School Shopping

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Killian was at work. Emma was driving the family car with Henry and Hope out of town to go back to school for shopping for Henry college and Hope going to start preschool. Emma was smiling both of her children are going to school now. "Mommy, where we going?"
"We are going shopping for school supplies in a store called Target. Both you and Henry need school supplies like backpacks."
"Hope, you get to have a backpack and a matching lunch box."
"You get to choose it, Hope."
"Awesome!" Emma and Henry both smile at Hope.
Emma parks her yellow bug at Target parking lot. Henry helped his sister out of the car. Hope holds her Mommy's hand. "We are going into Target, Hope."
"Yes, we are going to get your backpack first." She gets a cart. Henry puts Hope in the seat. Henry leads his Mom and sister to the children's backpack area, of superheroes, Disney princesses, Mickey Mouse clubhouse, Peppa the Pig, and more. "Hope, you can choose your own backpack."
Emma gets The Little Mermaid backpack, which comes with a lunch box. "Here you go, Hope."
"Yay!" Hope hugs her backpack. "My own backpack." Emma smiles at Hope, her first of many school backpacks.
"Henry, do you need a new backpack?"
"I have my backpack, Mom. I do need a new one, a sturdier one. Just in case." They went to another aisle, Henry chose a new backpack. They went to the notebook and folder aisle, Henry got his folders.
Hope walked around and chose her folder. "Mommy, yellow!"
"Do you need a folder?"
"Yes, for pweschool!"
Emma smiles. "You chose the right one for preschool. You can put it in the cart." As they continued shopping, Emma let Hope chose her school supplies, markers, and crayons even though they will be supplied in the school. Emma love seeing Hope making her own decisions and is very excited to start school. Henry was getting supplies for his dorm and had his own cart for his dorm needs. Leia kicks hard. "Ow..."
Hope was getting upset, the longer Henry and Emma shopped for his dorm. "Mom, I can shop. I think Hope needs a break."
"Okay, find us when you are done. I want to see what you have."
"Okay." Henry went to another aisle to find bedding.
Emma holds Hope. "Hope, are you tired?"
"We are almost shopping, sweetie. Your brother has more school supplies than you do. After, we are going to get lunch before we go home." Emma wrapped her red leather jacket around her daughter and sat down on a red bench. "Mommy, mad."
"No, I am not mad at you sweetie. Why?"
"Leia hurt you."
"No, I am not mad...Growing your baby sister in my body makes me feel sad one minute, happy the next, and mad for a minute. Leia kicks hurt my belly. When Leia arrives, I will have more control of my emotions."
"Yes, Hope. You are correct." She hugs her daughter. "Now, we get to snuggle while we wait for Henry to finish his school shopping."
Hope hugs her Mommy. "Luv you, Mommy."
"I love you, Hopey." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Let's go to the potty." Emma walked with Hope to the bathroom and went into the stall with her. After the bathroom, Emma went to the baby clothes aisle. "Clothes for baby sis?"
"Yes, Hope. You can help me choose outfits for Leia."
"Yay!" Emma pushes the cart around looking at different months onesies knowing Leia will need winter outfits and will be growing pretty fast. She chose waffle-style onesies, and a cute infant fleece in rose pink, and a matching one for Hope. She bought girly headband bows for Leia. She also found similar outfits for Leia and Hope to match in. She also let Hope choose outfits for herself and Leia. "You and Leia are going to be wearing a lot of matching outfits."
Hope smiles. "Weally?"
"Yes! You and Leia are going to have matching outfits." She cannot wait to dressed her daughter in matching outfits. Emma also bought boxes of diapers for Leia and new big girl underwear for Hope and clothes for Henry.
Emma sees Henry's cart full of dorm supplies and snacks. "Henry, did you get everything on your list?"
"Yes, besides the whole store."
Emma laughs. "Are you almost done shopping?"
"Yes, I got Hope's school supplies, clothes for you, and for Leia." They pushed their carts to the cashier, Henry unloaded everything from both carts. He drove the family car to the front of the store so he and his Mom can load the car.
"Hungwy, Mommy."
"We are going to a restaurant soon, sweetie. After Henry and I finish putting our bags in the car."
Henry organized everything. "Mom, luckily we used this car."
"Yes, kid. Your car and my car would not fit everything we have in here."
"Can I drive?"
"Yes, you can. We need to find a place to eat."
"Yes!" He gets the key from his Mom. Emma sits in the back with Hope. Emma found a restaurant nearby. Henry got onto the highway and used GPS to Ruby Tuesdays. Henry parks the car and walked with his Mom and sister into the restaurant. Emma went to the bathroom as Henry and Hope got to their booth. Emma returns, Hope was coloring in the children's menu. After their lunch, Henry drove his Mom and sister home to Storybrooke.
When they arrived home, Henry sees Snow White. "Mom..."
Emma sees her Mom by their house. Hope was fast asleep. "Henry,stay here with Hope."
"I will, Mom."
Emma leaves the car and waddles over to her Mom. "Mom?"
"Hi, Emma. There you are."
"I was taking Henry and Hope back to school shopping..."
"Oh...I..I want to talk."
"I cannot talk right now. I have to unload the car." She waddles back to the car.
Emma opens the trunk with her keys. "Henry? You can keep the dorm supplies in the car."
"Okay, so just Hope's school supplies and rest of the clothes?"
"Yes, kid. You got it." Emma and Henry unload the ar. Henry carried the heavy bags.
Hope wakes up from her nap and gets out of her car seat. "Mommy, I help."
Emma gives Hope her backpack and light bag of her clothes. "You can carry your backpack."
"Yay!" Hope carried her bags to the house and sees her grandma.
"Hi, Hope."
"Bad!" Hope runs inside.
Emma sighs. She is exhausted and her Mom is just causing her more stress. "Mom, she is still afraid of you. Please go."
"Stop!" She was angry now. "Mom, Hope is terrified of you. This is what you did...Zelena did! If you keeping pushing, Hope, she will not trust you. Even I still do not trust you!!"
"This is what she exactly did, in your body. You are terrifying my daughter. I am going to make sure both of my children are safe." Emma carries bags in and finds Hope crying. "Hope."
"Mommy." Hope goes to her Mommy and hugs her.
Emma sits down on Hope's bed and hugs her. "She is not going to hurt you, Hope." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are staying with me." She kisses Hope on the head. Henry made sure his grandma left and continued to carry bags in. "Hope I need my little helper."
"I help."
"You can help me empty the shopping bags." Hope and Henry helped their Mom unload the clothes they bought at Target.
Allison arrives at the Swan-Jones house finding Emma organizing baby clothes in the living room. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Allison." They hug.
"How is my best friend?"
"I am good. I see chocolate."
"I baked brownies for you."
"Aw, Allison. Thank you." She takes one and bites into it. "Mm. It is so good."
"I see a huge Target haul."
Emma chuckles. "We just went shopping for school supplies, and dorm supplies today. I ended up in the baby aisle. I could not stop shopping for Leia." She shows her a maroon knitted onesie she bought.
"That is so cute!"
"I also ended up buying matching outfits for Hope and Leia." Emma showed Allison a few of the outfits she bought for her two daughters.
"They are going to look so cute in their matching outfits."
"Yes! I was so excited to have another girl because I get to put my daughters in matching outfits."
"Auntie!" Hope hugs Allison, who scooped her niece on her arms.
"Hi, Hope! I heard you went shopping today!"
"Yes, at Target with Mommy and Henwy!" Hope sat on Allison's lap as her Mommy and Aunt Allison had their girl talk.
Killian returns home finding Hope playing with Henry. "Hi, lad."
"Hi, Dad. We shopped at Target for school supplies today."
"Aye, I can tell. By the packed car outside."
"Dada!" Hope hugged her Daddy.
"How was shopping at Target?"
Killian laughs. "Aye, it was a long shopping day."
"Hope and I got our school supplies."
"New backpack."
"She chose her school supplies all by herself."
"Little love, did you get a school backpack?"
"Yes, Awiel, backpack!" Hope shows her Daddy her backpack.
"Wow! You chose that yourself?"
"Yes, Dada!"
"Where is Mom?"
"Upstairs, Dada."
"She has been folding new clothes she bought for Hope, Leia and me. She took a break when Aunt Allison came over."
"Aye, your mother is nesting."
"I figured that she was. Hope and I are going to pick up Chinese for dinner."
"Okay, lad."
"Mom drove a lot today but I drove us home from Target."
"Henwy dwive?"
"We are going to walk into town."
"Okay, walk!"
"We will be back, Dad." Henry and Hope walked into town.
Killian finds Emma folding clothes in Hope's bedroom. "I see my swan is organizing."
"Hi, Killian. I shopped a lot for Henry, Hope, and Leia. Mostly clothes for all three of them." Killian joined his swan on the carpet. "I wanted to make sure Henry has enough clothes for college besides his dorm supplies. When I got to the baby aisle, I wanted to get Leia everything. Even the toddler section for Hope, the clothes I could help myself from shopping..."
"Emma, you bought enough clothes for our three children. They are going to love them. Our daughters are going to look so cute in their outfits."
"I am not sure if I went overboard. I think...I did."
"You did not go overboard shopping for our children, Emma."
"I want to make sure our children have everything they need." She places her hand on her baby belly and remembers going to school with hand-me-down clothes, an old backpack, and no school supplies.
Killian noticed his wife's face had changed. "Emma?" He hugs his swan.
"I didn't have school supplies or new clothes for school...while I was in foster care. I always got jealous of my classmates on the first day of school wearing new outfits, hairstyles, new backpacks...everything I did not have. I was stuck wearing old hand-me-down clothes. I was always embarrassed about what I wore or what supplies I did not have. I always get laughed at...that is why I want Henry, Hope, and Leia to have everything they have for school. Always have everything they need."
"Henry has the whole car packed full of his dorm supplies. Hope loves her school backpack. You are giving our children everything they need, Emma. Our son is going to college next week, full of dorm supplies, a whole set of new outfits and art supplies. He is all ready for his freshman year of college, Emma. Hope is going to start preschool soon. They are both going to be ready for school because they have the most caring Mommy that is making sure they have what they need." He hugs his wife.
Emma kisses Killian on his cheek, smiling, and hugs him knowing he was right. They are going to give all three of their children everything they need which they did not have as children. "I love you, Killian."
"I love you, Emma." They kiss.

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