Making Plans

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Just as Emma said to Henry that she was going to start planning their family trip to Boston, they need to plan in advance especially having a newborn taken on a trip. After Henry left for school the next morning, Hope was with Snow White in her bedroom room. Emma and Killian were on the living room couch discussing their trip. Emma dressed in leggings, light long sleeve shirt with her hairstyle in a crown braid. Emma wrote down the list they need to do to pack for them and Hope. "Killian before we go on this trip. We need to get a second car."
"What do you mean Emma?"
"I am saying we need to buy a bigger car. I am making a list just for Hope's stuff alone not including our luggage and Henry's we won't have room to fit everything in my yellow bug."
"Are you saying you want to get rid of your yellow bug?"
"No, I just think we need to another car to fit the whole family. Let's say if we have another child a few years from now. We would need a bigger car to drive everyone around especially we are planning on many family vacations."
Killian smiled big. "Emma, are you trying to tell me you want to have more kids?"
"Yes, in the future. I can imagine us having maybe two more kids."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, captain." They kiss. "I was thinking of possible adopt one child, who is a lost boy or girl needing a home."
"Swan, we can be good parents to a lost child that needs a home."
"Yes, I want to help a lost child that needs a safe home, since I never had a good home while I was in the system. I figured since we have a good life we can share it with some child who needs a good home."
"Love, I love the way you think about others so much. I will want more children. Maybe not at the moment."
Emma giggled. "I was thinking the exact same thing, Hope is enough for now."
"Aye." They kiss and hug.
"We do need to get a bigger car. We are still using the yellow bug for driving Storybrooke and for work."
"Aye. When do you want to get a new car?"
"We can go now since my mom is watching Hope."
"Sounds good, love."
"I will check on Hope before we leave." Emma goes upstairs to Hope's room with Snow White in the rocking chair. "Mom, how is Hope?"
"She is a good little girl." Snow White hands Hope to Emma.
"Hope, are you having fun with Grandma little princess?" She kisses Hope on the cheek. "Mommy and Daddy are going to go out to buy something big for our family trip. Be a good little girl for grandma. We won't be out for too long." Emma hands back Hope to her Mom.
"Where are you and Killian going?"
"We are getting a second car."
"Oh, really."
'Yes, we figured since Hope is here and we are planning a few family vacations over the summer we need to get a bigger car to travel with a lot of luggage and little Hope needs a lot of supplies especially when we travel."
"Where is your first family vacation?"
"We are planning a trip to Boston for a weekend trip."
"Really? That sounds like fun."
"Yes, it was Henry's idea. He originally wanted to be me and him for a mother and son bonding time then I explained to him about cannot be away from Hope for so long and he got really mad and jealous. Let's just say I had a really long talk with him about life and how life is and how much I love both Henry and Hope equally. I reminded him if it weren't for him bringing me here I would not have him and our family in my life, I would be still alone walled up and with no family. He then suggested a family weekend trip which Killian and I both love the idea."
"Emma sounds like you were very insightful and honest with Henry about your relationship with him and Hope."
Yes, I definitely was. I used my experiences in the system which was mostly bad, for being grateful on what you have and I am using it with both of my kids." Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry baby? Let Mommy feed you before I get a present." Snow White hands Emma Hope and she sat down and fed Hope.
"What kind of car are you getting?"
"I do not know yet. All I know it needs to fit the four of us and a lot of luggage. Little Hope here needs a lot of stuff for a road trip. Right baby?" She kisses Hope on the head.
"Was Henry really mad and jealous?"
"Oh, yes he was...I have never seen him this angry before until last night. He was so mad with jealous because he sees me how I am with Hope and he wanted that life of me raising him but I could not. I was teenager, homeless, alone and in prison for a frame that his father did to me." She started to cry.
"Oh, sweetie." She hugs Emma carefully since Hope was eating. "You did you best in that terrible situation and you made the best decision for Henry's life to give him his best chance which you did. He is in your life more than ever now and he loves his little sister so much and Killian."
"Yes, he does love us all so much. I am grateful for Killian who is an amazing Dad to both of them. I wanted to keep Henry but I knew he was better off than a teenage mom with no education."
"Emma, you are here for him now which is very important you have him now , just like you said he loves you all."
"He considers my house than Regina, he said better environment, a normal family."
"You see. We are all here for you and your family."
"Yes. I am very grateful to you all." Emma burps Hope. "Hope, have fun with grandma. We will be back soon baby." She kisses Hope and puts her in the crib.
"Let me know later what car you get."
"I will. We will be back soon."
Emma and Killian drove over to the town line to the closest car dealership. "Luckily, you fed Hope before we left."
"Yes, I had a feeling we will be gone for a while."
"You spoke to your mom for a while."
"Yes, I did. I told her about my talk with Henry last night."
"Aye, love. What type of car do you want is to get?"
"I was thinking a sports utility vehicle, a big car to fit our whole family." She shows him a picture on her phone.
"I like your idea, Swan." They drove to the dealership and got the car they wanted. "Do you want to get something to eat since we are out?"
"Sure. Let me call my Mom and check on Hope, first." She calls her mom. "Hi, Mom."
"Hi, sweetie. How is getting a car going?"
"We chose a car and we buying it today and taking it back to Storybrooke today. How is Hope?"
"Hope is doing good. We are doing some tummy time."
"Is she hungry?"
"Not yet."
"Okay. How long can you stay with her?"
"Emma, I called in to take a day off. Knowing buying a car takes time and I know you need a little break from Hope."
Emma smiled. "Mom you are the best. We will be home a little later around the time Henry comes home from school with a new car. Thank you, Mom."
"Your welcome, sweetheart. Enjoy some alone time with Killian."
"What did she say, Swan?"
"Well, she took the day off from work to watch Hope and we can have time to ourselves. I told her we will be home by the time Henry comes home with a new car."
"Aye, let's get our new car and we can drive them to a place to eat."
"Yes." They kiss happily. Emma drove the new car and Killian drives the yellow bug since Emma been driving a little longer than him. Killian and Emma got Shake Shack on the way back up to Storybrooke, Maine. They drove home separately.
Henry arrives home from school seeing his grandma with Hope in the living room. "Grandma, I thought you had work today?"
"Yes, I did Henry. I took the day off to watch Hope for your parents."
"They needed a break from Hope?"
"Yes, Henry." Snow White hands over Hope to Henry.
Henry kisses Hope on the head. "Hi, Hope. Henry is home, baby sis. What time did they leave?"
"Well, your mom fed Hope right before they left so around 12:30. They are going to be home soon."
"Yes, knowing Mom she will be home soon to feed Hope." They heard a loud car honk. "What is that?"
"I am not sure, let's go find out." Henry carries Hope outside and sees two cars. The new car was a red SUV. "No way. Hope Mommy and Daddy got a new car!"
Emma gets out of the new car. "Surprise kids, we got a new car!"
Killian got out of the yellow bug. "Mom, Dad when did you decide to get a new car?"
"This morning, lad."
"Really Mom?"
"Really, kid. Go inside and check it out."
"Awesome!" He hands over Hope to Emma and runs inside of the new car.
"Hope, did you have fun with grandma baby girl?" She kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma, I did not expect you to buy the car today."
"I know. We just decided to get the car today and it was much easier to get it today than going back with two cars."
"It was fun choosing cars. Emma chose the color."
"I am not surprised Killian since red is her favorite color."
"Yes, it is. Thank you for watching Hope today."
"It is no problem, Emma. She is a good girl." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope began to cry.
"Hope, you are a hungry baby girl? Mommy will feed you inside baby." She takes Hope inside to feed her.
"Killian, Emma is doing an amazing job with Hope and Henry."
"Aye, I know especially last night with Henry."
"Yes, she told me this morning."
"Aye, she did really well on talking to the lad without breaking down herself. I know it was hard for her to talk to him last night because she does still feel guilty about giving him up."
"I know. She was telling me all about it and how she felt last night after and during her conversation with him and she cried a little too."
"She did not tell me that she cried when she told you."
"Yes, she did."
"I saw in her eyes last night all of the regrets in her eyes and the sadness. I just listened to her."
"I listened to and told her everything that I can to make her feel better from that terrible situation. You are an amazing person, Killian you are there for her, you have not left her side and I am very grateful for having you as a son in law."
"I am very grateful for my Emma."
Henry runs out of the car, "Dad! He hugs Killian. "Why did you and Mom get a new car?"
"Your mom and I realized we need a bigger car when we go on our many vacations over the summer and we needed a bigger car for our family."
"It was a great idea to get a new car before we go to Boston."
"Aye, lad."
"Dad, can we sword fight later?"
"Sure, son. Not as long as yesterday though."
"Okay." Henry goes inside the house.
"He loves you, Killian."
"Oh, yes he does. Yesterday, Emma and I showed Hope and Henry our very first fight, the compass, we reenacted the fight"
"No way, including the flip."
"Aye, Emma was sore after that."
"Did you show them how Emma hit you with the compass?"
"Aye, we sure did." They both laughed.
"I have to go, enjoy the new car."
"Thank you, Snow." Snow White walks home.
Killian enters the house with finding Emma with both of their kids with her in the living room. Henry was showing their Mom on Hope's tummy time. "Hope, you are doing so great baby girl. You are listening to Henry."
"Emma, our little lass is doing tummy time?"
"Yes, she is. Thanks to my mom and Henry. She is getting better at tummy time. I fed her and she is happy."
"Yes, your mom and I spoken outside. She had fun with Hope today." Killian wrapped his arm around his Emma and she comfortable leaned into him.
"I love, our kids, Killian."
"I love them both Emma, I would not change anything."
"Same here. I would not change anything. Henry loves her so much."
"Mom, she is listening to me."
"Henry, she listens to her big brother. Hope, you are listening to Henry baby." Henry kisses Hope gently on the head.
"Henry, be careful with Hope. Especially her head is up during tummy time, she is still delicate, kid."
"Mom, I will be careful with Hope. I will not hurt her which I will definitely not do. I will never hurt Hope." Hope began to cry. "Hope, tummy time is over little sis." He takes her off the play mat. "Hope, go to mommy little sis."
"Hi, my sweet girl. Did you have fun with Henry during tummy time?" She kisses Hope on the cheek and placed Hope on her chest to rest.
"Little love, did you miss mommy and daddy today?" he kissed Hope on the head and her little hand. "Daddy missed you today." Hope put her little drooly hand on cheek.
"Aww, Hope misses her daddy today." Killian kissed Hope's drooly little hand.
"Mom, she missed you too. Hope is grabbing your shirt."
Henry put his head on Emma's shoulder."You are right kid. Hope, you missed both Mommy and Daddy." She kissed Hope on the head and leaned her on Henry's. Henry fell asleep on Emma's shoulder while Hope fell asleep on her chest.
Emma whispered. "So, when do you want to go to Boston?"
"Aye, I think if we can get a hotel room as soon as possible and we already have a car. Is this weekend possible?"
Emma smiled. "I think we can make it happen. Henry and I are going to the pottery store after school on Friday. We can pack up the car before our mom and son bonding time. Then you and Hope can pick us up in our new car and we leave from there. I also have to ask Regina's permission to take Henry out of town."
"The question is, "Where should we go first the zoo or aquarium?"
Emma giggled. "I think the aquarium on Saturday and zoo on Sunday. Let me map it out and see if they close by each other."
"Smart thinking, swan."
Emma kisses Hope and hands her to Killian. Henry leans on Killian to sleep.
Emma did research on her laptop, she found New England Aquarium in Boston. The zoo is very far for them to travel for the weekend, she did found Museum Hall of Science nearby the aquarium. She found a hotel for them to stay in and made sure that they have a crib for Hope. "Killian, wake up Henry."
"Lad, your mom wants you."
"Yes, Mom."
"Kid, I did some research on our first vacation. It turns out that the Boston Zoo and Boston Aquarium are very very far from each other and it seems like we need a separate trip for the zoo."
"What are you trying to say?"
"I am trying to say for this weekend, we are going to New England Aquarium and we can also go to the Museum Hall of Science for our first vacation."
Mom, we are going on vacation this weekend?"
"Yes, Henry we are!" He hugs Emma really tight.
"When are we leaving?"
" Friday afternoon after our mother and son bonding pottery session. Henry, I have to ask your mom first to let you go on this trip first before I finalized our plans and get the hotel okay?"
"I will call her for her to come over now. I cannot wait to go on a vacation." He runs upstairs to call Regina.
Emma laughs at Henry's reaction to his excitement. Killian carries sleeping Hope to sit next to Emma. "Swan, I have never seen Henry so excited."
"I have never seen him this happy since we found out we having Hope."
"Aye, I heard everything you said to Henry of our plans. I am assuming the zoo is for another trip?"
"Yes, the zoo is for another weekend trip." Hope woke up from her nap.
"Little lass you are awake. Are you excited as your big brother to go on our family vacation?" She moved around a little and made poop. "Lovely little lass."
Emma just laughed so hard. "Hope, you love getting Daddy disgusted."
"Love, it is your turn to change her." He hands their stinky daughter to Emma.
"Hope, you do need a change. You are smelly but I still love you, little princess."Emma takes Hope upstairs to change her. "Baby girl, you had a poop explosion. Mommy is going to get you clean up." As Emma was changing Hope, the doorbell rang. Henry ran downstairs to answer the door.
"Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry . What is so urgent for Emma to ask me?"
Killian approaches Regina. "Hello, Regina."
"Hi, Killian. Is that a new car parked outside?"
"Aye, it is. Emma and I got a new car."
"I am guessing Emma chose the color."
"Aye, she did. We went over to next town and got the car today."
"Come on in Mom. You can talk to my other mom she is with Hope."
"Killian, he looks really excited."
"Aye, he is. Emma will tell you upstairs." Henry and Regina enter Hope's room seeing Emma and Hope play their special game. Regina smiled at the site of playing with Hope."Mom, my other mom is here."
Emma stopped playing the game and looked up."Hi, Regina." She lifts up Hope from the changing table. "Henry, can you take Hope, please? Hope be a good girl for your brother." She hands Hope to Henry. "Come on, little sis. We are going to have some fun in my room." Regina and Emma smiled at Henry with Hope.
"He really loves Hope."
"He definitely loves her."
"What is the reason for Henry calling me to come here so urgently?" They walked into Emma and Killian's room to talk.
"Well, Killian and I are planning a trip to Boston with the kids over this coming weekend. I just want to make sure if it is okay for me to take Henry to Boston for the weekend?"
"Henry can go to Boston. What is the occasion for going to Boston?"
"Well, Henry got jealous yesterday and wanted to spend one on one time with me because he was jealous of Hope having me as a parent from the very beginning and then he got upset because I could not be too far from Hope so long especially she is only being breastfed. I eventually calmed him down spoke to him honestly about how life is not always what we want and I reminded him that he was one who brought me here to break the first curse and if he had not brought me here I would not have this white picket fence life with Killian and have Hope. He and I made a deal we would get to Boston as a family of four trip. He and I have some mother and son bonding time like at the pottery store."
"Wow, Emma. I had no idea how he felt about being adopted and how he felt about you raising Hope from the very start."
"I had no idea until he opened up last night and we had a very long conversation."
"He seems happier now."
"Yes, because he is excited about our first official family trip, which he never been on not including the missing year, going to Neverland and stopping magic. He is very excited."
"Where are you going this weekend?"
"We are going to the Boston Aquarium and Museum Hall of Science."
"Is that why you got a new car?"
"Yes, having a newborn and their needs like a carriage, car seat, overnight bag plus all of our luggage won't fit in my yellow bug. How was your Mother's Day?"
"It was good. We had a nice brunch. Roland made me something at school and Rowand and Robin got me flowers. How was your mother's day?" Henry told me about Hope crying when he left."
"Oh, my little girl cried once she knew Henry was leaving. I had to calm her down by reading books and rocking her."
"I heard from Henry that Leo hurt Hope at your parents' house?"
"Yes, I was teaching him to be gentle and soft with Hope and he did not. I got all mama bear protection mode on him and yelled at my brother. It was mother instincts. I had no adult to protect me when I was in the foster system and I have Hope to protect."
"Wow, you had a flashback when it happened?"
"Kind of. I just knew to protect Hope from being hurt."
"Henry told me he never saw you like that. Like at the principal office."
"Not as bad as it was in the principal office."
"Hope and Henry love you, Emma."
"Yes,I definitely know."
Henry knocks on the door and comes in with Hope. "So about the vacation."
Emma and Regina both laugh. "I can tell that he is excited already."
"Henry, give me your sister before I tell you the news." Henry hands over Hope to Emma. "Regina you might want to cover your ears."
Emma smiles. "Just trust me, Regina."
Emma holds Hope on her chest and covered Hope's ears. "Henry, we are going to Boston for the weekend."
"We are?! We are going on a family vacation YES!!!! He jumped up and down. Henry hugs Regina. "Mom thank you for letting me go!"
Regina was giggling."Your welcome, Henry."
"Mom, I am going to tell Dad." He runs out of the room. "Yes!!"
Emma and Regina just went into hysterical laughter.
"Emma, you weren't kidding when you said to cover your ears and I can see why you covered Hope's ears."
"Yes, when we told him last night about planning the trip he was holding Hope."
"Oh, no."
"Oh, yes. This little girl got so scared of his excitement."
"You were right he was very very excited. I have never seen him this happy since you found out about Hope."
"Oh, I know. Before you came over Killian and I were saying the same thing how excited he was." They continue to laugh. They both went downstairs to see Henry and Killian. Henry was talking about planning to do on their trip. "Killian, can you hold Hope while I confirm our hotel reservations?"
"Sure, love." As Emma was handing over Hope. Hope began to cry. "Hope you want mommy little love. Swan, she wants you." Regina was in aww. "You want to help Mommy with reservations, sweetie? Okay. You have to be very quiet, while I work." She kisses her on the head and heads towards the kitchen.
"Wow, your daughter is very close to Emma."
"Yes, she gets it from Emma, the stubbornness. If Hope wants Emma, Emma only."
"Hope is certainly attached to Emma."
"Yet, Mom Emma thought Hope will be mostly attached to Dad."
"Aye. she loves us all though."
"Henry, you have school in the morning."
"I can start pack for Boston when I get home yes!" Henry runs to his room to get his backpack. "Regina, I never saw Henry this excited for a trip before."
"Neither have I. I think he is excited to have a normal family trip for fun not to escape a curse."
"Aye, he is looking forward to spending time with his little sister." He looks over at Emma on the laptop with Hope in one of her arms.
"I saw Emma playing with Hope in the nursery."
"Aye, their kissing game."
"Their kissing game?" "It is their special game they play together, sometimes the lasses let Henry and I join but mostly for them."
"I have never seen Emma so happy."
"Aye, neither have I until we were expecting Hope. Hope made us all happy."
Henry runs down to the kitchen to say goodbye to Emma and Hope. "Mom, I will see you tomorrow." He kisses his mom on the head. "Hope, I will see you tomorrow little sis. Be a good girl for mommy and Daddy." He kisses Hope on the head. "Henry, I will see you tomorrow. We can plan more tomorrow on what to do at the aquarium."
"That sounds great."
"Hope, say bye bye to Henry." Henry gave Hope an extra kiss and she put her little hand on his cheek. "I love you too, Hope."
Regina was in awe of the scene of Henry and Hope.
"That happens a lot in this house. Hope gives us special moments every day."
"I can see why Henry is happy here."
"Dad, can we have a sword lesson tomorrow?"
"Sure lad." He hugs Henry.
"I will see you tomorrow after school Dad." Regina and Henry left the Swan-Jones' residents.
Killian went to check up on Emma. "How's it going love?"
"I just booked our hotel reservation for this Friday evening to Monday morning. We have to drop Henry off at school on the way home."
"That is okay, love. He is never absent or late. Being late for one day of school won't be bad."
"Your right." Hope began to fuss. "Hope, are you hungry baby?" She kisses Hope on the head. "I can feed her in our room."
"Netflix tonight?"
"Sounds like a good plan."
Emma fed Hope who was wrapped up in her quilt in their room while Killian put on Netflix a Law and Order SVU episode on. Killian and Emma cuddled as a full baby Hope slept in Emma's arms. Once the episode was over Emma was fast asleep on Killian's shoulder and Hope was still in her arms. Killian gently and carefully took Hope out of her arms and held Hope who was awake as he set Emma into bed. "Little love, your Mommy and Henry are very excited for our first family trip. It is because of you little love that we are going on this family trip, no one in this family ever had a normal family vacation. You and I are going to enjoy the aquarium little love." Hope moved in her quilt."You love your quilt that Henry got you He loves you, Mommy and Daddy love you so much Hope." He gives Hope little kisses. Emma smiles just hearing her adoring husband talking lovingly to their daughter.


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