New Family Member

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During the night both Killian and Emma were up with Hope making sure she did not choke after Emma breastfed her. Hope did not want to be in her crib after being fed. "Hope, you are okay, baby. Mommy and Daddy are not let anything bad to happen to you." Emma kisses Hope on the head. Emma took her shirt off and took Hope's onesie off and did skin to skin with her daughter.
"Do you think she is nervous or afraid of choking Swan?'
"Maybe a little of both. I think skin to skin will help her calm down." Killian wrapped his hook hand arm around his wife. He rubbed his finger to Hope's cheek.
"Hope, Daddy, and Mommy are going to watch you sleep, little love. We are not going to let you sick." He kisses Hope on her head. Hope smiled and went to sleep. "That is a good little lass." He and Emma kiss. "She knows that she is safe with both of us watching her."
"Aye. She knows we will always protect her."
'Yes, this is what I wanted to show her and be there for her and to protect her. I did not have anyone to lean on as a child. I am just grateful she has both of us."
"Me too, love." Emma leans on Killian and falls asleep. Killian stays up watching his two loves sleep. "I will not let anything happen to you both, ever. I love you both so much."
The next morning, Henry went to check up on his parents and Hope, knowing they all had a long night. He found both of his parents fast asleep, Henry realized Hope was awake. He whispered, "Hi, Hope." He quietly got Hope from their Mom's arms and holds Hope as he covered their Mom with a blanket. "Hope, let's have some fun in my room. Mommy and Daddy need some sleep." He kisses Hope on the head. He takes Hope to her room to change Hope into a onesie, "I have the best big brother." Henry takes Hope to his room to talk to her. He puts Hope on his chest and he lies down on his bed. "Hope, I know you were afraid last night when you were choking, but I know that you are going to be okay little sis. You have, me, Mommy and Daddy to make sure you are safe when you hurt, afraid or when you are feeling mad. You can always talk to me when you can talk. I will always help you if you need help, that is what big brothers are for." He kisses Hope on the head. He talked to Hope more. Hope began to cry loudly. "Hope, what is wrong?" Emma hears Hope's cries and comes rushing into Henry's room. "Henry, what happened?" She takes Hope from his arms. "Mom, I was just talking to her and all of the sudden she starts crying." Emma comforts Hope by rocking and bouncing her.." Hope Mommy is here sweetie. Mommy is here. Do not cry." As Hope calmed down Emma sat on Henry's bed. Henry sits next to his Mom and his sister. "It is okay, baby. Mommy got you." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Mom, I did not do anything to her, I was just talking to her and all of the sudden she began to cry."
"Henry, I know you did not hurt her. She was a little afraid last night, only skin to skin helped her. She probably wanted me. How long was she with you?"
"I put her in a onesie and I took her in here and talked to her about an hour. I was snuggling her that is all."
"Henry, you did not do anything wrong. Hope loves you." She talks to Hope. "Right baby, you love your big brother?" Hope reaches her arm to Henry and he lets her grasps his finger. Emma smiles. "See, Hope loves you."
"Yes, Mom she does." Emma lies on Henry's bed next to him with Hope on her chest. Henry kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, I love you, little sis." Hope coos. "Mom, can we lie in bed together the three of us more often? I like this time."
"Me too, kid. Any chance I get to spend time with both of my children is the best thing." Hope begins to fuss. "Hope, do you want Henry?" Henry sits up and gets Hope from their Mom.
"Hope, do you want to spend time with me and Mommy?" Hope coos that make Henry and Emma both smile. "Okay, little sis." He lies down next to his Mom. Hope reached out for Emma, she let Hope grab her finger. Emma smiles. "Hope, Mommy is right here sweetie." She kisses Hope's little hand. Hope puts her Mommy's finger in her mouth. "Hope Marie Swan-Jones, is my finger tasty to you little girl?" Henry and Emma both laughed.
"Mom, she was okay last night after you fed her?"
"Yes, your Dad and I monitored her every time I fed her. She is breathing normally."
"I just wanted to make sure."
"Henry, I know that you were scared."
"Yes, I was holding her in my arms when she began choking."
"Henry, you did the right thing, coming straight to me and Allison for help. Now we know how to do CPR." She kisses Henry on the head. "You are my smart and caring son."
"I love you, Mom."
" I love you too, Henry." Hope made a sound. "Hope, i love you too baby." She kisses Hope on her cheeks since she was snuggling with Henry. "I will be right back, I have to get ready." As she left the room Hope began to wail.
Emma returns back. "Henry, give me your sister." Henry hands over Hope to their Mom. "Hope, Mommy is not going anywhere sweetie, you want to be with me when I get ready?"
"Mom, I think she feels safe with you and does not want to be anywhere without you."
"You are right, Henry. Hope does not want to be anywhere without me. Please get ready, you have work today."
"Yes, Mom. I will." He goes up to hug his Mom. "I love you, Mom. You always make me feel safe."
"I will do anything for you both, especially making you both feel safe." Emma returns to her room, with Killian awake and dressed for the day. "Morning."
"Morning my two loves." He kisses Emma on the lips and gives Hope a kiss on her cheek. "How is she?"
"Henry took her to his room for a little while then she starts crying, she wanted me and then Henry. She feels safe with both of us. As I was about to leave the room, our little Hope here wanted to be nearby me."
"Aye, I understand that. Little love, you feel safe with Mommy." Hope fusses. "Hope, you want Daddy while I get ready?" Emma hands over Hope to her Daddy.
"Little love, Daddy got you." He sits on their bed holding Hope as Emma got dressed. Killian played with Hope. "Yes, you are Daddy's little pirate."
"Killian, I was thinking for Sunday, can we have a family sailing day?"
"Aye, I would love to have you all on the Jolly Roger." He talks to Hope. "Hope, do you want to go on Daddy's ship?" Hope smiles. "Aye, little lass, you are a little pirate." He gives her kisses on her belly. Emma smiles as her adoring husband loving his time with their daughter. Henry enters their room, "Mom, how is Hope?"
"As long as she is in the same room as me, she is happy."
"Good. Dad, can you and I have a sailing lesson on Saturday?"
"Yes, lad. We can have a boys day on the ship. On Sunday we can have a family adventure on the ship.'
"Yes, two days on the Jolly Roger." Henry hugs Killian.
"Lad, be careful of your sister." Henry bends down to kiss Hope. "I will always not hurt Hope." Hope grabs Henry's hair.
Killian and Emma smile at each other. "Lad, we should eat breakfast before we leave to work."
"Yes, Dad." Killian takes Hope with him downstairs. Emma followed her boys to the kitchen. Hope begins to fuss. "Hope, Mommy is with us, little love." He hands over Hope to Emma.
"Hope, Mommy is right here little buttercup." Killian makes pancakes for all of them, Henry and Emma as she held Hope talked at the table as Killian cooked.
"Mom, how long is Hope going to be extra clingy to you?"
"I am not sure Henry. As long as the three of us show her that she has nothing to worry about, she will calm down eventually." Hope makes a big poop. "Hope, did you just make poopy?" SHe sniffs her. "Yes, you did. We will be back." Emma changes Hope in the nursery. "Hope, did Henry choose your onesie?" Hope moved around. "Yes, he did. Henry is a great big brother." Emma played their kissing game for a little bit. Emma brought Hope with her back downstairs, breakfast was ready. Killian finished eating by the time they came downstairs. "Love, let me hold Hope while you eat." Emma hands over Hope to Killian. Emma enjoyed her pancakes, while Killian enjoyed time with Hope. "Henry, how much do you think you can get done today?"
"I am not sure, I want to take my time to be perfect."
"Henry, you can take all the time you need. Allison's kids are not coming back for two weeks."
"I know Mom."
"Henry, I have a women doctor's appointment tomorrow. Do you think you can come with me to watch Hope in the waiting room?'
"Sure, Mom. I can come, knowing how Hope is now. She does not want to be far away from you."
"Aye, Hope does not like to be far away from your Mom. If you need to work with Henry, I can watch Hope, I can switch my shifts since you only have a certain amount of time painting. If that is alright with you both." He looks at Henry and Emma.
"Dad, you can go. I can work. I have been only there one time"
Killian and Emma both laughed. "I had a feeling lad. I do not mind watching Hope." He looks down at Hope who was sleeping in his arms. After they finished the meal and cleaned up the kitchen. Henry got his backpack. "Henry, please take breaks."
"Yes, Mom. I will." They hug. "Remember to have fun."
"Mom, I will." Killian hands over Hope to Henry. "Hope, have fun with Mommy today. I will update on my painting in Allison house when I get home later." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Have a good day at work." She kisses Killian on his scruffy cheek.
"Thank you, love. Have fun with our little Hope, and rest when she does."
"Killian, we will be fine." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, Daddy will be back later. Be a good little lass to Mommy." He hands Hope back to Emma and kiss Emma on the lips. Henry and Killian left.
"Hope, it looks like it is just you and me, sweetie." Emma relaxed on the couch with Hope snuggled on her chest. "Yes, you are enjoying quiet time with Mommy." Hope smiled. "Yes, you are." The doorbell rings. "Hope let's see who it is." She takes Hope with her to answer the door. "Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Emma. I brought you decaf."
"Come, in." She talks to Hope. "Hope, Allison is here."
"Hi, Hope." She talks to Emma. "How was she last night?" They walk to the living room. "Killian and I were basically up all night watching her after she ate just in case she choked but she is alright now. She is extra clingy today."
"Emma, she feels safe with you."
Emma smiles. "Yes, I know. I am happy that I am the one who makes her feel safe. Killian dropped off Henry."
"Yes, I saw them both and let Henry in before I went into town." Hope fussed in Emma's arms.
Emma smiled. "Hope, you want to say hi to Allison?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you do." She hands over Hope to Allison. "Hi, Hope. Are you happy to see me?" Hope smiles, which makes both Emma and Allison smile. "I wanted to come by to see how you are feeling from last night." Allison played with Hope. "Hope is her happy self."
"Yes, she is when she in arms of people who she trusts, like me, Henry, Killian and you. I was thinking, I know this might sound crazy. We only know each other for a short time, we get along quickly. I wanted to ask you..."
"Yes, Emma?"
"Will you be Hope's aunt and the godmother? I do not have really close friends here that I connect with. You are the only one I got close and could trust quickly. Hope, loves you and we all do. Would you be Hope's godmother and aunt?"
Allison's jaw dropped and began to tear up. "Emma, the short time that we know each other, we got along like we are long lost, sisters." Allison smiles. "Yes, I would love to be Hope's godmother and auntie." She talks to Hope, "Hope, you can call me Auntie Allison for now on." Hope smiles. "What made you want to choose me?"
"Killian and I trust you with her. She trusts you quickly than my other family members and also you saved her life last night from choking. Also, you made sure that I was alright at the hospital and helped Hope twice off the job hours. I trust you. It took a long time to trust anybody for some reason for you I trust very quickly."
"Emma, I am honored to be Hope's godmother and auntie." They hug and Hope makes a noise which made them both laugh. "Hope, are you happy that Allison is your auntie?" Hope coos. Emma took pictures of Allison and Hope together and then a picture of all three of them together. Emma and Allison drank their coffees.
"I am dreading tomorrow."
"The 6 week check up with Dr.Claire."
"It was awkward the last time, I have done it after I gave up Henry."
"Emma, you have Killian to be with you."
"Yes, he is going to watch Hope in the waiting room."
"Emma, if you need Killian in the room with you, I am pretty sure Dr.Claire would not mind Hope being there."
"You think so?"
"I can go and ask her while I am at work today."
"You would really do that?"
"Yes. I can."
"Are you doing it just because I asked you to be Hope's godmother and aunt?'
"Not just because I am Hope's aunt. I am helping you because you are my best friend."
"I think of you of my best friend too, why do you think I trust you to be Hope's aunt?"
"Great minds think alike?"
"Yes, that is for sure." They both laughed. Hope begins to cry. "Hope, are you hungry? Mommy will feed you." Allison hands over Hope to Emma. Emma preps to feed Hope and she latches on quickly. "Have you heard from the kids or Ted since they been away?"
"Connor and Elizabeth Facetimed me last night, they are having fun with their grandparents. My inlaws have a beach house in Long Island and they will spend most of the time there."
"That is why they are staying so long."
"Yup. I get to have some time for myself."
"Killian and I are taking Henry and Hope to Florida for a week right after Henry finished working for you. We are renting a beach house for about a week." She talks to Hope. "Hope you and Daddy are going to love to live by the beach." Hope smiled. "Hope, be careful sweetie." She wiped up spit up."
"Emma, Hope is fine."
"I know. I just want to be careful with her." She rubs Hope on her head. She burps Hope. "Hope, you want auntie Allison to hold you?" Hope smiled. Emma hands over Hope to Allison. "Hope, I like your onesie. Did Henry put this on you?" Hope moves around when Allison mentioned Henry's name and smiles. "Yes. Your big brother chooses a cute onesie." Emma smiles and hears the doorbell and answers it. "Mom."
"Hi, Emma."
"I just wanted to see how you are and Hope."
"Please come in." They walk in the living room seeing Allison playing with Hope
"Oh, Dr.Cameron."
"Hi, Snow White."
"Is everything alright with Hope?"
"Yes, I just came for a visit." She talks to Hope. "Hope, you and your Mommy should come over later after my shift. You get to see Henry." Hope smiles. "Yes, your big brother is working at my house." Allison talks to Emma. "Emma, I have to go to work. Please come by to pick up Henry."
"Of course." Hope begins to cry.
"Hope, Auntie Allison has to go to work now. I will see you later at my house with Henry. Have fun with your Mommy and Grandma." She kisses Hope on the head and hands her over to Emma. "Emma, I will see you both later."
"Yes, we will." They hug. "Thank you for the decaf coffee and for yesterday."
"It was no problem at all. Thank you for asking me to be Hope's godmother. I am honored."
"Yes, Hope loves you and we all do."
"I will see you later at my house and I will let you know what I find out from Dr.Claire." She talks to Hope. "Hope, have fun with Mommy. Auntie Allison will see you later." Allison leaves. Hope cries more.
"Hope, we will see Auntie Allison later sweetie. She has to help other sick children, it is her job." She comforts her daughter until she calmed down. Emma forgot that her Mom was still there who looks so confused. "Emma....I am so lost. How is she Hope's aunt and the godmother? Are you two friends?"
They sit down, Emma held Hope on her chest who fell asleep. "Hope got really sick during Henry's final week and Allison made a house call. While she was here we got along quickly and we became fast friends, like best friends. Allison was impressed with Henry's murals in Hope's room. She offered him a job to paint her two children's rooms while the rest of the family in New York for two weeks . We went to her house, over the last two days, we got to know each other and we had a lot in common. Last night, Hope was choking, Allison immediately did CPR on Hope. She taught us how to do CPR and different wants to burp her."
"How is she Hope's godmother and aunt?"
"She helped us off hours, checked on me after I passed out, Hope trusts her, Killian, Henry and I trust her. We got to know each a lot. She is like a family member. I decided to ask her to be Hope's godmother and aunt. I trust her, I am not so sure why if it is not being walled up or she is from this world, I just trust her easily."
"Emma, I am happy that you finally found a friend that you can trust."
"Yes, I do not have too many friends that are women here or most of my life. It feels good to have a few trustworthy friends."
"I came over here because your Dad told me after your shift yesterday that Henry moved in with you?'
"Yes, that happened last weekend."
"What happened?"
"Henry was unhappy living with Robin and his two kids. He could not be himself there like he is at our house. The secret of Rowand's real mom was eating up him inside. He could not be honest with Robin or express his feelings in his own home for 2 years. He only expresses them here. Regina and I decided to let him move in with us."
"Is this what Henry meant when he said this home environment is better here than there?"
"Yes. After dinner at Regina's she asked him why he was different at each home then Henry could not hold his feelings in anymore. He wanted his Mom to tell Rowand the truth which she could not. He couldn't be in that awkward environment anymore. It was a long night, long talk and Henry packed his stuff into my car and he moved in."
"Wow, Emma."
"I know. I am happy Henry is here, Hope is definitely happy her big brother here all of the time. I am happy that he can be himself here and can break his walls that he was having at Regina's."
"I saw Regina recently, she did not tell me what was going on."
"I spoke to Regina, if Henry moved in with me he has to visit her, which was no problem. He told me later on that he only loved her in that home and misses her."
"Aw, Emma."
"I know. Since he moved in here nothing has changed. Henry is happy with Hope, Killian and me." Hope fusses. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie." She kisses her on the head. "Hope has been extra clingy today, which I do not mind." Emma gets a phone call. "Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Emma. I spoke to Dr.Claire. She said that you can have Hope with you in the room as long as Killian is there with her."
"Of course. Thank you for asking."
"Your welcome. I can bring Henry over to your house tonight."
"Oh, are you sure?"
"Yes, Emma. I have a feeling my little niece is extra clingy."
Emma looks down at her daughter. "Oh, you got that right."
"I will bring Henry over in the evening."
"Since you offered to bring Henry home. Please join us for dinner."
"Emma, thank you. I would love to join you all."
"Hey, we came over twice already and you fed us not it is my turn."
"Yes, I will see you all tonight." They hung up.
"That was Allison."
"Yes, she spoke to Dr.Claire for me and asked her if I can bring Hope to my postpartum 6 weeks checkup. She said that Hope can be in the room being held by her Daddy."
"Can I hold her?"
"We can try." Emma hands over Hope to her Mom.
"Hi, Hope. I heard you have a new auntie." She talks to Emma. "She seems her normal self."
"Well, if I leave the room she will cry. As long as I am nearby, she is happy."
"Is that why you want her in the appointment tomorrow?"
"Yes, I want Killian to be in the room with me, just because of my experience last time after giving Henry up...I just want him and Hope with me in the appointment that is all."
"Emma you are not alone this time, Hope, Henry and Killian all love you."
"I know. Just do not want to be alone at this appointment that is all." Hope began to cry in her grandma's arms. Snow White hands over Hope back to Emma who held her on her chest."Hope, you are with Mommy now sweetie." She kisses Hope on her head and cheeks. Hope puts her hand on her Mommy's chest. "Hope you know when Mommy needs extra love sweetie, which why I love you so much." Emma and Hope played their kissing game a little bit on the couch as Snow White watched and took some pictures of them playing. "You love Mommy Hope?" Hope cooed. "Yes, you do." She picks Hope up and kisses her more. When Hope got tired she fell asleep on Emma's chest.
"Hope loves you, Emma. I know when she is older she is going to be really close with you."
"I want to have a close relationship with her when she is older."
"You will Emma."
"I have a feeling we are going to be close no matter what. She already depends on me for everything, food, love, protection..everything. She loves her Daddy and Henry too. Last night Hope was afraid of choking again after she was fed, we did skin to skin to calm her down. Killian and I took turns watching her make sure she was alright. She has not choked since yesterday." She kisses Hope on the head. "How is your summer?'
"I am teaching summer school for elementary school. It not too bad. How is your summer?"
"Being a mom to this little girl makes it so much better. I cannot wait for her and me to wear our matching dresses when Killian and I take the kids to the beach for a week in Florida."
"Yes. We rented a beach house by the beach for a week. Hope and Killian are going to love to be by the ocean. Hope loves the water already, my little pirate princess."
"Emma you will have fun."
"Yes, we will. We are going to try airplanes with Hope, it might be easier for us to fly to New York in July than driving."
"New York?"
"Yes, we are taking the kids there for fun not to escape a curse or villain or save magic."
"Wow, Emma. You sure are taking a lot of family vacations this summer."
"Yes, we are."
"Is Hope still being breastfed?"
"Yes, she does not take the bottle."
"It is okay, Hope loves you, she wants to be close with you as much as possible."
"Yes, she does."
"Emma, I have to go to work."
"Okay. Thank you for coming by."
"Yes, I wanted to check on you and Hope and see how you are with Henry. From what it looks like, you are being an amazing Mom to both of them."
"I am doing my best Mom with the help from Killian."
"I will see you soon." She leaves.
"Hope, Mommy has to eat are you going to let me?" Emma placed Hope in her swinging chair and made herself a sandwich. She makes a Facetime call. "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, love. How is Hope?" She shows Killian Hope sleeping in her swing chair.
"She is still clingy other than that her happy self. How is work?"
"Work is going good Swan. I am going to end early and go shop for dinner."
"What are you cooking?"
"Not sure yet, swan. Why?"
"Allison came by to check on Hope and we talked. She offered to bring home Henry after work. I invited her to join us for dinner since she been so helpful to us and hosted us at her house a few times already and her family is away."
"Love, she is close to us like family."
"Yes, she is Killian...."She smiles.
"Swan, what is it, love?"
"I asked Allison to be Hope's godmother and aunt this morning."
Killian smiles. "You did love?"
"Yes, and she said yes of course."
"Aye. She is definitely is part of the Swan-Jones family now."
"Yes, she is captain. By the way, Hope can be at my appointment tomorrow. Allison asked Dr.Claire for me, as long as Hope is being held by you, she can be there."
"Love, we will both be there for you. You know that?"
"Yes. The last time I had this type of appointment I was alone."
"Love, we will be there me and our little Hope. We love you, Emma."
"Yes, I love you both too."
"Emma, I have to go back to work. I will be home soon and we can have a nice family dinner."
"I am looking forward to that. Love you."
"I love you, Emma." Their facetime call ended. Emma finished her lunch. Hope wakes up. "Hope, is it our lunchtime already?" Emma turns off the swinging chair and takes Hope out and brought her to her bedroom. Emma fed Hope on her bed. "Mommy loves you, Hope. When you are older, we are going to be close. I did not have close relationships with anybody until your Daddy and Henry because I was a foster child with no parents. That won't happen to you. You and I are going to fight and close as mother and daughter can be." She kisses Hope on the head and watched her eat. After Hope was fed Emma burped her and brought her to Hope's room to read her a few books. The first one, "There once was a little bear named little bear...." After a few stories Hope needed a change. Emma changed her and brought her back to her room. Hope lied on her parents' bed and Emma laid beside her. Emma let Hope hold her finger. "My little buttercup you are strong." She kisses Hope little hand. "You are my world my darling
What a wonderful world I see
You are the song I'm singing
You're my beautiful Hope." Hope was looking at her Mom as she sang to her that little song. Emma and Hope both napped on the bed together. Killian returns home from work and the grocery store 3 hours later. He put his groceries away and checks on his two loves. He finds them in his room both sleeping on their bed. He takes a picture of Mother and Daughter sleeping together. "I love you both my two loves." He kisses Emma on the head and he takes Hope and kisses Hope on the head. Hope wakes up, "Hi little Hope, did you have a good nap?" Hope coos. "Time for some Daddy and Daughter time little love." He takes Hope with him downstairs. He takes Hope to the living room to do some tummy time. He lies down near her to talk to her. "That's it little Hope, stretch! You almost got your head up!" After a little tummy time, Killian talked to Hope on the couch. "Little Hope, Daddy had a quiet day at work. Like you saw yesterday, it was not crazy busy. Before you were born Mommy was always busy saving everyone from one crisis to the next. A few times she sacrificed herself to save everyone in town. Sacrifice means helping everyone you love even though you can get hurt. Mommy now saved everyone in town, there are no more villains in town that want to hurt us all." Hope cooed and looked at her Daddy. "Yes, little love Mommy helped everyone to make this town safe for you to grow up in. She did not want you to grow up in an unsafe place little lass. That is your Mommy who cares about your safety." Emma went downstairs. "Hope, are you enjoying storytime with your Daddy?" She sits next to her husband and her daughter and kisses Killian on the head." Hi, Emma. Did you have a good nap?"
He wrapped his hook hand around Emma. "Yes, I did captain. How was work?"
"I did patrol most of the day."
"At least you do not have to do paperwork as I have to." She reaches her finger to Hope who grabs it. "How is Daddy and Daughter time?"
"When I kissed Hope on the head after I picked her from our bed, she woke up. I changed her diaper and we did some tummy time and storytime."
"Hope, did you have fun with Daddy?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you did, sweetie. You love your time with your Daddy." She talks to Killian."I love our cuddle time."
"I too Swan all three of us."
"Yes, especially Hope is with us. Today, Hope and I had Auntie Allison visit and Grandma."
"How is your Mom love?"
"A little distant actually."
"Yes. It seems to me she was. I will visit her tomorrow, can you watch Hope after my appointment? I know you have work."
"Love, if you need me I can take the later shift."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, love. I am here for both of my two loves." They kiss and watch Hope move in Killian's arms. "Hope, do you need to stretch more?" Emma takes Hope from Killian and placed Hope on the mat. They both watched their daughter move around on the playmat. "Love, I have to start cooking dinner."
"What are you cooking?"
"You will see when it is ready." They kiss and he heads to the kitchen to start dinner.
"Hope, reach for the top toys, sweetie." Hope moves her arms and legs around. Hope began to cry. Emma gets her daughter from the playmat. "Hope, what is the matter, baby?" She sniffs her. "You need a change sweetie. Let's go to your room." Emma takes Hope upstairs and changes Hope's diaper and into her pajamas. Emma plays their kissing game. Emma rocks Hope in the rocking chair. They heard the door open and closes. "Hope, let's go see who it is." Emma arrives with Hope downstairs, Henry and Allison arrived. "Henry, how was work?"
"It was fun, I got a lot done today. Can I hold Hope?"
"Henry, take a shower first."
"Henry you are dirty take a shower first then you can play with Hope."
"Fine." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, you and I are going to play soon little sis." He goes upstairs. "Allison, how was work?"
"It was not too crazy but good. How was Hope after I left?"
"She eventually calmed down." She talks to Hope, "Hope, Aunt Allison is back sweetie." Allison puts her bag down and takes Hope. "Hi, Hope. Did you have a fun day with Mommy?" Hope coos. "Yes, you did." Emma and Allison sat in the living room. Killian returns to the living room with hot chocolate. "Hello, Allison."
"Hi, Killian."
"While I make dinner, I thought you and Emma would like hot chocolate."
"Thank you, Killian."
"Thank you, Captain." He gives them their mugs of hot cocoa.
"Your welcome love." They kiss. He talks to Hope. "Hope are you happy Auntie Allison is here, little love." Hope happily moved around in Allison's arms.
"Killian, I am pretty sure that is a yes from our Hope."
"Aye, love she does look happy." He returns to the kitchen.
"Cinnamon with hot chocolate?"
"Yes, it is a family favorite drink."
Allison tries it. "Wow, it is really good." She looks at Hope. "Hope...tickle...tickle.." Hope smiles. "This is how I got her to smile when Killian brought her to her one month check up."
"I can see why she likes you." They both laugh. Henry comes down after his shower. "Hope, you want to play with me?" He kisses Hope on the head. "Is Hope having fun with you Allison?"
"Yes, she is Henry." She talks to Hope, "Hope, you want to play with Henry? Auntie Allison is going to be here for a while. You can have fun with Henry."
"Aunt Allison?"
"Yes, Kid. I asked Allison to be Hope's godmother and aunt this morning."
"Can I call her aunt too?
"Yes, you can Henry."
"Awesome. Aunt Allison can I hold Hope?"
"Sure you can." Allison hands over Hope to Henry.
"Hope, we are going to play in my room so Mommy and Aunt Allison can talk." Henry talks to Hope as he takes her upstairs.
"Emma, you told me that you can tell me about your magic."
"There is two different types of magic, dark and light. Dark is taught from the dark one or a dark sorceress. Light magic you are born with. My mom and dad are true love and I was born with light magic since I am the product of true love."
"Is Hope the product of true love?"
"Yes. She might have her own powers since she is my mini-me already."
"When did you discovered you have light magic?"
"When I was giving birth to Henry, the lights were on and off..that was a sign of my magic abilities..." Emma smiles. "On my 28th birthday, I was alone in Boston and bought myself a cupcake and made a wish to not to be alone, a second later Henry found me. After he found me, he brought me here. When Henry ate the poison apple turnover, true love kiss broke the curse...Regina tried to poison me, Henry proved to me magic is real....this is when Regina and I were arched enemies we are friends now. I used my magic with a dreamcatcher to read Archie dog's Pongo's mind....I also used my light magic in Neverland."
"Neverland is real?"
"Yes. Henry's biological father helped us rescue Henry from Neverland after his real father's girlfriend brought him there by kidnapping him. His father did not believe me. This is where Killian and I our relationship began in Neverland, he cared for Henry. Peter Pan is Henry's great-grandfather."
"How is that even possible?"
"Peter Pan gave up his son Rumpelstiltskin also known as the dark one to be a child again, dark magic."
"Killian first love was Rumpelstiltskin's ex-wife who leaves Henry's father with him."
"Wait, so you mean you married your ex-boyfriend mother's lover?"
"And had Henry with her son."
"Wow and I thought I had the relationship issues."
"You will be surprised that everyone in this town is related to one another." They both laughed. Henry brings crying Hope down. "Mom, Hope wants you." Henry hands over Hope to their Mom. She stops crying once she was in Emma's arms. "Hope, you want to listen to Mommy explain to Aunt Allison about magic?" Hope cooed. "Yes, you do. Henry, I am explaining to Aunt Allison about my magic." Henry sits in between his Mom and Allison.
"What part are you up to?"
"I am about to explain about after Neverland."
"I know this part of the story."
"Kid, you were there."
"Yes, I was." Allison giggles.
"There was a gap year when Henry and I were in NYC and everyone else was in the Enchanted Forest. Killian came to us gave me my memories back and we returned to Maine. We find out the wicked witch.." Hope begins to cry. "Hope, she is not here sweetie..shh..shh."
"I am guessing it is Regina's sister."
"You got that right Aunt Allison. Hope, do not cry little sis." He kisses Hope on the head and she grabs his hair. "Hope cut that out." Emma and Allison were in awe. "It turns out my parents caused the curse to return back to me and Henry, the curse left everyone without memories. We defeated you know who, I lost my powers by kissing Killian for saving Killian's life. Then after my brother Leo was born, his first name is Neal after Henry's father but now is called Leo."
"Wait..your parents named your brother after your ex-boyfriend."
"Yes. That was very awkward." Henry holds his Mom's hand. "When Killian and I went through the time portal that you know who created, we changed my parents love story."
"No way, you both did?"
"Allison, it was Emma's fault."
"Love, it was."
"Yes, it was my fault but we got things back to normal got my magic back thanks to you Killian...until I brought Robin's first wife from the past."
"I understand now the clone and Rowand." Hope cries. "Hope, I am so sorry sweetie."
"Hope, she is not here sweetie...shhh...shh. Mommy is telling Aunt Allison a story that is all." She kisses Hope on the head and calms her down.
"Emma, I am so sorry I didn't mean to upset Hope."
"That is okay. What you did not know is somehow, Killian and I brought Elsa here."
"You two brought Elsa here?'
"Yes, we did. When she was first got here she was afraid and caused me almost frozen."
"Like the movie?"
"Yes, much worst."
"Aye, once Emma was out of the ice wall I caught her."
"You did and we began to start dating afterward."
"Aye, love we did."
"Around the time Elsa was here, I learned more about my power abilities. I hurt Henry."
"Mom, you were upset and I knew it was an accident."
"Love, your powers were out of control because you were replaced with Leo."
"Yes, that is true."
"Mom, you were jealous of Leo?"
"Yes. I did not get to have parents at all."
"Mom, I am glad that I had my other Mom, you did not leave me alone." He hugs her with Hope. "Hope, this is why Mommy loves your special time with you." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Allison, this happens a lot in this house."
"I can see."
"I think the history of my magical abilities is enough for one night."
"Mom, what about you and Dad turn into dark ones?"
Killian and Emma, "Henry!"
"Bad subject?"
"Another time lad, it is still a sensitive topic for the both of us, especially for your Mom."
"You two were both dark your not?"
"Dinner is ready by the way."
They went into the kitchen, Killian made roast beef, roasted potatoes, and green beans. "Killian, it looks delicious."
"Thank you, love. Let me hold Hope first." He gets Hope from her arms. Hope began to cry. "Little love Daddy got you, Mommy is right next to me."
"Killian, let me hold our daughter, she is extra clingy today."
"You sure love?"
"Yes." She talks to Hope. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie." She comforts Hope and she calms down instantly. "See she wants me." Killian kisses Hope on the head. "Allison, are newborns supposed to be this attached?"
"Yes, it is normal for her to be attached to you. Enjoy it while it lasts Emma." As everyone else ate, Hope was happily was with her Mommy. "Are you happy to be held by me?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you are." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope falls asleep in Emma's arms and eats her meal with one hand.
"Killian, this is delicious by the way."
"Thank you, Allison. I am the cook of the family."
"Yes, Aunt Allison he is. I help him cook at times. I am learning from the best cook."
"Mom, I love you but you cannot cook."
"Yes, that is why I order in our food." They all laugh. "How about you Allison?"
"Ted and I take turns cooking for the family and depends on our work schedules."
"What does your husband do for a living?"
"He works as an accountant."
Hope wakes up from her nap and fusses. "Hope, do you want Aunt Allison?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you do." Emma hands over Hope to Allison. Emma continues to eat as Hope was being entertained by Allison.
"Emma, Hope loves Allison."
"Yes, she does that is why Allison is Hope's auntie." Emma felt off. "Allison."
Allison looked worried. "Yes, Emma?" "I know you are a doctor do you know anything about extra bleeding you know postpartum..."
"Yes, I know. I can examine you."
"Good, my stomach is in pain and it is a lot of blood."
"Sure, I can. Your room?"
"Yes." Henry takes Hope from Allison.
"Emma, are you alright?"
"I feel off." Killian carries Emma upstairs. "Henry, watch Hope."
Killian takes Emma to their room. "Allison, Are you experienced at this type of doctor..."
"Killian, yes, I am. I examined women before in my other practice before I worked with children." He waited outside. "Emma, get a bed sheet and I will examine you." She examines Emma. "Emma, I do not want to alarm you, you might have left over placenta in your uterus."
"Is that bad?"
"We need to get you the hospital right away."
He rushes in. "What is it, love?"
"We need to get Emma to the hospital, she is having a postpartum hemorrhage. She is losing a lot of blood." Killian takes Emma to the car. Allison calls the hospital to Dr.Claire to prepare for surgery.
"Aunt Allison, what is happening to our Mom?"
"Your Mom needs a surgery, she is losing a lot of blood."
"Can we come?"
"Yes, grab your sister's diaper bag and quilt." Henry hands over Hope to Allison. He rushes to get Hope's needs and his backpack. Allison drives the Swan-Jones car, Killian attending to Emma and Henry with Hope. "Emma, you are going to be alright." Emma was rushed into surgery. Killian stayed with Henry, Hope, and Allison. "Allison, how is Emma losing blood?"
"From the after birth sometimes part of the placenta was left over in her uterus, which can a lot of bleeding. I recognized the signs easily, she looked pale, in pain and did her examination she had a lot of blood. She might need blood transfusions but she will be fine. It was caught early." Henry gives Hope to Killian. "Little love, Daddy is here." He kisses Hope on the head as she was sleeping.
"Aunt Allison will my mom will be alright?"
"Henry, your mom lost a lot of blood from postpartum hemorrhage, which means she has left over placenta after Hope was born and losing a lot of blood. Your Mom will need a blood transfusion but she will be recovered. If it was left untreated then it could cause death. I caught it early, she will be alright." Henry hugs Allison. "Thank you for saving my Mom."
"Your welcome, Henry. It is my job."
"You are the best aunt ever."
Allison smiles."I appreciate that Henry."
"Dad, what are we going to do when Hope gets hungry?"
"There are bottles of Emma's milk in the fridge at home. Emma sometimes had oversupply."
"Dad, Hope does not take the bottle."
"Henry, we have to try."
"You are right. I have the right person to call to get us the bottles." Henry calls Regina. "Mom."
"Henry is everything alright?"
"Mom is in emergency surgery for postpartum hemorrhage."
"Are you at home?"
"No. Dad, Hope, Allison and I are the hospital. Mom has extra milk supply in the fridge at home, for Hope. Can you bring some?"
"Henry, I will bring Hope her milk."
"Mom, please stay."
"Henry, I will." Regina rushes to the hospital and sees Henry. "Mom." He rushes to her and hugs her and cries. "Henry, your mom is going to be okay."
"Yes, Aunt Allison examined her and diagnosed her quickly." Henry and Regina walked to where Killian and Allison were waiting. "Hi, Regina."
"Hi, Dr.Cameron and Killian."
"Hi, Regina. Thank you for bringing Hope's milk."
"Your welcome." She sits down. "What happened?"
"Emma looked pale at dinner and she told me she was in pain and strong blood. I examined her and she needed a small part of the placenta out. She lost a lot of blood. If I did not catch it any sooner, she would have gone it into shock."
"Aunt Allison luckily you were over."
"Yes, Henry. It was meant to be." Hope woke up.
"Little love, you want Auntie Allison to hold you?" He hands over Hope to Allison. "Hi, Hope." Regina's facial expression "Aunt Allison?"
"Yes, Regina. Emma asked Allison to be Hope's godmother and aunt this morning, during their girl talk."
"Please, call me Allison, Regina."
"Okay, Allison. You got really close to Emma."
"Oh, yes we are, we are best friends. We got along very quickly." Hope begins to cry. "Hope, are you hungry?"
"Killian, there is a microwave in the room over there, heat this bottle up for 50 secs."
"Dad, I can do it." Henry takes the bottle and heats it up. He returns to his family and gives Allison the baby bottle. Allison gives Hope the bottle, which she refuses. "Hope, it is your Mommy's milk." She turns to Henry, "Henry, open the bottle." He did as he was told and hands over the bottle back to her. She lets Hope sniffs the milk. Henry put the bottle cover on. Allison feeds Hope. "Dad, Aunt Allison got Hope to eat from the bottle."
"Aye, son. She did. Allison, you have no idea how much Hope gave me trouble."
"Yes, I can imagine. Every women breast milk smell is different. Hope knows this is Emma's milk."
"Aye, it is good to know just in case we have any other emergencies, the little lass won't starve."
"Aunt Allison, can I feed her?"
"Sure, you can." She takes the bottle from Hope and hands her over to Henry and he feeds her. "Hope, you are being a good girl, little sis." He kisses her on the head. "Mom, Hope is eating."
"I know, Henry."
"Allison, how long is Emma going to be in recovery?"
"She might be in the hospital for observation and some days at home in bedrest. I can come to help if you need it."
"Aye, we very much appreciate how helpful you have been to our family."
"I am doing my job and your family has been really been made me feel at home."
"Aye, we have a habit of doing that." Allison giggles. "I can see why Emma chose you to be Hope's godmother and aunt."
"I am honored, Killian."
Hope spits up and begins to cry. "Henry, she is full."
"Lad, hand me over, Hope." Henry gives him Hope. "Little love Daddy got you." He burps Hope and spits up over his jacket. "Hope, it is alright." He takes her and walks around the room and comforts her. "Hope, Mommy will be with us soon." He bounces her and rubs her back. "Hope, I know you want Mommy. Daddy wants Mommy with us too." He looks over at Henry who was being comforted by Regina.
As Henry hugs Regina."Aunt Allison, are you sure my mom is going to be alright?"
"Yes, Henry. I caught it early. She is going to be in recovery for a little while but she will be fine."
"I am happy we have someone in the family who works in the medical field."
She rubs his shoulders. "I am honored to be in the family." Henry falls asleep in Regina's arms and Killian got Hope to sleep.
"Finally, Hope is asleep." He sits down.
"Killian you got her calmed down."
"I know, she wants Emma."
"I know, she closes to you too."
"Aye, she is. She senses when everything is not alright especially with her Mommy."
"Killian, it might be her superpower."
"Aye, maybe it is Regina. How is Henry?"
"Nervous and wants Emma just as much as Hope does. Allison, how long is the surgery?"
"It depends on how bad the bleeding is and she going to need blood transfusions too, which will affect her milk supply for a while."
"Hope is not going to like that."
"Captain guy-liner Hope will be fine."
"Aye, she is stubborn like her Mom." Charming and Snow White rushes in.
"Killian, where is Emma?"
"Snow, she had a postpartum hemorrhage. Luckily Allison was over and she caught it quickly. She is in surgery. She is going to need a blood transfusion depending on how much blood she has lost. "
"How is Hope?"
"Asleep and fed."
"Allison got Hope to use the bottle."
"Aye, Charming."
"Yup, I let Hope sniff the milk and she drank it."
Dr.Claire enters the room. "Emma Swan-Jones." Killian stood up with Hope, Regina woke up Henry and the Charmings and Allison went to Dr.Claire. "Allison, luckily you caught Emma's postpartum hemorrhage in time. She lost a lot of blood. During the surgery, we used blood transfusion to refill her body from the loss of blood and we took out the last piece of her placenta that I missed during her labor."
"Dr.Claire is it normal for women to lose a piece of the placenta during childbirth?"
"Yes, rare cases. But your wife will be fine in a matter of days."
"Can I go see her?"
"Yes, she is in the recovery room. Only a few people at a time, she will be out of it for a little since just had a surgery."
"Killian, go first."
"Aye, Allison come. You, after all, saved her."
"Dad, can I come?"
"Yes, lad." Regina, Snow White, and Charming followed. When they reached Emma's room, "Allison can you hold Hope?"
"Sure." He hands over Hope to Allison, he and Henry enter the room. Hope who was awake. "Hope, Auntie Allison has you. Your Mommy is resting."
Killian and Henry sat by Emma's bedside on one side and the other side she had blood transfusion machine running and they waited for her to wake up. After an hour of waiting, Emma woke up with an iv in her arm and another blood iv in the other. She sees Killian. "Killian."
"Emma, you are okay love." He holds her hand.
"Mom!" Henry gently hugs her and cries. "Henry I am okay. I am going to be in recovery for a little while.
"Mom, I will help you."
"I know you will. I love you, Henry." She looks around. "Hope where is she?"
Allison brings in Hope. "Emma, Hope is right here." Hope fusses. "I know Hope you want your Mommy." She helps Emma hold Hope.
"Hope, Mommy is okay, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. She talks to Allison, "Thank you, Allison thank you. If it weren't for you I..."
"Emma, I knew you look off."
"Hope, aunt Allison saved me. You are officially part of the family."
"Yes, I am. I am pretty sure everyone else agrees."
Killian, Henry, Regina, Charming, and Snow White all said in unison "Yes." Emma and Allison both laughed. "Welcome to the family."
"Love, I can hold Hope for a while."
"Yes, you can. Do not go too far."
"Love, Hope does not want to be far away from you." He kisses her on the head and Allison gave him Hope. Killian sits down and holds Hope.
"Mom, Aunt Allison got Hope to use the bottle."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, Hope behaved. I was able to feed her from the bottle. She cried only a little bit for you but Dad got her calm down eventually."
"Aye, Hope knew you were sick and it took me a while to calm her down." He moved his chair closer to his wife so she can let Hope hold her finger. "Mommy is alright baby." Dr.Claire comes in, "Hi, Emma. I am here to examine you."
"Mom, I will be outside." He rushes out.
Emma and Killian laugh, "He knows what it means from the last time."
"Aye, he does."
"Allison, thank you for diagnosing me."
"Your welcome Emma. Do you need me to watch Hope?"
"Hope can be in here."
Allison smiles. "I had a feeling, Emma." She talks to Hope. "Hope, be a good girl to Daddy and Mommy auntie Allison will be outside." Hope coos. Allison goes out in the hall. She closes the door. Snow approaches Allison and hugs her "Thank you for saving my daughter's life."
"You are welcome. I had experiences in many parts of the medical field and I knew something was off with her before she told me she did not felt good. I examined her and knew she needed medical attention immediately."
"Thank you, Allison, for helping our daughter."
"You are welcome, Charming. It was meant to be, I was over at their house for dinner after driving Henry from my house. He is doing a really great job with painting my children's rooms."
"Aunt Allison, can I continue painting on Monday? I want to be with my Mom."
"Of course, Henry. You have time, my children and husband won't be back for a little while."
In the hospital room, Dr.Claire examined Emma. Your surgery helped you with bleeding. Your recovery with Hope is going well."
"Yes, Killian is helping me with her so I won't faint from being sleep deprived."
"Any depression?"
" not at all. I am really am happy with Hope. No depression."
"Emma, I am going to stop the blood transfusion. You can go home in the morning. The side effects of a blood transfusion are back pain, dark urine, chills, faint or dizziness, fever, skin flushing and shortness of breath. Just take it easy for a few days."
"Am I going to be able to feed my daughter?"
"Yes, you can. Let me see if you have a fever." Dr.Claire takes Emma's temperature. "Your temperature is normal."
"I will check on your later."
"Thank you Dr.Claire." She leaves the room.
"How was Hope?"
"Emma, she was with me, Henry and Allison she was not crying crazy like last time."
"Good. I am happy she was with you, Henry and Allison." Killian hands over Hope to Emma. "Hi, baby. Mommy is okay and going to get better really soon." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope falls asleep on Emma. Henry comes in."Mom is everything okay?'
"Yes, I need to rest for a few days."
"Mom, we will be there for you."
"I know." Henry hugs her and falls asleep next to her. "My parents are here?'
"Yes. Do you want to see them?"
"Yes for a few minutes."
Snow White comes rushing in. "Emma. Are you okay?"
"I am better now thanks to Allison. When you come over this morning you seem not yourself." Killian left the room to talk to Charming and Regina.
"When I saw Allison with Hope, I got jealous."
"Mom, why were you jealous?"
"Because Hope loves her."
"Yes, she does. Mom, Hope loves you too."
"I know. I understand how Allison is a good friend to you and your family. She is a nice helpful person like you but works in the medical field."
"I had a feeling you were a little jealous that Allison is Hope's godmother and their aunt. She saved Hope's life from choking and me today."
"I had a feeling that is why Allison is family now."
"I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Emma." She kisses Emma on the head. "Emma, Henry and Hope love you."
"I love them. I had no idea postpartum could have side effects of leftover part of the placenta."
"Emma, Allison found it quickly."
"Yes, she did." Charming comes in. "Dad."
"Hi, Emma. How are you?"
"Better than before, content with both of my children sleeping with me." He kisses her on the head. "Your Mom and I will come by to visit tomorrow at home."
"Yes, I would like that."
"Snow, we should let Emma rest." They left. Emma falls asleep happily with her two children with her. Killian, Regina, Allison, and Snow took pics of them sleeping together.
"Yes, another one."
"Regina this happens often?"
"Yes, at their house, my house and here."
"Aye, the first time was when Emma was on bedrest before Hope was born. I was the only one who had a camera phone. These two were jealous."
"Yes, we were." Allison giggles.
"Killian, text me how Henry is and I will drop by tomorrow."
"Sure, Regina. Thank you for bringing Hope's milk."
"You are welcome, Hook. Henry needed me. I am happy to help Hope too. See you tomorrow." Regina left with the Charmings.
"Killian, I will see you and your family later."
"Allison thank you for saving my Emma."
"You are welcome, Killian." She goes down to her office to sleep. Killian goes back into Emma's hospital room and sits down next to Emma's beside. Killian smiles seeing Hope awake. "Little Hope, are you happy to be snuggling with your Mommy?" Hope smiles. "Yes, little love. Mommy loves you, Henry and Daddy. We have to make sure Mommy gets the rest she needs so she can play with you, little love." He kisses Hope on the head and rubs her cheek. Killian falls asleep on the two chairs. He wakes up 2 hours later to Hope's crying. "Hope, do you need a change, little love?" He takes Hope off of Emma's chest. "Yes, you need a change. Daddy will change you." He changes Hope on the two chairs. "You are a little stinker." Hope cries again. Emma wakes up. "Is she hungry?"
"Aye love, she is. I just changed her." He hands over Hope to Emma. He helps Emma preps to feed her, Hope latched on quickly.
Emma smiles. "Hope, your milk is not going anywhere baby. I love my special time with you." She kisses Hope. "We have to be quiet, Henry is sleeping." After Hope was fed she fell back to sleep. "Killian, are you?"
"A little tired but I am so happy that you are alright love." They kiss.
"I am alright. I have you and both of my children with me. I could not imagine anything better."
"Love let's get you the okay to go home."
"Yes. A quiet day at home with you all of you is what I need."
"That is right, love." Emma got the okay from Dr.Claire to leave. Emma was pushed in a wheelchair by a nurse. Hope was being held by Emma, Henry and Killian walked beside Emma. Killian puts Hope in her car seat and the nurse helped Emma into her seat. Killian drove them home. When they arrived home, Henry got Hope's quilt and diaper bag and took Hope out of her car seat. Killian helped Emma out of her seat. "Love, we are home. How about I get you to our room, so you can rest."
"Yes, I am a little dizzy." Killian takes Emma up to their room. They hear Henry playing with Hope. They watch Henry playing with Hope in his room. "Hope, I am the tickle monster I am going to get you...I am going to get you....tickle tickle." Killian and Emma both smile as their both of their children love being with each other. Killian make sure Emma was comfy in bed. "Do you need water?"
"Yes, please." Killian returns upstairs with a bottle of water for her. He sits with her in bed and cuddles her. "I love you, Killian."
"I love you, Emma." They kiss. Emma falls asleep in Killian's arms. "I am so happy you are alright my love." He falls asleep next to her knowing she is alright and their children are in the next room together. He is grateful for having his whole family together.

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