Boston Day 1

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During that night, Hope woke up Emma to feed her. Since Emma already had Hope on her chest, "Sweetie, mommy has your food." She easily fed Hope and rubbed her head as Hope ate. "We have to be quiet, Daddy and Henry are sleeping." She burped Hope when she was full. Emma put hope back on her chest and rubbed her backend kissed her head until Hope fell back to sleep. Hope woke up Emma again a few hours later she turned the light on again, "Hope do you need a change?" She checked her diaper. "You do need a change. Do not cry baby, mommy will change you." Emma quietly went to Hope's luggage and get the supplies needed for the change. She changed Hope as quiet as possible. Emma put a diaper clean Hope back on her chest and both went back to sleep. Hope cried again needing another change. Killian got out his bed and changed Hope.
"Little love, do not cry. Daddy is going to change you. Shh..we have to let Mommy sleep, little love." He changed Hope, kissed her on the head and gently placed Hope back on her Mommy's chest and wrapped them both with Hope's quilt. He went back to his bed to sleep.
Emma wakes up around 7:30 in the morning with Hope on her chest starring her big blue eyes at her Mommy. Emma smiled. "Good morning, my sweet baby girl. Hope how long you have been up? You kept me up all night as usual but I still love you." She gave Hope a few kisses. Emma slowly sits up holding Hope, "Where is your Daddy?" She turns to the other bed Killian still sleeping with Henry on top of him. "Awe, Henry and Daddy are still sleeping." She set Hope down on their bed so she can change into her outfit of the day then takes a picture of Henry sleeping on Killian. "Hope we have to very quiet, sweetie." Emma changes Hope into a cute outfit, onesie saying "Daddy's Little Pirate" with anchors and ships on them, with a blue bow bandana on her head. She picked up from the bed Hope and held her,"Hope, we are going to see fishes, whales and many of different types of ocean creatures today. I know that you and Daddy are going to love it. Right my little pirate princess?" She gave Hope kisses on the cheek. Hope gurgled happily. Emma smiled at her daughter. Emma sat with Hope in the table and chair set and took a book out that she packed for her daughter. "Look, what mommy packed Hope. A book for me to read to you. It is called Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes." Hope was in one arm and the book was in her other hand. "Ten little fingers...." As Emma read to Hope showing every what was in every picture, Killian woke up hearing Emma reading to Hope. He noticed Henry was on him. He gently took sleeping Henry off of him and looked at his wife happily reading to Hope. He did not get out of bed until Emma was finished reading Hope the book with Emma giving Hope a gentle kiss on the head, "Storytime is over."
"Morning, Loves." He gives Emma a kiss on the lips
"Morning, Killian. Hope Daddy is awake." She hands Hope over to him.
"Hope, did you enjoy storytime with mommy little lass?" He gives Hope kisses on the cheeks.
"Look at what Hope is wearing, I think I chose the right outfit."
"Little love, you are wearing the cutest pirate outfit." Emma giggled. "Swan, you did choose a right outfit for our little lass. What time does the aquarium open?"
"The aquarium opens up at 9:00 am. I figured we can get something to eat first in the hotel breakfast and we can walk there."
"Sounds like a plan love. Should we wake up the lad?"
"Yes. Henry time to wake up. We need to get breakfast before we go to the aquarium."
Henry woke up with a big yawn. "Aquarium..." He falls back to sleep.
"I think Henry kept waking up from Hope last night."
"Aye, she kept us waking up all night. How about we let Henry sleep in until 8:30 am while you and I with Hope get breakfast downstairs."
"Sure, we can bring Henry breakfast up here." She goes to Henry "Henry...we will bring your breakfast up here." He just grunts. Killian gives Hope to Emma. "Hope, you kept waking up Henry last night." She kisses Hope and they walk to the elevator for breakfast. Emma and Killian both got breakfast at the buffet. They took turns eating because one of them had to hold Hope. Hope slept as they ate their breakfast. Emma made Henry a plate of breakfast before they headed upstairs. Hope began to fuss while they were in the elevator. Killian gave Emma Hope, while Emma gave him Henry's plate. "Hope, Mommy is going to feed you very soon sweetie. Do not cry. We are almost at our room." She bounced and rubbed Hope's back as they walked back to their hotel room. Henry was in the shower when they returned back, Emma sat down on the chair and fed Hope. Killian got her a burp towel and hands it to Emma. Hope stopped crying once she was eating.
Henry gets out of the shower fully awake. "Morning Mom, Dad, and Hope."
"Morning, Henry."
"Breakfast." He sits down and eats. "Hope, you need to learn to sleep at night little sis."
"Kid, she is not going to let us sleep at night for a while." She rubs Hope's head as Hope ate. Killian went to the car to bring up Hope's carriage and carrier. After Hope ate. Emma packed Hope's diaper bag and put it in the bottom with the carrier and put the breastfeeding cover on the carriage where she can easily get it. Emma makes sure she has Hope's quilt and everything that Hope needs for the day out; while Henry was playing with Hope.
"Emma, we have everything that Hope needs."
"I know, honey. I just want to make sure we have everything she needs. We are going to be out all day."
"Love, she is going to be just fine. Look at her and Henry."
She smiled. "You are right. You are always there when I need to be calmed down. You know me so well." She hugs him.
"Aye, you are an open book my loving wife."
"Awe." They kiss.
Hope began to fuss in Henry's arms. "Mom, I think Hope wants to go to the aquarium." He hands over Hope to their Mom.
"Hope, we are going to aquarium sweetie." She rubs her back until she calms down. She kisses Hope on the head and places Hope in her carriage. Killian talks to Hope, "Little love, Daddy is excited for the aquarium too. We are going to be there soon, little duckling." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Henry, do you have your camera?"
"Yes, I have my camera with extra batteries and flash drive just in case."
"Great. I know we are going to take a lot of pictures." The family of four walked to the New England aquarium, Emma pushed Hope in her carriage. "Hope, we are at the aquarium sweetie."
"Mom, this place looks so cool."
"Yes, it does Henry, just you wait until we go inside." Emma bought them their tickets, while Henry got them maps of the whole aquarium and Killian was with Hope. Emma returned with their tickets and Henry returned with maps of the whole aquarium.
"Mom, can we go see the green turtles first? It is on the first floor."
"Sure, Henry." They walked into the aquarium. As they entered in they saw a whole section of colorful fish swimming together. Killian takes Hope out of her carriage and shows her the colorful fish."Little Hope, these are the fishes that live in the ocean. When I sailed the Jolly Roger those were fish were in the ocean." Henry took a picture of Killian showing Hope the colorful fishes. "Mom, this is so cool."
"Yes, it is Henry. Your Dad and sister are loving it so far."
"Yes, they are. I should have thought of it as family trip than just the two of us."
"Henry, when your sister gets bigger and not being breastfed, we can have a trip just the two of us."
"I like this family trip Mom." She just hugs him. "Me too, kid." They watch Killian pointing out the colors of each fish to Hope. "Killian is a really great Dad, Mom."
"Yes, he is Henry. He loves you both so much."
"Hope, say bye-bye to the colorful fishes." Killian moved one of Hope's hands. Emma smiles at her husband being a great daddy to Hope. They went to the green sea turtle section.
"Mom, these turtles are huge." He read the information. "Mom, Dad green sea turtles can live over 100 years old."
"Henry, they are really big."
"Hope, look at the big turtle lass. They are swimming little love." On the opposite side of the room, there was another breed of sea turtles called the Loggerhead Sea Turtle.
"Mom, there is another breed of sea turtles over here."
"We are coming Henry." She pushed the carriage, walking with Killian who was holding Hope. "Is she enjoying the aquarium so far?"
'Aye, little Hope love the fishes."
"Hope, do you like the turtles baby?" She gives Hope a kiss on the cheek.
Henry read, "The Loggerhead Sea Turtle crabs, mollusks...Dad, what are mollusks?"
"They are like snails and muscles."
"They can live up to 50 years the most. Wow, the green turtle lives more than two times than these turtles." Henry took pictures of the Loggerhead sea turtles and Killian showing Hope the different turtles. "See, little hove these sea turtles are different color and sizes than the green turtles."
"Dad, can we the sharks next?"
"Sure, son."
As they walked to the next exhibit, Henry leads the way as Killian pushed the carriage while Emma held Hope. "Killian, are you enjoying this so far? I know this is different for you since you basically lived on the ocean for a long time."
" I like the aquarium even though I lived on the ocean I did not know there were different sea turtles and different fish. I am learning today to and I am enjoying seeing both of our kids having fun."
"Same here." They kissed. "Hope, I know you are enjoying the sites baby." She kisses Hope on the head. In the shark exhibit, Henry runs in. "This is so cool." Killian and Emma follow Henry inside. They saw big sharks. "Killian, did you kill or see these sharks when you lived on the Jolly Roger?"
"Aye, I saw a few of these but killed maybe only 2 of them at least if they were attacking my ship." When they were close to a tank to a very big shark. "Little love, look at the very big shark." He showed Hope the shark and she began to cry very loudly.
"Killian, Hope is afraid." She takes Hope out of his arms and into hers. "Hope, it is okay sweetie. Mommy got you. Shh...shh... It is okay baby." She takes Hope out of the exhibit. "I know it was scary for you baby. Sharks are ugly not pretty." She rubs Hope's back and bounced her until she calmed down. "Hope, you are with Mommy now. Shh.shh." Killian pushed the carriage and went out of the exhibit to check on his two loves. "Emma, how is she?"
"Hope got afraid of the sharks that she is calming down. She also needs a change." He hands her the diaper bag. Emma takes Hope to the bathroom to change her. "Hope, you are all clean now." She takes her out of the restroom. Emma takes Hope back and puts her in the carriage. "Killian, go with Henry to see any of the creepy creatures. I am going to take Hope to the fishes section. To prevent any more of her getting afraid."
"Good idea, love." He bends down to Hope in her carriage. "Hope, be a good girl for Mommy. Have fun looking at the fishes." He kisses her on the head. "Daddy and Henry will meet you up later, little love."
"We can meet up at 12:30 for lunch."
"Love, have fun with Hope. Henry will take more pictures of what you miss."
"I have a feeling we are going to come here a lot with the both of them in the future but for now pictures will be good. I do not want Hope get scared."
"I know love. Me too." They kiss. They went opposite ways. Emma used a map to find the fish exhibit. Emma brought Hope to the fish exhibit. She takes Hope out of the carriage. "Look Hope at the colorful fishes, there is a red one, a teel one, look at the pretty blue one Hope." Emma saw her daughter happy looking at the fish. She took a picture of Hope with her camera and then a selfie of two of them enjoying the fishes. "You are feeling better now baby? Mommy did not like you being afraid of the mean sharks." She gives kisses to Hope on her head and Hope laid on Emma. "I love you, Hope. I love our one on one time little duckling." Hope began to fuss. "Sweetie, are you hungry? Do not cry, Hope." Emma found a bench in the exhibit and brought the carriage and took the cover. She breastfed Hope with the cover on top of Hope. "Sorry, sweetie, we have to cover when you eat in public." Luckily the exhibit was dark and only the light was coming from the huge fish tank. Emma held Hope who was eating and watched the colorful fish moving around. "I can see why you love the fishes baby. They are so pretty to look at." Hope was under a cover she still puts her hand on her Mommy's chest on her,"I love you to my little duckling."
Since Emma and Hope were at the fish exhibit, Killian returns to the shark exhibit to Henry. "Dad, where are Mom and Hope?"
"They are at the fishes exhibit. Your mom told me to let us go to creepy ocean life on our own. Hope was afraid of the sharks' lad."
"Yes, I get that. I would be afraid of them too if I were that small. Check out the pictures I took." He shows Killian the pictures.
"These are really good Henry."
"Thanks, Dad. When we meet up with Mom and Hope, we can see the penguin exhibit and sea lions. I think Hope will like them and they are the scariest animals here."
"Aye, lad. That is a great idea. We can go to those exhibits after lunch." They went to the Giant Octopus exhibit next. "Dad, these octopuses are huge."
"Aye, lad. They sort of remind me of a Kraken."
"It does?"
"Yes, but less vicious."Henry took pics of the octopus.
"I did not know octopus can be so big. Did you see any octopus when you were living on the Jolly Roger?"
"Yes, I did Henry. My men and I had a much smaller octopus for meals, lad."
"Where did you cook them?"
"We usually and on land to cook on an open fire, since there were no stoves on the ship."
"How did you catch the octopus?"
"We caught them in nets and hurt them in with spears that we made."
"Cool." They took a selfie of the father and son time.
They went to the Common Cuttlefish exhibit next. They took pictures. The next exhibit they went to see was Cownose Ray. "Dad, what time are we meeting up Mom and Hope?"
"Soon, lad." He gets a phone call from Emma. "Speaking of your Mom. Hi love, where are you and Hope?"
"Hope is fed and napping. I am just walking around with Hope. Where are you two?"
"We are the Cownose Ray Exhibit."
"Have you seen any creatures that could be scary for Hope?"
"Aye, we did. Love, the scariest one what the shark and the giant octopus. We are just about head to the Little Blue Penguin exhibit."
"Killian, can we see the penguins when Hope is awake? I think she will love them and the sea lions."
"Sure, Love. Do you want to meet for lunch now?"
"Sure. I can meet you both in the cafeteria." Henry and Killian walked to the cafeteria and bought their lunch and got a table. Emma came with Hope in the carriage. "Hope, we are back with Daddy and Henry." Hope was still fast asleep. "Killian."
"Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Mom."
"Hope fell asleep. I went to a few exhibits myself. Can you watch Hope while I get some food?"
"Of course, love." Emma went to get her lunch. "Hi, little Hope."
"Dad, are you having fun?"
"Aye, I am lad. Are you?"
"Yes, I am Dad. This trip has been so cool so far." Hope wakes up. "Dad, let me get her." Henry gets Hope from her carriage. "Hope, hi little sis." He brings her to his seat. "Are you having fun on this trip?... You love the fishes right sis?" He gives her a big kiss on her cheek. She moves around in Henry's arms. "Hope, I love you, little sis. Tonight I am going to read to you from my storybook."
"Lad, she loves when you read to her."
"Yes, she does." Hope takes Henry's finger into her mouth. "Hope, little sis, cut that out."
Emma returns with her lunch. "Hope, are you eating Henry's finger?"
"She loves playing with me Mom."
"She loves you, Henry."
"Did she enjoyed the fishes?"
"Hope loved the fish exhibit. We found another fish exhibit on the opposite side of the aquarium, Hope loved looking at colorful fish."
"Hope, I am sorry sis for bringing you in the shark exhibit that made you afraid." He gives Hope a few kisses on the head."I love you, Hope."
"Henry, if she did not get afraid Hope and I would not have found the second exhibit of fish that she loves."
"Lad, finish your lunch. It is my turn to hold Hope." Henry hands over Hope to their Dad. "Hope, I am sorry little love that I did not know you were afraid of that big mean shark. When that happens again I will take you away when you are afraid."
"Killian, it is okay. I knew she was afraid. That shark was a little scary even for me." Henry showed his mom the photos he took from the exhibits that she missed with them. "Henry, you take really good photos."
"Thank you, Mom."
"Little love, you need a change. " Emma was getting up. "Love, it is my turn to change her. Eat your lunch love."
Emma gets up to give Hope a kiss. "Hope, do not give Daddy a hard time changing you sweetie."
"Little love, listen to your Mommy. I know you are my little pirate." He takes Hope and her diaper bag to the men's room,, while Emma and Henry ate their lunch and talk. Killian changed Hope quickly. "Little lass thank you for not giving me a hard time." He takes her out of the bathroom while the men were staring at them. "Little love, an important lesson is everyone is different the ones who look down at people who are "normal" are the cowards. Being different is a good little love." They returned to their table and Henry and Emma were finished eating. "Love, Hope is clean." He hands Hope to Emma.
"Hope, were you a good girl to Daddy?"
"Aye, she was love."
Emma placed Hope in her carriage. Hope began to cry. "Hope, what is the matter, baby? Do you want to be with Mommy? Mommy will put you in the carrier baby." She talks to Henry. "Can you give me the carrier?"
"Mom, can I use the carrier to carry Hope?"
"Sure." Emma helps Henry put the carrier on. Killian held Hope until Henry was ready to be Hope in the carrier. "Killian, swaddle her."
"Sure, love." He did as he was told. "Hope, you are ready to be with Henry, little love." He placed Hope in the carrier. Emma strapped Hope in. "Henry make sure that her head is no lying back which is bad for a baby okay? Just make sure her head is on your chest. If she gets fussy give her to me okay?" She talks to Hope. "Hope, have fun with Henry. I know you love Henry very much." She gives Hope a kiss on the cheek.
"Yes, Mom. We will be okay, right Hope?" Emma took pictures of Henry and Hope bonding time.
"Hope, are you ready to see penguins?" Henry leads them to the penguin exhibit while talking to Hope. "Hope, do you know penguins only birds that walk on ice and cannot fly and they live in a very snowy location." Hope happily listened to Henry and gurgled as if she was answering his question. He kisses Hope on the head. "I love you so much, little sis. I know why you love to be with Mommy you know that I did not get to have her raise me. Mommy loves you and me so much. I am so happy you get to have Mommy all the time. I have never seen her this happy. Hope, you are listening to me are you, sis?" He kisses her on the head. "We are almost to the penguins' exhibit." Hop was happily awake looking at all of the sites around her.
Killian and Emma walked a little behind them. Killian pushing the carriage. "Killian, Henry looks like he is love carrying Hope in the carrier. He is talking to her so much."
"Aye, he is talking to her so much, that he is not concentrating on the map." He walks over to Henry. "Lad, I know you are having fun with Hope, please keep an eye on where you going do we do not get lost."
"I will concentrate on the map Dad."
"Good, son." He returns back to Emma.
"Well, Captain. What did he say?"
"He will concentrate on the map more." Emma giggled.
"He loves her so much."
"I know love. He does."
Before they arrived at the penguin exhibit they took a family photo outside the penguin room. They reached the penguin exhibit. "Hope we are the little blue penguins' exhibit." Henry points out the blue penguins to Hope. "See little Hope, are they cute. They are not as cute as you are Hope." He kisses her on the head. Emma used Henry's camera to capture Henry showing Hope the blue penguins to his sister.
"Killian look at them. They are bonding"
"Yes, love they are." He uses Henry's camera to take pictures of the blue penguins.
Henry read the information on the blue penguins. "Hope, these blue penguins are found in Australia and New Zealand. They only weigh 2 or 3 pounds. Hope you are heavier than they are little sis." Emma and Killian went up to them.
"Hope, the blue penguins are pretty. Do you like them, sweetie?" She kisses Hope on the cheek. "I know you are having fun with Henry."
"Mom, she loves this exhibit. She is so happy and looking around."
"Henry, she is happy being around you, she loves listening to you."
"I know Mom. I love her so much." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope reaches out her hand to her Mommy.
Emma lets Hope hold her finger and she kisses it. "Mommy loves you too Hope." They walk to the next penguin exhibit with Henry and Hope leading their parents. Killian wrapped his arm around Emma as they walk behind their two kids. "I took pictures of them. I love how they are so close."
"Aye, our kids are so close, love."
"Mom, Dad. These southern rockhopper penguins are different from the blue ones."
They both laughed. "Henry, we are coming."
"Hope, look at the penguins. You see they are different colors than the blue penguins. These penguins colors are black, white yellow and orange." He pointed each color to Hope. Emma took pictured of Hope and Henry and of the penguins. Hope began to fuss. "Mom."
Emma takes Hope out of the carrier. "Hope, what is the matter, baby?" She rocks and bounces Hope until she fell asleep. "Awe, Hope you just wanted to rest on Mommy. Sweet dreams." She kisses Hope.
"Mom, do you need the carrier?"
"Yes, Henry. Hope had fun with you before her naptime."
"Babies sleep so much."
"Yes, they sleep a lot." Killian helped Henry taking off the carrier and placed the carrier on Emma. She gently placed sleeping Hope in the carrier. The family went to next penguins exhibit to the African penguin across from the Rockhopper penguin exhibit. Henry took pictures of the African penguins.
"Wow, these penguins are black and white only." He laughs. "Mom, Dad these penguins are known as the jack-ass like donkeys." Emma and Killian laughed with him. They went to the next exhibit. Killian pushed the carriage while Henry walked in the middle of his parents. They went to the California sea lions exhibit.
"Dad, have you ever saw sea lions before?"
"No, I have not, lad."
"They are big."
"Yes,they are Henry."
"Kid, they love to swim."
"Yes, they do Mom." They watched the sea lions swim their tank. "Hope, the next time we come here you will see these sea lions, baby." She kisses Hope on her head.
"Love, while you were with Hope. I got her a souvenir." He shows her what he got her, a fishes onesie and a little fish plush doll.
"Killian, Hope is going to love them."
"Once I saw them I could not help myself."
"Aww." They kiss. They walked to a few more exhibits until the museum began to close for the day. They get dinner before returning to their hotel for the night. "Henry, do you want to go swimming tonight?"
"Yes, that will be awesome."
"First, study for your exams first then swimming."
"I will mom."
They walk back into their hotel room. Henry studies for his exam. Hope wakes up for her long nap. "Hope, you are awake sweetie." Emma takes Hope of the carrier and placed her on her quilt on their bed.
"Aye, Hope is awake?'
"Yes, she is."
"Little love, Daddy is happy you are awake. Daddy got you a little souvenir." He shows her the fish.
"Hope, Daddy got you a fish doll." Hope happily gurgles and grabs the fish doll. "I think she loves it."
"Aye. she does." He gives Hope kisses on her cheeks.
Emma played with Hope their kissing game while Killian helped Henry study for this math final. Hope began to fuss. "Hope, it is your dinner time sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head and breastfeeds her. "Now that is Mommy's good girl." She gives Hope multiple kisses on her forehead. Emma loved looking at her daughter. "I love your blue eyes that you got from your Daddy." Emma burped her when Hope was full." Emma sniffed her. "You need a change sweetie." She changes Hope's diaper and put her pajamas on for the night. She held Hope in her arms. "Hope, did you enjoy seeing the colorful fishes today?" Hope cooed. "Mommy enjoyed the fishes too, sweetie." Hope fell asleep in her Mommy's arms. She kisses Hope on her forehead. "Sweet dreams, my little pirate princess." Emma held Hope until Henry was finished studying for his exams. Henry got ready for the pool.
Killian goes to Emma, "Love, I can hold her. Go have some fun with Henry."
"I love watching her sleep, she looks so peaceful." She kisses Hope on the head. "Be a good girl for Daddy, Hope." She hands Hope to Killian. "I fed her an hour ago. I will be back for her next feeding."
"Love, Hope will be fine with her Daddy." They kiss. Henry got out of the bathroom and Emma went in to change into a bikini. She put a bikini cover on. "Swan, you look hot."
"I do not need to hear this."
Killian and Emma laughed
"Thank you." They kiss. "We will see you two later."
Emma and Henry went down in the pool. Henry runs and jumps into the pool screaming "Cannonball!" Emma laughs and follows him in. They swim around and talk. They had a competition of the most cannonballs into the pool without getting tired. The one who gets tired first loses. Henry won. They had many laugh attacks too. "Mom, this is so much fun. When are we going to Florida?"
"We are planning to rent a beach house in June for a week."
"Mom, I am so looking forward to it. Will we drive to Florida?"
"All the way to Florida from Maine with a newborn, no way. We are taking an airplane kid."
"I am looking forward to playing with Hope on the beach."
"She will love the ocean like she did when she growing inside of me."
"Did Hope really kicked a lot when you in the ocean?"
"Oh yes, she did. She kicked when your Dad and I were on the beach, sitting on the wet sand getting wet and especially when we were swimming." Emma did a few handstands while in the pool.
"Mom, I have no idea that you so that."
"I learned a few things from a few good foster families growing up."
"Can you teach me?"
"Sure." She helped Henry straightened Henry's legs and pointed his toes. He fell over. "Mom you were tickling my feet."
"Kid, I was only straightening them." They both laughed. They return to their room tired but they had fun. They see Hope still sleeping in Killian's arms. "We are back. How was she when we were at the pool?"
"She woke up for a change and I sang to her and she fell back to sleep."
"How was the pool?"
"It was fun. I am going to take a shower first before she needs to be fed again."
"Lad. How was the pool?"
"It was so much fun. We had cannonball competition and Mom taught me how to do handstands."
Killian smiled. "It sounds like you two had fun, you two were swimming for 2 hours."
"Yes, we did Dad."
"Was the pool crowded?"
"We were the only ones swimming at night. We had the whole pool to ourselves. I told Mom that I cannot wait for our next family vacation. I cannot wait to play with Hope at the beach."
"Aye, lad. We are all excited for our next trip." He bends down to Hope. "Right little love?" She moved in her sleep. Emma got out of the shower and Henry took a shower next.
Emma sat next to Killian and laid next to him. "Are you having fun on this trip?"
"I am loving it so far. Henry and Hope love the aquarium. I am looking forward to the Museum of Science tomorrow."
"Me too." Hope woke up. "Hi, baby. Mommy is back from swimming." Killian kisses Hope and hands her over to Emma. "Mommy had fun swimming with Henry. Now let's have some girl fun." Emma read Hope another book called "Goodnight Moon."
Henry got out of the shower and gets a Facetime call from Regina. "Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry. How is Boston?"
"It is so much fun. We went to the New England Aquarium today and saw so many different sea creatures. We saw a giant octopus and we saw these big sharks which were awesome. Awesome for me, but Hope got afraid.'
"Mom, let me hold Hope in the carrier while we were in the penguin exhibit. Hope loved listening to me."
"Hope loves you, Henry. How is sleeping in the same room as a newborn?"
"Not much for sleep for all of us."
Emma who was playing with Hope with her new fish doll in the background of Henry's Facetime, "Henry, you slept in the most kid."
"Hi, Regina. I tried waking him up for breakfast but he fell back to sleep. We brought him up breakfast after Killian and I ate."
"Mom, does Hope love the fish doll?"
"Yes, she does Henry." Emma plays with Hope.
He turns back to Regina."Hope looks like she is having fun."
"Yes, she is. Dad got her the fish doll as an apology for not taking her out of the shark exhibit."
"Lad, I did not get her the fish out of guilt."
"Really, Killian?" His wife gives him a look.
"I could not help myself."
"You love spoiling her."
"Aye, I am guilty in that." They kiss.
Henry turns back to his other mom."Anyways, we saw so many sea life. This aquarium was huge. I took a lot of pictures on my camera that I will show you when I get home on Monday."
"Henry, did you tell your other Mom that we are coming home on Monday afternoon?"
Henry gives his iPhone to his Mom. "Hi, Emma."
"Henry forgot to tell you that we are checking out on Monday morning. Depending on traffic is and how is Hope here on the way home. I am hoping that we can drop him on the way home. If it is not too late."
"Emma, he can miss one day of school."
"Are you sure Regina?"
"Yes. It is fine by me."
"He has been studying for his exams even though we are site seeing."
"That is good to hear."
Killian jumps in. "Regina, I have been helping him with his math homework and helping him studying for his math exam."
"Henry has been struggling with math?"
"Kid, you did not tell Regina."
"Regina, do not worry Henry has the best tutor which is me, love. He will pass his final."
"He is lucky to have you as his tutor." She looks at Hope. "How is Hope?"
"She is loving this trip and spending time with Henry."
"That is good to hear." Emma gives Henry back his iPhone."
"Mom and I have the whole hotel pool to ourselves. We did cannonball contests and she taught me how to do handstands."
"Oh, really. Did Killian and Hope went to the pool?"
"No way, Dad hates pools. He stayed up here with Hope." He yawned.
"Henry, I will talk to you tomorrow. Get some sleep."
"I will hope I can." They ended their Facetime call. "Mom, can I read to Hope?"
"Sure. Hope Henry is going to read you a story." Hope moved happily. "Yes, you love storytime with Henry."
Killian sat next to Emma and Hope" Love, she loves to story time. Right lass." He gives Hope a few kisses.
Henry sits next to Emma on the other side. "Hope, once upon a time in a faraway land...." Killian wrapped his arm around Emma and she felt comforted in his embrace. She looked down at their daughter who was happily looking at her big brother reading a story to her.
Emma whispers to Killian, "I love our family."
"I would not change it for anything in the world or realms, love." They kiss. They watch Henry interacting with Hope.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now