The Accident

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Emma was driving through town in her yellow bug with Henry and Hope in the back, with Hope babbling to Henry. Suddenly, a large truck came driving fast at them, "Shit!!" She quickly turns to the sidewalk and crashes the gate in front of Granny's while the truck ran into the barbershop. The yellow bug smashes into the gate and hits Emma's body against the steering wheel. Emma was in shock, her heart was pounding so fast, her stomach was hurting her and she couldn't believe what just happened to them, she was shaking, covered with glass and blood. She looked back at Henry holding onto his sister, who was crying. "Henry, are you and Hope are okay?"
Henry was in shock. "Yes, we are. Mom, you are bleeding."
"I am alright, Henry." She looks back and sees the truck causing accident into a building.
"Mom, stay where you are. I know you are hurt. I am going to call Dad." He calls his Dad. "Dad!"
"Henry, what is wrong?"
"W-we got into a car accident, Mom is hurt, Hope I are fine. Truck..caused us to crash into Granny's fence and the truck ran into the barbershop."
Killian's heart dropped, his family was in danger. "Henry, stay with your Mom and sister. We are on the way. Stay where you are." They ended their phone conversation.
"Henry, stay here with Hope."
"Yes, Mom." He faces his sister. "Hope, we are okay. Mommy is going to be sheriff or mama bear mode or both." Emma gets out of the car and sees Granny and Red. "Emma, I already called your Dad."
"Thanks, Granny. Can you watch Henry and Hope?"
"Sure. The truck driver crashed into the barbershop. He did not escape."
"He will once he faces the wrath of me." Granny knew Emma was in shock.
"Emma, you need to stay put..." Emma was mad as she saw the big truck crashed into the building causing destruction and put her life and her family in danger. Red helps Emma through the damaged truck, and the driver, unconscious. "Who is this man?" Emma hears sirens and cars coming. Killian arrives first followed by Regina. Regina arrives and goes to see what happened and sees Henry in the yellow bug with Granny and checks up on him. Killian saw the accident site which made his heart drops and saw his wife by the truck and runs to her. "Emma!!"
"Killian!!" They hug.
"Emma, are you alright?" He noticed her shaking.
"This man almost ram my car...I swerved into Granny's fence..." Killian looks at his swan and checks on his wife. "Emma, did you hit your head?"
"No..I wore my seatbelt."
"You are bleeding and shaking..."
Emma was in tears. " I do not know who that man in that truck who almost ran Henry Hope and me over..." He holds his wife's hands which calms her down a little bit.
"Emma, you need to get checked out. Your Dad, Lily and Mulan will be on the case." Granny carries Hope to Emma and Killian. Emma gets Hope from Granny and rubs her back as Hope dug her face into her Mommy's chest. "Hopey... you are with Mommy baby girl. We are safe. shhh...shh..."
Henry rushes to his Mom. "Mom."
"Henry." He hugs his Mom and sister. "Are you okay?"
"Mom, I am not hurt." Regina comes to Emma.
"We are going to get checked out by your aunt."
"Emma, we are going to get this man help and arrested."
"I do not know who that man is...I never saw him before." A crowd was forming around the accident site. Charming arrives at the crime scene with the dwarves, he immediately goes straight to his daughter, "We are on the case, Emma. I will update you." Hope cried more and hugs her Mommy, Emma was shaking. "I will bring your yellow bug over to the repair shop." Killian holds Hope. "Thanks, Dad." He orders the dwarves, Mulan and Lily to close off the area.
"Little love, you are with Daddy." He rubs Hope's back. "Emma, you and the kids need to get checked out. You are shaking and bleeding. I am going to take you there."
"But the case..." Emma blacks out and fall.
"Emma!!" Killian caught his wife with his hook hand-arm, as Henry took Hope who was wailing. Charming helps Killian hold his daughter.
"Mom!!!" Regina holds onto Henry.
"Charming, she fainted from the shock."
"She needs to go to the hospital now." Charming got EMT's to get Emma in the ambulance as Killian escorts his family in the ambulance. Red brings Emma's car to the repair shop.
"Killian, I will meet you there once we get this man out of his truck and get this whole area blocked off." Regina closes the door and works on the accident site. Charming follows the ambulance by a patrol car while Lily and Mulan on the case. "Dad?"
"Henry, can you hold your sister?"
"Yes." Henry holds Hope was still crying, "Mommy is going to be okay, little sis."
Killian holds Emma's hands. "Emma, I am right here love."
"Mom was driving the right way."
"I know lad."
"We did not expect to see that truck."
"I know whoever drove that truck Mom was going on mama bear mode."
"I can imagine that..." When the ambulance arrives, Charming was there, "Charming, watch the kids. They need to be checked out by Allison."
"I will be with them, Killian. Emma needs you."
"Henry, I will get you once your Mom wakes up. Stay with your grandpa and watch Hope."
"Yes, Dad."
"Little love, be a good little pirate for Grandpa and Henry. I am going to be with Mommy. When she wakes up, I am going to bring you and Henry to her." He kisses Hope on the head. Charming brings them to the pediatric ward while Killian follows his wife with the EMT's. EMT rushes Emma on a stretcher into the emergency room, Allison sees her best friend. "Car accident caused her to go into shock." Killian was at Emma's side.
"Killian, what happened?"
"A truck was heading into Emma's way, she swerved into the gate of Granny's. Henry called me and when I arrived she was trying to figure out who the driver was and she was shaking and she passes out."
"Killian, Emma is going to be okay. The truck driver is Whale's case." Allison examines Emma. "Did she hit her head?"
"She told me she did not hit her head." A nurse came by and gave Allison a cold cloth on Emma's head and puts IV in her arm. Allison took the glass out of her hair, Killian was putting the cool rag on his wife's head and quietly talking to her, "Emma, I am right here swan. I am right here. You are safe. I love you, Emma."
Emma wakes up seeing IV in her arm and Killian next to her. "Killian?"
"Emma. I am right here, love. You are at the hospital."
"I am stomach hurts..." Allison examines Emma and finds blood coming out of her and a bad bruise on her stomach.
"I need an operating room, stat. Emergency surgery now!" Nurses rush around Ema prepping her for internal surgery. Killian holds his wife's hand.
" Emma you need surgery, I have to figure out what is causing the internal bleeding."
He hugs his wife. "I am right here. You are going to be alright love."
"I love you."
"I love you, my Emma." They kiss. "I will be at your side when your surgery is over." He did not let go of her hand until Allison and nurses rush Emma to the operating room. Allison preps for surgery. A nurse takes off Emma's clothes and puts a gown on her and put surgery hat for her hair. An anesthesiologist puts a mask on Emma, "Emma, count back from ten."
"10,9,8,7...." Emma fast asleep. Allison numb Emma's stomach where she sees the bruises and cuts her open to find the internal bleeding, she used tools to suction up the blood. She found the blood vessel of where the internal bleeding was caused by Emma's uterus, she sees an embryo... "I need Dr.Claire now!" A nurse rushes to find Dr.Claire. "No...Emma doesn't even know." Dr.Claire rushes into the operating room. "Dr.Claire, I need your that what I think it is?"
"Yes, Allison. Emma was 5 weeks pregnant."
"She did not even know that she was pregnant...again. The car crash caused her to miscarry." Allison was in tears. "I need a blood donation from her family member!" A nurse rushes out to find the Swan-Jones family for the blood donation."Allison, her uterus needs to fix up. I can help."
"I can do the surgery. Just telling my best friend that will devastate her again..."
"I can be the one telling her about her miscarriage."
"Thank you, I am her surgeon."
"No, you are her best friend. I am going to help you in this case." They work on the surgery together.
Killian finds Henry and Hope with Charming in the pediatric ward. "Dad."
"Son." They hug.
"Dada." Killian gets Hope from Charming.
Hope was crying. "Little love, you are with Dada. Dada is here. You are safe." He gave Hope kisses on her head and bounced her up and down until she calmed down.
"They both are checked out by Allison's partner, they are alright no injuries. How is Emma?"
"Emma is having emergency surgery right now, the car accident caused her to have internal bleeding."
"Dad, Aunt Allison is the best doctor, Mom is going to be alright."
"You are right, lad. Are you hungry?"
"Yes, starving. We were on the way home to have lunch until the accident." He puts his hand on his son's shoulder. "How about we order Granny's?"
"Great idea." Killian takes his children to the waiting room, Charming gets a phone call from Lily. Killian calls granny's to get their food delivered.
"Killian, Emma's car is at the repair shop. Mulan and Lily have secured the accident areas. The dwarves had to help them because most of the town has to be redirected another route. Regina also got construction workers to fix Granny's fence but the barbershop will take much longer to prepare." Hope began to cry and tugs her Daddy's hook. "Hope, you are with dada, little love. Mommy will be out of surgery soon."
"Dad, I am going to help with Mom's recovery."
"We are all going to help her, lad." Hope babbled. "Yes, I know you are going to help Mommy during her recovery, you are going to keep her company." Hope babbled.
"Hopey, you want a story?" Hope reaches out for her brother.Henry sits on the chair with Hope on his lap. Hope turns around and hugs him. "Hope, Mommy is going to be okay little sis. She is going to be in pain for a while but we are going to help her. For now, we are having Henry and Hopey time."
"Charming, before Emma fainted she wanted to figure out who the truck driver was."
"Yes, the truck driver is still in surgery, his surgeon is Whale. I am going to interview him once he wakes up."
"Aye, I know Emma wants to punch him in the face."
"I am not that surprised."
"Gramps, Mom was in mama bear mode when she was trying to figure out who that driver was." Hope babbled and moves around. "Hope, we can walk around."
"Lad, make sure your sister doesn't walk too far and not cause mischief."
"Yes, Dad. I will be walking with Hope." Henry walks around with Hope. Snow White came into the waiting room with Leo. "Charming, I saw the accident site in town. I saw a truck in the barbershop. What was the accident caused by? Killian, what are you doing here?"
"The truck driver was driving towards Emma's car and she swerved the yellow bug into Granny's gate. She is having emergency surgery from internal bleeding caused by the crash."
"Oh my gosh..." Leo runs to Henry and Hope. Hope began to cry.
"Mommy..." Henry carries Hope to their Dad.
"Dad." Killian holds Hope.
"Little love, Dada is holding you. Your mean little uncle is not going to hurt you." Hope grips her Daddy.
"Snow, I am working until I figure out who caused our daughter's car accident."
"Grandma the truck was heading right towards us, so Mom swerves the car to Granny's and Mom got out to see the man was..."
Leo goes to Killian and Hope. "Hope!" Hope cries more.
"Grandma please take Leo away from here. He is scaring Hope, she has been through enough today."
"Henry, no."
"Snow, take Leo home. I am going to update you about Emma's surgery."
"I am her mother."
Henry takes Hope from their Dad and takes her away from their evil uncle. "Aye. Emma made it clear to you that you are not in her life anymore. She doesn't want you here to cause more stress for her and our children. My family has been through enough today, we do not need any stress. "
"Fine, we will go. Charming, promise me that you get the man who caused our daughter car accident and surgery."
"You have my promise, Snow. I am mad as you and Killian are for him hurting our daughter and our grandchildren. Please take Leo home. He is only making things worse here for Hope, Henry, and Killian."
"Call me for updates on Emma."
"I will." They kiss.
"Leo, we are leaving."
"Mom, I want to bother Hope." Snow White tugs Leo's shirt and leads him out of the waiting room. Ruby delivered their lunch to them. "Hi, Henry. Hi, Hope."
"Hi, Ruby. Hope say hi to Ruby." Hope babbled.
"How are you and Hope, Henry?"
"We are both alright. Mom is having emergency surgery, the car crash caused her to bleed.."
A nurse came by, "Emma Swan-Jones family." Killian, Charming, and Henry holding Hope went to the nurse. "Emma needs a blood transplant."
"I am her father, I will donate blood."
"Me too. She is my Mom."
"We better hurry.."
"Why? What is wrong with my wife?"
"She needs a blood transplant. I need blood donations now." Henry gives Hope to their Dad, he and Charming follow the nurse to another room. Hope began to cry. "Little love, you need to eat and naptime." Hope cried more. Killian sits down with Hope and hand-feeds his lass her lunch, which made her stopped crying. "Good little love. You are eating your lunch." Hope babbled. "You were just hungry."
"She likes my Granny's cooking."
"Aye, she loves pancakes and grilled cheese."
"Emma is so lucky to have you, Killian. You are an amazing father and husband."
"Thank you, I will always be there for my family. Hope wants her Mommy so do I...her having a car accident her surgery is making me so scared...."
"Emma will recover with you helping her..."
"Aye, I will always be there for my swan." Henry and Charming returns, with Regina. "Lad, how did the blood donation went?"
"They took a lot of blood. I just need to eat."
"Sit down and eat. Your sister just about finished with her meal." Hope babbled.
"Little sis, after I eat want to play?" Hope smiled. He gave Hope a kiss and eats his meal.
"Regina, how is the accident site?"
"It was hard to get here with all of the redirected streets. I had to concentrate on who was going to do what working on the barbershop and taking the damaged truck. Any news on the truck driver?"
"No, not yet. Emma and the truck driver are both in surgery still."
In the surgery room, Allison fixed the internal bleeding, as the nurse returned with the donated blood. A nurse prepped Emma for blood transfusion while Allison and Dr.Claire fixed Emma's uterus. Allison closed her up and the nurses put the savior in the recovery room. Allison finds the Swan-Jones family in the waiting room. Killian saw her first, "Allison. How is my wife?" She sat down next to him, Hope and Henry and Charming and Regina. "Emma's internal bleeding was caused by the car crash."
"Allison, can I be with her?"
"Of course, Killian."
"Lad, can you watch Hope?"
"Dad, Hope and I..."
Allison puts her hand on Henry's shoulder. "Henry, I will get you when your Mom wakes up. She is in wires and on oxygen. It will scare Hope."
"I want my Mom." Henry began to cry which made Hope cry. Killian hugs Henry and Hope. "Lad, your Mom is going to wake up very soon, you and Hope will join us. She needs to rest. I know you and I will help her in her recovery, right son?"
"Yes, Dad. Mom has us."
"That is right, my son." Henry hugs his Dad. "I will get you and Hope when she wakes up." Henry takes Hope from their Dad. "Little love, be a good little lass for Henry. Daddy will take you to Mommy soon." Allison guides Killian to Emma's recovery room. He saw his wife on machines, IV wires, blood transfusion, and oxygen machine. "Is she..?"
"Killian, she just had a big surgery. It will take her time to wake up."
"How much pain will she be in?"
"She will be in a lot of pain for a long time."
"Aye, I am not going to leave her side."
"She will wake up once the anesthesia wears off." Killian pulls up a chair next to wife and holds her hand. Allison leaves the room. "My Emma...I am right here. You had a big surgery...I am going to help you while you recover. You are not alone, swan. You are going to get through this with me on your side." He begins to cry into her. "I am right here, Emma. You are not alone, my swan."
Allison returned back to the waiting room to check up on Henry and Hope. Hope was squirming out of Charming's arms. "Hope.."
"Mommy..." Henry was crying and hugging Regina.
"Charming, I can hold Hope." She holds Hope in her arms. "Hopey, I am right here little niece. You are going to see your Mommy soon, little." She gave Hope kisses to calm her down. "How is my mom aunt Allison?"
"She is still asleep from the anesthesia. Your Dad is next to her so when she wakes up, she is with him." Hope cried more. "Sweetie, do you want to go see your Mommy and Daddy?" Hope nods her head. "How about we can have auntie and Hopey time in my office. I know you have been in the waiting room all day, right? You can play in my office. When the nurse calls me to tell me that your Mommy is awake, we can go see her."
"Aunt Allison, can I come too?"
"Yes, Henry. You and Hope can stay in my office." Henry carries Hope's diaper bag and follows his aunt and sister to her office. Allison changes Hope's diaper in her office and lets Hope walk around. "Aunt Allison, was my Mom's surgery was tough?"
"Yes and no. I had to find the internal bleeding first then once I figure out what caused it, I knew what to do." Hope tugs onto Allison. "Hi, sweetie." She puts Hope on her lap. "Aaah--ahhh."
"Yes, Hope. You are with me, sweetie." Hope falls asleep in her auntie's arms, Henry wrapped Hope in her quilt. "Where was your Mom driving to?"
"We were on the way home from the sheriff station, let's just say I was the one chasing after Hope all around the sheriff station while Mom did paperwork. I have a feeling that I am going to be watching Hope a lot more now.."
"Your Mom is going to be in a lot of pain during her recovery. ..."
"What caused the internal bleeding?..." Allison gets a text from the nurse.
"Henry, your Mom is awake. I need to talk to your Mom first, you and Hope need to wait with your Grandpa."
"What about the surgery? That Hope and I cannot be there."
"I will explain it to you after I explain to your Mom, it is patient confidentiality rules. Okay?"
"Okay." Henry takes sleeping Hope from their aunt when they returned to the waiting room, Regina was with Charming. "I will let you in to see Emma. I need to check up on her first."
At Emma's hospital bedside, Killian hugs his wife and whispered: "I love you." Other ideas that they want to do together and with the kids. Emma woke up very groggily as if she been sleeping for days, hearing Killian talking softly to her. "Killian?"
"Emma, I am right here, love." He gently hugs her. She sees all the wires and the oxygen machine.
"What happened?"
"You had surgery, love. The internal bleeding.." Emma began to cry. "Love, you and the children are safe."
"I was so scared...when that truck was coming towards us..."
"Emma, you got your car out of the way. The children are not injured."
"I fainted...and I am in recovery from emergency surgery. From that truck...I thought I was going to die and lose everything..." Emma began to cry. Killian hugs his wife.
"Emma, you are alive. You are a fighter and survivor love."
"I want to get him time in prison he deserves. He threatened our family..."
"Emma, we are going to find who that man is and get him in prison. Whale is on his case. You will be in recovery..."
"Please tell me what happened..." She holds his hook.
"You needed a blood transfusion, your Dad and Henry donated their blood."
"Where are with Henry and Hope?"
"They are with your Dad, love."
"Are they okay?"
"They are not injured, swan." Allison and Dr.Claire entered the room.
"Dr.Claire...Allison... what was the pain causing my stomach to hurt?"
Killian holding his wife's hand, knowing his wife was nervous by the look on Allison's face showed them something was wrong. "Emma, the internal bleeding was caused...was caused by your car accident..when you swerved into the fence, the steering wheel...I am sorry to tell you this but your uterus needed to be fixed from the car crash...I found...I found...a 5-week old baby...which died in the car crash..."
Emma was in shock. "I was pregnant...5 weeks... I did not have symptoms...I am still breastfeeding Hope..."
Dr.Claire took over."Emma, have you been tired more?"
"Yes, but Hope has been rough nights because she is afraid of sleeping in her room and she has been sleeping with us, we have not had a full night sleep since Hope has been born." They gave her sad looks. "No...NO....NOT AGAIN....not again..." Emma began crying her eyes out as Killian holding onto her, the two doctors left the room. Charming, Henry, Regina all heard Emma screaming from the waiting room. "I failed you again...I failed you again...I am so sorry...I am so sorry..."
Killian was crying. "Emma, you did not fail me again. You can never fail me. You are my true love. I love you, I love our life together and our two wonderful children. You are great Mommy to both of them."
"I am so sorry...I had no idea..."
"I know..I know.." He kissed her head and rubbed her back. "I am not mad at you. No one is mad at you. You are not the blame, love." Emma hugs him harder. "I am right here at your side. I am not going anywhere."
"I failed you as your wife..."
"No, love. You did not fail me. You can never fail me, love. You did not cause the accident, the truck driver, did. You did what you had to do to save yourself, Henry and Hope. I was terrified when I saw the accident site, and all I could think of you and our children safe. I did not want to lose my family."
"You are not losing your family, Killian."
"I am not losing my wife or children."
"I just feel such a failure."
"You are not a failure love, you save yourself, Henry and Hope and are alive." He hugs his wife. "I am not mad at you.
"Stay with me."
"I am not going anywhere. I am staying here with you, love." He continues to hug his wife as she cried into him.
In the hallway, Allison was crying. "Allison you did your job."
"I know, it hurts when you are telling your best friend close enough to be your sister, the most terrible news of her life...This is Emma's second miscarriage, this year."
"I know. I was the one telling her about her first and was there telling her about Hope, she was 6 weeks pregnant when she came to me."
"I just feel awful but I am going to help them as much as I can."
In the waiting room, Henry was talking with Regina and Charming while holding sleeping Hope. They heard Emma screaming. "Mom..."
"Henry, I have a feeling we should wait..."
"Aunt Allison told me that she needed to tell my Mom about the surgery without me and Hope in the room." Allison enters the room.
Allison was still crying."Henry."
"Aunt Allison, what is wrong with my Mom? We heard her screaming."
Charming, Regina, and Henry gather around Allison. "When I was operating on her, her uterus was affected by the car crash...I saw...I saw in the uterus a 5-week old baby...passed away in the car accident..." Charming and Regina were in shock. Regina placed her arms around Henry.
"Mom...Mom...was...pregnant again?"
"Yes, she was. She did not even know she was pregnant, Henry."
"Mom... had another miscarriage?"
"Yes, Henry. It was the truck driver's fault."
"Mom..." Henry was crying, which woke up Hope who was crying. "Hope, Mommy needs us, little sis. We need to show her how much we love her."
"We are going to see Mommy soon, little sis." Henry hugs Hope. "When we see Mommy, I know you are going to give her snuggles." Hope babbled. "Yes, Mommy loves your snuggles, Hope. She loves being with you and me, we make her happy." Hope hugs Henry. "I love you, Hope." He was not letting Hope go. Dr.Whale approaches the group, "Charming since you are acting sheriff..." Henry sits down with Hope."Yes, the real one is in recovery from a major surgery which driver almost killed my daughter and grandchildren."
"He is out of surgery and in recovery. His legs and arms are broken from the crash into the barbershop. I chained him to his recovery bed."
"Can you tell me when he wakes up? I need to interview him."
"Yes. There is a clue that I knew, he was intoxicated while driving."
"He was drunk driving?"
"Yes, his blood level .09."
"I know who he is."
"Who is he? He nearly killed my grandchildren and daughter."
"He is Horace."
"Cruella's henchman, I know him. Charming, we can interview him together."
"Should we let Killian and Emma know?"
"Whale, we will tell Emma when she is ready. Not now, my daughter has been through enough today."
"Gramps, Horace Jr. bullied me and he is in juvenile hall. Do you think his Dad purposely tried to kill us for revenge for putting his son in juvenile hall?" Hope fusses in his arms. Allison holds Hope, Regina puts her arms around her son. "Henry, your David and I will figure this out. Your Mom, you and Hope are safe."
"Mom...she..." Regina hugs Henry.
"Horace or anyone involved threatening your Mom, is going to go to prison and get the wrath of your family."
"If it was Horace..."
"It is not your fault."
"Henry, Regina, your Dad and I will get the bottom of this."
"I want my mom."
"We need to get the okay from your Dad to see your Mom, she is devastated."
"I know."
Back in Emma's hospital room, "Killian, you are not mad at me?"
"No, love. I am not mad at you."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, swan. I love you."
"I want to have another child when Hope is older...second mis-..." She cries more. "Is too much for me now..."
"Love, two children is enough. Hope is walking so much now and getting into trouble."
Emma smiles. "Yes, our little pirate tried to climb into the dryer when I was doing laundry." Killian smiles. "Our little lass.."
"We need to buy another baby-gate for the laundry room. I just want to enjoy having one baby in the house. I cannot handle another one...right now. Even with Henry and your help... Maybe in a few years? When Hope is in preschool when she is 3 or 4...we can have another baby?"
"That is a deal, love." They kiss.
"I still feel awful."
"You, my swan and our children are alive."
"I told you that you will never lose us your family."
"Aye, I am glad you are keeping your promise, swan."
"Yes, captain you told me that you are a survivor and I believed you. You kept your promise and I kept my promise." They kiss.
"I will always be there for our family. Before I came in here our little lass wanted her mommy very badly."
"I do want to see our children."
"I will text Allison, love. I have a feeling that she is with our children."
"I am not going anywhere, Emma." He wrapped his hook arm around his swan and texted Allison.
"I love you, Emma."
"I love you, Killian." They kiss.
Allison brings in Henry and Hope to their Mom's recovery room.
"Henry!" Henry runs to give his Mom a hug. "Henry, be gentle, your Mom just had surgery."
"Mommy?" Hope was still crying and reaches out to her Mommy.
"Hope. Come to Mommy, little duck." Allison hands over Hope to her best friend and gives her a hug. "I missed you too, sweetie. I did not expect to have surgery but I am going to be all better soon."
"Mom, Dad and I will help you in recovery."
"I know you will help me, Henry."
"Love, we are here and we are going to help you."
Henry was crying. "Henry. I am alright. You know me by now that I am a fighter. I am alive." She hugs her son. "I am sorry, Mom." She hugs her both of her children who were still upset. "Henry and Hope, I am going to be okay. I am just happy to have you both here with me." Hope hugs her Mommy. "I need your hugs, baby girl. You and Henry are making me feel better." She gave Henry and Hope kisses on their heads. "I told you, Hope. You are going to help Mommy feel better." Hope babbled and Henry gave Hope kisses. Killian stands next to Allison and they both watch Emma with the kids, "How is she?"
"If you need any help, in her recovery. I can come by and help out."
"I have a feeling that we will need your help."
"Ted and the kids are in New York, I can come by anytime."
"Thanks, Allison." Charming and Regina arrived.
"Killian, we know about the driver. He is in recovery"
"Aye, I want to get that asshole who almost killed my family in prison and know why he was targeting my family."
"We can interview him."
"Aye, let me know how it goes. I am not going anywhere right now my family needs me."
"Regina and I will interview him. My daughter needs you."
"I am not leaving her side, Charming. My Emma needs me here." Killian sits next to his wife wrapped his arm around his wife and let his little love hold his hook. "Dada."
"Hope, did Dada took good care of you?" Hope babbled. "Yes, he did." Hope tugs her Mommy's hair. "Aye, she wanted her Mommy." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"I am not going anywhere."
"No, you are not, Emma."
"Little sis, do you want to tell Mommy what we did with Aunt Allison?"
"No." Hope tugs Henry's hair. They all chuckled. "Hopey." Hope babbled. Emma and Killian looked at each other and know everything will be alright especially through the bad times and they are going to face whatever happens together. Killian enjoyed being with his family, he nearly lost all three of them in the car accident, he is going to get the man who tried to kill his family.

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