Extra Stop Before Home

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The next few days, Emma and Killian got to spend one on one time with their children. Killian and Henry went to the Nintendo store to buy video games and try games in the store. Emma and Hope had a girls day, Emma and Hope went to Barnes and Noble and read a few books and bought some of them. After they went clothing shopping in Union Square, Forever 21, Sephora and Babies R Us for Hope. Hope had fun playing in the swings at the park. Hope fussed and Emma got her out of the swings. "What do you want to do next? We went to Barnes and Noble, played in the park and we went shopping for clothes for you and I. Do you want to get bath bombs at Lush?" Hope babbled. "I will take that as a yes." She takes Hope to the Lush and had Hope help her choose a few bath bombs for them to buy. They were so many different types of bath bombs in different colors and shapes. The two girls chose five bath bombs in total. When Emma and Hope arrived back to the apartment, Emma's hands were full carrying the bags and Hope's diaper bag. Emma dropped the bags and Hope began to cry. "Hopey, you are okay. Mommy needs to find the keys to the apartment. Shh...shh..." The elevator door opened, it was Henry and Killian.

"Love, do you need a hand?"

"Yes, captain. Hopey, Daddy is here to help us."

"Aye, you do like you got your hands full." Henry helped carried the shopping bags as Killian opened the door to the apartment. "Little sis, did you went shopping with Mommy?" Hope babbled. "I can see you got new clothes, books, and bath bombs."

"You are right, Henry. We went to the park too besides shopping." Hope began to cry. "Hopey, it is your naptime. We had a very busy girls day."

"Love, I can organize the clothes. Hope wants her Mommy to nap with her."

"Thank you." They kiss. Emma got herself and Hope ready for a nap. Emma got Hope laid down on her and the mother and daughter took a very needed nap together. Emma woke up without Hope on her. "I must have napped longer than Hope." Emma finds Killian in the kitchen cooking dinner. She wrapped her arms around his waist. "There is my handsome captain."

"Hello, Swan. You look rested."

"Yes, I took a long nap."

"Aye, a four-hour nap."

"Wow. Where are the kids?"

"In Henry's room. Dinner is almost ready."

"I will check on them." She opens the door and sees Hope sitting on Henry's bed surround by all of her Disney plush dolls and narwhal and Henry is reading her stories. She takes pictures. Hope sees her Mommy. "Mommy." Emma smiles and joins her children on the bed. "Hope, are you having fun with Henry?" Hope babbled.

"Mom, Hope was crying after her nap, the only way that I got her to stop crying was to bring all of her plushies in her and read to her."

"Your sister is definitely a little princess."

"Yes, she is Mom."

Emma and Killian's family vacation had to come to an end. Emma packed the luggage bag while Killian watched Hope in the living room. Henry entered the room. "Mom?"

"Come sit next to me, Henry." Henry sits next to his Mom. "Are you all packed?"

"Yes, I am. Do we have to back home today?"

"Yes, Henry. We have to go back home."

"I do not want to leave New York."

"I know but we have to go home." She hugs her son. "We are going to have a lot of family time when we get back. Your Dad and I planned our next Jolly Roger adventure."

"Yes!" Henry and Emma pull the luggage, seeing Hope babbling to their Dad on his lap.

"Killian, are you and Hope ready?"

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