talked with Henry as he finished his Christmas gifts for his parents.
At the Swan-Jones house, Hope woke up with her parents still sleeping. Hope tried scooting off of her Mom. Emma instantly woke up feeling her daughter was up to something. "Hope, my little pirate what are you trying to do?" She holds Hope in her arms. "Hope." She kisses Hope's belly. "You are my little pirate princess."
"Mommy." Hope hugs her Mom.
"Hopey." She got the bed rail off her side and saw a note. "I am going out but I will be back soon.- Henry." "This is from Henry. I wonder where your brother went?" Hope smiled. "Did he tell you to keep a secret?" Hope babbled. "You love keeping secrets for your big brother." She kisses Hope on the cheek. She sniffs her daughter. "My little duck you need a change, let's get you ready for the day." Emma changed Hope into a clean diaper and played their special game, Emma played gently with her because Hope cannot laugh too hard yet. Killian wakes up hearing Emma playing with their daughter, seeing both of his lasses happy. He took pictures of his two loves playing together. Hope grabbed her Mom's face. "Mommy."
"Hopey." Hope babbled. "I love you, too." Hope reached her arms out and began to cry. Emma gets her daughter. "Hope. I know you wanted Mommy, did that hurt to reach your arms out?" Hope gripped on her Mommy. "You are with Mommy sweetie." She turns around seeing Killian.
"Hello, love. Little love, are you in pain? Love, I think she needs her medicine."
"You are right captain, Hope needs her medicine.." Emma sits down with Hope on the rocking chair, Killian comes back with a bib and her medicine. Emma puts the bib on her and Killian gets the medicine just right on the spoon. "Little love, here is the Jolly Roger." Hope smiled and opened her mouth big. Emma giggled. Killian spoonfed her medicine. "Good little pirate."
Emma nurses Hope. "She is a little pirate. She knows your special game with her."
"Aye, she loves my special game. I get her to eat disgusting medicine. I saw you playing with her. She loves her time with Mommy."
"She certainly does. Henry is out, he went somewhere. He left a note."
"Love, how about, you, me, Henry and Hope go out to Granny's for lunch."
"Hope and I do need to get fresh air."
"Love, it is perfect. I will call Henry to meet us there where ever he is."
"Can we walk there?"
"Aye, we can love." They kiss. "I will get Hope's diaper bag packed."
"Just pack her medicine in her diaper bag."
"I will, also ice packs."
Emma calls her son. "Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Mom. How is Hope?"
"Hope woke me up this morning by trying to scoot off of me but I caught her." Henry smiled. "Your dad, Hope and I are going to Granny's for lunch. I got your note, do you want to meet us there for lunch?"
"Sure, Mom. I will be there soon. I am at the pottery store."
"Are you making Christmas presents for your Dad?"
"Yes, I am. I am wondering after lunch. Can we have one on one time?"
Emma smiled."Henry, of course, we can. I know your Dad will take Hope to the Jolly Roger for fresh air." Hope tugs her Mommy's hair when she heard Jolly Roger. Emma giggled."Hope..."
"What happened?"
"When your sister heard me say, Jolly Roger, she tugged my hair."
Henry laughed. "Mom she wants to go on Dad's ship. She is a little pirate."
"You got that right, kid. We will see you soon." Hope babbled. "Hope, we are going to have lunch at Granny's, your big brother is going to meet us there." Hope smiled. She carries Hope to her room, she puts the baby rails on her bed and puts Hope on her bed. Hope scoot around a little bit while Emma was getting dressed. "Hope, are you having fun?" Hope babbled.
"Little love, you are in recovery." He picks her his daughter who began to cry. "Little love."
"Killian, Hope wants to move around on our bed."
"Love, she is going to be in pain." Killian sighs. "Hope, if I put you down on Mommy and Daddy's' bed will you not move around too much?"
"Okay, I will watch you move around." Killian puts Hope down on their bed.
"Killian, she is not going to move too far. "
"I know I do not want her to cry."
"So do I, I also want to make Hope happy. She needs to move even though she is in pain." Emma sat next to her husband on their bed. Hope scoots to her Mommy and places her hand on her knee. "Hopey, you just wanted to move to Mommy."
Emma picks up her daughter. "Are you ready to go to Granny's?" Hope babbled and hugs her Mommy. "You are going to be with Mommy sweetie." Killian gave Emma the carrier as Emma puts Hope's winter coat on. "You are ready for the winter weather." Emma put the carrier on her and Killian puts Hope in the carrier.
"Little love are you ready to go out?" Hope smiled. "Love, Hope is ready for our family lunch date."
"Yes, she is." Killian carried the diaper bag and they walked together to Granny's. Hope was happy to look around. "Killian, Hope is enjoying being outside."
Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. "Aye, my two loves needed fresh air."
"After lunch, Hope is looking forward to her daddy-daughter time on your ship."
"Hope and I are having daddy-daughter time."
"Oops, I forgot to tell you. I called Henry to meet us for lunch. He wants one on one time with me...when I told him that Hope will have daddy-daughter time on the Jolly Roger."
"Love, I would love to have one on one time with my little pirate."
"Hope is looking forward to it. Do you know how?"
"How, swan?"
"When I told Henry Jolly Roger, Hope tugged my hair."
"That is our little pirate. Hope are you looking forward to going on daddy's ship?" Hope babbled, "That is my little pirate." They continue to walk into town.
At the pottery store, Henry gets off the phone with his Mom. "Is everything alright?'
"Yes, Mom, Dad, and Hope are going to meet me at Granny's after I finished making my parents Christmas presents. After my mom and I are going to have one on one time together while Hope and Dad are going to go on the Jolly Roger."
"I know your sister is going to love being on your Dad's ship."
"Yes, she is Mom. When my mom mentioned the Jolly Roger Hoep pulled my Mom's hair." Regina giggled. "My mom has been so busy with Hope. I am not jealous I just know my mom needs a break."
"I know whatever you will do with your Mom she will have fun."
"I have a few ideas." Henry finished his projects for his parent's Christmas presents. "Do you think my Mom and Dad will like their presents?"
"They are going to love them. What are you getting Hope?"
"Toys, maybe art toys but knowing Hope she will want to use my art supplies."
"I know Hope loves her time with you."
"Yes, she does." Henry gives Regina his iPhone. "These are the recent pictures of Hope." Regina swiped through henry's iPhone seeing many pictures of Hope doing tummy time, Hope sitting on his lap, hugging him, their brother and sister selfies, and Hope holding his art supplies. Regina smile. "Henry, Hope looks so happy."
"I love making Hope very happy especially when she is in a lot of pain..."
"She is going to get better Henry."
"I know Hope will get better it just hard to see Hope in pain." Regina hugs her son.
"Hope will get better soon, Henry."
"Hope has all of us."
"She is very lucky Henry. She has you as her big brother who is there for her."
"I am there for her, I always will be there for her. I am her hero." Henry finished his art projects and paid for them. "Do you want me to walk to you to Granny's?"
"Sure." Regina walks with Henry.
Emma and Killian enter Granny's. Granny sees them. "Hi, Emma, Killian, and Hope. How is the little lass?"
"Hi, Granny. Hope is still in recovery but we are helping her as she is in pain."
"Yes, Hope. Mommy."
"Are you ordering to go?"
"We are eating here today. Henry is joining us." Killian sits at their booth.
"Great. Can I hold Hope?"
"Sure, you can." She takes Hope out of the carrier. "Hope, Granny wants to say hi to you." Emma hands over Hope to Granny. "Hi, Hope." Hope babbled. "Are you having a good day, little one?" Hope smiled.
"Granny, Hope likes you."
"You think so?"
"Aye, we know so. She is not crying being held by you." Granny sat down next down in their booth.
"How is Red?"
"Red is good. She and Dorothy visited for a little while. They went back to OZ last week."
"Wow, did Red and my Mom get to see each other a lot?"
"Yes, they did. Red has been helping your Mom with your brother while she was here." Henry entered the diner with Regina.
"Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry." Hope babbled and moved around in Granny's arms.
"Hope you want your brother?" Granny stands up and hands over Hope to Henry.
"Hi, hope. Did you have fun with Granny?" Hope babbled and hugs her brother. Regina, Emma, and Granny were in awe. "Hope, Henry is here. I missed you when I was not at home." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Hi, Hope. Are you happy to see Henry?" Hope gripped her brother.
"I told you, Mom, Hope loves being with me. Right Hope?" Hope babbled.
"Hope have fun with Henry."
"Regina, did Henry met you at your office?"
"Killian, Henry and I met at the pottery store."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes. Henry is helping me on an art project for my office."
"Lad, you are doing a lot of art projects."
"Yes, I am Dad." Hope began to fuss. "Hope, do you want to sit next to Mommy?" Henry sits next to their Mom. "Hope, Mommy is right here." Hope smiled. "You are just happy to be with Henry." Hope babbled. They heard the doorbell ring and it was Snow White. "Emma."
"Mom." She gets out of the booth. "Henry keep an eye on Hope."
"Yes, Mom. Hope is going to be with me." Henry takes out Pluto from the diaper bag. "Hope, look who I have, Pluto!" Hope babbled and grabs her favorite toy. Emma goes talk to her Mom.
"Hope loves her Pluto doll."
"Yes, she does Mom. Aunt Allison gave this to her and she sleeps with it and loves holding it."
"Killian, go be with Emma. I can be with Henry and Hope."
Regina sat with Henry and Hope. Killian stood by his wife. "Hi, Snow."
"Hi, Killian. How is Hope?"
"Still in a lot of pain."
" Emma, I am so so sorry. I should have left Leo home with a babysitter."
"Dad and I agreed to let Leo stay home since his behavior was getting worse. We knew that Leo would hurt Hope again. Why you did not listen to us?"
"Emma...I did not want Leo to be left you at a family gathering."
Killian held Emma's hand. "Yes, like when I had no family for most of my life until Henry found me...I was alone for all of my life until I was 28 years old. You couldn't let Leo be without his family for a few hours."
"Emma, it was not my fault."
"This time it is Mom. You brought Leo over who caused daughter had a fractured rib which caused her to have internal bleeding, emergency surgery and now has to go to recovery for 2 months in excruciating pain. The only way she can express herself is crying which is causing her pain every movement she makes...."
"Emma...I am so so sorry."
Hope began to cry.
"I do not think you are getting it, Mom. Now Hope is in recovery, Killian, Henry and I are constantly worrying about Hope 24/7. We are doing our very best to make her happy even though we hate seeing Hope in pain." Emma was mad but tearing up. "I have to get back to both of my kids. My daughter needs me."
"I am coming Henry and Hope." Emma leaves and gets back to her booth.
"Mom, I think Hope is in pain." He hands over his sister to their Mom.
"Hope, do you need ice baby? Henry, can you get me the ice pack from the cooler in the diaper bag." Henry gets the ice pack. Emma opens Hope's onesie to show her chest, "Hope and I will be right back." She carries her daughter to her Mom. "Mom. This is what Leo caused Hope to be in pain. This bruise is from the fractured rib and the scar is from her emergency surgery, Leo caused this."Snow White is shocked. "This is the scar she will have always from what Leo has done to her." Hope cried louder. "Hope, I know you are in pain sweetie." She takes Hope back to her booth and Henry puts the ice pack on his sister.
"Mom, I know. Hold Hope and make her happy."This right, Henry. Keep the ice on her rib."
"Hope, Henry is making you feel better little sis." He kisses Hope on the head.
"I do not want to talk about it..."
Killian was still with his mother in law. "Killian, I am so deeply sorry. I did not mean for Hope's surgery to happen."
"Aye, you might have underestimated your lad."
"I did not expect him to injure Hope."
"Snow, if you have listened to Charming and your daughter, Hope would not be hurt now. Leo showed his true intentions after Henry stopped him."
"You are right, I should have listened to Charming. I just did not want him to miss out on a family holiday."
"Aye, your daughter had plenty of holidays when she had no one that cares for her, no presents or family. Now she has a family that she created on her own family. You have no idea how much she was looking forward to family holidays and now our daughter has to recover from emergency surgery and in constant pain during the holidays as a family."
"I want to help..."
Killian said quietly. "For now, Emma has me, Henry, and Allison there to be with Hope. For my Emma, she is in constant stress and barely gets enough sleep, just give her space."
"I understand. If you need me or Charming please call."
"Aye, I will leave that to Emma to decide. You do know that Leo is not welcomed in our house."
"Yes, I know. I want to be there."
"Snow, our lass is in constant pain."
Snow white got annoyed."I know!!"
Killian got mad."Aye, you saw that scar on her chest?" Emma handed Hope to Henry and rushed to her husband side.
"Our Hope is in pain all of the time." Emma holds his hook.
"Mom, you have no idea how to parent a child that is in constant pain."
"My son is in pain. Social service came..."
"How is he in pain? He is not recovering from major surgery."
"He is pain emotionally, Emma."
"Hope is in constant pain whenever she breathes, moves around and cries. She only expresses her feelings while crying, which causes her more pain."
"Social worker being taken away from you to another family or a group that is pain everytime that it happened, that another family that did not want you." She took a deep breath and Killian held her hand. "I did not report on my brother. Even though he got Hope injured because I know you and Dad will work with him. The social worker interviewed me because the school called them concerned about Leo. I was on Leo's side of not being taken away from you...You have no idea what was the foster system was like Mom. It was awful. I was alone and when I was in pain, I had nobody to go to. I do not want Leo to go through what I went through.. all of that pain of being rejected over and over..."
"I know Leo might have darkness in him but you could have thought of the obvious hints of him hurting Hope before bringing him over and he goes into her room and injuring my daughter? All you care about is Leo's feelings not about his actions...he hurt my daughter. You did to even think about Hope..she has me and she is never going to be alone. I will always be there for her and helping her get through her recovery. She has me, her dad, her brother, and her godmother/pediatrician. Mom.....I love you but all I see you now is the pain of my daughter you and Leo caused.."
Snow White began to cry. "Emma, I am so so sorry. Please forgive me...I made a bad decision."
"I need to focus on my daughter who needs me." Emma gets her daughter from Henry and leaves the diner from the back door.
"Snow, we just want Leo to get the help he needs. The sooner he gets help the sooner Emma trusts you again."
"We are getting him help now..."
"Good, I will hear the updates from Charming. For now, give your daughter space and let us focus on our daughter's recovery." Snow White leaves from the front door.
Henry hugs his Dad. "Dad, Mom just needs to be alone."
"Aye, son, I know. She is mad."
"Mom was in her mama bear mode and also was mad. Dad, are you okay?"
"I am just mad like your Mom, just seeing your grandmother reminds me of how Hope got in all of the pain she is in now. Your Mom is mad at your grandmother for more than just hurting Hope but hurting from not having a mother as a child and being alone in this world."
"Dad, Mom is not alone now, she has you and me with her. I just saw you sticking up to my grandmother and being on Mom's side. She had no one as a child but she has you who always will be there for her no matter what."
"You are right, Henry. You Mom has all of us who love her and Hope. I know as our family this year will have a special Christmas without Hope getting hurt."
"Hope does not need to get hurt anymore."
"Lad, she does not."
" Do you think Aunt Allison and her family would like to join us for Christmas?"
"Henry, that is a really good idea son. Your Mom and I were figuring out how to thank your aunt for all she has done to Hope in the hospital but spending time with her and her family on Christmas will be very special."
"Yes, we can invite Aunt Allison and her family for Christmas. Dad, how are we going to cheer up Mom?"
"I think a family day on the Jolly Roger will cheer her up."
"Dad, that is a great idea."
"Aye, lad. You get our meals to go and meet us on the Jolly Roger."
"Yes, Dad."
"I will find your Mom and sister."
"Do you know where they are?"
"Knowing your Mom, yes I know." Killian leaves the diner to find his two loves.
"Yes, Henry?"
"Is it normal to feel mad at my Grandma?"
"She caused your sister to get a serious injury, in this situation yes. Henry, continue being there for your sister... You are helping your Mom and Dad with Hope so much it is making a big difference."
"I feel like that I am getting closer to Hope every day."
"I can tell Henry. Let me know when you come by how everything is going."
"I will." Henry brings Granny's to go. Killian found his two loves by their special spot. Emma was crying and Hope was hugging her Mommy in her carrier all bundled up. Killian kneeled down spoke to his little love. "Hi, little love. Are you keeping your Mommy company?" Hope babbled. "Aye, Daddy is here to keep Mommy company with you, little love." Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves. Emma cried into him. He did not say anything, he just let her cry all of her emotions out on him. "Do you want me to hold Hope?"
"No, thank you. I just want Hope to be here with me."
"Love, she is here with you and I am with you. Hope is hugging her Mommy, she loves you just as much as I do."
"Killian, just talking my Mom...made me so mad because... she did not want my brother to miss out a family holiday meanwhile I was alone my whole one... she was so determined to bring Leo she did to even think about what he has been doing in school...Hope is hurt because of her."
"Emma, I am mad at your Mom as much as you are. She did not listen to your Dad about not bringing your brother. She admitted to me that she made a bad mistake."
"She fights for Leo while I had no one as a child. She thinks about Leo feelings not about the consequences of having him over or about me or Hope which got me so mad."
"I know love. She did not think about Leo hurting Hope only about his feelings."
"Hopey." She hugs her daughter. "I have you with me who I love so so much. We have Daddy, Henry and Auntie Allison to help you in your recovery and make you so happy. I know you are on Mommy's side." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope hugs her Mommy. "Killian, even though I was mad, I heard you sticking up for me. You always are on my side."
"Aye, I am always on your side and I will always be on your side, Emma, I am now." Hope tugged on her Mommy's hair. "Little love, are you showing Mommy that you love her so much." Hope babbled. "We are your family love, we will always be on your side and we hate how Hope is in pain but as Swan-Jones family, we are going to get through this as a team."
"Yes, we are, team captain swan."
"Aye, team captain swan." They kiss. Hope makes poop. "Little pirate do you need a diaper change?" Hope began to cry. "Little love, do you want to go on Daddy's ship?"
"Where is Henry?"
"On the Jolly Roger waiting for us."
"Let's meet him. Hope we are going to find Henry on Daddy's ship." Killian walked with his two loves to his ship. Henry was waiting on his Dad's ship on deck. He knew that his Dad will calm down his Mom. Henry calls his Aunt Allison.
"Hi, Aunt Allison."
"Hi, Henry. How are you?"
"I am tired but happy to being there for Hope."
"Henry, you are a great big brother. I know Hope loves spending time with you. Is everything alright?"
"Henry began to cry. "Not everything is mom is still mad at my grandma. We were at granny's grandma came...her and my mom had a huge grandma all she cared about was Leo not about Hope or my mom. I heard many things about my Mom telling her when she was a child that she was alone and never had anyone when she was in pain which made her mad grandma did not think about Hope only about Leo's emotions."
"Henry, where are you?"
"I am on my Dad's ship. My dad is with my Mom and my sister. When my mom could not take it anymore, I gave her Hope and she left granny's."
Henry, do you need me to come over?"
"I will be there in five minutes." Henry waited and sees his aunt's car parked. Allison comes aboard on the Jolly Roger, Henry gives her a big hug.
"Thank you for coming."
"You are welcome, Henry. I am your aunt. I love you so much." They sit down. "Please tell me again."
"I went to the pottery store to make my parents their Christmas presents. I saw my other Mom and we talked. I met my parents and Hope at granny's not long after my grandma came. I was holding Hope keeping her distracted while Mom and Dad talk to my grandma. They took turns describing how much Hope is in constant pain, then my grandma told them how she did not want Leo to be left out. My mom got mad since she was alone most of her life and how her mom did not think of the consequences of Leo's actions than his feelings. When my grandma mentions about the pain of social worker, that made my Mom mad since she hates social workers from her bad experiences in the system."
"Henry, what social worker?"
"Someone from the elementary school reported Leo to Child Protective Services because of his bad behavior. A social worker came to visit mom to interview her part of the case when Hope was in recovery. My mom got so overprotective of Hope. Once she realized Hope was not in any danger she calmed down. She told the social worker not to get Leo from their parents."
"Henry, I know your Mom even though she is mad at your grandma and her brother she is not going to let Leo be separated from her parents."
"That is right. My mom had to explain to my grandma what pain was for Hope physically and emotionally. When Hope needed my Mom, my Dad backed her up and got mad. I held Hope and my mom continued telling her Mom that this is her mom was mad but in tears...after she took hope..."
"Henry, I know your Mom, Dad, and you are under stress because you love your sister who is in constant pain and you are worried about her."
"This is exactly why I am mad at my grandma and Leo. I hate seeing my baby sister in pain. My mom is not getting much sleep. We all are worried about Hope."
"Henry, since Hope has been home, how is your homework?'
"When I am in school, I do my homework before I go home. When I am at home, I watch Hope for my parents knowing that they need a break."
"Henry, I been visiting when I can."
"Aunt Allison, you have been helping us with Hope. We are so grateful for you we do not know how to repay you."
"You do not have to repay me. I did my job."
"Aunt Allison, my mom wants a family Christmas, as normal as possible. If you are able to, can you join my family for Christmas?'
Allison smiled big. "Henry. My family and i would love to join your family for Christmas."
"Thank you for inviting us."
"You are welcome. We have been so busy at home with Hope, my mom did not have the chance to call you to invite you ever."
"I do have presents for my favortie neice and nephew."
"I have Christmas presents for my favorite aunt."
"Are you feeling better now?"
"Knowing you are available to talk to besides my parents...they have been so busy with Hope."
"Henry, you have to talk to them."
"I do..."
"You can call me anytime or come over to my house or office to talk."
Henry hugged his Aunt Allison. "Thank you for being a family member that I can talk to and is on my mom's good side."
"You are welcome, Henry. I mean it you can call me if you need to talk."
When he heard his sister crying, he knew his family arrived. Emma and Killian see Allison with Henry.
"Emma!" They hug.
"What are you doing here?"
"My favorite nephew called and needed to talk." Killian takes Hope from his wife. "Allison, you are always allowed on my ship.
"Thank you, Killian."
"Love, I will change Hope in my captain quarters." Killian takes Hope and the diaper bag and goes to his cabin.
Emma sees her son. "Allison..." She hugs her best friend. "Thank you for being here for Henry."
"You are very welcome, Emma. He needed to talk to somebody since Killian was with you and Hope."
"Yes, Henry."
"I invited Aunt Allison and her family to our house for Christmas."
Emma smiles and gives him a big hug. "Kid, that is a great idea. It will make our first complete family Christmas together."
"Emma, how is Hope?"
"She is still in pain."
"I can examine her."
"Are you sure?"
"she is my patient."
"Sure, you can." Allison head to the captain quarters
Henry gives her a big hug. "Mom, I love you so much."
"I love you too Henry. About before..."
"Mom, I know you are mad at Grandma. I am still mad at her too, she is the reason Hope is in pain."
"Hope has us, Henry."
"You have Hope, Dad and I and we love you so much." Henry hugs his Mom.
"Henry, I love you, Hope and your Dad."
"I know that you were alone as a child..."
"Henry, I was and still mad at my mom for bringing Leo over and getting Hope hurt. When I saw her today, all of my feelings just came she did not think of the consequences all she cared about was Leo's feelings getting hurt. She did not think about Hope now she is in constant pain and your Dad I had to remind her of how much Hope is in pain. She does not deserve that pain..."Emma began to cry.
"Mom." Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, Hope has you as her Mom who she loves so much, she knows that you are taking good care of her in her recovery. You have me, your son who loves so much and I know you will do anything for me when I need you. I love helping Hope. Every time I have one on one time with Hope, I am getting closer to Hope every single day."
"Henry, I see your relationship with Hope and you two are getting closer every single day, it makes me so happy that my two babies are very close." She hugs her son and kisses him on the head.
"You have Dad who always been on your side and always will be on your side."
"Yes, I have your Dad."
"He stood up for you when he was mad at Grandma, he thought about you while she thought about your brother."
"Yes, she cares more about Leo's feelings than his actions to Hope and causing us all stress."
"Mom, even though Hope is in pain she has all of us who love her and care for her."
"You are right, Henry. Hope is very lucky.'
"She is Mom. Can we eat?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, we can." They join hope and Killian in the captain's quarters. Hope was napping on their Daddy. Allison and Killian were talking. "How is Hope, Allison?
"Your daughter is improving Emma. even though she is in pain her recovery is going best as it can be."No internal bleeding?"
"Nope, which is a very good sign. I know all of you are helping Hope as best as you can. Emma, Henry, and Killian, please do not hesitate to call me if you need a babysitter. I am the perfect babysitter for Hope.
'Allison, thank you for coming by."
"You are welcome." They hug. We need girl talk soon."
"Yes, I will bring Hope by your house."
"Great, I cannot wait. Thank you, Henry, for inviting me to Christmas."
"Our family would not be complete without you." They hug.
"I know having Christmas with your family will be special. I have to get back to the office."
"Thank you, Allison."
"You are welcome, Killian. Your little pirate is recovering smoothly." Allison leaves the Jolly Roger.
How is our little pirate princess?"
"I changed her diaper. Allison examined her. I fed her her medicine and she is napping on me."
"How did you?"
"I bottle fed her after her medicine, she was hungry."
"She looks comfy on you."
"Aye, she loves her time with her dada."
"Do you mind if we eat in here?'
"Love, you and Henry can eat in here. It is warmer in here than outside. I will eat later when Hope is awake from her nap."
"Just make sure to catch her before she tries to scoot off of you. When she wakes up."
Killian smiles."Aye, she will do that?"
"Yes, captain. I woke up this morning with Hope trying to get off of me."
"Aye, our little pirate is trying to be sneaky." They giggled.
"Mom, are you mad that I invited Aunt Allison and her family over for Christmas without asking you?"
"Henry, I am very happy you invited Aunt Allison over for Christmas. I know your Aunt will be very happy to celebrate Christmas with us. Also, she did help your sister a lot while we were in the hospital and she has been coming over helping us with her. She is also my best friend."
"Yes! Aunt Allison is invited for Christmas."
"Henry, only Aunt Allison and her family no one else, you got that kid?"
Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom. We all do not want Hope to get hurt again. Family holidays are supposed to be happy, not sad and painful."
"We are going to give Hope's first Christmas, our first family complete Christmas together as a family and it will be very special."
"Yes, it will be Mom very special. I want Hope to have the best is not going to be perfect since she is in pain."
"Henry, I want Hope not to be in pain on Christmas. I did not expect your sister to be in recovery from surgery on Christmas."
"Love, we are going to have a very special Christmas with Allison, her family and the four of us together. We have Hope with us which is most important of all. We are going to give Hope the best first Christmas."
"Yes, we are Dad. We are going to make her happy."
"Lad, you are right." Hope woke up and babbled. "Hello, little love. Did you have a good nap?" Hope smiled.
"Hi, Hope." Hope reached over for her brother. Henry gets Hope from their Dad. "Hope, are you feeling better?" Hope smiled. "Yes, when we get home later, you are going to by my art assistant." Hope moved around excitedly and began to cry. "Hope...I know you are excited to do art with me. I know you are in pain." Henry soothed his sister and tried to calm her down. "Hope, you are with Henry little sis. Mom.."
"Hope, come to Mommy, baby. " Henry gives Hope to their Mom. Hope calmed down by Emma calming her down. "Hope, Mommy is here. Mommy got you. You are okay sweetie. Killian can you give me some ice." Killian passed Emma the ice pack. Emma got hope in her arms and opened her onesie. Henry put the ice pack on Hope's rib. "Hope, we are going to do art later, little sis. Just you and me. Hope and Henry time." Hope smiled. Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves.
"Hope loves you, Henry."
"I love Hope so much. She is my favorite birthday present and Christmas present getting to be her big brother."
"I am just really happy to see you and Hope get closer every day as brother and sister."
"I love it." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope pulled Henry's hair. "Hope, you got a strong grip you get that from our Mom. Emma and Killian laughed.
"Yes, Henry?"
"I know, Hope will get gifts from Santa...can I get gifts for Hope from me?" Emma and Killian smiled at each other. "Henry, I know Hope will love Christmas gifts from her big brother."
"Can you and I go shopping for Hope? I do not know what to get her."
"Henry, we can go shopping together."
"Yes! I want to get Hope a gift something she will love and make her happy." Hope babbled.
"Hope, I love you, little sis." He gives Hope kisses on the head as Killian and Emma smile at each other that their children are really close and love each to her.
"We can go shopping tomorrow."
"That sounds like a plan. I just want to be with Hope now." Hope fussed. "Hope, do you want me?" He takes Hope out of his mom's arms and let her snuggled on him. Henry sat in between their parents. "You have all of us who love you. You are so lucky, little sister." He kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy."
"Hope, Mommy is right here next to you and Henry. You love Henry holding you?" Hope reached her arm out. Emma held Hope's hand. "Mommy is here, little buttercup. Mommy loves you so much." Hope fell asleep on her brother holding her Mom's hand.
Hope is asleep on me."
"Yes, she is Henry. She knows that you are making her happy and feel safe."
"But mom she is holding your finger while she is sleeping. She knows that you are there for her."
"Yes, Hope knows that I am going to be there for her. I will always be there for you and Hope no matter what."
"You are our Mom, we love you so much."
"I love you both so much. You are my two kids."
"You are our Mom." Henry rested on his Mom while holding Hope.
"Lad, I will watch Hope." Henry fell asleep, enjoying his nap with his sister. Emma had both of her two kids sleeping on her she could not think of anything. She kisses Henry on the head. "I love, Henry and Hope. You two are my everything." Killian wrapped his arm around his family. "Thank you for being you today. For being there for me."
"Love, I knew you needed me. I knew you were not ready to see your Mom."
"All she cared was about Leo...then I thought about myself when I was alone... which I knew was not going to happen to Henry and Hope. I felt so selfish."
"You Emma are not selfish. You were just thinking about our Hope who should not have gotten hurt in the first place. If your mother did to bring Leo to our house, Hope would not be in recovery right now. You had Hope on your mind the entire time. You have every right to be angry at your mother."
"All I thought about was Hope and how we are seeing her in pain all of the time now. My heart is hurting for seeing her pain every day, seeing her suffering...which I am so mad at my Mom for.." She started to cry. Killian wipes her tears away using his hook. "You love are my wife who is being an amazing Mommy to Hope and Henry. Hope knows you are being there for her and love her just by fighting for her, helping her and loving her. She has all of us who are helping her and being there for her and most of all making her happy during a rough time she is having."
"She has all of us." She kisses Hope's little hand. "Even though Hope is in pain, Killian. We are having so much family time, which is all I ever imagined being with my husband and with my two children all in one room just being together. I am just happy"
"Now you have it with us. "
"Yes, I am so lucky to have you all three of us."
"Aye, the Swan-Jones family can get through anything together as a family. Hope will recover soon, Emma."
"I know I have a feeling this Christmas will be very special."
"Aye, it will Emma. Swan-Jones Christmas will be very special this year since we have Hope with us."
"Yes, it will be a very special Christmas. I am looking forward to all of us showing Hope our Swan-Jones Christmas traditions and seeing Hope with us helping her opening her presents."
"Aye, it will be a special family holiday with you my beautiful wife and our two children."
"Yes, it will be captain."
"Aye, it will be my swan." They kiss. They enjoy family time on Killian's quarters. He is just so happy to have his whole family sharing his ship and enjoying being together as one. Hope woke up crying. Killian got Hope out of Henry's arms. Hope reached to her Mommy. "Love, I think Hope needs to be nursed." He sniffs her. "She needs a diaper change."
"Killian, can you change her then I will feed her."
"Hope, Daddy will change you." Killian changes Hope's diaper. He hands Hope back to her Mommy.
Emma nursed her daughter, Henry was still sleeping on her. "This is nice being in your captain quarters. Have you ever thought about having a family in your ship?"
"Aye, not until I met you and our son. Now our first home is on land and our second home is here."
"You are right, Killian we have two homes. Where ever we are either home we are together which is most important of all."
"Aye. I cannot imagine being anywhere without you, Emma."
"I can when you died I missed you so much, you were my home then when Zeus brought you back, my forever home was back. You are my home Killian, always and will be. " Killian put Henry sleeping onto his lap and cuddled with his wife. "You are my home swan which is why I came back to you always. You are my love and my home. We created a family together which is the best home I ever have been living for 300 years. I will never ever change it. I will never ever leave you and our children." Hope fell back to sleep in her Mommy's arms after she was nursed by her Mommy.
"I know you, Killian, you are the most loyal, kind, caring, overprotective man I ever met and always be on my side like you were today. I am so happy and grateful that you are my husband. Hope and Henry love you so much as their Dad. I love you so much. I will be lost and closed up emotionally without you."
They were face to face. "You do not need ever to be alone ever again, you have me on your side and I love you so much. You are my true love, Emma. You have me and our to kids who love you and will be there for you always." They kiss passionately as possible with their children on them and enjoying the Jolly Roger moving and being with their family together.

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