Fall Traditions

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It is Fall now, the weather in Storybrooke is now cooler. It was the weekend, both Emma and Killian had the day off. Emma and Killian have been taking turns sleeping with Hope in her toddler bed since she has been afraid to sleep alone. A few times, Emma wakes up in the morning with Hope in their bed, which Emma did not mind. She loves when hope crawls into their bed in the middle of the night. This Saturday morning, Emma woke up with Hope in her toddler bed. "Mommy.""Morning, baby girl. We are going to pick apples and pumpkins today!" "Fun!""Yes, it will be so much fun." Hope gets Henry's book. "Do you want a story?""Yes." Hope climbs back into her bed and listened to her Mommy read to her.Killian went into town and went to the post office to pick a package. He returns home finding Emma reading to Hope in Hope's bedroom. "I am back.""Hi, honey." They kiss. "What do you have there?""A little surprise for Hope.""From the size of the box, it does not look small.""Dada!" Hope goes to her Daddy and hugs his legs. "Ome.""Yes, I am home." He kneels to his daughter. "I got a surprise for you.""Gift?""Yes. Do you want to open it, little pirate?""Yes!" Killian helped Hope open the box by using his hook and let Hope open the package herself, which was a Pluto sleeping plush. "Pluto!!" Hope hugs her new Pluto plush pillow. "Pluto!""Hope, do you like your new Pluto pillow?""Luv Pluto." She goes to her Daddy and hugs him. Killian smiles. "Ank you.""You are welcome, Hope. Your new Pluto pillow is going to be on your new big girl bed." "Yes!" Emma sees how much Kilian loves and cares about their daughter. Hope goes to her brother's room. "Henwy!" "Killian, it is twice the size of Hope.""Aye, I know. I saw this online at the Disney store. I just had to buy it for our little lass.""You love spoiling our daughter.""Aye, I do."Emma can read her husband. "Do you feel guilty of Hope and Henry being kidnapped by your pirate enemies?" Killian got sad. "Hey." Emma held his hook. "No one is mad at you. Henry and Hope are still alive, honey.""I still feel guilty for putting Hope and Henry in danger. My enemies Emma!"Emma faced her husband to her. "Killian Jones!! We both have enemies. You and I always find our children and save them. We are heroes and our children are going to be heroes one day too, it is part of our jobs. We are going to get through this, fighting villains together that is part of our lives. We are a team, Killian. I will not have anyone else on my side fighting villain but you."Killian smiles. 'That is why we are team Captain Swan.""Yes, team captain swan." They kiss. "We are going to have fun family time today.""That is right." They hug. Emma and Killian decided to go apple picking and pumpkin picking with Henry and Hope. After breakfast, Emma dressed Hope in a Minnie Mouse Halloween t-shirt, blue jeans, and her red leather jacket. "Mommy." "Do you want me to braid your hair?" "Yes,pweas." Emma smiles as she braids Hope's hair into a ponytail braid. Hope goes find her Daddy downstairs. "Dada." Hope began crying when she did not see him right away. Killian was in the kitchen and heard Hope crying for him. Killian rushes to Hope and scoops her into his arms. "Little love, Dada is here. Dada is here." He rubs Hope's back, he knows Hope is afraid when he is gone. She has been extra clingy again to both of her parents since Blackbeard and Jack Sparrow kidnapped her and Henry and tried to drown them to death. "We are going to pick apples and go to the pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins." Hope hugs her Daddy and holds his hook. "My little princess." He kisses Hope on the head.Emma gets ready in her room. She dressed in an oversized white sweater, jeans, and her ankle boots. "Mom?""Yes, Henry?""I am taking the SAT's soon. I need time in the house quiet to study.""How about if I take Hope to work with me while you study at home with Dad.""You are the best." Henry hugs his Mom. "Is everything okay, kid? You know you can talk to me. I know you were talking to your dad a few days ago about something.""I asked Dad for advice on girls.""Any particular girl?""I have been talking to Ava, Gretel."Emma smiles. "How is that going?""Well, we have been talking more in person.""Oh really?""Yes. We are still getting to know each other. She began to text me when Hope was in the hospital the last time. She was concerned about Hope. We began talking and found out we have a few things in common, like art.""That is great, Henry.""We can't meet up too often now because she is doing her online classes. We talk when we are both free.""Ava is welcome to come over here.""Thanks, Mom." Emma drove her family outside of Storybrooke to a nearby apple picking area. "Henry, are you looking forward to apple picking?""Yes, I never did apple picking before. As long as it is apples not from my other Mom's tree, I can eat apples.""That is why I chose to go out of Storybrooke to apple orchards,kid. Also, our town does not have apple orchards." Hope babbles. "We are going to pick apples, little sis. This is part of our family Halloween tradition.""Lad, it is part of our family tradition.""You are right, Dad." Emma enters the apple orchard seeing rows full of trees full of apples, "We are at the apple orchard.""Yes!""Yay!" Hope clapped her hands."Swan, where did you find this apple picking area?"Emma chuckles. "I found this apple orchard on google.""Google knows everything." Emma chuckles. "That is google's job." Emma parked her yellow bug near one orchard. Henry helps Hope out of the car. Killian kneels to Hope. "Hope, we are going to pick apples." He holds Hope on his hip. "Are you excited?""Yes."Emma gets a bag with maps of the orchard. "Henry, here is a bag. Each bag has a map of which apples are where.""Dad needs a map, Mom. He is the map reader of the family."Emma smiles. "You are right, Henry." She gives Killian a map."Hope which way should we go? little pirate." Hope points at the macintosh apples. "Macintosh apples, it is. We are going North, swan." Killian and Hope lead Henry and Emma to the macintosh section. They were steep hills, luckily Killian was holding Hope. "Mommy!""I am right here, baby girl." Hope reaches out to her Mommy. Emma lets Hope hold her finger. "Dada is carrying you to the apples, sweetie.""Little love, we are at Macintosh apples.""Dada!Apples!""Yes, apples. You are going to help me pick them." He puts Hope on his shoulders. "You can pull the apple." Hope pulls the apple."Good job, Hope! You can put it in my bag." Hope puts the apple in her Mommy's bag. The family continues to pick apples all over the orchard. They got golden delicious apples, granny smith apples, red delicious apples, and honey crips. Henry was chasing Hope in the sections of apples while taking a break from picking apples. Emma took pictures of her family enjoying the apple orchards.Killian hugs his swan. "This is a brilliant idea, love.""Thank you, captain. I had a feeling that it was going to be a fun day here. I always heard my classmates going apple picking with their families on the weekends when I was stuck in a group home or foster home.""Now you are doing apple picking with your family, love. Hope and Henry are both having fun.""You are right." They kiss. Killian took pictures of Emma, Henry, and Hope picking apples and family pictures, making memories. Henry also took pictures of his parents together. The family filled their huge bag of apples and headed back to their car. Henry and Killian were carrying apples while Emma was walking with Hope. Emma holds Hope's hand. "Stay with Mommy, Hope. We are going down a steep hill." Hope almost falls down. Emma carried Hope. "You are okay, Hopey." Killian and Henry loaded the yellow bug with apples. Emma paid for the apples. They also bought apple donuts which Henry and Hope snacked on while their Mom was driving them back to Storybrooke. Hope fell asleep. "Mom, apple picking was fun.""I had a feeling it was going to be fun. I am glad that you had fun, Henry. It was my first time too.""Really? You sounded like you knew what you were doing."Emma smiles. "I heard from my classmates growing up from their experiences. I was not able too...""Mom, it was a great idea to come out here. I know Hoe had a lot of fun. I had a lot of fun. Can we go back next year? Make it a Swan-Jones tradition, apple picking?"Emma and Killian smiled at each other. "Yes, Henry! It is part of our family fall traditions.""Awesome!"Emma drove her family to Jacob and Clorinda's pumpkin patch. Killian carried Hope around as Hope was still napping while Emma and Henry were looking at pumpkins. Hope was waking up."Hope, you are awake little love. We are at the pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins."Henry goes to his sister. "Little sis, are you going to get a big pumpkin or small pumpkin?" "Big!""Mom, your yellow bug is going to be full of pumpkins later besides apples."Emma chuckles. Hope reaches out to her Mommy. "Hopey, where do you want to go first? To play in the hay, corn pool or pick pumpkins." Hope points at the pumpkins."Tay.""You are staying here with me, baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. "Litle, sis you can tell me which one to pick.""Dada." She reached out for his hook. He gives his hook."Hope, we are going to have fun here, little love. We are picking pumpkins to decorate our house for Halloween." "You can walk with Mommy and daddy baby girl.""No. Tay you.""You can stay with me, Hope." She looks at her son. "Henry, can you find us the biggest pumpkin the whole patch?""I am on it, Mom." Henry goes to find the biggest pumpkin while leading his family. "Look, little love at all of the pumpkins. We are going to bring pumpkins home." "Mom, I found the biggest pumpkin!" Emma brings Hope to a very huge pumpkin."Hope, look at the very big pumpkin, Henry found." "Big!" Emma puts Hope on the pumpkin, Henry, Killian and Emma took pictures of Hope sitting on the pumpkin. "Smile, Hope." Henry joins Hope for a few pictures and he takes pictures of his mom and Dad with Hope. Jacob took pictures of the Swan-Jones family by the pumpkins and by the hay barrels. Hope held her Mommy's hand. "Hope, you want to walk around with me?""Yes.""We can see what pumpkin you can bring home." Emma walks around the pumpkin patch with Hope. Hope found a good size pumpkin. "Mommy!""We can bring that pumpkin home"Dad?""Yes, Henry?""Are we going to carve the pumpkins when we return home?""Yes, we are, lad. What are you thinking of carving?""The Joker.""Nice!" Clorinda approaches Emma and Hope. "Hi, Emma." Hope held onto her Mommy's hand. Emma puts Hope on her hip."Hi, Clorinda. Hope say hi to Clorinda.""Hi." "Hi, Hope. Are you looking for pumpkins for Halloween?""Yes." "How is Jacob Jr?""He is getting bigger every single day. He is at daycare with Ashley.""Are you two getting closer?""Yes, Ashley and I are getting closer. We have always had Sunday dinner together.""I am very glad. Ashley was my first saves during the dark curse. Henry and I knew Ashley was alone. I did everything to make sure Ashley got to keep Alexandra from Rumplestilskin. ""Henwy." Henry gets Hope from their Mom. "Hope, do you want to play in the corn?""Yes.""Hope, Mommy is not going to be too far.""Swan, I will be with Hope and Henry." Killian follows Henry and Hope. "You always helped Ashley, that is what Ashley and Alexandra tell me. Jacob Jr loves going to daycare to see his friends and see his Aunt Ashley. Are you going to let Hope go to daycare?""We are not planning on it. We love having Hope with us at the sheriff's station. Killian and I love having Hope with us, she is our second chance of being parents. I did not have any parents growing up. I had to give Henry when his father framed me for his crime and I had Henry in prison. Henry came and found me in Boston. He brought me here,I helped Ashley. When I broke the curse giving Henry true love kiss, I met Killian. We fell in love." Killian approaches his swan. "Speaking of my captain."He hugs his wife. "I was thinking we can find pumpkins while Henry has Hope occupied.""Good idea.""Emma, let me know when you are ready to pay.""Thank you, Clorinda." Emma holds Killian's hook. As they walked around looking for pumpkins. "I was thinking?""What are you thinking of, swan?""I was thinking we can carve pumpkins tonight. I also have apple pie ingredients." "Aye, I know that will be delicious. I know you have something else on your mind.""We still have not found out about the dark fairy dust. What if someone from the Black Fairy's realm is out against us?!""We are going to find out what the dark fairy dust means, Emma." He hugs his wife. Emma sighs. "Our family has been through so much lately. I just want our children to be safe, Killian.""Our children are safe Emma even when there is danger. They are safe with us, Emma. Most of all, our family is together." Emma hugs Killian who hugs her back. "Let's go have fun with our children, love." They joined Henry and Hope in the corn pool. "Mommy!" Hope pours corn onto Emma. "Hope!" She tickles her daughter making Hope laugh. Emma walks around the pool of corn with Hope. "Up!" Emma holds Hope on her hip. Hope pats her Mommy's face. "I am okay, baby girl. You can help me choose a pumpkin." Emma walks around carrying Hope looking at pumpkins. Henry and Killian chose pumpkins for themselves. They see Emma holding upset Hope. "Love I can carry your pumpkin.""Thank you. Hope needs her nap and a diaper change." Hope cried more. "I know, sweetie. You need your nap." "Henry and I will get the pumpkins paid.""We will meet you in the car." Emma goes to their yellow bug and changes Hope's diaper and hugs her daughter when she was finished changing her. "Mommy.""You are with me." She kissed Hope on the head. "Hush Now, Don't be scared, Through this tide of darkness. Shadows may march, Thunders may roar,But peace will soon prevail. Through our land, This sacred land, Nightmares sprite confusion, But stand your ground, Until you've found, The strength to light your way." Hope stopped crying. "Hush Now, Don't be scared, Through this tide of darkness. Shadows may march, Thunders may roar,But peace will soon prevail. Through our land, This sacred land, Nightmares sprite confusion, But stand your ground, Until you've found, The strength to light your way." Hope drifted off to sleep. "I love you, Hope." Killian and Henry came with the pumpkins. "Swan, we got the pumpkins.""Shh..lower your voice. I just got Hope down for a nap.""Sorry, swan. I will drive us home." Emma puts her sleeping duckling into her carseat."Mom, can I drive? Please?""You do need practice..." She gives Henry a look, she knows her son really wanted to drive. "Yes, you can drive us home." "Yes!" Henry gets the keys from his Mom and gets in the driver's seat."Swan, I will be sitting in the back with Hope." Killian sits next to Hope. Emma sits in the passenger seat. "Ready, Henry?""Yes, Mom." "Did you remember what I taught you?""Yes, engine on first, then stick. The brake pedal is on the left and the gas pedal is on the right.""You got it, kid." Henry started the engine and began driving his family home, a few stops. "You are really doing a great job, lad, on your second time driving.""Thanks, Dad." Emma and Killian smiled proudly at each other, Henry was doing a great job at driving. "Mom, straight home right?""Yes, Henry." Henry drove his family safely home. "Lad, you did great.""Thanks, Dad. Can I have practice driving with you?'"Aye, lad." He takes sleeping Hope from her carseat and takes her inside. He puts his daughter in her toddler bed. Hope wakes up. "Dada.""We are home, little pirate."He holds Hope who hugs him. "Do you want to carve and decorate pumpkins with Dada and Henry?""Yes." He takes Hope downstairs. Emma and Henry carried the pumpkins into the backyard where Emma set up the carving area before they left. "You did a great job driving, Henry.""Thanks, Mom. I do have a great teacher." Henry hugs his Mom. Emma smiles. Killian comes with Hope. "Swan, Hope is awake and wants to carve pumpkins." "We are going to carve pumpkins, now, right Henry?""Right, Mom. I have an idea for mine." Killian sits Hope down on the bench. "Little love, Mommy has paint and stickers to put on your pumpkin.""No.""No? Do you want Daddy to lean the pumpkin and carve a face?""Yes! Pweas.""Yes, Hope." "Killian, I can help you clean out the gutsy seeds.""Thank you, swan." Emma and Henry cleaned out the pumpkins while Killian was enjoying snuggles with Hope. "Little love, do you want to go on the hammock?""Yes." Killian carried Hope to the hammock, letting his little pirate lie on top of him. "Book.""A pirate story?""Yes.""Once upon a time, Daddy was sailing through the realms, plotting out for revenge..." Emma and Henry were cleaning out pumpkins. "Mom, this is so gross.""Yes. I rather do the messy part for your Dad, so he can carve the pumpkins. That is his talent, being the pumpkin carver of the family.""He is a pumpkin artist.""That is right, Henry." Emma sees Killian chasing laughing Hope around and smiles seeing her daughter happy. "Mom?""Yes, Henry?""I do not know what colleges I want to go to. I've been thinking about art colleges.""As long as it is not too far from Maine, I want to be able to drive home to visit you, my other mom, Dad, and Hope can visit me, not take a plane ride to visit.""I can help you search for art colleges." Henry hugs his Mom. Emma kisses her son on the head, her son was growing up. They finished gutting out the pumpkins and cleaned the table so they can carve pumpkins. Hope goes to her Mommy and hugs her legs crying. Emma wiped her hands and held Hope. "Hope, do you want a snack and help Mommy bake?""Yes.""Boys, do you want a snack? Or you two can wait for my apple pie?""Swan, apple pie sounds good!""Mom, we can wait, right Dad?""Right, lad." Killian carved his and Emma's pumpkins as Emma takes Hope inside and sat her down in her booster seat. She gave Hope blueberries and cut up cheese as her snack while she prepared to bake an apple pie, cut up apples, cinnamon, sugar, flour, and pre-made pie crust. "Mommy.""Yes, baby girl?" Hope gives her Mommy blueberries. "Thank you, Hope." She lets Hope mix the melted butter, apples, and cinnamon and flour on the table. "You are a great mixer, Hope." Emma puts the apple filling in the pie crust and place the cover on the pie and puts it in the oven.She unbuckles Hope and lets her walk around. She goes into the backyard."Dada.""Hi, little love." He puts Hope on his lap. "I carved your pumpkin, Hope." "Little, sis, do you want to paint the pumpkin?""Yes! Art." Henry set up the paints and took pictures of painting her pumpkin on her Daddy's lap. Henry carved his pumpkin in the Joker. Emma returns outside with a cooked hot apple pie. "Killian, Hope, and Henry. The apple pie is ready.""Emma, that looks and smells delicious.""Thank you. Hope helped me with the filling.""Mommy.""I see your colorful pumpkin, Hopey." Henry put the pumpkins on the front porch and helped his Dad clean up the mess. Emma cleans up Hope by giving her a bubble bath. "You are so messy." She tickles Hope, making her laugh. Emma changed Hope into her Halloween footie pajamas. "Now, let's go have some apple pie that we made." She finds Killian and Henry in the kitchen. "Swan, we were waiting for you and Hope to have apple pie." Killian served his family pie.Emma puts Hope in her booster seat.Everyone enjoyed Emma's pie. "Mom, you made me like apples.""You only trust apples from out of Storybrooke?""Yes.""After that apple tart incident that put you in a sleeping curse, I did not eat apples for a while. Now we can get apples in an orchard.""Pie!""Little love, is the apple pie yummy?""Yes!""Swan, the apple pie is delicious.""Can I help you make another apple pie Mom?""Yes, kid. You can help me because we have a lot of apples from apple picking." Henry hugs his Mom. Hope babbles. "You can help us, Hope." Emma looks at Killian knowing apple picking is part of their new family fall tradition.

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