Emma's Saves

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As Emma was in recovery, Emma has gotten visitors from people she had helped in the past. When Killian was at the grocery store, Emma was on the couch watching Henry playing with Hope in the living room. The doorbell rang. "Mom, I will get it." Henry leaves the room, "Hope." Hope pats her Mommy's leg. She puts Hope on her lap and tickles her daughter. "Tickle...tickle.." Hope was laughing. Henry enters the room, "Mom, we have visitors." Emma carries Hope to the front door, "Let's see who is at the door, Hope." Emma sees Ava and Nicholas. "Hi, Ava and Nicholas. Nicholas, you are taller than Ava now.""I know, even though I am taller than her she is still the boss of me." Emma chuckles. "Emma, is this Hope?""Yes, this is Henry's little sister. Hope, this is Ava and Nicholas, they are Hansel and Gretel in Henry's storybook. Can you say hi?" Hope babbled and hugs her Mommy. "We came by here, Emma because our Dad fixed your yellow bug for you. We brought it here for you.""Really?""Yes, Emma." They showed Emma her yellow bug, it looked brand new, Emma was in awe."My car looks brand new.""Our Dad fixed it up. Your car was badly damaged during the accident, which is why it took our dad for 2 weeks to work on it.""Nicholas and Ava, it looks great.""Yes, it looks awesome. Hope, Mommy car is back." Hope babbled and Henry takes his sister from their Mom and holds her on his hip and shows her the car."Ava and Nicholas, how much do I owe your Dad for fixing my car?" "No charge at all, Emma.""Ava, are you sure?""Yes, Emma. This is our gift to you from us and our dad. You brought us back to our Dad during the dark curse. We lost in the woods because of the Evil Queen locked him us. She put us in the endless forest until the dark curse came. We were lost kids for 28 years until you came into town and helped us find our dad."You did not want to send us to the group homes. Once you brought him close to the town line, my compass was working and knew he was our Dad." Emma was smiling with joy. "You brought our family together before you broke the dark curse.""Ever since you brought us to our Dad again we have been happy and together again ever since you found him for us. So our Dad told us that he is going to fix your car the best he can for the one who got our family back together. Thank you." Ava and Nicholas hugged Emma together. "You two..." She looks at her son with a proud face on him. "I did not want you both to go through the foster system as I did. It was awful. I found your Dad and brought him to you two. I did not want you two become orphans and part of the system like I was.""Emma, we are so grateful you helped us during the curse. " I see Henry in school and hear stories in town on how you save the town and now that you are married to Killian and have Hope and Henry as a family. I am so glad that you have your own happy ending. You really deserve it.""Thank you, Ava." Hope walks over to her Mommy and pats her leg. "Hope." She puts her daughter on her hip. "Hopey, say thank you to Ava and Nicholas for bringing our car back." Hope babbled. "Emma, if you need a babysitter, call me. I can watch Hope for you, she is so cute.""Thank you for the offer, Ava, I will call you." Ava and Nicholas left. Henry hugs his Mom, who was crying. "Mom, I am so proud of you.""You are?""Of course, you brought their Dad back to their lives. You reunited their family.""I just did not want them to be in the foster system like I was. You helped me, kid. Remember?""Yes, I did. You did your job as a survivor of the system to prevent Ava and Nicholas that path, like when you gave me up to avoid the system." Hope babbled loudly. "Mom, Hope is proud of you too.""I was doing my job as a sheriff." Killian arrives home from the store and sees his family outside and the yellow bug. "Morning, loves. I see you got the yellow bug back.""Yes, Ava and Nicholas brought it back here. Their Dad did not charge us.""Oh, really?""Yes, I brought their family back together during the dark curse This was their gift, fixing my car of thank you." "I know you did your job the right way.""Yes, I prevented them from becoming like me in the foster system.""That is my swan." They kiss. Hope fusses. "Hi, little love. Did you meet Ava and Nicholas?" "Dada." He takes Hope from his wife, and let her stand on her own and Hope holds his hook. "Hope, you want to go inside walking with me?" "Dada.""I know little love, you can help me cook breakfast." Henry loaded the car as Emma took pictures of Killian walking with their daughter holding his hook. "Mom, Ava, and Nicholas were right, you have your happy ending.""You mean happy beginning." She hugs her son. "I have that with you, Hope and your Dad. They return inside the house, Emma watched Killian and Hope cooking breakfast and enjoyed their family time together. In the afternoon, Killian and Henry were having a sword lesson outside when Allison arrived. "Hi, Aunt Allison!""Hi, Henry. I see your Mom got her yellow bug back.""Yes, she did this morning.""How is your Mom doing?""She is not in much pain as last week, right Dad?""Right, son. Emma and Hope are playing in the living room." "I will go see them, I brought Hope something and also want to check on Emma." Allison finds Hope playing in the living room with Emma sitting on the carpet. "Hi, Emma.""Hi, Allison.""Antie!" Hope walks as fast as her little legs can carry her to Allison and hugs her, Allison scooped Hope into her arms. "Hi, little god niece. Are you having fun with your Mommy?" Hope babbled. "I brought you a present. Do you want to open it?" Hope babbled loudly. "Allison, you brought Hope a gift?""Yes, I did I couldn't help myself. I want to spoil my little niece." Emma smiles, Allison helps Hope open her gift, a Barney plush doll. Hope screamed loudly and hugged her new Barney doll. "Hope, did Auntie Allison gave you a Barney doll?" Hope screamed happily and chews on her new toy. "Allison, Hope loves it. Hope, say thank you to Auntie Allison for giving your Barney doll?" Hope screamed again, which made both Emma and Allison laugh. Hope began to cry. "Hopey." She gets her daughter from her best friend. "Are you tired? Do you want to bring your Barney to sleep with you?" Hope nods her head. Emma brings Hope to her room and rocks her to sleep and tucks her in her crib with her Barney and Pluto dolls next to her and pacifier in her mouth. "Sweet dreams, baby girl." Allison examines Emma in her room. "Hoe are you feeling Emma?""Less pain than last week but still in pain.""You are doing well in your recovery which is a good sign.""Can I tell you something?'"Of course.""After you left last week, Henry was apologizing to me about being mad at me in the past and about his real Dad and guilty..he wanted to protect me... since his Dad and many others hurt me in my past.""Emma, he loves you so much and wants to be there for you and protect you always. He hates seeing you hurt. You are his Mom and you taught him the right way of being there for his family.""I know.""How is Hope sleeping in her room?""We are slowly getting her to sleep in her crib. She can take naps in there and we try to put her down at night. She always wakes up crying wanting to sleep with us, Henry sleeps with her in her crib at times but mostly me. Now I am in recovery, she sleeps with Killian and I.""I know, Hope feels safe with you. I saw your yellow bug parked in front of your house." Emma smiled. "Yes, Ava and Nicholas, also known as Hansel and Gretel, they brought my yellow bug back to me all fixed. Their Dad took his time to fix my yellow bug. He did not charge me a single cent.""Really?""Yes, it is free of charge because I reunited Hansel and Gretel back to their father during the dark curse.""Really? Tell me more." Hope cries in her room."Hope is awake.""Emma, I will get her." Allison goes to Hope's room. "Hi, little niece." Hope was standing on her crib crying. "Mommy is in her room. She was about to tell me a story." She holds Hope who was holding her Barney doll and carried Hope to Emma's room. "Emma, look who is awake.""Hi, Hopey." She takes Hope from her best friend. "You have your Barney doll?" Hope smiles and hugs her Mommy as Emma gave Hope kisses on her head. "You can listen to Mommy's story about Hansel and Gretel that I am going to tell Auntie Allison and you. Once upon a time, the Evil Queen has stolen Hansel and Gretel's father from the woods and leads Hansel and Gretel on a quest to the blind witch candy house to kidnap an item. The twins got what the evil queen wanted but they did not want to live with the evil queen so she sent them to the endless forest until the dark curse came. Twenty-eight years later, time was still until Henry brought Mommy Storybrooke and time moved. One of Mommy's first saves was to reunite Hansel and Gretel with their father. Mommy was sheriff and got a call from the pharmacy about stolen goods. When she arrived there, she saw Henry, Regina with Hansel and Gretel. Mommy knows it was the twins because they were stealing supplies that you need for a home. Mommy drove them to a home which they did not own and knew they were lying and Gretel told me that they were orphans. Mommy brought them to the loft where Mommy was staying with Grandma and my job was to find their Dad. When I found him in town in the garage, he did not know they exist because of the dark curse and did not want them. I told him that once I met your brother, I was not going to leave him ever again. The Evil Queen slash Regina had other plans she wanted them to go to separate group homes in Boston, which was my job. Before I drove them over the town line my car was acting up and called their Daddy that I needed my car to be fixed. He came and I told him they are you, two kids. Once he met them, he took them home.""That is why Ava and Nicholas Dad gave your free of charge of your car.""Yes, it was a big thank you gift and there were only a few saves that I did during the dark curse." Henry comes into his parent's room. "Aunt Allison, my mom did man saves during the dark curse with help from me."Emma chuckles. "Yes, that is right, kid. You were my little deputy back then who kept reminding me of the dark curse.""Am I still your deputy?""Lad I am her deputy." Emma and Allison both chuckle. "You and your Dad are my deputies." Hope babbled. "Hope, you are my little sheriff." Hope shows Henry her Barney doll. "Hope, is that a new toy that Auntie Allison got you." hope babbled. A few days later, Emma wakes up seeing Hope next to her and patting her face and smiled at her daughter. "Good morning, Hope." "Mommy." She climbs onto her Mommy. Killian brought Emma's breakfast on a tray. "Little love, you woke up Mommy just in time for her breakfast." He puts the tray down and gets Hope from Emma. Hope babbled and holds her Daddy's hook and he gave her kisses. "Morning, love.""Morning, honey." They kiss. "Hope ate her breakfast and we had playtime in her room until she walked in here to see you. I put her on our bed so I can cook breakfast." Emma giggles."Whenever I cook in the kitchen, Hope always discovering new places." Hope babbled. "Yes, I am talking about you, baby girl." She gave Hope multiple kisses on her cheek. "Is Henry asleep?""He is still sleeping in his room." Hope crawled to her Mommy and sat on her lap. "Hope, be gentle to Mommy little love. She is in recovery from surgery.""Killian, Hope wants to snuggle. Right Hope?" Hope babbled and smiles. She lies down on her bed with Hope, Killian joined their snuggle. "She is making me so happy. Thanks for helping me for the last few days." "You know that I always help you." "I know that I have been in pain and I see it on your face how tired you are taking care of me and Hope." "Love, whenever my family needs me, I will always be there to help them. I hate seeing you in pain and I want to make that pain of yours go away.""You are helping me the pain go away by helping me and comfort me. I would not have been able to go through this all alone." She kisses him on the cheek."You have us your family, love to help you.""You are on my side." She leans into him. "I always feel safe in your arms." Hope babbled. "Yes, my little duck you are keeping me company when I am in recovery." Hope smiles. "Little love, you are enjoying your extra time with your Mommy?" Hope babbled. "Dada." He let her hold his hook. Hope babbled. "Baby girl, are you just happy to be with Mommy and Daddy?""Tay, Mommy."Emma smiles. "I am not going anywhere, baby girl. I am staying here with you." She kisses Hope on the head. The doorbell rang. "Love, I will see who it is." Killian leaves the room. "Mommy.""Hope, you want to play?" Hope fusses. "You want to read? Sing?" Hope babbled, "Yes, Hope. We can sing." She thought of a song, "Hush now, Don't be scared, Through the times of darkness, shadows may march, thunder may roll, but peace should prevail, through our land, this sacred land, nightmares sprite confusion, but stand your ground, until you found, the strength to light your way." Hope babbled loudly, which made her Mommy smile. "You like me singing to you?" Hope babbled and hugs her Mommy. Emma looks up seeing her Mom in front of the bedroom door. "Mom?" "Hi, Emma. Killian let me in... I brought in a few meals. I hope you do not mind me dropping by.""Come in. Hope look who is here, Grandma." Hope fusses. "You can hug me baby girl." She gave Hope kisses on her head. "Emma, how are you feeling?""I am still in pain, from the uterus or the miscarriage or both..." Hope puts her hand on her Mommy's face. "I know you are right here with me, baby. You make me so happy, Hopey." She gave Hope kisses on her head. Hope babbled. "Mommy is talking to grandma. We can have Mommy and Hope time later. You can give me your hugs while I talk to Grandma. Deal?" Hope screamed, which made Emma and Snow White both laugh. "She loves hugging you, Emma."Emma smiles. "Oh, yes she does. Hope, you want to play our new special game?" She puts Hope on her lap. "Hope, hug!" Hope hugs her Mommy and leans back. "Hug!" Hope hugs her Mommy. "Good girl Hope. You are following directions and you give the best hugs." She hugs Hope who was standing up. "Be careful, sweetie." Hope walks around, Snow White helps Hope not to fall and caught Hope in her arms. "No!!" Hope began to cry and rushes back to her Mommy and falls, "Baby." Emma scoops Hope into her arms and let Hope hug her, more like gripping her because she was afraid. "You are with Mommy." She hugs her daughter and rubs her back. "Hope, Grandma is here to talk to Mommy. She is here not to kidnap you or hurt you." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You know my power of knowing when someone is lying and Grandma is not lying. You are safe, Hope. Mommy would never let anyone hurt you." Hope cried more into her. "Hope." She rubs her back and slowly gets up and takes Hope to her room and sat down on the rocking chair. "Hope, you are safe. Mommy is hugging you. We are snuggling just you and me." When Hope knew she was safe in her Mommy's arms she looked up at her Mommy with her big blue eyes. "Tay...Mommy."Emma smiles down at Hope."Hope, Mommy is not going anywhere. I am staying right here with you, my little duckling." Hope smiled at her Mommy and Emma smiled back at her daughter. Killian checks on his two loves. "Swan, how is Hope?""She is afraid of my Mom. I just got her to calm down, she just wants to be held by me, Killian."Killian smiles. "She knows she is safe with her Mommy." "Yes, captain." "Let me know if you need anything.""Thank you." They kiss. He kisses Hope on the head, "Dada loves you, Hope." He leaves the room, Henry was awake seeing his grandmother in the hallway and Hope upset in her room. "Dad, what is grandma doing here?""She is visiting your Mom.""She caused Hope and me...""I know, Henry. How about we play video games?"Henry smiles. "Can I read to Hope first?"Killian smiles. "Aye, you can. After you read to Hope.""You are on." Henry brings his storybook to his sister. "Hopey. I got my storybook." Hope stopped crying. "Hope, you want Henry to read you a story?" Hope babbled. "Henry, you can sit with her on the rocking chair..""Mom, Hope and I can sit on her carpet." Hope fusses. "Hope, Mommy can join us." Henry helped his Mom sit on the carpet and sat next to his Mom and sister. Emma positions Hope on her lap and hugs her, Hope babbled. "Hope, I am opening the book to the right story. I know what story you want little sis." Hope screams. "Yes, Hope. I found the story." Hope clapped her hands. Emma giggles. "You are excited for storytime with Henry." "Hope knows that I am the best storyteller ever." Emma smiles. Henry kisses his sister on the cheek. "Once upon a time, there was a long lost princess..." Emma smiles seeing Henry and Hope's brother and sister bond growing. Snow White was watching her daughter being an amazing Mom to Hope and Henry from the doorway. Killian sees his mother in law in the doorway, "Is everything alright, Snow?" "She is an amazing mother to Hope and Henry. Both of my grandchildren and daughter don't trust me." They walk away from Hope's room. "It will take time, Snow, after all, you have done to them...it is going to be a hard road for them to trust you...trust me I betrayed so many people in my past...""I hurt Hope in so many ways and Henry...bullying him in school...I cannot believe that I have done all of that to him and to Hope...Emma.." (sighs). "I betrayed my daughter's trust...I am an awful grandmother to Henry and Hope...I denied that she was injured...""Hope almost died from one of the injuries that Leo caused her..." "I know, I feel awful now of being in denial that my son almost killed Hope."Hope makes poop. "Hopey. Did you just make poopy?" Hope babbled. "Mom, she needs a change..." Henry helps his Mom stand up. "Thanks, kid." Emma changes Hope's diaper and plays their tickling game. She let Hope walk around her room as she sat on her carpet watching her daughter explore. Hope grabbed Henry's book. "B...b-b...." Henry kneels to his sister."Book! That is right little sis." Emma smiles at Hope's saying beginning to book and Henry teaching her to talk. She kneels to her daughter. "Hope, is that Henry's storybook?""B..bb...""B is for book. That is right." She kisses Hope's head. "Good job, Hope. She knows your book, kid." Henry smiles. "Hope, do you want me to read the book to you?" Hope babbled. Emma moves to where Hope was standing and put her on her lap. Henry opens the book. Hope smiled. " Once upon a time..." Hope fusses and reaches out to Henry. "Hope, you want to sit with me closer to the book?" Henry put Hope on his lap and she pats the pages."Hope, do not tear the pages, sweetie." "Mom, Hope is not going to break the pages. She is a good girl." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope babbled. Emma sees her Mom talking to Killian. "Emma." Emma walks to her Mom."How is Hope?""She has calmed down. Henry is reading to her and she loves snuggling with me." Hope walks to her Daddy and tugs his jeans. "Hi, little love." He holds Hope on his hip. "Are you having storytime with Henry?" Hope babbled. "It is a really good book? How about I read you the next book? While Mommy and Grandma talk?" Hope dug her face into her Daddy and began to cry. "Little love." He rubs his daughter's back. "Hope, you want to go on the Jolly Roger?" "Wawa.""Yes, little love. Dada and Hopey time." Hope hugs her Daddy. Killian knew Hope did not want to be near her grandmother and a break from the house, she needed ocean air just like him. "Hope, I know you will have fun with your Daddy." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Emma packs Hope's diaper bag and with some swim clothes just in case they go to the beach. "Killian, I packed Hope's beach clothes just in case she wants to go into the ocean.""Aye, Hope you want to swim in the ocean with Dada? Too cool after we go on the Jolly Roger?" Hope babbled. "Hope has her swim lessons in a few days.""Love, I can take her.""Dad, I can go with you and Hope to her swimming lesson. I have a feeling she needs both of us." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek."You can join us, Henry. Love, Hope and I will be on the Jolly Roger.""She needs fresh air. Baby girl be a good little pirate to dada. Listen to your Dada." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "Mommy.""Mommy needs to rest, sweetie. I know you are going to have fun with Dada. When you get home, you can tell me all about your pirate adventure." Hope smiles. "Swan, we will see you later.""Have fun with our baby girl." They kiss. Killian takes Hope to the Jolly Roger. "Emma...""Mom, do you need anything?" Emma hugs her son. "How about after Grandma and I talk, we can watch Batman Hush! I just rented the movie on Itunes."Henry smiles big. "Mom, you are awesome!" Henry hugs his Mom. "Where are we going to watch it?""In the living room.""I will get the popcorn ready." He went downstairs to get the movie ready on iTunes and made popcorn ready just the way his Mom likes it. He knew his Dad needed a break, and Hope needed to get fresh air and he wanted one on one time with his Mom more ever since the car accident. "Emma...""Yes, Mom?" Snow White hugs her daughter. "I need to go...""Okay. Thanks for coming by." Snow White leaves. Emma thought it was odd but she thought her Mom still feels guilty about what she had done to her and her children. She goes to the living room seeing Henry ready for their movie. "Kid, are you ready to watch Batman: Hush?""Yes. Weren't you going to talk to Grandma?""Yes..but she left." "Maybe she knew we needed our one on one time?" Emma hugs her son and kisses him on the head. "Maybe.""Are you still mad at her? I mean for all have done to us?" "I am slowly trying to get a relationship with her, she is my Mom but...I do not trust her... It is awkward..." "Mom, you are an awesome, Mom. I know that you are always doing the best for Hope and I., After all, you have been through lately, you are still Hope and my amazing Mom." "Thanks, kid." "You can let me know if you need anything let me know." She kisses him on the head and hugs her son."Let's watch Batman: Hush." Henry turned on iTunes from the television and cuddles with ish Mom and they watched Batman: Hush together. Killian carried Hope to the Jolly Roger. "Wa-wa." Killian smiles at his little lass knowing their second home. He let Hope walk around the ship once they go on deck. She was touching everything that she can reach, Killian loved seeing his little lass exploring their second home. Hope reached for the ropes for the sail. "Dada." He carried Hope on his hip. "Little love those ropes hold the sails when we steer the Jolly Roger." Hope reaches out for more. "You want help Dada to check the Jolly Roger?" Hope babbled. "My little pirate." He kisses Hope on the cheek and carried Hope around to check on the ship and explained of how parts of the ship work together. Hope pats he Daddy's face which made him smile, "Are you enjoying your lesson of the Jolly Roger?" Hope squealed with joy. "Is Dada a good teacher?" Hope squeals again. "I will take that as a yes." Hope gripped the steering wheel, Killian smiled and took a picture of his little pirate, "Hope, are you steering the Jolly Roger?" Hope babbled."Aye, little pirate." "Aye...Aye..." Killian smiled, Hope saying 'Aye, Aye.' He kisses her on the head, "That is my little pirate. Aye, aye.""Aye, aye." Killian can't stop smiling of his little daughter saying another pirate word. He kneeled down and pointed parts of the ship and continued his lesson with his little love until Hope made poop and needed her lunch. He takes Hope into the captain quarters to change her diaper and they had lunch which they picked up at Granny's before heading to the ship. Hope crawls to her diaper bag. "Little love, what are you looking for?" She takes out her Captain Hook doll, Hope babbled. Killian smiled. "Did your Mommy packed your Captain Hook to your diaper bag for the Jolly Roger?" Hope babbled and reaches for her Daddy. He put Hope and her Hook doll on his lap facing her. "You know what little love?" Hope looked up at her daddy directly in her matching ocean blue eyes. "I never expect to be a dada.""Dada?"Killian smiles. "Yes, I am your Dada. Before when I was a mean pirate because Daddy's older brother died and all I wanted was revenge..." "Dada." "Revenge is to hurt someone who hurt someone else who you love. Dada was really mad at the king for telling Dada and Dada's brother to sail to Neverland to get some poison for his selfish reasons. Dada brother Liam.." Hope babbled. "Dada has two brothers named Liam." Hope gave her Daddy a look. "Yes, Dada older brother Liam went to heaven to be with Uncle Zeus after he helped him go to heaven because in Neverland he died from poison." Hope babbled. "After Dada became a pirate, Dada found his Daddy and found out he...he had another brother named Liam. Dada was very sad that his Dada did not find him. I did hurt a lot of people in the past."Hope hugs her Daddy. "Dada." "I will never leave you, Hope. That is why I cannot believe that I am a dada to you, little love. I lost my first love and did not expect to fall in love again until I met your Mommy in the Enchanted Forest. Once I laid eyes on Mommy, I knew that she was my true love and I knew that we will have a life together. Your Mommy believes in me that I was a good pirate and I always will be there for her no matter what happens and most important I gained your Mommy's trust. When Mommy told me she was pregnant with you made me the happiest man in all the realms because I was going to be a dada to you, little love." He bops Hope's nose and makes her smile. Hope hugs her Dada. "Mommy is in pain little love because the car accident hurt her tummy and she had a baby that died in her tummy." Hope fusses. "I know you, Henry and I are making her happy in her recovery because we love her and she loves us." Hope babbled. "Yes, that what our family does, Hope. To be there for each other." He kisses her on the head and looks down she was fast asleep hugging him. "Dada is right here, little pirate. I love you, Hope." He is enjoying his one on one time with his little lass, he loves being a daddy to Hope and loving her snuggles. Emma was enjoying her one on one time with Henry who was enjoying the movie. After the movie ended, henry and Emma played video games. "Kid, you are getting so good at video games.""Thanks, I do have a lot of practice playing with Dad. He is really good even with his hook hand." Emma giggles. The doorbell rang. "Kid, I will get it." Henry helps his Mom up and pauses the Xbox. Emma answered the door, it was Ashley. "Hi, Ashley.""Hi, Emma. I wanted to come by to see how you are doing.""Please come in." Emma leads Ashley inside, "Henry, we have a visitor.""Hi, Ashley.""Hi, Henry.""How is Alexandra?""She is good. She is with Sean. Oh, Emma, I brought you cookies.""Thank you, Ashley.""Mom, I can put them on a plate and make cinnamon hot cocoa."Emma hugs her son, "Thanks, kid." Henry went to the kitchen, as Emma and Ashley set down on the couch. "So, Ashley, how is town? I have not been out of the house since I came home.""Well, the barbershop has been improving....""I heard from Ruby that the barbershop collapsed.""Yes, it did. They are still building the outside. Where are Killian and Hope?""Killian took Hope to the Jolly Roger for Daddy and daughter time. He knew Hope needed a break from the house." Henry returns with a tray and his Mom's heating pad. "Thanks, kid. I need a heating pad.""You are welcome, Mom. If you need anything else, I will be upstairs.""Thanks, kid." Henry goes upstairs."How is it being a mom of two kids?"Emma smiles, "I love it. I love being a Mom from the very beginning with Hope. Henry lives with us full time, he loves being a big brother to Hope. Having Killian as a husband.." She smiles. "It is amazing having someone to lean on and there for you and co-parent and he loves being a daddy to Hope and Henry." They continued to talk until they heard the door open and Killian talking to Hope, "Ome." henry came down to greet his dad and sister."Yes, little love, we are home." He walked with Hope inside. "Let's go find Mommy, little love." He walks Hope to the living room. "Mommy?" "Hi, baby girl." She kneels down so Hope can hug her."Mommy." Hope walks wobbly as fast as her little legs can carry her and hugs her Mommy. Emma gave Hope kisses on her head. "Hope, did you have fun with Dada on the Jolly Roger?""Aye, aye..."Emma smiled big. "Hope, aye, aye?" Hope smiled. "Killian? Hope's new pirate word?"Killian smiles. "Aye, yes. Hope is saying aye, her new pirate word." "Mom, she is learning from you and Dad every day.""Yes, you are right." She stands up holding Hope on her hip. "Hope, we have a visitor, Ashley." "Hi, Hope." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Hope, you can snuggle with me while I talk to Ashley, okay?" Hope babbled. "Lad, do you want a sword-fighting lesson in the front yard?""Yes! I will get the swords ready." "Kid, do not run with the swords, they are real.""Yes, Mom." Henry goes to the basement. "Love, Henry will not get hurt.""I know. You won't hurt him." Hope babbled. "Little love, Mommy and Daddy will teach you your own sword lesson later," Hope screamed. "She is looking forward to it, captain." Henry returns with the swords. "Dad?""Have fun boys, be careful.""Yes, Mom." They went outside. "Emma, I never got to thank you for getting my family back together. If you did not help me, I would not have got to keep my daughter. You gave me my happy ending during the curse before you broke it, I can never ever stop thanking you for that. You saved me again when my stepsister Clorinda and stepmother came to town." "You were my first save. I just wanted you to have a happy life not be tortured by Rumpelstiltskin or Evil Queen plots with your stepfamily." Hope babbled and tugs her Mommy's hair. "I did not want you to be alone in labor as I was when I had Henry in prison. I wanted to make sure that you know what you were doing. I certainly did not...""Emma, you are an amazing Mom to him and Hope. I mean, Hope...she just came home and ran to you. You are a great, Mom and it shows."Emma smiles down at Hope. "She is my second chance of raising a baby from the very beginning. I never thought that I would have that chance of that. Until Killian came into my life." Hope hugs her Mommy. She kisses Hope on the head. "You saved us all and this town so many times. You deserved your happy ending with Killian, Henry, and Hope.""Thanks, Ashley." Hope fusses, Emma lets her walk around the living room. "I am still learning to be a mom every single day." Hope carried her Pluto and placed it on her Mommy's lap. "You want me to hold Pluto for you?" Hope smiled. "Thank you for sharing your Pluto with me, Hope." Hope kisses her Mommy's face and walks around more. "How is it going with your Mom?""Awkward...she came this morning to visit...let's just say we did not talk too much and the kids...they don't trust her and neither do I." Hope walks over to pat her knee. "Hope, do you want your Pluto?" Hope tries to climb onto her Mommy. "Hope." She puts Hope on her lap. "You just want to listen to Mommy and Ashley talk?" Hope babbled loudly. "Hope you can join us. " Hope babbled. "Emma, if you need a break, Hope can join my daycare for free.""Thank you for the offer, Ashley. After what happened with the car accident, I just want everything to be normal and having both children home is making my recovery better." Hope babbles. She gave Hope kisses on her head. They continued to talk. Outside, Killian was giving Henry a word lesson. "Lad, how was your Mom while Hope and I were on the Jolly Roger?""She was fine. We had fun talking, watching Batman: Hush and we played a few rounds of video games before Ashley came over. Grandma left a few minutes after you and Hope left. Mom was kind of off after she left but I cheered her up and watched the movie.""I know you made your Mom happy, son.""I know Mom is having a hard time with the accident, surprise miscarriage, and recovery... I do not want Mom in any more pain than she already has been through enough. Grandma...I know she is causing Mom pain." Killian wrapped his arm around his son. "We are helping your Mom, son. She has us, your sister, and your aunt when she needs us. She has the town that cares for her, like Ashley to come and visit her.""We do have support from the town, Mom has helped all of them and now they are giving back.""Exactly son." "When Mom is not in recovery as much can we go on the Jolly Roger just you and me?""It is a deal lad."Ashley leaves the Swan-Jones house. "How is the sword lesson?""Henry is getting better at it." "Dad, I will meet you inside." Henry returns inside with the swords. "Killian, if you need any help, call me. I offered Emma free babysitting in my daycare but she said no.""Aye, Emma wants to be with the kids, she did not have parents growing up and she doesn't want Hope to want to be with strangers. She just wants to raise Hope normal.""I understand that. Call me if you or Emma need anything.""Thank you stopping by." Ashley walks home. Killian enters inside, finding Emma and Henry talking and playing with Hope. "Swan, how is our little love?""She is just happy to be with her Mommy and playing with Henry.""Dad, I missed Hope when you two were on the Jolly Roger, that is why I stopped the lesson.""Lad, we can continue later." Hope crawls to Henry and climbs onto him. "Hope!" "Hopey, be gentle to your brother, I know you are happy to play with him." Hope babbled and pats Henry's head. "Little sis." He puts Hope on his lap, "You want to play?" Hope screamed. Henry takes Hope to the carpet let her climb over him, "Kid if she gets too rough...""Mom, I know put Hope down but she wants to play with me...""Henwy.""Hopey." He gave her tickles which made her laugh and gave her raspberries. Killian wrapped his arms around his wife, "How are you feeling love?""I am still in pain but less than yesterday." "You are getting better love.""Yes, I am. You and Henry are taking such good care of me." "I will always take care of you." He kisses her on her head and she hugs him around his waist. "How was your day on the Jolly Roger with Hope?"Killian smiles, "Hope is a little pirate she loved being on the Jolly Roger. I taught her parts of the ship and she loves the steering wheel."Emma chuckles. "She takes after her Dada, my captain. I know you taught her so well.""Aye, yes I did. Hope loved her one on one time with her Dada. She missed her Mommy." "I heard you talking to Hope when you both entered the house.""Aye, we walked home together, she was very happy to be home to be with her Mommy." Hope crawls to her Daddy. "Dada." Hope tugs his pants. "Little love." He puts Hope on his lap. She makes a big poop. "That is not a fart." "Yes, I can smell her poop." Hope babbled. "You little stinker." She gave Hope kisses. "Love, Hope and I will be right back." He carries Hope to the staircase. "Mommy...Mommy." Emma gets up and takes Hope from Killian. "Hopey. Mommy will change you. You just like making poop on Daddy." Hope babbled. "Yes, you are my little stinky pirate, Hope." He gave Hope kisses and made her laugh."Killian, I will give Hope her bath, I know you can play with Henry..""Mom, you just want Dad to beat me."Emma and Killian both laughed, "Let me guess, he beat you so many times?""Yes, captain." Hope makes more poop. "Woo...Hope, Mommy will give you a bath instead." She puts Hope down and runs Hope's bubble bath, while Hope was walking around in a diaper and escaping to Henry's room. "Hope. Where are you baby girl?" She finds Hope in Henry's room smearing her poop on Henry's bedding, takes a picture first. "Hope Marie Swan-Jones! No!" She scoops Hope into her arms and faces her daughter. "No putting poop on Henry's bed. That is very naughty. Poop is not paint and we do not play with poop. This is bad, Hope. Very bad." Hope knows she was in trouble and began to cry. Emma goes to the stairs, "Killian!! I need you up here! Hope is being a pirate!" Killian rushes upstairs with Henry, "Emma, what Hope is doing?" He looks at what Hope was covered in and Henry's bedding. "Bloody...."Henry sees what Hope has done to his bed."My bed? Really Hope? My room stinks." "Hope, that was a very naughty thing to do. You are in trouble." Hope pats her hands with poop. "Hope, paint is when we get messy. Poop is messy but we do not play with poop but it is very dirty and unsanitary.""Love, she is just playing.""She needs to know what is right from wrong.""Mom, I am not mad at her but my bedding needs to be clean. Hope is being a little pirate and is my little sis." "Hope, can you say sorry to Henry for putting your poop on his bed?" Hope babbled and reaches her hands out to Henry. "Hope, I am not mad at you. I am annoyed that my bedroom smells like poop. I love you but you need a bubble bath. After you are clean, I can read you a story and come into my room and not put poop in my room ever again. Deal?" Hope babbled, "Henwy." "Kid, it is my fault too, Henry. I am sorry, I was running her bath and did not keep a close eye on her, she escaped in here and I saw her putting poop on your bed...sorry.""It is okay, Mom. It is just poop, my bedding can be clean and air the smell out." "Lad, after I help clean..""Killian, I can clean up our messy pirate. You can help Henry with his poop covered bedding, laundry." Hope makes more poop. "Hope, it is bath time." Emma puts Hope in her bath. Killian checks on his two loves. "Love, let me help you scrub her down. Henry's bedding is in the washing machine." He scrubs Hope down and played with her to cheer his lass up but she was still crying."She has not stopped crying since I spoke to her in a serious tone.""Serious tone is better than what we went through.""That is right, those punishments...in the system were awful." She dries up Hoe and does her after-bath routine in her bedroom as Killian cleaned up the bathtub. "Hope, you are all nice and clean baby girl." Hope hugged her Mommy. Emma faces her daughter. "Baby girl, I am sorry that I was serious tone with you. I had to be serious because what you did to Henry's bedding was very bad and naughty. When you do something bad, you get a punishment like a timeout or Mommy gets in her serious voice. I do not like when I have to raise my voice to you but you have to learn from right from wrong. Okay?" She smooths her daughter's hair. "I know you feel bad, baby girl. We all make mistakes and we learn from them." She kisses Hope on her head as her daughter snuggles her. Killian overheard Emma's conversation with their little lass and joins them. "Hope, you putting your poop brother's bedding was very naughty little love. That was not nice. You have to be a good little lass. When you are older if you cause trouble like that, that can lead you to not to be trusted, like Uncle Leo. No one likes him since he caused so much harm and hurt people like you. I know you were just playing around but when Mommy and Daddy say no, it is for a good reason, Hope. Do you understand?" Hope continued to cry. "Baby girl, I know you felt bad when I was mad before. That was naughty baby girl. When Mommy and Daddy are serious when we tell you no, is a way for us to tell you what is right from wrong. When you get older you will be punished like time out or take a toy away. We were mad at you before but we love you, Hope." Hope stopped crying. "Hope, we will never hurt you as a punishment like Daddy and Mommy had as a child, bad abuse punishments.""Hope, we love you so much. You are our little pirate princess. Yes, we will be mad at you when you are naughty but we always love you and be there for you when you need us. We will help you when you make mistakes and you can come to us when you need us, that is our job as your parents to teach you from right and wrong.""Your Dada is right, Hope. Mommy and Daddy made a lot of mistakes and we learn from them. We are going to be there for you when you need us whenever you are in trouble, sad, lonely or need us to help you, we will be there for you, always." Hope hugs her Mommy. "I love you, Hope." She gave Hope kisses on her head. Killian gave Hope kisses on her head. "I love you, Hope my little pirate princess. Dada loves you." Hope grabbed her Daddy's hook and smiles. "There is my favorite little smile." Emma and Killian both smile at Hope. Henry enters the room, "Mom, Dad, can I read to Hope?""Yes, kid. We gave her first lecture but she knows that she had done was wrong.""Lad, she is happy again.""I am not mad at her.""We know Henry. We just needed to discipline her the right way. How is your room?""I put a fan on and sprayed a lot of febreeze and opened the window and my sheets and blankets are in the laundry machines. Now, I just want to have one on one time with my favorite sister. Hopey." Hope turns around and sees her brother and crawls to him. "Hope, are you ready for your one on one time with me?" Hope babbled. He carries Hope on his hip. "We can read and play in your room?" Hope babbled loudly. "I am very excited to play with you too, little sis." Emma smiles at them, love seeing their brother and sister bond even though Hope caused poop trouble which won't let Henry get mad at his sister. "Mom, I will keep her out of trouble.""Henwy.""Yes, Hope we are going to have fun when we go to your room." He tickles his sister and makes her laugh and carried her to her room. Henry reads from his storybook as Hope walked around her room and hugs her brother. "You love hugging me, little sis.""Henwy." She gave him kisses. "I love you too Hope." He hugs his sister and they continue storytime. Emma leans on Killian as he wrapped his arm around his love, "Our first parent lecture to Hope?""Yes, captain. Our first lecture to our daughter, who caused poop trouble. We just have Hope a lecture on discipline.""Aye, she is our little pirate princess.""Yes, we are going to give her timeouts when she gets older but she knew my voice changed which that she knew that she was in trouble.""Love, we are disciplining her the right way.""Yes, that is true. There was no way that I was going to discipline the way I was in the foster system getting screamed at, hit on the head, smacked on the face, beaten, starved, not able to shower..there were so many ways these foster parents caused..." Killian hugged her tighter. "I did not want that for our family any of that...I am just hoping that we are disciplining her the right way. I never had any good parents or guidance I grew up. I made decisions...""You and I and everyone made a mistake and we learn from them.""Are we teaching Hope the right way?""Yes, we are Emma. We told her from right from wrong and what she did was wrong and we talked to her about it. We did nothing as your horrible foster parents did to you, to our Hope. We spoke to her and she understood what she did was wrong, now she is happy and playing with Henry. You are an amazing mother, love. Our family is together, full of love and are honest with each other.""I have you on my side, parenting, raising Hope and Henry together. I would not have this life with you, Hope and Henry if we never have met in the Enchanted Forest.""Aye, I would not have this happy life with you my beautiful brave and kind-hearted wife and with our children, without falling in love with you once I laid my eyes on you and you changed my world, love." This kiss."Henry's birthday is in a few weeks, we have to plan his birthday party.""Aye, our son is turning sixteen.""Yes, I already ordered him a few gifts online.""Let me guess New York Comic Con?""Maybe?""Whatever you get him for his birthday, I know he will love it.""Yes, you are right. I get to be his Mom for his birthday, which makes me the happiest Mom in the world.""Aye, you are the best Mom, love. You also got your yellow bug back.""Yes, that is true. I helped Hansel and Gretel finding their Dad in the dark curse.""Aye, you did not want them to be like you an orphan.""Yes, no child ever deserves that." She hugs her husband."You also saved Ashley twice.""Yes, Ashley was my first save when I arrived here. I was in the same position in prison, I had no one. She was alone and I wanted to help her so she was not alone. I got her to keep Alexandra.""Aye, you have a caring heart, love the people who you helped during the curses are here to help you now, my amazing swan." Emma smiles. They kiss and snuggle while Henry was reading Hope in her room.

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