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Killian carried groceries home from the store, as he arrived at his doorstep there was a package addressed for Emma. He brought in the package with him inside. Killian finds Emma on the living room floor with Hope on her favorite quilt. "Hello, loves."
"Hi, honey." Emma was watching Hope moving on her quilt. "Hope, daddy is home from the store." She hands Hope a chewable ring, which Hope put it in her mouth. "Did you get more newborn diapers?"
"Aye, I did love. There is a package for you love."
"Oh, let me see." He hands her the package and sits down nearby Hope and gives her a few kisses. "Little lass, did you have fun with Mommy when I was out?" Hope gurgled happily.
"Hope, mommy got a package, let's see what we got." She opens up the box. "Yes, it came."
"What is it, love?"
"It is a cover for Hope's car seat and it can also be used for a cover when I breastfeed her in public, look how pretty it is, full of roses."
"Aye, it is love. As long you can feel comfortable using it to feed her outside, that is good for me. I am going to put the groceries away."
Emma picked up Hope and brought her to the couch and Emma put her knees up and placed Hope on her legs. Emma played with Hope and singing, "If you are happy and you know it clap your hands." She moved Hope's hands. "If you happy and you know and you really want to show it and clap your hands." She kissed Hope's hands after she finished the song. Emma put Hope on her chest and Hope fell asleep. Henry comes home from school, "Hi, Mom. Hi Hope." He gently rubs sleeping Hope on her back.
"Hey, kid. How was the first day of back to school from being off for a week?"
"It was good since Horace Jr. and Jasper Jr. are in jail. You never guessed what happened?" He sits down on the couch.
"Tell me what happened?"
"Jack, the one in Horace Jr. and Jasper Jr. former friend actually he apologized to me."
"He did?"
"Yes, Jack explained to me that Horace Jr. and Jasper Jr. were his first friends that he met when he came to Storybrooke and he knew what he was doing to me was wrong and he told me that he had nothing to do with the fire and how Horace Jr. and Jasper Jr. idea. Mom, Jack looked really sorry and sad for everything. I do not understand is why he did not stop bullying when he knew it was wrong?"
Emma sits up with Hope on her chest. "Kid, maybe Jack thought if he told them to stop Jasper Jr. and Horace Jr. would hurt him for betraying them or he was maybe he not strong like you to speak out. Not everyone is brave enough to tell on their bullies. It takes a lot of bravery to tell someone that they need a way out of a bad situation."
"Do you think Jack was relieved when I told on three of them about them hurting me?"
"Maybe he did, Henry. From what your other mom and my Dad told me that Jack parents were the most disappointed in him and they were grounding him after the suspension in jail. As for the other two parents' they were just disappointed in their kids for bullying the wrong student."
"Really Jasper and Horace's parents said that?"
"Yes. Not all parents are good people."
"Mom, I know not everyone is heroes like us."
"Yes, Henry." Henry hugs Emma. "Kid, be careful of Hope."
"How can I forget about my little sister." Henry kisses Hope on the head. Hope wakes up with a little grunt.
"Hope, did we wake you up baby?" She gives Hope little kisses and rubs her back until she fell back to sleep.
"Mom, how was Hope today?"
"Hope and I played a little, we read and we sang a few songs. Now she is napping."
"Can I hold her?"
"Sure, kid." She placed sleeping Hope in Henry's arms.
"Hi, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. "I missed you today when I was at school little sis." He looks up at Emma. "I love holding her."
"Me too, kid."
"Has she let you sleep at night yet?"
"Nope, I get rest when I can and your grandma helps in the morning but I will not change anything, I love my time with Hope. When does school end for you?"
"Finals are at the end of the month and after that, it is summer vacation."
"I was thinking of planning a summer vacation for all 4 of us."
"Where do you want to go?"
"I was thinking Florida, by the beach for a week. We can rent a beach house."
"That sounds like a great idea, Mom. I think both Dad and Hope will love to be near the ocean." He bends down to Hope, " Hope what do you think of living by the ocean for a week little sis? Would you like that?" He kisses Hope on the cheek. Emma smiles at her two kids.
"Henry, she is a little pirate, of course, she loves the ocean." Hope began to cry."Come, to mommy baby." Henry hands over Hope to Emma and comforts her. "Henry, let me know your schedule is so I can plan our family vacation."
"I will Mom. Wherever we go, it will be fun."
"Yes, it will be kid." Emma talks to her daughter. "Hope, are you hungry? Mommy is going to feed you, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head and took her upstairs. Emma feeds Hope once she ready to feed her on the rocking chair.
Henry goes into the kitchen to talk to Killian. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, son. How was school today?"
"It was good. Jack apologized to me."
"He did lad?"
'Yes, he really meant it."
"That is great, son."
"I heard from mom that you are planning a summer vacation."
"Aye, lad we are. We are thinking of renting a beach house in Florida."
"I have a feeling Hope is going to love the beach."
"Aye, she is going to love it, and I know you are going to have fun."
"Yes, I will have fun no matter where we go. I never went on a vacation out of the town before. Not including New York City for a year or a curse to a different realm."
"Aye, now we get to have a normal family vacation."
"Yes, it is about time we have a normal vacation."
"Before I cook dinner want to have a sword lesson in the front yard?"
"Sure, I will get the swords." He rushes to the basement where they keep the swords. Killian and Henry practice sword fighting on the front lawn.
Emma was with Hope and she can hear Henry and Killian outside having fun. "Hope, let's go see what is Daddy and Henry are up to?" She gives Hope a few kisses on the cheek and takes her outside. She opens the door to the front of the house and sat on the front steps holding Hope. "Hi, honey."
"Hi, my two loves. We are just getting practice."
"Hope and I are here to watch." Killian taught Henry a few tricks. "Mommy has a few swords tricks of her own, Hope." She gives Hope little kisses. "Henry, I have a few tricks of my own."
"Mom, can you show me?"
"Sure, kid. Henry hold your sister." She gives Hope to Henry.
"Swan, you want to show them how we fought the first time?"
Henry holds Hope on the steps. "Hope Mommy and Daddy are going to sword fight, it is just pretend, little sis." They fight. "Hope and Henry this is one of the tricks that I used to get the compass. There was a portal running right here and your grandma used her arrow to get the compass away from Cora. Then, I jumped in." She used her sword and kicked Killian in the chest and both used the swords and Emma lunges towards to Killian who flips here. "Swan, be careful your still in recovery." Killian drags Emma away from the sword. "Meanwhile, Mulan and Snow White were keeping Cora distracted."
"Aye, I gave Mulan Aurora's heart. Mulan leaves to give Aurora her heart back."
"Yes, then we continued to fight." They bang their swords against each other and Killian lifts Emma's leg and falls to the ground and Killian gets closer to Emma.
"Mommy finds the compass and pushes Daddy like, this. "She demonstrates and hits him and Killian falls to the ground. "That is one of mommy's sword tricks."
"Mom, that really happened when you two were in the Enchanted Forest?"
"Yes, kid. It really happened. Give me Hope, I need to rest. I should not have gone into that flip."
"Emma, are you okay love?"
"Yes, just a little sore in some places." Henry gives Hope back to their Mom. "Mom, that was awesome."
"Thanks, kid."
"Can you teach me a few of your tricks?"
"Yes, not now after my recovery. She talks to Hope. "Hope, did you enjoy seeing Mommy sword fighting with Daddy? It was just pretending baby." She gives Hope little kisses. They watch Henry and Killian practice more, "Hope, look at your big brother how he is getting better in his sword practice." Emma and Hope cheered on Killian and Henry. Henry and Killian continued their lesson until the sun was setting.
"Lad, I think that is enough practice for today."
Henry out of breath. "Yes, I think so to Dad." He turns to his Mom, "Mom what do you think?"
"You got a really better kid, your sister had fun watching until she fell asleep."
"I am going to cook us dinner."
"Dad, can you cook anything but mackerel fish?"
"Sure, lad. You can help me cook dinner after you take a shower."
"I don't mind help you cook dad." He takes the two swords and put them in the basement.
Killian wrapped his arm around his wife and daughter. "Love, did you and our little lass enjoy our practice?"
"Yes. We both did, Killian. Until Hope fell asleep."
"It is okay. Little hope, when you are older Mommy and Daddy will teach you to sword fight." He kisses Hope on the head and they walked together back inside.
Hope began to cry needing a change. "Hope, Mommy is going to change you sweetie." She takes Hope to her room and changed her at the changing table. Emma played her kissing game with Hope. Hope smiled. "I got you to smile while we were playing our game little sweetie. Mommy loves you so much Hope." Emma giggled and continued to kiss Hope everywhere. Henry took a few pictures of Emma and Hope playing together. Emma changed Hope into pajamas. "Hope you are clean and dressed for the night baby." Emma sat with Hope in her rocking chair and gave her a chew ring toy, which Hope did not want. "What do you want to play with baby? You want mommy?" She put Hope on her chest, Hope grabbed Emma's t-shirt. Emma gently rocked her. "I love spending so much time with you Hope. I love you sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Hey, mom."
"Hey, kid."
"Is Hope asleep?"
"She is about to fall back to sleep. Why?"
"I am just wondering."
Emma gave him a look. "What is going on Henry?"
"Mom, I am just wondering if you and I can spend some time just the two of us? I figured since Hope is here, I know that you are with her most of the time...I just want some alone time with you."
"Aww, Henry. Of course, I want to spend time with you. I know Hope came along it just got busy here."
"I love Hope."
"I know you love your sister. I know sharing me is getting harder and having a baby around here is all new to us."
"Is there any way that we can do something together over the town line? Is that too much to ask?"
"Where do you want to go?"
"I was thinking we can go to the Boston Museum or Boston Aquarium."
"Henry, Boston is 4 hours away and I cannot be too far from Hope too long especially since she is only being breastfed. Kid, it sounds like a great idea for a day trip. Is there anything else you want us to do just the two of us nearby?"
Henry gets mad. "Just forget I asked." He goes to his room and shuts the door. "Henry." She looks at Hope, "Henry is in a bad mood baby. Mommy has to talk to him." Killian comes up after the door slamming. "Emma, what is the matter with Henry?"
"He told me that he wants to spend time with me only. He wants to go to Boston Museum or Boston Aquarium since Boston is 4 hours away and I cannot be too far from Hope too long. I am thinking he is getting jealous."
"Aye, I think so to Emma. Talk to him. I can bring Hope downstairs with me."
"I am just hoping that I can make him feel better I never saw him angry until now."
"You will figure it out, Emma." Emma's hands Hope to her husband. He kisses Emma on the head. "Little love, let's have some daddy and daughter time downstairs." He brings Hope downstairs.
Emma goes to Henry's room. She knocks on the door, "Henry, it is me. Can I come in?" She goes in anyway. She sees Henry lying on his bed. Emma sits down. "Do you want to talk about why you are mad? I am not leaving here until you talk, kid."
Henry turns to his Mom. "I want to spend time with you. Hope is going to have you as a parent from the very beginning. I did not. It is unfair to me. I want you to be my mom all the time." Henry starts to cry.
"Henry, you know why I gave you up because I wanted you to have your best chance. Why are you angry and upset now all of the sudden?"
"I am jealous...I get to see how of a great mom you are to Hope. I wanted that life not being adopted by the evil queen. I wanted this normal white picket fence life with you."
"Oh, Henry. Come here." She hugs him as he cries. "Henry, you know why I could not raise you. I would not be here with your Dad and your sister without you finding me when you were ten years old. Before you found me, I was living alone and working as a bail bondswomen with no family until you brought me here to Storybrooke to find my parents and my relationship with you which was the huge reason why I stayed to make sure you were loved by Regina. Kid, You brought me here and you helped me find my true love. If you have not found me I would still be alone and walled up. Fate in everyone's lives are different, when I gave you up it was the best choice for you and it may not have been the life you wanted but it is life. We have to accept the way our life's are on how we make it. Even though Hope has all of us who love her and a white picket fence life but she was not here for any of the curses or villains taking over the town. Henry you brought me to my family and created a life with Killian and Hope. If it weren't for you, I would not have this white picket fence life with you, Hope and your Dad. You are in my white picket fence life now and we have to appreciate at it because not everyone has this life okay?"
"Mom, I love you so much." He hugs her so hard.
"I love you too, Henry."
"I know your life was hard especially being in the foster system and having me in prison. I understand why you gave me up but I wonder..."
"I know Henry. I wonder too but we have to appreciate that we have each other now. There was no way I was having a white picket fence life when I kept fighting all of the town's villains and curses."
"Yes, I forgot about the town's curses for a moment. I am sorry for being mad and jealous."
"Henry, you have the right to be jealous but you were here for everyone during the first curse and you saved everyone from a few curses too."
"I know. I just sometimes think what if life was like this and not how it is ..."
"Henry we cannot change our past and we have to appreciate the present. If it weren't for you I would not have your Dad and had Hope and our white picket fence life which I have always dreamed of as a child, which I did not have. Since I could not raise you, I am so grateful for having you in my life with our family. You have to understand that you are very very important part of my life, Henry. I love you very much. I love you and Hope equally even though I am raising her from the start. I do not have favorites, you are my favorite son and Hope is my favorite daughter. Okay?"
"Yes, Mom. I love Hope and Dad and our lifestyle. I am grateful for having you in my life Mom. I want to spend time with you."
"Henry, I love you too. I want to spend some quality time with you too. Henry, you have to understand your sister needs me too."
"Mom, I know she needs you, especially she is little. Since you cannot go anywhere too far away from Hope, is there any way we can take a family vacation with Dad and Hope to Boston for a weekend?"
"Kid, that is a great idea. Your Dad and Hope are going to love the aquarium and the zoo."
"Can we still do something together just you and me?"
"Sure, what do you have in mind?"
"Can we go to the pottery store to do art?"
"Sure, Henry. When I go back to work, for old time sake we can do stakeouts."
"You mean I can be your partner?"
"Technically your Dad is my deputy but since I am sheriff you can help me to catch a robber once in a while."
"Awesome!" He hugs her. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, kid." She kisses him on the head. "Please remember the next time you get jealous is to remember that the life you have now is white picket fence life is all because of you and without you, I would not have my life with Killian and Hope. I love you all very much." Henry hugs her tight. "I will talk to your Dad and he and I can plan a weekend for the four of us to go to Boston."
'Yes, Henry."
"Mom, there is also a children's museum for Hope."
"So you were thinking of your sister."
"Yes, but I think the children museum will be great when she is older. I know she will love the Boston Aquarium."
"Yes, Hope and your Dad will both love the aquarium. Why did you choose Boston as a place to travel to?"
"I never been on a real vacation before other than escaping a curse or running to New York City to save magic."
"Henry, your Dad and I are planning a lot of family vacations for the four of us over the summer. Do not worry kid, you are included too."
"Mom I know, you are keeping your promises. I just want a little getaway for the weekend. Boston is far enough and far away for a vacation."
"I love your idea Henry. I will plan with your Dad. When do you want to go to the pottery store? So I can schedule around Hope's feeding time. I know your Dad doesn't mind daddy and daughter time with Hope."
"I was thinking of going to the pottery store on Friday after school."
"We can definitely have some mother and son bonding time on Friday." Henry hugs Emma tightly. "Do you feel better now?"
"Yes, I feel so much better."
"Kid, it is getting late you have to leave soon."
"I text my mom and asked her if I can stay over the night."
"You did?"
"Yes, I wanted to stay here even when I was in a bad mood."
"Did she respond?"
"Okay. I am pretty sure your Dad cooked dinner and waiting for us." They walk out if his room " I was not kidding when I said I like this home environment better than my other mom's house." Emma hugs him. "Kid, you are family which is important and you will always have a home here."
"I know." They go downstairs to find Killian lying on the couch with Hope on his chest. "Little Hope, now you know why Daddy is a good pirate, and you know the difference between the good and bad smelly pirate."
Emma giggles. "Killian, are you telling our daughter about smelly pirates?"
"Aye. Little Hope is a good listener."
"Hope, did you have fun with Daddy? Come here, little sis." Henry takes Hope off of Killian's chest and kissed her. "I love you, little sis. I am going to read to her before dinner." Henry takes Hope upstairs.
"Lad, dinner will be ready soon."
Emma sat next to Killian on the couch. "You and Henry had a long talk."
"It was a very long talk. He was mad and jealous of Hope, having a life with two parents, a white picket fence life without curses and villains taking over the town. He sees how I am with Hope, a mom from the start and he wanted that life, a life I could not give him back then. He wants to spend time with me more."
"Emma, I can watch Hope no problem at all."
"I know, you will. He wanted us two to go to Boston for a little trip but I told him that I cannot be away from Hope too long. That is when he got mad and he ended up crying. I had to tell him that life is not perfect the way we wanted to turn out. He brought me here, to Storybrooke, to you and we would not have Hope. I would be still a bail bondwomen and walled up. If he has not brought me here I would not have this white picket fence life without him bringing me here to break most of the curses. I had to tell him to appreciate the life he has now together as a family and we cannot change the past no matter how we try, except for the time I changed the past."
"Emma." He hugs her. "Was it hard to talk to him?"
"Yes, but I learned from my experiences in the foster system to enjoy life while you can you never know how long it last. I am happy for our life that we created together."
"Emma, I love our life together with both of our children."
"Same here. I would not change it for anything." Emma stays in Killian's arms for a little while.
"How did you make him feel better?"
"Henry and I are planning to do some bonding time at the pottery store after school on Friday. I need you to watch Hope."
"That is no problem at all. I love my time with little Hope."
"Also, he wants all four of us to go to Boston for the weekend a mini family vacation, to Boston Aquarium and Boston Zoo."
"Love, I love it."
"You have to thank Henry, it was his idea. I lived in Boston but never been to those places before."
"Swan, I love the idea it can be our first family trip."
"I am looking forward to it. We can start planning tomorrow. I know you and Hope are going to love the aquarium."
'Emma, what is a zoo?"
"It is a place where they keep animals from different countries in one huge place."
"Ah, I like the sound of it."
"I had a feeling you would. I cannot wait to see Hope reactions to seeing the animals. Henry has never been on a family vacation too, so it will be everyone first family vacation."
"Emma, it sounds like everyone will love it."
"Dinner is ready, I just need to reheat it in the oven since you and Henry had a long talk."
"Yes, sorry about that, he was mad I had to talk to him."
"Emma, there is nothing to be sorry about. Our son was mad and you have to figure it out how to cheer him up. Now we have our first family trip to plan." They kiss.
"I cannot wait to start planning our family vacation."
"Same here, Swan."
"I will get the kids, for dinner." Killian goes to the kitchen and Emma goes upstairs to find Hope and Henry. Henry and Hope were in Henry's room. She opens the door slightly to find Henry lying on his back with Hope on his chest talking to Hope. "Hope, you have Mommy and Daddy together. I have a different Daddy who I never know. You have both Mommy and Daddy who are the heroes and they will always will be there for you when you need help. Like Mommy was there for me when i was getting hurt in school. I did not have Mommy all of my life I have another mom who raised me. Mommy gave me my best chance at life because she could not. I found her when this town was in a curse and I needed her to break the curse. Our mommy is a hero and yes I am jealous you get to have her from the start but I brought her to her family. Helping Mommy to find Daddy was one of the best decisions I ever made. If it weren't for me our mommy would not have you and Daddy and me. Hope I love you so much little sis and I would not change anything to have another family. Our family like you, me Mommy and Daddy we are our perfect family for who we are. I love you very much little sis and as your big brother I will always teach you, protect you and be there for you, Hope.Now Mommy, Daddy and I are going to take you to Boston to see a lot of ocean animals and regular animals, which you will love Hope. In our family no one has family vacations not for long." He kisses Hope on the head. "You really do understand and listen Hope." He lifts her up and put her on his chest and gave her kisses. Hope put her drooly hand on Henry's cheek. Emma smiles and goes back downstairs to the kitchen. "Emma where are the kids?"
"I eavesdropped on the conversation Henry was having with Hope."
Killian smiled. "Oh, really. What did the lad say to Hope?"
"Oh, basically everything I told him including how much he loves our family and how much he loves Hope and how he will always be there for her and protect her."
"He is learning fast from you, love."
"Yes, he is, he gets it from me."
"Yes, you are there smart and gorgeous mom."
"Thank you.' They kiss. They hear Henry coming downstairs with Hope. "Mom, sorry we took so long, Hope is a great listener. Right little sis?" He gives her kisses on the cheek.
"Henry, your Dad and I talked and we are going to start planning tomorrow for a weekend family vacation in Boston."
"Yes! Hope we are going to have our first family vacation." Emma and Killian laughed at Henry's reaction. Hope began to cry.
"Hope, is Henry' excitement scaring you baby?" Henry hands over crying Hope to their mom. Emma comforts Hope.
"Sorry, Hope I got too excited."
"It is okay, kid. You are excited."
"Lad, we are excited. Let's eat dinner before it gets cold, again." Everyone ate dinner and discussed their vacation plans.

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