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Killian wakes up early as usual. He rubs and kisses Emma's 5-month baby bump and whispers, "Good morning little bean, Daddy loves you." He got ready quietly as possible and headed into town. He visits Marco's shop. "Morning, Marco."
"Ah, morning Killian. How is Emma? I know she is pregnant."
"She is doing good, she is having a little heartburn and mood swings, other than that she is happy."
"What can I do for you?"
"I am here to buy a crib for the babe."
"Do you want to customize it?"
"Aye. I am thinking for either for a lad or lass, the crib should have ships, swans on it as the design."
"Ah, you want to resemble you both."
August enters the room, "Hi, Killian. How are you?"
"I am doing good."
"How is Emma?"
"She is doing good, with mood swings and being swollen, but she is happy."
August smiles, "Good. She deserves to be happy. I saw her grow up. From what she went through, it is about time for her to get what she needs, a family."
"Aye, she deserves everything. We are finding out the gender of our babe today. I am here ordering a crib for our wee one."
"Great. Please tell Emma that I will stop by to visit her."
"Aye. I am keeping the crib as a surprise for now."
Emma wakes up at 8:30 am with no Killian next to her. She wondered, "Where is he?" Emma talks to her baby bump, "Good morning baby. Mommy cannot wait to find out if you are a boy or girl today," while she rubs her hands on her big baby bump. "Mommy cannot wait to spoil you because I love you so much already."
Henry enters Emma's room, "Morning Mom."
"Morning Henry. Are you looking forward to coming with us to my doctor's appointment today?"
"Yes, I am. Thank you for inviting me."
"Your welcome. You have to thank Regina too. I had to ask her for permission to let you miss school to come with us."
"I will call her." He hugs Emma and whispers, "I love you. I hope you are a sister." to Emma's baby bump.
"Kid, are you going to be upset if the baby is a boy?"
"Maybe a little. I am just happy you and Dad get a fresh start on being parents. Where is Dad anyway?"
"I am not sure where you Dad went but he will be back soon, he would not miss my appointment. Now go get ready."
As Emma gets ready for the day, she slowly starting to walk properly, she has to waddle around and getting out of breath as she walked around her room. She looks in her mirror and admired her baby bump, "I definitely look so much bigger at 20 weeks with this little one than with Henry."
Henry calls Regina.
"Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry. How are you?"
"I am excited to go with Dad and Mom to her gender appointment. Thank you for letting me go with them."
"You are welcome, Henry. When Emma called me and asked. I could not say no."
"Thank you mom, you are the best. I will come home and tell you later. Bye."
"Bye, Henry."
Henry hears the front door open and went downstairs, "Dad, where have you been?"
"Hi son, I was in town buying something for your mom and the baby."
"What did you get?"
"I will tell you once we know what gender of the wee one is."
"So you cannot tell me now?"
"Nope, but I will need your help that is related to the baby and mom's surprise. Just keep it a secret for now, aye."
"I will."
Emma slowly went down the stairs to Killian, "There you are. I wonder where you went."
"Aye, I went into town for a walk."
"A walk?"
"Aye." He helps Emma down the stairs. "How is the babe?"
"Moving around a little bit and this pregnancy causing me to break out so much."
"Swan, you look beautiful inside and out. The wee one is getting bigger every day."
"Yes, she or he is getting big. This baby is bigger than when I was carrying Henry."
"Aye, let me make you and Henry some breakfast before we go to the appointment."
"Sound great." Emma kisses him on the cheek.
After they finished their breakfast, they went to Storybrooke Hospital for Emma's doctor appointment. As they waited for Emma to be called Emma spoke to Henry, "Kid, there is some parts of the appointment that I do not want you to be in the room for, such as the examination. Dad will get you once it is time for the sonogram okay."
Emma sighs, "It is when the doctor looks into my vagina."
Henry disgusted face,"Yea, I will stay out here."
Emma laughs, "We will let you in when it is time to find out."
Nurse, "Emma Jones."
Killian helped Emma up from her seat and walked into the exam room. "Are you nervous?"
"A little bit excited. How about you?"
"I am excited and a little nervous too."
Dr.Claire enters the room, "Hi, Emma. Are you excited to find out the baby's gender?"
"Yes, I am. Before the sonogram, my son is outside. We want him here when we find out."
"Sure, that will not be a problem."
Dr. Claire examines Emma while Killian holds her hand, she measures her stomach. " Everything looks normal and baby looks big and healthy. Any health issues?"
"Yes, I been having heartburn and shortness out of breath."
"Have you taken any medicine for the heartburn?"
'Yes, I have. Is it the medicine bad for the baby?"
"No, Emma. The medicine will not affect the baby. As long you do not drink, or smoke, you are keeping your baby healthy."
"I do not smoke and I have not had a drink since I got pregnant."
"Emma, you are doing fine and following the rules. Now, we can do a blood test to confirm the gender to help with the sonogram called, the Noninvasive pregnancy test. To make sure that the sonogram is correct with the baby's gender."
"We will do the test first and then the sonogram afterward."
As Emma had her blood work done, "Love, I am going to get Henry."
Killian returns to the waiting room, "Lad, we are going to do the sonogram now."
"Yes, finally."
Henry and Killian arrived at the room Emma prepped for the sonogram, Dr.Claire, "Well, is this the big brother?"
"Yes, I am."
"Lad, you can sit next to your Mom."
"Aye, will stand right next to you Swan on the other side."
"I will get the blood test. I will be right back."
"Love, are you okay?"
"Yes, I am now that my two men are here. Are you ready to see your brother or sister?"
"Yes, I am ready."
Dr.Claire returned with the results and began the sonogram. She put the cool gel onto Emma's baby bump.
"Oh, it is cold."
Dr.Claire put the doppler on the gel and found the baby heartbeat. "That is the baby's heartbeat, very strong and fast. The heartbeat is 160." As she told them more about the baby's body parts, Henry, Killian, and Emma were in awe. Killian whispered to Emma, "Emma, that is our little one."
Emma smiled."Yes, that is our Killian."
Dr.Claire, "From the looks of the sonogram you are having a baby girl. The blood test confirmed that you are having a baby girl."
Emma, "It is a girl?!" Henry held Emma's hand tight.
"Yes, it is Emma, congratulations! I will print out the pictures."
"Killian, we are having a baby daughter!"
"Yes, Swan, we are." Killian kissed her forehead and cried.
"Mom, I am going to have a baby sister!"
"Yes, you are kid!"
"Dad, I have a baby sister!"
"Aye, son!" He hugs Henry.
Emma rubbed her baby bump and said, "Mommy is so happy you are a baby girl, who I can dress up go shopping with even if you are a little pirate like daddy."
Killian kissed the baby bump and whispered "Daddy's little lass."
Henry, " I cannot wait to meet you, little sis." Emma just laughed and hugged Killian and Henry at the same time.
While Emma changed, Henry and Killian waited for her outside in the hall. "When you come over the weekend you can help me with..."
"The surprise."
"Aye. What should we call it?"
"Operation Lavender."
"Operation Lavender it is then."

Happy Beginning Captain SwanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ