Mother's Day

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It was May 9th,2021, Mother's day. The Swan-Jones family returned from Boston the day before Mother's day. Emma scheduled her sonogram to see her unborn daughter on her special. She woke up seeing presents on her bed. "Henry? Hope?" Henry and Hope entered the room carrying in buttercups. "Happy Mother's Day!"
"Happy Mommy day!"
Emma was in awe. "I need my two ducklings hugs." They climb into bed and hug their Mom.
"Luv you Mommy."
"I love you, Mom."
"You two give me the best hugs. I love you both so much!!" She gave them kisses on their head.
"I love the flowers."
"Those are from me, love. Happy Mother's Day, Emma."
"Thank you." They kiss. "They are so beautiful." She rubs her baby bump. "Leia, your Daddy got me buttercups for Mother's day. Your brother and sister got me presents."
"Leia, you are going to give Mommy presents next year."
"Baby sis you are going help me and Hope with our presents for Mom for next year Mother's day. Mom, I think Leia will like art like the rest of us."
"Lad, we will see who your sister takes after. Me or your Mom."
"Mommy?" Hope hugs her Mommy.
"Hope, we are going to see baby sister on the special camera today." She hugs her daughter.
Henry gets their gifts. "Little sis, we are going to give our gift to Mommy."
"No stay with Mommy."
"You can sit next to me while I open my presents from you and Henry."
"Henwy, our gift first."
"Good idea, little sis."
Emma opened their gift which was a new iPhone 11 in lavender color. "Oh my gosh! Is this a new iPhone?"
"Yes. Hope and I figured out that you needed an updated iPhone."
"Yes, a new iPhone!"
"Thank you both so much." She hugs Henry and Hope. "I love my new iPhone."
"Swan, Henry, and I got the iPhone in Boston."
"Hope helped me choose the color."
"Hope, did you help Henry choose my new iPhone?"
"Yes, I pick the color."
"You did!" She hugs her daughter. "Thank you, Hope."
"Your welcome, Mommy." She puts Hope on her lap who hugs her Mommy.
"I already transferred everything from your iPhone 6 to your iPhone 11."
"I snuck in here while you were sleeping during the night and transferred everything to your new iPhone."
Emma was impressed. "I love my new phone from both of you." She opens Hope's gift next which was a clay painted pink frame with a picture of her and Hope in the center with glass, I love my Mommy. "Hope,I love your frame!"
"Put in your office?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, Hope. It is perfect for my office." Hope smiles.
"Swan, Hope has one more gift for you." Hope gives her a gift.
She opens her gift from Hope and Killian which was a heart made out of clay, My Mommy is the best. Luv you." Emma began crying all over again and hugs her daughter. "I love my heart you made me, Hope." Killian takes pictures on his iPhone.
"Mom, I also have a gift for you. This is from Hope and me."
She opens her next gift from Henry and Hope which is a portrait of her with Henry and Hope. "Henry and Hope, this is so beautiful! Great job, kid."
"Thanks, Mom. Next year, Leia is going to be in the painting with you Hope, and I."
"Yes, are you looking forward to painting the family of five portraits?"
"Yes, I am! When Leia is born, I am going to start on that family of five. You have a gift from me." She opens her gift from Henry, which was a gray blanket full of pictures of her with Hope and Henry and pictures in the shape of a heart, in the center in white cursive, Our Mom is the best, who cares for us, loves us, there for us, and the strong brave savior. You are our Mom. We love you so much. Love, Henry, Hope & Leia." Emma cried more. "Henry, you included Leia..."
Henry hugs his Mom. "I had to include Leia, she is part of the family" He places his hand on his Mom's baby bump. "Leia, you are included in our Mommy's, Mother's day gift. You are our baby sister, which is why you are part of Hope and me mothers' day gift." Emma smiled as she hugged her son.
Killian takes pictures on his iPhone of his swan and son. "I love my blanket."
"I made it on Shutterfly."
"I am going to use this so much, Henry." She noticed her daughter was quiet who was not herself. "Hope, are you okay? Sweetie?"
"You are tired?" Hope nodded her head yes. "You can take a nap."
"Stay with you."
"You can lie down next to me, Hope. You can try out my new blanket with me."
"Yes." Hope hugs her Mommy wrapping her hands around her Mommy's baby bump. Emma puts her blanket over her and Hope. She looks at Killian with a concerned face. He rubs Hope's back.
"She ate breakfast with me, love. She has pancakes and eggs, while Henry was out with Regina for breakfast."
"After I slept over at Ava's..." Emma gave her son a look. "Mike made me sleep in their guest bedroom. I went out for breakfast with my other mom."
"I am glad you got to spend time with Regina."
"Yes. Is Hope okay? She is not her talkative self."
Emma felt Hope's body. "She is not warm. No fever."
"Aye, that is a good sign. Let's Hope to take a nap and see how she feels."
"I think she is overtired from our trip in Boston. I know Hope doesn't' want to miss Leia's sonogram."
"No, Mommy. Want to see Leia."
"Hope, we are going to see Leia later after your nap, okay?" She rubs Hope's head until Hope fell asleep. "Mom, Hope is not going to miss Leia's sonogram."
"Yes, kid. She is not going to miss it." Killian and Emma knew they were going to keep a close eye on Hope.
They were all at Emma's sonogram appointment seeing Leia in a 3-D ultrasound. Hope was sitting on her Mommy's lap on the examination table. "Baby sis, pictuwe Mommy."
Emma smiles as she hugs her daughter. "We are going to see Leia soon, sweetie."
"Someone is excited to see her baby sister." Killian wrapped his arms around his swan.
"Yes, captain. She is as excited as us to see Leia." They kiss.
"Little sis, we are going to see Leia in a good camera. When you were growing inside of Mommy, we saw you too. We knew you were going to look like our Mommy." He kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope hugs her brother.
Dr.Claire enters the room smiling seeing Henry and Hope hugging. "Hi, everyone."
"Hi, Dr.Claire."
"Everyone is here."
"Yes, Henry and Hope are very excited to see their baby sister today."
"Is that why you scheduled your appointment on Mother's day?"
"Yes. We were away in Boston for our wedding anniversary. I am hoping that I am your only patient."
"Yes, you are for today. I am happy to make your Mother's day extra special."
"Yes, thank you."
"Baby sister, Mommy."
"We are going to see your baby sister in a few minutes, baby girl." She smooths Hope's hair. Killian holds Hope as his swan lies down on the examination table and pulls her shirt up exposing her baby bump.
"I am right here, Hope. I am okay."
Killian sits down on the extra seat so he can hold her hand and Hope nearby his swan. Emma holds his hook. "Emma, I am right here, love."
"Dada wight here, Mommy."
Emma smiles. "Yes, he is. So are you and Henry."
"Mom, Hope and I are right here."
"Sit with Henwy." Henry takes his sister from their Dad and sat on their Mom's other side.
Dr.Claire examines Emma's baby bump. "Emma, your baby is measuring normally."
Hope holds her Mommy's shoulder. "My baby bump is bigger this time around."
"Yes, your daughter is measuring normally." Dr.Claire gets the sonogram machine ready.
Killian squeezed his swan's hand. "I am right here, Emma."
"Tiwed." Hope yawns. "Want see baby sister."
"We are going to see baby sis, soon, Hope."
"In a few minutes, baby girl. Mommy's doctor is getting the machine ready to help us see baby sister."
A nurse turned off the lights. "Emma, I am going to check the baby's heartbeat, first." She squirts the col gel onto Emma's baby bump and uses the probe to find the heat. Emma was getting nervous and squeezes her husband's hand. Killian knew his wife was nervous. "Our Leia is healthy, love." They hear a loud heartbeat.
Emma began crying. "That is a loud heartbeat, of 160. Emma, your daughter is healthy."
Killian rubs Emma's head. "You were right."
"Yes, I was. Our little lass is healthy. I felt her kick a few days ago, on our anniversary." He kisses her on the head.
"Little sis, that is Leia's heartbeat."
"Emma, is that the baby's name?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, Henry and Hope both helped us come up with her name."
"It is a beautiful name." She sits down and preps for the sonogram. "Now, let's begin with the 3-D sonogram."
"Hope, we are going to see Leia, little love."
Dr.Claire moves around the doppler. "Here is Leia."
Emma sees a little human being in 3-D, her daughter growing inside of her. "Leia..." She cried more. "My baby duckling."
"Aye, our little lass is getting so big." He kissed her hand and could not stop looking at his little babe.
"Leia!! Henwy, Leia!!"
Henry smiles. "I see Leia, Hope. Our baby sister is growing inside of our Mommy."
"There is her arms....her legs....her girl parts."
"Leia is definitely a girl." They were seeing Leia's body so clear.
"Let's see if we can look at Leia's face." Dr.Claire looks for Leia's face. "There is her face. Emma, Killian, there's your daughter's face."
Emma and Killian were both in tears seeing their daughter's face. "Emma, she looks like you."
Emma was smiling big. "Yes, Leia looks like me."
Henry smile. "Hope, that is Leia's face. She looks like you!"
Hope goes down to the sonogram. "Doktor, look closer to Leia. Pwease."
Dr.Claire puts Hope on her lap. "That is Leia's eyes, her nose, and her mouth."
"Baby sister!"
Emma and Killian smiled as Hope was getting a closer look at Leia's sonogram. "Killian, I think Leia has your nose and your elvish ears."
Killian smiles."Leia has your chin and nose."
"We are going to see what features she has when she is born."
"Little love, let Dr.Claire continue the sonogram."
"Dad, Leia wight here!"
He holds Hope and smiles seeing his daughter on the way. "Yes, Leia is on the screen. Doctor Claire, thank you for giving Hope a closer look at Leia."
"You are welcome, Killian."
"Hope, you and Daddy can sit with me, sweetie. We are still seeing Leia."
"Hope, do you want a picture of Leia?"
"Yes, pwease."
"I will give you one after the sonogram."
"Yay!" Killian smiles at his daughter.
"Mom, Leia is healthy. I think she looks like you."
"I have a feeling she will look like you and take after Dad."
"I think so too."
Killian returns with Hope and sat next to Emma. "Mommy, Doktor Claire see Leia close."
"She did!"
"Yes, Leia looks like you."
Henry smiles. "See even Hope agrees with me." Emma smiles at both of her children. They continue the sonogram. Killian was holding Emma's hand. Dr.Claire leaves the room. Emma wipes the gel off her baby bump and rubs it. She smiles. "Leia, we all saw you baby girl moving around in my tummy. We all think you look like me, your Mommy."
Killian hugs his swan's baby bump. "Little love, Dada saw you up close. Hope saw you up close, too." He kisses her baby bump. Emma smiles.
"Baby sis, we all saw you up close today. We cannot wait to meet you." He kisses his Mom's baby bump. "I love you so much, Leia."
"Henwy, my turn." Henry moves. "Leia, saw you today. Luv you so much."
"I cannot wait to have two sisters."
As they were leaving the hospital, Killian was holding Hope as the family as Charming and Leo were entering the hospital. Leo was carrying gifts. "Emma."
"Hi, Dad." They hug.
Hope was crying seeing Leo. "Dada."
"You are with me, little love. Killian was holding Hope away from Leo.
"Dad, I can take Hope to the car."
"Aye, son." Henry takes Hope to the yellow bug.
"Leo hold the gifts. Do not hurt Emma, Hope, Henry or Killian. If you do not listen, you are going to be grounded and not see Mom."
"Yes, Dad."
"Is the baby okay?"
"Yes. We just came from my appointment. The baby is healthy."
Charming smiles. "That is great. I cannot wait to meet my newest grandchild."
"Aye, we cannot wait to meet our baby." He wrapped his arm around his swan.
"Leo is getting better at his lessons with Gold. He is also listening to me more."
"That is good, Dad."
"We are going to see your Mom. Do you want to come with us?"
"Dad, I ..."
"Charming, we already have plans.
Charming smiles. "I see."
Killian lead his wife to the yellow bug. "Thank you for the excuse."
"Aye, swan. I knew you couldn't see her." Emma hugs her husband.
"You are the best." She kisses him on the cheek.
"Swan, it is your special day. What do you want to do next?"
"How about we order granny's to go. We have a picnic on the Jolly Roger. First, we have to go see Allison. Hope has her Mother's Day gift."
"Your mother's day plan is a go." Emma smiles at her husband is making her feel like a princess and hugs her husband. Henry and Hope were in the back.
Killian rubs Hope's head. "Yes, little love?"
"Luv you."
"I love you, too, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. She holds her Daddy's hook. "Were you happy to see Leia up close?"
"Killian, I will drive."
"Yes, baby girl?" Hope reaches out for her Mommy. She sits next to her daughter. "Are you okay?"
"Do you want to know what we are doing next?"
"We are going to visit Auntie. After, we are going to have a picnic on the Jolly Roger!"
"Yay! Olly Woger!"
"Yes! Mom, I love your idea."
"Kid, you can drive us to Allison's house."
"Auntie house."
"You made her a gift remember?"
"Swan, should we give her a sonogram picture of Leia."
Emma smiles big. "That is how we can tell her?"
"Yes, Mommy, Auntie pictuwe of Leia. My god-Mommy."
"Yes, she is, your god-mommy."
"Leia too?"
"Yes, she will. You can help me ask her."
"Yay!" Hope smiles.
Henry drove his family to Allison's house. Emma gives Hope Allison's gift. "Hope, what are you going say to Auntie?"
"Happy god-Mommy day!"
"That is right!" Emma holds up as they walked to Allison's house. Henry rings the bell. Allison answers the door. Emma sets Hope onto the porch.
"Hi everyone!"
Hope holds up hir gift bag. "Auntie! Happy god-Mommy day!"
Allison kneels down to her goddaughter. "Thank you, Hope. You got me a gift!"
"Thank you, little niece." Allison holds Hope. "I am going to open my gift, on the porch." She sits with Hope on the swinging chair with Emma and Hope. "Emma, how are you feeling?"
"Huge already."
"You are halfway there."
"Yes, I am. Leia is healthy which I am grateful for."
"How was Boston?"
"It was so much fun. We went to the Children's museum, the aquarium..."
"Auntie saw Pepper! He wemember me!"
"He did! Wow!"
"Aunt Allison, he remembers all of us. Dad and I went rock climbing while Mom and Hope went to the children's museum."
"On our wedding anniversary we went on a swan boat."
"Let me guess, Killian found it?"
"Aye, I just knew this boat ride in this park would be perfect for my swan."
"What did you get forMother's day so far?"
"Connor got me a necklace and Lizzie got me a makeup set. You?"
"A few art projects from Henry and Hope. They made me a blanket with photos from Shutterfly."She shows her her new iPhone.
"You have a new iPhone 11."
"Yes, Henry and Hope got this for me. Killian helped them while we were in Boston."
"I love the color."
"I love the color too. Hope chose the color."
"Auntie gift!"
"Hope, I will open your gift right now." Allison opened Hope's gift which was gold Alex&Ani bracelet, God-Mommy with heart in the back. Allison smiles big and hugs Hope. "Hope, I love my bracelet you got me. Thank you."
"You are welcome."She hugs Hope.
Emma gave Hope the other gift."One more gift, Auntie."
"One more gift?"
"Yes!" Henry gets his iPhone out.
Allison opens her next gift, a pink frame with Leia's 20-week sonogram photo, on top of the frame, Will you be my godmother? Allison began crying. "Emma?"
"Would you be Leia's godmother?"
"Yes! Yes!!" Allison hugs Emma. "I am going to have two goddaughters!!" Killian and Henry took photos of Allison and Emma hugging.
Allison hugs Hope. "I am your god-Mommy and Leia's god-Mommy. We are still going to have Auntie and Hope time."
"Yes, best god-Mommy!" Hope hugs Allison, Emma, Killian, and Henry both smile at Hope and Allison.
"Allison, Hope has been extra tired all morning. Is that normal?"
"Aye, Hope has been sleeping normal."
"Toddlers do have fatigue. She could be tired from your trip to Boston. Or she could not be feeling well."
"Al, she is just tired. No fever. She has her appetite. She just wants to be held."
Allison looks at Hope. "Are you tired?"
"Yes, auntie."
"You can rest today. If you are not feeling well tomorrow, you can tell Mommy and Daddy so they can bring you in."
"Okay. Dada. Up." Killian holds Hope.
"Emma, Killian, if she has any other symptoms like ear pain, a fever, dizziness, call me. She might be just tired from your trip. I am very happy to have another goddaughter to spoil." They hug.
"Dad, I can order our meal to go from Granny's."
"Thank you, Henry. Little love, do you want grilled cheese? Or pancakes?"
"Grilled Cheese."
"Emma, we need to have a girls' day soon."
"Yes! We need to go shopping soon."
"Yes, maybe nails done."
"I like that idea."
Killian drove his family to Granny's. "Hope, you did a great job helping me with Auntie."
"Auntie Leia god-Mommy too."
"Yes, she is."
Henry returns to their car with their order. "Lad, you can drive us to the docks."
"Yes!" Henry gets the keys from his Dad and drives his family to the docks.
"Henwy dwive bug."
"Hope, am I doing a good job?"
"Yes, bro!!" They arrived at the docks.
Killian helped Emma out of the car. Hope and Henry went ahead to the Jolly Roger. "Are you okay, love?"
"Yes, I just hate waddling."
"On the Jolly Roger, you don't need to worry about waddling, love." They walked together to the deck, they see Hope's toys scattered around the deck.
"Looks like our pirate princess is already playing with her toys."
Killian smiles."Aye, Hope can play with her toys. She loves our second home."
"She is happy here." She hugs her Killian. "I just know that Leia is going to love playing on her Daddy's ship."
Henry goes to his parents. "Mom, Dad, where should we have the picnic? Hope insisted on me bringing all of her stuffed animals onto the deck as soon as we came on deck."
Emma and Killian both chuckle. "Lad, toys on the ship I do not mind."
"Dad, you are a soft pirate."
"Kid, quit teasing your Dad." She ruffles his hair.
"How about after lunch, we can have a sword lesson?"
"Deal." Hope carried her plush dolls to her Mom.
"Mommy pway."
"We can play, little duckling." Emma follows Hope and sat on deck playing with her daughter.
"Which doll are we playing first?" Hope gives her Mommy, Jolly Roger bunny. She holds her Pluto doll. "Oly Woger Pluto talk."
"They are talking?"
"Yes." Emma smiles love hearing Hope's imagination.
"Dad, can we have a sword lesson now?"
"Get the swords, lad." Henry got the swords. They have a sword lesson on the other side of the deck.
"I was thinking?"
"What are you thinking, lad?"
"I was thinking, we can sail after lunch."
Killian smiles, his son is a pirate. "That is a great idea."
Hope was fussy. "Hope, are you hungry?"
"I am hungry, too. Let's go to Daddy and tell him it is time for lunch." Hope runs ahead.
Kilian and Henry stop sword fighting. "Yes, little pirate?"
"Mommy and me hungwy."
"Aye, that means it is time for lunch." He holds Hope on his hip.
Emma brings the food to them. "Killian, I have our lunch."
"Mom, I can get the picnic blanket." Henry sets the picnic blanket and helps his Mom pass out their lunches.
"Dada sit next to you."
"You can sit next to me, little love." Hope hugs her Daddy. "You give me the best hugs, Hope."
"Little sis, no hugs for me?"
Hope goes to her brother and hugs him. "Luv you."
"I love you, too, Hope." They ate their lunch.
Emma was eating her grilled cheese and onion rings. "Mmm. Killian, this is so good."
"I am glad you are enjoying your lunch, love." He wrapped his arms around his swan. She kisses him on the cheek. "Do you want to go sailing?"
"As long as it is in Maine, not another realm, yes."
Killian smiles."Aye, captain swan. Henry, help me set up the sails."
"Aye, Dad." Henry set up the sail. Emma does a potty run with Hope before putting on her life jacket.
"Yes, sweetie." She hugs her Mommy. "Are you still tired?"
"While Daddy and Henry are sailing, we can snuggle."
"Girl time!" As Killian was steering the Jolly Roger, he gave Henry a sailing lesson while Emma and Hope were watching the ocean, mostly Emma who was holding Hope sleeping. "Next year, I will have two daughters to sail with on Mother's day."
Killian went to check on his three loves. "Emma, is everything okay? Do you want me to hold Hope?"
"I really need to use the bathroom." Killian takes Hope from his swan and helped her to the bathroom.
"You are with Dada, little love. Mommy is nearby." Hope falls back to sleep.
Emma returns to the bathroom. "Thank you for"
"Anytime, love."
"Leia is enjoying the sailing because I am feeling her move around. I know she is happy that we are sailing today."
"She is a little pirate, love. Just like the rest of her family." He rubs his wife's baby bump. "Leia, Dada is happy you are enjoying the Jolly Roger inside of your mommy, little love."
Emma smiles,she loves hearing Killian talking to their daughter on the way. "You are the best Daddy ever."
"You are the best Mommy ever." They kiss. He walks Emma back to her spot.
"Let me take Hope." He gives their sleeping daughter back to his swan.
"Are you enjoying the ride?"
"Yes, I am captain."
A few hours later, Hope woke up, Killian let her help him steer the Jolly roger. She als played with Henry. Emma hugs her husband. "My captain."
"My Swan." They kiss.
After the rest of the day sailing, Killian carried Hope home as Henry drove his Mom back to their house in the yellow bug. "Mom, did you have a good Mother's day?"
"Yes, one of the best Mother's day ever. I love my gifts from you, Hope and Leia. We got to see Leia on the sonogram machine. We got to spend time on our second home. You have improved so much on sailing, kid."
"Thanks, Mom." Henry hugs his Mom. "I am happy to make your day a very special Mother's day, Mom. You deserve it. Next year, Leia is going to be with us." He kisses his Mom's baby bump. "Leia, baby sis, you are going to be with us next year to celebrate Mommy's special day. I love you so much." He kisses her baby bump, Emma was smiling and felt something. She puts Henry's hand where Leia was kicking. Henry was in awe. Emma was tearing up seeing Henry's reaction. "Leia was listening to me...she kicked. Awesome!"
"Yes, because she knows her big brother is talking to her."
"Leia, I love you so much, baby sis. I cannot wait to be your big brother." He hugs his Mom's baby bump. "Mom, we cannot tell Hope."
"Yeah, she will get upset."
"I have a feeling Hope will be the next one to feel Leia kick."
"Let's go back inside. We had a long day." Emma and Henry returned inside the house. She found Killian playing with Hope in her bedroom.
"Mommy!" She runs to her Mommy in pajamas.
Emma scooped Hope into her arms."Hopey."
"Pway with Dada."
"Did you have fun on the Jolly Roger?"
"Swan, I have one more surprise for you."
"Little sis, H&H time?"
"Yes!" Henry takes Hope downstairs.
Killian guided her to the bathroom in their bedroom. Emma sees candles around the room, rose petals. "A bubble bath?"
"Aye, I call this Swan spa day. I noticed you're more tired and sore. After a long day and busy trip, I figured my swan needed a very needed bubble bath and time for herself."
Emma hugs her husband. "This is the perfect way to end my Mother's day. You really love treating me like a princess."
"I treat you like a royal because you are the best beautiful swan in all the realms. I love you so much."
"I love you so much." They kiss. Emma got ready for her bubble bath. Killian helped his swan into the tub full of beautiful smells of soap and rose petals. "This feels so nice."
"One more thing, love." He shows her a face mask.
"Killian, how did you come up with this?"
"The lad and I did research how to do a spa day at home."
"This is perfect. I can use the face mask later."
"If you need anything, Emma I will be in our room."
"There is one thing, you can do for me?"
"What is it?"
"Can you order us in pizza? We can have a family movie night. After you and I can have one on one time."
Killian smiles. "I will order the pizza." They kiss. Killian went to his room to order pizza for his family. He hears Henry and Hope in the living room.
They were watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, "Dad, is Mom enjoying the bubble bath?"
"Aye, yes she is. I am also ordering pizza. She wants us to have a family movie night."
"Great. I have a movie idea that I think we all will enjoy..
After Emma long soak in the tub, she felt so less sore and swollen beside her baby bump. "Leia, your Dada made me a great bubble bath for Mother's day." She returns to her room and changes into comfy pajamas.
"Yes, kid."
"Pizza is here."
"Perfect." They went downstairs. Killian put the movie on, movie, Moana. Emma had Hope sitting next to her.
"Yes, little love. The ocean."
"Aweil best Disney pwincess."
"Yes, you are right, baby girl. Ariel is the best Disney princess." She hugs her daughter. They ate pizza as they ate as they watched the movie. Killian wrapped his arm around his three loves. "Happy Mother's Day, Emma."
"Thank you, Killian." They kiss.
"Best Mommy ever."
"We love you so much." Henry and Hope hug their Mom.
"I love you both so much." Emma loves her children so much. She cannot wait for Leia to join their hugs and holidays in the near future.

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