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Emma drives her family to Regina's house. Henry talks to Hope, "Little Sis, I am going to take you to my room first. Okay?" Hope looks at her brother and gurgles. Henry takes Hope out of her car seat and out of the car. "Swan, are you ready?"
"Yes. I am just hoping it ends well."
"Aye, met to love. Henry already has Hope keeping her occupied." Emma carries the diaper bag and quilt. Henry waited for their parents to walk together to his other Mom's house. "Mom, I have a key." He opens the door. "Mom, I am home." Regina greets Henry and his family.
"Hi, Henry. Hi, Hope."
"Hi, Regina."
"Mom, I am going to take Hope to my room." He turns to his other Mom. "Mom, can I have her quilt?"
She hands Henry the quilt. "Henry, get me if she needs anything."
"I will." She talks to Hope." Hope, have fun with Henry."
"Hope, you and I are going to my room." He kisses her on the head and takes her upstairs.
"Where are Robin and the kids?"
"Robin is with the kids in the living room."
"Aye, I will say hi to him."
"Regina. How things been?"
"Work is not too busy but busy enough. How you been to a mom to newborn?"
"I love absolutely love it but tiring."
"Hope loves you all, it shows how you are with her and she is happy."
They walk to the sitting room. "Henry has been so helpful with her. How you been feeling that he has been over at my place?"
"Henry is happy with you, Killian and Hope. He loves his baby sister. As long as he is happy over at your place. I am happy."
"I am just hoping Hope does not go into hysterical crying around Rowand."
"Same here."
"Hope already had a rough few days."
"How is Hope now?"
"A few more days of her medicine she will be better." They hear Roland and Rowand running around. "How is having two kids running in the house?"
"It was challenging at first because I had to hide the many breakable items. It took time to adjust. Henry growing up here he has been a quiet one. He was not the hyper child as Roland and Rowand are."
"I can imagine that." Rowand and Roland run into the sitting room.
"Mom is Henry here?"
"Yes. He is with Hope in his room."
"Hope cries around me."
"Rowand, Hope will get used to you when she is older now she is only a little baby."
"Emma, I did not do anything to Hope."
"I know, Rowand. Hope is still new and getting to know everything and everyone. When she is older she will know how nice you are."
"Rowand, let's go back to Papa." He takes Rowand.
"Roland is so sweet to Rowand."
"Yes, I know."
"Rowand is so sweet. I still wonder how Hope knows that she is Zelena's daughter?"
"Senses, power, or magic? She is your mini-me after all."
"Yes, I support Hope if Hope has magic or a super power." They heard Hope crying. Henry brought Hope down to the sitting room.
"Mom, Hope wants you or she is hungry." Henry hands over Hope.
"Hope, Mommy got you sweetie." She puts Hope on her chest and she instantly stops crying. Emma kisses Hope on the head. "Mom is she okay?"
"She is fine, Henry. She just wanted me to hold her that is all."
"Good, I thought she was hungry or sick."
"I can tell which cry is when she is hungry. What did you two do in your room?"
"The usual, I read to her and talked to her, she listened." Henry gives Hope's his finger and grabs it. "Yes, that is my good little sis." He kisses Hope's finger. Hope smiles. Henry talks to Regina, "See, Mom. I told you that I can make Hope smile."
"Henry, I know you can. She loves you."
"Yes, Hope does. She does not give me a hard time when I babysit her."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, she does not give me a hard time when I change her or tummy time. She loves it when I read to her. I make her happy."
"Henry, I saw what you did at the hospital when she was crying nonstop your grandparents could not calm her down, you were the only one who stopped her crying."
"I was being brave for Hope, who needed me." Hope began to fuss.
"Hope, do you need a change?" She sniffs Hope. "Yes, you do."
"Mom, I can change her."
"Sure. Hope do not give Henry trouble." Henry gets Hope from their Mom and gets the diaper bag and heads up back upstairs. "Hope, Henry will change you in a minute little sis."
"Emma, I am impressed with Henry how he quickly became a responsible big brother."
"Me too. From day one, Henry has been always there for Hope since before she was born. They are very close. I had feeling once I told him that Hope was her name or even when I told him I was expecting Henry was going to be ecstatic to have a biological sibling."
"Yes. He was beyond excited when he told me that he was going to be a big brother. He has been happy ever since." They hear timer go off. "Oh, dinner is ready." They walk into the kitchen. "Roland, can you help me set the table?'
"Yes, Mom. I can help." Emma smiles.
"I will be right back, I am going to check on Henry and Hope." She passes by Killian and Robin having a few drinks. She hugs Killian. "Having fun?"
"Yes, I am swan."
"You are lucky that I am driving us home tonight."
"Aye. I am lucky."
"Yes, you better not be too drunk or you can take the early shift with Hope.
"Love, I will."
"Henry, can help me at night."
"Love, I will help you with Hope."
"Killian, I am kidding you can enjoy tonight. Drink one on me. I cannot have rum for a while."
"Hi, Robin."
"Hi, Emma. Henry is amazing with Hope. Did you teach him on how to be with Hope?'
"No, I did not. He just did the best he can with Hope since I found out I was pregnant with her and he was very involved with my pregnancy."
"Ah. Regina told me Henry knew Hope's name before anyone else."
"Yes. I told him when I was 7 months pregnant with her. Even before that he would talked to her, read it to her when she was in the womb."
"Emma he is smart lad with a caring heart. He gets it from you."
"Thank you,Robin. Oh, Regina says dinner is ready."
"Love, how should we do with Hope."
"I have an idea. I sit with Rowand at the opposite side of the table."
"Yes, I am planning on holding Hope the entire dinner."
"Love, you need to eat."
"Yes, I am going to Killian."
"The carrier is in the car. I can get it so you can eat with both of your hands."
"That is a great idea." They kiss. Killian gets the carrier as Emma goes upstairs to see her two kids. "Henry, did your sister give you a hard time?"
"No, she did not." Hope was lying on Henry's bed with Henry lying down right next to her. "What is the plan for dinner?"
She sits on Henry's bed. "Robin and I talked. I am going to hold Hope as I usually do on opposite sides of table, hoping that is far enough for Hope and Rowand. Dinner is ready."
"Mom, I can carry her downstairs." They walk together downstairs.
"Have you gave Hope a tour yet?"
"Not yet. I am going to give Hope a tour later." When they reached the dining room everyone was waiting for them. Regina made grilled chicken with kale salad on the side. Hope begins to cry. "Hope Henry got you little sis." She cries louder. "Mom. She wants you." He hands over his sister to their Mom.
"Hope, Mommy has you baby. It is okay. Shh...shh." Hope grips Emma.
"Mom, I can get her quilt. I will be right back."
"Love, do you want the carrier?"
"I think just holding her now like this is fine. She wants to be held. You know shes wants me, me only."
"Aye. I know where she gets it from." Everyone giggles.
"Emma, she is definitely is your mini-me."
"Yes, she is Regina." She takes her phone out to show Regina the photo. "Check out the photo. This proves it."
"Emma, Hope is your mini-me in this photo." She shows the photo to Killian and Robin.
"Swan when did you take this photo?" Regina hands Emma's phone back to her.
"A few days ago while you were on the Jolly Roger. I wanted to make sure the jacket fits her but it is a little too big for her now." Henry returns with Hope's quilt. "Thank you Henry." She covers Hope with her quilt. "Hope, Henry brought your favorite quilt." Hope smiles and falls asleep.
"Mom, she is comfy on you."
"Yes Hope is and now she is asleep, kid." Emma tried to eat but Hope would fuss everytime Emma tried to eat.
"Love, I am almost done. I can hold her for a little while."
Emma look at Hope's sleeping position."We can try. She is still gripping my shirt even though she is asleep." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Mom, is she gripping you because she is nervous?"
"Nervous or afraid or both."
After Roland and Rowand ate, "Henry."
"Yes. Roland."
"Can you play with us?"
"Sure. I am finished eating anyways." He follows Roland and Rowand the living room to play with them.
"Love, I can hold Hope."
"We can try." She talks to Hope. 'Hope, Daddy wants you sweetie." She hands over Hope to Killian.
"Hope, Daddy got you little lass." Hope moves around in Killian's arms and stays asleep.
"I can finally eat." She eats her meal.
"Killian, how's being a Dad?'
"Oh, I love it. Hope and I have our special conversations. I already showed her how the ship works."
"Captain guy-liner, I am not surprise."
"Aye, after all she is part pirate and princess." He rubs Hope's cheek. "My little pirate-princess. She loves the ocean."
"Not pools?" They all laugh except Robin.
"What is the joke?"
"I hate chlorine, fake water that just sits there.I learned the hard way at our babymoon trip."
"Killian, I was thinking of getting Hope a baby pool to fill up with water hose."
"As long it is not chlorine. She can get a baby pool."
"From what I saw yesterday, I have a feeling you will use the backyard a lot."
"Yes, we will for either art or a pool."
"How is art in backyard?"
"Well, lets just say Henry and I had a paint war yesterday, it was fun and very messy."
"When Killian showed me, I was in shock. You should have seen them Henry and Emma both covered in many layers of paint colors."
"Aye, it was easier to show you. Hope had fun too."
"She loved it."
"Aye, better than the clay mold thing, Henry got her feet dirty from making your mother's day present."
"She was smiling getting dirty. She loves art or loves getting messy from your side."
"Love, I may be a pirate not messy."
"Well, she gets the love of art from me then." Hope wakes up.
"Little lass, you are awake. Did you have nice nap?" He kisses her on the head. Hope moves around in her Daddy's arms and coos. They all smile at Hope.
"Robin, does Rowand know that Zelena is in the psych-ward?"
"No, we are not telling her."
"Yes, Emma we agreed to give Rowand a normal childhood as much as possible without telling her about her birth mom craziness. As far as Rowand knows, I am her mom. Anyways, we can have dessert in the sitting room." Robin helps Regina clean up. Killian hands over Hope to Emma. She begins to cry. "Hope, are you hungry? Mommy will feed you now sweetie." She takes Hope to the sitting room to feed Hope. Emma gets the burp towel and cover to feed Hope. She preps and Hope latches on instantly. Rowand comes in the sitting room. "Emma, what are you doing?"
"Feeding Hope."
"Come here." She shows a little peek of Hope eating from her and covers Hope.
"Why does she eat from you?"
"She does not take the bottle. She wants to be fed by me only."
"Well, when she was growing inside of my belly, she was fed by me, grown inside me for nine months. She and I have a special bond. Hope wants to be closer to me."
"You are Henry's Mommy?"
"Yes, I am."
"Did you feed him?"
"No. I did not."
Robin rushes to Rowand and picks her up."Why?"
"Rowand that is enough questions for Emma." He talks to Emma. "I am so sorry."
"It is alright. I did not have any flashbacks."
"Dad, Emma showed me how Hope eats."
"Yes, I did."
"Rowand, how about you get some ice cream from kitchen."
"Yes." Robin puts Rowand down and she rushes to the kitchen.
"Emma, I am sorry she asked you personal questions."
"That is okay. Luckily you did came in when you did. She was about to ask about Henry's adoption and father."
"How is Hope?"
Emma peeks at Hope from under the cover who eating. "She is happy and eating away."
She switches Hope to the other side to eat. "How is being a mom from the beginning?"
"I love being a mom to a newborn except the no sleep part. Everything else, I really and loving it."
"Emma it is about time you have your normal lifestyle."
"Yes, coming from a running away from the foster system, being in jail for a crime I did not commit, having Henry in juvie, and being a bailbonds person to a savior. I am loving this normal life."
"It is about time."
Emma smiles. "Yes, finally. I am enjoying being a mother of two. I am still getting used to manage my time equally."
"Trust me, I still struggle with that for the past 2 years. It kind of gets easier."
"They are closer in age. Hope and Henry are 15 years apart."
"They already a really close bond, Emma. They are going to be close no matter how big the age gap is." Hope finished eating and was in a milk coma.
Regina and Killian entered the sitting room with coffee and cheesecake. "Emma, I got decaf coffee for you."
"Thank you."
"Love, how is Hope." She takes a peek at her daughter and smiles. "What is it love?"
"Hope is in a milk coma. Look." Emma shows him.
Killian smiles. "Hope is so cute while she is milk drunk."
Emma giggles. "Now, I know where she gets that from." Regina and Robin laugh. "I am only kidding." She kisses Killian on the cheek.
"I don't take it personally, Swan."
Henry enters the sitting room. "Roland and Rowand are upstairs. I tired them out."
"Thank you, Henry."
"Welcome, Robin." He sits down next to Regina. "Mom, can you please give me Dr.Cameron's information before I leave tonight. So I can talk to her about the summer job."
"Mom, did Hope let you eat?'
"Yes, your sister let your Dad hold her."
"I had a feeling taking Rowand out of the room would lessen Hope's nervous."
"It definitely worked kid."
"How is Hope?"
"She is fed and in a milk coma." Hope makes a sound. "Hope, you are awake." She burps Hope.
"Mom, can I hold her?"
"Yes, you can." Henry takes Hope from his Mom. Emma had cheesecake and coffee. "Regina, thank you for the decaf coffee I have not had coffee in almost a year."
"Your welcome." She looks at Henry holding Hope. "I am pretty sure not having coffee for a year is worth seeing Henry and Hope together."
"Yes. it is all worth it." They watch Henry playing with Hope.
Killian checks the time. "Love, it is getting late. We should be heading home."
"Yes. Hope needs to go to bed. Henry, it is time for us to go." Hope begins to cry.
"Hope, I am coming home with you little sis. Do not cry." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope grips on his shirt. All of the adults were in awe of Hope's interaction with Henry. "Mom, I will bring her to the car." Regina walks out with Henry and Hope.
"Emma and Killian it was great seeing you both."
"Aye, it was. Thank you for having us." They gathered Hope's quilt, carrier and the diaper bag. As they head out, Henry was in the car with Hope and Regina talking to him. They listened in on their conversation until it was over.
"Mom, I will come over more."
"Henry, you are different here than there."
"I love both of my families, they are different that is all."
"Yes, you are happier over there than here."
"Yes, it is true. I am happier over there because it is more normal." Hope begins to cry. He talks to Hope. "Hope, Henry is right here little sis. I am not going anywhere." He gets Hope from her car seat and comforts her. Emma cuts in. "Henry, give me Hope." Emma whispers to her son,"Be honest with your Mom nicely kid." Emma brings Hope to Killian.
"Love, what is going on?"
"I have a feeling Henry kept in some feelings from Regina from the sound of it and expressing them now."
"Normal? What do you mean normal?"
"Yes, normal. Not having a step cousin/ sister that has a crazy witch mother who tricks your husband to have a child with her for revenge on you and then threatens my mom and my sister not once but twice."
"I know my Mom could not raise me. I understand that. I wanted the white picket fence life with no magic, which is I am getting at their house. A normal family that you can be honest with each other. I cannot be completely honest here. Do you know how stressful and how hard it is to keep my mouth shut every time when Rowand calls you Mom? I cannot say this out loud, 'Rowand, she is not your mom she is your aunt.' When I know how she was conceived which is awkward enough."
"Henry, I do not use magic anymore. I had no idea how you feel about Rowand. Why you did not tell me about it before?"
"You never asked, Robin brought Rowand here. I did not have a say, which was happening when I was over here more. I cannot have an honest conversation with Robin about it because all of things I wanted to say I cannot say. Everytime, I am in the house, the awkward tension is in there. I am happy you are happy with Robin, he is a great guy. It just the tension of being the house environment knowing who Rowand's real mother is just too much for me to handle."
"Henry, Rowand is 2 years old, she is not going to understand any of it. Robin and I decided to tell her when she older."
"When is that going to be? I do not like keeping secrets."
Regina sighs. "Henry, I love you. I am sorry you feel this way. I had no idea how you felt at all."
"Mom, I love you so much. You are my family." He hugs her. "I just need to be in the less awkward environment that is not causing me stress. By the way, Roland asks me why Rowand does not look like you. He does not even know who his sister's real mom is?"
"Yes, Robin and I are going to talk to him. We are not talking to Rowand until she is older."
"I cannot be in that awkward environment anymore, I am sorry Mom."
Regina hugs him. "Henry, I am sorry you feel this way. Families are not always perfect. How about, for now, I visit you at Emma's instead."Emma gives Hope to Killian and comes over.
"Does this mean I can live with Emma and Dad? I can bring more stuff from my room?" Regina sigh.
"Henry, I know that you are stressed. Imagine how your Mom and Robin are both feeling the same way your feeling."
"Mom, how do you feel?"
"Henry, I used a potion to make me infertile, so I adopted you and then adopted Rowand once Zelena lost custody of her. I love you both and Roland. From what my insane sister did was messed up but I have a daughter that I never could have."
"Mom, you could have adopted a child that needs a home."
"Yes. Henry. I could have."
"Dad told me how you and jumped into the time portal with the Marian/Zelena. You could have left her there. Zelena would not be here no hurting both of my families."
'Kid, I hate what Zelena as much as you do, I had no idea that it was her in the past. I would not live with myself for leaving her off to die."
"But Mom, Robin would not have Rowand than with my crazy aunt."
"Henry, knowing my sister she would have come back somehow in her messed up ways."
"Mom, I cannot stand the stress anymore." He starts to cry. " Can I stay at my other mom's house? Please?" He asked them both. Regina comforts Henry until he calms down.
Killian comes with Hope. "Swan, we need to talk." He hands over Hope to Henry. "Now that you are in my arms Hope, which makes me happy." He kisses Hope on the head. All three adults talk. "I know I do not have the say in the matter but Henry is unhappy."
"What I do not get is why he did not tell me any of this until now?"
"Mom." They all turn around. "I did not tell you any of this because I do not want to ruin your happiness with Robin. Even though it was stressing me out, I want you to have your happy ending even though I am not here all the time."
"Kid, you are being honest now. Regina is your mom. Are you sure you want to stay with us most of the time?"
"Mom, I am happy with Hope you and dad. I can be myself and I am not stressed out in my own home. When I am here, it is like keeping a dark secret, which sucks. I cannot express my feelings only when my mom and I are alone."
Emma talks to Regina and Killian away from Henry. "Regina. He is stressed out and unhappy here."
"Now, I know. I don't get why he not opens up to me as he is to you?"
"I do not know Regina. He has been keeping his feelings in about this situation for 2 years. If he continued he would have had walls up like me.At least when he is over my house his walls are broken. I know you must be hurting both of you are hurting."
"Yes. I sure am. Henry cares about my happy ending than his own feelings." She sighs. "I do not want him to be walled up and stressed. If it is okay, with you two Henry can move in."
Emma looks at Killian. "Henry can stay at our house, love you know that."
"Henry can stay at my house for how long he wants only, he needs to visit you or you can visit him whenever you want."
"I am definitely will visit him or he can visit me at my office."
"Henry, come here."
Henry comes with Hope. Emma takes Hope and let them have their own private conversation. "Mom, are you mad?"
"Henry, I am sorry I made you feel like this for so long. I am hurt you could not come to me." She hugs him.
"Mom, it is not just Hope and having a normal life. The stress of not being able to be open at my own home about this situation, I could not bare anymore. I love you, Mom." He hugs her.
"I love you too Henry." Regina wiped tears from her eyes. "You could have told me how you felt."
"Mom, I did not want to ruin your happy ending not just for me."
"Henry you are my caring thoughtful son, no matter what. I cannot believe you kept these feelings in for a very long time."
"I know, I just could not ruin your happiness."
"Henry, you can live with Emma and your Dad but on one condition. You visit me at the office or I can visit you."
"Yes, I can definitely do that. Even though I want to live with my other Mom, I still want to see you. You are my Mom still." He hugs her.
"Yes, I am Henry. You can call me if you want to talk to me."
"I will call or bother you at the office."
"You can come to my office anytime." They hug. "I just want you to be happy. I am sorry you felt like this for so long."
"Mom, it sucked. I did not want to make you sad and destroy your happy ending."
"You can visit me anytime you want."
"I will." He turns to Killian. "Dad, can you help me bring some of my stuff to the car?"
"Sure, lad." The boys went back in the house. Emma held sleeping Hope and walks over to Regina. "Regina..."
"Emma, I am going to be okay. I am just hurt he did not tell me any of this. He kept to himself, his feelings far too long. I cannot force him to stay here if he is stressed about the family situation or cannot even express his feelings."
"Regina, you can visit him anytime. I will text you updates on him all the time. He will be more open to you when he visits you at the office other than at your home."
"I know. Henry living with you is the best for him."
"Yes, I do not want our son to be walled up with emotions that he cannot express."
"Now, I know how you felt when I could not allow him to be with you, you know when he was 10."
"Yes. Regina, Henry is going to be happier seeing you when you or him visit each other. He will open up, which definitely will."
"I know. If he babysits Hope, he can bring her to my office."
"Thank you, I think they both would like that." Henry, Robin and Killian came out carrying Henry's items and clothes he want to bring back to Emma's house. Hope begins to fuss. "Hope, we are going home in a few minutes baby."
"Emma, take care of Henry."
"Regina, of course I will. I will never let anything happen to him. You know that by now. I will call you if anything comes up with him."
"You are going to be in his life Regina, no matter what."
" I know."
"Please do not go back to evil."
"I am not going back to my old ways swan that is for sure. He needs to be in an environment where he needs to be happy and not stressed."
"I am sorry this turns out like this."
"He is not happy, he needs to be where he is. He is still going to see me. I don't mind him living with you, knowing he will be safe."
"He will Regina. I promise you." Hope begins to cry. "Okay, sweetie. Mommy is going to drive us home."
Regina talks to Hope. "Little Hope, make sure Henry is loved all the time." Hope coos. "He is not happy at my home but I know you and your parents make him happy all the time. You and Henry can visit me at my office?" Hope smiles which makes Regina smile. "I am looking forward to seeing you at my office with Henry."
The boy finished loading the car. Emma brings Hope to the car. Henry goes to his Mom and hugs her. "Mom. I love you."
"I love you too Henry." She hugs him and kisses him on the head. "You can come to my office anytime and you can bring Hope with you if you are babysitting her."
"I will. I am going to miss you."
"We will see each other all the time not here."
"I am sorry I held my emotions in I did not want to ruin your happy ending."
"Henry you are my caring son, I love you always. I am still going to visit you."
"Yes, I will visit you too and call you if I need anything." They hug. Hope was crying very loudly.
"Henry, we need to go it is way past your sister's bedtime."
"Coming, Mom." He talks to Regina. "I will call you tomorrow." He hugs Regina. "I love you."
"I love you too, Henry. I know this is the right decision for your happiness." He hugs Regina very tight. "Go, your sister needs to be home and you have to unload your stuff." Henry goes to Robin and shakes his hand and heads in the car. Regina watches the Swan-Jones family drive off. Robin hugs Regina. "I love Henry. I am still going to see him."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"He sacrificed his own feelings for my happy ending." She goes inside the house. "This is all of my sister's fault."
On the way home, Hope was crying. "Hope, Henry is right here little sis. Do not cry." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope calms down grabs his face and he smiles. "I love you too Hope." Killian put his hook hand on Emma's leg and rubs it. When they arrived home, "Love, I will start unloading the car." They kiss. Emma went to back to where the kids were sitting.
"Henry, we got to talk. Is this the reason why you like living with us because the home environment is better?"
"Yes. I am always relieved when I came to visit you. I hate keeping secrets at my other house and cannot express what I feel and the stress of knowing something and cannot say it is the worse."
"I understand that completely. Henry, we are happy you are staying here you are always welcome to stay with us."
"I know. I am going to visit my other Mom all the time, not in the house. I am mostly going to miss her not the others. Truthfully, I was only happy there when I was with her. Robin makes her happy which is the only reason I like him, that is it."
"Is that why you call Killian Dad because you do not like Robin?"
"Killian is my dad, he helps me with school work, guides me, talks to me and always there to listen."
"We are happy to have you here especially it makes you happy." Hope makes a loud noise. "Hope is especially happy you are living here all the time. Right baby?" Hope makes a noise and smiles.. "Last question, what made you tell Regina on the home situation tonight?"
"She asked me why I am different at your house and her house. I could not lie to her anymore and the truth came out." She hugs him.
"We both love you."
"I know. Mom, I am going to help Dad unload the car and organize my room." He leaves the car.
"Hope, your brother is staying here all the time now. I know you are happy because he is staying here since we all make Henry happy." Emma takes Hope, her diaper bag and quilt back to their house. Killian helps Emma carry the diaper bag and quilt. "Thank you."
"Your welcome love. How are you feeling about Henry moving in here?"
"He told me that he had a normal family environment here, I did not know what he meant until he told Regina tonight. He is happy here."
"Emma we are all happy that he is going to be here. I know Hope is going to be happy that her brother won't leave."
"Yes, you got that right. I feel sorry for Regina. She is still his mother."
"I know, love. He was not happy there and the stress was eating him."
"I know the feeling. I am just happy he can be himself around us and we are breaking his walls."
"Aye, that what we do." They kiss. Hope cries.
"Hope, Mommy will change you, sweetie. It is way past your bedtime." She takes Hope to her room and changes Hope diaper and put her pajamas on. Emma kisses Hope on the cheek and rocks her to sleep. When Hope falls asleep Emma kisses her on the forehead and quietly put Hope in her crib. Killian helped Henry organize his stuff. "How's it going in here?"
"I have to arrange a few things but everything will fit." Killian and Emma both helped arrange his room. After they were done, Henry hugs his Mom. "Thank you for letting me stay."
"Henry, you told me a little bit why did you wait so long to say what you needed to say?"
"I could not handle the stress anymore."
Emma hugs him. "I am happy that you are staying here with us, you know that you are always welcome here."
"Yes, I am already feeling relieved."
"I am glad that we can help.Go to bed soon it is past midnight."
"Yes, Mom. I will." He hugs her and kisses her. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Henry." Emma checks on Hope who was still fast asleep. Emma returns to her room to Killian waiting for her. She just hugs him. "Emma, are you okay?"
"What a night. Hugging you is relieving my stress. I cannot believe Henry moved in here with us. I knew something was wrong but I did not ask him about it."
"Love, that whole situation at Regina's is between him and Regina."
"I know. I can see why he was always so happy here with us and Hope."
"Aye. We were helping him then and now."
"I now understand why he looks up to you so much as a Dad."
"Why is that Swan?"
"He talks to you about anything to you, he opens up while he is here, you help him with his schoolwork, guide him to be a man and he can be honest with you, which he could not be to Robin."
"Aye. We are both making Henry happy and well."
"Yes, we continue." They kiss and get ready for bed. Emma falls asleep first. Killian checks up on both of the kids. He checks on Henry. "Lad, you are my son even though you are not biologically related. I will never treat you different and be there for both of you and your sister. Your Mom and I are happy that you are here living with us that makes you happy mentally and physically.We love you, Henry."

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now