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The next morning after Emma told Henry his baby sister's name, Emma wakes up with Killian next to her. "Morning, babe."
"Morning Love." They kiss.
Henry brings a tray of oatmeal with mixed berries for Emma's breakfast. "Morning, Mom and Dad. Mom, I made you breakfast."
"Oh, Henry. That is very sweet of you thank you so much." He put the tray nearby her.
"It was no problem to do, Mom." He sits on their bed. He hugs Emma and kisses her baby belly.
"Wait, are you doing all of this because I told you the baby's name last night?"
Emma giggles. "Just remember do not tell anyone about Hope's name alright?"
"Yes, Mom. I can keep her name a secret. I was thinking, can we finish the movie tonight? Since we fell asleep after our conversation last night."
"Sure. That sounds good to me." He leaves to get ready for school.
"Wow, the lad is really excited from knowing her name."
"I know. Oh, do not forget to buy the baby proofing supplies this morning."
"Aye. I am going to buy the baby proofing supplies after dropping Henry at the bus stop. "
"My dad said he can set it up this morning. I know that you are going to the art store this afternoon."
"Yes, I am taking Henry with me. He knows what to get from there, more than me."
Emma giggles. "You got that right."
"See you later loves."
Emma eats her breakfast.
Killian walked Henry to the bus stop.
"Son, I saw you and your Mom had a very serious conversation last night. Do you want to tell me what was about? You do not have to, if you do not want to the lad."
"I asked her if my relationship would change with her when my baby sister comes since she going to be raising her from the very beginning and all. I do not want to be forgotten"
"Lad, your mom will not forget you. You were her first official family, remember that. Have I ever told you about my childhood?"
"Not too much. I know you have two brothers."
"Aye, my older brother Liam and I were sold into servitude by our father, who abandoned his own son's to escape the next dock where he was wanted for theft. He abandoned us. I found him many years, he survived the Sleeping Beauty curse and fell in love with the nurse who took care of him. They got married and have another son, named Liam."
Henry's mouth dropped. "You have two brothers named Liam."
"Aye, I overheard him promising Liam the same thing he promised me right before he sold us as slaves for his debt. I got so angry I killed my own father, which is why the other Liam was mad at me when we were on the Nautilus."
Henry was still in shock. "So, from what I am trying to say is, your mom is not replacing you with your baby sister. She loves you so much. She will not forget you, you know that?"
"From what you told me just now and from what Mom told me last night. I can tell that my mom is not replacing me and her relationship with me will not change once Hope comes. I also feel better that my mom is not like your father, compared to him my mom is amazing."
"Aye, lad. You got that right. Are you happy that you know your baby sister's name?"
"Yes, I am. I love Hope already."
"Me too, lad." They continue to walk to the bus stop. "Lad, have your grandparents mention to you anything about the baby shower?"
"I only heard about it from my other Mom that they are replanning the party since Mom is on bedrest."
"Aye, I will ask your other mom then. Lad, I am picking you up after school so we can buy art supplies."
"I will see you after school, Dad bye!"
Killian walking to the station, he makes a phone to Regina. "Hi, Killian. How is Emma?"
"She is doing so much better after the emergency room incident. Thank you for letting Henry staying over at our house more often. He really has been helping Emma emotionally."
"Your welcome. I know Emma needed Henry around more. I am glad she is doing better."
"I was wondering if you know when is the baby shower? And where is it going to be?"
"Well, Snow and I have been thinking to have it in Granny's? Do you think Emma will be able to walk that much?"
"Well, her doctor said she can move around a little bit. As long as I can drive her and she will most likely be sitting down. When is the party day?"
"We are thinking the party will be next Saturday at Granny's at 4:00 pm."
"Great. I am wondering if you can visit Emma. I know from Henry you have been asking about her."
"Sure. I can visit her this afternoon. Is there anything that I can do while I am there?"
"You can help to tidy up the house a bit, Charming is going to do the baby proofing. I have a feeling that it will get messy."
"Ah, I can help with cleaning. Is there anything you need like groceries?"
"I do the grocery shopping, it is no problem. Thanks for offering. I have to go, shop for baby proof supplies and give it to Charming before my shift." Killian went to the store bought it and went to the station and handed the bag to Charming. "How is my daughter?"
"She is doing good. She is better spirited since the emergency room incident."
Charming goes to the Jones' house. "Emma, I am here."
Emma slowly goes downstairs, "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, honey." He hugs her. "How are you?"
"I am better and this little girl is getting more heavier but that is a good thing." While Charming, did the baby proofing the house, Emma read the library books. After a few hours, Charming was done. He had to go back to the station to relieve Killian from his shift. As he opened the door, Regina was at the door. "Hi, Regina."
"Hi, Charming. Is Emma around?"
"Yes, she is upstairs in her room I think."
Regina finds Emma in the baby's room sitting in the rocking chair, smiling and rubbing her baby bump. Regina knocks the door.
"Oh, hi. Regina. I did not know that you were coming by."
"Your dad let me in when he was leaving. How are you doing?"
Emma smiled. "So much better than a few weeks ago. I am just happy that my baby girl is growing safely in my body. I do not mind bed rest, I am liking to be able to relax, I am not used to this. I was always running around and chasing at a robber or a villain."
"I understand."
"As you can see, this is one of my favorite rooms in the house. I cannot wait to have her in here."
They went to Emma's bedroom to talk more, so Emma can lie down on her bed. "How is Henry?"
"He is doing good. He has been very helpful. I know that he wants to be here. Are you mad that he is not over at your house more often?"
"No, I am not. I know how much you need him here. As long he keeps his grades up, he can come over more often. I am glad that he is helping you a lot."
"He has been, thank you, Regina. He asked me a question last night."
"What did he ask Emma?"
"He asked me that if my relationship with him would change once the baby comes?"
"Oh, really, He really asked that?"
"Yes, he did. He told me that he did not want to be replaced because I was going to be a mom from the start and he does not want to be forgotten. I felt hurt that he would ask me that. I told him that I love him so much, that he was my first official family, how much I regret giving him up for his best chance. I told him how much he meant to me and how my heart is going grow bigger once his sister comes."
"I told him that he is part of this family no matter what, he is going to be helping me when his sister is born and he is going to be coming with us on our family vacations. I told him after she comes that we will spend a lot of time together. I already know Killian will be watching her a lot." They both laughed.
"Yes, Killian seems to be a very overprotective dad already."
"Oh, yes. He is and she is not even here yet." They both laughed.
"He asked me if the baby loves him?"
"He did?"
"Yes. I told him to talk to her which he did and the baby kicked twice."
"Awww. How was watching that?"
"It was amazing."
"Emma, Henry is so looking forward to being a big brother. I cannot wait to see him with his baby sister."
"Same here. I have to use the bathroom, I will be right back." As she was waddling back to her room, she had a Braxton hicks contraction. "Oh baby." and she breathes in and out slowly. Regina rushes to her, "Emma, are you having a contraction?"
"Braxton hicks my body prepare....for the real labor." Once the Braxton hicks contraction stopped, Regina helped Emma back to her bed. Emma keeps taking deep breaths.
"I am going to get you some water." She rushes to get her a glass of water. She sees all of the sonogram photos on the fridge on her way out of the kitchen and returns upstairs. "Emma. Are you better now?"
"Yes. Wow, that hurt so much. Thank you." She slowly sipped her water.
"Has this happen more often?"
"Yes, since I am 8 months pregnant it is going to happen more often. They hurt."
"I am going to let you rest for a little bit. I am going to help clean downstairs, from the mess your dad left."
Regina went downstairs to clean.
Emma cooed to her baby belly, "Baby Hope, you have no idea of how many people cared for you and I. They are so helpful. Mommy knows that you were happy when I told your big brother Henry your name last night. Right baby girl?" She kicked. "I thought so because you kicked twice for your big brother." She giggled. Regina saw a little bit of Emma talking to her baby belly while she was cleaning upstairs.
An hour later, Henry and Killian returned home. They see Regina cleaning downstairs. "Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry." She gives him a hug. "I miss you. How are you?"
"I am doing really good Mom. Dad and I got art supplies so Mom and I can do an art project. You are helping out too?"
"Yes, I am. I cleaned all of the mess your grandpa left after he baby proofed the house."
"That is great Mom. I am happy you are helping my other Mom out."
"Henry, you know that Emma and Killian are my families too."
"I know. It is just good that you both get along now not a first."
Regina smiles, "Oh yeah, your mom and I were enemies now we are best friends. Go show your mom what you bought for her." He runs upstairs.
"How was she when I was not here?"
"She had a few Braxton hicks contractions while I was here. I helped her as much as I could. I left her upstairs to rest and I cleaned down here."
"Aye, every time she gets those fake contractions, I always get so nervous for her and the lass."
"Killian, she knows what is the real labor is, do not worry too much."
"I know you are worried about her ending up in the emergency room again. I promise you the next time she is in the labor and delivery room is when she is really in labor."
Killian chuckles. "Oh, is the baby shower is only for women?"
"Nope, it is going to be both women and men. Snow literally invited the entire town."
"Thank you for being here today. I just get nervous if Emma is in the house alone for a long time."
"I know what you mean. It is no problem. Call me if you need anything else. I will see you soon."
"Bye, Regina."
Killian goes upstairs to find Emma and Henry in their room, Henry showing Emma what they bought at the art and crafts store. " Hi, honey." She gives him a kiss on the lips.
"Hi, Emma. how are you my two loves doing?"
"We are both doing great Killian. Oh, Henry, when I mention your name to Hope early she kicked."
Henry had a big smile on his face. "Mom, she really did?"
"Yes, Hope. You can talk to her?" Emma pulled up her shirt. Henry bends down and placed his hands on her bare baby bump stomach.
Emma and Killian were smiling at each other and watched Henry talking to Emma's baby bump, "Hope this is Henry. I love you so much, little sister. I cannot wait to teach you how to paint and tell your stories from my very special storybook. I will read it to you all the time." Hope kicked and moved around the sound of Henry's voice.
"Wow, she is really listening to me, like last night."
"I told you, kid, Hope knows her big brother."
"Now, let me try and see if Hope listens to her Daddy." He moves to Emma's baby bump. "Little Hope, it is your Daddy. You are going to be a little pirate like me. I know you love the ocean already. You are going to learn how to sail like your big brother Henry." Hope kicks and moves around for him too. "See my little lass listens to me too." They all laughed.
"We all cannot wait to meet you soon, my little baby Hope." She rubs her belly while Hope moves around.
Emma, Killian, and Henry watched Harry Potter in their bedroom. Once Henry fell asleep, Killian carried him to his room. Killian returns to their room, "You know what?"
"What swan?"
"I am looking forward to having more of these special days once our little girl comes."
"Aye, me too."
"I cannot wait the brother and sister relationship they are going to have over time."
"Aye, Henry and Hope are going to be really close."
"Yes, their age gap is closer than Leo and mine, which double their age gap. I cannot wait to be a family of four."
"Same here love." They kiss and Killian rubs her belly at the same time. Hope moves around. They both smile. "Little Hope, we all cannot wait for you to meet us."
"Aye, little lass. You are going to complete our family. We love you, little love." Emma hugs Killian until she falls asleep wrapped in his arms. Killian gently puts Emma on as many fluffy pillows and turns off the lights and slept next to her.

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