First Experiences & Moments

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The next morning, Emma was sleeping with Hope next to her on their masterbed. Killian was up early as usual. Emma was able to sleep in later than usual, Hope was tired out from the day before the flight and first time at the beach, she had to wake up two times to change and feed her. Emma got dressed for the beach. When she was ready, Hope was awake making gurgle sounds. Emma smiles at Hope,"Good morning, Hope. Are you excited to go to the beach today?" Hope coos. "Yes, you want to go in the ocean." Hope smiles and coos. Emma changes Hope into a swim diaper and into a pink bathing suit. She gives Hope multiple kisses on Hope's cheeks making her daughter smile and happy. They play their special game on the master bed. A little while later, Allison watches from the bedroom door with a cup of coffee their mother and daughter bonding, "Morning, Emma and Hope."
Emma stopped playing the game and lifts up her daughter. "Good morning, Allison. Hope Auntie Allison is awake sweetie." Allison joins them on the bed. "Did you have fun with Henry yesterday?"
"Yes, I did. Today, I want to spend time with my little niece and nephew."
"We can take turns, I want to spend time with Henry. I don't want him to get jealous."
"I know, which is why I am here to help you with Hope and give you time to rest and spend time with Henry too."
"Allison, I am going to say this a lot to you on this trip, I am so happy you are with us."
Allison chuckled. "You are like reading my mind and being helpful when I need it."
"I am happy to help." Hope began to fuss in her mommy's arms. "Hi, Hope. You want to be held by me?" Emma hands over Allison her daughter. "Hope did you have a good night sleep?. I know you slept a lot last night. Are you ready for the ocean today?"
"She slept for 5 hours straight. Is that good? Or the beach is making her tired?"
"It can be both but she is supposed to be sleeping for longer amounts of time."
"I am happy I got more sleep but my boobs are hurting for not feeding her for a long time."
"You'll get used to the pain. Hope will tell you when she is hungry. She knows when she is hungry. I can bring Hope down to Killian who is at the back porch?"
"Sure, I can spend some time with Henry. Just bring her to me when she needs to be fed."
"I will. Hope let's go see the beach from the back of our beach house and see your Daddy." Hope smiles. "Yes, you love the ocean." Allison takes Hope to see Killian and Henry. Emma went to find Henry in his room. "Hey, Kid."
"Hi, Mom."
"You have a nice room.
"Thanks, Mom."
She sits on his bed next to him. "What you are you up to?"
"I am just doing some sketches." He shows him the sketchbook of his recent drawings. The drawings were people and cartoons.
"Henry, these are really good."
"Thanks, Mom. These are just for fun. I wonder...when Hope is napping when we are on the beach can we swim together?"
Emma hugs her son. "Of course we can, Henry. I want to spend time with you that is why I came in here to ask you. I do want to spend time with you. What do you want to do?"
"We can body surf."
"Henry, I watched you yesterday, it looks like fun."
"Mom, you will love it. Aunt Allison taught me yesterday, I can teach you." Emma giggles.
"Kid, I have a feeling I will learn quickly. Even if your sister is awake, knowing her she will be in the ocean with your Dad."
Henry chuckles. "Yes, when we left the beach yesterday she was pretty upset."
"Hope was very upset. Your sister loves the ocean. You weren't the one who was calming her down, it was me and your Dad."
"Can you and I go to the boardwalk tonight just you and me?"
'Sure, we can go on rides."
Henry gets excited. "Yes, like the Ferris wheel?"
Emma smiles."Yes, kid. We can go on the Ferris wheel."
Henry hugs his Mom. "I cannot wait for tonight, I never been to a boardwalk amusement park."
"Henry, we will have fun. Let me know during this trip if you need one on one time."
Mom, I can be honest with you all the time, you know that. I do not mind spending time with you with Hope, Dad or Aunt Allison. I love spending time with you all but it nice when it just the two of us He hugs her. "I am loving this vacation so far. Can we come back here next year?"
"Yes, we can Henry. Knowing your sister and Dad, they want to come back."
"Yes, Hope will be walking next year than we have to make sure she doesn't go in the ocean by herself."
Emma laughs. "Henry, don't ever change. You are my caring and thoughtful son. You care so much for your sister.."
"Mom, like I said I love you and our family. I love my baby sister." He hugs her tightly. "Besides, body surfing with me what are you going to do at the beach today?"
"I definitely want to tan, I am pretty sure that I will be with your sister in the ocean or your Dad will be with her. I definitely want to swim"
"Mom, if you need me to watch her on the beach, I can read to her."
"Kid, Hope will love that. She has to be in the shade, she cannot be in the sun too much yet."
"I had a feeling Mom. I know you and aunt Allison will be in the ocean or tanning."
Emma laughed. "You got that right. You can also make sure Hope does tummy time in a cabana. It is big, it is like a tent. You can be with her in the shade."
"I will love spending time with Hope. Aunt Allison is going to teach Hope how to do a sandcastle."
"I know you and Hope will have fun with your aunt." They heard Hope crying. Allison comes into Henry's room with crying Hope. "Hi, I am sorry to interrupt. Hope is hungry."
"That is okay, Aunt Allison. We were just talking about how you are going to teach hope to build a sandcastle." Allison hands over Hope to Emma and sits on Henry's bed.
"Hope, Mommy will feed you now sweetie. Henry, can you get me a burp towel?" She preps to feed Hope and feeds her. Henry returns with the burp towel and Emma placed it over her shoulder. "Hope, did you have fun with Daddy and auntie?" Hope moves around. Emma smiles and kissed Hope on the head.
"Mom, I think Hope had fun with Dad and Aunt Allison."
"Her Daddy showed her the ocean. She was very happy until she got hungry."
"Aunt Allison, I never build a sandcastle."
"You never did?"
"Yes. I never went to the beach much growing up...I did not have too many friends or an actual vacation until now."
"Mom, I am happy to have you in my life now. Yes, I had not many friends growing up. I have my family now which is way more important. I love you, Mom. I am on vacation with you and our family."
"I love you too, Henry, so much." He hugs his Mom. Hope reaches up to her big brother.
"Hope I love you, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. "Aunt Allison, I cannot forget about you." He hugs her.
"Aww, Henry I am included."
"Definitely you are my cooler aunt, another person who I can trust. I cannot wait to have fun today."
"Me too, Henry."
"Dad is calling me. I promised to help him to get ready for the beach."
"Emma, this happens all the time?"
Emma smiles. "Basically. I feel sorry for Henry, I gave him up, he does not have too many friends. When we were in New York for a year, without our memories, he had friends and was happy. Then I eventually realized we had a home in Storybrooke, which Killian helped me realized it. I love that Henry is living with me now and he loves us so much and Hope...I am still making up the time that we had lost." Hope made a pop sound finishing eating from Emma. Emma burps Hope. She falls back to sleep laying on Emma's chest.
"Henry loves you so much and he trusts you."
"I know, he is my son and he wants to be with me as much as possible. Can you and Killian watch Hope tonight? I promised Henry some one on one time at the boardwalk. He has never been at an amusement park before."
"Awe, really?"
"Yes. He never been to an amusement park and wants to ride the Ferris wheel."
"Aww. You are showing him how to have fun, giving him what he missed out in Maine."
"Yes, I am. Henry..I still get the regret of giving him up."
"Emma, you did the best for him."
"Yes, I did. I stayed in Maine, making sure he was loved and I stayed for him and I eventually found my family and Killian."
"I am pretty sure Hope will be fine with me and Killian for a few hours. You need one on one time with Henry."
"Thank you. I will pump before I go just in case we are having too much fun. I have a feeling he and I will go on many rides tonight."
"Emma, during the week, if you need a date night let me know, Henry and I can watch Hope."
"I will let you know. I was thinking for all of us, we can try a lobster shack restaurant tonight?'
"That sounds good. Does Henry eat lobster?"
"It might be his first experience."
"He really did not have a many experiences growing up?"
"Yes, due to the first curse, after I broke it.. then many curses. Later, he and I went to New York he experienced the city a few times. I am still getting to know him, to honest. I had no idea he never done a sandcastle before, or never been to an amusement park until now..."
Allison puts her hand on Emma's shoulder. "Emma you are his mom who is giving him experiences that he never had. You are his Mom that showing Henry new experiences and having fun as a normal kid. You are making him happy now which is more important."
"I know. I just got to be reminded of that."
Killian enters Henry's room. "Love, are you alright?"
"Emma, I can take Hope downstairs. Her cabana is with the beach supplies?"
"Yes, next to her beach supplies and her diaper bag."
"I can bring Henry and Hope to the beach."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I need some one on one with my niece and nephew."
"Thank you, you are the best Allison."
"Your welcome. What are best friends for? We will see you soon." Allison takes sleeping Hope from Emma and takes Hope downstairs.
"Can we talk in our room?"
"Sure love." They go to their room.
Allison finds Henry getting packed for the beach. "Aunt Allison, where are my Mom and Dad?"
"They are still getting ready and needed a little alone time. I told them to meet the three of us at the beach."
"We can start with sandcastles? Or swimming?"
"First, we need to set up Hope's cabana and the umbrella. Hope cannot get too much sun. Knowing her she is going to want to go into the ocean once she wakes up. She fell asleep twenty minutes ago."
"Since Hope is asleep we can set up and talk."
"Sure, Henry." Allison carried Hope's diaper bag, and a small cooler full of drinks and snacks for all of them to share. Henry carried the cabana and two beach chairs, luckily the beach was not too far from their house. Henry set up the chairs and the umbrella. He held Hope as Allison was setting up Hope's cabana. "Wow. I did not expect it to be this big."
"I know I am pretty sure you can read in there with her when she is awake. We can see if she will nap in their first."
Henry kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope." He places in her cabana, she moved around a little bit in her sleep and stayed asleep.
"Is everything okay with my mom?"
"What do you mean Henry?"
"She had a look on her face when I told her about not having friends."
"Henry, she still regrets giving you up."
"Aunt Allison, I know she did was right for me. I love my mom for that. She was not prepared to be a mom, especially as I am the reminder of my father. He was selfish and left her. I do not blame her...I love my mom. She is giving everything that I need. A home that I can be open in, a normal lifestyle, a great Dad and Hope, now you are in our family our amazing aunt."
"Henry, I am so honored to be your aunt. You should tell your mom how you feel."
"I told her most of it over time already. I need to remind her and I always tell her I love her every day. She already knows that me moving in with her was the right decision for me and her."
"Just tell your Mom how you feel today."
"I will. Did she tell you what she and I are doing tonight?"
"Yes, she did boardwalk amusement park, which will be fun. Your dad and I are going to make sure Hope is happy. We are also going out to dinner tonight, a lobster shack restaurant."
Henry gets excited. "Awesome! I never had lobster before!"
Allison giggles. "Henry you will love it. It is messy but delicious." They continued to talk.
Back at the beach house, Emma and Killian were talking in their room "Emma, please talk to me." He looks at her with his ocean blue eyes. Emma begins to cry and he automatically hugs her and rubs her back. He let her cry for a little while. "Killian, I still know our son. Until this morning, I had no idea that he never experienced an amusement park or building sand castles at the beach. I knew he did not have too many friends. He was alone for most of the ten years of his life." Emma continues to cry. "I still regret every day of giving him up. I feel so guilty for him being lonely all because of Regina. If she did not make me an orphan, I would not have ended up on the streets meeting Neal in the first place. I love Henry he is the only best part of that relationship that is it. You are his father you know that he tells me all the time you are his Dad.I..." Killian hugs Emma very tightly. "Emma, you cannot change the past, you..we had to change the past and it did not turn out good. Emma, Henry loves you so much. He is living with us now, he trusts you, open to you and he feels safe with you. You are his mother who is protecting him when he needs it and he ran to you when he was bullied. He expresses to you how he is feeling. You are his mother that he can trust and be honest all of the time."
"I thought by giving his best chance he would everything ever had, two parents that will love unconditionally...he had Regina who loves him but was never honest with him. She was awake the whole first curse and she did not even care that her son was alone all the time, no friends. I mean if I kept him, maybe he had more friends. When we were in New York for a year, he did have a lot of friends and was happy."
"Love, we can help him make more friends in school."
"We can try. When he was talking to me and Allison, he only cared about you, me, Hope and Allison. All he cared about his family, which is very important to him."
"Aye, we will continue that. You are giving him more childhood experiences and trips that he had never experienced, like Boston, and here in Florida at the beach with our whole family. You are his mother who he loves and cared about and giving him a home that he feels safe in, open up and a normal lifestyle that how he put it."
"You are right. I am doing everything for him."
"Emma, we already changed time and we are not going to do that again."
Emma laughs. "Killian, I love you, our life together with Henry and Hope. Hope made Henry his happy self for being his inspiration in art and for being his little sister."
"Aye, love. Now let's go see our two children at the beach."
"Yes, let's."They kiss. As they were getting ready to leave, "I already told Allison about the dinner plans tonight at the lobster shack. I promised Henry that I will take him to the boardwalk amusement park tonight, for one on one time."
"Love, Henry will love it whatever that is."
Emma giggles. "It is a placed where you go on rides. I can show you on our date night."
"Really love?"
"Yes, Allison suggested that we have a date night. She would gladly watch the kids for us."
"Love, your best friend is amazing."
"I know." They walk to the beach and find Henry and Allison set up their spot. Allison was reading a book and Henry was reading nearby sleeping Hope in the cabana.
"Mom!" He gets up and hugs her. "Mom, I love you so much. Please do not be sad. I do not want you to be sad. I love you and our whole family. You are giving me experiences that I never had before and I love living with you, you know that already. Please do not regret giving me up. I know that I remind you of him but I love you for whatever you have been doing for me, standing up for me when I need protection, loving me and letting be me." He hugs her tightly. Emma starts crying. "Henry, I love you so much kid, no matter how you were created. I am just happy you are in my life, I was very lonely most of my life until you have found me, which was the best thing ever happened to me."
"Mom, you are my mom no matter what. Even though life was not perfect, you are in my life which all that matters to me."
"Yes, I am Henry." She kisses Henry on the head and hugs him tight.
"Can we go swimming?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, we can."
"I will race you!" He runs.
She laughs."Henry no fair!" She chases after him into the ocean.
Allison had tears in her eyes. "Killian, your family is very open about their feelings even in public."
Killian chuckles."Yes, Allison, we are very open. We are raising both of them being honest and being good people."
"I know you all are good people."
"Aye, we are." He checks on Hope. Hope makes gurgle noise. "Little love. You are awake. We are at the beach Hope. Allison, how long has been sleeping?" He takes Hope out of her cabana.
"Maybe 2 hours?"
"I had no idea, the beach can make a baby that tired."
"Yes. Hope should be sleeping longer in the night time and be awake time is longer. Hope, did you have a nice nap?" Hope coos and reaches out to the ocean.
"Little love, you want to go with Daddy into the ocean?" Hope smiles. "Aye, we are going to get so wet."
"Killian, I can use Henry's camera to take photos of you with hope and Henry with Emma."
"Love that will be amazing. Emma and I never been so grateful to you for joining our small family. We all love you so much. Right Hope, you love auntie Allison?" Hope smiles and moves around.
"Hope, Auntie Allison love you so much, my little niece." She gives Hope kisses on her cheek. "I will take pictures of you swimming with your Daddy in an ocean." Killian takes Hope in the very shallow part of the ocean and made her stand up and get wet. Hope made noises and moved her legs around. "Little love, you are loving the ocean." He sat down holding Hope in his arms as the waves slowing crashing on them. Allison took pictures of their Daddy and Daughter time together getting wet. "Killian, Hope cannot be in the sun too long."
"Aye, Hope and I will take breaks." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, you having fun with Daddy?" Hope moves her arms and legs in the ocean. "Aye, you are my little pirate princess. Hope look out there." He pointed to Emma and Henry body surfing as Allison took pictures of them swimming. "Mommy and Henry are swimming. When you get bigger you can swim in the deep end like where they are." Hope coos and splashes the ocean with her hand. "Aye, for now, all you want to do is to get wet, which is good for me little love." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma bodied surfed nearby her husband and daughter. "Hi, Hope. Are you having fun in the ocean with Daddy" Hope responded by moving around in her Daddy's grasps and kicking the water. "Yes, you are. You are my little fishy, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Aye, Hope loves the ocean. She and I are having so much fun. How is Henry?"
"We are having fun."
"I can tell." Hope begins to cry.
"Hope, do you need a break from the ocean?"
"Love, she cannot be in the sun too long anyways. You can have fun with Henry. I can be with Hope in the shade."
"Killian, it is time to switch. You can have fun with Henry, I can have fun with Hope. We are a team remember?"
"Aye, love. You are right." Emma takes Hope back to their spot and Killian swims to Henry. Allison was back at their spot reading a book. "Henry!"
"Hope needed to be in the shade and your mom needed to relax."
"How was Mom at the house?"
Killian sighs. "She was very upset that she is still getting to know you and how she did not know what you never experience before like a sandcastle or amusement. She felt really guilty lad. She still regrets it every single day giving you up."
"Dad, I know she gave me my best chance even if my life without her was not perfect as she wanted for me. She is in my life and making it perfect for me now."
"Lad, on your fun at the boardwalk please tell her that."
"I will Dad. You and Aunt Allison are both telling me what to say what I am saying to you both."
"We care about you and your mom. Let's go swim."
Back at their spot, Hope was passed out on Emma after she was changed into a clean swim diaper. "Allison, wet diaper does not go well at all with poop."
Allison chuckles. "No, they do not Emma. How are you now?"
"Better, knowing Henry loves me no matter what and now that I am in his life and being his mom and him living with us, making it a normal family."
"You are being the best Mom you can be and they both love you, no matter what." Hope coos. "See, Hope knows that you love her."
"Yes, Hope does. I love you, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope smiles and grips her and falls back to sleep. "She always knows when I need extra love."
"She certainly does."
"I wonder if Henry ever had lobster before?"
"I told him, he is so excited for the lobster dinner tonight, it will be his first time."
"This will be fun tonight."
"Yes, it will Emma."
"Are you having fun on this trip?"
"Yes, I am. I am able to relax and have fun with you all. Thank you for inviting me."
"Your welcome, Allison. After all, you did for us lately and being apart of our family, we are happy you are with us." They took a few selfies together in the shade. Emma watched Henry and Killian swim together as Hope rested on her. "Hope, when you are bigger you are going to swim with Daddy and Henry." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope smiled in her sleep.
Two hours later, Henry and Killian returned to their spot for rest, Emma and Allison were talking and having fruit salad. "Henry, how was the ocean?'
"It was fun." He talks to Allison. "Aunt Allison, after I have a snack can we build a sandcastle?"
"Yes , we can Henry." Allison and Henry began to fill buckets with sand and made a castle. "Hope, do you want to play?" Hope coos.
Emma smiles and brings Hope to where they were building the castle. She sits on the sand sat with Hope on her lap. "Hope, look at what auntie and Henry are making sweetie, a sandcastle."
"Little sis want to help?
"Henry, she has not felt sand yet kid?"
Killian takes photos of Henry, Hope, and Emma on the sand. Henry brings a bucket full of sand to Hope and their Mom. "Hope, this is sand. There are two different types of sand wet and dry. He gives Hope a tiny hand full of sand. Hope cries.
"Hope, you do not like sand sweetie? It is okay." She kisses Hope on the head. "Henry, when she is a little older she will like the sand, for now, she likes the ocean."
"Aye, lad. Hope." He takes Hope from his wife. "Hope, do you want to get the yucky sand off in the ocean?" Hope continues to cry. "Aye. Little love, Daddy will take the sand off." Killian takes Hope into the ocean. "There you go, little love. The sand is off your hand." He sits with Hope in the ocean. Hope smiles. "Aye, you are my little pirate."
"Killian, Hope is my little fish." Emma sits next to her husband and daughter. "Hope, are you my little fish? You love the water." Hope makes a sound and moves her legs around. "See, Killian."
"Aye, I am just happy that Hope loves the ocean."
"I told you she will take after you."
"Aye, you are right. She does take after you too, love." Emma smile and they kiss. Hope looks at both of her parents. They both smile and gives Hope kisses.
"Are you enjoying the vacation so far?"
"Aye, I am. I know Hope is loving the beach. Henry and Allison are having fun. How about you love?"
"I love enjoying time with our family together and loving the beach." Hope begins to fuss. "Hope, Mommy is right here." Killian hands over Hope to his wife. "Hope, are you having fun?" Killian sees Henry taking photos of them with his camera. Killian lets Emma have one on one time with Hope in the ocean. "Hope, you know when you were growing inside of my belly, you were kicking me all the time when I was in the water or near the water. It was like you knew I was there." Hope coos and kicks the water. Emma laughs."Yes, exactly like that buttercup. That what you were doing when you were growing inside of me. I knew that you were going to love the ocean." As Emma held her daughter, Emma thought to herself, "Hope loves the ocean just like her Daddy. She is part me and part Killian. I am so happy to have this time with my whole family together. I am so grateful for my daughter, giving her everything that I did not have had as a child." "Hope, are you loving the beach?" Hope splashes the water with her hands. "Yes, you are." She kisses Hope on the head. "You are my little fish."
Henry goes to his Mom and sister. "Mom, Hope looks like she is having so much fun?"
"Hope loves the water. Are you done with your sandcastle?"
"Yes, do you want to see it?"
"Yes, Henry." She takes hope out of the water and they walk back to the sandcastle together. "Hope, look Henry and aunt Allison finished the sandcastle. Isn't it nice?"
"Aye, it is. Allison, you are really good at making sand castles."
"Thank you, Killian. Henry did a lot of the work too."
"I did have a great teacher."
"Aww, Henry." Allison hugs Henry.
"How about we take a picture with you two and Hope by the sandcastle?" Killian takes a picture of Allison, Henry, Hope being held by Emma around the sandcastle. They all relaxed under the umbrella. Henry was with Hope in her cabana playing with her, Killian and Emma sat together both talking to Allison. They returned back to their beach house. Emma gives Hope a bath and dries her off. She changes Hope into a clean diaper into a cute pirate theme onesie. Allison comes into the room, "Emma, the boys have unsand all of the beach items. I can watch Hope for you when you take a shower."
"Thank you, Allison. Hope loved the ocean. She needed a bath first." She talks to Hope. "Hope, Auntie Allison is going play with you while I take a shower. Have fun." She kisses Hope and hands her to Allison. Emma takes a shower.
"Hope, did you have fun in the ocean today?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you love the ocean like your Daddy." She brings Hope to her room, next door. "Hope this is my room where I am sleeping. I am right next door." Hope smiles. "Yes, my little niece, you are so happy that I came to the beach trip with you." Hope coos. "Tickle..tickle..." Hope smiles making Allison smile. "Yes, you like being tickled by me." Hope coos. Henry enters the room.
"Hope, are you having fun with Aunt Allison?" Hope smiles. "Yes, Hope. Aunt Allison is the best." Hope coos.
"Your Mom is in the shower. Hope and I are just playing in here. She is happy that I am next door and not leaving."
Henry smiles. "We are both really happy that you joined us on our trip."
"Henry, I am so happy that you all invited me." Hope makes a loud sound. "Hope, I know sweetie. You are happy that I came." She kisses Hope on the head. "Are you looking forward to dinner tonight?"
"Yes, I am. Dad is excited too. He is going to show me how he ate lobster on the ship." Allison giggled. I am pretty sure lobster will be good tonight." Hope begins to cry.
"Little sis, are you hungry?"
"Hope, let's see if your Mommy is ready so you can eat." Henry followed Allison and Hope to their parent's room. Emma was dressed in beach dressed and her hair was wavy from her shower. "Emma, Hope is hungry." Allison hands over Hope to Emma.
Hope, Mommy is going to feed you. Did you have fun with auntie and Henry?" She kisses Hope on the head and feeds Hope. "Henry, did you have fun at the beach today?"
"Yes, I did. I cannot wait for tomorrow to go back."
"Henry, I am happy that you are having fun with on this trip."
"Mom, I cannot wait for another trip. I am enjoying time with you all."
"Me too, kid. A real family vacation." He hugs her.
"Mom, you are giving that to me and Hope."
"Yes, I am kid." She kisses Henry on the head. Killian enters their room.
"Emma, are you almost ready..oh everyone is in here but me." Everyone laughed.
"Killian, we are almost ready to go out to eat. Hope needed to be fed first."
"Love, when you are ready, let me know. I have her diaper bag packed. Are we going to bring the carrier or the stroller?"
"We can bring both." Hope was full and Emma burped her. 'Henry are you ready?"
"Yes, Mom." Can I carry Hope to the car?"
"Sure you can." Henry takes Hope from their Mom.
"Hope, we are going to your first restaurant beside Granny's." They all laughed.
"Yes, kid. You right." She talks to Hope. "Mommy knows you are going to be a good girl, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Love, you got Hope to show her pirate side, the onesie?"
"Yes, I did." Emma drove with Killian next to her. Allison and Henry sat with Hope in the back. When they arrived at the lobster shack restaurant it was crowded and loud. Emma was holding Hope in her arms. As they were waited to be seated, Hope began to cry very loudly. "Hope, what is the matter, sweetie? Is the place too loud for you?" She rubs Hope's back and bounces her. "Allison, can you take Hope outside? It is too loud for her."
"Sure, Emma." She hands over crying Hope to Allison. She and Henry take Hope outside. "Killian, the place is too loud for Hope."
"What do you want to do love?"
"Can you ask the host if we can have a table outside?"
"Of course love, anything for our Hope."
"Thank you." They kiss. Emma goes out to find their daughter with Allison and Henry. "Hope." Allison's hands Hope back to her Mommy. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie. You are with me. We are not going to be in the noisy place." She rubs her back and bounces her until Hope stopped crying. "I got Killian to ask the host if we can eat out here. Allison is it normal for babies to not like loud places?"
"Hope is not used to loud noises for now. If she is hearing sensitive to hearing when she is older, it might be caused by hyperacusis, meaning she cannot be around loud noises, the sudden discomfort of a sound or certain noises hurts her ears."
"Is it treatable?"
"It can be controlled there is no cure. For now, you are doing what you did take Hope out of the loud place. Also, earplugs when she is older."
"Hope, Mommy will help you sweetie if you have hearing issues. We help you and love you no matter what." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Mom, we will help her."
"Yes, we will. She may not like live concerts, that is okay we can adjust."
"Yes, Hope. Henry will help you, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head and makes her smile.
"Hope, you want Henry?"
Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Hope, I love you, little sis." Hope smiles. "I brought my storybook with me. I can read you a story." Henry takes Hope to a spot to read to her. Killian finds his family. "We have to wait a few minutes for a table. Is Hope alright love?"
"She is with Henry. Hope might have sensitive to hearing called hyperacusis."
"Allison, is this hyperacusis will affect her when she older?"
"Killian and Emma, there are hearing tests that she can take to know if she has it. If she does have it she will be normal but cannot be around noises that can start her ears hurt like loud noises, the sudden discomfort of a sound or certain noises hurts her ears. You both have to learn what makes Hope ears hurt. If you figure out what does, there are ways to help her by lowering the volume, take Hope out of the room like you did Emma." Killian rubbed Emma's shoulders. "Also, earplugs will help. For now, Hope's ears are developing and cannot use earplugs now."
"Allison, was the turbulence on the plane yesterday could be caused Hope's ears to hurt yesterday?"
"Quite, possible Emma. Turbulence noise can cause sensitive hearing people to hurt or the movement could have scared Hope."
"Emma, Hope will be alright love. She had you yesterday on the plane when she was scared. If Hope has hyperacusis we will help her."
"I know. We will help Hope if she has it." Their table was ready outside. Killian pushed Hope in her stroller and placed it at their table. Hope was sound asleep after Henry read to her. Killian sat next to his Emma and Henry sat with Allison on the opposite side. They all ordered the lobster. With their lobster came with crackers. "What the bloody hell is this contraption?"
"Killian, language. Do not curse around Hope. This contraption is called a cracker to help us to get the meat out of the lobster."
"Dad, can you help me with my lobster?"
"Sure, son." He goes over and uses his hook to break the lobster. Emma takes picture of eating his first lobster. Henry dips the lobster into butter and tried it. "Mom, this is really good. I can't believe I am only trying it now."
Emma giggles "Henry, I knew you will like it, kid. Enjoy." She checks on Hope who was still fast asleep. "Allison, how is yours?"
"It is really is good. How about yours?"
"It is very good, just having trouble getting the meat out."
"Love, I can help you with that."
"Thank you, captain." He helps with her lobster.
"Killian since living on the Jolly Roger, what was it like catching seafood all the time?"
"Well, Allison, Most of the time we had fish, mackerel and crab and rarely we had lobster." Hope cries from the stroller. Killian cleans his hook and hand and takes Hope out of the stroller. "Little love, you wanted to hear Daddy's story on living as a pirate?" Hope coos. "Where was I?"
'Dad, you were telling us about catching seafood on the Jolly Roger."
"It was easier to catch fish and crabs on the ship especially in Neverland." He told his life as a pirate as the rest ate their lobster and Hope enjoyed storytime being held by her Daddy. Allison finished her dinner first. "Killian, I can hold Hope while you eat."
"Much appreciated love. Hope, Daddy needs to eat. Auntie wants to play with you." Hope smiles. Allison gets Hope from Killian.
"Hope, did you enjoyed your Daddy's story?" Hope coos.
"Little sis, look at what I am eating." Henry shows her lobster. "It is good little sis." Hope looks like she was about to cry. "Henry, your sister will have to milk version later kid."
"Hope, Henry was only showing you what he is eating. Don't cry, Hope." She tickles Hope. "Tickle..tickle..." Hope smiles. "Yes, that is how I got you to smile the first time I held you."
"Aye, I had a feeling Hope trusted you since then Allison."
"Yes, you were surprised how calm and happy she was with me like she is with you all."
"Aye, you were the first out of the family that Hope trusts."
"Yes, Hope chose her godmother and her mom's best friend." Hope coos and moved around. After dinner, Killian drove them back home. Emma breastfed Hope and snuggled her for a little while.
"Mom, are you almost ready?"
"I am getting there kid, I have to pump for Hope just in case she gets hungry while we are at the boardwalk." She kisses Hope on the head. "Henry?"
"Mom, Hope can't come with us?"
"Henry, when is older she can come for the baby rides. For now, she needs to sleep. She did have a very busy day."
"Yes, Hope did. I want to play with her that is all."
"Henry, when she is crawling she is going to follow you and going to bug you all the time when she talks. For now, you can play with her by tickling with her, read to her which she loves and be yourself."
"Mom, I will never be annoyed at Hope." Hope woke up. "Hope, you are awake little sis." Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Hope. Did you have a good nap?" Hope coos. "You are so cute. I want to eat you all up." He playfully ate her toes and fingers and kisses her belly. Emma smiles at her children were happily playing together. Emma took a picture on her iPhone. Hope begins to cry. "Hope, do you need a change, little sis? I will change you." Henry changes Hope's wet diaper. "Yes, you are being good for me little Hope." He gives Hope many kisses. Killian entered their room. "Love, Hope and I have daddy and daughter time."
"Hope will love that."
"Dad here is Hope."
"Lad, have fun tonight."
"I will."
"Love, have fun."
"Thank you." They kiss. "Hope, have fun with Daddy and auntie." They left. "Little love, it is just you and me. You want to find what auntie is up to?" Hope smiles. "Aye." Killian takes Hope with him to find Allison in her room, facetiming with her husband Ted. "Hi, Hope. You want to say hi to Ted?" Killian hands her over to Allison. "Hope, Ted is on the phone. Hope you want to tell him how we swam in the ocean." Hope smiles.
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, Hope loves the ocean. Henry and I built a sandcastle today."
"Allison, it looks like you are having a fun time. I will talk to you soon."
"I will call you tomorrow." They hung up. "Where are Emma and Henry?
"On the way to the boardwalk. Hope wants to spend time with your auntie."
"Hope, do you want to do some tummy time in the living room?" Allison brings Hope downstairs, Killian sets up a bed sheet for Hope to do tummy time on. "Hope you almost got your head up, little love. You can do it, Hope."
"Killian, she is getting stronger."
"Aye, Hope is getting stronger."
"Killian, you can try her favorite toy to encourage her to lift her head up." She hands him her Pluto doll.
"Hope, look what I got. Pluto." Hope smiles and slowly lifts her head up. "Hope, you did it, little lass!" He takes Hope from the bedsheet. "Daddy is so proud of you Hope!" He kisses Hope on the head and her belly.
"Killian, I recorded it."
"Great, so Emma can see it later."
Killian continued tummy time from the help of her favorite toy. "Hope, Mommy is going to be so happy to see this later little love."
At the boardwalk, Emma and Henry walked around it was crowded at night. "Henry, what ride you want to go on first?" Henry looked around, he was seeing all of these rides for the first time ever, there were bumper cars, Ferris wheels, a few roller coasters. "Can we go on the roller coasters?"
"Sure, kid." Emma bought them their tickets for a few of the rides. They were able to sit in front. They took a few selfies on the ride and she took a picture of Henry on his first roller coaster ever. "Henry, this is going to be really fast and make sure you are buckled in tightly"
"Mom, I do not want to get hurt."
"Henry. I want you to have fun at the first time at your amusement park."
"Mom, I am having fun. It is all because of you."
"Kid.." The bell rang. The ride began. "Henry hold on tight." The roller coaster went really fast and they were both screaming. Emma looked at her son who was screaming "This is so awesome!!!" She was smiling for seeing the joy on his face. At the end of the ride, Henry was in a trance. "Henry?"
"Mom, that was amazing!! Can we go on it again!!"
"Yes, we can." After a few roller coaster rides, Emma got tired. "Henry, can we go on a slower ride next?"
"Mom, are you okay?"
"Just a little dizzy."
"For the last ride of the night, we can go on the Ferris wheel."
"That is a good idea kid. Tomorrow, you can bring Dad on the roller coasters with you." They rode the Ferris wheel together. "Mom, we can see everywhere at the very top."
"Yes, kid. We can." They took a few selfies on the ride.
"Mom, I love you. Please do not be too hard on yourself. I know why you gave me up. I love you for giving me my best chance. The most important is that you are in my life now giving my so many new experiences, which I am loving so much. I love our family you, me, Hope, Dad and Aunt Allison. Our family is perfect the way it is."
"Henry, I want you to have everything that I did not have, parents, a loving home. When I met your other mom and knew that you were lonely, I was hurt, Henry. I only cared to make sure you were happy."
"Mom, you are giving me a perfect family right now with Hope, Dad and Aunt Allison, a family vacation and a home where I can be myself and have a normal life, you are giving me that. Please do not be too hard on yourself."
"Henry, come here." Henry hugs his Mom and he gives her a kiss on the cheek "I love you Henry so much."
"I love you too Mom." The Ferris wheel brings them back down. "Can I get cotton candy?"
"Tomorrow, can I bring Dad here?"
"Your Dad will love the rides."
"I know. I want to spend time with him too."
"He will have fun with you, Henry. I know he is enjoying time with Hope and your aunt."
"Mom, Dad and I have our time, you can Aunt Allison can have your own time?"
Emma laughs and side hugs her son. "Henry, of course, Allison and I are going to go shopping. Do you even need to ask that?"
"I want you to enjoy this vacation too."
"Henry we all are." They walk back to their beach house. Allison was sleeping on the couch. Killian was holding Hope who was snuggling on the other couch.
"Killian, we are back."
"How was the amusement park?"
"Dad, it was so awesome! Can you and I go tomorrow please!"
Killian smiles."Henry, I would love to go with you."
"How was Hope?"
"She was very good for her Daddy and auntie tonight." Hope woke up. "Hope, Mommy is home. You want to show her what you did?" Hope coos. Killian place Hope on the bed sheet on the carpet, while Henry and Emma watched. Allison wakes up in time to see Hope lifting her head up again, to see Emma and Henry's reactions, which she records on her iPhone. "Little love, look what I have, Pluto." Hope lifts her head up. Emma and Henry were both surprised. "Killian, Hope has her head up." Henry goes down on the ground to talk to Hope. "Hope. You did it, little sis."
"Aye, It was Allison's idea to use her Pluto to encourage her."
"Emma, it worked. Hope is listening to her Daddy and been doing a lot of tummy time tonight."
"I missed it."
"Emma, this is one of the many many milestones that Hope will have. You will see them all love."
Emma gets on the ground and talks to Hope. "Mommy is proud of you Hope." Hope smiles. "Yes, Mommy is very happy that you can lift your head up." Hope stretches her arms out to her Mommy. Allison captures the moment on her iPhone. "Hope, be careful sweetie."
"Love, that was the first time she did that while lifting her head up." Emma smiles. "You were just waiting for Mommy to come home to reach your arms out to me?" Hope coos. Emma had tears in her eyes and lifts her daughter up. "Hope, you know how to make me happy, especially making your moments special because you wanted me to see your milestone? Right baby girl?" Hope smiles. Emma kisses Hope everywhere.
"Aunt Allison, the roller coasters were awesome!"
Allison smiles. "How many times you went on each roller coaster?"
"There was 5 roller coaster we went on all of them about twice until Mom got dizzy."
"Kid, we went one after another."
"Yes, she told me that Dad will love it tomorrow."
"Lad, it will be fun tomorrow. Love is that why you want me to go?"
"He asked me to let you have a boys night, while Hope, Allison and I have a girls night. Allison wants to go shopping tomorrow?"
"A beach day and shopping sound like fun." Hope makes a sound. "Hope, you are coming with us."
"Hope, you are included in all of our girl days. You know that sweetie." Emma kisses Hope on the head. "How was she while we were out?"
"Love, Hope was happy with being around the both of us. If one of us left the room she would be very upset."
"Yes, Hope did not want us to leave her. So I slept on the couch until you both came home."
"Hope, you were a good girl for Daddy and auntie. You let Mommy have fun with your big brother." Hope coos and starts to cry. "Yes, it is way past your bedtime, sweetie."
"Mom, I can take her upstairs."
"Mom, I want to tell her a story."
"Sure you can. When she is asleep put her in her crib."
"Yes, Mom. I will." He kisses Emma on the head and takes Hope upstairs.
Emma sits next to Allison and Killian. "Emma, how was your night with Henry?"
"It was really fun. Especially seeing the look on his face when he was riding his first roller was amazing. He was so happy."
"Love, I told you before he is loving the experiences your giving him."
"When we were on the Ferris wheel, after riding all of those roller coasters, we talked on the top of the Ferris wheel, he told me how much he appreciates the life I am giving him now, a normal home, our family, an actual vacation..he really loving what I am giving him all of them including the new experiences."
"Emma, you are amazing with both Henry and Hope. They both love you for who you are."
Emma smiles. "Thank you, Allison, for coming from a person who is still getting to know our family."
Emma, I know a good family when I see it. You are doing great with them."
Killian wrapped his arm around Emma. "She is right love. You are doing an amazing job with both of them."
"You are both helping me with them. I would not be able to do this trip alone with both of them."
"Love, we are here for you and the kids."
"He is right, Emma. A family is a team."
"Oh yes, Killian and I are a team. Now you are a part of our team."
"I am so happy to be included. I am going to bed good night."
"Night, Allison."
"Are you feeling better love?"
"Yes, I am from this morning, feeling awful this morning finding what Henry missed out when I was not there, to Hope sensitive to noise, then Henry talking to me on the Ferris wheel telling me that I am his favorite Mom and Hope to lift her head up for the first time and she grabbed was amazing."
"Love they both love, you and I love you for who you are
"Remember you are perfect for being who you are love and the most important is now, you are with Henry now. Giving him so many things that he never had as a child."
"Yes, I am. I have you and Allison for helping me with both of them."
"Love, our family helps one another."
"Yes, captain we do." They head back upstairs seeing Allison listening in on Henry's conversation with Hope. Henry was lying on his bed with Hope lifting her head up on top of him. "Hope, Mommy was sad this morning when she found out I missed so much on my childhood, what a normal childhood is going to the beach, going to a carnival. She got upset, I never told Mom because I did not want to upset her. I know she can give me experiences now that I could not have a child. I went on so many rides at the amusement park today with mommy it was so much fun. Hope she is giving you and me many experiences that she never had a child to, a loving family, which Mommy, Daddy and Auntie Allison." Hope coos. "Yes, Auntie Allison is in our small supportive family. We have all of them to lean on if we need help and they are making this vacation for us to have fun. Are you having fun?" Hope coos. "Yes, I know. When you are older, you are going to on rides at the amusement park and swim in the ocean. I will help you and our family will help you too and have fun together." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, luckily you did the special moment with Mommy she was beginning to feel bad for missing your first head lift...since you reached your arms out while having your head lift to her, you made her very happy today." Hope makes a loud sound. "Yes you did, little sis." He gives Hope's multiple kisses on her cheeks. Hope begins to cry. "Hope? You want Mommy?" The grown-ups quickly went to their rooms. "Mom?"
"Yes, Kid."
"I think Hope needs to be changed? Or fed?
'Hope, did you have fun with Henry?" Hope coos and grips her Mommy. "Henry, I think she is just tired."
"Hope, I cannot wait for tomorrow so we can play at the beach, little sis. Henry loves you." he kisses Hope on the head. "Mom, I had a lot of fun tonight."
"Me, too, Henry." He hugs her. Hope continues. "Hope, you need a change and bedtime."
"Love, I can change her."
"Thank you, after I need to feed her." Killian takes Hope to their room. She goes into Allison's room. "How did you know?"
"I was coming upstairs and hearing Henry talking to Hope, which was adorable."
"He talks to Hope like that a lot at home."
"Emma, I was in total awe."
"Me too, every time he does that. I saw Hope doing tummy time on Henry. Is that normal?'
"Yes, babies tend to do tummy time on parents or older siblings. Once Hope lifts her head for the first time, Killian was over the moon." She shows her the video of Hope lifting her head and how Killian reacted. "Emma as Hope does more tummy time there will be more moments like this."
"Allison, I am never been so happy to have a best friend apart of my family before." She hugs her. "Thank you for being here."
"Thank you for inviting me. I am loving this trip so far."
"Yes, we all are happy you are with us."
They hear Hope crying. "Hope needs to bed fed. I cannot wait for our girls night."
"Me too, Emma. see you in the morning."
Emma changes for bed and breastfeeds Hope. "Hope, I love you so much my little buttercup. I cannot believe you did two milestones in tummy time today. Mommy is so proud of you sweetie. I cannot wait to see everything you do, which will amaze all of us your family, Mommy, Daddy, Henry and Auntie Allison." She kisses Hope on the head and looks at her as she was eating from her. "Tomorrow is more ocean and beach time and girls night. You, auntie and I will have fun. I know Daddy and Henry will have fun on the many roller coaster rides."
"Love, is this a trick so you don't have to ride them?" Emma giggles.
"No, Henry wants you to join him and he asked me if you can go with him. He knows that you will love it."
"Aye, I am pretty sure I will. We get to spend one on one time with both of them."
"Yes, we do Captain." They kiss. Emma burped Hope and placed her in the crib, right next to their bed. Killian cuddled up with Emma and she fell asleep as her head touched the pillow.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now