Leia Swan-Jones

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Throughout the weekend, they had family movie nights,and spending family time on the Jolly Roger. Killian giving Henry and Hope sword lessons. While Emma watched by sitting down since she was almost 39 weeks pregnant. She was enjoying watching her family have fun and happy that her son is home. It was Monday, September 6, at 1:15 am. Emma was tossing and turning all night. She was groaning. Killian was trying to help his swan to help his wife as much as possible. "Emma, are you sure you are not in labor?"
"I do not know. I am not feeling well, nauseous. This pain...This hurts so bad." She gripped her husband's hands.
Killian has a feeling that his wife was in labor. "Let's get you checked, Emma." He helps her up, Emma waters break on the floor. "Oh no."
"Emma, we are going to the hospital."
Emma tried to move. "Killian, I cannot move." She gets a contraction and groans. Killian held his wife. "I am in labor!" She breathes in and out.
Killian faces his wife. "I am right here, Emma. Leia is going to be born healthy."
Emma wrapped arms around his neck while breathing in and out. "I am so stupid."
"No, you are not, Emma."
"I am so afraid."
Killian faces his wife. "I am right here, I am not going anywhere. You are going to give birth to Leia, our healthy daughter with me on your side."
Henry enters the room. "Mom? Are you okay?"
"I am in labor, kid. I cannot move."
"Mom, Dad is with you. I am going to call an ambulance."
"And the hospital, lad."
"I am on it." Henry went to his room and makes a phone call.
Allison wakes up in her bedroom and sees Henry calling her. "Henry?"
"Aunt Allison, Mom is in labor at home. She cannot move."
Allison knew how close Emma was about to give birth. "Henry, let me talk to your Dad now." Henry enters the room and puts Allison on speaker. "Killian? How is Emma?"
"She is in labor. She cannot move."
"That means the baby is on it's way. I am on my way. Henry gets blankets, clean, towels, scissors, and water."
"I got it." Henry goes downstairs.
"Leia is going to be born here?"
"Yes, love. I am going to be right here."
Emma groans. "I can feel her head."
"Aye, that means it is time to push. Just continue slow and deep breathes, Emma. " He helps Emma kneel down and got her to sit on the floor. He puts pillows behind her against the wall.
Henry rushes in with towels. "Henry lay the towels around your mother."
Henry did as he was told. "The ambulance is on the way and Aunt Allison."
"Thanks, lad." Henry goes out of the room. He hears Hope awake. He takes Hope downstairs.
"Killian...I am so afraid."
"You are my brave Emma. You can do this. Our Leia wants her Mommy. We are not going to lose her."
Emma felt another contract and gripped her husband's hands. "Push Emma!!" She screams as she pushes.
Allison rushes inside the house, seeing Henry keeping Hope distracted in the living room. She runs upstairs seeing Emma who is almost about to give birth. "Killian, I'm right here. I can deliver Leia."
Emma and Killian see Allison in pajamas. "Allison..."
"Emma, Leia really wants to meet you and Killian." She puts gloves on.
Killian goes behind his swan and supports her from behind. Emma felt her husband next to her and gripped his arms. "You can do this, Emma. Leia is almost here." He kisses her on the head.
Emma felt another contraction. "Aahhh!!!" She pushes.
"Emma, that is a good push." She can sees the baby's head.
Emma lies onto Killian. "I am sorry.."
"Emma, you have nothing to be sorry for. You are safe with me and Allison. You are not alone. You can do this. Our daughter is almost here. She is going to be in your arms in a few minutes. You have my strength, Emma."
"Emma, I can see your baby's head. She is almost here." Emma gets another contraction and pushes and screams. "That is it, Emma!! Push!! Her head is almost here!"
"You hear that love? Leia is almost here." Emma gets another contraction and pushes with all her might screaming.
"The head is born." She looks at her best friend. "Emma, on your next contraction, you are going to be a Mommy again!"
"One more push, Emma. You can do it, Emma. My strong amazing wife."
Emma gets another contraction and pushes with all over her might, the house's lights were flickering on and off. Henry brings Hope upstairs. Emma felt all the pain go away. Allison catches the baby, and cleared the airways. There was a loud cry. Emma and Killian were crying.
"1:33 am, September 6th!! I won the bet! Leia is here!" Emma and Killian are all smiling hearing Henry's excitement.
"Emma, Killian she is beautiful." She held up the baby who was crying her lungs out.
The two parents were crying. "Leia!!" The newborn looked at her Mommy with her matching hazel green eyes and her brunette hair. Emma was crying and smiling so big Allison laid Leia on her chest. She felt the love of her daughter right away. "Leia...You are finally here. You are finally here." Allison wrapped a towel around her goddaughter. Leia looks up at her Mommy with green hazel eyes. Emma smiles so big. "I am your Mommy. I love you so much." She kisses her on the head.
Killian gives Leia his hook, which she grabs. "Hi, Leia. I am your daddy. You are so beautiful. I love you so much." He kisses Leia on the head."She is here, Emma. You did a brilliant job, love. Our daughter is here."
"Our rainbow baby is here." Allison and Killian smile at Emma knowing they were waiting for so long for their baby. She looks up at her husband. "Her name is Leia Faith Swan-Jones.."
Killian smiles big. "Perfect. Leia Faith, our littlest pirate princess."
Allison was crying delivering her second daughter in her best friend's bedroom. "Her name is beautiful. Leia Faith. She is healthy, Emma."
Emma cannot stop looking at her daughter at her little toes, her hands, and her cute little face. " She is perfect. We made her, Emma."
"Yes, we did. She is ours." She lets Leia hold her finger. "She is beautiful."
"She is beautiful just like her Mommy." He kisses her on the head. "You did an amazing job, Emma. I am so proud of you."
"I had you on my side. You did not leave me. You have the best Daddy ever, Leia."
"You have your Dada's hair." He kisses his newborn daughter on the head.
"I told you, she will have your hair."
"Aye, I told you she will have your eyes."
"She looks like her big brother, Henry."
Allison took pictures of the family. She clamped the cord. "Killian, do you want to cut the cord?"
"Aye, yes." Killian was still crying. He cuts the cord. Leia cries.
"Leia...Leia... you are okay. You were born in Mommy and Daddy's bedroom." She hugs her daughter. "My baby duckling." She kisses Leia on the head and enjoying her skin to skin with her newborn daughter.
Killian smiling big at his newborn daughter with his wife. "Allison, is Leia healthy?"
Allison sees a concern of his newborn daughter's safety. "Yes, she is healthy. When the ambulance comes, Emma and she both get examined at the hospital. Right now, I need the placenta taken out. Emma needs to be warm." Killian gets a blanket for his swan and wrapped it around his swan. "Emma, I need your placenta taken out."
"Killian, can you hold Leia?"
"Aye, I would love too." He takes Leia from his swan's arms. "Hi, Leia. You are with Daddy." Killian cries happy tears. "I love you so much. You have no idea how long Dada and Mommy waited for you. You completed our family." Leia puts her hand on her Daddys hook. "That is Daddy's special hand. You are my littlest pirate. When Mommy says yes, we are going to go sailing the Jolly Roger." Leia coos. "Yes, we need to go on the Jolly Roger very soon, littlest love." Emma's placenta gets taken out. Allison began cleaning up the floor. Killian sits back down holding Leia.
Emma looks at her newborn daughter. "Killian, Leia is holding your hook."
"Our daughter loves my hook."
Henry enters the room seeing his Dad holding Leia and takes a picture on his camera. "Leia is here!"
Killian smiles. "Yes, son. Your baby sister is here. Leia, this is your big brother Henry."
"Leia, you are with our Dad." He kneels down and hugs his Mom. "Mom, are you okay?"
"Yes, kid. Your sister just wanted to arrive at home." Leia coos.
Henry faces his newborn baby sister in his Dad's arms. "Leia, you are so cute." He rubs Leia's cheek.
"Kid, she looks like you."
"Lad, I think Leia looks like your Mom but with my hair color." Leia coos. "Your big brother wants to meet you, little pirate."
"Dad, I have her blankie." He wrapped his sister in her baby blankie. "You are nice and warm baby sis." Killian hands over Leia to his son. Henry was crying. "Hi, Leia. You are finally here. You are with your big brother. I love you so much. I am going to teach you how to draw, play and read. I made this blankie for you baby sis to always have."
Killian takes a picture of his son meeting his new baby sister on his son's camera. Emma was crying tears of joy. "Swan,do you want to sit on the bed?"
"Yes, please. The floor hurts in so many ways..." Killian helps his swan up and carries her into his arms and laid her gently on their bed. "Thank you."
"You are welcome, Emma. You did all the hard work. I just helped."
"You did not leave me and Leia." She hugs her husband. "I love you so much, Killian."
"I love you, Emma. That is why I am always on your side especially when you are in labor with our babies. I am so proud of you, my Emma." They kiss.
"Allison, thank you for making it here on time."
"You are welcome."
"Aye, I was planning on delivering Leia if you did not come here on time."
"Killian, you are prepared Daddy."
"Aye, yes, I am." Leia began to cry.
Allison takes Leia from Henry. "Hi, Leia. Auntie Allison is here. I am also your god mommy." Henry takes pictures of his sister with Aunt Allison. Leia coos.
"Allison, you delivered her."
"Yes, I did. From your phone call, I knew to come here right away." Leia began crying. She places Leia in Emma's arms. "Leia, you are back with Mommy." Emma kisses Leia on the head. Leia stops crying. "Mom, she is so cute."
"Yes, she is." Emma smiles.
Henry lets his sister hold his finger. "Leia you are strong."
"Swan, now you are in bed, not on the floor. I think it is time for Hope to meet her baby sister."
Killian finds Hope in her room playing with her toys. "Hi,Hope."
"Dada!" Hope hugs her Daddy. "Mommy okay?"
"Yes, she is okay, Hope. Mommy had the baby. Leia is here!"
Hope smiles big. "Leia is here?!"
"Yes. She is in Mommy and Daddy's room."
"Leia!" Hope runs to her parent's room in excitement.
"Hi, Hope."
"Mommy!" She climbs onto the bed. "Leia here?!"
"Yes, Leia is here." Emma smiles Hope was excited to meet her baby sister.
Hope looks at her baby sister. "Baby!"
"Do you want to hold her?"
"We have to be gentle holding Leia." Emma laid Leia into her daughter's arms. "Leia, your big sister Hope is holding you. Hold her head, sweetie." Emma helped her daughter hold her other daughter. "Good job, Hope. You are holding your baby sister."
Hope smiles at her sister. "Leia!! Luv you." She kisses her sister on the head. Killian takes pictures of his two daughters on his iPhone.Henry took the photos of his two sisters on his camera. Emma smiles big Hope loves Leia. Emma was crying her three children were together. "Baby!" Allison takes pictures of the family of five, Emma holds Leia on her bare chest. "Can Leia sleep in my woom?"
Emma smiles. "Hope she is going to sleep in here with Mommy and Daddy for a little while. She will be keeping your Daddy and me up all night. She can have naps in your room."
"How did Leia come here?" Emma and Killian looked at each other how they were going to explain to their three-year-old about childbirth.
"She is not in my belly anymore. It was like a big poop."
"Ouch." Emma and Killian were relieved Hope understood.
"Yes, sweetie, a lot of ouches." She hugs her daughters. "I have two daughters now."
"Henwy, two sisters."
"That is right. I have two sisters now. They both look like Mom."
Emma hugs Henry, Hope, and Leia. "I have three ducklings now."
EMTs entered the bedroom. Allison goes to the EMTs and updates them."Emma Swan had an unexpected home birth. No complications."
"We still need to take the mother and baby to the hospital."
"Mommy and Leia have to go see Dr.Claire, little love."
"You and Leia safe?"
"Yes, sweetie. Daddy is going to be with Leia and me."
Killian held Leia as Henry helped his Mom on the stretcher. "Mom?"
Emma hugs her son. "I am okay, Henry. They are going to check me in the hospital since I had an unexpected home birth."
"You are strong, Mom. I love you so much."
"I love you so much." They hug.
"Lad, your Mom and sister are going to be okay." Leia fusses. Killian laid Leia on Emma's chest.
"Leia, you are with Mommy."
Henry holds his sister so she can hug their Mom. "Hope, I know this looks scary, I am okay. Leia is okay." She kisses her daughter on the cheek.
"Baby sis wif you."
"That is right, sweetie. Dada is with us too. You and Henry will come to the hospital to be with us later.'' The EMTS carry Emma and Leia to the ambulance.
Henry holds Hope. "Mommy, baby sis."
"Mommy and baby sis are okay. Daddy is with them. Auntie took good care of them. We are going to have H&H time sleepover in my bedroom." He takes Hope to his room.
"Killian, I can drive your car to the hospital."
"Thank you, Allison." He gives Allison the keys to the family car and goes inside the ambulance. He places his hand on top of Emma's shoulder. "Emma, are you okay?"
"I am very happy. Our rainbow baby is here." Leia coos, lying on top of her Mommy's chest.
"Leia Daddy is here with us."
"Daddy is here. I am right here, Leia. My two loves are safe." He kisses Emma on the head.
"I know the story of her birth will be a good chapter of our story."
"Aye, that will be very memorable. I am so proud of you, Emma. My brave strong wife." He kisses her on the head.
They both watch Leia sleeping on Emma's chest. "Our little duckling is fast asleep."
"Aye, she tired out after being born so quickly." The ambulance took them to the hospital. The EMTs brought Emma and Leia to the recovery room.
Dr.Claire was there. "Hi, Emma. I heard that Allison delivered your baby girl at home."
"Yes, she did. Killian almost delivered her if Allison did not arrive on time."
"Aye, I would have."
"The nurses are going to examine her while I examine you."
A nurse takes Leia away from her Mommy who began wailing. "Leia, everything is okay, sweetie."
Killian helps Emma in bed. "Swan, I am going to be with Leia." Killian goes to Leia who was being examined, being measured, getting her eyes checked, and weighed. "Your daughter is 8 pounds, 13 ounces, and 20 inches long."
"Leia, you are healthy."
Dr. Claire examines Emma. "Emma, you are good, no tears and nothing left of your placenta. You are going to be in recovery. You need to rest."
"I thought I was having Braxton hicks all night. Killian told me to come here. My water broke and I could not move."
"Your daughter was born safe and you have n complications." Leia was still wailing. A nurse puts a bow hat and bracelet with her name on it and Emma's information.
"Littlest love." He wrapped his daughter in her blankie. "There you go, you are warm now." He holds Leia in his arms who stops crying. "Dada is here." He kisses Leia on the head. Emma was telling a nurse Leia's information to fill out the birth certificate. He sits down on the rocking chair and cannot stop looking at his newborn daughter. "Leia, you made me a Daddy again." The nurses and doctor leave. Emma watches her husband awwing over their daughter. Leia was moving her tongue around. "Oh, really? You love the blankie that Henry made for you?" Leia coos.
"Killian, she is saying, I love my daddy."
Killian smiles. "I love Leia so much." He sits on the bed next to his swan. "I love you so much, Emma."
"I love you, Killian." They kiss. Leia began to cry. "Killian, Leia is hungry." She preps to breastfeed. He places Leia in Emma's arms and Leia latches on right away. "Good Leia. You know Mommy has your milk." She rubs Leia's head.
There was a knock on the door, Killian answers it, Allison. "Hi, Killian. I have Emma's hospital bag."
"Come in. Emma just started feeding Leia."
Allison enters the room. "Emma, how is little Leia?"
"She is healthy. She latched on right away. "
"That is a good sign."
"Allison, thank you so much for coming to us on time."
"You are welcome, Emma. You did the hard work. I just caught my goddaughter. After you feed her, you need to rest."
Emma yawns. "I am so tired but happy all at once."
"Swan, Leia is going to be with me while you rest."
"I know, I still do not want to let her go. She is here."
"She is staying with us, Emma." He hugs his swan watches his little love eating.
"Allison, I did not know you can deliver babies."
"When I worked with House, I got to experience a lot of fields. This is why I am able to be a pediatric doctor, emergency room doctor, and an immunologist."
"My best friend has multiple trades."
"So does my best friend, the savior."
"Does Lizzie and Connor know of their little cousin?"
"Yes, I called them when I was driving here that Leia arrived. They will want to meet her soon."
"They are welcome to come over, whenever Leia and I leave from the hospital."
"I am pretty sure you two won't be here for too long since you two are healthy." Leia fusses. Emma burps her daughter. "Leia, did you hear your Auntie talking to Mommy?" She gives Leia to Allison to hold.
"Hi, Leia. You are full of your Mommy's milk." Leia coos. "She looks like Emma with Killian's hair."
"Aye, I had a feeling both of my two girls will look like my swan." Leia began crying.
"Allison, I think she is still hungry." Allison puts Leia in her Mommy's arms. "Leia, you are with Mommy. I have your food." Leia latches back on. "She is my biggest baby, she is 8 pounds, 13 ounces, and 20 inches long."
"She is so big."
"Hope was 7 pounds and 21 inches. Henry, I do not know, he was taken..." She began to tear up. Leia coos. "Sweetie, you are with Mommy." She kisses Leia on the head, her daughter reminded her that she is not a lonely teenager anymore, she has a true love Killian and Henry and Hope. Killian puts his arm around his wife.
"While you three are here, I am going back to your house to be with Henry and Hope."
"Thank you, Allison."
"I will bring them here later. I know they want to be with their baby sister." She takes a picture of the parents and their new daughter. Allison leaves the room and heads back to the Swan-Jones' house. Emma finishes breastfeeding Leia. Killian passes her the burp rag. She burps Leia. "Good job, Leia." She lets Leia lay on her chest doing skin-to-skin. "My little rainbow baby." She kisses her on the head. "Baby duckling or buttercup can be Leia's nickname, little duckling can be Hope's nickname. Henry, Hope, and Leia are all of my ducklings."
"Aye, so there won't be any confusion in the house."
"Yes. She is enjoying skin to skin."
"Aye, she is fast asleep." Killian kisses Emma on the head. "We are parents of three now."
"Yes, we are. I cannot believe that we are parents of a son and two daughters."
"The Swan-Jones family is complete." They kiss.
Emma cannot stop looking at her newborn daughter. "I do not want to let her go. I love her so much."
"She is not leaving you, Emma. " Emma held onto her daughter and fell asleep in her husband's arms. "Rest now, love. Leia is here with us. I am staying with my two loves."
A few hours later, Leia wakes up needing a diaper change waking up her mommy. She sniffs Leia. "Killian, Leia needs her first diaper change."
"Aye, I will change her." Killian puts Leia on the bed. "Dada is going to change your diaper, little love." He gets a diaper and changes Leia's diaper into her first outfit which was a duckling pirate pattern long sleeve onesie. Leia stopped crying once she was all dressed up. Killian takes a picture of Leia in her first outfit on Emma's iPhone.
"Your outfit is so cute, baby girl!"
"Here is your Mommy, little pirate." He puts Leia in her Mommy's arms. Leia coos. "You just want to be with Mommy." She kisses Leia on the head.
There was a knock on the door. Killian opens the door, it was Granny. "Hi, Killian. I heard Emma had an unexpected home birth. I thought you all needed something to eat."
"Granny, please come in."
Granny enters the room seeing Ema holding her daughter. "Emma, she is a beauty."
"Thank you, Granny. This is our daughter Leia."
"She looks like Killian."
"I think she looks like Henry, Killian, and me but when she is bigger we will see who she looks like. Do you want to hold her?"
"Yes." Emma places her daughter into granny's arms.
"Hi, Leia. You are so cute. Has Henry and Hope met her yet?"
"Yes, after my unexpected home birth, Leia has met her big brother and big sister already at home. They went back to bed as soon we left." Leia to cry. Granny gave her back to her Mommy. "Leia..you are with Mommy." Leia stops crying. Emma smiles. Granny remembers when she first met Emma when she came to Storybrooke to stay for Henry. Now Emma has two daughters."You are an amazing mother, Emma."
"Thank you, Granny. I love her so much already." Leia looks up at her Mommy. "Yes, I am talking about you, little buttercup."
"If you both need anything, let me know. I also brought meals for Henry and Hope."
"Thank you, Granny. We appreciate the food."
"It is on the house."
"Emma, I know you and Killian were waiting for a long time for this baby. I am really happy for you both. After all, you have done for this town, Emma, saving everyone, this is the least I can do. I want you two to enjoy time alone with your newest daughter." Granny leaves.
Killian hand-fed Emma her grilled cheese and onion rings since she did not want to let go of sleeping, Leia. "Do you want more?"
"I am full for now. I know I am going to need to eat later for Leia's next feeding." He puts away his swan's meal. As Killian ate his meal from granny, Emma cannot stop admiring her daughter. "Leia...Leia...Your big brother was right, your birthday is September 6, 2021. He had a feeling you were coming today."
"That means Henry won the bet." Emma chuckles. He shows Leia a duckling doll. "This is your duckling doll, Leia. You are Mommy's littlest duckling."
Emma was in complete awe her husband got their newborn daughter a duckling doll. "Leia, Dada got you a duckling doll. She is going to love it."
"Aye, her first toy."
"Our little duckling has her duckling doll."
There was a knock on the door, Ashley opened the door. "Hi, Emma. I heard you had the baby."
"Hi, Ashley. Come in." Ashley gets a closer look at the baby. "Ashley, say hi to Leia."
"Leia. Awww. She is so cute."
"Do you want to hold her?"
"Yes!" Emma laid her newborn daughter in Ashley's arms. Killian takes a picture of Ashley holding Leia on his iPhone. "Emma, she is so cute! She looks like you but with Killian's hair."
"Aye, that what I think too."
Emma chuckles. "I think she looks like Henry."
Ashley sits on the bed holding Leia. "I heard from granny that you had an unplanned home birth."
"Yes, I was not sure I was in labor. Killian thought I was. He was right. My water broke in my bedroom. I had a gut feeling I was going to give birth at home. Killian was prepared to deliver Leia."
"Aye, I was prepared." He wrapped his ar around his swan. "Luckily, Allison arrived to deliver Leia."
"Did Leia meet her big brother and sister?"
"Yes! Henry helped us and told us the time when Leia was born. He met Leia first. After I was decent, Hope met Leia. She loves her baby sister already!"
Ashley smiles. "I have a feeling Hope will tell me and Melody all about her baby sister in preschool. I will tell Ariel and melody of the news. I have a feeling they will visit you later." Leia fusses.
Emma takes Leia from Ashley. "Leia...Leia..." She kisses her newborn daughter on the head. Leia stops fussing.
Ashley took photos of Emma, Leia, and Killian together on Henry's camera. "Emma, I am so happy you get to raise another daughter. Your happy ending."
Emma smiles. "This is my happy beginning part 2."
"You helped me keep my daughter. Without you, Alexandra would not be with me."
"I wanted you to have support. When I had Henry, I had no one." Leia coos. Emma smiles down at her daughter. "Yes, sweetie. I am not alone anymore. I have you, daddy, Henry, and Hope."
"I have a gift for her." Ashley gives Emma the gift, it was a pink teddy bear in a pirate outfit.
Killian smiles. "Ashley, Leia is going to love this."
"Yes, she will. Thank you, Ashley."
"You are welcome. If you all need anything let me know. I am happy to help."
"Thank you, Ashley."
"Aye, we appreciate it."
"I have to go before the rest of Hope's class arrives."
"Bye, Ashley." Ashley leaves. Leia began crying.
"Swan, someone wants her Daddy." He takes Leia from his Emma. "Leia...Leia... You are with Dada...shh..shh." Leia stops crying making her parents smile. Killian sits down next to his wife. Emma looks over at their newborn daughter. "You did an amazing job, Emma. I am so proud of you."
"I love you, Killian."
"I love you, Emma." They kiss. There was another knock on the door, Killian opens the door, it was his in-laws. "Hi Charming, Snow White."
"I heard that we have another granddaughter."
"Aye, yes you both do. Come in."
"Hi Mom, Hi, Dad. Meet Leia Faith Swan-Jones."
"Emma, she is beautiful."
"She is..."
"Mom, do you want to hold her?"
"Yes." She places her daughter in her mother's arms. Leia began wailing. "Do not cry, Leia." She bounces her up and down. Leia cried more.
Killian takes Leia from his mother-in-law. "Little pirate, dada is here. Everything is okay, little pirate princess." Leia gripped her Daddy's hook making him smile big as everyone else was in aww. Killian smiles Leia knows she is safe with her Daddy.
"Emma, she is beautiful."
"She is. She takes after me already. She wanted to be born at home."
Snow White was surprised. "You had a homebirth?"
"Yes. I thought I was having Braxton hicks. The next thing, my water broke at home. I could not move. Allison delivered Leia."
Leia began crying. Killian sits next to his wife."Swan, Leia wants her Mommy." He puts Leia back into Emma's arms letting his little lass hold his hook.
"My little pirate princess, you are with Mommy."
"Now, we have two pirate princesses." He wrapped his arm around his swan. Leia coos.
"Emma, she looks like you but with Killian's hair."
Emma smiles. "That's what granny, Killian, Allison, and Ashley said, Dad. I think she looks like Henry and me."
When Hope wakes up, she was looking for her parents. She finds her Aunt Allison in the guest room. "Auntie!"
Allison wakes up seeing Hope. "Hi, Hope."
"Where Mommy, Dada, and Leia?"
"They are in the hospital, sweetie. We are going to see them soon. Let's get ready for the day first." Allison laid out her pink Big Sis shirt with jeans. After Hope was dressed in her Big Sis, she goes to her brother's room. "Henwy!"
"Hi, Hope. We are going to see Mommy and Leia in the hospital. We are bringing something to show Leia."
"Yes, we are bringing my storybook. When you were first born, I brought the storybook to read to you."
Henry smiles at Hope."Yes, I did. You and I are going to show Leia the storybook."
Allison enters Henry's room. "Hope, I need you to do your hair before we leave."
Hope goes to Allison. She lets her do her hair. "Bwaid."
"I cannot do braids, sweetie."
Back at the hospital, Charming was holding his granddaughter sitting on the bed. "Emma, she looks like you."
"Dad, she is so calm in your arms."
"That is because she is sleeping."
"She was crying when I held her."
"Aye, maybe she can sense what have you done to our family, to her brother-sister, and mother.."
"That was all Zelena."
" I held you in my arms when I was fighting the Evil Queen's knights to get you to the tree portal."
"Dad, you did save me. Now, you have two granddaughters and a grandson to spoil. I can tell she likes you."
"Of course, she does. She knows I am her grandpa." Emma smiles.
There was a knock on the door, Killian opens the door, it was Henry, Hope, and Allison. "Hi, Henry and Hope."
"Hi, dada. Leia!" Hope runs to her Mommy and baby sister
"Dad, Aunt Allison, Hope, and I got some sleep. Hope was still up early."
"She really is excited that Leia is here."
Hope goes to her Mommy. "Mommy!"
Emma hugs her daughter. "Hi, little duckling."
"Mommy, bwaid."
"I can braid your hair." Emma braids Hope's hair.
"Gwamps, my tuwn hold Leia."
"It is your turn?"
"Yes, I am her big sister. My job." Emma, Killian, and Charming were laughing.
"Okay, little princess." He puts Leia in her arms, Emma helps Hope hold her sister.
"Leia!" Leia looks up at her sister. "Mommy, she knows me!"
"Yes, she does because she knows you are her big sister!"
"Hi, Hope."
"Stay away from Leia. My baby." She holds Leia tighter. "Bad! Not hurt Leia." Leia began crying, which got Hope crying. Killian takes Leia from his daughter's arms.
Emma sighs and hugs Hope. "Mom! You got both of them upset! Grandma is not going to hurt you or Leia. Do not cry."
"Charming, I will meet you outside." Snow White leaves.
"There, there, little love. You are with Daddy. Shh...shh..." Leia calms down. "You are sister is okay, littlest love. Hope is with Mommy. You are with Dada." Leia stops crying.
Henry rubs Hope's back. "Hope, Grandma is not here, little sis."
"Not want her hurt Leia."
"I know, sweetie. She is not going to hurt you or Leia. When Grandma held Leia she was crying. She would not let Grandma hold her. Leia knew that we do not trust grandma."
Hope looks up at her Mommy. "She does?"
"Yes. That is why she was crying because she knew you were upset. Grandma makes you afraid. She knew."
"Hope, your grandma is not going to hurt you anymore, little princess. She has changed."
"Not twust her." Killian was hiding his chuckle, his daughter is stubborn like his Emma looking down at his newborn daughter who fell asleep in his arms.
"She is not here, sweetie." She hugs her daughter. "She is not going to hurt you or Leia." She kisses Hope on the head. "I can finally give you a big hug now."
"Little sis, how about we show Leia my storybook?"
"Yes! Mommy and Dada's stowy."
"Good idea, Hope." Henry takes his book out of his backpack.
"Leia, you are going to first experience your big brother reading to you from his storybook." He places his littlest pirate in her Mommy's arms. "Mommy, Leia sleeping."
"She will hear Henry's story, sweetie." She hugs her daughter. Charming leaves the room.
"Emma, if you need anything, I will be at my office."
"Allison, you are working?"
"Yes, I am. But I am going to be nearby if my family needs me."
"Yes, Hope?"
"Thank you help Mommy and Leia."
Emma and Allison both smile at Hope. "You are very welcome, Hope." She hugs her goddaughter and looks at Emma. "I will check up on you and Leia soon."
"Thank you, Allison." Leia coos.
"Auntie will be back, little Leia. You are going to love Henry's story." Allison leaves the room.
Henry began reading his parents' story, making both of his two little sisters happy. Emma and Killian smile at each other. They are a family of five now.
Ariel and Melody enter the room, "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Ariel. Hi, Melody."
"Em-em. Hope." Melody goes to the bed. Henry puts Melody on the bed.
"Mel-mel! Baby sis."
Melody sees the baby in Emma's arms. "Baby!"
"Melody, say hi to Leia. Hope and Henry's new baby sister."
"Hi, Leia."
"Ashley told us that Emma had the baby. Melody really wanted to meet her new friend before preschool start today."
Leia began crying. "Don't cwy, baby sis." Hope gives Leia her hand which Leia grips.
"You got Leia to stop crying, little sis. She loves you,"
Hope smiles. "Yay!" Killian takes pictures of Melody, Hope, Henry with Emma, and Leia on Henry's camera.
"Emma, I see Killian in her."
"That is what everyone is telling me."
"Melody, say bye-bye to Leia, Hope, and Emma."
"No, Momma."
"We will come back after preschool."
"Mel-Mel." Hope hugs, Melody.
"We are coming back, Hope." She looks at Emma. "Congratulations, Emma."
"Thank you, Ariel." She looks at Melody. "You can hold Leia when you come back." Melody smiles.
"Killian, congratulations on your daughter Leia."
"Thank you, Ariel." Ariel and Melody leave the room. Leia began crying.
Emma pulled down her gown and breastfeed her daughter. "Hope, your sister is just hungry."
"Yes, Hope. That is Leia's food, only milk. You used to eat from me just like Leia is doing."
"Yes, you did!" She tickles Hope making her laugh.
"Little sis, are you hungry?"
"Yes, hungwy bro."
"Luckily, granny brought you two over breakfast."
Killian gives Hope and Henry their meals. They ate on the couch. "Swan are you hungry?"
"Yes." He helped Emma by hand feeding her as she breastfeeds Leia. When Leia was done, Killian burps her. "You are full, Leia." He kisses his daughter on the head. Emma fell asleep.
"Dad, can I hold her? I washed my hands after I ate."
"Aye, yes you can." He laid Leia in her brother's arms.
"Leia, you are with me, baby sis. We are going to sit next to Hope." Henry sits on the couch with Hope.
"Baby sis!" She gets a closer look of her baby sister. Killian takes a picture of his three children together on Henry's camera.
"We have to let Leia sleep." Hope kisses Leia on the head. Henry kisses Hope on the head. "Good job, little sis.You are being a great big sister to our baby sister."Hope hugs her brother. "I have two sisters now."
There was a knock on the door, Killian opens the door, it was Regina. "Hello, your majesty."
"Hi, Killian. I heard Emma had the baby."
"Aye, you are right. Come in."
Regina sees Henry holding the newborn. "Hi Emma."
"Hi, Regina."
"Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Mom." Henry smiles. "Say hi to my baby sister Leia."
Regina smiles. "Hi, Leia. She looks like Hope with Killian's hair."
"Yay, she looks like me!" Henry and Killian chuckle. Regina takes a picture of Henry holding his new baby sister and with his two sisters. "My tuwn, bro."
"You can hold her when she wakes up. She is napping."
"Ina, snow bad."
Regina faces Hope. "Hope, snow white is good now. All of the bad things that she had done was Zelena. Zelena used Rowand's magic to change into Snow White. She did all of the bad things to you, Henry, Killian, and Emma."
"Don't twust her." Hope began crying.
Killian gets Hope. "I know you do not trust Snow White, little love."
"You are with daddy, little love. Shh..shh..." Hope hugs her Daddy.
Regina sits down next to Henry. "She looks like Killian."
"That is what I think. Mom thinks she looks like me."
"Lad, I do need to give you this." He hands Henry two $20 bucks.
"What is the money for?"
"Dad bet $20 that Leia would arrive on September 4th. I had a feeling Leia was coming when I was here. I bet September 6th and I won."
Regina was impressed. "You were right."
"Mom told us Leia was going to ome when she was ready."
"Aye, Leia wanted to come when her big brother is home. Leia was born at home."
"She knew I was home. Leia is an awesome baby sis." He kisses Leia on the head. Regina smiles seeing her son happy with his new baby sister.
A few hours later, Allison checks up on Emma and Leia. Emma was holding Leia and talking to Hope "Emma, I can examine Leia now."
"Do not we have to bring her to your office? Allison?"
"I can examine her here now. Her first vaccination shots are when she is two months old."
"You just want to hold your goddaughter?"
"Yes. Also, when you can go home. You can relax at home."
"Okay, Leia. Your auntie Allison is going to check on you."
Allison holds Leia. "Hi, baby goddaughter. Auntie is going to check on you. That is all." Allison examines Leia on the bed. Emma and Killian watched Allison examined their newborn daughter.
Hope was hugging her Mommy. "Baby sis, cwying."
"She is okay, sweetie. Auntie needs to check on Leia to see if she is healthy."
Allison examines Leia's temperature, weight, hearing, taking blood in her foot. Leia was wailing. Allison gave Leia to Emma to calm her down. Henry holds his sister. "She is with Mommy, little sis. She is going to be okay."
After Allison examined her newest goddaughter, she holds Leia. "You were such a good little patient." She puts Leia back into her Mommy's arms.
Emma rocking her daughter back and forth. "Leia, you are okay. You are with Mommy, little duckling. Shhh..Shh.."
"Emma, Killian Leia is healthy. Even though she was born a week early and at home."
"Aye, our little pirate princess is healthy, which all that matters." He rubs Leia's cheek.
"Auntie, is Leia okay?"
"Yes, I was just checking on your baby sister. She is healthy." Hope hugs Allison.
"I am going to take Henry and Hope home so you can get some sleep." She knew Emma and Killian need alone time with their new daughter.
"Auntie, stay here Mommy and baby sis."
"Hope, I am going to sleep over at your house tonight."
"Hope and Auntie time?"
"Yes, Hope." Hope smiles. "Mommy, Auntie sleepover."
"You are having a sleepover with Auntie and Henry?"
"You are going to listen to Henry and Auntie Allison?"
"Yes." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"Mommy, Daddy and Leia are coming home tomorrow."
"No! No!" Leia began crying. Killian holds Leia. Emma hugs Hope. "Stay.. here."
"You need to go home, with Henry."
"Not Leia get hurt."
"Leia is going to be with Daddy and me..."
"Gwama and Zel-ena. Hurt her. Not hurt baby sis."Emma hugs her daughter.
"Emma, Hope is right." They hear Zelena and turns around seeing her poof into the room. Hope and Leia began wailing.
Killian hands over Leia to Emma who gripped both of her daughters in her arms. "Leave my family alone!!" He pushes her against the wall. "You are not destroying my family." Hope and Leia were both crying. Allison rushes to get security. Henry calls his other Mom.
Emma was holding onto her girls. "Leave, Zelena."
Henry goes to Zelena. "Leave my Mom and my sisters alone, Zelena."
"Oh Henry, I do not care about your sisters. Only my revenge..." She used her magic to throw Henry across the room.
"Henry!!" Emma was in pain but she carried Leia to her son. Henry groans. She checks for injuries. Zelena pushes Killian and charges at Emma, Leia and Henry.
Hope rushes in front of her brother. "Leave Henwy alone."
"Hope, get away from Zelena."
"Oh, the little brat."
"Not hurt my family!!" Hope light magic shocks Zelena. Emma smiles, she was proud of her daughter.
"You little...."
Killian puts a magic band on her and handcuffs Zelena. "Do not lay a hand on my daughter. You scared my daughters, hurt my son and caused damage to my wife's relationship with her mother. You are not hurting my family."
Allison returns with Regina and security. Regina and Allison goes to Henry. "Regina, Emma I have Henry. Emma, you and Leia go back to bed."
"I am staying with my son." Leia cries more.
Regina goes to Hope who was performing light magic on Zelena not on her Daddy. "Hope, let go of Zelena."
"Not want her hurt family."
"She is not going to hurt your family, Hope. Your Dad got Zelena in handcuffs."
"She hurt Henwy."
"She is not going to hurt him anymore. I will make sure of that. You need to stop your light magic." Regina goes to Zelena.
Emma goes over to Hope. "Hope, Mommy, Henry, Leia are safe. Daddy and Regina are with Zelena. She is not going to hurt us." Hope stops using her light magic, she was tired and goes to her Mommy. Emma hugs Hope in one arm and Leia in her other arm. "My mini-me save the day. My first-day daughter Hope." Hope hugs her Mommy. "I am so proud of you, Hope."
Regina was mad at her sister. "Since Emma's hands are full." Regina punches Zelena in the face. "You hurt my son!!"
"You are never going get near my family ever again."
"You cannot ruin our family, Zelena."
"I did, with your Mom, Emma." The guards took her out into the hallway.
Regina looks at her son who was being examined by Allison. "Regina,Henry is okay. I can watch him."
"Regina, our son is with me. Make sure your sister gets in a cell in isolation. She hurt our son."
"I am on it, Emma." Regina goes to her sister with the guards. "A three-year-old's light magic is stronger than you." Regina and the security guards took Zelena away.
Killian helped his swan and baby pirate up and put them back to bed. He holds Hope in his arms."You are with Dada, little love. You are a hero."
"My little hero." He kisses her on the head and puts Hope on the bed. He holds Leia. "Leia, everyone is safe. Shh..shh...your big sister protected you." Leia stops crying in her Daddy's arms. "You are with Dada" and he handovers his littlest pirate back to his wife. "Emma, I will be right back. I am going with Regina to make sure Zelena is put away, in isolation, love."He hugs his swan.
"I am okay, Killian. We are okay. I have a feeling Henry will be okay."
"I will be right back, Leia. Dada has to make sure Zelena stays in prison." Killian catches up with Regina.
Allison finished examining Henry. "Emma, Henry is okay. No head damage."
"I just need to lie down."
"I still want him to have an MRI."
"I will arrange it." Allison helped her nephew up and lead him on the couch. She gives him an ice pack. Allison hugs Hope. "I love your light magic."
"Thank you, Auntie Allison. "Henwy."
"He is okay, Hope. I am taking care of him."
"Henry, I will be back."
"Thank you for taking care of me Aunt Allison."
"You are welcome, Henry. You need to rest."
"I will. Mom, you need to rest too." Emma chuckles. Allison leaves the room.
Emma goes over to Henry and hugs him. "How are you feeling?"
"Mom, I am okay." He hugs his Mom. "Are you and Leia okay?"
"Yes, we are. Thanks to Hope."
Hope goes to her brother. "Hi, little hero."
"Bro!" Hope hugs her brother. "Protected family."
"Yes, you did, little sis. You take after our Mom."
Regina returns and rushes to Henry. "Henry! Are you okay?"
"Yes, Mom. Zelena did not do any head damage."
"Allison checked Henry. I still want him to have an MRI."
"I am okay, Mom. I did not want her to get to you, Hope or Leia."
"She threw you on the ground, hard kid."
"I know. Hope ran in front me and you and Leia."
"Hope, you protected Henry!"
"Yes, I did. Also, Mommy and Leia."
"Emma, you have a mini-me."
Emma hugs Hope. "Hope is my mini-me."
"Light magic lessons?"
"I do need to teach you."
Emma smiles. "My little mini-me." Killian enters the room. "Dada is back."
"Hello, little love." He hugs Hope, who was hugging around his neck. "Emma, Zelena is in the psych ward, love. The crocodile used his dark magic to prevent her to escape. Also, a security guard is guarding her room at all times."
"Good." Emma lays Leia in Killian's arms. Killian sat on the bed with Leia next to his swan. Emma hugs Hope and faces her. "How did you know Zelena was here?"
"I just know, Mommy." Emma and Killian looked at each other, maybe Hope's power like how she can tell people are lying. She hugs her daughter crying, her daughter is her mini-me.
"Dad, we are officially outnumbered."
Killian smiles. "Aye, yes we are."
Emma giggles. "Hope, Leia, we have more girls in the family."
"More girls." She looks at her sister. "Baby sis." She places her hand on her sister.
"That is good being gentle to baby sister." Leia began crying.
Killian scooped his littlest pirate in his arms. "Littlest love, you need your diaper change." He changes Leia's diaper, she was crying.
Hope goes to her sister. "Don't cwy baby sis."
"She will stop crying when I finish cleaning her, little love." He puts Leia in a clean diaper and a long sleeve floral onesie.
"Killian, that outfit has a bow bandana." Leia cried more. Emma gets the bow bandana and puts it on Leia. "Leia, Dada does not know about bows." She swaddles Leia in a swaddler and wrapped her in her blankie, which makes her stop crying and held her daughter in her arms. "You just wanted Mommy to hold you and be in her blankie." Leia coos making her Mommy smile. "Leia stopped cwying."
"I told you, little love. Leia does not like her diaper being changed."
"She just wants to be warm. This room is cold to her, sweetie. She is happy that she is in a new warm outfit."
"Leia, Henwy blankie best. I have one too!" Leia coos.
"Henry, you give the best blankies."
Henry smiles. "I know what my sisters want."
Allison comes in with a wheelchair. "Henry, I am going to take you to your MRI."
Regina enters the room. "Emma, I am going with him. Mulan is watching around just in case any danger comes around again."
"Thank you, Regina." Allison pushes Henry out of the room. "Henry, will be back, Hope."
"Want hold Leia."
Emma smiles. "Remember hold her head." Killian laid a pillow onto Hope's lap. Emma laid Leia into Hope's arms.
Hope was smiling down at her sister. "Leia!" She kisses her sister on the head. Killian takes pictures of Hope holding Leia. "Luv you baby sis." Leia coos.
"She is saying she loves you, Hope."
"I know! Potty."
"Little love, the bathroom is right here." Killian opens the door.
"I am going to hold Leia." She holds her daughter. Hope goes to the bathroom. She looks down at Leia. "I love you, Leia. Mommy loves you so much. No matter what happens, Mommy will always be there for you, baby duckling." She kisses Leia on the head. "You look a lot like me with your Daddy's hair."
Killian sees Emma holding their newborn daughter. "Little love, do you want to get a snack?"
"Yes, Dada. Leia snack?"
Killian smiles, Hope is already thinking of her baby sister. "She only eats Mommy's milk. We can get Mommy a treat." Hope hugs her Daddy's leg. Killian holds Hope on her hip. "Emma, Hope and I will be right back." Killian takes Hope to the vending machine.
"Leia, it is just you and me." She kisses Leia on the head and laid her on her chest. "Mommy is here." She loves the new baby smell. "My baby girl. You are finally here."
Killian got Hope a rice Krispy treat. "Should we get Mommy a snack little love?"
"Get Mom a pop tart!" Henry walks to them.
"Aye, your Mom loves pop tarts." He gets a pop tart for his swan.
"Henwy!" Hope hugs her brother. He holds his sister. "Tweat!"
"Daddy got you a Rice Krispy treat."
"Lad, how was your MRI?"
"It was very very loud. Aunt Allison said there is no damage."
"Let's take a long way back."
"Why?..oh. Okay." Henry understood, his Dad wanted to give their Mom alone time with Leia.
Emma began crying holding Leia in her arms. "I am a Mommy again. You are part of my next chapter of my happy beginning being a Mommy of two little girls and one boy. I have three ducklings, now." She kisses Leia on the head. Emma can't believe she is a mommy again with her true love. Leia is her rainbow baby.
Killian returns to the room, seeing Emma fast asleep holding Leia on her chest. He takes a photo and sits next to his swan. "Emma, I am right here. Dada is here, Leia." He kisses Emma o the head and laid his hand on top of Emma's protecting their daughter. "We are now a family of five. My brave swan delivered our rainbow baby."
"Rainbow..." Emma wakes up.
"Rainbow can be her nickname."
"Aye, Leia. Our little rainbow baby. Hope is little ducking..."
"Or buttercup or Hopey."
"Aye, Leia is rainbow."
"Yes, or rainbow duckling."
"I like it, rainbow duckling."
"Or just rainbow"
"Rainbow can be her nickname. She is my baby pirate princess."
"I love her so much. I love you, Killian."
"I love you so much, Emma." They kiss. "Go back to sleep, swan. I am going to watch you and Leia sleep. Leia is going to stay here with " Emma laid her head onto Killian and fell back to sleep.
Henry carried Hope in, knowing their Mom and baby sister was asleep. "We have to be quiet, Hope. Mommy and Leia are taking a nap." He sits on the couch with Hope and ate their treats as their Mom and baby sister were resting. The Swan-Jones family is a family of five.

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