The Potion

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Emma and Killian both got up early to get ready for the day and knowing they will have a rough day after Hope's immunization shots. Emma made coffee for herself and her husband brought it upstairs to Killian with Hope in her room rocking her back and forth. "Morning, love.""Morning, honey." They kiss. She kisses Hope on the head who made a sound. "You are still waking up.""Mommy." Emma finishes her coffee and takes Hope from her husband. "Mommy.""Hopey, let's get ready for the day, little duckling."She dresses Hope in a dress and pigtails. Hope points at her kitchen set. "K-k-...""Kitchen? You want to play in your kitchen?""Yes." She lets Hope play as she was getting her diaper packed. "Swan, it is time for us to go.""Dada."Killian scooped Hope into his arms. "Little love, are you ready to see Auntie Allison?""Auntie.""Yes, you cannot wait to see your auntie." They go to the yellow bug and Killian puts Hope in her car seat. Emma drove her family to the hospital. Once the car was parked, Hope was crying,"Mommy...Mommy..."Emma gets Hope out of her carseat. "Hope, you need to see Auntie at work to see how big you are getting, that is all. No surgery." Hope hugged her Mommy. "I am going to be with you the whole time during your checkup." Emma and Killian both knew that after the last time she was in the hospital, she was terrified."Little love, you have Dada too. I know you are going to be brave. After you are done at Auntie's job, we are going to go home.""Tay.""I am not going anywhere. I am going with you and Mommy." Emma carried Hope inside the hospital. They were both comforting crying Hope who they know is terrified of hospitals. Killian signs Hope in. They see Allison in her scrubs and white doctor coat. "Hi, Emma.""Hi, Allison. Hope is a little afraid.""Swan, Hope is terrified."Emma covered Hope's ears. "Killian..""From Hope's experiences,she is terrified.""Yes, but saying that word will make her more scared." "I am sorry, love."Allison goes to face Hope. "Awe, Hope. You are only going to get a check-up, that is all.""Mommy.""Hope, I am going with you, baby." Allison leads the Swan-Jones family to an examination room. Emma changes Hope out of her dress. "Mommy...ome."'We are going to go home after you are finished with your check-up. I know that you're scared but I am right here. Dada is right here. The check-up is only to see how big you are growing." Hope stands up and hugs her Mommy. "After your checkup and you listen to Auntie, I have a surprise for you at home. If you listen to Auntie you will get your gift.""Gift?""Yes, your surprise is a gift." Hope babbles. "You will listen to Auntie?" Hope cried more wanting to leave. "I have an idea, swan." He shows Hope the necklace ring that he gave Emma when they were in King Arthur's realm. "Hope, look what Dada is showing you, sweetie."Killian faces his little lass. "Hope, I want you to wear the same necklace as Mommy wore to be brave. You can be brave." Hope grabs the necklace, babbles, and stops crying.Emma smiles. "She loves her Daddy's necklace." "Aye, I knew this helped you. Now, my two loves can use my ring anytime.""Mommy.""I am staying here with you, sweetie." Hope smiles.Allison measures Hope height and head. She weighs Hope. "You are being such a good girl for me, Hope." She examined Hope's eyes. "Your vision is normal." Hope reaches out for her aunt's stethoscope. "I am going to use my stethoscope to check your heart and lungs." She uses the stethoscope on Hope's heart. "Your heart is strong, Hope." Hope babbles and grips her aunt's stethoscope. "You can listen." She places her stethoscope in Hope's ears. Hope smiles. "Yes, that is your heartbeat." Killian takes a picture of Hope and Allison. She sat Hope up and checked her lungs."Your lungs are normal." Emma sighed in relief, Killian held his wife's hand "Hope, I need to check your mouth. Open your mouth." She uses a tongue presser on Hope's tongue." Hope began crying. "You are okay. It is all over." "Mommy." Emma scoops Hope into her arms. "Little love, you are being such a great little lass for your Auntie Allison." Hope was gripping her Daddy's ring. "Dada!""You love the ring?" Hope smiles. "You are so much like your Dada and Mommy." He kisses Hope on the cheek."Emma, I have to give Hope two shots and a blood test.""Oh boy.""She can be on your lap."Emma sits on the examination table and Killian puts Hope on her Mommy's lap. "You are almost done, Hope." He kisses Hope on the cheek. He sits next to his two loves. Allison decides to do the blood test first. Hope began to cry. "Dada...Mommy...""We are right here with you, Hope." She hugs her daughter. "Little love, you can hold my hand." He gives Hope his hook which she grabs. Allison wrapped the rubber tape on Hope's arm, which Hope got more afraid. "Hope, this will be quick." She puts the needle in Hope's arm. Hope cried louder. Emma hugs her daughter. "You are okay, baby girl." Allison took two vials of blood from Hope and placed a band-aid on Hope's arm. "You did such a good job, Hope." "You are all done, with your blood test, baby girl." "Hope, you were so brave, little love. You listened to Auntie." He kisses Hope on the head."Good job." "Dada." Killian takes Hope from Emma and hugs her. "You are very brave, Hope." He rubs Hope's back. Hope babbles. "You are almost done, Hope." Emma rubs Hope's back."Emma, I am going to give Hope two shots, Hepatitis A and Pneumococcal which prevents pneumonia, meningitis, and blood infections." Killian places Hope on his lap, Hope sees Allison prepares the two shots. "Mommy." Hope was crying. Emma scoops Hope into her arms and hugs her. "After shots, you are all done. You are being such a brave girl, today." Hope babbles. Allison gave Hope two shots, Hope was crying. "You are all done, Hope. You did such a good job, little niece." Hope hugging her Mommy. "You are all done, Hope no more shots." Killian wrapped Hope in her quilt. Hope just wanted Emma, that is all. "You are with your Mommy, little love.""Emma, if Hope is in pain from her shots, you can give her baby Tylenol for the pain.""Thank you, Allison.""Hope is healthy,which is a good sign after all she has gone through. She is still healthy." She faced Hope. "Hope, you did such a great job today." She kisses Hope on the cheek and leaves the room. Killian helped Emma get Hope dressed."Mommy.""Hopey, we are going home." She kisses Hope on the head and hugs her daughter. Killian walked with his two loves to their car. Emma sits with Hope in the back of the car. When they arrived home. "Ome?""Yes, we are home, Hopey." Emma carried Hope to her room. "I have a gift for you, for being such a brave girl for Auntie's work.""Gift?""Yes." She puts Hope on her rocking chair and gives Hope a new Pluto t-shirt."Pluto!" Hope smiled, making Emma smile. She changes Hope into her new shirt. Hope hugs her Mommy."You like your new shirt?""Luv.""You love your new shirt." Hope smiles. Emma carried Hope in their room and let Hope sleep on her in their bed. "Sweet dreams, baby girl. I am staying here next to you."Henry sees his parents and sister. "Dad?""Your sister had a very rough morning, two shots, and one blood test.""Ouch. Poor Hope." "She was very brave, your sister." "She takes after you and Mom." A few hours later, the doorbell rings. Henry gets the door; it was his Grandpa. "Hi, Grandpa.""Hi, Henry." Killian comes down seeing the crocodile. "Crocodile.""Hook.""Grandpa, what are you doing here?""I need to talk to your Mom. I know how to help her situation with your grandmother."Killian still does not trust his arch enemy. "What is your price?" "I told you and your wife before to make sure your daughter is safe, she is friends with my son and sister of Henry. I am tired of Leo hurting everyone in town and Snow White is letting him hurt people.""Aye, come in. I will get my wife. Hope had a rough morning of two shots and a blood test at her check-up." He goes upstairs to his room. "Emma.."Emma wakes up. "The crocodile is here to talk to you." Emma carried Hope down with her. "Gold..""Miss Swan. I figured out a way that possibly can get your Mom to think that what she has done to her family is wrong.""How and why?""I am tired of most of the town coming to my shop to ask me for ways to get Leo to stop hurting people. Also, your Dad has been coming to me to ask my help to get his wife back to normal. Also, Leo has been asking me to get your mother out of prison.""What do you need from me?" "Just a lock of your hair for my potion.""What kind of potion is it? Will it affect my wife?" Killian wrapped his arm protectively around his swan. Hope wakes up hearing the adults talking. "I just need a lock of Emma's hair to put it in a potion where I will drop the liquid into Snow White's eyes to show her what she had put Emma through." Regina enters the house. "What Rumple did not tell you, I helped him create the potion.""Is it safe Regina?" "Yes, we tried it on other people and there are no side effects. We are pretty sure that this potion will wake your mother up.""Ina!""Hi, Hope." "Mommy...afe.""Yes, your Mommy won't get hurt from the potion.It is only going to help Grandma...""Bad.""Well make Grandma less bad.""No, bad." Hope hugs her Mommy.Rumplestilskin faces Hope. "The potion will help your grandma make her not bad.""Bad.""Grandma has done bad things to you, that's why I want to make sure you are safe." She looks at Rumpelstiltskin. "If I give a lock of my hair, I won't get affected once the potion is used on Mary-Margaret?" "You won't get affected, Emma." Emma pulled a small strand from her head and Regina placed it in a plastic bag. "This will work...""Hopefully.." Emma hugs her daughter. Hope pats her Mommy's face. She smiles. Regina and Rumpelstiltskin leave the Swan-Jones house. "Love, are you hungry?""Yes, I am. Kid, are you hungry?""Yes, I am.""Aye, I will cook us lunch.""Thank you.""Baby sis, I have your Pluto doll." Hope grips her big Pluto doll. "Hope, what do you say to Henry? Thank you.""Ank you, Henry.""You are welcome, Hope." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "I love you so much." "Luv, Henry." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek, making their Mom smile. He looks at his sister's new shirt. "Hope, did Mommy get you a new Pluto shirt?""Pluto.""That is awesome!" Killian sees his two loves snuggling while their children are talking. After lunch, Hope was crying. Emma was holding Hope. "She needs her medicine love?""I think so. Sweetie, are you in pain from your shots?" Hope cried more. "Dada will give you your medicine so you can feel better." Killian spoon feeds Hope her baby Tylenol which Hope ate. "Good little love." Emma gives Hope her bottle which Hope takes. She brings Hope up to her room and rocks Hope to sleep in her rocking chair and places Hope in her crib for a nap. Meanwhile, Rumpelstiltskin and Regina went to the hospital to visit Snow White. "Do you think this potion will wake Snow White up realizing what she has done?""Possibly. When she wakes up from this potion, only time will tell." The nurse opens Snow White's room.Snow White sees Regina. "Regina! Are you letting me out of here?""No...""What do you mean no?!""We are here to use a potion on you.""What?""You need to realize what you have done to your daughter. That is the only way you are going to get out of here.""I want to get out of here.""You need to do this Snow White." Snow White sits down on her bed and Rumpelstiltskin drops the potion into Snow White's eyes, flashes of Emma's life flashed toward her, Emma's hard life in the foster system, the abuse, neglect, being a runaway, living on the streets, Neal, her year in prison, her giving birth to Henry alone in prison, being alone after prison and all of their fights they had over the past 2 years.Back at the Swan-Jones house, Emma was walking to Killian and she felt off. "Killian?" Emma blacks out. "Emma!!" Killian catches Emma in his arms and carries her in bridal style. "Emma!! I knew that Crocodile was up to something." Henry comes down hearing his Dad mad."Dad?""The crocodile's potion did something to your Mom!" He helps lay his Mom on the couch. Hope wakes up crying. "Henry, watch your sister upstairs.""I am on it, Dad." Henry goes to his sister's room. Henry gets Hope from her crib. "Mommy...""Dada is with Mommy, she is going to be okay, little sis." Killian sat next to his swan. "You are going to be okay...I am right here...I am not going anywhere..." He held her hand and checked her pulse. She was still alive just under a spell. Emma felt all of her memories flashing back at her. No matter how hard she tried, she could not escape her nightmare. Snow White zapped out of her daughter's memories. "Where am I?""You are still in your isolation cell in the hospital. How do you feel?""Like I have been hit by a truck.""What Rumpelstiltskin means is do you feel any different from seeing Emma's memories?""They are awful.""And?""That is just it!" Regina was mad. "Think of what you put your daughter through!! Why does she fight for her family from you!! Do you understand that?!" "I do. I just do not get why she is fighting with me. I am protecting Neal as much as she is protecting Hope." Regina screams in annoyance. She gets a phone call from Henry hearing Hope crying in the background. "Henry...""Mom! My other Mom collapsed from the potion...""Snow White just woke up from the spell.""Please come.""I am on my way." She ends the phone conversation. "Rumpelstiltskin, the spell affected Emma." "What!! Rumpelstiltskin what does she mean?""The potion affected your daughter, I had to create a potion for you to wake up from your denial but it did not work on you." Rumpelstiltskin and Regina left the psych ward.Back at the Swan-Jones home, Killian knew that Emma was having a nightmare that she could not get out of. Henry brings Hope downstairs. "Mommy is sleeping and we cannot wake her up." "Mommy....tay...""You want to sit with Mommy?""Yes." Henry puts his sister next to their Mom. Hope pats her Mommy trying to wake her up. "Mommy....Mommy..." Emma underneath the spell, she was dreaming the abuse of the foster parents had put her through the beating, neglect, the bruises, the dirty clothes, and everyone told her in the group home that no one wanted her. Killian noticed his wife was having a bad dream looked like she was crying. He hugs his wife."I am right here, Emma. You are not alone. Everything is going to be okay." He continued hugging his wife. He hates seeing his wife stuck in the spell that she cannot get out of. Emma was getting mixed memories and dreams, she was stuck now in the underworld being the dark one...killing Killian and rescuing her Killia, to hades torturing both of her and Killam, she wanted to escape but could not. Emma's body began to shake, Killian was holding onto her. "Emma! She is having a seizure!" Hope begins to cry, Henry quickly gets his sister from their Mom. "Mommy is going to be okay..." Killian was holding Emma. "What the bloody hell was in that potion?" Henry makes another phone call. Regina quickly arrives. "Mom, she started having a seizure." Regina uses her magic to lessen Emma's seizure. "What the bloody hell did that potion do to my wife!!" "It is a side effect.""A side effect? Why!! You and the crocodile told my Emma that she would not be affected!! Now my wife has been under his spell for an hour already!! She had a seizure!! The potion was not meant for her but for Snow White!! ""Mommy..." Henry was hugging his sister. "Mom, did the potion work on Snow White?""No, it didn't work on Snow White, which is why Emma is having a side effect?""It did not work because you or Crocodile made a mistake or Snow White did not want to believe in Emma's past!! My wife had a seizure! So go to the crocodile and see what the potion went wrong!" Allison enters the house hearing Killian screaming. "Killian, I am going to see what the potion went wrong.""You need to because the potion was to work on Snow White, not on Emma who had a seizure while under the spell!! Emma was not supposed to be under this spell, it was supposed to wake up Snow White!! Maybe Snow White chose not to believe Emma's past!! You and that crocodile need to figure out what went wrong!! My wife is under a potion and cannot get out of it!! ""Killian, I am going to work on it with Rumpelstiltskin.""Aye, it is the crocodile fault!" "I will get the bottom of the potion, Killian. Then I will talk to Snow White; I was not finished yelling at her when Henry called.""Mom, you were yelling?""Yes, I was because I was so mad at Snow White about being in denial." "Ina!""I will see why the potion did not work on your grandmother, Hope, and Henry.""Thanks, Mom." Henry and Regina hug with Hope in the middle. Killian kneels to Emma as Regina leaves. Allison found the family in the living room."Henry...""Aunt Allison!" They hug. "Mom got stuck under a potion meant for Grandma to understand Mom's past...somehow Mom got the side effect and the potion is making her shake." Hope cried more. Allison takes Hope from Henry. "Your Mommy is going to be okay." "Mommy is going to wake up, little sis." Emma started to shake again. Henry gets his sister from their aunt so she can help Killian with Emma. Allison helps Killian hold Emma down. "Killian, how long does Emma shake?""I do not know maybe a few seconds...she has been moving around like having a nightmare too." They both held Emma until she stopped shaking. "Dada!" He scooped Hope into his arms. Hope hugged her Daddy and he kissed her on the head. Killian got an idea, true love kiss. He gave his daughter to his son. "I have an idea.""Aunt Allison, you might want to step back. Dad has an idea." Allison was curious and watched what Killian was about to do. Killian kneels down to his swan. "I love you, Emma." He kisses Emma on the forehead, true love kiss magic broke the spell that Emma was in. The magic spread all over the house and town. Emma wakes up from the never-ending nightmare of her past and sees Killian. "Killian!" Killian hugged his wife. "Emma!" "You got me out of that spell. You saved me.""Aye, I did. I have not left your side, Emma. I gave you true love kiss to break the spell from Snow White.""You saved me, Killian.""Aye, you always save me and I will save you." They kiss passionately. Hope and Henry were cheering with joy while Allison was in shock seeing magic for the first time. "Mommy!" Henry lets Hope on the floor and she runs to her Mommy."Hope." She scooped her daughter into her arms. "Mommy.""I am okay, baby girl." Henry looks at Allison who was in shock. "Aunt Allison. Are you okay?""Magic...whoa.""Henry!!" Henry and Hope hug their Mom. "Mom, are you okay?" Henry joined the family hug."Yes...that potion..." She turns to her husband. "That potion for""We do not know how you get the side effects, Swan. Regina said it did not work on Snow White, the memories of yours came to her but she did not change..." Emma hugs Killian. "We are not going to give up, Emma. Your Mom is still where she belongs. No more trial potions." Emma sighs. He hugs his wife. "Mommy..." "Hope, I am okay, sweetie. No more spells for Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head as Hope hugs her Mommy. Allison approaches her best friend."I am going to check you out just in case.""Allison." They hug. "Henry called me and told me what happened." Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope. I am going to check on your Mommy.""Tay....Mommy.""You can stay with me when Auntie is checking on me." "Mommy....afe..." "Yes, Mommy is safe." She sits down on the couch letting Allison examine her, while Hope was sitting right next to her Mommy. Allison examines Emma "Your temperature is normal. How is your head?""Hurts a little bit.""I am going to monitor your brain. I am going to hook you on an EEG.""What? Why?""It is one you can wear on yourself.""Allison. It is only a headache.""Swan, you did have two seizures under that spell.""I did?""Yes, swan. Allison helped me with your second one. Listen to the doctor, Emma." Emma's hand was shaking. Killian held her hand. "You might want to braid your hair, the wires can be messy and with glue.""How about I can get changed into something comfy before wires..""Mommy!" Hope hugs her Mommy."Hope, I am only going upstairs. You can come upstairs with me, little duckling." Emma takes Hope upstairs to her room. She sets Hope onto her bed as she changes into leggings and a tee-shirt. She got her hair into a dutch braid in her hair. Hope was hugging her Mommy's legs. "Hope...""Tay...Mommy." Emma knows her daughter was worried about her seeing her caught in a spell and possibly never waken up again. She kneels down to face Hope. "Hope, I am not leaving you, baby girl. The potion spell was really scary but Dada gave me true love kiss to make me feel better." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Mommy was afraid in the spell because it was a very bad dream where I cannot escape until Dada woke me up.""Hero?""Yes, dada rescued Mommy. He is my hero.""Mommy...Dada...hero.""Yes, sweetie, we are a family of heroes." Emma brings Hope back downstair, Allison sets the wires with a computer for Emma's at home EEG. Emma sits with Hope on the couch, Allison sets many wires onto Emma's head. Hope began to cry. Killian takes Hope from his swan. "Hope, why are you crying?""Mommy.." Hope babbles."The wires are scary on Mommy?" Hope cried more. "The wires on Mommy's head are not hurting her little love. Mommy is not hurt. The wires will help see if Mommy's brain is normal because she had seizures during the potion.""Bad.""Yes, the potion is very bad. No more potions for Mommy.""No.""The wires will help us know Mommy's brain is safe." Hope stops crying and hugs her Daddy. Allison continued putting wires on Emma.Henry approaches his baby sister. "Hope, you want H&H time?" "Yes." Henry takes his sister from his Dad."Do you want H&H time in my room or your room?" Hope nods her head no. "How about we play in the backyard to play on the slide and swings?" Hope points towards the backyard. "Dad, Mom, we will be in the backyard." Henry takes Hope to the backyard. Killian sat next to his swan and held her hand. "Are you okay?" "Yes, I am." "Killian, your wife is alright. I just want to check on her brain, making sure she does not have seizures. Seizures can be really bad." She shows Emma and Killian the machine, which was in a bag. "Emma, you have to wear this like crossbody for 24 hours.""I can use face wipes to wash my face and not take a shower?""Yes.""Luckily, I took a shower this morning. These wires will be hard to wear.""Swan, it is only 24 hours. I can help you make sure that the wires don't fall off or tangled.""Thank you." Henry brings back crying, Hope."Dad, I think Hope needs her Tylenol." "Aye, I will get her medicine." "Mommy." Henry gives Hope to their Mom."Hopey, are your shots hurting you?" Hope nods her head yes. She kisses Hope on the head. "Dada is getting you your medicine. Your medicine will make you feel better."Allison faces Hope. "The pain will go away soon, Hope. You need the shots to stay healthy."Killian returns with Hope's Tylenol and spoon-feeds Hope her medicine and gives her a bottle of water. "Good little love." Hope snuggles with her Mommy. Henry joins them on the couch."Do you need anything Mom?""I am good, kid.""I am happy that you are out of that spell.""Me too, kid." Henry hugs his Mom. Killian goes into the kitchen, followed by Allison. "Allison, how is my wife?""Everything is normal after you gave her true love kiss. She is okay, Killian. I just want to make sure that her brain is alright since she had two seizures. For Emma's recovery, you just need to make sure Emma is stress-free.""You mean no more drama?""Yes, she needs to be not stressed which can affect her brain." "Aye, I will make sure she is not stressed tonight. I know I have a long night, with Hope's shots and Emma's unexpected side effect." Hope walks into the kitchen. "Auntie...up." Allison smiles and holds Hope on her hip. "Hope, are you going to keep your Mommy company and help your Daddy with Mommy?""Yes. Mommy....afe." "That is right, Hope. Your Mommy is safe and not in any danger. She is staying home with, you, your Daddy, and Henry." Hope hugs her aunt. "Luv you.""I love you too, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head. "My very sweet goddaughter niece." Killian goes to check on his swan, who was in their bedroom lying down with Henry. "Mom, I have to do homework.""If you need help, I can edit your papers.""I will come to you after I finish my English paper. Can we do art after?""Yes, we can after Hope is asleep.""Yes!" They hug. Henry goes to his room. Killian joins his swan on their bed."How is my beautiful swan?""I am feeling better. The wires are going to be uncomfortable to sleep in.""I will make you as comfortable as possible tonight in my arms." He hugs his wife. "Thank you. I always feel safe and comfortable in your arms, captain. " She kisses him on the cheek. "In that spell...I saw everything, it felt like I was reliving everything..." Emma began to cry. Killian hugs his wife. "I saw you when you were having a rough time, I saw your face. I wanted you to make you not relieve the same pain, you went through as a lost girl.""You did, Killian." She smiles. "You woke me up from that spell. You got me out of the nightmare of my past." She hugs Him. "You saved me, Killian.""Aye, I caught you when you were falling, I was on your side. I did not leave your side, Emma. Hope gave me the idea of true love kiss.""You got me out of there. You always are there for me.""Aye, I am always there for my swan." He kisses her on the head. "You are with me, Emma. Everything is okay." He rubs Emma's back knowing she was reliving her past and reminding her that she is not alone, she was with him. Back downstairs, Allison took Hope to the hammock. Hope babbles. "You will tell me how Mommy is when I come over tomorrow?" "Yes. I know you are going to make sure Mommy is happy all night." Hope babbles. "I know you make Mommy happy all the time but extra happy tonight." Hope smiles. "I know you will do a great job." "Mommy.""I will bring you back to your Mommy.""Auntie.""Yes?""Luv you.""I love you too." Hope babbles. "You want to talk more?""Yes." Allison continues to have her girl talk with Hope until Hope wants her Mommy. She brings Hope up to Emma and Killian's room. "Mommy." Hope walks to her Mommy, Allison helps Hope onto Emma's bed. "Mommy!" Hope hugs her Mommy."Hopey, did you have your girl talk with Auntie?""Yes.""Auntie is the best to talk to." She lets Hope sit on her lap hugging her."Swan, I am going to start dinner.""Dada.""Little love. Have fun with Mommy and Auntie." He kissed Hope on the cheek and went downstairs to the kitchen. Hope was hugging her Mommy tight. "Hopey." She looks at her best friend. "Al, did you have a good talk with my daughter?""Yes, I did." "Auntie....tay." Allison joins Emma and Hope on the bed. "Mommy...""Yes, sweetie. We are having girl talk." "Tay...Mommy."Emma faces her daughter. "I am not going anywhere, Hope. Mommy is not going to be in another potion. I am staying here with you, Dada and Henry, and Auntie. You are hugging me. I need your hugs." "Auntie...job."Allison smiles teaching Hope's new word. "Yes, Hope, you are doing your job, little niece." "Job?""Auntie.""Oh, auntie taught you that word. What job?""Job..."Allison smiles."Emma, she is listening to what I told her..." Hope babbles. "Yes, you are listening, little niece." She tickles Hope."You are doing a very good job." Henry joins his Dad in the kitchen. "Dad, do you need any help?""Aye, I am making spaghetti carbonara.""A new recipe?""Aye, yes. Can you set the table?""Yes, I can. Mom and Aunt Allison are still talking.""I know you are worried about Mom. She is going to be okay, son.""Yes but I know she is okay. You woke her up with true love kiss. Now all of us gave Mom true love kiss.""Aye, lad. You are right." Emma, Hope, and Allison entered the kitchen. "Swan, dinner is ready.""It smells delicious.""Killian, it smells delicious, pasta?""Yes, spaghetti carbonara. Are you staying for dinner?""I have to go home, I got a call from Ted that Lizzie is upset.""Aye, how about I make you a to-go bag?""Sure, I do love pasta." Killian makes Allison a container. "Killian wants to show you his pasta skills.""I can see why. If it is good, I may have competition." They both laughed.Hope walks to her Dada. "Dada." She hugged his leg and began to cry. Emma scoops her daughter into her arms. "Hopey, are you hungry?" Hope nods her head yes. "I will make your plate. You can try Dada's pasta first." She puts Hope in her high chair and makes Hope her plate of pasta with garlic bread on the side, all cut up for her daughter, and puts Hope bib on her. Hope tries the pasta. "How is Dada's pasta?" Hope smiles. "Killian, Hope loves your new type of pasta.""Aye, I am not surprised." "Allison, you have a pasta competition."Allison chuckles. "I see I have a competition.""Dada...Auntie...""Little love, you love both the new type of pasta?""Yes!" "Hope, I am going to try your Daddy's pasta." Hope is trying to feed Allison by giving Allison a handful of pasta. "You are very sweet, Hope. Thank you for sharing Hope. I have my own pasta." She kisses Hope on the head. "Dada!" Killian goes toHope."I am right here, little love." Killian joins Hope at the table."Emma, I will visit you tomorrow.""Can we continue our girl chat?""Of Course. Remember you need to relax. If you have any headaches, dizziness, get Killian to call me.""Thank you for coming today.""You are welcome." They hug. Allison leaves the Swan-Jones house. Emma heads upstairs to find Henry. "Hey, how is it going?""I am finishing up homework." She joined him by his desk."Do you need my help?""I need help editing my book report.""I can edit it now." She edits his paper on her son's laptop. "Did you enjoy the book My Brother Sam is Dead, it is okay and kind of depressing.""From the title of the book, I can tell it is depressing.""Yea, it is but I am happy that I got the book done. I found a good fairytales series, called The Land of Stories. It is a book series.I ordered the series on your Amazon account, I think Hope will like the book series, I can read it to her."Emma smiles. "I know Hope will love it." "It sounds like a children's book but it is for teenagers and adults too." "I know we are all going to read it." After Emma edited Henry's paper, Henry submitted his paper and join the rest of their family downstairs for dinner. They make themselves a plate and joins Killian and Hope at the table. Emma tries the carbonara pasta. "This is so good." "I thought I tried this recipe today. It was pretty easy to make.""Really?""Aye.""Mom, it was not too hard to make.""Dada!" Hope babbles. "Do you want more pasta?""Yes.""Hope, what is the manners word when you ask something.""Pweas."Emma and Killian smiled at each other. "Very good, Hope. I will get you more pasta." Killian goes to the counter."Mom, she is learning manners.""Yes, kid. Your Dad and I want your sister to know what manners are." Killian puts more pasta on Hope's plate. After dinner, Killian gives Hope a bubble bath while Emma and Henry do art in his room. Killian bathed Hope and did her night routine and changed her into Minnie Mouse footie pajamas. "Mommy.""Mommy is in Henry's room, little love." He sets Hope on the floor and she walks to Henry's room."Mommy.""Hi, baby girl." She puts Hope on her lap. "I am doing art with Henry." Killian cleans the bathroom from Hope's bubble bath. The doorbell rings. Killian answers the door, it was his father in law. "Hi, Charming.""I heard from Regina about the it went wrong. How is my daughter?""She had two seizures when she was under the potion that the crocodile and Regina made for your wife, which did not work. Emma was stuck in a sleeping spell stuck with all of her memories, the good, and the bad and could not escape." "Emma...we got to get her out of it!!""Charming, I did. I gave her true love kiss. Allision put her on an EEG machine for 24 hours.""Can I see her?""Aye, just do not stress her out, Allison recommended that. I agree with her.""I will not stress, Emma out.""She is in the living room." Charming and Killian join Emma and Hope in the living room. Emma was lying on the couch as Hope was reading her The Ugly Duckling<i/> book to her Mommy, looking at the pages. "Are you up to the good part?" "Yes!" Emma chuckles."Are my two princesses reading?" Hope sees her grandpa drops the book and crawls onto her Mommy very quickly. "Mommy." Emma hugs her daughter. "Hopey, I am not going anywhere. You are staying here with me." She hugs her daughter. """No, boo-boo, Hope." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Afe...""Yes, sweetie. You and I are both safe. You can give me hugs while I talk to Gramps." Hope fusses. "Hope..." Hope babbles. "Gramps is not going to take you away, it was the witch not him. I am going to talk to Gramps because he is my Daddy." Hope began to cry. Killian tried to get Hope out of his swan's arms but Hope was holding onto her Mommy. "Killian, she can stay with me. I got our little duckling." Kilian rubs Hope's back. "You are with your Mommy, little love. You Dada and Mommy right here. Nobody's going to take you away again. Gramps is only going to talk to Mommy, that is all.""Tay...Mommy.""You can stay with Mommy, little love." He sits next to his two loves and kisses his little love on the head. Hope calmed down,"Dada." She gripped her Daddy's hook. Emma smiles knowing Killian calming down their daughter. Emma looks up at her Dad. "Dad.""How is my princess?" He hugs her."I am better than before." He joined Emma, Hope, and Killian on the couch. "The potion was awful. I do not know how I got affected by that potion. I just remember seeing Killian and I blacked out. I remember all of my was a nightmare that I could not get out of. " She hugs her daughter. "Killian woke me up out of that spell giving me true love kiss.""Aye,I was at your side until I woke you up." "You saved me.""Aye, you know I always will." Emma gently kissed Killian on the cheek. Charming smiles. They talked more until Hope fell fast asleep. "Dad, I will be right back. I need to put Hope in her crib." Emma brings Hope upstairs to her room. "Charming, can you stay with Emma?""Yes, for a little bit. What are you up...?""I have to go talk to the Crocodile...""Killian...""No, I need you to stay here with my wife, since she cannot be alone. Call me if she has another seizure. I need to find out for myself what went wrong with that damn potion that was supposed to work on your wife, not my swan." Killian leaves the house and walks into town and heads into Gold's Pawn Shop. "Hook."Killian was mad and approaches his enemy at his table."Crocodile. What the bloody hell did you do to my Emma?!" He attacks the crocodile and hits him against the glass shelf and faces him. "Tell me about the bloody potion..." To Be Continued.

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