After First Night With A Newborn

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Killian enters their room seeing Emma awake holding their daughter. "You know love, you are supposed to be sleeping when she does?"
"After I fed her, I put her back in her cradle but she kept crying. She just wants to be in my arms."
"Can I hold her? So you can get some sleep?"
"Sure." Killian sits on their bed next to Emma. "Hope, Daddy is going to hold you now." She gently kisses her on her nose and hands her over to Killian. Hope cries.
"Hope, Daddy got you, little love. Mommy needs her rest too." Hope continues to cry. "Love, she wants you."
"Give her back to me." He hands Hope back to Emma. "Hope, you sure love Mommy." She kisses her on the head.
"She sure does love you."
"I know, I love her too."
"Since you are holding her. How about we can have breakfast up here? I made pancakes, Hope was downstairs with me in her moving chair. I can bring both of our breakfasts up."
"That sounds good." Killian went downstairs to their kitchen. Emma looked down at Hope who was awake and gurgling a lot. "Mommy loves you so much Hope, even though you are not letting me sleep. I am happy that you want to be held only by me. " She kisses Hope's little hand. Killian brings a tray of pancakes already cut, so Emma can use her free hand to pick her food instead of using utensils.
"Ooh, you got blackberries and raspberries."
"Yes, I figured you are very hungry. I also got you a bottle of water from the basement, you need to drink a lot of water."
"Yes, I know. In order to breastfeed this little girl." They both ate and watch their Hope eyes' wonder around her and gurgle. "I am so happy she has your eyes."
"Aye, I am so happy that she my eyes and your blonde hair."
Emma ate her breakfast. Hope begins to cry. Emma checks Hope's diaper. "Baby girl. You need a change. Come on, let's go to your room, I can change you and put a clean onesie on you." She kisses her on the cheek. "Killian, can you help me in her room?"
"Sure, love." While Emma gave Hope a fresh diaper, Killian made sure Hope stayed still. After she changed her Emma a few kisses on her tummy. Killian watched Hope on the changing table. Emma chose the swan onesie to put her in. "This one is cute." Emma changed Hope into a clean onesie. "Now, let's see if she will sleep in her crib." Killian took Hope and put her in the crib.
"Do you love your swan onesie, that your mommy got you little Hope." He turns to his wife, "Emma, you need to get some sleep."
"I know, I am so tired. I was thinking after I breastfeed her, I can use the breast pump so you can use the bottle to feed her during the day or night, so I can get some sleep."
"Aye, will be the same as the breast?"
"As long it is my breastmilk it is the same. Is she asleep?"
"Aye, she is. Emma, you need to rest."
"I am going to now." She kisses him on the cheek. "I love you."
"I love you too, Emma." They kiss. Emma goes to their room to get some sleep. Killian watched their Hope sleeping. "Daddy and Mommy love you, little lass."
Emma got 3 more hours of sleep until she heard Hope's cries from her room. "I am coming baby. Mommy is coming." Emma goes into Hope's room. "Hope are you hungry?" Emma carries Hope out of her crib, got a burp towel sat on the rocking chair and prepped to feed her. Hope sucks right away. "That is Mommy's good girl." She kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy wants to tell you a little story. There once a lost princess who was taken away from her family when she was only a few minutes old. She was a little princess, who ended up in many foster homes. She had mean people in her life and she felt like she was not good enough for anyone to love her. You know what that princess had your brother Henry, and when the princess could not be a mommy because her boyfriend put her in a bad place for no good reason. She gave Henry up but you know what happens little duck? Henry found the long-lost princess and brought her to save her kingdom. Then the princess met the pirate who was in love with her." Emma switches Hope's position to her other breast. "The princess did not trust the handsome pirate because she had trust issues and had her heart protected from getting hurt. You know what? The pirate got the princess to trust him. The pirate became a good one. They fell in love. Now the princess and pirate have you baby girl." She kisses her on the head. Hope spit up on her onesie. "Oh, no, that is okay. Mommy will get you a clean one." Emma burped her and then change Hope into a clean onesie on her changing table. Emma kissed Hope everywhere, Hope moved her hand to Emma's face. "Mommy loves you baby girl." She kisses her hand and giggles. Emma hears a camera flash from Killian.
"I could not help not to miss all of this fun and not to keep it as a memory."
"Hope, you want Daddy to play with us?"
"Aye, I do not want to miss all of the fun." Killian joins his girls, kissing Hope until they tired her out. Killian puts Hope back in her crib. "Emma, get some more rest."
"Killian, I am fine for now. I got more sleep, three hours. I want to learn how to use the breast pump so I can get more sleep tonight."
Emma learned how to learn the breast pump in her bedroom and was able to pump two bottles for Hope. Killian enters their room. "How is working the breast pump?"
"It is not too bad. I was able to make two bottles."
"That is great love."
"Yes, it is. You can do some of the feedings at night for me."
"Aye, I do not mind spending more time with the lass."
"Hey, I have to food, that is why she is attached to me."
"Emma, she loves being held by you, even when she is asleep. You saw her she did not want to sleep in her cradle after you fed her this morning."
"You are right. Our little duckling loves me."
"Of course she does. She loves you, Emma, she was so happy when you were playing with her." He shows her the photos of Emma playing with Hope. "These photos show how much she loves you and you love her."
Emma hugs Killian. "Killian, I love our Hope so much."
"Aye, I love her so much to love."
"I have to call the pediatrician's office to make an appointment for Hope. She needs her vaccine shots."
"She is not going to be happy."
"Oh, I know. She is not going to and I do not know how am I going to watch her getting shots."
"If you want to I can be in the room with her."
"Thanks, how about the both of us can be in there."
"Aye, sounds like a plan." Killian placed the two bottles of breast milk in the refrigerator.
After Emma made an appointment for Hope, which was the next afternoon. Hope was awake. "Hope, I think it is time for your first bath." Emma feeds her before her bath. Killian runs the water making sure it is warm for Hope. They have a little baby holder for Hope to sit in, in the tub. Emma changes Hope to be naked. "We just need to make sure we do not wet her part of the umbilical cord that is left."
"Aye, we will be careful then." Killian covered the cord with his hand.
Emma slowly pours water onto Hope with a little sponge."So far, so good. She is not crying."
"She is going to take after me, she will love the ocean."
"She will. Hopefully, she likes bath time or we are going to have a hard time when she needs to be cleaned. Hope, do you like the water?" Emma scrubs Hope's hair with Gerber baby shampoo and scrubs the rest of her body. Hope kept looking at the wet sponge and made gurgle sounds. "You like the water baby girl?"
Killian smiles."Aye, she is taking after me already."
"You got that right. Can you hand me over her towel?" Killian hands over the towel. "Come on, baby girl, you are all done with bath time." Emma dries off Hope and lotions her up, while Killian cleaned up the bathtub. "Did you enjoy your first bath?" She kisses Hope all over her little body. She puts a clean diaper on her and a new onesie as well and wraps her in the duckling wrap. Emma rocks Hope to sleep and puts her in her crib. Emma whispers, "Have a good nap, baby girl. Mommy loves you." Emma went to nap in her room.
Killian went to check up on Emma in their room, she was fast asleep. He kisses her on the forehead, "Sleep well love." Killian hears the door open and close downstairs.
Killian comes downstairs to see Henry. "Hi, Dad. how was last night?"
"Your mom barely got any sleep. Now they are both napping. We just gave Hope her first bath."
"How did that go?"
"She takes after me, she loves the water."
"She is definitely a pirate."
"Aye that she is. Do you want to play some video games? As long as we keep the volume low to let your mom and sister sleep."
"Sounds good. I will set it up."
"Aye, I will get the baby walkie-talkie so in case Hope wakes up, your mom can have more time to sleep." He runs upstairs to get the baby monitor from his room and went back downstairs and played a few rounds of video games with Henry. Killian hears Hope's crying from the baby monitor. "I will be right back, I will go get your little sister before your mom wakes up." He rushes upstairs to Hope who was crying in her crib. "Hey, little lass. Did you just wake up from your nap? Come with Daddy, Henry is here." He kisses her on the cheek. Killian brings Hope downstairs. "Henry, look who is awake."
"Hi, little sis." Killian's hands Hope over to Henry. She gurgles. "Hope, I am so happy to see you. You never guess what happened in school today...." Killian went upstairs to check on Emma. She was awake, "Is she..?"
"Hope just awaken from her nap and she is with Henry. Get more shut-eye."
"I will. Now that I know Henry is with her." She falls back to sleep. Killian closes the door and went back downstairs, hearing Henry talking to Hope.
"Hope, do you the storybook that I have is magic. Magic is seeing and believing. All of the stories, I tell you they are real. You have no idea how long it took mommy to believe in magic and understanding that she was from the Enchanted Forest and her parents were fairytale characters."
"Henry, I think we can let Hope have some tummy time, you can continue talking to her."
"Sure." Killian set up the playmat. He set Hope on the mat.
"It is just for a few minutes little love."
Henry kneels to Hope, having eye contact with her. "Hope, you look so much like Mommy when she was your age. Try to keep your head up, little sis." Hope began to cry. "Aww, Hope." Henry takes her off the playmat. "You do not like tummy time? You are all done." He calmed her down. "Dad, I think she needs a change?" He hands over Hope to Killian. Killian sniffed her, "You little lass needs a diaper change." He turns to Henry, "Come up with us. I need your help."
"Sure." Henry distracted Hope and held her hand while Killian changed her. Hope gurgled around her big brother. "Hope, you want me to read to you?" Henry went to his room to get his storybook.
Killian holds Hope. "Little lass, when it gets warmer outside, I am going to take you on my ship. I am going to show you how to work on a ship. "You will learn how to swim lass since you like bath time." He kisses her on the forehead. Henry returns with his storybook. He sat on the rocking chair and opened his book on his lap to the story he wanted to read to Hope. Killian hands over Hope to him, "Be careful lad, holding your sister and the book."
"Dad, you can help to turn the pages."
"Sure, lad." He kneels down and watches Henry talk to Hope.
Henry turns to Hope, "This story is about Mommy, how she became the woman she is and how she is a princess and a savior." Hope gurgles. "Look, right here that is Mommy in grandpa's arms. "Once Upon A Time...." After the story, Hope begins to cry.
"Little lass, are you hungry?" Henry hands over Hope to Killian. "Let's get you to Mommy. not cry, little love." Killian brought in crying Hope to Emma who was just waking up from her nap.
'How long did I sleep?"
"About 4 hours."
"Wow, that felt so long." She preps to feed Hope. "Come here, Hope. Mommy has your food for you." Killian's hands Hope over Emma. "Did you have fun with Daddy and Henry?" Hope sucks quickly. She rubs Hope's head as she eats.
"Emma, Henry and I tried tummy time with Hope, she did not like it."
"Oh, really. Hope are you being stubborn like Mommy?"
"We also changed her too and Henry read her a story."
"Was she awake during her storytime?"
Henry enters the room, "She was awake during the story time. I think she enjoyed her story time because the story was about you."
"Hey, kid. You read her my story?"
"Yes, I did. I wanted to learn all about her family tree."
Hope starts to fuss. "Hope, what is the matter, baby? Are you full?" She pats and rubs her back to burp. "I guess, she is full." She kisses Hope on the forehead. "Your sister did not want to be out of my arms this morning kid."
"Mom, she loves you."
"Yes, I love her too. She would not let me sleep though." She puts Hope in her arms. "Little Hope, Mommy loves you so much." Hope falls asleep in Emma's arms.
"Emma do not worry, I will bottle feed her tonight so you can get some sleep."
"We can take turns like last night. I just got 4 hours of sleep, thank you both. I am pretty sure Hope had fun with her Daddy and her big brother."
"We had a fun mom time, do not worry. I like helping out and spending time with her."
"I am happy you are here to help when you are here."
"Same here mom." He sits next to Emma and puts his head on her shoulder and rubs Hope's foot. "Hope's feet are so small."
"I know."
"I am going to start dinner."
"Killian, call us when it is ready. Maybe I can eat at the table while holding her."
"Aye. I will."
"So, kid. How was school today?"
"It was good. I told Hope all about it already."
"You can tell me."
"I told Hope how that I am different than everyone else. I am more of a loner."
"What about Violet? Are you still friends with her?"
"Yes, we are still friends. She has been with her girlfriends who love to gossip."
"Ah, that is high school. Everyone has their cliques."
"I do not mind being on my own. I love talking to you, Dad and Hope."
"Henry, I will always be here for you if you need to talk you know that?"
"Yes, I do know that. I cannot wait to Hope gets older so I can talk to her."
"She listens to you now."
"But she does not talk back."
"Hey, she responds in her own way."
"Mom, I never saw you so happy since Hope has been born."
"I love you and Hope equally."
"I know. Can I hold her?"
"We can try." Henry takes Hope from Emma. Hope squirms in Henry's arms and begin to cry. "Hope, you with Henry. I think she wants me." Henry hands over Hope back to Emma. "Hope, you only like to sleep in Mommy's arms?" She kisses Hope.
"Mom it is okay. Hope is happy being held by you. Maybe she knows that you could not have done this with me?"
"Maybe Henry." Henry reached his finger to Hope was awake. Hope gurgles and grabs his finger. "She loves you, Henry."
"Mom, she loves you too." Hope was wide awake when I spoke to her about school, tummy time and she listens to my story."
"Mom, I also told her that I am getting an award for my artwork in school."
"Henry, that is amazing. Congratulations!" Emma gave him a half hug. "Hope your big brother is getting an award. When is the ceremony?"
"It is next Friday night at the school art show."
"We will be there. Just remind me okay."
"I will. I want all of my family to be there." He turns to Hope. "Hope, I told you first about the award. Now Mommy knows."
"I like talking to Hope because I know she can keep secrets."
Emma chuckles. "For now, she can keep secrets."
Killian comes up to the room, "Dinner is ready."
Emma brought down Hope with her and they ate as a family of four. "Dad, I am getting an art award at school next Friday."
"Congratulations lad."
"I showed my art teacher the pictures of Hope's nursery."
"Hope, you helped your brother get an award."
"Thank you, Hope, You can keep secrets and got me to show people my art abilities." He got up and he kisses Hope on the forehead
Emma started to tear up and looked at Killian. "Aww."
"I had a feeling that they will be close."
"Same here. I am so happy you two are close already."

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