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Even though Emma is having a hard time falling asleep, but now she has been having a hard time staying asleep. Emma has been having nightmares of her first time giving birth being chained up, or the dreams made her worries about giving birth again feel worse. Emma dreaming of the mix of the underworld with giving birth. Emma screams herself awake, Killian wakes up from his sleep. "Emma, what is wrong? Emma!" He comforts her. "Love what happened?" He continues to rubs her back and hugs her until she calms down.
Sniffling, "It was awful. I was chained up in the prison hospital crying out for help and then I was in the underworld falling off the cliff."
"Emma, you had a bloody awful nightmare."
"It was. I do not want to go back to sleep."
"Do you want some hot cocoa?"
"Yes, but do not leave me."
Henry enters their room, "Mom is everything okay?"
"Henry, your mom had a nightmare."
"Is there anything I can do?"
"Yes, lad. Can you make three hot cocoas?"
"Sure, three hot cocoas coming right up."
"Emma, is there anything you want me to do?"
"Can you just cuddle me? I feel safe in your arms."
"Sure love."
"Thank you."
"Your welcome swan."
Emma moved her hands around her baby bump feeling little baby Hope moving around. "She is moving around a lot. I think she knows her Mommy is upset."
"Yes, Swan. She knows when your not your happy self. She wants you to know that she is there for you."
"She knows me so much already and we have not physically met yet."
"She will be here before we know it."
"Oh, yes. I have an appointment on Tuesday for a 4D ultrasound. Can you come?"
"Yes, I can come to Emma. I will get any chance to see our little lass in the sonogram."
Henry returned back to their room, with a tray of hot cocoas. "Hot cocoas with cinnamon, marshmallows, and whip cream."
"Thank you, lad." He takes two of them and hands one of them to Emma.
"Thanks, Henry."
Henry sits down with them on their bed. "How is my baby sister?"
"She is moving a lot now. You want to feel?"
Henry put his hand on Emma's baby bump, "Whoa. That is so cool. I think she just kicked."
"Yes, kid. She did, she knows her big brother."
"Awesome. Can I read her a story? From the storybook."
"Sure." He goes to his room to get the book.
"Swan, maybe a story will help you calm down."
"I will do anything to take my mind off of that horrible nightmare."
Killian kisses the top of her head, "It was just not a nightmare love, nothing more." He still hugs her.
Henry returns with his famous storybook. He sat down next to his mom and began to read, "Once Upon A Time, there was a Princess named Snow White." While he read the story, Emma drank her hot cocoa and rubbed her baby bump, with Killian next to her. She fell asleep in Killian's arms. Henry stopped reading. He whispered,"Thank you lad, you really helped your mom tonight. I read in the pregnancy books that one of the symptoms of pregnancy is nightmares especially in the third trimester."
"Your welcome. I figured a story would do a trick and gave me a chance for my little sister to hear my voice."
"Night, son."
"Night, Dad." Henry turned out their lights before heading back to his room. Killian fell asleep holding his Emma in his arms. "I love you so much, Emma. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now