Mood Swings

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Emma began to have more cravings, mostly sweets. When Henry was staying over at Emma's house for the weekend, Emma was searching everywhere for Nutella to go with her Bearclaw.
Henry looking guilty, "Mom, I ate the last of the Nutella."
Emma said, aggravatedly, "Henry!!! You know I love Nutella with my breakfast!"
Killian rushes into the kitchen, "Emma, calm down, Henry did not know." She just leaves the room and goes out of the house slamming the door and drove to the station.
"Son, your Mom did not mean it."
"Yea, she is usually not like that."
"She is pregnant, her hormones are out of her control most of the time. Do not take it personally. The next time, please add any food items that we need on the shopping list."
"Yes, I understand. Is there any way that I can make it up to her?"
"We can go grocery shopping."
"Yes, we can get any sweets she loves."
"Yes, lad. She has been craving a lot of sweets lately."
When Killian and Henry were at the grocery shopping, they bumped into Snow White and Neal. "Henry!!"
"Hi, Neal!"
Snow, "Hi, Henry! Hi Killian!"
"Hi, Grandma!"
"Hello Snow, we are grocery shopping for Emma. We had a little incident this morning."
"What happened?"
Henry, "It was my fault. I used the last of the Nutella and Mom flipped out on me. I did not know she can get mad over food."
"Lad, she is pregnant. This is how she is going to be for the next few months."
"Henry, she is still your mom, she is just having trouble controlling her emotions, which she cannot really since the baby growing inside of her making her hormones going crazy."
"Yes, she did tell me not to take it personally, which I did already. Now, we are shopping for her cravings and helping her not feel terrible, right Dad?"
Killian patted Henry on the back "Right son."
"Let me help, I have a few ideas what to get her. What types of food she has been craving the most Killian?"
"Mostly sweets."
"Ah, I have a few ideas what you two can get her, follow me."
When Emma arrived at the station, she was exhausted with mixed emotions. She grabbed her secret stash of Oreos and ate. She felt bad for yelling at Henry.
David enters Emma's office, "Hi, Emma."
Emma sadly, "Hey."
"Emma, are you okay?"
"I am not. I yelled at Henry because he ate the last of the Nutella, which I was craving to go with my Bearclaw... I just feel...a mess."
"I am sure Henry understands."
Emma aggravatedly,"How can he understand? I am craving a lot of food all the time, I either eat all of it or get disgusted. I have no control over my body, my emotions..(groans). She walks up to the bathroom and locks the door.
David calls Snow, "Hi, Snow."
"Hi, David. What is going on?"
"I am with Emma, she kind of just had a meltdown and locked herself in the bathroom."
"Oh no. I am with Henry and Killian at the grocery store and they told me about her outburst at home. I will go with them to the station."
Snow White, Neal, Henry and Killian all arrived at the station 10 minutes later. David was pacing at the bathroom door, "She has not come out yet."
Snow, "Let me talk to her, I think she needs her Mom. Emma, please it is me. Can I come in?" The door unlocks. Snow enters the room finding Emma sitting on the bathroom floor crying "Hi, sweetie." She sits next to Emma and comfort.
Emma sniffling, "I feel horrible of what I did to Henry, and I feel awful since I do not have any control of my body or my mood swings."
Snow hugs her,"Hey, it is okay. Sweetie, all of what your feeling is completely normal. You have the right, to feel what you feel."
"I feel awful on how I yelled at Henry and just repeating the look on his face afterward..ugh."
"Henry knows that is not real you for yelling at him. He knows that you are pregnant, he knows that his Mom is not a yelling type of person before your pregnancy."
"I hope he understands."
"Well, I think he does. I have a little surprise for you outside." Snow leads her out of the bathroom. Emma sees Killian holding Neal and Henry once she stepped out of the restroom. "Henry!" She hugs him, "I am so sorry for yelling at you. I feel awful."
"Mom, it is okay. I know that it was not you yelling at me."
"Are you sure Henry?"
"Yes, by the look on your face shows me that you felt really bad for screaming. Dad and I got you something." He hands her over a bag of groceries, she opens it.
"Aww, Henry. You got me a lot of chocolate."
"Yes, we did and also a lot of clementines, they are also very sweet too."
Killian puts Neal down,"Aye, we did not want to give you all sugar. It would not be good for the babe."
"Aww. You two are so sweet." She hugs them both. "Thank you."
"Love, we will anything for you and the babe."
"I have been an emotional mess. I just feel awful." She leans her head on his shoulder.
"Hey, I have an idea, since you need a break. Do you want to sail? To keep your mind off of things."
Emma smiled."Yes, I have not been on the Jolly Roger. I think that will help."
"Dad, can I show Mom how much I improved from our lessons?"
"Yes, lad. Snow, Charming, do you want to come with us?"
Snow and Charming just looked at each other and said, "Sure." Charming, "I just need to get the dwarves to cover for us."
As Snow, Charming, Killian, and Henry prepared for sailing, Emma plays and talks with Neal. "Neal, do you know that there is a baby in my tummy?" She points at her baby bump.
"There is a baby in there?"
"Yup, you will have a baby niece or a nephew coming in the Spring."
"What is a niece and nephew?"
"The baby is your nephew and niece meaning that he or she is my baby, not mommy and daddy's they are his or her grandparents. Henry is my son like you are mommy and daddy's son. This baby is going to be Henry's baby brother or sister. Like you and I are brother and sister."
"Henry is going to be a big brother."
"Yes, he is going to be." She smiles and tickles Neal.
Killian could not help watching Emma playing with her brother. Snow walks up to Killian, "She is going to be great when the baby comes."
"Aye, I am looking forward to seeing her happy with a baby and both of us playing with the baby."
"I know, you two will be wonderful parents. It was a great idea to bring everyone out here."
"Aye, Emma needed a break. I figured sailing will take her mind off of her hormones."
"Yes. Now, look at her. I have never seen her so happy playing with Neal. You and Henry both make her happy and care for her so much."
"She helps me and I help her. I would not be the person that I am without her. By the show of hormones today. I have a feeling her mood swings will get worse?"
"Yes, it will. Just think of it once the baby comes all of her mood swings and the pain she going through will be forgotten once the baby is in her arms. When I had Emma in my arms, all of the pain was gone."
As they sailed around, Emma watched Killian teach Henry to stir the ship. "You are doing great Henry. "Thanks, Mom!"
David sits next to Emma, "Are you feeling better now?"
She smiled, "Yes, I am. I love how Killian is with Henry. I cannot wait until the baby comes." She rubs her baby bump.
"He is going to be a great father. He is amazing with Henry."
"Yes, he is. He has been so supportive, helpful even when my moods are out of my control."
"He knows once that baby comes, the baby will have his or her hand around his hook."
She chuckles continue to rub her baby bump ."Oh yes, I can imagine already. I am caring a little pirate after all."
"Yes, the baby is half royalty too you know."
"Oh yes, I know. I am grateful for having a great support system. Killian, Henry, you and Mom helping me with my pregnancy. I was alone last time."
"Emma, we all love you and here for you no matter what life throws at us. We are going to be around helping and caring for you and the baby."
"I know. This baby is lucky to have the best family ever already and does not have to worry about villains or curses."
"Yes, I know. This is one lucky baby. We are thrilled to become grandparents again, from the very beginning this time."
"I could not imagine raising a child in a town full of crazy villains, bad magic, dark ones.:
" You deserve all of the happiness because you saved us and the whole town from so many curses and evil villains. Remember you sacrificed yourself for everyone happy beginnings after the adult Gideon tried to kill you."
"I am so grateful to not be fighting villains anymore while raising a baby. I finally get to have a normal lifestyle."
"Emma, you deserve it."
"I know." She hugs him.
After their sailing adventure, everyone returned home. Henry went straight to bed because it was a school night. Emma and Killian cuddled in their bedroom. "Thanks for today. I really needed a break."
"It was my pleasure. I knew that you needed a little getaway." He kissed her on the forehead.
"I know, I am going to be very unpredictable the next few months with my emotions."
"Swan, you are carrying our child, you are creating our little bean in your body, of course, you are going to be a lot of mood swings. I love you and our bean so much already." He rubs his hook against her baby bump.
Emma smiles, "I just felt a little movement from the baby. I think the baby knows its Daddy's hook."
"Swan really?"
Emma chuckles, "Yes!" She moves his hook around her baby bump and put her hand on top of the hook.
"Mommy loves you, baby." Killians wraps his arms around Emma, she falls asleep on him. His hook hand on top of the baby bump.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora