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Days after Emma and Killian's anniversary, they were able to relax and have family time since Henry was off from school. Until one night, when Hope kept them up most of the night. Emma woke up the next baby night shift when Hope cried it sounded a little different. Emma turned on the light she looked at crying Hope she had puke all over her pajamas. "Hope, baby are you sick?" She takes off Hope's pajamas and held her, "Shh..shh...Hope mommy got you. You are going to be okay." She gave her kisses. She holds Hope on her bed and wakes up Killian, "Killian wake up."
"Yes, love."
"Hope is sick."
"Hope puked all over the pajamas and her cry is different." She talks to Hope, "My poor baby is sick. Mommy got you, sweetie." She continues to rub Hope's back and comforts her.
"What is her sickness?"
"So far a little vomiting all over her cradle." She sniffed Hope. "I think she needs to be changed. I will change her in her room."
"Emma, I will clean the sheets of her cradle and her dirty pajamas."
"Now that's what I call teamwork."
"Aye love."
Emma takes Hope to her bedroom to be changed and her poop looks like diarrhea. "Baby I think you have an upset stomach, Mommy will take you to the doctor tomorrow to get you medicine to make you feel better." Emma changes Hope's diaper and took Hope to her bedroom. "Let's see if some skin to skin is going to help." She kisses Hope on her head. Emma placed Hope on her bed and she took her pajama shirt off, kept her bra on and placed Hope who was only in a diaper on her bare chest. Hope calmed down slowly. "Hope, you like being on Mommy's chest. I am so sorry you are not feeling good baby." Killian returns to their bedroom after seeing his two loves doing skin to skin. "Hope has diarrhea, I think her tummy is in hurting her." Killian sits down next to his wife. "I did not want rock her if she vomits again and the only way she stopped crying was holding her skin to skin."
Killian gently strokes Hope on her back, "Hope, you are in the best care, your mommy. I am sorry you are sick my little love." Killian takes her little hand and gently kisses it. "Does she have a fever?"
"I am not sure. I think we have a baby thermometer in the first aid kit."
"I will get it, love, Hope looks very comfortable on you." Killian gets the thermometer. Killian took Hope's temperature, while Hope was crying. "Little love it is almost over. Daddy and Mommy need to know if you have a fever." Killian checks the results, "Love, her temperature is 99."
"I want to take her to the doctor tomorrow, to get her medicine especially if her fever is in the hundreds in the morning."
"Aye, we can take her in the morning love."
"Can you please get a hair clip in my drawer so I have my hair up?"
"Sure, love." He gets her a hairclip and helps Emma with her hair since Hope was on her chest.
"Thank you."
"Anytime, love." They kiss. "Our little lass is sick."
"I know, Hope Mommy and Daddy are sad that you are not feeling good baby." She gently kisses Hope on her head. "I love her snuggles though."
"You are doing amazing with her love."
"Thank you, I am doing my best." Hope began to fuss. "Hope are you hungry? I will try to feed her. Let's hope she does not vomit." Killian gently repositions Hope so she can eat from Emma. "Killian, can you get a plastic container just in case she vomits again?"
"Sure love." Killian goes to the kitchen to get a plastic container and an extra pair of bedsheets. By the time Killian returned upstairs, Hope was done eating. Killian holds the plastic bin by Emma back. Emma burped Hope and Hope vomited. Hope began to cry. " Shh...shhh...Baby, it is okay. You did not get Mommy too dirty."
"Good call, Emma."
"Thanks, I had a feeling this will happen. I know we have a lot of laundries to do in the morning." She kisses Hope on the head and continues to comfort her. "Mommy knows you are sick baby."
"Should I get her a bottle of water?"
"Yes, I think that is the best solution, for now, she needs to stay dehydrated." Killian goes back downstairs. "Hope, your Daddy cares for you so much baby girl." Hope calmed down and rested on her mom's chest. Killian returned with a baby bottle of water.
"Here you go, little love." He puts the bottle in her mouth. Hope slowly sucks the water bottle. "That is a good little lass." He sniffs her, "I think she needs another change."
"I will change her." She held Hope close to her chest and walked to Hope's room to change her. Emma changed her, "You definitely have an upset stomach baby." Emma lifts her up from the changing table and put her back on her chest and went back to her room. "Hope you need to rest, baby." Emma gave her small kisses on her cheeks. Killian let Emma sleep as Hope was on her chest. He watched Hope very close and made sure she drank the water bottle. Hope vomited again and cried that made Emma wake up. "It is okay baby." Killian got baby wipes and cleaned up Emma and Hope.
Henry got up early as usual around 7:30 am, both of parents were still in bed. Once he saw their bedroom, dirty bedsheets were on the floor, dirty baby wipes were scattered and his mom and Hope were doing skin to skin. "Whoa, what happened in here?"
Killian woke up once he saw Henry. "Hi, lad. Hope got sick last night, let's just say we had a rough night."
"Is there anything that I can do to help?"
"You can do the laundry for us. Your mom and I are going to take Hope to the doctor. Your sister had an upset stomach last night a lot of vomit and diarrhea. Your mom and I both barely got any sleep." Hope began to cry. Killian went to get Hope. "Little Hope, Daddy got you." He checks her diaper. "Aye, you need a change, little lass." Killian and Henry left the room so Emma can sleep. Killian changes Hope into a fresh diaper and put a onesie on her. "Dad, can I hold her for a little while?"
"Sure lad. Be careful she is sick." Henry takes Hope from her changing table and brought her to his room. "Hope, let's give Mommy and Daddy a break. I am sorry you do not feel well, little sis." Killian kept Henry's door a little open so he can hear Hope. Killian tidied up their bedroom as quietly as possible.
Emma woke up a little later, "What a night." She puts a t-shirt on. Emma hears Hope's cries. "Hope?" She gets out of her room and found Hope with Henry. "Mom, I think she has a fever, she feels hot." He hands over Hope to their Mom. "Henry, there is a baby thermometer in my room can you go get it?"
"Sure." He rushes out of his room while Emma comforts Hope. "Hope, I know you are a sick baby. I know you are in pain baby." She rubs Hope's back. Henry returned to his room with a thermometer. She checked Hope's temperature, 100. "Hope, we are taking you to the doctor today baby." Emma looks at Henry, "Can you tell your Dad to call the pediatrician's office to make an appointment for Hope?"
"Sure, mom." He goes downstairs to tell Killian.
Snow White comes in the house. "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Snow. Can you go to Emma, she needs your help with Hope."
"Sure, what is going on?"
"Hope is sick vomiting and diarrhea all night."
"I am going up right now." Snow White finds Emma in her room with Hope, looking exhausted. "Sweetie."
Emma looks like she was about to cry. "Hope is sick. I was up with her all night, doing skin to skin. I hate seeing her in pain. I think she has a stomach bug because of diarrhea, vomiting and she has a fever."
"Emma, you are doing the best that you can." She puts her arms around Emma." Let me hold Hope for a little while." Emma hands over Hope to her mom.
"I need a shower, please hold Hope in her room. It was a messy long night." Emma bends over to Hope. "Baby girl, Mommy and Daddy are going to take you to the doctor." She kisses Hope on the head and went to take a very needed shower.
Killian finds Hope with Snow White in her the nursery. "Hi, Snow. How is Hope?"
"Hope is fine now. I can tell she has a fever."
"Aye, that is why we are taking in to see her doctor."
"Emma is in the shower."
"Aye, she was up with Hope all night doing skin to skin. I helped as most as I could, making sure Hope stayed hydrated."
"When you and Emma take her to the doctor, Henry and I can clean up."
"That would be very helpful Snow. I think you can help Henry with the laundry."
"Ah, he never did laundry before?"
"Yea, I do not think so." They both laughed. Killian packed Hope's diaper bag. Emma got out of the shower and changed into something comfy. She checked up on Hope with her Mom. "Mom, how is she?"
"She still has a fever. Killian called the pediatrician's office and he packed Hope's diaper bag." Emma gets Hope from her mother's arms. "Baby, we are going to get medicine for you to feel better. I am so sorry that you are sick." Hope fussed, "Are you hungry? Let me feed you before we go to the doctor." Snow White watches Emma with Hope, while Hope was eating. "Mom, I have no idea if I am helping Hope right since she is sick."
"Emma, you are learning. Seeing your baby sick and in pain is the worse feeling but I know you are doing everything you can to make her feel better."
"I do not like seeing my baby sick." She rubs Hope's head.
"She will get the medicine she needs to get better soon. I am going to stay here while you go to the doctor's to help clean up, I have a feeling that Henry does not know how to do laundry."
"Oh, he does not. Can you do all of the bed sheets, Hope's clothes and ours? It is all in a pile in our room."
"Sure, sweetie. I can watch Hope later when you return so you can get some sleep."
Thanks, Mom."
"Your welcome. I do not like seeing Hope sick too." Snow White went downstairs. Emma held sleeping Hope on her chest. Killian went to check up on his two loves. "Emma, how is she doing?"
"She still has her fever."
"I got her an appointment in an hour. Her diaper bag is packed."
"Did you have a chance to take a shower?"
"I took a quick shower while your mom was with Hope in the downstairs bathroom. Do you need something to eat?"
"I will just eat a banana, something quick before we go."
"Emma, you need to eat."
"I know, I just want to get Hope better first."
"Emma, I am making you something to eat before we go."
"Thank you." They kiss. "I just want Hope better."
"Me too, love."
Killian made Emma scrambled eggs with toast and green tea for her. He held Hope while Emma ate before they left for Hope's appointment. Killian packed the car and Emma sat next to Hope in the back of the car and had a plastic container in case she needs to vomit in the car. Killian and Emma with Hope did not have to wait too long in the waiting area. "Hope Swan-Jones, Room 1."
Emma carried Hope in her arms and Killian carried the diaper bag. Hope was measured and weighed by a nurse. Hope was not happy being naked or not being held by her mom. Emma held Hope while they waited for Dr.Cameron.
Dr.Allison Cameron entered the room. "Hi Hope, Emma and Killian."
"Hi, Dr. Cameron."
"Hi, Hope. How are you?"
"She has been vomiting, has a fever and diarrhea. Hope had a very long night. I was mostly doing skin to skin with her all night."
Dr.Cameron examined Hope. "She definitely has a fever. Does she drink formula?"
"No, only breastfeeding. She does not like the bottle, only for water."
"For newborns, breast milk is the best. She has a stomach virus."
"What medicine can she take? Can I still breastfeed her?" Emma holds Hope.
"Yes, Emma you still breastfeed her. For medicine, you can buy Pedialyte a liquid medicine she needs to take every 4-6 hours and tummy gripe water. They will both help with Hope's stomach. For her fever give her baby liquid Tylenol. In a few days, she will be better."
"I just wanted to make sure we are doing everything we can to get Hope better."
"Emma, you are doing everything correctly, skin to skin helps babies body and their minds and breastfeeding are the best for her. Just make she takes the medicines in between her meals." Dr.Cameron writes down the medical prescriptions and hands them to Emma.
"Thank you, Dr. Cameron."
"You are welcome." Dr.Cameron talked to Hope. "Miss Hope, feel better soon." Dr.Cameron leaves the room.
"Emma, you were right. Do you feel a little relieved?" Emma hands Killian the prescriptions to him.
"Less stressed you mean? Yes. I am just happy that I am taking care of our little girl correctly." She kisses Hope on the head. "We need to get her medicines on the way home." Emma changed Hope back into her clothes and wrapped Hope in her quilt. They went back to the car. Killian parked the car by the pharmacy store and went in to get Hope's medicines while Emma waited in the car with Hope. Killian returned to the car with Hope's medicine and they returned home. When they returned home, their house was so much cleaner. Emma took Hope to the living room to give Hope her medicine. Killian helped Emma feeding Hope all of her medicines. Killian went upstairs to get Hope's bib and her bottle of water. Emma tied the bib on Hope when Killian returned. Killian fed Hope her Tylenol first for the fever than the Pedialyte."Drink it, baby. It will help you get better."
"That is a good little lass." Emma fed Hope her water after Killian hand spoon Hope's medicine.
Emma kissed Hope on her head, "You will feel better soon baby." Hope falls asleep in her mommy's arms.
"Emma go up and rest. You need to sleep, love."
"You are sure?"
"Emma, she just took her medicine. I will wake you up when she is hungry."
Emma kissed Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope." She hands Hope to Killian. She kisses Killian on the cheek. "I love you, Killian."
"I love you too, my Emma. Get some rest while you can." Killian stayed on the couch holding Hope. Emma went upstairs to her bedroom to take a very needed nap. Her bedroom was clean and fixed. As she got under the covers, Emma drifted off to sleep.
Henry and Snow White returned home. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Son."
"How is Hope?"
"Your sister has the stomach bug. Dr.Cameron gave her a few medicines, she will be better in a few days."
"Killian, I can hold her for a little while."
"Are you sure love."
"Yes, you look like you need some sleep yourself."
"Aye, Emma is asleep. After we gave Hope her medicines, I told her to sleep. Where did you two go?"
"Dad, after we did the laundry, Grandma taught me how to do laundry. We went to check on the high school."
"Yes, I got a call from the Principal and we met in front of the school and told all of the faculty that the high school will be open next Tuesday."
"Dad, we also got a few gifts for Hope." Henry showed him what they bought for Hope some colorful teeth rings and some soft books.
"Henry, Hope will love them. Did you get them because your sister was sick?"
"Yes, grandma bought them for Hope."
"Snow, I know she will love them."
"I know. Go get some rest, I can hold Hope for a little while."
"Hope, be a good girl for Grandma. Just wake up Emma when she needs to be fed." Killian hands oversleeping Hope to Snow White. Killian went up to his room, he sees his swan sound sleep. He kissed Emma on the forehead and whispered, "Sleep well my love, you did amazing with our Hope." He crawls into bed next to her and cuddles her and falls asleep.
Emma woke up a few hours later, to Hope's cries. Snow White had Hope in her arms. "Hi, baby." Snow White hands over Hope to her mom. "Are you hungry?" She preps to feed Hope. Hope latched on quickly. "How was she when I was sleeping?"
"The medicine is kicking in, her stomach was not bad as before. I changed her diaper a few times and her fever is mostly gone. Killian and Henry are playing video games downstairs. Killian did not take a long nap as you did."
"How long was I out?"
"About 4 hours."
"Wow." She looks at Hope, "Hope looks a lot better than before."
"She does Emma. As long you and Killian giver her medicine as directed she will feel better in no time. You definitely looked refreshed."
"A little extra few hours of sleep makes a huge difference with a newborn." Hope put her hand on her mommy's chest. Emma grabbed Hope's hand and kissed it.
"Hope loves you so much, Emma."
"She is very attached to me, even though she was sick last night, we did skin to skin which made a huge difference. I love my Hope snuggles."
"Emma you are doing a great job with her."
"I am doing my best and I am happy she is getting better." She burps Hope.
"Oh, I will be right back." Snow White returns with a shopping bag. "Henry and I got a little gift for Hope." She takes out the teething rings and the giant soft books. "Hope, look what Grandma got you, baby." She looks up at her mom, "Mom she is going to love it."
"I just wanted to get something for my granddaughter to make her feel better." Snow White hands Hope a colorful teething ring. Hope puts it in her mouth. "She loves it."
"Hope, say thank you to grandma." Emma cooed. "Thank you, Grandma."
Killian enters their room, "Emma how is Hope?"
"She just ate and enjoying a toy that Grandma got her."
Killian comes over to Hope, "Little lass, you like your new toy." He kisses her on the head. "Lunch is ready. Snow you are welcome to join us."
"That will be great, thank you, Killian."
"Anytime, you are helping is so much today, it is the least that we can do." Hope began to fuss, she only wanted Emma to hold her. "Sweetie, do I have to put you in the carrier?... I love you so much to baby." Emma kissed Hope on her head. Killian got Emma the carrier and helped put Hope in the carrier. Hope was asleep on Emma's chest in the carrier and Emma ate with the rest of the family for lunch.
"Mom, let me guess Hope did not want to let you go?"
"You got that right, Henry. She wants me, me only."
"I know where Hope gets that from."
Emma giggled, "Killian."
"Sorry, love. She gets the stubbornness from you, Swan."
"I do not mind, I love my Hope snuggles, as long as she is happy, I am happy."
"Mom, we are all happy that Hope is getting better."
"Yes, let's hope for tonight her medicine works. Did you not hear all of this last night kid? The noise, Hope's crying and your Dad rushing around?"
Henry looked down at his plate. "Henry?"
"I had earplugs on while I was sleeping."
They all laughed. "Of all times you use earplugs is when your sister is sick."
"Yes, sorry about that Mom and Dad. I am going to help more today."
"Henry, you are always here to help us."
"I want to read to her later anyway."
"I know Hope, will love whatever you read to her."
After lunch, Snow White went home. Emma and Killian both worked together on giving Hope her medicine. The medicine was slowly working but Emma and Killian had to change many dirty diapers. Henry read to Hope a lot, which she enjoyed listening to her big brother. The family had another family movie night in Emma and Killian's room. Hope was held by everyone during the movie. In the following days, Hope got better with the help of the medicines, the constant care from her parents and skin to skin with her Mommy. Emma and Killian were so happy when their little girl was getting back to her normal self.

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