More Recovery

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The next day Henry stomach virus was gone. "Mom, can we go back to my house to get a few things? I want to bring Hope something from home?"
"We can go into town and buy her a gift?"
"I have something in mind at home that she misses."
"Sure, you can bring your overnight bag for you and your parents too."
"Exactly." Regina brings Henry to the NICU, Emma was sleeping on the rocking chair and Hope was in her incubator. Killian was awake watching Hope sleep.
"Hi, Dad."
"Hi, son. You sound so much better." Henry hugs his Dad.
"I feel better. My other mom is driving me home to get overnight bags. Do you need anything?"
"Just bring me an extra pair of clothes and phone charger."
"Can I get our usuals at Granny's?"
"Aye, you can son."
"How is Hope?"
"She is still sleeping. She has been sleeping a lot. She is getting a lot of blood transfusions. I got your Mom to sleep finally, she has been up all night with Hope, all she wanted to do was hold your sister. I am watching Hope now so your Mom can sleep."
"I will be with you, Mom and Hope soon, Dad."
"I know Hope will be happy to see her brother."
"I will be back soon." Regina drove Henry home, she helped him pack his parents overnight bags. Henry packed his backpack with his storybook, drawing pad, pencils, clothes and his new iPad and earphones. He took a long shower. "Mom."
"Yes, Henry?"
"My parents' room and my room are a mess. Can we laundry while we are here? I know both of my parents are stressed about Hope. I want to help out when I can and I know they want to come home with Hope to a clean home."
"We can do laundry and clean the house for them." Henry and Regina did the laundry and cleaned the house.
Back at Storybrooke Hospital, Allison brought coffee and cinnamon hot chocolate and doughnuts for Killian and Emma. "Hi, Killian."
"Good morning, Allison."
"How is Hope?"
"She is sleeping a lot. I got Emma to sleep when I told her that I will watch Hope She was watching Hope all night."
"We are both helping Emma just reassuring her that Hope is going nowhere."
"Aye, that what I told her."
"I brought you both breakfast in town on the way here. I know the hospital food is not the best."
"Thank you, Allison." He takes the breakfast bag and drinks. "Regina took Henry home a few hours ago, his stomach bug stopped. He is helping us out with Regina at home cleaning the house and laundry besides overnight bags. Regina text me that they are coming later with our lunches. Is Hope supposed to sleep that much?"
"Her body went through a lot yesterday and she is in pain. Her body needs to rest since her body is weak and in pain inside and outside." She checks on Hope and holds her little hand. "Auntie Allison is here, Hope. You are getting better sweetie one day at a time."
They hear arguing in the hallway, Charming and Snow White. "Snow."
Allison went into the hallway and got serious. "Excuse me, this NICU there are babies who are very sick and in recovery and need their sleep."
"I am sorry, Allison. I just want Snow White to see Hope."
"You both can come in just do not scream, please. There are babies here that need a lot of rest."
Snow White was leaving."Charming."
"Snow, you need to see our granddaughter." Charming got his wife to look at their granddaughter. Snow White saw her granddaughter sleeping on IV needle with blood transfusion and a heart monitor on her toe. Snow White was in shock. "Charming, Leo is not the cause..."
Allison got mad at Emma's mother. "Mrs.Nolan, I was a witness of when your son severely injured your granddaughter."
"I do not want to hear this." Charming got his wife to look at Allison.
" I was the one who caught her fractured rib, I was the one who caught Hope's internal bleeding the first time and the second time. While she was in recovery Hope got a stomach virus which causes more than one blood vessel to burst. I did her surgery on her yesterday, to stop her internal bleeding. When I opened her open blood was pouring out of her so much, she needed a blood donation. If I have not had..."
"But she is fine right now."
"Snow, listen to Allison."
"Snow White, your son injured your granddaughter more than once. Out of all the cases, I had from your son other victims, Hope has the worst injuries. If the school did not report to the social workers about Leo's behavior I would have had." Emma woke up hearing Allison mad and sees her parents. Killian saw his wife waking up and knowing how she cannot handle the stress that she has now not including her mother causing. Killian put his good hand on Allison's shoulder. "If Snow would not listen to you Allison, Snow can listen to me." He pulled Allison to the side. "I will handle my mother in law, you can watch Hope."
"I can see why your wife is mad."
"Aye, watch Hope. I have to be there for my wife and daughter." Allison goes to Hope and watches her niece. Allison checks Hope's heart rate and blood transfusions.
"Snow, my daughter, your granddaughter almost died yesterday on the operating table. If Emma has not have donated her blood, Hope would have been dead. I know you're in denial about Leo is having the darkness in him, he does, Snow White. I am tired of you arguing with my wife that Leo does not have darkness in him, which he does. Leo got my little lass injured, he had no care in the world that she was hurt. Now Hope got sick and caused her bad internal bleeding causing her almost die. Look at her Snow..." He makes Snow White to look at Hope. "Her body is weak, in pain inside her body and out of her body and getting new blood. What more proof do you need that Leo has darkness in him? Your granddaughter almost died from your son's injury. Snow, why are you in denial? You aren't listening to your husband, Regina, the school, Allison or even your daughter your own flesh and blood. You are losing your family Snow one by one if you are not listening to your family. Family is everything which I learned from my past and you should not lose them. Once you lose them they are gone." Killian opens Hope's hospital gown to show Snow White the scars. "This bruise is from the fractured rib, this scar is from Hope's first internal bleeding and this one, the biggest one is from yesterday." The newest scar covered in bruises. "When are you stop being in denial? Your losing your daughter trust in you, she is not even speaking to you and your granddaughter is going through hell having another surgery and recovery. When your granddaughter almost dying from your son's cause of injury isn't that a big sign that says darkness?" Snow White was whiter than Killian ever seen and in shock. She runs out of the room. "Killian, thank you. I tried to tell her myself last night, she would not listen."
"You are welcome, someone had to knock into sense into her, if Emma could not do it, I have to do it for my two loves. I am tired of hearing her denial. I wanted to put an end to it for my wife and daughter." Charming leaves. Emma stood up and hugs her husband and kisses him on his scruffy cheek.
"Thank you for sticking up for Hope and me."
"I got tired of you fighting with your Mom, she was not listening to you. I knew I needed to stick up for my wife and our little love. After almost losing Hope, somebody had to knock sense to her and face reality."
"You always have my back."
"Aye, I will always stick up for my family, always."
"Emma, Killian Hope is waking up."
"Hi, baby girl." Emma picks up her daughter and lets her snuggle on her. "Hope, did you have a good sleep?" Hope babbled and gripped her Mommy. "You are with Mommy, sweetie." Killian let Hope hold his hook. "Here you go little love, Dada."
"Emma, I examined Hope while Killian was arguing with your Mom."
"I woke up when I heard you arguing with my Mom, thank you by the way."
"Your welcome. Hope is recovering as she should be. With more than one blood vessel bursts, she is going to be recovering longer. I checked her chest, no new bruises. Her heart rate is normal."
"She is more tired than her last surgery."
"With the amount of blood that she had lost yesterday, Hope will feel more tired and weak and her body is in pain but Hope will recover, Emma."
"Do I need to donate more blood? Will her body run out? Will I have to donate always for Hope?" Killian wraps his arm around his wife and rubs her back knowing she was nervous.
"Emma, Hope is getting the right amount of blood right now. Yesterday, she lost about 30% of her blood."
"Oh my gosh."
"The blood that you donated yesterday was the right amount of blood. Hope is not going to lose her blood."
"I just want to make sure, I almost lost Hope yesterday. I do not want to have that feeling ever again." She nuzzles her head on top of Hope's head.
"Hope is with you and Killian now, she is getting carefully being monitored and getting your blood into her bloodstream little at the time. Her body is sore from her operation inside and out.."
"Hope's scar looks bigger than last time."
"Yes, Emma because she had more blood vessels that I needed to fix."
"I understand, I just wanted to make sure."
"Emma, it is alright to ask questions there is no harm in that especially when it is about Hope recovery."
"Yes, I just wanted to know how to help Hope's recovery." She kisses Hope on the head. "If you have any questions, you can always call me."
"Thank you, Allison. You have been so helpful with us with Hope." Hope fussed "Hope you want to snuggle?" Hope hugged her Mommy. "We can hug, sweetie. You just want to be with Mommy." Killian helped Emma bring the blood transfusion machine to the rocking chair and Emma sat with Hope. "Allison, how long will Hope be in pain?"
"For a while Emma." She kneels to Hope. "Hope, are you cozy being with Mommy?" Hope babbled. "Yes, you are so lucky to have the best Mommy who loves you much and loves holding you all the time. I will come back later to see you, Hope. I have to see other patients." She kisses Hope on the head. "Emma and Killian call me if you need anything and enjoy the breakfast."
"Thank you, Allison."
"You are both welcome."
Killian hands Emma her cinnamon hot chocolate. "Thank you."
"You are welcome, love."
"Have you heard from Henry?"
"Aye, his stomach bug stopped. Regina took Henry back to our house to pack our overnight bags and clean the house."
"Regina offered to clean?"
"Henry did."
"Wow, our teenager son offered to clean the house without us telling him."
"Aye, I know. They are also bringing us Granny's for lunch." While Emma ate her breakfast, Killian spoke to Hope. "Hi, little love. Dada is here." Hope smiled. "Do you want a pirate story?"
Hope babbled. "Killian, Hope wants a story."
Killian let Hope hold his hook. "Once upon a time, there was a little green devil that controlled Neverland....In the end, the lost girl and dashing captain hook defeated Peter Pan and took the lost boys to Storybrooke."
"You did not mention what Pan did to Henry in Maine."
"Love, that is her brother, I do not want to scare our little lass."
"After the curse, you did find me and Henry in New York and brought us home to our family."
"Aye, you are right love. Hope, the story is not over. When your Mommy knew something wrong with your brother, it turns out the green little devil switched bodies with your brother so your Mommy Daddy, Tinkerbell and rest of the town got Henry from a small box and your Mommy proved to us Henry was in Pan's body. The little green devil got a curse from Regina's underground magic room, and we got Henry and Peter Pan to switch bodies just in time before a curse came to town. When your Mommy and Henry drove to New York without their memories, I went to Enchanted Forest and found a way to get back to your Mommy and Henry. I gave your Mommy her memories back of me and your grandparents. I brought Mommy and Henry back home. When I told your Mommy that I sold the Jolly Roger." Hope babbled, which made her parents giggled. "She knew that I gave up something that I loved for her. That is how your Mommy know that I love and care for her and put her first then we started dating. After we started dating, I got back to Jolly Roger." Hope babbled. "Aye little love, I got our Jolly Roger back."
"Killian, she loves your ship."
"Aye, she certainly does."
"She is our little pirate." Hope makes poop. "Hope, you need a change."
"Love, I can change her." Killian gently takes Hope from her Mommy, Emma helped him by bringing Hope's blood IV, with her. "Killian, be careful of her wires." Emma held the wires as her husband changed Hope's diaper. "There you go, little love, you are all nice and clean." Hope began to cry. "Killian, I think Hope needs to be fed. I have not nursed her in a while."Killian carries Hope back to the rocking chair, Emma preps to nurse Hope. "You can take her gown off." Killian takes Hope's gown off. "Little love, you got more pirate scars. That is okay, you are part pirate after all."
"Right Hope, just like Dada." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope tugged his hair. "You have a strong grip, Hope."
"Hope, you need to eat little duck. You can grip Dada's hair after you eat."
"Swan?" Emma gives him a wink. Killian hands over Hope to his wife. "Here you go little love, you need to eat to be a strong little pirate princess." Hope nursed for a really long time. "She is very hungry."
"Yes, I know. She is eating for a really long time. I am going to ask Allison when we can feed her puree food."
"Love, we have to be careful."
"I know, we do not want our little girl to have another internal bleed operation. No more surgeries for Hope." She kisses Hope on the head.
Back at the Swan-Jones home, Henry and Regina finished the overnight bag packing and cleaned the whole house and bedsheets. Before Henry left, he picked up a few special toys for his sister to cheer her up. "Henry, are you all packed?"
Henry came downstairs."Yes, I am. I had to bring something from home for Hope." He shows her what he is bringing to his sister. "Henry, Hope is going to be so happy to see you and her toys."
"Let's go." Henry picked up their usual from Granny's and Regina drove him back to the hospital.
Henry enters the NICU, hearing Hope crying. He sees his parents and Aunt Allison surround Hope was in her incubator. "Aunt Allison, what is wrong with Hope?"
"Henry, your sister is in a lot of pain from the surgery yesterday."
"Does she need ice? Has she been eating?" Hope continue to cry. Henry takes Hope into his arms. "Hi, Hope. Henry is here, little sis." Hope gripped her big brother.
"Henry, you can hold her in your arms no hugs yet, her chest still hurts from her surgery."
"You and I need one on one time little sis." He sits Hope on the couch. "Hi, Mom."
"Hey, kid. Hope are you feeling?"
"Better than last night. I am just happy to be with Hope. I just knew Hope needed me. Right Hope?" He kisses his sister on the head. "I am not going anywhere." Henry puts the ice pack on Hope's chest. Hope slowly stopped crying.
"Henry, you are making Hope be in less in pain. Thank you, Henry."
"You are welcome, Mom. I knew Hope was in pain. I just wanted to help." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope, did Henry make you feel better?" Hope babbled.
"Emma, the day after the surgery is always the hardest, it will get better." She talks to Hope "Little niece, you are in my best care. I know you are in so much pain, sweetie. Every day you will be in less pain. I am going to watch you make sure you are in good recovery. You are with your Henry and your Mommy who is going to give you a lot of cuddles, play time with story time with Daddy and Henry." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Allison, thank you for coming, in, I thought something was wrong."
"Emma it is alright. Hope went through a lot yesterday, I do not mind checking up on her, it is part of my job. Hope, I will come by to see you later." Hope babbled. She kisses Hope on the head. Allison leaves the room. Emma sat nearby them.
Regina came into the room. "Killian, what happened?"
"After Emma fed Hope, she took a nap and waking up crying."
"Henry told me that he thinks she is afraid in the hospital."
"Aye, he might be right. Our little love just wants to be held." They look at Hope being held by Emma and Henry nearby. "Hope, I brought you something from home little sis. Mom, I brought a few things from home for Hope." Emma took out from her son's backpack, Hope's big Pluto and her small Puto.
Emma smiled big. "Hope, Henry brought your two Pluto's for you from home!" Hope smiled.
Emma let her choose what Pluto to play with, Hope grabbed the big Pluto. "Hope, are you holding your big Pluto?" Hope babbled. "Hope, say thank you to Henry for bringing your Pluto's here." Hope smiled.
"You are very welcome, I am just happy to make you happy little sis." He kisses Hope on the head.
"You really know how to make Hope happy."
"I am her big brother and her hero. I saved the day."
"Yes, you did Henry." Henry played with his sister by using the smaller Pluto to tickle Hope's cheek. Hope began to cry. "What is the matter, little sis? Is the big Pluto hurting your chest? Let me switch Pluto's." Henry gave Hope the smaller one. Hope began to cry. "Hope, I have your big Pluto right here. I am holding it on my lap for you while you have the small Pluto."
He held Hope in his arms who was enjoying her Pluto doll. Emma joins Killian and Regina. "How was Henry last night?"
"He got some sleep. All he wanted was to be with Hope. Now, he is with her. I have never seen him so happy."
"Have you heard from my parents today?"
"I got a few voicemails from your Mom and Dad. I did not have a chance to call them back. Why?"
Emma hugs her husband. "Killian can tell you what happened."
"Killian, what happened?"
" Let's talk out in the hall, we were very loud in here this morning."
"Henry, we are going to be in the hall."
Hope was comfy on her brother's lap with him and her two Pluto's ."Hope is with me Mom. If anything goes wrong, I will get you." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. You have me and your Pluto's with you."
"Love, our little lass is a little princess, she has Henry and her two Pluto's with her."
Emma giggled. "She is a little royal and loves her big brother." They went into the hall.
"Killian, what happened this morning?"
"Emma was sleeping on the rocking chair, Allison was with me and Hope. We heard..." Hope was crying. "Killian, I will be with Hope and Henry." Emma enters the room, "Hope, why are you crying?"
"Mom, Hope did not want you to leave."
Emma sat on a chair next to her two children. "Hope, Mommy is right here. I did not leave you." Hope moved around. "Hope do you want Mommy to hold you?" Henry hands over Hope to their Mom. "You are with Mommy and Henry and your two Pluto's."
"Yes, sweetie Mommy is here. Are you happy Henry is here with you?" Hope babbled. Emma and Henry switched spots. Hope gripped her Mommy. "This is how Hope has been extra clingy?"
"Yes. Henry all she wants to do is snuggle that is all Hope wants to do."
Henry kisses Hope on the head. "I love you baby sister. Henry is here. I know you want to be with Mommy, our Mommy is the best."
"Yes, Hope. You and I have the best Mommy ever. Do you want a story?" Hope babbled.
"I brought my storybook."
"Wow, Henry you brought Hope's favorite toys and your storybook."
"Yes, I did. I also brought art supplies too."
"Hope, are you going to do art with Henry?" Hope smile. "You love to do art with Henry."
"Hope, I need my art assistant to do my art projects with." He kisses Hope on the head. " I love doing art with you little sis." Hope smiles. "Mom, I just want to make Hope happy while she is here."
"You are going to help your Dad and me to keep Hope very happy while she is here."
"Yes, I am. I love my little sister."
Back in the hall, " Charming brought Snow here to show her the state of Hope was in, she did not believe him. Allison was in the room since they were arguing she told them not to argue while there were babies sleeping. When Charming brought Snow to look at Hope, Snow could not look at Hope in the incubator. Snow was in denial that Leo has caused Hope's surgery. Allison got mad and told her off that Leo darkness showed at our house, that she had done the examination of Hope's rib, to the surgeries and how we almost lost Hope...she would not listen to Allison. I had enough Snow's denial and could not stand it anymore so I got mad and yelled at her that she is in denial and that everyone knows Leo has darkness inside of him, if she continues to be in denial that she would lose her family and what more proof that her son darkness is that her granddaughter almost died yesterday and Leo not having the care in the world that he injured her granddaughter."
"What did she say?"
"She would not even look at Hope until I made her when I was telling about Hope. After I finished yelling at her her face turned pale whiter, I have ever seen and ran out of the room."
"I think you made her wake up."
"Aye, I think so." They return into the NICU room, Emma holding Hope as Henry reading a story to his little sister and holding her Pluto doll. Killian went to his family, "Hi, little love are you having fun with Henry and your Pluto dolls?" Hope babbled.
"Killian, Hope got upset when I left the room."
"Yes, she did, Dad. I told her that she was only out in the hall but Hope is happy being held by Mom and enjoying storytime."
Killian smiles. "Hope looks happier. Little love, are you happy to be with Mommy?" Hope smiled. Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry?" Emma nurses Hope.
"Love, you need to eat."
"Mom, I brought you and Dad your overnight bags and Granny's."
"Thank you, Henry. I will eat after I feed your sister."
"Can I hold Hope when you eat? Just do not go too far."
Emma giggled."Yes, you can hold her Henry and I am not going to leave the room."
"Yes, Regina?"
"I will talk to Charming and Snow...if she is not in denial, I will let you know."
"Thank you, Regina."
"You are welcome. Let me know if you need anything else."
"Thank you, Regina, for helping us out."
"You are very welcome, Killian. Henry."
Henry hugs his Mom. "Thank you, Mom, for staying overnight with me and helping me clean up at home."
"You are very welcome, Henry." She hugs her son. "Call me if you need anything."
"I will." Regina leaves. Emma burps Hope.
"Henry, do you want to hold Hope?"
"Yes." Emma let Henry sit in the rocking chair and hands him over his sister. "Hi, Hope. Are you full?" Hope smiled. "I love you, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope fell asleep in her brother's arms. Emma and Killian sat on the other side of the curtain ate, their meals and talked and enjoyed being together. After they ate, Emma fell asleep in Killian's arms. A nurse came in, "Hope Swan-Jones."
"I am her brother. Mom, Dad."
"I am her father."
"Mr.Jones, Hope needs another blood transfusion."
"Aye, I will hold her. Henry, give me your sister." Henry kisses Hope on the head and hands over Hope to their Dad. The nurse pricked Hope's arm, which made Hope wail. "It is okay, little love. Daddy is here...Daddy is here." Hope was back on the blood transfusion IV. Emma woke up and saw Hope wailing. "Hope, Mommy is right here."
"Love, she wants you." Emma gets Hope from her husband.
"Hope, Mommy got you...I know you are in pain sweetie...I know..." Henry gets Hope's quilt.
"Mom, I think Hope needs this."
"Thank you, Henry." Hope was gripping on her Mommy. Emma sat on the rocking chair and got Hope wrapped up in her favorite quilt. "You are with Mommy are needed Mommy's blood in your body, that is all. Henry gave me your quilt to make you comfy and happy. You have the best big brother who loves you so much, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head and let her snuggle on her. "I know you do not like needles baby, Mommy is with you when you are in pain or afraid."
"That is right, Hopey. You are with Mommy, baby girl. You are safe. Mommy loves you so much."
Killian sits next to his two loves, while Henry sat in a chair and began to draw. "Do my two loves need anything?"
"Your two loves are good for now, Hope just wants to cuddle with Mommy. I hate seeing her in pain."
"Me too, love. Do you want to go home.."
"No, I am staying here with our little pirate princess. I love snuggling with her and she knows that I am here for her."
"Aye, Hope Daddy is here. I know you are in pain and you are so comfy in your Mommy." Hope babbled. "Aye, you and I will have Daddy daughter time together later." He rubs her cheek with his hook. Hope smiled.
"Killian, thank you again for standing up for me and Hope this morning."
Killian holds Emma's hand. "You are welcome, love. I will always stick up for my family especially my two loves. I got so tired of hearing your Mom's denial. I am tired of you and your mother arguing and it was about time that I wake her up. I was furious and Allison was furious at her too. I knew you could not take any more stress. It was my turn to get your Mom out of denial and I am always on your side."
"Yes, you are always on my side. Thank you for always being there for me."
He wrapped his arm around his wife and daughter. "You are my wife and I love you so much. I will always be on your side no matter what. My family always comes first."
Hope babbled. "That is right little love, Dada will always be with your Mommy on your side whenever you need the both of us like we are now being here for you." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope makes poop. "Little love do you need a change?" Killian changes Hope's diaper as she cries. "Hope, when I am done you can be with Mommy." Killian got Hope into a clean diaper and hands her over to his wife. "Emma, our little Hope wants her Mommy."
"I can tell." Emma holds her daughter. "Hope, you are with Mommy sweetie."
Henry carries his storybook and sat next to his Mom and sister. "Mom, can I read Hope a story?"
"Sure, you can. Hope, Henry is going to read you a story."
"Once upon a time, there was a long lost princess of the Enchanted Forest...."
Killian hears Snow White in the hallway. Snow White is bringing Leo. "Bloody hell." He blocks them from entering the NICU. "Snow, why are you bringing Leo here?"
"I want to show him what he did to Hope."
"Are you accepting?"
"No, he needs to know what he had done wrong was bad. He does not have the darkness in him."
"You are not bringing your son anywhere my daughter especially the conditions she is in." Allison hears Snow White and Killian arguing. "Excuse me, Mrs.Nolan children under 16 are not allowed in the NICU."
"I just want to show Leo what he had done to Hope."
"Allison, Emma and I do not want Leo to be anywhere, Hope."
"I understand that, Killian. Leo can go in for a few minutes."
"I want to see how he reacts."
"Aye, he is not hurting Hope."
Snow White brings in Leo.
Hope began to cry. "Mom, get Leo out of here." Henry is staying near his Mom and sister.
"Leo, Hope is in here. She has the blood getting donated because the injury you caused her to have surgery."
"I do not care. Can I go play now?"
Emma got mad. "Henry, hold Hope." Henry holds his sister.
Leo goes to Henry and Hope, Henry was mad. "Leo, do not touch my sister. Do not hurt my sister."
"It is fun hurting, Hope." Henry gripped Leo's hand hard. "If you lay your hand on my sister ever again, you will get hurt like all of the children you hurt especially Hope. She had many surgeries.
"Get your hand off of me."
"If you stop hurting people."
"I do not care. It was fun hurting Hope."
"Leave my sister alone, Leo." Emma moved Leo away from her children seeing Henry mad and Hope upset.
"Leo, why you do not care that your niece had surgery after surgery from your hitting her?"
"It is fun to hit her."
Emma held his hand hard and in a serious tone. " The surgery she had yesterday caused her to almost die."
"Eh, I won't miss her. She is an easy target."
" You do not ever say that. Do you understand me? You do not ever hurt Hope."
"It was fun." Emma's anger was rising which was affecting her magic.
"Mom, you do not see he doesn't care that he has hurt Hope?!"
"He does not mean it."
Henry yells, " Grandma, Leo does mean it. He thinks hurting Hope is a game." Hope cried more. "Hope, you are with me, little sis. You are not going to get hurt from Leo, not on my watch."
"You are being delusional Mom. He said it in front of you that he does not care."
"He does not have darkness."
Killian holds onto his wife.
"Snow you and Leo need to leave now. Do not ever come near to my family with Leo, who clearly does not care about Hope. He has the darkness in him, he thinks hurting Hope is a game."
"Yes, Emma?"
"I do not want to see you ever again not until you realize that Leo has darkness in him. He clearly has darkness in him, Mom. How can you not see that? Not until you know he has darkness, you just lost your daughter."
Emma went to her children and hugs them both. "Hope, you are with Mommy and Henry, sweetie. Leo is not going to hurt you. Mommy got you, you are safe with Mommy."
"I mean it, I do not trust you. I do not want you to be around my children."
"Snow, isn't enough proof that Hope almost dying on the operating room was proof enough of his actions? Leo thinks that it is fun to hurt Hope?"
"He has behavioral issues."
"Aye, is more than behavioral issues, that is darkness in him. Now go, your daughter doesn't want you or Leo anywhere near our family."
Allison steps in. "Mrs.Nolan you need to leave now. Your son has caused Hope enough health issues." Allison leads Snow White and Leo out of the NICU.
Killian hugs his family. "They are gone, Emma."
"Mom, Hope is here safe with us. Hope you are with Mommy, Daddy and Henry little sis, who love you and will protect you from Leo."
"Love, Allison wanted to see how Leo reacts around Hope."
"She was right, Leo showed his true intentions, thinking to hurt our daughter is a game to him. He is not going anywhere near Hope."
"He is not going to be around, Hope anymore."
"Mom, Hope has you me and Dad to protect her. She knows she all of us who love her and going to make sure she isn't going to get hurt. I made sure Leo did not touch Hope."
"That is right, Henry. You are Hope's hero."
"Mom you and Dad are her heroes."
"That is right, Henry." Hope was clinging onto Emma. "Hope, you are safe sweetie. You are with Mommy, Daddy, and Henry." Emma sits on the rocking chair with Hope.
"Hope, I have something for you." Henry takes out his iPad. "Mom, I thought some Pluto tv will help Hope calm down?"
"Pluto tv show?"
"Mickey Clubhouse."
Emma smiles. "Only a few episodes. I do not want Hope to get too much screen time."
"Okay. Hope do you want Pluto doll?" Henry shows her Pluto dolls. Hope grabs her small Pluto with her good hand.
"You are with Mommy sweetie. You are safe."
"You are with Mommy little sis." Henry plays the Disney Junior app and finds a Pluto episode for Hope to watch. "Look, Hope there is Mickey Mouse. Look who is that Pluto!" Hope babbled. Emma and Killian smiled each other knowing that their family is going to be close even though the rough and crazy times. After one episode Hope began to cry. "Hope, do you want me to turn it off?" He turns off his iPad.
"Hope, say thank you to Henry for bringing Pluto on his iPad for you to watch." Hope babbled.
"You are welcome, Hope." Hope fell asleep. "Mom, is Hope going to be alright?"
"Recovering from her second surgery yes, she has you me and your Dad to help her in her recovery."
"I mean with Leo.."
Emma looks at Killian. "Henry, your grandma has been in denial about him having darkness, still. I do not know about Leo. I do not trust him anywhere near you and Hope."
"Mom, you, Dad Aunt Allison and I saw Leo showed his true feelings about Hope when he hurt Hope the first time and today when he saw her in recovery, he does not care."
"Yes, I know. He thought hurting Hope was a game. My mom does not see it."
Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. "Love, everyone knows he has the darkness in him, his school, your Dad, Regina, Lily and Allison everyone except for your Mom love."
"How does she not see it?"
"She does not want to believe it, love." Emma gently hugs Hope.
"Mom we all believe you, this is coming from the heart of the truest believer."Henry hugs his Mom. Hope began to cry.
"Henry, Hope's IV needle."
"Sorry, Hope." Henry gets Hope from their Mom. "Hope, do you want to play with me?"
Hope began to cry. "Henry, Hope will play when she does not have a blood transfusion IV in her arm."
"Hope, you want to cuddle with me?" Hope hugs her brother. "That is a yes." Emma let Henry sit with Hope. Emma wraps Hope in her quilt. Hope babbled. "You are with Henry little sis, your big brother is your hero." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope dropped her Pluto.
Emma picks up her Pluto doll. "Hope, here you go sweetie, Pluto." Hope smiled. "Are you happy to with Henry?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you love Henry."
"Mom, Hope is the best. I have the best sister ever." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, I love you so much."
"Henry, be gentle with Hope."
"I know, I do not want Hope to be in any more pain than she already is in." Hope fussed.
"Hope, do you want your big Pluto?" Emma hands Henry over the big Pluto. Henry shows Hope her big Pluto.
Hope grabs her big Pluto. Emma and Killian laugh knowing Henry is going to make his sister happier during her stay in the NICU. Allison came in. "Emma, Killian..." Allison smiles seeing Henry holding Hope and her two Pluto dolls. "Hope, did Henry brought your Pluto dolls for you to play with?" Hope babbled. "Henry is the best right Hope?" Hope smiled.
"Yes, I love making Hope, happy. I am her hero after all. I did not let Leo hurt you today." Hope babbled.
"Allison, Hope is our little pirate princess who loves her Pluto dolls."
They stepped aside from the children. "Emma and Killian, I am so sorry for bringing Snow White and Leo in here, upsetting Hope, and all of you."
"Allison, we needed to see Leo's intentions to prove to Snow White that her son has darkness."
"He showed his true intentions alright." Killian hugs his wife. "Hurting our little Hope is a game to him. I do not know how my Mom does not see that."
"Emma, I was screaming at your Mom this morning and when I escorted them out of the hospital."
"You did?"
"Yes I did, Emma. Hope is my patient and goddaughter, I will do anything to help my extended family. Especially sticking up to your Mom who is still in denial."
"It is right in front of her, Leo's darkness. I do not know how she does not believe."
"Swan, she chooses not to believe it. One day, Leo will do something bad to her then she will wake up."
"For now, my mom and Leo are not part of my life."
"Emma, you are in family."
"I know, Allison and you are in our family. We all love you, me, Killian and Hope." They watch Henry playing with Hope with her Pluto dolls. An hours later, Charming enters the room. "How is my little princess?"
"Dad!" Emma hugs her Dad. "What are you doing here?"
"To see how you and Hope are. I also brought Hope a few gifts."
"Hope is my granddaughter, it is part of my job to spoil her." Emma giggled.
"You love spoiling her."
"Yes, I do." Charming sees Hope being held by Henry. "Hi, Henry Hi, Hope."
"Hi, Gramps. Hope gramps is here to see us."
"Henry, Hope looks comfy on you."
"Yes, she is. Hope and I had storytime, we played with her favorite toys and doing a lot of snuggling. I protected her from your son, to make sure she does not get hurt from him again."
"Your grandma brought Leo in here?"
"Yes, she did. He showed that he hurt Hope for fun. He came to Hope and I. I threatened him and made sure he did not touch Hope."
"Henry, you are being Hope's big brother, you are protecting her."
"Yes, I am. I am doing my job."
"I did bring Hope presents."
"Is it for her being afraid of Leo?"
"No, for yesterday for almost dying."
Henry moved around which made Hope cry. "Hope, Henry is here little sis. I am not going anywhere. You are with me." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Dad, I can open the gifts for Hope. She is enjoying cuddling her big brother and her hero." Hope gripped Henry. Emma opened the bag, a few princess onesies, and a few toys. "Dad, thank you. Hope will love playing with her new toys."
"I see that Hope is being occupied by Henry and her two Pluto's."
"Yes, she is, gramps. I brought Hope's Pluto dolls from home this morning."
Charming kisses Hope on the head. "Have fun with Henry, Hope." Emma and Charming step away from the children and Killian joined them. "Dad, Mom brought Leo here."
"After your Mom ran out of here, she was so in shock that Hope almost dying. She wanted to show Leo herself."
"Aye, she brought him here and all he said that it was fun and he does to care that Hope almost dying. Your wife did not see that he had darkness in him."
"I know, I just have to make her realize that the darkness in him and she has to accept it. Lily and Regina are helping me."
"Dad, he really showed that hurting Hope is fun. Hope definitely has the darkness in him."
"I know, Emma. He is not going to hurt Hope or anyone again." Hope began to cry.
Emma gets Hope from Henry, "Hope, what is the matter?" Emma checks her chest, it is redder."
"Killian, get Allison."
Killian finds Allison. "Allison."
"Aye, her chest is red." Allison enters the room.
"Hope, let me check you chest sweetie." She takes Hope hospital gown off and examines Hope's newest chest scar. "Her scar is itchy. Killian, can you get an ice pack?"
Killian rushes to get an ice pack and returns with it. "Here you go, little love." He placed the ice pack on his daughter's chest. "Hope, do you want Dada?" Emma hands over Hope to Killian.
"Are you happy to be with Dada, Hope?" Hope babbled. "Aye, I can tell you a pirate story." Killian sits on the rocking chair with Hope. Henry sits in another chair next to them and began to draw. "Little love, you have a family full of heroes who love protecting you."
"Dad is right Hope, I am your hero little sis. I am your personal hero because I am your big brother. You also have Mommy and Daddy who are heroes. "
"Yes, Hope Henry is your hero. I always will be." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma, let me know if you need anything?"
"Thank you, Dad. You are on my side."
"Of course, I am especially when my son is hurting my granddaughter. Your Mom is going to realize it soon, Emma. I can just feel it. Do you need anything now?" Emma looked at her husband with their daughter and son next to them. "We are good, Dad. I will call you, I need anything. Thank you for visiting."
"You are welcome, Emma." They hug.
Charming leaves. Emma watches her family being together.
Charming arrives home, his house was quiet. He cannot find his wife or son anywhere. He finds his Snow White on the kitchen floor, blood coming out of her head, unconscious. "Snow!!" He sits next to her crying and calls an ambulance."Snow, you are here with me. You are going to be alright."
To be continued...

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now