Special Playdate

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Emma was enjoying having Henry home for the summer vacation, she loves how much he plays with Hope in the backyard on the playset, in the baby pool or anywhere in the house. Emma was cooking spaghetti for dinner in the kitchen. Hope crawls from the living room to the kitchen and pats her Mommy's leg. 'Hi, baby girl. Mommy is cooking dinner. Do you want to be my mixer?" Hope babbled. She picks up Hope. "You can help me mix the sauce." Hope smiles. She lets Hope mix the sauce. "You are a great mixer, Hope." Henry enters the kitchen seeing his sister with his Mom. "Hope, there you are little sis. I have been looking everywhere for you."
"She is getting faster at crawling Henry?"
"Yes, yes she is." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "Hope, are you helping Mommy cook?" Hope babbled. "Hope is my mixer. I know that my spaghetti is not the same as Aunt Allison's."
"You are learning Mom." Henry hugs his Mom.
"Thanks, kid." Killian returns home to his family seeing them in the kitchen. "Hello, love."
"Hi, Killian. Hope is helping me cook."
"Aye, I can see that." He kisses her on the cheek. "I got a message from Ariel on the shell. She is wondering if we can have a playdate with the lasses in their realm. We can go to the beach here and tour around Eric and Ariels' kingdom? What do you say, love? A family adventure into another realm?"
"I have a feeling Hope will be very happy to see Melody in her castle. Right Hope?" Hope babbled.
"When did Ariel say when we can come over?"
"We can leave tomorrow. We can stay for three days, I need to go back to work in a few days."
"A few days in Ariel's kingdom? It sounds good to me."
"Dad, we are going to the Enchanted Forest tomorrow morning?"
"Yes, we are Henry. We need to start packing. Love, I will start to pack Hope's luggage." They kiss Killian leaves the kitchen. "Mom, are you okay?"
"Yes, I am Henry. Why?"
"You look mad or upset?"
"No, I am not Henry. I just have to pack after I cook." Hope babbled. Emma giggles. "Yes, Hope after we cook."
"Hope make sure Mommy cooks the sauce good." Hope smiles as Henry kisses her cheek.
"Henry pack your bags. We are going to the Enchanted Forest in the morning."
"I will mom." Henry leaves the kitchen. After Emma cooks dinner for her family, Hope tried the spaghetti first. "Hope, do you like our cooking?" Hope babbled. "Is it yummy?" Hope babbled. Killian enters the kitchen. "Something smells delicious. Little love, how is your Mommy's spaghetti?" Hope babbled. He kisses her on the head.
Emma makes Killian a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. "Here is your dinner."
"Thank you, love." They kiss. Henry joins them for dinner. "Mom, I am mostly am packed. Dad, there is no wifi in the Enchanted Forest right?"
"Lad, there is no technology in the Enchanted Forest. We cannot bring a television or your Xbox to Ariel's castle."
Emma giggles, "You definitely has turned into a 21st-century man."
"Aye, thanks to you and the lad."
"Mom, I have a portable charger for our iPhones packed."
"Thanks, kid. We are not going to be needing our iPhones in the Enchanted Forest, I tried when I was there when I met your Dad."
"Aye, you also had a gun."
"Yes, I was and am still sheriff. I just hope they had good food there not cracken to eat, I will be fine."
"Love, they live by the ocean, I have a feeling that we will be eating seafood." Hope babbled. "You will be trying fish, little love."
"Little sis, the fish we are going to eat are not Ariels' friends, don't worry." Hope smiles. "Dad, Hope was just worried that we will eat Ariel's friends." Hope grabbed Henry's hair. "Hope!" Hope babbled. "Oh, really little sis?!" he tickles Hope who throws spaghetti on her brother's hair.
"Hope. Say sorry to Henry." Hope babbled.
"Hope, I love you." He gave Hope kisses.
"Hope, it is time for your bath." Emma takes Hope out of her high chair. "You are covered with spaghetti and meatballs." Hope babble and kicks her legs.
"Emma, Hope likes your cooking."
"Yes, she does." She kisses Hope on the head. "You need a bubble bath and we have to pack for Melody's castle." Hope smiled big.
"Hope, are you excited to go sailing to another realm little love?" Hope babbled. "Aye, we are going to see your best friend in her castle." Hope smiled.
"Hope, time for your bath little duck." Emma takes Hope upstairs. "Dad."
"Yes, Henry."
"Are you nervous about sailing to another realm with Hope?"
"A little yes but I have you and your Mom with me to sail the Jolly Roger."
"Dad, this vacation to another realm will be fun."
"Aye, it will lad." Killian finds Emma bathing Hope in bath time. "Hope, are you looking forward to seeing Melody at her castle tomorrow?" Hope smiles. "This is going to be our first family vacation to another realm."
"Mommy." Hope stands up in the tub.
"Sweetie." She gets a towel and scoops Hope in her arms, who reaches her hand out to her face.
"I am happy baby girl that we are visiting Melody's castle." Hope babbled. "I am also worried this is the very first time, that Mommy, Henry, and Daddy will travel to another realm without following a villain or Mommy and Daddy finding each other." Hope babbles and hugs her Mommy. "We aren't going to get separated this time?" Hope hugged her Mommy. "Your Dada is not going to let anything happen." Hope babbled. She kisses Hope on the head. Killian joins his two loves on the bathroom floor. "You are right little love. We are going to have a safe sailing adventure to another realm." He wrapped his arm around his wife. "Emma, are you mad at me making plans with Ariel without asking you?"
"Killian, I am not mad. Hope wants to see her best friend but I am worried since we traveled to different realms to find Henry in Neverland, to the Underworld, to the wish realm or the land of untold stories, they were all bad experiences. I do not want Hope to experience that..."
"Emma, we are going to Enchanted Forest to visit Ariel at her kingdom with Prince Eric. We are going there for a playdate for our little lass. Hope are you excited to see Melody tomorrow?" Hope babbled loudly. "Yes, Hope. You will get to see where Melody lives." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Mommy will be there with you talking to Ariel while you and Melody have your playdate."
"Love, our family is going to stay together traveling to another realm and to have fun with our lass's first play date."
"You are definitely Hope's daddy you are planning playdates."
Killian smiles. "Aye, yes I am that Daddy."
"You are a great Daddy." She kisses him on the cheek. "Hope is really excited to see Melody, her first playdate."
"Little love, you want to be with Dada?" Emma kiss Hope on the head. "Love, I will get Hope dressed for the night." Killian does Hope night routine while Emma cleans up the bathtub and began to pack Hope's supplies. "Killian, there is no electricity in the Enchanted Forest anything else I need to know? So I can pack for Hope."
"Pack extra diapers, wipes, clothes, bottles for Hope." Hope fusses, Killian lets her crawl around her room and she ends up in her Mommy's lap. "Hope, I need to pack your stuff."
"You love making me happy baby girl." She puts Hope on her hip and stands up. "You can help me pack your stuff for our adventure tomorrow to see Melody." Hope smiled. Emma packed baby suntan lotion Hope's shampoo, soap in traveling containers, with extra clothes, swim diapers, bathing suits, towels, Hope's small pluto diapers and diaper needs since there are no stores like in their realm in the Enchanted Forest. Killian sees Hope sleeping on Emma. "Love, I can hold our little love. I already packed my luggage." He takes Hope from Emma. "You are with Dada little love." Emma smiles and kisses Killian. "She loves you, Killian."
"Aye, I love both of my two loves." They kiss. Killian sits with Hope in the rocking chair as Emma packs her luggage for tomorrow family adventure. Henry enters his parents' room and hugs his Mom. "Mom."
"Hey, kid."
"Are you okay?"
"I am a little nervous traveling to another realm with you, your Dad and Hope."
"Mom, this is a family vacation not to rescue me or Dad or escape from an evil. This is trip is a playdate for Hope and Melody." Emma hugs her son. "You are right, Henry. I am just worried about traveling with Hope to another realm."
"Mom, you have Dad and me to help you to travel with Hope. We will make sure Hope does not cause any trouble on our trip. She is a little pirate after all." Emma giggles. "I just want to let you know I packed my camera to take a lot of pictures on our trip."
"I know we are going to make a lot of moments on our trip and seeing Hope with Melody.."
"Mom, they are BFF's already they are going to have a lot of photos by me."
"Yes, Henry. You are our family photographer."
The next morning, Killian woke up to Hope's babbling on him. "Good morning, little love. Did you crawl onto Daddy during the night." Hope babbled.
Emma wakes up seeing Hope babbling to Killian. "Hope, did you sneak to sleep with Dada while Mommy was sleeping?" She rubs Hope's cheek.
"Our little love woke her Dada this morning."
"I think our little pirate princess is looking forward to her play date with Melody." Hope babbled. Emma chuckles. "Hope, we are leaving soon little love." He lifts Hope up and down which makes her laugh. "Hope, time to get ready to go to Enchanted Forest." Killian hands over Hope to Emma. Emma dresses Hope into a clean diaper a cute pirate onesie with baby shorts and swan tee-shirt. "You are ready to sail, my little pirate." Hope reaches out to her Mommy. "You can be with me while I get ready, little duck." She kisses Hope on the head and puts her on her bed to crawl around while she gets changed. "Morning, Mom."
"Hi, Henry. Are you all ready to go to the Enchanted Forest?"
"Yes, I am. I have everything packed including my storybook." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. I get to read stories to you and Melody at her castle." hope clapped her hands. "MOm, Hope is happy that I am going to read her stories."
Emma smiles. "Yes, Hope loves you reading her stories. Hope, are you saying yay to Henry?" Hope babbled and crawls to her brother and climbs into Henry's lap. "Hopey, I love you." Hope gave him kisses. Emma takes a picture of Hope kissing Henry. "You love kissing me, little sis." He pretends to fall down on the bed carefully with Hope. Hope crawls all over her brother. "Hope." Emma smiles seeing Henry playing with Hope. Killian enters the room seeing Hope playing with Henry and Emma smiling enjoying seeing them playing. Killian hugs his wife and kisses her on the head. "Mom, can you get Hope off of me? She made poop." Emma gets Hope off of Henry.
"Did you have fun playing with Henry?" Hope smiles.
"Lad, I need your help loading the ship. After breakfast, we are sailing." Emma changes Hope and brings her downstairs to make scrambled eggs for the family since the boys were loading the Jolly Roger. Hope was crawling around the kitchen opening most of the cabin except for the locked one with chemicals in. Henry returns to the house and sees Hope crawling around, Hope,is Mommy almost done cooking?" Hope babbled. "Okay. A few more minutes."
Emma chuckles. "Your sister is right. I have orange juice, toast and scrambled eggs. Can you put Hope in her high chair?"
"Yes, Mom. Dad is checking the ship and loaded all of our bags and supplies." Henry puts Hope in her high chair and put a bib on his sister. Emma puts a plate on Hope's high chair table, eggs cut up toast and water. Emma packs a cooler with Hope's food and juices. "Mom, why are you packing?"
"I just want to pack food for Hope just in case they don't have baby food in Ariel's castle. I also packed junk food snacks for us kid." Henry smiles. Killian returns.
"Dad, Mom made us breakfast before we sail."
"Hope, are you enjoying your eggs?" Hope babbled. "Aye, they are yummy little love. After we eat breakfast, we are going to sail to see Melody." After they ate, they all walked to the docks together, Emma was holding Hope as they were going aboard. "Wa-wa."
"Yes, Hope. We are going to travel to Melody's house on the Jolly Roger."
Henry sees his other Mom by the docks and rushes to greet her. "Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry. Your Dad told me that you are going to visit Ariel and Eric."
"Yes, we are. Dad and Ariel arranged a playdate for Hope and Melody."
"Lad, make sure we have everything."
"Yes, Dad." Henry hugs Regina.
"Have fun, Henry."
"Thanks, Mom." Henry goes on the Jolly Roger.
"Hi, Killian. Here are your magic beans."
"Thank you, Regina.
"Tiny gave me two magic beans yesterday. How long are you going to the Enchanted Forest?"
"For three days, we will be back on Friday." They hear Hope crying and Emma carrying Hope. "Killian, our little pirate wants her Dada on the Jolly Roger."
"Aye, Hope. Dada needs you to wear your life jacket."
"Yes, Hope. We are traveling to another realm we need to be safe." Killian takes Hope from Emma. "Mommy."
"Hope, listen to your Daddy."
"She is a lot like you, swan." Killian takes Hope on board and puts her life jacket on her.
"She takes after me and her Dad."
"I can tell. How is Henry?"
"He is doing good. He is looking forward to sailing into another realm and taking pictures of the vacation."
"Mom, Dad said time to go!?"
"Henry, I am coming. Regina, we will see you when we get back." Emma gets on the ship, seeing both Henry and Hope in her life jackets. "Mom, Hope wants you." Henry puts his sister in their Mom's arms. "Hope. Mommy is here. I am not going to let you go to another realm without me, little duckling." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma, we need to set sail once I open the portal..."
"I am going to hold onto Hope."
"Aye, that is my swan. Hope stay with Mommy little love."
"Hope, you can help steer the ship after we go through the portal, little pirate." He kisses Hope on the cheek. Emma puts Hope in her carrier, who fusses. "Hope, I know it is tight sweetie but you have to stay in here until we get out of the portal for safety." Emma helps Henry pull the sails up.
"Mom, I got it."
"I want to help." Henry and Emma worked together.
"Henry and Emma, ready to sail."
"Aye, aye Dad." Hope babbled. Killian throws the magic bean. "Everyone hold on. We are going through the portal." Killian steers the ship into the portal, Emma holds onto Hope and gripped one hand on the rope, while Henry held on to the side of the ship, as the Jolly Roger goes through the portal. The Jolly Roger pops out of the ocean and they were in the Enchanted. "My pirates we are in the Enchanted Forest." Hope was smiling. "Mom, Hope is happy." Emma smiles looking at Hope, "Yes, you are right, Henry. Hope enjoyed her first portal ride. Hope we are where Melody lives." Hope claps her hands. "Yay!" Killian arrives downstairs, "Little love you want to steer the Jolly Roger?"
"That is my little pirate." Killian takes Hope out of the carrier and takes her to the wheel. Henry took pictures of Hope steering with their Dad. "You got good pictures, Henry?"
"Yes, Mom. This is so going into my photo album."
"You keep a photo album?"
"I had no idea. You can show me yours."
Henry hugs his Mom. "I will show you mine. Do you have a photo album?"
"Yes, I have a photo album with all of the pictures of you and Hope. I have pictures of you and me when you were ten when you brought me to Storybrooke."
"You have pictures of me when I was ten."
"Of course, I do. You are my son." She hugs him back. "No matter how big you get you will always be my little boy."
"I am not so little anymore."
"You are taller than me but I am your Mom."
"I know. You are the best Mom." They hear Hope crying. "I will get Hope." Henry goes to the wheel and gets Hope from their Dad. "Dad, how is our little pirate?'
"She was very helpful. She just wants to hold the steer." Henry chuckles.
"She takes after you and Mom."
"Aye, yes she does. We are getting there lad." Henry brings down to their Mom.
"Mom, Dad said we are almost there." He gives Hope to their Mom. Hope was still crying.
"Hopey, are you hungry sweetie?" She feels her diaper. "You need a change." Emma changes Hope in the captain quarters. "Hopey, are you having fun on our family sailing adventure?" Hope babbled. "You are having so much fun!" Hope fusses. Emma nurses Hope. "You are Mommy's good little pirate princess." She kisses Hope on the head and burps her when she was full and Hope napped her on Mommy. She enjoys Hope's snuggles. Henry joins his mom and sis on the bed. "How is Hope?"
"She is fed and taking a nap. She had a very busy morning being a little pirate."
"Hope seems to enjoy the Jolly Roger jumping in and out of a portal."
Emma smiles. "I see a lot of your Dad in her your sister."
"Yes, I see you lot of you in Hope." Henry hugs his Mom and sister, as Emma kisses Henry on the head. "I like snuggling with you and Hope."
"You can join us anytime, Henry." The boat stops. "Kid, I think we are almost there and Dad needs our help." Henry helps his Mom put the carrier on Hope and they arrive up the deck. "Swan and Henry, we are here." Emma and Henry saw Prince Eric's castle and they were in awe. "Mom, Dad we are staying here?"
"Yes, we are Henry." Henry hugs his Mom.
"Henry and Emma, I need your help pulling the sails down."
"Aye, aye, captain." Killian smiles at his swan. Henry and Emma pulled the sails as they were getting closer to the castle. "Dad, we are here!"
"Yes, we are, Henry." Killian and Henry roll down the anchor as Killian tied the boat to shore. As they were unloading their luggage, Ariel and Eric greeted them. "Hi, Emma and Killian."
"Hi, Ariel." Emma hugs Ariel. "How is Melody?"
"She just turned 5 months old and she is napping in her room. I can tell Hope is napping too. I am so glad that you all can make it."
"Hope is excited to play with Melody."
"Yes, she is. She just fell asleep when we got out of the portal." Killian and Henry approached Eric and Ariel. "Hi, Ariel."
"Hi, Killian. I am glad that you all can come."
"Hi, Killian. Grimsby and our other servants will unload your ship."
"Aye, thank you, mate."
"We will give you a tour of our castle." Eric lead the Swan-Jones to his castle, Henry asks questions to Prince Eric.
Killian walks on Emma's side. "Emma, we are having a ball tomorrow night. Would you and Killian want to come?"
Emma smiled. "I do not know, we did not come prepared for a ball."
"I know Carlotta can make you a ball gown."
"Killian, want to go to a ball on our last night here?"
"Aye, I will go anywhere with my swan."
"Hope can also come."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Melody comes all the time. When she goes to bed I retire with her or I just hold her and watch everyone else dance."
Killian and Emma look at each other. "Can Carlotta make Hope a dress too?"
"Of course. We have a group of servants that make dresses."
"Killian, Hope is going to her first ball on Thursday evening."
"Aye, I know Hope will have fun. I will get to dance with both of my two loves that night." Hope woke up from her nap. "Little love, We are at Melody's house." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope she lives on the beach. You and Melody can swim in the ocean." Hope smiled.
"Hi, Hope. Melody is napping. She will be happy to see you when she wakes up."
"Mommy is going to watch you and Melody play at the beach!" Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. We can swim in the ocean." Hope babbled.
"Mom, Eric told me about a ball they are hosting a ball on Thursday. Can we go?"
"We are going to the ball. Hope is very excited for her first ball." Ariel and Eric showed the family the whole castle. Ariel showed them their room. Henry was impressed. "I have this room all to myself. Hope, you can crawl in here to keep my company." Hope babbled. Ariel brings them to the room next door, as Henry was getting settled in his room. "Hope's room is right next to yours and Killian's room." Hope began to wail.
"Hope. Don't cry, baby girl. You can sleep with Mommy and Daddy. Shh...shh.." Hope gripped her Mommy.
"Little love, you can sleep with Mommy and Daddy." He kisses Hope on the head. Henry comes with his storybook.
"Mom, I can read Hope a story."
"Thanks, kid. I am pretty sure Hope wants to snuggle and hear a story from you." Hope continued to cry. "Hope, I am going to read you a story, little sis." He kisses her on the head. They go into Killian and Emma's guest room.
"Killian, I am so sorry."
"Aye, Hope got kidnapped in her room on the eve of Mother's Day. Zelena and her sidekick kidnapped Hope. We woke up to her crying and she was gone from her crib. We searched all night and we found Hope with Zelena. Zelena is in prison. Hope has been trouble sleeping in her room and she has been sleeping with us or in her room with Emma in her crib."
"I understand." Carlotta carries Melody. "
"Your majesty, Melody is woken from her nap and wants her Mommy." Ariel takes Melody from Carlotta. "Hi, baby girl. Did you have a good nap?" Melody smiles. "Hope is here. She wants to play with you."
"Hello, little Melody. Ariel, she has gotten so big."
"Yes, she is 5 months old. Carlotta, this is Killian. Can you measure the Swan-Jones family for dresses and suites for tomorrow night."
"Yes, your majesty." They go into Killian and Emma's room, seeing Hope snuggling with Emma as Henry reading her a story. "We are going to a ball like in Mommy and Daddy's picture." Hope babbled. "Yes, we are going to dance." Hope smiled. Ariel carried Melody in.
"Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Ariel and Melody."
"Melody, look who came to play with you, Hope." Melody babbled. Hope sees Melody and screams, "Melody is very happy to see you, Hope." Emma helps Hope get closer to Ariel and Melody. Killian recorded Hope crawling to Melody. Hope hugs Melody, leaving all of the adults in the room in awe. Henry took pictures of Hope and Melody. "Mom, Hope is happy to be with her BFF."
"Yes, you got that right, Henry. Their next playdate is going to be at our house."
"Henry, I can measure you first."
"Of course, Carlotta." Henry leaves the room. Hope babbles to Melody who responds back.
"Ariel, our two lasses are talking already."
"Yes, they are. Emma, I was thinking we can take them to the beach."
"Hope will love that. We need to get them ready to swim." Ariel takes Melody to get ready to swim, Hope began to cry. "Hope, sweetie. We are going to get ready to go to swim. We are going to the ocean." Killian helped Hope get ready swim diaper and Ariel bathing suit, "Little love hold still. I have to put your suntan lotion on." Emma got dressed in a bikini and net cover-up. "Killian, I will put suntan lotion on her. Hope." She puts Hope on her lap and put suntan lotion on her daughter. 'Hope you need suntan lotion so you won't get a sunburn. When we go outside you can crawl anywhere you want." Hope babbled. "I know...I know you want to play with Melody." Hope moved around. "Little love, we are going to the beach." Killian holds Hope as Emma gets towels and diaper bag packed. Henry enters the room ready for the beach. "Dad, is Hope excited to swim with Melody?"
"Yes, she is, lad."
"We are all ready." They walk around the castle to the beach. They see Ariel hold Melody by the ocean. Killian had Hope in his arms who squirming, "Here you go little love. Crawl to your friend." He puts Hope on the sand and crawls to Ariel. "Killian, we have to make sure Hope doesn't go into the deep end."
"We will not let Hope go in by herself."
Henry chases after Hope and scoops his sister in his arms. "Henry and Hope, Melody is so happy to see you both." Hope babbled. Melody babbled and leans to Hope for a hug. "Ariel, they are BFFs."
"Best friends forever."
"You are right, Henry." Hope babbled.
"Little Sis, you want to go swimming?" Hope babbled. He helps Hope stand as waves crashing on them.
Emma hugs Killian. "This is real?"
"Aye, like the movie."
Emma smiles. "Yes! I am going to swim to the rock and do Ariel's pose." Emma swims in and swims into the rock and does the pose. Killian takes the pictures of his wife living her little mermaid dream. "Dad, let me guess. Mom is living her dream of being the little mermaid."
"Aye, yes she is lad. Your Mom is getting less stress already."
"Yes, Dad. She needed a break from Storybrooke. This is a great playdate for Hope and vacation for all of us."
"That is right, Henry." Hope babbled. "You agree with your brother Hope." Hope screamed.
"Dad, that is a yes from Hope." Emma returns to shore, in front of her two kids.
"Hopey." She gets Hope from Henry. "Are you enjoying the water." Hope babbled. "Henry, let me take in your sister swimming. You and your Dad can swim." Henry goes swimming Emma takes Hope into the ocean, Hope was smiling and kicking away. "You love the ocean, Hopey." Hope babbled. "You are my little fish." Killian took pictures of his loves enjoying the water. Ariel joins Emma carrying Melody. "Hope, you like the ocean?" Hope smiles.
"She loves the ocean. Melody, do you like the ocean?" Melody babbles.
"I take her here every day. She loves being near the ocean, she gets that from me." Emma lifts Hope up and down which made Hope laugh. Killian goes next to his two loves. "Are my two loves enjoying the ocean?"
"Yes, your two loves are, captain." They kiss.
"Dada." Emma hands over her daughter to her husband.
"Little love, we can swim together." Hope babbled which made both of her parents smile. Killian sit on wet sand with Hope on his lap, both enjoy getting wet, with Hope was bouncing on her Daddy's lap. "You take after me Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. "Killian is an amazing Dad."
"Yes, he is. He loves both Henry and Hope equally, a great father to both of them." Melody reaches out to Emma. "Hi, Melody." She puts Melody on her hip. "Are you happy to have your playdate with Hope?" Melody smiles. "She loves the ocean just like you." Killian takes Hope out of the ocean who began to cry. "Little love, Dada has to change your diaper, Hope."
"Killian is going to need my help." Ariel takes Melody from Emma. Emma goes to her family. "Killian, I can help change." Hope decides to crawl back to the ocean. "Hope, you need to get change then go back swimming." Emma takes Hope from the sand. "You take after me, Hopey." They get Hope changed, Ariel brings Melody to join them, the little princesses babbled. "Ariel, our little lasses are enjoying their babbling."
"Yes, they are. I never saw Melody so happy." Hope fusses. Emma helps Hope walk on the sand, Henry took pictures of his Mom helping his sister to walk, "Walk to Dada little love." Hope babbled. "Yes, you are walking little love with your Mommy." Hope babbled.
"Killian, I think Hope wants to walk to the ocean." Emma leads Hope to wet sand and watched her daughter smile and squeal with delight. Hope babbled. "Mommy." Emma kisses Hope on the cheek. "I know you love the ocean baby girl. Just like your Dada." Killian and Emma gave Hope kisses enjoyed the water with their daughter. Henry took pictures of his sister with their parents. "Henwy."
"Henry, Hope wants you to join us."
"Lad, I will hold your camera." Henry joins his Mom and sister, he splashes around with his sister. Ariel and Melody join them. Killian took a lot of pictures of the two families and the lasses. Hope began to cry. "Hopey, are you tired of the ocean little sis?" Emma puts Hope on her hip, "Hopey, are you hungry?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "You are just tired and hungry?" She kisses her daughter on the head. "Emma, we can take them inside, it is almost time for dinner." They return inside and took baths and had dinner together, Emma was not used to servants serving them their food, Hope was fed by her Mommy, she was sitting on her lap. "Love, you can eat, I can hold our little love." Killian plays with Hope. Hope fusses. "Little love, are you tired?" Hope cries. "Love, I will take her upstairs to our room. We need dada and Hope time." Emma kisses Killian on the cheek and he brings Hope back to their room. "Mom, is Hope alright?"
"Hope is tired from our journey here and she had so much fun at the beach with Melody." Melody babbled. Ariel hands over Melody to Emma. "Melody are you happy to have Hope to play with you?" Melody babbled. "I got something for you and Hope."
"I got them something." Emma carries Melody back to the guest room, "Killian, how is our little pirate?"
"She is settling down. I know it is her bedtime soon. Little love, your best friend is here." Hope smiles. "Hope, Mommy got you and Melody matching pajamas." Melody babbles. "You will see what I got you." Melody reaches to Hope. "Love, I can hold both lasses." Emma puts Melody on her lap. Ariel sees Killian holding Melody. "Melody are you talking to Hope and Killian?" Melody smiles. "Ariel, I brought Melody a little gift." She shows Ariel matching ocean theme pajamas. "Emma, they are so cute. Melody is going to love them."
"They are going to match tonight. Where is Henry?"
"He is playing with our pet dog Max outside." They got the girls to dress into their matching pajamas and the parents took pictures of the girls in their matching pajamas. "Little love you are wearing matching pajamas as Melody."
"Dada." Killian scoops Hope into his arms.
'Yes, little love." Hope babbles a lot. "You don't say."
"Killian, you know what she is saying?"
"Ariel, we are having pirate talk. Hope, continue." Emma giggles. "Ariel, they have their pirate talk, pirate tales a lot at home." Melody began to cry. Ariel gets her daughter. "Melody, is it your bedtime?" She kisses her daughter on the head. "Say, night-night to Hope. You two are going to play in the morning."
"Aye, Hope gets up early."
"Melody too."
Hope fusses. "Ariel, Hope wants to say goodnight to Melody." Killian brings Hope to Melody, she gives Melody a hug. "You are being such a good friend to Melody."
"Emma and Killian, Eric wants to give you both a tour tomorrow morning of the kingdom."
"Ariel, I never really been to your part of the Enchanted Forest."
"Aye, we are both looking forward to the tour." Ariel took Melody to her room for their nightly routine. Emma and Killian cuddled with Hope who was very happy to be with both of her parents. Henry found his family. " Mom, Max is real too."
"Yes, Henry I know." Hope crawls to Henry.
"Little Sis, you want me to read to you in my room?" Hope babbled loudly. "Henry and Hopey time." Henry takes Hope to his room and read to her from his storybook. Emma hugs Killian and kisses him on the cheek, "Thank you, Killian."
"For what love?"
"For planning this playdate, Hope is having so much fun with Melody and we get a little getaway from Storybrook. Hope will get to go to her first ball. Carlotta measured Hope and me and we got to choose our dresses,"
"My two loves will be the most beautiful lasses in all of the realms." They kiss and fall asleep. Henry was up with Hope, reading her stories until Hope fell asleep next to him. He loves Hope. "Night, Hope. I love you, little sis." He puts his arm around his baby sister and falls asleep. Emma checks on them, seeing them fast asleep. She takes a picture of them sleeping together, gives them a kiss each on the top of their heads, "I love you both so much." She turns off the light and returns to her room and cuddles with Killian. "Love."
"Hope is sleeping with Henry." They kiss and go back to bed.
The next morning, Hope wakes up Henry by patting his face and babbles. "Hi, little sis." He checks her diaper, she was wet. "Let's get your change and we can find Melody." Henry carries hope to their parents' room, "Shh...Hopey we have to be quiet Mommy and Daddy are sleeping." He gets Hope's diaper supplies and changes her diaper. Hope crawls to her Mommy. "Hi, baby girl. Did you sleep with Henry?" Hope babbled. "Sorry, Mom. I changed her and about to take her out of the room so you can get more sleep."
"That is alright, Henry. Come join us. There is plenty of room for all of us to sleep in here." Hope sat in between her parents. "Dada."
"Daddy is sleeping baby girl." Emma snuggles with Hope and Henry. "Are you having fun, Henry?"
"Yes, I am. Prince Eric's castle is like the movie."
"I know." Hope cries. Emma nurses Hope. "Are you looking forward to the ball tomorrow?"
"Yes, I am. I am going to take so many pictures of you, Dad and Hope tomorrow."
"Are you doing to dance with me tomorrow?"
"Yes! I am going to dance with Hope."
"I am going to take pictures of that. Hope is going to look so cute in her dress tomorrow."
"It can be a date night for you and Dad."
"Henry, you and Hope are invited to the ball."
"I want you and Dad to have a night yourselves."
"You are very sweet. This ball is a family event."
"When Hope needs a break, I can watch her."
"I know, Hope wants to play with you. You do not mind Hope sleeping in your room?"
"Nah, I love Hope. She feels safe sleeping with me, which makes me proud of her big brother because Hope feels safe with me and she knows I can protect her." Emma wraps her arm around her son. "That is my son. You are a great big brother to Hope."
"I told you, Mom, I am the best big brother. I am always going to be here for my family like you."
"That is right, kid. Just like me." Emma kisses Henry on the head.
"When we get back home, can we have one on one time..."
"Of course we can. What do you want to do?"
"Stakeout, art or go to the movies."
"I can arrange something. We can definitely go to the movies. I know your Dad and Hope can have their own one on one time." Henry hugs his Mom. Emma smiles knowing her son looking forward to their one on one time together. A few hours later, the family has breakfast later, Eric got a big carriage to fit the two families in, he drove the buggy into his kingdom. Henry took a lot of pictures of their own and scenery. Emma kept pointing at everything to Hope. After the tour of the kingdom, both babies were napping. Eric, Henry, and Killian went sailing on Eric's ship while Emma and Ariel stayed inside the castle and talked while their little girls were sleeping on them, in the library. "Ariel, I love your library. You have so many books."
"Thank you, before we had Melody Eric and I would travel and I would collect books on every place we visit."
"I read to Hope all the time. She loves Henry reading to her."
"When the babies wake up and our husbands and Henry return, I was thinking we can have a picnic on the beach."
"That will be great." Ariel got Carlotta and she asked her to make a picnic basket. When Emma and Ariel were in the ocean with the babies, Prince Eric's ship was landing, seeing Killian and Henry on board with Prince Eric, Grimsby and Max. Hope began to cry. "Hopey, don't cry. Daddy and Henry had their boy time and we are having our girl time with Ariel and Melody."
"Hope is showing her pirate side?"
"Yes and my stubborn side." She bounces Hope up and down. Killian arrives at his two loves. "Emma, what is wrong with Hope?"
"She saw you and Henry on Eric's ship, she knew she was not invited sailing."
"Little love, do not cry." He takes Hope from his wife. "Hope, you are my little first mate. Emma, is she fed?"
"She is nursed but I know she will be hungry soon. Carlotta made us a picnic."
"Hope needs one on one time with her Dada." Emma smiles knowing what he is up to. "I will give you and Hope's your lunches. I have a feeling where two are going." Emma gets out of the ocean, pack their lunches in Hope's diaper bag. "My two pirates need to eat."
"Thank you, swan." They kiss. "We will see you later." Hope cried more.
"Hope, be a good little pirate princess to Daddy. I love you." She kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Swan, we will be on my ship."
"I know." They kiss. Killian takes Hope to the Jolly Roger. "Hope look where we are..."Hope stops crying. "We are having daddy-daughter time on our second home." Hope babbles and crawls around on the ship. Killian made sure Hope did not get into trouble. He took pictures of Hope holding onto parts of the boat and standing up. "Dada." Killin smiles and goes to his little pirate. "Dada is right here little love." She reaches out for his hook and he let her hold it. "You want to walk? Little love" Hope smiled. He helps Hope walk around the Jolly Roger. "You are getting stronger little love in walking." Hope babbled. "You are doing great, Hopey." Hope smiles. They continue to walk around until Hope began crying. "Little pirate, are you hungry?" He sits down with Hope and feeds her lunch. Hope naps on her Daddy, she snuggles on her Daddy as he ate his lunch. "I love my one on one time with my little pirate." He kisses Hope on the head. Back on the beach, Henry and Emma was body surfing having raves. "Mom, I won!"
Emma laughs. "No fair Henry. You started before me."
"Where are Dad and Hope?"
"They are on the Jolly Roger. Hope saw you and your Dad getting off of Prince Eric's ship and she got jealous."
"Mom, Hope is a little pirate."
"How was sailing on another ship?"
"It was fun sailing and Max was good company." Ariel and Melody joined them in the ocean.
"Dad, Max follow Eric on the ship?"
"Yes, not the whole trip."Melody babbled. "Melody you want to play with me?" Melody smile. Henry let Hope sit on his lap as the waves crash on them. Killian returns with Hope to the beach. "Little love we are back with Mommy, Henry, and Melody."
"Hi, Hopey." She gets Hope from Killian. "How are my two pirates?"
"Hope crawled around the Jolly Roger and we practiced walking a lot."
"Hopey, you walked around the Jolly Roger with Dada." Hope babbled and hugs her Mommy. "Hopey, we can snuggle and talk to Melody." Hope babbled. "Yes." She sits on the sand next to Henry and Hope. "Hi, little sis. How was the Jolly Roger?" Hope babbled. "Daddy let you crawl around the whole ship? Wow." Hope babbled and Melody smiles.
"Yes, Melody. Hope is back. She wants to talk to you." The little princesses babbled away. Killian took pictures of the two ocean princesses babbling on Emma and Henry. Melody began to cry, Henry hands her over back to Ariel. Hope reaches for her brother. "Hope, we can have Henry and Hope time." Henry gets Hope from his Mom. Killian and Emma cuddle on their spot on towels, looking at Henry playing with Hope in the wet sand and chasing her all over the beach. Emma fell asleep in Killian's arms. They felt licks, and see Max. "Hi, Max." Emma pets Max. Eric rushes to Emma and Killian, "I am so sorry about Max he is a very excited dog."
"No that is alright. He surprised us that is all. He is very friendly."
"Max, be a good dog to Emma and Killian." Henry carries Hope to Max, "Hope, look who Mommy is petting little sis, Max. You want to pet him?" Hope was a little afraid. Henry gives his sister to their Dad. "Hopey, Max is a nice doggie. Your Mommy is petting him, little love." He helps Hope pet Max. "See, he is very softie to pet." Hope babbled. Max licks Hope on her face which made her laugh. Ariel and Melody joined the Swan-Jones family, Max was licking both princesses.
The next day after hours at the beach, the Swan-Jones family were getting ready for the ball that Prince Eric and Ariel were hosting. Emma dressed Hope into her new dress, a pink dress. "Hope you are so beautiful. Carlotta made you a great dress Hopey."
"Hopey." They play a special game. Killian dressed in his outfit seeing his two loves playing.
"Swan, are you almost ready?"
"I am not dressed yet."
"You can get ready, I will play with our little love."
"One more thing." Emma puts a little crown on Hope's head. "Hope, you are already for your first ball." She gave Hope kisses."You are my little princess, yes you are." Hope smiled and hugged her Mommy. "Love, my princess needs to get ready."
"I need to get dressed. I do not want to be late for the ball." They kiss.
Killian takes Hope to Henry's room as Emma got dressed for the ball, she loved the red dress that Carlotta made for her. She tied her hair up into a bun and did her make up. "I look like a princess."
"Emma...you look."
Emma smiles. "I know. You look..."
Killian smiles."You are the most beautiful lass in all the realms."
"Thank you, captain prince." They kiss. "Where are Hope and Henry?"
"In Henry's room, Max is playing with Hope."
"She loves Max now that she is not afraid of him anymore."
"Aye, Henry is making sure her dress doesn't get dirty." Henry carries Hope in, "Mom, you look beautiful."
"Thank you, Henry. You are handsome in your suit." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. You are dressed up as a princess tonight. Your grandpa is going to be very happy to see your pictures since he always reminds you that you are a princess." Killian took pictures of Henry and Hope together and with Emma. Henry took pictures of his parents together. They joined everyone at the ball. Grimsby was at the stairs to the ballroom, "Announcing Princess Emma, Pirate-Prince Killian, Prince Henry, and Princess Hope. The Swan-Jones family went down together, Emma holding Killian's hook as Henry holding Hope, the crowd clapped as they entered. "Hope, look a ball just like the one in Mommy's story." Hope babbled.
"Look little love at all of the dancing."
"Killian, we should show Hope and Henry how we dance."
"Shall I have this dance? My princess?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, my captain." They kiss. Killian leads Emma to the dance floor and guided her to the dance. "You are a great teacher."
"Aye as our experience in the past, I still have my moves." Emma chuckles and they continued to dance. Hope fusses, Henry put his sister down and he took pictures of their parents dancing. He looks down and finds Hope by the food table playing with Max and Melody, with Ariel watching the princesses. Hope was petting Max and laughing, Henry took pictures of Hope with Max. Hope crawls back to Henry and reaches up to her brother. "Hopey, do you want to dance with me?" Hope smiles. He showed Ariel how to use the camera. Henry takes Hope to the dance floor and spins around Hope. Emma was in awe seeing Henry dancing with Hope. "Killian, look who joined the dance floor." Killian smiles seeing their children dancing. After a few more dances, they looked at each and decided to dance with Henry and Hope. "Henry, would you like to dance with me?"
"Yes, Mom."
"Dada." Killian dances with Hope as Emma dances with Hope. He helps Hope stand up and they danced together even they did not move too much. Hope began to cry. "Little love, are you hungry?" He takes Hope off the dance floor and made her plate of food. Hope refused to eat. Ariel carried Melody to where Hope and Killian were sitting. "Killian, what is wrong with Hope?"
"She doesn't like the food form the tables." Hope began to cry
"I can get Carlotta to get Hope food that she likes."
"Thanks, Ariel. She likes soft sweet potatoes and broccoli."
"I will be right back."
"Little love..." Emma sees Hope crying and goes to Hope. Killian gives Hope to his wife. "Hopey, Mommy is here sweetie." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You just wanted your Mommy." Hope babbled. She sits down with Hope. "Love, I tried feeding her food but she refused to eat. Ariel got Carlotta to cook food for Hope will eat."
"I think she is hungry and tired."
"Little Sis, you were a great dance partner. We can do dance parties at home." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Ariel and Melody return with Carlotta, "Your majesty, I brought the little princess something to eat."
"Aw, thank you, Carlotta." She positions Hope on her lap. "Look, sweetie, Carlotta brought you food to eat. Say thank you to Carlotta, Hope." Hope babbled. Killian spoonfed Hope her food.
"Good little love, you are eating your dinner." After Hope ate her dinner, she babbled to Melody.
"Ariel the next playdate you and Melody are coming over to our house."
"Yes, they love playing together. They are BFFs. Henry told me what that means." Emma giggles. Melody began to cry. "Melody, is it your bedtime? Emma, I need to put Melody to bed."
"Hope, say night-night to Melody." Hope babbled.
"They will play together in the morning."
"Yes, they will." Hope cuddled with her Mommy and looked around with lights, music, and couples in ball gowns and suits dancing. Emma, Killian, and Henry ate dinner and danced more. Emma sat down with Hope. "Hopey, are you enjoying seeing other couples dancing?" Hope clap her hands. "This is a real ball baby girl. We are princesses." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves and kisses Emma on the head. "Hope is enjoying her first ball."
"Yes, she is love. She has the same excitement that I saw in your eyes when we were undercover to reunite your parents."
Emma smiles."That was an experience that I will never forget. You taught me how to dance and we were falling in love."
Aye, that is right, love." They kiss.
Hope began to cry. "Hopey, are you tired?" Hope fusses.
"Aye, I think it is someone's bedtime."
"Yes, we need to get her to bed. We are sailing back tomorrow." Killian escorts his family back upstairs. Emma changes Hope into her pajamas. "Mom, can I read Hope a bedtime story?" Hope began to cry. "Hope. What is wrong? my little duckling."
"Love, I think Hope wants her Dada." Killian held Hope. "Do you want Daddy to join storytime time with you and Henry?" She holds his hook. "Dada." Emma smiles. Killian brings Hope to Henry's room as Emma changes out of her ballgown and packs their luggage for their journey back to Storybrooke. "Dad, you can read the story to both of us."
"Are you sure, lad? You are the storyteller of the family."
"Hope wants you to read to us. Right little sis?"
"Dada." He positioned Hope in his arm and lap as Henry opened his storybook to Emma and Killian's back to the future story. "Once upon a time, there was a long lost princess who confused about home, the dashing pirate chasing after her to the pond telling her what home is and they fell into a portal that pulled them back into time..." Emma sees Killian telling their children their back to the future.
The next morning, Hope was not with them. "Killian, where is Hope?" They went to Henry's room she was not there. Emma went to Melody's room, she stops and smiles seeing Hope and Melody babbling on the carpet with Max licking her, with Ariel watching them. "Hi, Ariel."
"Hi, Emma. Melody and I saw you and Killian still sleeping, Hope was awake and they are having their girl chat."
"I can see." She leans over to kiss Hope on the head. "Morning, baby girl."
"Mommy." She gave her Mommy a kiss. "You can talk to your best friend." Killian enters Melody's room, seeing the two lasses babbling. "There is my little pirate princess."
"I took Hope in here to let you and Emma sleep in."
"That is alright. Hope is having fun with her best friend." Hope began to cry. Emma gets Hope from the carpet. "Hope, you are with Mommy baby girl." She hugs her Mommy. "You are with Mommy baby girl. We have to have breakfast and we are going home today."
"Yes, Hope home." Emma takes Hope back to their room so she can change her into a new outfit.
"Emma is an amazing Mom to Hope and Henry."
"Aye is one of the many reasons why I fell in love with her." He tickles Melody. After breakfast, Prince Eric's workers loaded the Jolly Roger. As they were saying goodbyes, Hope was hugging Melody. "Little love, the next playdate with Melody will be at our house." Hope clapped her hands. "Killian, we will plan another play date soon."
"Ariel, can you bring Max with you?"
"We will seeHenry. I know Max had fun with you and Hope." As they were boarding the ship, Hope began to cry in her Daddy's arms. "Hope, Melody is going to come over to play in our house soon, little love." He puts Hope's life jacket on. Henry had his life jacket on. Emma and Henry pulled the sails to get ready to sail, as Killian was calming down Hope. "There...there..little love. You are with Dada. We are on the Jolly Roger." He let Hope crawl around. "Hope, you want to help Dada steer the Jolly Roger?" Hope babbled. As they were sailing home, the clouds were getting darker. "Emma..." Emma comes up. "The skies are getting darker which is a bad sign." Emma takes Hope from Killian. Thunder began to roar and began to rain pour hard. Hope began to cry. "Killian..."
"We need to go through the portal now. Henry!" Henry rushes up. "Dad. what are we going to do?"
"We are going to our realm." Killian throws the magic bean to the ocean. Lightning struck on the Jolly Roger. Henry runs to get his backpack with his and Hope's prize possessions.
"We are going to get the kids to safety." Emma began to cry and kisses Hope.
"Henry, listen to me, son. We have one boat."
"Do as I say."
"I will Dad." Henry sat in the boat with Hope.
"Henry, hold your sister."
"I will Mom. Hope is safe with me." Emma kisses Hope and Henry on their heads. Killian lowered the lifeboat. Emma and Killian held hand and hook and jumped into the ocean to swim to the boat. Killian got up and Emma didn't... he swims back down to get his wife. "Emma.." He lifts her up, she hit her head when she jumped. "Mom!! Dad!!!"
"Henry go to the portal now!!! You and Hope need to get back home. We are coming back, Henry." Henry and Hope disappear in the portal leaving their parents caught in an awful storm.

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