Growth Spurt

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Hope is now three months old, she is able to grab more with her hands, smiling more, stronger in tummy time and recognizes Mommy's voice, eye contact, and faces, and starting to babble. Emma went to work twice a week and found Lily to take part-time shifts at the station since Lily moved back into town. Emma comes home seeing Hope doing tummy time on her brother in the living room and babbling to Henry. "Henry, Hope. I am home."
Hope turns her head and sees her Mommy and smiles. "Hi, sweetie." He hands his sister over to their Mom. "Did you have fun with Henry?" Hope babbled which made Emma smile, "Oh, went to the park." She kisses Hope and placed her in her arms. "How was she when I was gone?"
"Hope had fun with me. We went to the park for a little bit, we saw you know who and I left with Hope before Hope saw her. "
"Henry, Hope looks like she had fun with you."
"Hope loves me."
Hope grabbed her Mommy's hair and puts it in her mouth. "Hope, your grip is getting stronger sweetie." Hope babbled. "Yes, you are Mommy's big girl. You cannot have Mommy's hair in your mouth." She gently takes her hair out of her daughter's mouth. Hope began to cry.
Henry hands over Hope's key ring. "Hope, look what I got." Hope cooed and grabbed her toy from her brother.
"She did not cry too much when you left."
"She trusts you, Henry."
"I know. She also has been kicking a lot so I let her play on her playmat."
"Yes, your sister is getting her fighting skills from me."
"I been talking to Violet. Can she come over?"
"Yes, she can come over. When you have a girl over your bedroom door has to be open."
"Henry that is my rule when you have a girl over also no sex."
Henry groans. "Mom we are not going to have sex."
"Kid, I had you at seventeen."
"I know that is why we are not having sex."
"Good." Hope cried. "Okay, sweetie. Mommy will feed you." Emma brings Hope up to her nursery and breastfed her daughter. After she had fed, Hope had eye contact with her Mommy. "Hope, I love you so much." Hope babbled and smiles at her Mommy. "I know what you are saying, "I love you right?" Hope smiles and reached her Mommy's face and makes poop. "You need a change sweetie." She changes Hope's diaper and plays their kissing game. Emma kisses Hope everywhere. When Emma kisses Hope's belly, Hope laughed. Emma was shocked, "Hope, you have your first laugh! My baby girl had her first laugh. " She kisses Hope on the same spot and listened to her laughing. Emma had tears in her eyes and laughing with her daughter. "Henry!" Henry rushes up.
"Mom, what is going on?"
"Come here and watch." She bends down to Hope. "Hope." She kisses Hope on the same spot and Hope laughs loudly.
"Mom Hope is laughing!"
"Yes, she is Henry. Hope is having her first laugh." They took turns kissing Hope and loving her laugh. Killian returns home hearing Emma and Henry upstairs. He goes upstairs to see what his family was up to. "What is going on in here?"
"Killian, come here." She kisses hope on her belly and Hope laughs.
"Love, Hope is laughing?"
"Yes! Our little girl is having her first laugh."
Killian joins in on the fun. He kisses Hope on her belly and made her laugh, which made him smile big. "Little love you are laughing." He tickles his daughter. Hope grabs her Daddy's hook. "Hope, you are getting a stronger grip."
"Yes, she is Killian."
Killian picks up Hope. "Hope, you are getting so big, little love." Hope smiles as her Daddy was kissing Hope on the cheek.
"Hope is starting to talk, getting stronger in tummy time and playing a lot more." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Mom, Hope is getting strong when she was sitting on my lap she is trying to stand up." Hope began to fuss in her Daddy's arms. "Hope, you want your Mommy?" Hope reached over to Emma. "Aye, you do." He hands over their daughter to his wife.
"Hope, no matter how big you get you will be always my baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope babbled. "Yes, I know you, you love me as much as I love you."
A few weeks later at night, Hope was crying nonstop for the past 4 hours straight. Emma was snuggling with Hope and doing skin to skin, Hope just continued to cry. "Hope, you are fed and clean. I do not know why you are crying."
"Love, let me try. Hope and I need to have daddy-daughter time." He takes Hope from his wife to let her rest and brings Hope to her room. "Hope, what is the matter, little love? Daddy and Mommy want to know to make you happy." He kisses Hope on the head and rocks her in the rocking chair. Hope just continued to cry. Emma could not take it anymore, Hope was really upset. SHe knew her daughter needed her. Emma goes into Hope's room seeing her crying in her Daddy's arms. "Killian, let me hold Hope."
"Please." Killian hands over their daughter. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie. I know..I know you are very upset sweetie. I want you to be happy. You are with Mommy now. I am going to do everything for you to make you feel better soon, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Killian you have work tomorrow. I cannot sleep knowing our little girl is crying nonstop, my heart is hurting for seeing her unhappy."
"Tell me when you need help. I do not like seeing our little Hope unhappy too." They kiss.
"Can you swaddle her while I put a soft carrier on?"
"Sure, love." He swaddles Hope in her ducking swaddler.
"Can you help me put my soft carrier on?"
"Sure, love." He puts on the soft carrier on Emma. Killian places Hope in her carrier.
"Hope, you are going to be attached, Mommy." She makes sure Hope was comfy in the carrier, Hope was snuggling on her chest. "I am going to take her outside for some fresh air maybe it can calm her down. We will be in the backyard." She takes Hope outside and sits on the hammock that they just bought. Emma read online fresh air can help upset babies. She slowly rocked her upset Hope. "Hope, even though you are very upset sweetie, Mommy loves you so much, little duckling."
After Emma left the nursery, Killian makes a phone call. "Killian?"
"Hi, Allison. I am so sorry to call you so late."
"No, that is okay. Is everything alright?"
"Hope has been crying nonstop for almost 4 hours straight. Everything Emma and I are doing is not helping."
"Killian, babies cry nonstop some just for no reason. Is Emma with Hope now?"
"Aye, she took our little lass in the backyard for fresh air to help her calm down. Emma feels really bad for not calming down Hope."
"Killian, I know you and Emma are doing the best that you can. Just try to keep Hope comfortable, knowing that she is safe."
"Aye, I think Hope feels safe with Emma. When I took her away from Emma she cried more."
"She just wants her Mommy."
"Aye, my little love takes after her Mommy."
"Yes, she does. Just keep Hope comfortable."
"Aye, I am going to do that."
"Killian, I can come by during my house call hours to check on Hope."
"I really do appreciate that. Do you think she is sick?"
"Maybe, if Hope starts puking call me."
"Aye, I will."
"I will see you tomorrow morning. I know you are going to be with Emma and Hope."
"Aye, you got that right. Night, Allison."
"Night, Killian."
Killian came out with Hope's quilt and a blanket for them to share and cinnamon hot cocoa for his wife. "Love, I brought something for you and Hope."
"Killian, you are so thoughtful."
He sits next to his wife and daughter on the hammock. "Hope, Daddy got you your quilt." Emma wrapped Hope in her quilt over the soft carrier. He wraps a blanket on Emma and himself. She takes the hot cocoa from her husband. "Thank you."
"Your welcome love, even though it is summer, it is cool outside at night."
"Yes, you are keeping me and Hope warm."
"Aye, I would do anything for my two loves." He gently moved the hammock helping Emma console their daughter. Emma takes Hope out of her carrier and placed her daughter in her arms.
"I just want to know why she is crying. My little Hope is upset and I do not know how to make her happy."
"Love, we will figure out why she is upset. For now, Hope is with her Mommy, you who are doing all that you can to be there for our little love. I will help you."
"Killian, don't you have work in the morning?"
"Aye, I do love but my first job is to care for you and our little Hope." He wrapped his arm around his wife and daughter as Emma was doing all her best to comfort their daughter.
She gives her upset Hope eye contact, "Hope, it is alright baby. You are with Mommy. You are with Mommy and Daddy who love you so much." She rubs Hope's hands and calmly spoke to her daughter. After a long time of talking to Hope and being out in the open air, Hope finally stopped crying as the sun was rising sleeping on her Mommy's chest snuggling. "Killian, Hope has been crying most of the night."
"I know love. The fresh air helped her eventually."
"Hope being with the two of us made her feel safe and loved."
"Yes, love. You did amazing."
Emma began to cry. "I did not, Hope would not stop crying. I did not help her stop crying."
"Love, babies cry for no reason. Remember you are her Mommy and she loves you so much. You brought her out here for fresh air, you are holding her all night and rubbing her hands making sure she knows that she is safe. Look at her." She looks at her daughter "Hope is sleeping on you and gripping you knowing that you are there for her no matter what."
"I am always going to be there for her no matter what."
"Aye, you will love, with me on your side." They snuggle and he kissed her on the forehead. "I love you, Emma."
"I love you too Killian." They share a gentle kiss and look at their sleeping daughter. Emma fell asleep in Killian's arms holding her daughter in her carrier. A few hours later, Killian hears the door open and closes. He sees Allison.
"Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Killian. How was the rest of the night?"
"Aye, our little Hope was crying for about 6 hours straight. As you can see, Emma and I did everything we can to calm her down."
"I know you did everything you can. I can examine Hope, to see what caused it."
"That will be great Allison." He gently nudges Emma. "Emma...Emma...Allison is here."
Emma wakes up and sees her best friend. "Allison? You are here?"
"Yes, I am. I heard from Killian you both had a rough night with Hope."
"Yes, our little Hope was crying for about 5 or 6 hours straight...I did everything, I snuggled her, tried skin to skin, in her soft carrier..." Emma began to cry. "I feel like I failed her. I did not stop her crying. When she was with Killian, I could not sleep because my baby was crying and my heart was hurting since Hope was upset."
"Love, I know Hope wanted you. Hope cried more the further away she was from you."
Killian hugs his wife as Allison placed her hand on Emma's knee. "Emma, I know babies do cry a lot for if they are sick or they just need to cry. I know you did everything to calm down Hope. Hope knows you are helping her by seeing Hope sleeping on our right now knowing she is with you her Mommy."
"Yes, I would do anything for my daughter and be there for her always." She kisses Hope on the head. "Emma, I know you will be there for Hope and Henry. Killian I know you re there for your two girls."
"Aye, love you got that right."
" Killian called me last night because he was concerned about Hope. I can examine her to see what is wrong."
"Allison, you would do that?"
"Yes, I can Emma. I am Hope's pediatrician besides her godmother and auntie."
"How long can you stay?"
"I am technically still working, I am making a house call."
"She fell asleep when the sun was rising, I am not sure when she will wake up."
"Emma, I can make time. I have another doctor that is at the office now, part-time one while I make house calls."
"Where can you examine her?"
"I can examine her in your room when she was waking up." Emma takes Hope up to her room with Allison and Killian following them.
Emma sat on the bed with Hope with Killian next to her. "Allison, thank you for coming over."
"Your welcome, Emma. Work has been so busy, we have not seen each other in a while."
"Allison, I have been busy at work too. You have your children home."
"I do miss my sister. When Killian called me last night that Hope was crying, I had to come and visit and check up on her."
"We miss you. A few weeks ago, Henry was watching Hope for a few hours when I was on shift. I come home seeing Hope playing with her brother. Once she heard my voice her little head turned to where I was standing. Hope is getting so big."
"Is Hope starting to talk?"
"If you mean babbling yes!"
"Yes, that is a start of her talking."
"When I talk to her she responds to me mostly. Also a few weeks ago, while she and I were playing our special game...Hope laughed for the first time!"
"Hope had her first laugh?!"
"Yes! I was crying of course and laughing with her." Hope wakes up cooing. "Hi, Hope. Mommy was just talking about you, sweetie." Hope smiles and babbles. "Yes, all about you." She kisses Hope on the head. "Your auntie Allison is here." Hope moved around excitedly.
"Hope is very happy to see me."
"Yes, she does."
Allison gets Hope from Emma. "Hi, Hope. My little niece, you are getting so big. You are talking now and you are responding." Hope smiles. "Yes, I know. You are over three months old. I have not seen you in a while I missed you, sweetie." Hope pulled Allison's brunette hair.
"Sorry about that Hope has been tugging my hair a lot."
"That is okay. Her hands are getting stronger which is a good sign." She talks to Hope. "I heard you had very rough night Hope. You were very upset." Hope babbled. "Yes, I know. You were up all night and Mommy and Daddy were with you." Hope babbled. "I am going to check if you are okay. To see if you are sick or not." She placed Hope on the bed and undresses her niece. Allison examined her niece, "Her tummy is normal..has she been eating enough?"
"She has been eating more than usual now that I think about it."
Allison continues to examine her god niece. "Hope is healthy. Now you said her eating is more how so?"
"When I feed her lately she has been eating more than usual and then Hope was crying nonstop."
"Emma and Killian Hope is going through a growth spurt, it happens a lot with babies during their first year. During their growth spurts, babies feedings increase or decrease, sleeping is either long or less and they are more cranky."
"Yes, Hope has been not sleeping, she has been crankier. Is there any way we can help her?"
"A growth spurt can last a few days. Hope will sleep at different times or not sleep. When she is cranky or fussy just cuddle her or in her carrier."
"So her nonstop crying is because of a growth spurt?"
"Yes, Emma. You are doing a great job keeping Hope comfortable as much as possible in her fussy time." She played with her niece.
"See love, you are doing everything for our little Hope." He kisses Emma on the head. "All we got to do is keep Hope comfortable."
"Yes. Hope is getting bigger." Hope began to cry. "I know that cry. Hope you are hungry sweetie." Allison gives Hope back to her Mommy and Emma breastfed her. "Allison, when Hope is finished her growth spurt we can get coffee or hot chocolate from Granny's before work? Or shop?"
"I would love to spend my best friend." Hope stopped eating and looked at her auntie. "Yes, my little god niece you are joining Mommy and Auntie on our girls day." Hope smiled which made Emma, Killian, and Allison all smile.
"You have to continue to eat Hope. You were up all night crying." She kisses Hope on the head. She got Hope to nurse again. "How are Connor and Lizzie?"
"We have been spending time with both of them, taking them to the park, having weekend vacations. Lizzie and I have been doing a lot of shopping and playing pretend like house and dress up. Ted watched them during the day and spends time with them. I spend time with them in the evenings before their bedtime."
"Allison, I am happy you are spending time with your children."
"Love, do you need me to stay home today?"
"Killian, you have to work."
"Love, you had no sleep and holding Hope all night. We have Lily to cover for us. That is why you hired her for."
"Who is Lily?"
"Maleficent's daughter whom she and I were meant to be friends with and my parents switched our good and bad traits...somehow growing up we met and became friends and it was complicated when my parents kept that I was supposed to be bad and my parents turned Lily into bad so I can be good...I still have mix feelings with that.."Killian rubbed her shoulders. "The more important thing is that Lily has gotten better and she is our new deputy who is filling up spots during shifts." Hope stopped eating and Emma burped her daughter. Hope spits up on her Mommy and began to cry. "Hope, it is okay sweetie." Allison gets Emma a new onesie for Hope as Emma comforted her daughter. "Hope, I know you having a rough time sweetie. Mommy is going to be there for you." She calmed Hope down and changed Hope in a clean onesie. "Killian, please stay home today."
"Love, I know that you both need me and you need to sleep too love."
"Emma, can I hold Hope?"
"Yes, you can."
Allison gets Hope from Emma. "Hope, I love you, my sweet niece. I will visit you and Mommy soon. I know you have Mommy and Daddy to be there for you to make sure you get better really soon." Allison kissed Hope on the head and Hope touched her aunt's face, which left her parents and aunt in awe. "Yes, I love you too Hope." Allison bounced Hope in her arms until Hope fell asleep.
"Love, what do you want to eat? You need to eat love."
"Can you make me a bowl oatmeal with mix berries?"
"Aye with cinnamon?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, you know me so well." They kiss.
"I will be right back."
"Killian take your time, I can stay here a little longer to be with my best friend and Hope." Killian leaves the room.
Henry enters the room. "Mom is Hope sick?"
"No, she is not Henry."
"Hi, Aunt Allison."
"Hi, Henry. Your sister is snoozing on me."
"I know Hope is tired. She kept up my parents all night."
"Your sister is not sick, she is going through a growth spurt."
"How long will a growth spurt take?"
"A day or two sometimes a week."
"How do we keep her happy?"
"Well, there are a few ways like giving her snuggles, comfort her when she is crying or be there for her when she needs to be held when she is crying, cranky or sleeping."
"How can I help?"
"Kid, you can watch your sister for me so I can get some sleep."
"I can watch her. Aunt Allison Hope looks comfy on you."
"Yes, she is Henry. Hope loves her auntie." She gives Hope a kiss on the nose.
Killian brought up Emma her breakfast. "Emma, I have your breakfast." He gives Emma her breakfast. "Allison, it is my turn to hold Hope." He gets his daughter from Allison.
"Emma, let me know if you need any help. You can call me anytime."
"Thank you, Allison." She hugs her best friend. "When Hope is not having her growth spurt we are definitely going to have a girls day."
"Yes, we are. I have to go back to work."
Henry hugs Allison next. "Thank you for coming over."
"Your welcome Henry. Just watch Hope when your parents need to sleep."
"I will."
"Allison, I will walk you to the door." Killian carried Hope with him and walked with Allison to the door. "Allison, thank you so much for coming over."
"Your welcome Killian. I am just happy Hope is not sick."
"Hope is going to have a lot of time with Mommy and Daddy until she gets back to herself."
"I know Hope is in good hands. I will see you all soon." Allison leaves back to Storybrooke Hospital.
Killian returns upstairs and puts Hope in her crib. He sees Emma sleeping on their bed already ate her breakfast.
"Dad, I can watch Hope. You look like you need to rest as well."
"Thanks, lad." Killian went to sleep with his wife while they can before Hope wakes them up. Henry sits in the rocking chair watching his little sister sleep. After two hours of sleep, Hope woke up needing to be changed. Henry takes crying Hope from her crib. "You need a change. I will change you." Henry changed Hope's diaper and sat with her in the rocking chair. "I am going to bring a friend over. Her name is Violet. She is from Camelot,a place where Mommy does not like talking about because she was the dark one it was a very bad time for Mommy back in that land...but Mommy knows Violet makes me happy. When you meet my friend I know she will like you." Hope looked at her brother while he was talking to her and babbled. "Yes, I do like her. This past school year, she has been mostly with her group of girlfriends. We are texting each other more. I do not know what it means but I think she likes me. What do you think Hope?" Hope babbled and smiled. "You think so?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you are such a good listener Hope. I love you." He kisses Hope on the head and Hope grabbed his face. "Hope, you are getting stronger little sis."
"Kid, Hope is getting stronger."
"Mom, you are awake. Did you hear me talking to Hope?"
"A little bit. I know Hope is having fun with you."
"I am just making Hope happy. I want to help."
"I know. You are helping me and your Dad with Hope." Hope begins to cry. "Henry, give me Hope." Henry gives his sister to their Mom. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie." Emma lets Hope snuggle on her chest where her heart is, where Hope can hear the heartbeat to calm down. She rubs her daughter's back and spoke calmly. "Hope, you are with Mommy....I got you sweetie...shhh..shh."
Killian enters the nursery. "Love, I have an idea that can help our little love?"
"What is your idea?"
Killian talks to Hope. "Hope, do you want to go to Daddy's ship?" He kisses Hope on the head.
Emma smiles. "Killian, that is a great idea. I think the ocean will calm her down."
"Aye, we will not sail today. We can just be on the boat."
"Hope is going to love it. I know the ocean will calm down our little girl." They kiss.
"Love, do you want me to take her to the ship?"
"Hope, you want to go on Daddy's ship with Daddy?" She gives Hope to her husband.
"Hi, little love. You and I are going to my ship."
"Dad, what do we need to bring?"
"We can have a picnic on the ship."
"Dad, I can pack that." He goes to get ready and pack their meals.
"I am going to get Hope's diaper bag packed. Killian, it is a great idea."
"The ocean makes our Hope happy, which will help us calm her down." Emma placed the carrier on her husband. "Hope, we are going to Daddy's boat." Hope continues to cry. "Love, I will meet you there."
"Yes, I have Hope's diaper bag packed."
"Aye,I will bring it with me."
"Hope, Mommy and Henry will meet you and Daddy on Daddy's ship soon, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. "Killian, we will be there soon."
"Love, Hope will be happy with her Daddy." Killian took Hope to the Jolly Roger.
Emma got dressed for the day. "Mom, I packed us a picnic." He gives his mom a big hug. "I love you, Mom."
"Henry, I love you too, kid."
"You are doing a great job with Hope. I know you feel like you are not helping Hope, but you are Mom."
"Thank you, Henry. It is great hearing that from you."
"Mom, I know you feel really bad for not calming Hope. It is not your fault."
"Henry, I know. Hope is growing."
"I know, Hope is growing up. I just wanted to say that you are doing a great job with the both of us."
She kisses Henry on the head. "You are the best kid."
"I am your son."
"Yes, you are. Are you ready to go on the Jolly Roger?"
"Yes, I am. I have a feeling this is going to help Hope."
"I really hope so kid. Your sister was crying 5 or 6 hours straight last night."
"Mom, it will pass. Hope will be her happy self."
"Yes, I know. Hope will be playing with you me and your Dad."
"If you need a break with Hope on the ship, I packed her my storybook and other books from her library books."
"Henry, I know Hope is going to love you reading to her."
"I love making Hope happy."
"We all do kid." Emma and Henry walked to the docks together seeing Killian with Hope in her carrier asleep.
"Hello, love."
"Killian, Hope is asleep."
"Aye, she is love. Hope loves the ocean air."
"She loves with Daddy."
Killian smiles. "Aye, she is Daddy's little pirate princess. Love, you can sleep in my cabin. I got our little love."
"Thank you." They kiss. Emma takes a nap in Killian's quarters.
"Dad, how long did Hope calmed down?"
"Well, I brought Hope to your Mom and I special spot just hearing the ocean waves calmed her down. She has been sleeping in her carrier ever since."
"She is a little pirate."
"Aye, she is Henry." Henry and Killian talk on the deck while Emma slept in the captain quarters. Hope woke up hungry. "Hope, Daddy will bring you to Mommy little love." He downstairs with Hope to find his wife sleeping. "Emma."
Emma wakes up. "Is she okay?"
"She is hungry."
Emma preps to feed Hope and Killian hands over their daughter to her and sits down next to his wife and wrapped his arm around her. Emma nurses Hope. "How was she when I was sleeping?"
"She was sleeping on me as Henry and I talked until she woke up crying."
"Hope loves her Daddy."
"Aye, I love Hope our little pirate."
"How did you get her to stop from crying?"
"I brought her to our special spot. Once she heard the waves she calmed down instantly."
"Aww, Hope really takes after me."
"Aye, love. She is a mini you."
"Hope, you are like Mommy? You love Mommy and Daddy's special spot..." Hope tugs her Mommy's hair. "That is a yes from you." She looks up at her husband. " can be me, you and Hope's special spot? I mean it is a place where we talk about anything we need to express or calm down from what happened in town or the the town is quiet and the place made Hope stop crying..."
Killian smiles. "Love, that is perfect." They kiss. When Hope was fed and burped she was happy and smiling.
"Hope, are you my happy baby girl?" Hope babbled. "Yes, yes you are Hope." Emma let Hope did tummy time on the bed. Killian and Emma watched Hope moving around on her tummy kicking her legs.
"Hope, you are a little kicker like your Mommy little love." Hope reached out to her Mommy and Emma placed her hand near her daughter and Hope held her hand on her mommy's.
"Hope, I am right here sweetie." She kisses Hope's hand. Hope made a loud sound, which made Killian and Emma both smile. Killian took pictures of Hope happily being around him and Emma during tummy time. Hope began to fuss. "Hope, do you want storytime? I brought stories to read to you." Emma takes out Winnie the Pooh book and sits down on the bed with Hope in her arms. "There is a bear named Winnie the Pooh..." Hope fell asleep during the story on her Mommy.
"Love, she is loving this...being on my ship."
"Yes, it just what Hope needed. Her Daddy's ship, rocking her back and forth and being with us to calm her down."
"Love, during the night we can sleep here."
"We can?"
"Aye, it is my ship. My little love loves the ship we can sleep here when she is having a growth spurt."
"You really care for Hope and me?"
"Aye, I do love. I will always will." They kiss.
"I love you."
"I love you too Emma."
Henry comes down. "Mom, Dad?"
"Hey, lad."
"How is Hope?"
"She is happy now and comfortable on your Mommy."
"Good. I only packed snacks. Can I go into town to Granny's to get meals for us?"
"Sure, Henry. You can."
"Lad, we are sleeping on the Jolly Roger tonight."
"Awesome. Can I sleep on deck?"
"Lad, there is room for you in the crew beds."
"I will see. Where is Hope going to sleep?"
"Oh, you know in a crib." Emma used her light magic to have baby crib attached to Killian's captain bed.
"My magic is a little rusty."
"That is great."
"Mom, you did great on your magic. I know Hope is going to be very happy sleeping near you both."
"Yes, she will be hopefully she won't be crying too much tonight as last night ."
"Mom, I told you that the Jolly Roger will help Hoep calm. I will be back with our meals."
"Love, I will go back home to pack an overnight bag for us."
"Just make sure it is warm clothes."
"Aye, I know love." They kissed. Emma enjoyed Hope sleeping on her.
Henry went to Granny's. "Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Granny. Can I have my usual for me, my mom and Dad to go?"
"Sure, kid. How is Hope?"
"Hope had a rough night last night. It turns out she was going through a growth spurt."
"I had a feeling something was wrong with my wolf hearing, I heard Hope crying."
"Mom and Dad had taken Hope to the backyard for fresh air to help her calm down."
"How is she now?"
"Aunt Allison came by to check on Hope. We are having a family sleepover on Dad's ship. Bringing Hope by the water was Dad's idea since Hope loves the water. When Dad brought Hope by the water, Hope calmed down instantly."
"Henry I told your Mom she is going to be her mini-me with the love of the ocean in her blood."
"You are right. My little sister is a pirate princess. Here are a few pictures from our trip in Florida." Granny went through the photos on Henry's iphone, Hope loving the ocean, Henry and Hope in the baby pool together, Hope and Henry in the bathtub. "These are adorable. You two are so close."
"Yes, yes we are." The doorbell opened. Henry turns around sees his other Mom. "Mom."
"Mom, the last time I spoke to you. I...I was only expressing how I was feeling. Please do not mad at me."
Regina hugs her son. "I am not mad at you."
"I miss you."
"I miss you too."
"Can I come over to the office tomorrow to catch up?"
"Yes, you can. I have a feeling you have a lot to tell me."
"Yes, I have a lot to tell you.
"Henry, your order is ready."
"Thanks, Granny." He takes his to go bag. "I have to get back to the ship."
"Sailing adventure?"
"We are spending time on the boat, we are having a family sleepover. Hope is going through a growth spurt, the only way to keep her calm is being on Dad's ship which is working so far. Hoping tonight she will sleep. Hope was crying nonstop for most of the night."
"Whose idea was it to go on the boat?"
"It was Dad's idea."
"I know you are helping them with Hope."
"Yes, I am."
"I have something for you." She hands him a piece of paper.
He opens the paper his grades. "Mom, I passed math!"
"Yes you did Henry. The letter came into my mail."
He hugs his Mom. "Mom, thank you for giving it to me."
"Your welcome Henry. I knew you worked so hard."
"Yes, Dad. Dad helped me. Oh, I gotta to tell Dad! I will see you soon Mom," Henry rushes out of the diner with the family meal and his grades and walks back to the docks. He sees his Dad and Mom with Hope in her carrier on deck. "Dad! Dad!" He drops the food down and hugs him. Emma smiles seeing her son excitedly seeing his stepdad.
"Lad, what is going on?
"Dad at granny's my other mom was there. We caught up and she gave me this!" He hands him his grade. "Henry you passed your math class!?!" Killian hugs his son and spins him around
"Yes, Dad! I passed all thanks to you" He hugs Killian hard. "Thank you, Dad. Can you be my tutor in the school year?"
"Lad, I can be your tutor as long as you need me."
"Mom, I passed." He gives her his grades.
'Henry, I am so proud of you." She hugs her son. "See, I told you can do it."
"Yes, with all of Dad's help I was able to pass."
"You did Henry. You are my smart son." She hugs him and kisses him on the head.
"Can we eat now?"
"Yes, we can." Killian set down a blanket and Henry got everyone meals out of the bag and they ate together and talked until dark. Emma got Hope ready for bed in the captain quarters in a onesie pajamas and in her pirate swaddler. "Hope, are you looking forward to sleeping in Daddy's ship?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you are my little pirate princess." Emma let Hope snuggled on her.
Henry comes down. "Mom, can I read Hope a bedtime story?"
"Yes, Hope will love a story. Right Hope?" Emma kisses Hope on the head and Hope smiles. "Come sit with us."
Henry sat with his mom and sister and read her a story, "Once upon a time, there was a long lost princess..." Killian watched his family in his cabin together as a whole. He loves his family so much and this is one of the best memories he had on his ship, the best adventure ever with his family. Henry read until hope fell asleep. "Thanks, Henry."
"Your welcome Mom." He kisses his mom on the head and Hope on the head. "I love you both so much."
"I love you, Henry. Hope loves you too." He hugs his Mom and sister.
"I will see you in the morning." He goes to where he was sleeping.
Killian sits with his wife and daughter on his bed. "Love, I love our family."
"I love our family too." They kiss. Emma fell asleep on her husband with Hope sleeping on her. He had his two loves resting on him, both enjoying the ship rocking their daughter to sleep and keeping Hope calm and happy as possible during her growth spurt. Hope was happy loving the Jolly Roger rocking back and forth and being with her Mommy's arms snuggling and her Daddy near her both love her and being there for her.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now