Captain Swan Halloween

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The Swan-Jones family house was decorated outside with spider webs, spiders, and scarecrows besides the family jack o lanterns. Hope was crying while Henry was holding her. "Hope, I have to go to school. After school today, I am going to teach you how to trick or treat with Mommy and Daddy. We wear costumes and get candy. It will be a lot of fun." Hope just continues to cry. "Killian, Hope has been crying every day when Henry leaves for school.""I know love. Hope loves her brother with the war and comic con and recovery, the lad had a lot of time off and Hope used to have her brother around more often.""You are right, Hope just needs to get used to the routine." Emma gets Hope from Henry. "Hope, you and I are going to have a girls day. A Mommy and Hope day. When Henry gets home from school, we are going to wear costumes and go trick or treating." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Kid, you are going to teach Hope how to trick or treat today.""I will do that. It is going to be Hope's first-time trick or treating.""I know you will teach her." Killian drives Henry to school. "Hope, it is just you and me. Want to bake cookies for Halloween? You can help me bake, sweetie." Emma baked Pillsbury Halloween sugar cookies with pumpkins on them holding Hope. She put Hope in her high chair before she put the cookies in the oven. "Mommy." She holds Hope. "You are with Mommy baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. "I do not like seeing you sad." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are with me, Hope. We can snuggle on the couch." She turns on the television Disney Junior to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and snuggles with Hope on the couch who was still crying. Hope stopped crying while being nursed. She checked Hope's mouth, "Baby is your molars hurting your mouth? Are you getting another tooth?" Emma used her light magic to poof up a cold teething ring, "Here you go, baby girl." Hope chews on the teething ring and stopped crying. She kisses Hope on the head, "Mommy is here, Hope." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You give the best snuggles." They just continued to snuggle and watch television, Emma just wanted Hope to be comfortable and happy while she is in pain. She put Hope on the couch and took put the cookies out of the oven. Hope was crying. "Mommy.""I am coming right back, Hope." Emma spoon-feeds Hope baby Tylenol and fed her a bottle of water and scoops Hope back into her arms, Hope stopped crying, "The Tylenol will help your pain, baby. I am sorry you are in pain." Hope napped in her Mommy's arms, she got a phone call from Killian. "Hi, Killian.""Love, are you whispering because Hope is napping?""Yes, she is sleeping on me. We have been snuggling all morning, I am pretty sure Hope's molars are coming in. She is drooling and trying to chew on my fingers. She only stopped crying when I breastfed her. I just gave her baby Tylenol.""The poor little lass.""I know, I do not like seeing Hope in pain.""Me too love. On my way home, I will get something for Hope, for her pain.""Thank you." They ended their conversation. Killian felt bad his little lass in pain. After his shift at the sheriff's station, he went to the grocery store to buy frozen fruits and a large container for chocolate ice cream for his two loves. He went to the drug store in town to buy some teething toys for his little lass. Emma was in her bed with Hope, she got Hope comfortable lying down next to her after she spoonfed Hope mashed bananas. The bed was scattered with toys and books. Hope gives her Mommy her teething ring, Emma smiles. "Hope, thank you for sharing. You can chew on it, you need it, sweetie." She lies down with her legs up letting Hope sit on her lap. "We are snuggling. I love you. You want storytime?" Hope smiles and held her Mommy's hands. "Once upon a time, there once a lost princess who was taken away from her family when she was only a few minutes old. She was a little princess, who ended up in many foster homes. She had mean people in her life and she felt like she was not good enough for anyone to love her. You know what that princess had your brother Henry, and when the princess could not be a mommy because her boyfriend put her in a bad place for no good reason. She gave Henry up but you know what happens little duck? Henry found the long lost princess and brought her to save her kingdom. Then the princess met the pirate who was in love with her. The princess did not trust the handsome pirate because she had trust issues and had her heart protected from getting hurt. You know what? The pirate got the princess to trust him. The pirate became a good one. They fell in love. Now the princess and pirate have you baby girl, our happy beginning." "Mommy.""Yes, baby girl Mommy's story." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek which made Hope smile.Killian arrives home makes his two loves mixed berry smoothies and found his two loves having Mommy and Hope time in their room, they were both happy. "Emma, how is our little love?""She is having fun with me. Not crying at the moment.""Aye, I made smoothies for my two loves." He sits down. "Hope, look what Daddy made you, little love." Hope babbled. "That is right, little love. A berry smoothie for you to eat while your morals in pain." Emma was in awe Killian knows how to soothe their daughter. Killian spoonfed Hope her smoothie, while Emma drank hers. "You like the berry smoothie? Hope. " Hope smiles."Hope, Daddy made us yummy smoothies. can you sawy thank you?" Hope babbled. "Thank you, Killian.""You are welcome, love. You are very welcome, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope babbled. "Aye, it is yummy little love." After Killian spoonfed Hope her smoothies she was and walking around. Emma hugs her husband and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you so much. You made our little buttercup really happy.""You are welcome, Emma. I know Hope gave you a long day.""Oh yes, I fed her baby Tylenol, and mash bananas which helped for a little while.""I saw you telling her a story which Hope loved.""You just made her molar pain less painful." "Aye, I just want to make our little lass happy.""You did, Killian. You made our daughter happy. I know she is going to be in pain tonight.""Aye, you and I are a team swan.""Yes, we are captain." They kiss. Hope toddles back into her parent's room and pats her Daddy's legs. "Dada.""Hi, Hope. Are you feeling better?" Hope babbled. "You want to play with Dada?" Hope screamed.Emma smiles. "Someone wants to play with her Dada." Killian holds Hope. "We can play downstairs, little love.""Hope, I am so happy that you are feeling better my little duckling." Hope gave her Mommy kisses on her cheek. "You are welcome, baby girl. When Henry gets home from school, I am going to put your costume on and we are going to go trick or treating." She gave Hope kisses back on her cheek. Have fun with Dada." Killian brought Hope downstairs, they played with toys, he chases Hope around the room, they build a pirate fort. Emma loved seeing Killian being an amazing Daddy to their little girl and took photos of them playing together. Emma filled a bowl of candy for trick or treaters and placed it on the steps and put a sign, "Candy." "Mommy." Emma enters the living room seeing their couch cushions turned into a fort. Emma kneels to her daughter. "Hope, did you and Daddy build a fort?""Wawa."Emma smiles. "Oh, Daddy and you built a Jolly Roger fort?""Aye, that is right. A Jolly Roger fort. Hope's idea." Hope smiles and attacks her Daddy, Emma chuckles. "You are a little pirate, Hope. Just like me." Hope clapped her hands. Emma clapped along with Hope. "Are you having fun with your Dada?""Dada...""Yes, you have the best Dada.""Mommy...""You want me to play with you and Dada?" Hope smiles. Emma joins them in the pirate fort, "Little pirate, steer the Jolly Roger."Hope steers the fort. "Aye, aye." "That is my little pirate. Steer the Jolly Roger fort." Emma smiles. After Hope steered the ship she climbed onto her parents. Emma chuckles. "Hope! She is being a little monkey.""Aye, our little monkey." Hope continued to crawl onto her parents and played with them until she made a lot of poop. "Little love, you love making poop on Daddy.""Dada." Emma giggles and takes Hope upstairs to her room to change her diaper. "Dada.""You are going to play with Dada after I change your diaper.""Mommy."Emma smiles. "I can play with you too, baby girl." Hope smiles. Emma changes Hope's diaper and plays their kissing game. Emma brings Hope downstairs, "Dada!" Emma let Hope walk to Killian who scoops Hope up and spins around with his little lass, Emma smiling loving their daddy-daughter relationship so close. They continued to play until Henry came home. Henry comes home seeing his parents playing with Hope, he took pictures on his iPhone. "Hope. Little sis." Hope turns around and sees her big brother. "Henwy!" Emma helps Hope out of the pirate fort and sees Hope rushing to greet her brother. Henry kneeled down to Hope's level and Hope gives Henry a big hug. "Hi, Hope. Did you have fun today with Mommy and Daddy?" Hope babbled. "Kid, Hope is having moral teeth pain so we have to keep Hope happy and pain-free." "I will help you and Dad help make Hope comfortable." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "Hope, you are just happy your big brother is home." Hope hugs Henry. "Hope, we are going trick or treating together.""We need to get our costumes on, Hope." Emma takes Hope from Henry and goes to Hope's room and changes her into her costume and Emma took pictures. "You look so cute!" Emma takes Hope into her room and changes into her costume and braided her hair. "Mommy. She puts Hope onto her lap, "You are my little pascal and I am Rapunzel." Killian enters the room changed into his Flynn Ryder costume. "There is my beautiful Rapunzel and my adorable Pascal." He kisses Emma on the cheek and tickles his daughter. "Love, that is a cute one-piece costume.""Yes, it was an easy costume to dress her into and the hat is Pascal's face, it is cute. Hope, you are a cute Pascal." Hope babbled. Henry enters the room, "No way! Mom, the family Halloween theme is Tangled?! My favorite Disney movie?!""Yes, Henry. Your Dad and I always have been told that we are like the real-life Tangled couple." Henry kneels to Hope. "Hope, are you Pascal for Halloween?" Hope babbled. Henry got sad. "Kid, I do have a costume just in case you want to join us.""You really got me a costume?""Yes, I did. I know you were going to be left out also it is your favorite Disney movie." Henry hugs his Mom. "Thanks, Mom.""You are welcome. It is in your closet." Henry goes to his room to change into his costume."You got him a costume love?""Yes, I did not want him to be left out." Killian placed his hand on her shoulder. "He is not going to be left out, love. Our family no one gets left out even on Halloween." They hug. Hope began to cry. "Hope, you need your Tylenol little love?" Hope hugs her Daddy. "Love, I will get her Tylenol." Emma hugs her daughter. Henry enters the room wearing his costume of Flynn Ryder. "Mom? Dad and I are matching costumes?""Yes? Do you want to be a soldier from the movie?""No. I do not mind, wearing matching costumes with dad." Killian returns with Hope's medicine and spoonfeed her medicine and gave her a bottle of water. "Lad, you and I are matching?""Yes, Mom got us matching costumes. We are both Flynn Ryder.""Aye, both of our lasses have a Flynn Ryder each." Hope began to cry again. "Little love." Killian holds Hope. "Do you want to start trick or treating? To get your candy?" He gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Mom, here is Hope's pumpkin bag?""Kid, from what I learned in the foster system in Halloween we use pillowcases for trick or treating."Killian smiles. "Really?""Yes, Henry because pillowcases do not break when you are carrying so much candy." Henry smiles. "Awesome. Hope, we are going to get a lot of candy today." He kisses her on the cheek. Emma held onto Hope who just wanted to snuggle. "Emma, I also go Hope a few things from the drug store." He took out a teething giraffe toy and more teething rings from the refrigerator. "Killian..""I hate seeing Hope in pain as much you do." He shows Hope the toy giraffe. "Little love, look what Dada has, a new toy for you." Hope grabs it and puts it in her mouth which made her stop crying, Killian and Emma both smiled. "Killian, you just got Hope happy again today.""Love, it is not all me, you made her happy with your snuggles and storytime. We are a team love.""Yes, team Swan-Jones." They kiss. Emma and Killian took pictures of Hope on their front steps by their pumpkins. Hope lifted her pumpkin. "Little sis, you want to hold your pumpkin in the picture?" Henry helps his sister hold her pumpkin. "You are so strong, Hope." "Henwy.""Yes, Hope, I will take pictures with you." Emma and Killian took pictures of Henry and Hope. "Love, join in the pictures." Emma takes Hope from Henry, Killian took pictures of his family."Dad, join with Mom and Hope." Henry took pictures of his family. They went out to trick or treating, all of the children of Storybrooke were out trick or treating. "Hope, you want to be with Mommy?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "You can be with Mommy while we go trick or treating.""Little sis, the way we trick or treat we go to a person's house ring their doorbell and say trick or treat and they give us candy." On the first house, Emma walked with Henry and placed Hope on the porch and kneeled to her daughter, an old lady came to the door. "Trick or Treat." "Oh my...Flynn Ryder, Rapunzel, and Pascal." Hope babbled. Killian took picture of Henry teaching Hope how to trick or treat."Hope, open your bag little sis. So she can give you your candy." Henry helped Hope opened her bag and a Hersey bar was dropped in. "Hope, you got a Hershey bar. Say thank you to the nice lady." Hope babbled. Henry walks with his sister back to their parents."You did it, Hope. Now you can trick or treat." Emma kneels to her daughter. "Hope, you got a candy bar of chocolate?" Hope babbles. "Yummy. Kid, she is still confused about this holiday.""I know. I have a feeling that Hope will like the holiday when she gets older." "She will trick or treat on her own next year.""I have a feeling she will trick or treat with me." "Henwy." Henry carried his sister and they continued to trick or treating, their parents were following them and holding hand and hook. "Killian, this is Hope's first Halloween when she gets candy.""Aye, Hope is having fun with her brother. It is a great idea for the family costume theme, swan or shall I say Rapunzel."Emma chuckles. "Thank you, Flynn Ryder." She kisses him on the cheek. They watch Hope trick or treating with Henry. Henry kneels to Hope after he rings the doorbell, "Trick or treat.""Tweet." The person gave them candy. "Hope say Happy Halloween." Hope babbled. Henry holds his and her pillowcases with candy and walks with Hope. "Good job, little sis." They walk to their parents. "Hope, tell Mommy and Daddy what you said to the nice old lady.""Tweet."Emma and Killian were both in awe. "Yes, Hope. Trick or Treat." Hope babbled. Henry walks with his sister to trick or treat more, Emma and Killian took pictures of Henry and Hope walking together and trick or treating together. Henry and Hope see Allison in her scrubs, Lizzie in her Belle costume and Connor in his Batman costume. Hope sees Allison and runs towards her. "Antie!" Allison kneels down and scoops Hope into her arms. "Hi, Hope. Are you Pascal for Halloween?" Hope babbled. "Henry, Killian and Emma you are all Tangled?""Yes, we are Allison." "Tweet.""Yes, baby you are trick or treating with Henry.""Mommy, can we go trick or treating with Hope and Henry?""Yes, Lizzie you two can join them.""Aunt Allison, I am teaching Hope how to trick or treat." Hope reaches for Henry. "Hope, you are going to be with me." Henry takes Hope from his aunt and leads Hope, Lizzie, and Connor to the next house. "Lizzie, you can ring the doorbell." Lizzie rings the doorbell, "Trick or Treat.""Tweet." In between trick or treating, Allison took pictures of the Swan-Jones family Tangled theme pictures."Allison, let me guess you just came from your shift?""Yes, I was running late, Ted text me where to meet up with them. Now he is working at home while I take them trick or treating." "Mom, can we go to my other Mom's house?""Yes, we can." They went to the Mills residence. Henry holds Hope, "Hope, we are here to see my other Mommy." Lizzie rings the bell. Regina comes with a bowl of candy. "Trick or Treat." Regina chuckles seeing Henry as Flynn Ryder with Hope as Pascal. "Henry, you are Flynn Ryder?""Yes, Mom. Hope is Pascal. Hope, what do you say to get candy?""Tweet." Regina smiles. "Hope, here is your candy." She handed out candy to Connor and Lizzie. "Emma got you into family costume?""Yes, she got me a costume. Dad is Flynn Ryder too and Mom is Rapunzel. It is my favorite Disney movie,I had to dress up. ""I have to see this for myself your parents in their costumes." "Regina?""Yes, Lizzie?""What do you think of my costume?""I love your Belle costume. Connor, I love your Batman costume." Regina began to laugh when she sees Killian's costume, "Captain eyeliner I never thought this day to come that I would ever see you in a Halloween costume.""Aye, we have a family costume." Henry gives his Dad his sister. "It was Emma's idea. Hope is our little Pascal." "Yes, you and Henry look more alike now." Emma and Regina both laugh. "Emma, I love your family costume.""Thank you. I always heard that Killian and I were the real-life versions of Rapunzel and Flynn Ryder." They continue to trick or treat until Hope began to cry. Henry carried Hope to their Mom. "Mom.""Henry give Hope to me." Henry puts his sister in their Mom's arms. "Hope, you are with Mommy baby girl. You are okay." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Emma, what is wrong with Hope?""She is getting her molars in. She has been in pain for most of the day." "Little niece, your Mommy is going to take good care of you.""Allison, her Daddy made yummy smoothies for her which helped her feel better." "Just keep feeding her cold smoothies, ice cream, to ice which will make her feel better." "Swan, how about we all stop for ice cream?""I think that is a great idea.""Killian, I know my children will love ice cream." Henry was walking with Lizzie. "Mommy, how is Hope?""She is getting teeth which are causing her pain." She scoops up her daughter. "Lizzie, how about we take a break from trick or treating?""Uncle Killy, a break?" Emma loves how Killian is being called Killy by Lizzie. "Aye, how about an ice cream break?""Uncle Killy, we are getting ice cream?" "Yes, Lizzie." They all went to the ice cream shop. "Little love, we are going to get ice cream. It will help with your mouth pain, little love." "Dada." Emma hands over Hope to Killian and gets everyone's orders for ice cream, Emma got Killian vanilla ice cream and herself and Hope chocolate ice cream. "One vanilla for you.""Thank you, love.""Hope, Mommy got you ice cream, baby girl." Hope smiled. Emma puts Hope on her lap, and let Hope eat ice cream."Is your chocolate ice yummy little love?" Hope puts her hand into her ice cream. Killian and Emma both chuckle. "Hope, is your hands cold?" Hope smiles. "Mom, I told you that Hope will like chocolate ice cream." Emma chuckles, "You are right, kid." Hope gives her Mommy her ice cream cone. "Are you letting me have some of your ice cream?" Hope babbled. "Thank you, Hope." Killian cleaned Hope's hands, "You love your ice cream, little love. Hope reaches out for her Daddy's ice cream cone. Killian chuckles. "You can have some of mine since you are sharing yours with Mommy." Emma smiles. "Yummy?" Hope babbled. "Hope, is chocolate ice cream taste better?" Hope babbles. She puts Hope down and Hope goes to Lizzie. "Hope, you want to play with me?" Lizzie plays with Hope. "Lizzie, be gentle with Hope.""I will, Mom." "Killian, you just knew how to make our little pirate princess happy." "Aye, I do not like Hope being in pain. I just want our little love to be happy." Emma hugs her husband, watching Hope playing with Lizzie. They continue trick or treating, Henry was walking with Hope who was holding his hand. "Hopey, do you like your costume?" Hope babbled. "It is a great costume." Leo in a prince costume comes running up to them, Henry quickly holds Hope in his arms, "Boo!!" Hope began to cry. Charming comes to Leo."Hope, it is Leo who just wants to be mean to you. He is not going to hurt you. Do not cry." Hope hugs her brother. Charming kneels to Leo, "Leo, stop being mean to your niece."Emma rushes to her children. "Leo, leave Hope alone." "Why? She is so annoying."Emma was mad. "Henry, take Hope away from here.""Yes, Mom. Lizzie, and Connor we are going to get more candy from across the street." Hope continues to cry. "Lad, I got your sister." He takes Hope from Henry. "Hope, you are with Daddy, little love. No one is going to hurt you." Hope slowly stopped crying. "Uncle Killy?""Yes, Lizzie?""Can I get Hope her candy for her since she is afraid?"Killian smiles. "Hope will love that Lizzie. Thank you for your kind offer. " "Hope, Auntie Allison is here." Hope reaches out to Allison. She takes Hope from Killian, "Killian, Hope will be with me, I will take the kids trick or treating. I have a feeling that Emma will need you.""Thanks, Allison." Allison carries Hope and walks with Henry, Lizzie and Connor to continue trick or treating. Killian was watching Emma giving her brother a lecture. "Leo, you cannot hurt or scare Hope.""Why?" "Hope is your niece and my daughter. You need to be nice to her because she is your family. Our family does not hurt others, only you do. If you continue being mean to Hope, you are hurting and splitting our family, which a family does not do. If you want to be mean, you are going to be the one breaking up our family. You like hurting Hope, you are not in my family.""You are my sister...""Yes but you have to be nice to Hope and not hurt her for fun. You do not hurt or scare family members, which is why our family is fighting. Do you understand?""I like hurting Hope for fun. Mommy does not stop me from being bad Daddy does but Mom lets me.""Leo, you have to stop being bad..""I like being bad.""Being bad won't let you have any friends or even your family. I did not have our Mom or Dad as a child is without a family is awful." She thinks about being homeless on the streets and the abuse she had endured and neglect in the foster system. She returns spoke in her serious tone, " I was alone in the world for many years and it was awful because I had no family. You are ruining our family, Leo. You will end up alone if you continue being mean and hurt others, that will be your fault. Stop hurting others mostly my daughter.""I do not like Hope!"Emma was madder. "You are not in my family anymore, Leo, you or Mom." She looks up at her Dad. "Dad, you got to tell Mom to wake up, she is ruining our family. If this continues, Mom and Leo still won't be in our family like now." Charming hugs his daughter. "I am going to talk to your Mom. You are my daughter." They hug. "Thanks, Dad. I have to find Henry and Hope." She turns around and sees her husband. "Love, Henry and Hope are with Allison trick or treating.""Let's go find them." They held hand and hook."Love, are you okay?""It was easier to discipline him when my Mom is not here making it worse.""Aye, you discipline him the right way love tough.""I feel like I am parenting my brother...I discipline him more than our own children.""Aye, your brother needs discipline. Our children know right from wrong.""I am not as mad as much...""Love, I saw the look on your face. You were in mama bear mode.""I thought my family will be perfect once I found them...Leo has them both...""Emma, if your parents kept you, you would have been nothing like your brother." "I is just being replaced..." Killian held his wife's hand as she faces him. "All of my life I was abandoned and replaced over and over again...when Leo was born...that is just the worst replacement ever my parents keeping him not me or worse found me as an adult and they are the same age as me and my Mom try to parent me...""Your magic was out of control when he was born I knew you were jealous Leo had everything you did not have as a child..""I was Mom kept him not me...Now he is tearing my family apart..." Killian hugs his wife. "Emma, you did not tear your family apart, you saved them and the town so many times. No family is perfect. The family that you and I created are your family, Emma. You have me your husband who goes to the underworld and back for you. We have our two amazing children who love you so much. Even though you are fighting with your Mom and brother, you have me your dashingly handsome husband and our children, your family who loves you for who you are and support you. You are not alone, Emma. You have all of us." Emma hugs her husband and felt safe in his arms. She kisses him on the cheek and lays her head on his chest. "You are not alone, you will always have your family who loves and cares for you." Emma smiles. "My Flynn Ryder...""Yes, my Rapunzel?""I was thinking..." She pulled his costume.. "After trick or treating we can..."Killian smiles. "I think I know what you are up to my Rapunzel." They kiss. While they were trick or treating, Allison carried Hope, as Henry walked with Lizzie. "Dada.""Hope, Daddy is with Mommy little sis. Auntie Allison and I won't let Leo hurt you. You are safe with us." He kisses Hope on the cheek."Henry, the next house is here. I can tell by the house is decorated by gravesite, zombies and jack-o-lanterns.""Good eye, Lizzie.""Henry, I know your sister wants to be held." Hope babbled. "Yes, little Hope. You are with Auntie. I do need my snuggles from you." She gave Hope kisses on her head. Henry continues to trick or treat with Lizzie and Connor. Henry smiles seeing his aunt playing with his sister laughing. Henry faces Hope, "Hope, are you having fun with Aunt Allison?""Antie!" Allison chuckles. "Aunt Allison is the best, Hope." "Henry, Hope and I are having girl talk." Hope babbled. "Yes, we are talking while Lizzie gets your Halloween candy." They continued to walk around the neighborhood. Emma and Killian found their group. "Mom, Dad, we got more candy.""That is awesome." "Auntie Emma, I got Hope her candy.""Thank you, Lizzie. Hope will love her candy." They continue to walk around. "How long has been sleeping?""Hope fell asleep maybe 20 minutes ago.""Thank you for taking her out of that situation.""Your welcome, whole the rest of the kids were trick or treating, Hope and I had Auntie and Hopey time, we talked a lot." Emma smiles. "Hope talked a lot until she fell asleep. I love her snuggles.""I love her snuggling too. She knows she is safe with you, Allison." "She knows that I won't let anyone else hurt her. How did it go?""With my brother? I gave him a lecture in a serious than I got mad because he told me he does not like Hope and I told him how he is tearing my family apart. He does not get it...he has both of our parents...I did not .""Emma, that is unfair. It was awful you grew up alone and now your brother who they kept causing your family to be torn apart." "I know, which hurts the most." Hope woke up. "Mommy.""Hi, baby girl." She gets Hope from Allison and kisses her on the head. "You always know when I need your hugs which makes me very happy.""Someone is happy to see her Mommy.""Yes. Hopey, did you have fun talking to Auntie?" Hope babbles and falls back to sleep on her Mommy."She just wanted to sleep on her Mommy."Emma smiles, "Yes, she knew I was back.""You are an amazing mother Emma. If you need to talk, call me. You are like my sister. Even though your relationship with your Mom and brother are broken, you have me and my family. We are your family."Emma smiles. "Thanks, Allison." They hug. "Love, I can carry Hope.""That's okay, honey. Hope woke up seeing me and fell back to sleep when I held her. She loves sleeping with me." Killian smiles knowing how much of an amazing mommy she is to Hope and how much Hope loves her. He kisses Emma on the head."I told you, love, Hope loves her Mommy." He wrapped his arm around his wife and walked together. "Allison, Hope and I baked Halloween cookies this morning. Do you want to come over for a little bit after trick or treating?""Sure, after Trick or Treating. We can have girl talk." After trick or treating ended, they ended up back at the Swan-Jones home. Killian and Allison took pictures of all the children including Emma holding Hope in front of the house with their Halloween costumes on. Hope woke up crying. "Hope, we are at home baby girl.""Love, I will run Hope a bath." Killian goes upstairs. Henry gets his sister from his Mom. "Hope, Mommy told me that you and her baked cookies today. You and Mommy are the best bakers in town.""Mommy, can we have some?""Yes, Lizzie, you and Connor can have cookies." Henry takes Hope into the kitchen. Emma and Allison talked on the couch. "I forgot how much walking trick or treating is." Allison giggles. "I am used to it by now.""I have not had Halloween traditions as a child but I am giving that to Hope and Henry." "Are you and Killian going to have a date night again soon?""We are thinking about it, I will let you know. Henry and Hope love having you over when we are on a date night.""I told you, Emma. I am their favorite aunt.""Yes, you are." Killian returns downstairs finding Hope with Henry, Lizzie, and Connor in the kitchen. "Hope, it is time for your bath time, little pirate." He takes Hope from Henry and heads upstairs. After a little more of their girl talk, until Allison had to take the kids home. Emma kneels to Lizzie and hugs her. "Thank you for getting Hope her candy.""You are welcome, Auntie Emma. Can I play with Hope soon?""Yes, Lizzie. I will bring Hope over soon when she is not having teeth molar pain.""We will plan a playdate soon, Lizzie. We need to go home. You and Connor have school in the morning." Allison and her children leave. Emma and Henry counted the candy and separate the open candy to the side. "Kid, did you have fun trick or treating?""Yes, it was fun. I love teaching Hope how to trick or treat. It was so cute of Hope trick or treating.""Your sister is adorable and I love how you taught her trick or treating.""I am her big brother. It is part of my job description." Emma chuckles. "Thank you for including me in the family costume.""You are a family member so you will always be included in the family costume theme." Henry went upstairs to do his homework. Emma checks on Killian and Hope, Hope was enjoying her bath time. Emma gets a phone call from her Dad. "Hi, Dad.""Hi, Emma. I tried to call Killian but he is not picking up.""Oh, he is giving Hope her bath.""It is his turn to do night patrol.""Dad, I can do night patrol for Killian.""Are you sure?""Yes, I was with the baby all day. Killian is enjoying his time with Hope."Charming smiles. "Great, Mulan is doing the midnight shift." They ended their phone conversation. Emma changed out of her costume into her normal clothes, her red leather jacket, white turtleneck, and her gray beanie hat and took off her makeup. Killian was reading Hope her bedtime story in her room. "Hope, is Dada reading to you a bedtime story?""Dada." Hope smiles. Emma smiles. "Yes, Hope. Your dada is the best.""Swan, where are you going?""I am going to do night patrol since it is Halloween, teenagers can cause trouble. I will be back at midnight." "Love, isn't that my shift?"Emma smiles. "Yes, but I know you did not have enough one on one time with Hope today. Hope is enjoying her time with her Dada." "Drive safe, swan.""I will, captain." They kiss. Emma picks up her daughter and hugs her. "Hope, be a good little pirate for Daddy. Mommy will be back soon." She gave Hope kisses on her head as Hope hugs her. Killian takes Hope from his wife and they kiss again. Emma leaves and drives her yellow bug into town. While Emma was on patrol, it was quiet. She heard a weird noise and got out of her car and looks around. A shadow comes up behind Emma and hits her on the head, the person drags the savior away from her yellow bug.To Be Continued.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora