Family Bonding When Needed

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Emma gets a bad dream, Regina coming to their house in Storybrooke, Maine for Henry. He was watching Hope. She casts a spell on Hope to be away from Henry so she can be with Henry because she was jealous. Emma wakes up from her bad dream, sweating, "Hope!" She rushes out of her bed to go to Hopes' crib. Killian wakes up, "Emma? What is wrong love?"
"I had a very bad dream." She gets her daughter and holds Hope tightly and kisses her on the head. "I am going to check up on Henry." She takes Hope with her to see her son, who was sound asleep. Emma sits on his bed and watches him and Hope both sleeps. One in bed and one in her arms, she wanted to be with both of her children to calm down and knowing they are safe and not in danger. And she can protect them with her light magic. "I love you both so much, my two babies." Killian sees Emma on Henry's bed. He whispered, "Emma, are you okay?"
"I just want to know and see that both of my children are safe that is all." Henry wakes up.
"Mom? Dad?" He turns his light on.
"Hey, Henry."
"Mom is everything okay?"
"I just wanted to see that you and Hope are safe."
"Mom, what happened?"
"I had a bad dream that Regina...Regina uses her magic to take away Hope from you so you can spend time with her." Henry hugs his Mom and sister.
"Love, that is not going to happen."
"Dad is right. My other Mom is not going to do that."
"Regina is not going to harm Hope or Henry, love."
"I know...but I am now not going to sleep."
"Mom, my bed is big enough for two people, you and Hope can sleep with me."
"Henry, you are my sweetest son."
"I want to help Mom and knowing you being with the both of us will help you sleep." Hope wakes up crying. "Hope, you are going to sleep with me and Mommy little sis." He gives Hope kisses on the head. "Yes, you, Mommy and I are having a sleepover in here."
"Kid, your sister needs to be changed. She and I will be right back."
"Emma, I can change her."
Emma hesitated. "Sure you can."
"We are going to be across the hall, love." He kisses Emma on the head and takes Hope from his wife to change her in their room.
"Mom, is this bad dream caused by my fight with my Mom?"
"I really don't know kid."
Henry hugs his Mom, tightly. "I love you Mom so much. You were the first person to gave me hope when I found you and you believed in me. You are my mom."
"I am, Henry. That is why I got afraid. I do not want either of my babies to be hurt."
"You are my mom. You love and care for us always. I am going to be there for you and Hope, always."
"I know you are. You and your Dad, my two boys." Hope returns crying.
"Emma, our little love wants you." Killian hands their daughter to his wife.
"Hope. Mommy is okay sweetie. She just had a bad dream that is all. Now that I have you in my arms and have Henry with me I am very happy." Hope puts grips her hands on Emma's pajama shirt. Hope slowly calmed down, being held by Emma. Henry helped my kissing Hope on the head and talked to her. Emma and Killian watched their children bond.
"Mom, she knew that you were afraid."
"Yes, she did kid. When I brought her in here, she was asleep. When she woke up, she knew I was not alright." Hope coos.
"Aye, little love. You are right. Mommy is happy to be with you and Henry." Hope smiles. "Emma, do you want me to bring the crib in here?"
"The small one?"
"Mom, can we go back to bed soon?"
"Yes, Henry. Are you sure you do not mind Hope sleeping in here? She might wake up a few more times tonight."
"Mom, I love Hope, my baby sister." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, are you happy that you are sleeping in my room?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you love me and Mommy." Hope moves around in her Mommy's arms. "Mom, she is so happy with us."
"Yes, your sister is very happy to be with us." She kisses Hope and Henry on top of their heads. She lies down on Henry's bed with Hope on top of her. Henry lies next to his Mom.
"Mom, we will be okay."
"I know, kid. I just want to be with you both, that is all."
"I like sleeping together, with you and Hope." He kisses his Mom on head and Hope's head.
"Hope, we got to go back to sleep sweetie."
"Little Sis, I love you so much." He kisses Hope on the head. He smiles at her brother and falls back to sleep. Emma saw both of her children asleep nearby her she slowly fell back to sleep knowing that they are with her and not going anywhere. Killian returns with the cradle, he puts it down and takes a picture of his wife and their children sleeping together. He puts the crib next to Henry's bed and quietly placed Hope on her cradle. "You are next to Mommy little love." He went back to their bedroom and goes back to sleep, knowing his wife needs to be with their children, to ease her worries. A few hours later, Hope wakes up crying to be fed. Emma wakes up finding Hope in her cradle. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie. I will feed you. We have to be quiet, Henry is sleeping." Emma feeds her daughter and Hope spits up on herself and Emma, which makes her very upset. "Hope, it is okay, baby. Mommy will change you in our room." Emma takes Hope to their room to change her pajamas. Killian wakes up. "Is Hope alright?"
"She needs to change her outfit because she spits up when I was feeding her."
"Emma, I can change her."
"You can help."
"Sure love."
As Emma was about to change her outfit Hope makes poop. "Hope, after you poop, I will change your diaper and onesie, sweetie." She rubs Hope's cheek while makes Hope smiles. Once Hope was done, Emma changed her diaper, Killian had the garbage can ready for Emma and she changed Hope into a new onesie. "Little Hope, you are all clean sweetie."
"Thank you for helping."
"Your welcome, love." They kiss.
"Hope, let's go back to your brother's room." Hope smiles. "Yes, you love sleeping in the same room as Henry."
"Hope, be a good little lass and let Henry and Mommy sleep, little love."
Emma smiles. "Killian, we will have alone time together today."
"Aye, we will love." They kiss. Emma takes Hope back in Henry's room. Henry was awake.
"Henry, your awake?"
"Mom. Is Hope okay?"
"Yes, she is Henry. She needed to need a clean outfit and a clean diaper."
"Can I hold her?"
"Just until she falls back to sleep." Emma sits on the bed and Henry takes Hope from her.
"Hi, Hope. Do you feel better now that you are all clean?" Hope coos. "Yes, Hope. I love you so much, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head and she moves around. "Are you happy to be with me?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you are." Henry plays with Hope as Emma watched them play together until Hope falls back to sleep in Henry's arms. "Sweet dreams little sis. I love you so much, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. "Henry, you are amazing with your little sister. Hope loves you so much."
"I know. Mom, I love her so much. I would do anything for her. Like you do for the both of us. Let me know when you and Dad are going on a date. I have a few ideas to keep Hope happy with the help from Aunt Allison."
"I will let you on that offer soon. We both need some sleep." Henry puts Hope back in her cradle.
"I thought you fell back to sleep when I was playing with her." Henry hugs his mom.
"No, I love seeing my two children getting closer. You both were just so happy. I did not want to miss any of it."
"I am happy you saw us together."
"I love you both so much."
"We both love you too, Mom." He kisses his Mom on the head and gives him a kiss on the head, they fall back to sleep together.
The next morning, Allison sees Emma's room empty. She goes downstairs to find Killian making breakfast. "Morning, Killian."
"Good morning, Allison."
"Where are Emma and Hope?"
"Aye, they are having a sleepover in Henry's room. Last night, Emma had a bad dream of Regina taking Hope away using magic and taking Henry for her own reasons. She wanted to be with both of our children."
"So she knows that they are safe?"
"Aye. I was thinking of taking Emma out tonight, to help her relax from what happened with Henry and Regina and need one on one time."
"Killian, I do not mind watching Hope and Henry for you both. We will have fun."
"Aye, I know so."
Back upstairs in Henry's room, Emma was still asleep. Henry was playing with Hope. "Hope,we have to be quiet, Mommy is sleeping." He tickled her, playing the tickle monster. "Hope, I am the tickle monster...I am going to get you..I am going to get you...tickle..tickle..." He tickles her all over and kisses her making Hope smile and moves her arms and legs around. Emma hears her children playing with each other which was the best sounds in the whole world. She wakes up seeing Henry playing with Hope. "Good morning, Henry and good morning Hope.
"Hi, Mom. Did we wake you up?"
"Mom. I am sorry. Hope was awake and I wanted to play with her after I changed her diaper."
"Henry it is alright. You can play with Hope anytime." She talks to her daughter. "Hope, are you having fun with Henry?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you are having fun with your big brother. You have the best big brother sweetie." She gives Hope her finger and she takes it and puts it in her mouth. Emma gets a facetime call from her Mom. "Henry, your grandmother is calling me. You can watch Hope if I need to talk to her privately?"
"Yes, Mom. I can."
"I only told my Dad to call if anything happens is to call."
"Mom, I am pretty sure everything is alright back at home." She answers the facetime call. Snow White comes on the screen seeing Emma, Henry, and Hope together. "Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Emma, Henry, and Hope."
"Hi, Grandma. Hope, Grandma is on Mommy's phone little sis." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Am I interrupting something?"
"Not pancakes if you meant that." Henry laughs.
"Sorry, Mom."
"What is going on?"
"Oh no. What happened? Henry."
"Mom, I am staying. I was the one who vented."
"Henry, you needed to vent your feelings out."
"I know Mom, I learned that from you."
"You did, kid." She hugs her son and daughter.
"Regina came over mad and upset."
"Grandma, what did my other Mom do?"
"Came to talk to me about you Henry."
"She is not using magic right? What did she say?"
"No, Henry, no magic. She said that you were mad at her for all she did to you in your childhood and how you know who reminds you of what happened to you."
Henry sighs and holds Hope tighter in his arms. "Henry, you want me to hold Hope?"
"Mom, it is okay. I want you and Hope be with me." She places her hand on her son's shoulder.
"Grandma, I was only venting on how I felt when I was a child...alone, no friends which you knew when I was 10...having Robin's daughter in that house, and keeping secrets reminds me of my childhood...being walled up...and lonely...she was awake for that curse and did not help me or cared that I was alone. She thought I was mad at her for Robin's daughter upsetting Hope, not only that everything else that happened when I was a child, finally went out and sometimes hard to make up for." Henry had a few tears in his eyes. "Grandma you helped me to find my Mom which was the best thing ever happened to me. My mom is in my life and that is all I care about." Hope fussed in her brother's arms. "Mom, I am going to play with Hope in the living room."
"Henry, are you okay?"
"Mom, I have you, Dad, Hope and Aunt Allison in my life that is all I care about. That dream is not going to happen, Mom."
She kisses Henry on the head. "I love you, Henry."
"I love you too Mom." He talks to Hope. "Hope, you want to play downstairs?" Hope makes poop. "I will change you and then we can play downstairs."
"Henry, if you need to talk."
"Mom. I am happy to be with my family. I want to play with Hope before the beach today."
"Just makes sure she does tummy time."
"Yes, she is getting stronger every day."
"Yes, she is Henry." She talks to Hope."Hope, have fun with Henry, sweetie." Henry takes Hope out of his room and leaves the door open.
"Mom, what did Regina say?"
"Emma, he really said all of that on Facetime to Regina yesterday?"
"Oh yes, he did. Killian was here for their entire conversation, Henry got mad really quickly. I came up eventually and listened to the rest, Allison was watching Hope who already got upset because Henry was mad. It was one of the times when Henry is really mad. What did Regina say?"
"Regina was mad and mostly upset, wondering why Henry did not tell her any of it."
"Regina isolated Henry for ten years of his life, he was alone and no one to talk to at home or school, only you. He knew that she was awake and she did nothing about it, not until he found me. I knew he was lonely and wanted to make sure he was happy. What did you tell Regina?"
"To apologize to him. She told me that she did. Then I told her a more sincere apology."
"Mom, I do not know how Regina is going to make it up to him, the childhood of loneliness and being isolated. I do not know how Henry will ever forgive her."
"It takes time Emma. It certainly took me time to forgive her or adjust to her after all she did to me."
"Mom, I am giving Henry the life he always wanted a family that is trustworthy, honest, and openness and most important love which clearly he did not get living with her." Killian was at the doorway.
"Mom, Henry is happy having me, Killian, Hope, and Allison on this trip experiencing many things that he missed out on his childhood like building a sand castle, going to an amusement park and swimming in the ocean. I saw the look on his face when he rode his first rollercoaster which was amazing. I am happy that I am giving him many moments with since I missed so much on his life. Now from what I was hearing last night about his childhood...I am not sure if I made the right of giving him up for adoption when I thought I was I was giving him his best chance." Emma began crying and Killian comes to comfort and holds her in his arms. "I thought he was going to have two loving parents in a loving home. When he found me, and I saw this life, that he was lonely and unhappy...makes me regret every day."
"Emma, Henry is happy to be with you so much. I can see it when he was just here with Hope. He loves you and our family. He is very grateful you are with him now."
"But the loneliness as a child..." Emma cried harder. "I did not want to have the same experience as I did, which he did."
"Love, he has you now. He was not in foster homes like you were, he had a home that is more important." He kisses Emma on the head. "Killian, I am going to check on the kids. Mom, please let me know if is she is up to something?"
"Emma, I will. I know Regina needs time to process what Henry said to her. It was a lot of what Henry said to her."
"Yes, Mom. It was a lot. I do not want to talk about Regina. I am going to be with both of my babies." Emma leaves the room. Emma finds Henry with Hope doing tummy time in the living room. Allison was in the living room with them."Henry."
"Mom." Emma hugs him. "Mom, are you okay?"
"I just wanted to see you and Hope that is all. I love you so much, Henry."
"Mom, I love you too." He hugs her hard. Emma had tears in her eyes.
"Henry, can you watch Hope? Your Mom and I need some girl time."
"Sure, Aunt Allison. Mom, I love you always."
"I love you too, Henry." Hope makes a sound. She goes over to Hope. "Hope, you are getting stronger baby girl." She lifts Hope up from the bedsheet. "Hope, are you being a good girl to Henry and auntie." Hope coos. "Yes, you are my sweetie." She kisses Hope. Hope grips her. "Hope, I am alright sweetie. Have fun with Henry." She kisses Hope again. "I love you so much baby girl." Hope placed her hand on Emma's face. "You know when I need extra love." Hope smiles which make her smile. "Henry, watch your sister."
"I will Mom. She and I are going to play in here." She hands over Hope to Henry. Allison and Emma went away from the living room. Allison knows Emma enough that something was wrong. "Emma?"
Emma starts crying all over again and Allison hugs her. "We can talk in the hammock." Emma and Allison go to the backyard to the hammock. Allison waited for Emma to stop crying. "Emma, I know you were facetiming your mom. Henry came down here upset. He told me that he spoke to your mom about what happened last night."
"After he left with Hope, I told my mom that all of that pain, the loneliness he had as a child makes me regret giving Henry up more. I wanted to give him his best chance, to have two parents who love him, give him a home and give him everything that I could not provide him. When I found out that he was lonely, had no friends, and Regina...I stayed for him knowing he needed me. It makes me wonder if I could have given him more... I do not know."
"Emma, you are in his life now. He is loving every minute he is with you, Hope and Killian. He is loving our family even though he is a teenager now. You are giving him many experiences and memories that he could not have as a child. Now he is having all of this fun time and family memories because of you. You are the mom giving him everything now and he is loving every minute with you, Killian, and Hope."
"You too, Allison."
"See, Henry is enjoying his time with his family that you made Emma. I am loving experiencing your family time together and helping when needed. "
"You are right...I regret every single day giving him up."
"I know. You have him in your life now which all that matters."
"I am really happy that you are on this trip with us."
"Me too, Emma. What do you want to do today? I know you had a rough night, the bad dream and the facetime call now. If you need to spend time with Henry and Hope. I can give you your space."
"Allison, no, no. You are family. Our family sticks together for everything and spends time together." They hug. They hear Hope crying. "Mom are you out here?"
"We are at the hammock kid." Henry brings crying Hope with him.
"Mom, Hope wants you." He hands over Hope to their Mom.
"Henry, you can sit with your Mom. I can make breakfast."
"What are you making?"
"I was thinking waffles."
"Sounds good." Allison heads back inside. Emma breastfed Hope.
"Is Hope okay?
"Yes, she just hungry that is all."
"Mom are you okay?"
"I got really upset when I spoke to my mom about your conversation with Regina after you left the room. I got upset because it made me think about regretting giving you up. I gave you up because I wanted you to have two parents, with a loving home. I did not want you to go through the system like I did. It was awful. I was in juvie. You would have been in a foster home until I got out.I had no home or money. Now that I know more of what happened before I met you I was just more heartbroken..."
Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom. I love you so much. Please do not be upset. Even though my other mom isolated me, I had a home which is more important."
"Yes. I wanted you to have everything that I could not have."
"Mom you are in my life now, which means everything in the world to me. Knowing that you loved me when I was born which means the world to me."
"Kid, you were my first family."
" I love our life together. Mom, you are my mom that is all that matter to me. You have given me a normal home, Hope, Dad, Aunt Allison, a trustworthy and open family which I love the most. Please do not regret giving me up." He hugs her as best as he could with Hope eating from Emma.
"I love you Mom so much."
"I love you so much." She kisses him on the head. "Always." Hope puts her hands on her Mommy's chest where her heart was. "Hope, I love you too sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope knows that you love us both mom."
"She sure does kid." Henry laid next to his Mom and they both watched Hope eat.
Back in Henry's room."Killian, I know Emma has mixed feelings about Regina still...and regrets giving Henry up."
"Aye, she does. Emma has those feelings from time to time, I am here for her, Henry, Hope, and Allison."
"I know Henry is making sure that she is not upset."
"Aye, he is. He even told her when he was upset after the call to Regina, he made sure Emma was not to be upset. He cared for Emma's feelings and his own at the same time."
"Aww. No matter what, Henry is going to love Emma.
"Aye, you are right. Snow, was Regina upset?"
"Yes, mostly. She wants to apologize to him."
"She did. He did not want to hear it. He was very angry last night. Then he got upset after the call ended and we were there to comfort him and be there for him when he needed the both of us. Is Regina mad?"
"Mostly upset. I know from what Emma just said that Regina "making up" Henry missed as a child or having walls up will be hard to make up, which I do not think she can."
"Aye. Emma and I are giving him many experiences that he never had before and spending time with him one on one. He loves Hope and all of us, he is loving being with us all the time."
"It looks like you are having a fun family vacation."
"Aye, we are. We are going to the beach every day. Henry went to the amusement park with Emma and then he brought me there last night. Hope loves the ocean. It has been so much fun."
"Killian, I know that you and Emma are there for both of your children. You are there for Emma."
"Snow, I am going to be there for Emma always."
"I know. She has you, which is the best thing ever happened to her."
"Aye, she is there for me and I am there for her."
"Yes, you are. You both are doing amazing with Hope and Henry. I will call again if anything happens."
"Aye, please let me know. Or call my phone if anything does."
"I will. I do not want to stress out Emma."
"Aye, both of us not going to stress her out more. " They end their conversation. Killian finds Allison in the kitchen making waffles. "Where are Emma and the kids?"
"Emma and I talked. I got her to calm down and slowly feeling better. She is with Henry and Hope in the backyard on the hammock."
"She was upset about Henry adoption."
"I know. I reminded her that he is with her now which all that matters."
"Aye, Henry is loving his time with all of us."
"That is right."
Emma returns to the kitchen with Henry and Hope. "Emma." They kiss.
"I am better now.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I am. Hope, Daddy is here. You want Daddy?" Emma hands over their daughter to her husband.
"Hi, little love. It is a very busy morning, already. Are you ready to go into the ocean with me?" Hope coos and moves around. "Aye, little love. After breakfast then we go swimming." He kisses Hope on the cheeks. Killian sits down and plays with his daughter.
"Mom, I have a drawing that I want to show you. I will be right back."
"Allison. Thank you for talking to me before."
"I knew something was wrong. I am just glad that I can help."
"Love, you and I are going on a date tonight."
"We are?"
"Aye, we are."
"Where are we going?"
"It is a surprise love."
"What do I need to wear?"
"Something nice, not too fancy."
"Emma, I was thinking for tomorrow, we can have a girls day tomorrow. We can get our nails done."
"Allison, that will be great. I do need to relax. Do you know where?'
"Yes, I found a place nearby."
"Great. Is this girls day including Hope?"
"Yes, of course, Hope is joining us. It would not be a girls day without her." She talks to Hope. "Hope, my little niece you want to get your nails painted with auntie and Mommy tomorrow?" Hope smiles and Allison kiss her on the cheeks.
"Allison, I know that it will be fun tomorrow."
"It will be fun, Emma."
Henry returns with his sketch pad. "Mom, I drew this recently." He gives her the sketch pad. She looks at the sketch pad, a drawing of her, Hope, Killian and him at the beach together sitting in the ocean. Emma gasped. "Henry..."
"Mom, Aunt Allison took this photo. I wanted to draw my family."
"Henry. This is amazing." She hugs him.
"Mom, you all are my family." Allison and Killian saw this drawing, they were amazed too.
"Lad, you have a talent for art, Henry."
"Thanks, Dad. I get it from Mom."
"Henry, you drew my picture?"
"Yes, I did, aunt Allison."
"You can show me how to draw tonight since I am watching Hope tonight."
"Mom, you and Dad are going on a date tonight?"
"Yes, we are kid."
"Mom, you need to have time to relax. Aunt Allison and I will have fun tonight with Hope. I do not mind giving her a few drawing lessons."
"You will be a great teacher."
"I hope so." They eat breakfast together as a family. After breakfast, everyone prepped for the beach. Once they were in their spot, Killian got Hope. "Hope, I do believe you and I are going to swim little love." Hope smiled, she was wearing a Minnie Mouse bathing suit and a pink sun hat. Killian takes Hope into the very shallow part of the ocean and sat with his daughter who loved getting wet. Hope was moving around and love getting wet. "Hope, are you having fun in the ocean little love?" Hope coos. "Aye, now that is my little pirate." He sees Emma, Henry and Allison body surfing together. Emma landed nearby Killian and Hope."Love, you look like you had fun."
"Yes, I did. Killian, you can swim. I can play with Hope."
"Aye, I think Hope needs to be in the shade soon. I already changed her diaper. Other than that Hope is having fun in the ocean." Emma takes Hope from her husband. "Hope, have fun with mommy little love. You can watch Daddy swim." Killian joins Allison and Henry. As Emma held her daughter, she watched Hope loving getting wet by the waves. "You love the water sweetie." Hope smiles and Emma give Hope kisses on her head. "I love you so much, sweetie." Emma returned to their spot on the sand. Hope took a nice nap on her Mommy. "You were tired out from being in the ocean and having a fun time." She kisses Hope on the head. Allison returns to their spot. "How is Hope? She looks comfy."
"Yes, she is. She had so much fun in the water, she tired out from her fun. How was the rest of the time in the ocean without me?'
"It was fun but not the same without you."
"I needed a break, I barely had slept."
"Emma, get some sleep. We can talk later."Emma takes a nap. Allison takes a photo of Emma and Hope both napping together. Allison reads a book.
Henry and Killian returned to their spot seeing Allison reading and Emma & Hope napping together. "How was the ocean, Henry?"
"It was fun Aunt Allison. How is it here?"
"Quiet, Your Mom needs some sleep and your sister had so much fun in the water she is napping from being so tired."
"Can we build a sand castle?"
Allison smiled. "Yes, we can Henry." Killian sat next to his wife and daughter as he watched son and Allison build a sandcastle. A little while later, Killian sees Hope awake. "Hi, Hope. Did you have a good nap on your Mommy? You sure look comfy on your Mommy little lass." He rubbed her little cheek which made her smile. "I love you, Hope." He gives Hope his finger and she gripped his finger. "You are a strong little lass, you get that from your Mommy." He kisses Hope on the cheek. Emma wakes up from her nap.
"Hi, love."
"Hope, are you talking to Daddy?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you love Daddy." He wraps his arm around his wife and daughter and they kiss. She leans on him as they relax together and enjoy hearing the ocean crashing on the shore. "This is nice."
"Aye, this is very relaxing."
"We need to do this more often."
"Aye, we should. Hope do you want to go in the ocean all the time?" Hope smiles.
"Hope, you are a little pirate princess."
"Yes, she is a pirate like her Daddy." Hope begins to fuss. "Hope, are you hungry? Killian, can you hold her so I can prep to feed her?"
"Sure, love. Come to Daddy Hope." She hands her over to Killian. "Hope, Mommy will feed soon little lass." He kisses her and bounces her as she was crying. "Hope, later. How about you and I go for a swim? Would you like that?" Hope stares at her Daddy with her matching blue eyes and grip him. "Aye, little love. After you eat you and I can go for a swim." He kisses Hope on the head. He hands her over when Emma was ready to feed her and she latches on quickly. "You are such a good little girl Hope. You love being with Mommy and Daddy." She grips her Mommy. "Yes, you do." She kisses Hope on the head. After she was fed, Hope just wanted to be held by her Mommy. "You just want time with Mommy that is all." Hope smiles, making her smile. They played their kissing game and after their fun, Hope fell asleep. "Killian, what time is our date tonight?"
"I was thinking, we can leave at 7:00 pm."
"That is a good time. I can feed her before we go."
"Aye, our little lass is having fun with you."
"Yes, yes she is. From yesterday and this morning, just being able to relax feels good."
"It is a vacation love, we are supposed to relax."
"If Henry did not have that phone call we would not have been stressed."
"I know, love. I know." He kisses her on the forehead. "We were there for him when he needed us."
"Yes, we were and are going to te be there for him when he needs us."
"Aye, love. We are." They kiss. Henry returns.
"Mom, how is Hope?"
"Oh, she is taking another nap. I have a feeling she will be up tonight with you and Aunt Allison."
"I have a few ideas what to do with Hope tonight."
"Kid, what are you up to?"
"Mom, I am going to have fun with Hope, that is all."
"I know that Hope will have fun with you whatever you decided to do." Hope wakes up. "Hope, do you want to go into the water?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you love the water." Emma took Hope to the eater and Henry joined them. "Mom, she is really loving getting wet."
"Yes, she sure does Henry. Later she is going to take a very needed bubble bath." Killian took a few photos of his wife and kids in the water.
"Killian, she is so great with them."
"Aye, I know."
"Your both are good parents.
"Thank you very much."
"What are your plans tonight your date night?"
"I am taking Emma out to dinner and walking on the shore afterward. She is enjoying the beach, we just need one on one time and let her distressed on what happened this morning and last night."
"Yes, she definitely needs a little break. Hope and Henry are going to have fun with me."
"Aye, I know. Thank you for watching them tonight."
"It is no problem at all. I am going to have fun with my one on one time with my niece and nephew."
"Aye, I know Henry is excited."
"Yes, he is." They went back to their beach house. Emma gave Hope a bubble bath, with the help from Henry. After her bath, Emma changed Hope into her pajamas. "Hope, you are all clean baby girl." Hope needs a changed. "I spoke to too soon." Emma changes Hope's diaper and played their special game for a little while. "Mom, I took a shower. I can watch Hope for you."
"Thanks, Kid." She kisses Henry on the head. "Hope, be a good girl for Henry." Henry takes Hope to his room. "Hope, do you want a story?" Hope fussed. "No, you want to talk?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you just want to listen to you big brother." He kisses Hope on the head and placed her on his body as he laid down on his bed. "Hope, I am looking forward to school this year, I get to expand my art skills. The art kit that auntie gave me? Well, I can use it in school, which is awesome." As Henry spoke to his baby sister, Hope did tummy time on her big brother. "Hope, are you listening to me? Or do tummy time?" Hope coos and grips her brother. "Okay, okay, you are listening to me, little sis." He continues to talk to her.
Emma was in her room getting ready for her date night. She wore a floral long summer dress and beach waves hairstyle. She put on light makeup and sandals. She listens in on Henry talking to Hope in his room. "My two kids love each other is the best thing in the world."
"Emma, what are you up to?"
"Listening to our two children bonding."
"Love, are you almost ready?"
"Yes, I am. Is my outfit alright? For our date."
"You look gorgeous love."
"Thank you, captain." They kiss. "I just have to pump milk for Hope."
"Take your time love." She pumps a few bottles of milk in their room for Hope just in case they are out too long. Henry brings Hope into their parents' room. "Mom, Hope wants you."
"I will be done in a minute." Henry bounces Hope in his arms and sat down on the bed next to their Mom.
"Little sis, Mommy will be with you in a few minutes little sis." He gives her kisses on the cheeks and her tummy. "Yes, I am making you happy Hope. I love you so much, Hope." She grips her big brother. "Yes, you had fun with me? Listening to me while you doing tummy time on me?" Hope coos.
"Was Hope a good listener?" Emma finished pumping her milk supply.
"Yes, she was. She is getting stronger in tummy time too. You want to see?"
"Sure, Henry." He placed Hope in the middle of the big bed and Emma sat close to Hope, who was picking her head up and looks at her Mommy on the side. "Hope! You are getting so much stronger baby girl. Mommy is so proud of you!" Hope reached her hand towards her Mommy's hand. "I love you too Hope." She kisses Hope's little hand. Henry took pictures of Hope with their Mom during tummy time. Emma did not stop watching Hope doing tummy time until Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry baby? I will feed you." Hope latches on. "Yes, you are Mommy's good girl. You are getting so strong every day because you drink Mommy's milk to help you grow big and strong."
Henry goes out of the room, letting Hope eat. He finds Aunt Allison with his Dad in the living room. "Henry is your Mom almost ready?"
"Yes, she watched Hope did tummy time and now is feeding her."
"Good. Lad, you know the rules, call us if anything goes wrong. I know your Mom will be nervous."
"Dad, Hope will be fine we will be fine right Aunt Allison?"
"Yes, Henry. Killian, Henry, and Hope will be fine. They are going to be with me."
"I know Allison. I am just worried that is all, from yesterday and this morning."
"Killian, I know that you are worried. They are safe with me."
"Dad, please let Mom have fun tonight. She needs to relax. I should not have had answer that facetime call my other Mom. Now, mom is stressed."
"Henry, it is not your fault lad. We are going to be here for you no matter what. We are your parents." He hugs and kisses Henry."
"You are the best Dad."
"Aye, I am." Emma comes downstairs. "Emma, are you ready?"
"Yes, Hope is fed and asleep. Allison, if anything happens, like magic or anything.."
"Emma, Henry and Hope will be safe with me."
"Emma, they will be safe."
"Mom, I will call you if anything happens. Aunt Allison and I have everything under control." She kisses Henry and hugs him. "Henry , have fun with your aunt and sister tonight."
"Mom, I will protect them always. Have fun with Dad."
"I will. Allison, thank you for watching them." She hugs Allison.
'Your welcome Emma. I get to have fun with time with my niece and nephew. Go have fun tonight." Killian and Emma leave.
"Aunt Allison, I found something."
"What did you find?"
"I was looking around in the house and found something in the garage."
"Henry, let me get your sister and then you can show me what you found."
"Sure." Allison got sleeping Hope and Henry lead the girls to what he found. He takes out a baby pool. "Henry, Hope is going love it."
"We can put the baby pool in the backyard."
"Henry that is a great idea. We can let her get wet more when she wakes up from her nap. We still have leftover spaghetti."
"Yes, we can dinner now."
"Yes, we can Henry." They ate dinner together and watched a movie on television in the living room. Hope was sleeping on the couch in between Henry and Allison.
Killian takes Emma to a nice Italian restaurant. "Killian, this looks great."
"Aye, we need to have alone time."
"Yes, we do." They talked a lot about their vacation so far and enjoyed their time together. They had pizza and mussels in a garlic soup. "Killian, where did you find this place?"
"On my iPhone."
"You are getting so much better with technology."
"Aye, I am." He shows her his home screen of them with both of their kids. His lock screen was with her and Hope as a newborn a few hours after she was born. "Killian, Hope is so big now."
"I know, love. She is getting so big every single day."
"She is so happy with us all."
'Aye, she is love. We are giving her a great life with Henry."
"Yes, we are, giving them a great life together. I love my babies so much."
He holds her hand across the table. "Emma, they love you."
"Yes, they do. I am just hoping this stress issue does not affect Hope."
"Love, she is making you happy during the events, you are making sure that she is happy all the time with me, Allison and Henry. Allison would know if your anxiety affects Hope. She would have told us, love."
"Your right. Hope is happy with all of us."
"Aye, she is love. She has brung us all so much happiness."
"Aye, love she has."
"I want to check on them."
She calls Allison. "Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Emma. How is your date night?"
"Fun, we are having dinner so far. How are Henry and Hope?"
"Henry and I had leftovers for dinner and Henry is playing with Hope. They are fine Emma."
"I just wanted to make sure."
"Emma, they are having fun together, Hope is happy and she is not crying."
Emma smiled."I am glad. I will see you when we get back."
"Yes, I will call you if anything is wrong." Their phone call ended.
"How are they love?"
"Henry and Hope are having fun together."
"See, love they are having fun."
"I know."
"Let's have some dessert and we can walk on the shore."
"I would love that." They ordered their dessert and continue to talk.
After Allison and Henry ate dinner, Henry cleaned the baby pool for Hope in the backyard. "Hope, Henry is cleaning the pool for you to get wet in. Do you want to go swimming?" Hope smiles. "Hope, you want Henry to swim with you?" Hope smiles. "Henry, Hope wants you to swim with her."
"Of course, Hope." He goes up to his aunt and sister. "Hope, I am going to swim with you tonight. I already have my bathing suit on. You and me in the baby pool." Hope happily moved around in her auntie's arms. "Henry, she is very excited for your night swimming."
"Yes, I am excited already."
"Hope, you need to get changed into your swimming outfit." Allison brings Hope up the Emma and Killian's room to change Hope into a swim diaper and bathing suit, her pink frilly one. "Hope, are you ready to get wet?" Hope smiles. Allison gives Hope kisses on your cheeks. "My little niece you are so cute." Henry had the pool filled up for Hope and him to get wet in.
"Hope, are you ready to get wet little sis?" He takes her from their aunt.
"Henry, when it gets cooler out with have to get back in, you do not want Hope to get sick?'
"Aunt Allison, we won't be in the water too long." He sits down in the pool and has Hope sitting up against him happily getting wet. "Hope is the pool cold?"
Allison reached into test the water. "Henry, the temperature is perfect, not cold, warm enough for Hope." She took pictures of them getting wet together and bonding with her iPhone and Henry's camera. Hope was splashing around and moving her legs. "Hope, are you having fun little sis?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you are." He kisses her on the head. "I will do anything for you little sis, to make you happy, always." Hope was moving around and having so much fun in the baby pool.
"Henry, she is having so much fun with you."
"I know. I love making Hope happy.'
"You are Henry." SHe talks to Hope. "Hope, sweetie are you happy to be swimming with your big brother." Hope smiles. "Yes, your big brother is the best." Allison gets a phone call from Emma. After she gets off the phone. "Aunt Allison, did you tell our Mom about Hope's extra swim?"
"No, I just told her that you two were having together that is all." Allison tickles Hope and Hope kicks and splashes her auntie. She acts surprised. "Hope? You got me, wet sweetie. It is alright. I know you are having fun with Henry."
"Aunt Allison, I need to ask you advice."
"What is on your mind?" SHe sits nearby the pool.
"I do not know how to forgive my other Mom, after all, she did to me. My mom is making it up to me now, everything that I missed in my childhood and everything she missed out on me. My other mom, who caused everything...I do not know if I will ever forgive her."
"Henry, you have to forgive her she is still your Mom no matter what. I know the pain huts, it might not ever go away but you have to forgive her."
"I still have mixed feelings about her too which makes it harder."
"I know. Forgiving her is the best way to move on."
"I know, Aunt Allison. She wants to make it up to me. I know she cannot. After all, she did to my grandma, my was alone without her loving parents all because of her."
"Henry, listen to me, you are the kindest, caring nephew I ever have. She raised you right, a good kid."
"I get my personality from my real Mom. I did not go dark."
"I know, Henry. Look how you are with Hope. She adores you and loves you. She knows that you are the kindest caring person and lucky to have you as her big brother." He looks down at his baby sister and kisses her on the head.
"I care all about my good relatives, my mom, dad, Hope, my grandparents and you Aunt Allison. I want to be with them. I do want to be around people who cause me constant stress."
"Henry, you are with us and we love you for who you are." Hope begins to fuss. "Let me get her towel." Henry holds his sister. "Hope, did you have fun in the water with me?" Hope snuggled and gripped her big brother. "Aww. Hope you know that I needed extra love." He kisses Hope on the head. "I love you so much, little sis." Allison wraps Hope in a towel. "Aunt Allison, Hope just wanted to show me her love for me. She knew that I was upset."
"See, Henry. Hope loves you."
"I know, I love her so much, ever since my Mom told me she was pregnant with her. I love my biological sibling."
"I think it is time to head back in."
"I think so too." As Henry got out of the water, Hope began to cry. "Hope, you want to get wet more little sis?" Hope smiles. "Yes, we can still get wet." Allison takes the towel from Hope and Henry played with Hope in the water. Allison took pictures of them together. "Aunt Allison, I will forgive my other Mom, but I still do not trust her."
"I understand that Henry. You told her how you felt which is the most important."
"My mom and Dad taught me about being honest and expressing your feelings, it just in my former home."
"I know Henry. I remember you telling me. Remember, everyone raised their children differently. You are lucky to have parents that tell you the truth."
"I know, just when I was a child. I felt so alone. I always wondered what happened to my real Mom. Then I found out why and I found her which is the best thing ever happened to me." Hope makes sounds and splashes around. "Hope, I know you having fun in the water baby sis. I am having fun with you too." He kisses Hope on the head. "I did not expect to have a real family not until I found my mom. She gave me hope for a better life and how change is good. She showed me then and now how life can be fun and enjoying new experiences no matter what."
"Henry, you should tell your Mom about this."
"I will, I know this will make her happy." The sun was setting.
"Henry. It is getting cold out and you two are turning into prunes."
Henry laughed. "Yes, we are. Hope did you have fun?" Hope smiles. "Yes. I had so much fun with you too." Allison emptied the pool as Henry brought Hope to the porch, both wrapped in towels, drying off. "Are you warm now little sis?" Hope smiled and he kisses her on the head. "Hope you want to have a bubble bath with me?" Hope smiles. He waited for their aunt to come back up. "Thank you, Aunt Allison, for emptying the pool."
"Your welcome, Henry. I know you both needed to dry off. Did you have fun?"
"Yes, I did. I know Hope had fun."
"Hope, you need a bubble bath."
"Aunt Allison, can I take a bubble bath with her?"
"Yes, you can. Just keep your swimsuit on."
"Yes, I had a feeling I need to do that." Allison giggled. They both laughed and talked until Henry and Hope dried off more before getting into the house.
After their dessert, Emma and Killian walked along the shore. Killian wrapped his arms around his wife as they walked on the shore. Emma walked barefoot. "We need to do more dates like this."
"Aye, we should especially since it is summer and the weather is nice."
"Yes. I love my alone time with you."
"Aye, I too love." They kiss. "Tomorrow Allison, Hope and I are having a girls day. Do you have any ideas on what to do with Henry?"
"I was thinking of taking Henry to the arcade tomorrow. I know he will have fun." Emma giggles. "I know both of my both are going to have fun." They took photos of each other as the sun was setting along the shore, together and single photos of each other. They slowly went back to their car as it was getting darker. Killin drove them back home.
"I am sad that our date is over."
"Love, I have fun on our date." They kiss.
"We need to do this when we get back home.
"Aye, we do have two babysitters."
"Yes, we do. No phone calls from Allison or Henry. I think they had fun."
"Me too. Let's go see what they are up to."
"Yes." They head inside and they do not see any sign of Hope, Henry or Allison. "Where are they?"
"Love, they must be upstairs." They see Allison at the doorway and hearing Henry.
"Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Emma. How was your date?"
"It was a fun night. I needed a break. How are Henry and Hope?"
"They are in the bathroom. Go see." Allison steps back to let Emma and Killian see. Henry was playing with Hope, having a bubble bath together.
"Oh my gosh. This is so adorable."
"Aye, love. I am already taking pictures."
Henry put bubbles on Hope's hair and face. "Hope, you have a bubble beard." Hope fusses.
"Fine, I will take the bubbles off." Emma giggles. " You are getting nice and clean, Hope." Hope splashed around as Henry held her.
"Henry and Hope."
"Hope, Mommy is home. We are taking a bubble bath together."
She sits on the tub seeing her two children having fun "I can see. Why are you two another bath?"
"I found a baby pool in the garage while I was snooping around on our first night here."
"Henry, why are you snooping around?"
"Because I am like you." Emma laughed. "How was the pool?'
"I cleaned the pool and filled up the baby pool with a water hose and Hope and I loved the water. Right Hope. You had fun in the water with me?" Hope smiles and moved around.
"Hope, did you have a fun time with your big brother?" Hope moves around and smiles. "Yes, you did. Henry, is she washed?"
"Emma, I washed Hope right before Henry played with her."
"Thank you, Allison."
"Your welcome. They were having so much fun. I took a lot of pictures."
"I would have to see them later. Hope Marie Swan-Jones, you need to go bed soon, little princess." She takes Hope from Henry. Killian hands over the towel to Emma and she wrapped her in the towel. "Henry, when did you plan this?"
"I wanted to surprise Hope and she loved it."
"Emma, Hope loved the water and it was not too cold. They were out once the sun was gone. Hope was warmed up."
"Mom, I made sure Hope had fun and she doesn't get sick."
"Good. Hope you need to get some sleep. Kid,"
"I know take shower."
"Luckily you are wearing a bathing suit."
"Mom, of course, I would." All of the adults laughed.
"Hope, say thank you to Henry." Henry kisses Hope on the head.
"I love baby sis. We need to do this more often, a baby pool at home."
"Killian, I told you a baby pool would be great for Hope."
"Aye, love we will get one."
"Henry, take a shower. We will talk later."
"Alright, Mom. Aunt Allison, I had fun tonight."
"Me, too Henry." The adults left the bathroom and went into their room. Emma dried off Hope, lotioned her up, gave her a clean diaper and put her in pajamas. "Hope, did you have fun with auntie and Henry tonight?" Hope coos. "Yes, I know. I had a fun night with Daddy but I missed you so much." She gives Hope kisses on her cheeks and Hope gripped Emma's face, which made Emma smiles. "Yes, you missed Mommy sweetie." Hope began to fuss. "You are hungry? I will feed you, sweetie." Hope latched on quickly and Emma rubbed her head as she ate.
"Emma, I got photos of them in the baby pool." She showed Emma the photos on her iPhone, of Henry and Hope, smiling, playing and getting wet. "Allison, these photos are great. They look like they are having so much fun. Killian look."
"Aye, I see love. We are definitely getting them a baby pool, mostly Hope."
"I know they will both use it in the summer."
"Aye, they will love."
"Thank you, Allison, for watching them tonight."
"You welcome. I am here to help. Henry and I talked a lot to besides playing with Hope. We had fun together." After Hope was fed and burped, "Love, I can hold Hope for a while. I did not spend enough time with her today." She kisses Hope on the head, "Hope, have fun with Daddy, sweetie." She hands her over to Killian.
"Hi, Hope. I saw the baby pool. Did you have fun?" Hope coos and moves around. "Aye, don't worry Daddy and Mommy will get you a baby pool where you and Henry can swim in it."
"Killian, I can already imagine you being in the baby pool with her." Allison giggles.
"Aye, love. If Hope wants me in the pool. I will be in the pool. Right my little pirate?" Hope grabs his hook. "Aye, you are going to your hands wrapped around my hook. Is it yummy?" hope gripped his hook. "The hook is Daddy's hand, little love." Hope looks curious. "I will tell you how it happened..."
Allison got a facetime call. "Lizzie?!"
"Lizzie is everything alright?" She goes into her room to talk to her daughter. Emma got dressed for bed and watched Killian rocking Hope to sleep telling her about how he got his hand chopped off by the crocodile. Hope fell asleep before the story was over. "Emma, I think Hope was tired out from her whole day of fun."
'Yes, she had a busy day of playing in the ocean, the baby pool, and two bath times."
"Aye. She had fun with all of us." He kisses Hope on the head. Sweet dreams Hope my pirate princess" Emma gives Hope a kiss on the head. "Hope, Mommy and Daddy love you so much, sweetie." Killian placed Hope in her crib, began to cry and Killian picked her up "Alright, little lass. You can sleep on Daddy, little love." He kisses her on the head.
"I am going to check on Henry."
"Go, love. I can watch Hope." He sits on their bed and watched their daughter fast asleep on him, enjoying snuggle time.
Emma goes to Henry's room. He was relaxing on his bed. "Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Mom." She sits next to him on his bed. "Did you have fun tonight with Hope and Allison?"
"I had so much fun with Hope in the baby pool, I know Hope will love it which she did. It was my decision to have a bubble bath with her. Your not mad right?"
"Henry, I am never mad at you especially you being so caring and having fun with Hope." She kisses Henry on the head. "Seeing you and Hope having a bubble bath together was the cutest moments ever."
"It was fun. I had a feeling that you will like it. I know Hope and I will have more sibling moments as she gets bigger."
Yes, you will Henry. I cannot wait to see them."
"I spoke to Aunt Allison about my other mom. I want to say sorry that I answered her phone call in the first place. My gut told me not to. I should have listened to it. Now you were upset this morning...I am so sorry." He started crying.
Emma hugs her son. "Henry, it is important to express your feelings no matter what. Was I mad at you?"
"No. I got you upset."
"You only did what I taught you to express your feelings which you did. I love you, Henry. You did not get me upset. Okay?" She kisses him on the head.
"Mom. I do not know if I ever can forgive my other mom for everything she did to me."
"Henry, forgive is hard to do especially when it is hard."
"I am not sure if I fully forgive her after all she has done to you and our family. I do not trust her, Mom."
"Henry, I still do have mixed feelings about being alone for most of my life. I found out how much my parents loved me so much, they sacrificed their love for me to help everyone happiness and saved me from being killed by her..."
"Mom, I forgave you when I knew why you put me up for adoption. I knew that it was the best for me, you gave me up out of love. I did not expect to have a real family not until I found you, my real mom. You gave me hope for a better life and how change is good. You showed me then and now how life can be fun and enjoying new experiences no matter what."
"I am kid. I am giving you and Hope everything I did not have a normal, happy childhood."
"You are Mom. I love you."
"I love you too, Henry so much." Henry hugs her until he fell asleep. Emma laid down next to her son and fell asleep next to him. Killian was with Hope and Allison on a facetime call with her daughter. All of the adults were with their children that needed them, that is what family is for being there for their children when needed.

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