Hope's 2nd Birthday

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After Hope's storytime with Henry, Emma placed Hope in her crib, "Sweet dreams, baby girl. I know you will want to sleep with Mommy and Daddy later." Emma looked at her daughter, she is almost two years old and returns downstairs to Killian and Henry and they blow up balloons for Hope's birthday. "Mom, where do we put them?""Love, I bought a 2 balloon today.""Perfect. We can keep the balloons in here, so she can see them in here tomorrow. We will put them out in the backyard for the party." "We will surprise her, Mom.""Yes, we will kid. Now we have to put her presents down here.""Love, I will get them." Killian goes upstairs. "Henry, how about we talk in the hammock with cinnamon hot cocoa.""You got me with cinnamon hot cocoa." Emma smiles. She makes cinnamon hot cocoa for herself and Henry and met him on the hammock. "Henry, I have been so busy taking care of Hope in recovery, getting ready for Hope's birthday...I never got a chance to talk to you about everything that has happened to Hope, I am sorry...for not being there for you...I saw your face in the car when we were driving to the hospital...""I am not jealous, I know Hope needs you, she needs all of us. Dad told you that I cried to him today?""You did? He did not say anything to me about that..." Henry hugs his Mom and began to cry. "Henry, everything is okay. Hope is home with us." "We almost lost Hope, Mom. I love Hope so much. Every time, I think about that moment when she was in your arms, I just want to hug Hope.""Hope loves you so much, Henry.""I know...but her being so afraid of you and Dad separated her is ...hard...I tell her you and Dad are at home and she is safe with us." "We just have to keep reassuring her that she is home safe with us. She is still afraid..""Mom! Grandma and Zelena kidnapped her, of course, she is afraid.""They are getting their punishments, Henry. I am making sure of that.""I do not want Hope almost dying again." Emma hugs her son."Me too, kid. That is why we are going to give her the best birthday ever, tomorrow.""We will, Mom." They hugged. "I know Hope will be spoiled tomorrow.""Yes, she will, Henry." They talked more until Henry got tired and they went upstairs. Emma found Killian in their room. "Hey.""Hi, swan. I put the presents on the couch next to the pile of balloons ready for our little lass." "Thank you."Emma snuggled with Killian. "Is everything alright with the lad?''"I have not had a chance to talk to him since Hope's recent hospital visit. He told me that he has been talking to you so I feel less sad about it...""Aye, the lad has been talking to me about it ever since the kidnapping happened, love.""I am just happy that he has three parents, well two of us full time that he can go talk too.""Aye, that is why we are team, love. Now I know my swan needs to sleep because tomorrow is going to be a very big day.""You are right, Hope is going to be two years old tomorrow." "Aye, I know Hope will have more adventures this year.""Yes, she is part pirate and savior after all."They kiss. Emma fell asleep on top of Killian's chest feeling safe in his arms.A few hours later past midnight, Hope woke up crying. Emma wakes up. "Killian, I got our pirate princess." Emma goes to Hope's room seeing Hope crying in her crib. "Hopey." She takes her out of her crib and holds her on her hip. "Happy birthday Hope." She sits on the rocking chair. "I remember your birth because I was not alone, your Dada was at my side the entire time. Henry and Dad were at my side when you were growing inside of my belly, I did not have anyone when I had Henry and I had to give him up but he found me and took me here toStorybrooke. I met your Dada and was very excited to have you, sweetie. Henry gave me your first outfit. You completed our family, sweetie." Hope babbles. "You were my second chance of being a Mommy from the very beginning. I love being your Mommy every minute of every day, that is why you are special since you gave me my second chance. You will always be my special baby girl." Hope tugs on her. "Are you hungry?" Emma nurses Hope one of the last times. Hope fell asleep on her Mommy after she ate. "My little duckling is two years old today." She kisses Hope on the head and enjoyed snuggling with Hope.Killian was up when Hope woke up crying, he heard Emma's very sweet talk to their little lass about the day she was born through the baby monitor. He enters the room a little later, seeing his two loves snuggling. "Swan, how is our little pirate princess?"Emma smiles. "She is now fast asleep. She just wanted to cuddle after being nursed." "Aye, our little lass loves sleeping on her Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head. "Happy birthday Hope. We love you so much." He helps Emma and Hope up and they go back to their room, Killian wrapped his arm around his swan and little lass.Emma smiles. "Killian, our daughter is two years old."Killian smiles. "Aye, she has changed our lives forever. Every day is a new adventure with our little lass.""Yes, our Hope shows us every day that she takes after us."Killian smiles."Yes, she certainly does. She is a fighter like her Mommy."Emma smiles."She is a survivor like her daddy. I cannot wait to spoil our little girl in the morning.""Me too, love. She is going to be spoiled because she is a little pirate princess and our daughter." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope has her family who love her.""Aye, she will always have us." They kiss and fall asleep. In the morning, a few hours later, Hope was awake happily babbling away. Emma and Killian waking up hearing their daughter talk. Emma was smiling. "Happy birthday, Hope." Hope hugs her Mommy. She kisses Hope on the head, Killian woke up seeing the beautiful site. "Happy birthday, little love. We love you so much, little pirate." He kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope babbles and hugs her Daddy next. "My little pirate." He lifts Hope up and down. Hope laughs. "Swan, I can make her laugh.""We can both make her laugh."He gives him a smirk. "Is that a challenge?""Maybe?" She gave him a look back."Little love, who makes you laugh more?" He puts Hope on the bed. "Dada or Mommy?""You are on, captain." Emma and Killian looked at each other and both began tickling their daughter at the same time making her laugh so loud they love hearing her laugh. Henry wakes up in the next room hearing his sister laugh which he enjoyed hearing Hope being happy. They continued to make her laugh until her face turned red. "Hope, who makes you laugh the most? Mommy or Daddy?" Hope looked at both of her parents and hugged them both."We both won, swan.""Yes, we did captain. We both can make her laugh." Hope babbles. "Hopey, we need to get Henry so you can open presents." "Henwy." Emma helps Hope off the bed and Hope walks into Henry's room. "Henwy!""Happy birthday Hope!" Henry scooped Hope into his arms. "Were you having fun with Mommy and Daddy?""Yes.""Kid, we were getting you so Hope can open her birthday presents." Emma and Killian went down first, they wanted to see Hope's reaction. Henry brings down Hope who sees the balloons. "Loons!" "Balloons just for you,baby sis." Hope squirmed out of Henry's arms and he let her walk to the pile of balloons in the living room, Henry and Hope played with the balloons together. Emma and Killian were both smiling. "Perfect idea, swan. She loves them.""I had a feeling Hope will love them." "Swan, I know that you have something on your mind..." Emma and Killian talk in the kitchen, away from their children. "It is just...I feel that..." She looked at her husband's ocean blue eyes. "I am giving Hope everything but it is unequal to Henry like my mom did with Leo.""Emma, Henry knows that you could not give him everything. He understands..." Killian held his wife's hand. "I knew you were replaced when the little devil was born, which is why your light magic was acting up. I knew you needed somebody to be on your side like me. I had the experience of being replaced.""By younger Liam?""Yes, Emma. You are nothing like your Mom or my Dad, swan. You give Henry and Hope equal amounts of attention and love.""I just remember when my magic was acting up and she got mad at me. I just do not want Henry to feel I replaced him like I was...""Emma, he knows you gave him his best chance. You are raising him with Hope. Why are you thinking about this?""Hope is two years old,I remember her as my little baby... I mean I remember how my Mom took advantage of Leo when he was born and blamed me for everything. After I admitted to her I was an orphan to her, she decided to have another baby right after I told her I had no one...""Emma, you are nothing like your mother. I hated how your Mom blamed you for her problems and your magic which I knew you needed someone on your side. You still have me on your side, Emma. I was not afraid of your light magic,I never was. I was always proud of your magic capabilities." Emma smiles. " You are raising Henry with Hope with me on your side, they are very close brother and sister, love. Our children love you so much.""I love both equally. Henry is my favorite son and Hope is my favorite daughter.""Aye, me too, Emma. They both are our favorites.""Yes." "You are not alone, swan." She kisses him on the cheek."Thank you." He hugs her. "I just need to be reminded...""You are not alone, Emma. I can remind you anytime you need it. ""Thank you." They kiss.Henry carried Hope to the kitchen to their parents. "Mom, Dad, the birthday girl wants to open her gifts.""Gifts..."Killian and Emma both smiled. Emma faces Hope. "Hope, you can open your present baby girl. It is your birthday after all." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope smiles and reaches for her Mommy. Emma carries Hope back to the living room."Mom, Hope knows which one she wants to open first.""Oh really?" She sets Hope down and walks to the pile of presents to one of the biggest gifts."Henwy...gift!""Lad, did you tell her that is from you?""Maybe?" Emma chuckles. "Yes, baby, you can open Henry's gift first." She held Hope present so Hope can open her gift. Killian took pictures of Hope on his iPhone. Hope opened her gift which was a canvas painting of herself and Henry, Emma and Killian were in awe. "Henwy!" Hope goes to her big brother and hugs him."Hope, you like the painting?" Hope babbles. "The painting of you and me is going to go in your room." "Luv,you.""I love you so much, Hope." Henry hugs Hope. "I will always be there for you, Hope." Hope babbles. "You want to do an art project with me?" "Yes.""We can do an art project before your birthday party. Deal?" Hope kisses Henry on the cheek. Emma was in tears. "Henry, Hope loves your gift."Henry smiles. "I had a feeling she will love my gift.I just wanted to make a special gift for my baby sister. You are the best, Hope.""Henwy." "Hopey, you want to open more gifts?""Gifts." She sits on her brother's lap. "Tay." Henry chuckles. "You can sit on me while you open your presents." Killian joins his family on the living room floor. "Swan, my gift for our little lass is next." Emma chuckles. He gives Hope his present. Henry helped Hope open her gift which was "Pirates of the Carribean Pluto doll. "Pluto! Wawa." Hope hugs her new Pluto doll."Aye, Hope, it is Pluto pirate, little love. You can add your pirate Pluto in your treasure chest in our second home. So you will always have a Pluto doll on the Jolly Roger." Hope hugs her Dada. "You...Dada." Emma was in awe. "You are very welcome, Hope. My little pirate." He kisses Hope on the head, Hope will always be his little love and pirate princess. "Hope, now you have a matching Pluto shirt and Pluto doll." Hope smiles so big. "Kid, I need your help with Hope's birthday gift." Henry helps his Mom bring Hope's next gift which is a really big box. "Look, little love, you have a huge present.""Hopey, this is from Mommy and Daddy." "Henwy.""I can help open your gift." Henry helped open her gift, it was a kitchen set. Hope babbles. "Yes, Hopey, you have your own kitchen set. You can play in the kitchen all the time now." Hope clapped her hands. "Emma, she loves it.""Yes, her kitchen set will go in her room." Hope babbles. "Little love, Dada will set up your kitchen later." "Yay!" Killian kisses Hope on the cheek. Emma got Hope's other gifts as Henry put the kitchen set box on the side. Emma sits next to her daughter and husband. "Hopey, these are from me." She gives Hope the present which she opens, Killian helps her open the box of The Ugly Duckling pattern dress, a new The Little Mermaid dress and Pluto pattern dress. Hope babbles. "You have more dresses to wear! You have one more gift from me." She gives Hope the last gift, she helped Hope open her gift, a new Ariel silky nightgown dress. Hope babbles, "You like it?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "You can wear it for night-night.""You...Mommy.""You are very welcome, Hope. I love you so much." Hope kisses her Mommy on the cheek. "Little love, are you hungry for breakfast?" Hope babbles. "I can make you pancakes." Hope babbles and goes to Henry. "Hope, you want to make art?" Hope hugs Henry's legs. "I will take that as a yes.""Lad, before you make art with Hope, can you help me carry Hope's kitchen set box to her room?""Sure, Dad." Henry and Killian carried the box up to Hope's room. "Mommy." Hope hugs Emma's leg.Emma holds Hope on her hip. "Which dress do you want to wear today?" Hope picks her pink Pluto dress. "You can wear your Pluto dress." Hope began to cry. "Are you hungry?" Hope wanted to nurse. She takes Hope up to her room and nurses Hope on her and Killian's bed. Emma was in happy tears while she rubbed Hope's blonde head; she accomplished two full years of breastfeeding Hope. Killian sees Emma nursing Hope on his iPhone. "Emma, my strong swan last nursing Hope. One more picture." Emma smiles held her arm up with her fist up in the air, Killian smiles as he takes the picture and joins his swan and little lass. He wrapped his arm around his swan and kissed her on the head. "My strong swan, you did two years of providing Hope breast milk nurturing her." Emma smiles. "I was providing Hope nourishment ever since she was conceived, longer than two years. More since our honeymoon.""Aye on our honeymoon, I remember when we made Hope on the first night of our sailing adventure around the world.""I loved our honeymoon, sailing around this realm in this world, seeing Asia, Europe, Ireland, London, Paris...it was beautiful. It was just you and me on our adventure, without fighting villains." Emma smiles. I did not know back then that Hope was on our honeymoon with us." "Aye, it was the three of us." Hope makes a sound, "Yes, Hope you were with us on our Jolly roger adventure, little pirate.""Now our little pirate princess is two years old." She kisses Hope on the head. "Nursing Hope, I knew I was going to nurse her,I just did not expect her to breastfeed her for two whole years.""It is a great achievement as a mother, swan. You are a brilliant mommy to Hope and Henry, love."Hope was full. Emma burps Hope. "Hopey, we did it, you were able to nurse with Mommy for two whole years not including when you were growing inside of my belly." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Yes, sweetie. You gave me my second chance of being a mommy from the very beginning. I got to experience everything with you. You always will be my little baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. "I love you so much. Every day you are more like me and your Dada." Killian smiles. "Hope, you want pancakes?" Hope babbles. Emma changes Hope's diaper and brings her downstairs to Henry. "Hope, you want to do art while Daddy cooks breakfast?""Art!" Henry takes Hope from their Mom and they did an art project on Hope's easel. Emma took pictures of her children creating art together. She joins Killian in the kitchen making sure they have the food prepared for Hope's birthday party. After breakfast of cinnamon hot cocoa pancakes, Emma changes Hope's diaper and changes Hope into her new Pluto dress. "Do you want me to do braids for your hair?""Yes.""Braids for my little duckling." She braids Hope's hair into two dutch with pink ribbons on the end. Hope babbles happily seeing her braids in the mirror. Emam smiles and kisses her on the cheek. "My little girl." Emma takes Hope downstairs. "The birthday girl is dressed for her special day." Killian smiles. "Hope, you are so pretty in your new Pluto dress." Hope smiles. "Do you want to go to the Jolly Roger?""Wawa! Wawa!!" Killian takes Hope from Emma. "Wawa...Pluto...""Yes, Hope, we can bring your Jolly Roger bunny and pirate Pluto with us." Emma packs the diaper bag."Emma, we can go to the Jolly Roger for a few hours." "Yes, we need to come back before we need to set up for the party." The Swan-Jones family walked down to the docks, while Hope was babbling away to Killian. He let Hope walk on the Jolly Roger by herself, Killian let Hope help him on the Jolly Roger while she was holding her two new plush dolls. "Dada.""You want to play in our captain quarters?" Hope babbles. "Aye, you want to put your dolls in the treasure chest." "Killian, how about Hope can play with her new toys before she puts them in her treasure chest.""Aye, Hope wants to play with her pirate toys on our ship." Hope walks around babbling to her new dolls, which her parents love seeing. Henry was playing with his sister tickling her. Killian wrapped his arms around his wife's waist."You are right, swan. Hope is showing her dolls to their new home.""Yes, she is telling them about their new home. She is our little pirate.""Aye, our pirate princess." They kiss. Emma checks her iPhone."Killian?""Yes?""What time is it?"Killian checks his iPhone. "11:09 am."Emma hugs her husband's around his waist, "We are officially parents to a two-year-old." Killian smiles. "Aye, our little lass has changed our lives forever two years ago.""Yes, our second chance." They kiss and watch Henry and Hope playing on their second home.Killian gets a phone call. "Mom, I checked everything on the ship. I was wondering when we can sail again?""It is up to your dad and we have not sailed for a long time. I do want a Swan-Jones family adventure.""Me too, they are the best sailing adventures just the four of us." Killian returns to his swan. "Killian." She holds his hook."Henry and I want to have a family sailing day soon. What do you think, captain?"Killian smiles. "Aye, that is a splendid idea, love. We can have a sailing adventure this weekend." He looks around for Hope. "Now where's our little pirate?" Hope opens the door from the captain quarters, she went up there by herself, "Dada." "There is my little pirate. Are you playing with your pirate dolls in our second home?" "Wawa!""Aye, you can show them their new home."Emma approaches Killian. "I have to head home to start setting up.""Aye, Hope and I can have our one on one time." "Great, the party starts at 2:00 pm.""We won't be late, Hope is the guest of honor." Emma smiles and kisses him on the cheek. She hugs Hope. Henry hugs his Dad. "Lad, operation peacock is a go.""Aye, yes. We will meet you both at home later." Emma and Henry leave the ship."Mommy..." Hope began to cry. "Little love." He hugs his little lass. "We are going to have our pirate time, just you and me. You are safe with me. No one is going to hurt you." He kisses Hope on the head and lays down on their bed. He told Hope pirate tales until she fell asleep on him with her dolls next to her Daddy. He loves his daughter so much and loves being her Daddy. "My little pirate is already two. You made me a daddy, little love. You have been through so much in your little life already. We almost lost you." He kisses Hope on the head."You prove to your Dada and Mommy every day that you are fighter and survivor. You take after the both of us." He loves watching Hope sleep and knowing she loves their second home, she takes after him. When Emma and Henry arrived home, they began cleaning up the house and setting up the backyard for the party. Allison arrives at the Swan-Jones house carrying a birthday gift and foil container. "Emma!""Allison!" Emma hugs Allison. She holds the food container. "That is my famous spaghetti and meatballs.""Yes!" Allison laughs. "How are you feeling?""I am feeling better. I was overworked. I ended up sleeping for like twelve hours...where is the birthday girl?""Your little niece is on the Jolly Roger with Killian. She was showing her two new pirate dolls to their new home, it was so cute. Killian got Hope a pirate Pluto doll.""Aww. I have Hope's gift, where should I put it?""You can put it in the living room." They entered the living room."Whoa, that is a lot of balloons.""We surprised Hope this morning with balloons.""Are we going to use the balloons as decorations?""Yes, we are going to decorate all of these balloons all over the backyard. I also have streamers too. Henry began taking balloons to the backyard." They sat on the couch, Emma needed to relax. "We got Hope a toy kitchen set.""I know Hope will love it.""Yes,she will. When we took Hope to the children's museum in New York, she loved the kitchen area.""I know Hope will be playing in her room.""How is she sleeping?""She sleeps a little bit in her crib then she wakes up wanting to sleep with us.""She knows that she is safe with you and Killian.""I nursed Hope for the last time today, I cried happy tears.""Emma."Allison hugs her best friend. "That is amazing. Not many mother's nurses their babies for two whole years.""I do feel very accomplished." "You should be."Emma smiles."I am happy that I was able to give Hope what she needed. I mean, I did not expect to nurse Hope for so long. I knew I was going to breastfed her because I did not have that time with Henry...when Hope was born, she just knew I was given a second chance of being a Mom.""Emma, you are an amazing mother to both Hope and Henry. It shows how happy they both are and always there for them and fight for them.""Allison" They hug. "You are an amazing auntie to Henry and Hope, you are also her godmother. You saved her so many times...we almost lost her a few weeks ago...today would have been so different if it wasn't for you." Emma began crying. "Emma." Now Allison was crying and hugged her best friend. "I love Hope as she is my own child, I am her godmother, it is my job to help her, you and Killian raising her and part of my job is to protect and save my little goddaughter, just like you and Killian." Allison and Emma decorated the backyard with Disney balloons."Mom, I think Hope will love the theme of Mickey and the rest of the fab five friends and Ariel decorations.""Your sister does love the Little Mermaid and Pluto.Your Dad and I figured out a Disney theme party will be perfect for Hope.""Mom, her parents are fairytale characters, of course, she will love it." Emma smiles. "It is awesome, Mom." She hugs her son. Henry brought out the extra table for guests and the gift tables while Emma and Allison set up the food, snacks for the guests. "Emma, where is the cake?""Granny insisted on making the cake for Hope. I gave her a design. She will be bringing it when she comes. I also baked cupcakes.""I know they will be delicious." Henry took one and took a bite. "Aunt Allison, they are really good." "Henry, they are for the party kid.""I am sorry, Mom. it is so good." Allison chuckles."You are lucky that I made extra cupcakes, kid. They are in the fridge.""Mom, you are the best!" Henry goes into the kitchen. Emma and Allison both laughed and continued to set up for the party. Emma opens the door, seeing a delivery truck and a delivery man. "Bouncy castle order?""I did not..."Henry arrives at the door. "Yes, it is finally here.""Delivery for Henry and Killian Swan-Jones?""Yes, that is me, Henry Swan-Jones. You can bring it to the backyard through the gate." He signed the form.The delivery guy went to the back. "Henry Daniel Mills- Swan Jones?! Did you order a bouncy house? Without telling me?!"Henry gulps knowing his Mom was mad. "I gave Dad the idea and gave me permission. I wanted Hope's birthday party to be special for Hope. I am sorry Mom for not telling you, I just wanted to surprise Hope for her birthday. I thought you were going to say no...I do not know, you were so busy with Hope.." Emma hugs Henry. "Henry, I am not that mad just surprised. I know Hope is going to love it.""The bouncy house can stay?""Yes!""Only...""Only?""Only if you and Dad take turns watching the babies in the bouncy house?""Yes, Mom. I will. I just want Hope to have fun on her birthday. I am sorry for not telling you.""You can always talk to me, kid." She hugs her son."I know.""You make your sister very happy, Henry.""She makes me happy, and I make her so happy, I love her so much, Mom.""We all love your sister kid. Next time, please tell me.""I will, Mom. I am sorry, Mom."She kisses him on the head. "Now let's go see the bouncy house." They went to the back yard together.Allison approached them. "Emma, you ordered a bouncy house?""It was Henry and Killian's idea.""I came up with it, Aunt Allison."Allison chuckles. "I know Hope and the rest of the babies will love it.""Allison, before the babies come? We do need to try it out?""Yes!" The two best friends went in and bounced up and down laughing, while Henry took pictures of his Mom and aunt having fun.Killian and Hope were still in the captain quarters, Hope was still napping when the Jolly Roger moved all of the sudden. Hope woke up crying. "Little love, it is alright. Let's go see who is by the Jolly Roger." Killian carries Hope to the deck and sees the submarine. "Hope, it is Uncle Liam's submarine, little love. No evil person is going to get you. " Hope holds her Daddy's hook and stops crying. Liam exited the submarine. "Ahoy Killian! Hi, Hope!""Hi, brother! Come aboard!" Liam aboard the Jolly Roger. The two brothers hug. Hope babbles. "Hi, Hope. How is the birthday lass?" "Dada...wawa....""Liam, Hope is saying that she is having fun with me and her pirate dolls on the Jolly Roger." He lets his brother hold his little lass. "There is the birthday pirate." Hope hugs Liam. "Happy birthday, Hope. I got you a gift.""Gift!" "Killian, can she open her gift now?""Aye, yes she can." Liam gives Hope something wrapped in paper. He helped Hope open it, it was a shell necklace. "It is a necklace, little love. Can you say thank you to Uncle Liam?" "You..." "You are welcome, Hope.""Now, we have to return home. Emma will be mad if I bring Hope late for her own birthday party." Killian gets the diaper bag and the pirate dolls, he returns to Hope who was crying."Little love, Dada did not leave you. Don't cry." Hope wanted her Daddy. Killian holds Hope. "You are safe. You are not in any danger. We are going home to Mommy and Henry. All of your guests are coming soon to celebrate with you." "Auntie?""Aye, yes, Auntie Allison is going to be at home when we get there." Hope hugs her Daddy. They walk home. "Killian, what happened to Hope?""I will explain the tale later, not around the little lass." When they arrived home, Emma was tying the #2 pink balloon to the front of the house next to a chalk sign, "Hope's birthday party is in the back.." "Mommy!""Hi, baby girl." Killian gives Hope to his wife. "Did you have fun on the Jolly Roger with Dada?" Hope babbles. "Hi, Liam.""Hi, Emma.""I really am glad that you can make it.""Emma, I am really happy that you and my brother invited me. I will do anything for my favorite niece." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "Hopey, Auntie is here.""Dada."" Killian, I need to talk to you, now in the kitchen." "Emma, what did my brother do?""I will show you both." Emma leads them to the backyard seeing a The Little Mermaid theme bouncy castle. "Killian?" Liam goes to see Henry. "Why is there a bouncy house in our backyard?""Well, Henry came up with the bouncy house idea for Hope's birthday party. I could not say no. I am sorry, Emma. I thought he told you about it."Emma smiles. "It is a great idea. Next time, please tell me.""I will, Emma. I promise." They kiss. Emma takes Hope to Allison. "There is the birthday girl!""Auntie!" Allison hugs Hope. "Happy birthday Hope. Do you want to open your present?""Yes." Allison gives Hope her present, she helped Hope open her gift which was a The Little Mermaid rash guard shirt with a matching frilly bathing suit bottom and a one-piece Ariel bathing suit. Hope smiles. "Auntie!" Hope hugs Allison. "I know you are going to wear your bathing suits in the summer in your pool and in the ocean.""Oo."Henry approaches his sister. "Hope, do you want to play inside the bouncy house?" Hope smiles. Henry walks his sister. "Allison, Hope loves them. I know she will be wearing them in the summer." "I do love spoiling my goddaughter. I will put them in her room." Allison heads into the house. Emma joins Henry and Hope in the bouncy castle. Emma held Hope's hand. "Hope, jump!" Hope did a little jump. "Good jump!" Liam approaches his brother. "Killian, why is Hope afraid when you or Emma leave her?""Hope is very attached to Emma and me more than usual because...Hope was very sick with croup when we returned home that night from the hospital...Zelena the wicked witch escaped prison and disguised herself as Charming and kidnapped Hope right in front of me. Emma and I ran after them...she cut the rope in the woods. Emma used her light magic to fix the bridge. Lily arrived to give us a locator spell, we found them at a cabin and Emma's mother was involved with Hope's kidnapping. Hope, she sneaked away, we found her in the woods. She was having trouble breathing from the sickness and being kidnapped, we rushed her to the hospital, she almost..almost...died in Emma's arms." "Brother, I am so sorry, Hope, you and Emma had to go through that.""Hope has gone through so much already...Allison always gets Hope recovered from a peanut allergy, injury, or sickness. Now we are just reassuring Hope that she is home and safe with us. She knows that she is safe with us.""Killian, you always protect your family.""Aye, that I always do." Emma approaches her husband. "Killian, your turn to watch our little pirate princess. She loves the bouncy house.""Aye, I will watch our little lass." Killian and Liam walked over the bouncy house. Ashley and Alexandra arrived "Hi, Emma.""Hi, Ashley.""Where is the birthday girl?""She is in the bouncy castle with Henry.""Emma?""Yes, Alexandra?""Can I go to the bouncy castle?""Yes, you can Alexandra, just take your shoes off before you enter." Alexandra rushes to the bouncy house. Ted, Lizzie, and Conner arrive. "Auntie Emma!""Hi, Lizzie!" They hug. "Where is Hope?""She is in the bouncy castle with Alexandra is with Henry and Hope.""Yay!" Lizzie and Connor rush over to the bouncy castle. Killian and Henry were making sure Hope does not get hurt with the other kids in the bouncy castle. Hope began to cry. "Lad, give Hope to me." Henry takes Hope out of the bouncy castle."Dad, it is going crazy in there.""Aye, I can tell." Ariel Melody and Prince Eric arrived."Hi, Emma.""Ariel, Melody, and Prince Eric, I am so happy that you can make it.""Melody cannot miss her best friend's birthday."Henry catches up with Hope who was running to Melody and Ariel. "Mel-Mel.""Hi, Hope. Happy birthday." Melody babbles, as Ariel sets her daughter on the grass, and the two best friends reunited. "Killian, I can keep an eye on the bouncy castle.""Thank you, brother." Killian approaches the two lasses talking away. "Hi, Ariel.""Hi, Killian. Hope and Melody are already catching up.""Aye, our two lasses love playing with each other." Hope leads Melody to the bouncy castle. "Mom, I will watch the babies in the bouncy castle.""Kid, tell the older children that it is Hope and Melody's turns since they are younger.""Yes, Mom.""Mommy...""I will come, baby girl." Emma goes with Hope and Melody. Ariel and Killian watched the babies with Emma in the bouncy castle while the other kids were playing on the playset. "Killian, Belle told me what happened to Hope. How is she doing now?""Aye, Hope is getting better every day. Her breathing is normal but she is very clingy to Emma and me." "I know how much you take care of your family, you are always there for them. It shows. Hope loves you so much.""Aye, that is why we are making her birthday more special." Hope goes to the netted area of the bouncy castle. "Dada..""Little love, you want me to come in?""Mama.""Killian, Melody is calling me in too." Ariel and Killian joined them in the bouncy castle."Mommy...up!" Emma holds Hope as Ariel holds Melody and they both jump with their daughter, Killian took pictures. He sees more guests arriving with their squad and granny. "Love, I will be greeting guests." Killian leaves the bouncy castle and approaches granny, Ruby, and Mulan. "Hi, squad and Granny.""Hi, Killian where is the birthday girl?""Granny, Hope is in the bouncy castle with Emma, Ariel, and Melody. Gifts go to the present table." Emma carried Hope to her husband out of breath. "Killian, your turn in the bouncy house with Hope.""Love, my turn." He takes Hope from his swan. "Little pirate, we are going to play with Melody." Killian takes Hope to the bouncy castle. "Emma, I have Hope's cake.""Follow me to the kitchen, granny." Alison followed them. Granny showed Emma and Allison the cake, which was a Pluto cake. "Granny, it is perfect. Hope is going to love it!" Emma hugs Granny."Granny, it looks exactly like the cartoon character.""I wanted to make it special for Hope.""She is going to love it." The backyard door opens by Hope leading Melody who was crawling. "Hopey, what are you and Melody doing in here?""Mel-Mel...""Oh, you are showing Melody your toys?" Hope babbles. "You two can play in the living room." Hope leads Melody to the living room. Emma smiles. Ariel enters a few minutes later, "Emma, where are the girls?""They are in the living room. Hope and Melody are playing with toys." Ariel went back outside. "Killian! The girls are inside.""Ariel, let me guess the girls snuck away from you and Killian?""Yes, after the bouncy house, they wanted to walk around and then we could not find them." She goes to the living room. "Ther are my two ocean princesses." Melody and Hope were playing with toys.Killian returns inside. "Killian, Hope lead Melody in here. They are playing in the living room." "Aye, our little lass is showing Hope her toys.""Yes, she is sharing her toys with Melody." Granny went back outside. Killian goes to the living room. "Little love, you snuck away from Dada?""Yes, Mel-Mel...""Aye, you wanted to play inside with your best friend." "Dada." Hope hugs her Daddy."I will stay here with you and Melody, little love." Emma and Allison return outside. Belle and Gideon arrived. "Hi, Emma.""Hi, Belle and Gideon.""Sorry, we are late. Rumple had to go to the prison to visit Zelena...""Oh really?""Yes, something about her punishment of what she did to Hope."Gideon walked to Emma. "Hi, Emma.""Hi, Gideon.""Hope?""She is playing inside with Melody. Do you want to play with them?""Castle.""It is a bouncy castle." Henry approaches his little uncle."Gideon, do you want to go in the bouncy castle with me?""Yes." Henry walks with his little uncle. Killian returns outside with the two girls and Ariel. "Mommy.""Hi, baby girl. Did you have fun playing with Melody?" Hope babbles."Are you hungry?" Hope nods her head. "I can make you a plate." She made Hope a plate of chicken fingers, fries."No.""No? What do you want sweetie?" Hope reached out for the string beans and mashed potatoes. Emma smiles. She made Hope her plate. Hope babbles. "What else do you want to eat?" Hope reaches out for the goldfish, which Emma added. "Where do you want to sit?""Auntie.""We can sit with Auntie Allison." They went to Allison's table with Allison and the rest of the squad. "Hi, Hope.""Auntie." She hugs Allison. "She wanted to sit next you." Allison was in awe and kisses Hope on the cheek, "Hope, are you going to eat your lunch?" Hope sits on her Mommy and eats her lunch. "Emma, Hope chose goldfish, with string and mashed potatoes?""Yes, she loves string beans that Killian cooks. She did not want chicken nuggets and fries.""Emma, she takes after her father.""Yes, she does, Ruby." Killian joins them at the table with Liam. "Ruby, Hope takes after me." Hope babbles."Your daughter eats string beans?""Aye, yes she does Liam. She loves my cooking." Hope steals string beans from her daddy. "My little pirate. You can have my string beans." Hope smiles.Charming arrives with Anna and Elsa. "Hi, Killian. Sorry, I am late. I had to get a babysitter for Leo. I was walking into town and found extra party guests." "Aye, I can tell. Elsa, Anna, I am so happy that you could make it." "Of course, we would not miss it, Killian."Lizzie runs to see Elsa and Anna. "Whoa...Frozen in real life! Mommy!" Allison rushes over to Lizzie. "Hi, Elsa. Lizzie, please do not scream in front of Elsa and Anna."Elsa giggles. "Hi, Allison. Anna, this is Emma's other best friend Allison.""Wow! Allison, you can be Emma's twin sister."Allison laughs. "We get that a lot." Lizzie hugs Anna. "If Lizzie gets too excited..""I do not mind at all, Allison. I love little kids.""Yes! I brought my Disney Princess coloring book with me." Lizzie drags Anna away from the group. "Sorry, about Lizzie she gets really excited to see princesses." Elsa chuckles. "I warned Anna already before we left Arendelle about Lizzie." Emma carried Hope to Elsa, Anna, and her Dad. "Hi, Dad.""Hi, Emma. Happy birthday Hope!" Hope clings onto Emma. "Dad, she is still extra clingy." Elsa faces Hope. "Happy birthday Hope!" Hope babbles. Elsa holds Hope and brought her over to Killian. "Emma...""Dad, we know it was not you who kidnapped her." She hugs him. Elsa brought Hope to Killian and he holds her. "I heard from Belle what happened to Hope. We just wanted to see our little niece.""Aye, Elsa, Hope has been extra clingy to Emma and me. She gets upset if we leave her but she is happy today." Melody crawls over to Elsa and Killian."Mel-Mel!" "Hi, Melody. You can play with your best friend, Hope." He sets Hope down who hugs Melody. Killian took pictures of the two lasses. Hope babbles and leads Melody to the slides. Prince Eric helped the two girls on the ladder while Killian made sure they slide down safely. Elsa joined Emma, Allison, Ariel talking. "Emma.""Elsa!" They hug. "Thank you for coming.""I love Hope. We brought her a present and it is on the gift table.""I can see Lizzie is with your sister?""Yes.""Emma, Lizzie got very excited about seeing Frozen in real life." Henry walked over with Gideon. "Hope.""Ee-on." Hope hugs her friend."Happy birthday.""You...Ee-on." Hope leads him to the slides. Rumpelstilskin arrived. Belle hugs her husband. "There you are, I was getting worried."Emma approaches him. "Hi, Gold. I did not know you were coming.""I would not miss Hope's birthday. Gideon has not stopped talking about it since he got the invitation."Emma smiles. "Our two children are friends. Belle told me you were doing something with Zelena?""I just made sure she was getting the punishment she needs including your mom.""What type of punishment for Mary-Margaret?" "I just wanted to make sure she is learning her lesson.""As long as you did not hurt Mary-Margaret...""She is not hurt, Emma." Hope goes to her Mommy with Melody and Gideon following her. "Here is the birthday lass."Belle kneels down to Hope. "Hope, I have bubble wands for you to play with." She gives Hope the bubble wands and Hope gives one to Melody. "Hope, you are sharing with Melody?" Hope struggles to open the bubble wand. " I can open your bubble wand for you." Emma opens the bubble wands for Hope and Melody. Ariel comes and takes Melody a little bit away from Hope so they can blow bubbles. Emma taught Hope how to use the bubble wand. "Blow, like bubbles in a bubble bath." Hope blows the wand and bubbles come out. "Very good Hope." Emma held the bubble wand while Hope enjoyed blowing bubbles. Henry took pictures of his sister, half-uncle and Melody blowing bubbles with their moms. He also took pictures of the rest of the party, of his Dad and uncle talking, to Aunt Allison talking to rest of the princesses and the squad to Charming talking to uncle Ted. "Little sis, are you blowing bubbles?"Hope blew bubbles to Henry's face. "Hope." He tickles his sister making her laugh. Hope tackles Henry, which Melody and Gideon followed. Emma, Belle, and Ariel laughed. Killian took pictures. "Mom, Grandma...can you please take them off?" "Okay, kid." Ariel and Belle took their children off of Henry. Emma takes off Hope. "Henwy.""Little sis." Henry holds his sister. "I am not mad at you." Hope hugs her brother. "You want to go on the bouncy house?"Yes." "Gideon and Melody can join us." Henry takes Hope to the bouncy castle, Anna and Lizzie were bouncing. "Lizzie, the birthday girl turns to bounce." "Can we play more?""Yes, you can show me your dolls.""Yay!" Henry got Hope, Melody, and Gideon in the bouncy house, he mostly watched them walk around. Belle watched them from the outside. "Henry are they causing you trouble?""No. They are just walking around or crawling. Hope is talking to Gideon and Melody." "Henwy." He picks up his sister. She lies on top of him. "Are you okay?" He kisses Hope on the head."Tay.""I am staying with you, little sis." Henry walked around the bouncy house with his sister."Mommy....Dada.""Henry, I can watch Melody and Gideon." Henry takes Hope out of the bouncy, and Belle joins her son and Melody in the bouncy house. Henry takes Hope to their parents who were talking to their squad. "Mom." Emma turns around. "Hope, we are Mommy, little sis. She wants you and Dad.""Hopey. Are you tired of bouncing?" Hope began to cry.Killian sees his little lass crying. "Little love, why are you crying?" "Killian, I think it is time for C-A-K-E?""Aye, I will go get it set up." "Dada." Hope gripped his hook. "Little love, I am not leaving you." He kisses Hope on the head.Allison and Elsa approached the family. "Emma, is everything alright with Hope?""Hope just wants Killian and me." Hope babbles. "You are staying with me and Dad little duckling." She kisses Hope on the head. Allison faces her niece. "No one is going to hurt you, little niece. Everyone here is to celebrate you on your special day. No one is going to hurt you here." Elsa brought over her present for Hope. "Hope, I have your birthday present.""No." She dug her face into her Mommy."Elsa, she will open her gift later." Henry returns outside with Hope's big Pluto doll."Hopey.""Pluto." Hope smiles. "Hope, Pluto matches your dress you are wearing." Hope babbles. Regina arrives. "Mom!" Henry hugs his other Mom. "Hi, Henry. Emma, sorry that I am late. Robin was out hunting with the Merry men and I had to watch the kids.""Ina!""Happy birthday, Hope!" "Henwy." "Henry makes you happy?" Hope screams. Everyone laughs. Emma sits down with the rest of the squad and princesses. Charming sits next to Hope. "Is my little princess enjoying her birthday?" Hope babbles and clung onto her Mommy. "Hope, you are staying with me. Gramps wants to talk to you that is all. He misses you, sweetie.""I know Hope wants to open my gift.""Gift!""Dad, you got Hope's attention." "Alright!" Emma laughs. He gives Hope her present which Emma helped Hope open, it was a Minnie Mouse plush doll in her red dress. "Hope, Minnie Mouse!" Hope babbles holding onto her Pluto doll. "You can hold both of them, sweetie.""Amps.""Hope, I can hold your Minnie Mouse doll." He holds his granddaughter's new plush doll."I had a feeling she would love it, Dad. Hopey, say thank you, gramps.""You...amps.""You are welcome, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. Henry and Regina were talking on the hammock. "Henwy.""Yes, Henry, is talking to Regina on the hammock." "She loves her brother." "Yes, she loves Henry. They are very protective of each other." Ariel comes over with Melody. Melody babbles. Hope smiles and babbles back. "Emma, Elsa, and I will set up the cake.""Thank you, Allison, but I want to help." "Dada...Henwy." Killian holds Hope. Emma goes inside with Elsa and Allison. "Emma is Hope...""Yes, Elsa, she is very attached. I do not care." Emma was getting frustrated, Allison held Emma's hand."Emma, do you want me to take the cupcakes out?""Yes, you can put them on the table." Allison leaves the kitchen."Emma, I am sorry.""I just want to focus on Hope's happiness." She put the candles on the cake. Killian walks in with Hope. "Hopey.""Mommy." She runs to hug her. "Hopey, you want to see your birthday cake?" Hope babbles. "Love, Allison told her that you were getting her cake."Emma smiles. "Elsa, hold her cake." Emma holds Hope as Elsa shows her Pluto cake. "Pluto!" Hope reaches her hand out to touch the cake."Emma, I will take this to the table out of Hope's reach." They both laughed. Elsa takes the cake outside. Hope babbles."Hopey, we have to sing Happy birthday to you first. Then we eat cake." "Little love, you are going to get the first slice of cake." Hope smiles. They returned outside and everyone was crowded around the table cheering for Hope. Hope was smiling. Charming was taking pictures on Henry's camera. Henry approached his sister. "They are cheering for little sis." Hope grabs his hair. "Hopey." Hope laughs. "Everyone before we sing Happy Birthday to Hope." Emma and Killian looked at each other. "We just want to say thank you for everyone's support over the past few weeks by helping us searching for Hope, giving us meals and visiting her. Thank you for all of your support." "Our little lass proves to Emma and I every day that she takes after us, a little fighter and survivor just like us." Hope grabs her Daddy's hook. "And a little pirate." He kisses Hope on the head. Everyone cheered. "Last but not least, we are going to have to thank Allison. She did countless surgeries on Hope and the rest of our family. Especially a few weeks ago,we could have lost Hope, but Allison saved our daughter. Allison, we would not be all here celebrating Hope's 2nd birthday if it weren't for you." Allison was in tears and hugged her best friend and niece while everyone was clapping with tears in their eyes, cheering. The Swan-Jones family had a group hug. Hope babbles."Yes, little love you want cake." Henry lit the candles. Every sung "Happy Birthday" to Hope who was being held by her Mommy, next to Killian and Henry. Emma kneels down with Hope. "Blow out your candles baby girl." "Make a wish, little love." Hope blew out her candles and everyone cheered. Hope clapped her hands. Regina, Charming and Allison took pictures of Hope with her parents and Henry, then a sibling photo. "Auntie." Allison takes Hope from Emma as everyone else took pictures of Allison and Hope. "Dad, your turn with Henry and Hope." Allison gives Hope to Henry, and Charming joins them for a picture."Brother, your turn." Hope reaches out to uncle Liam and they take a picture of Hope and Liam. Hope reaches for the cake. "You are trying to be sneaky like your Dad.""Dada!" Killian holds Hope. "Dada..." She lies on her Daddy's chest. Henry brings over her Pluto doll and gives it to her. Emma cuts Hope a slice of cake. "Mel-Mel...Ee-on""You want to sit next to Melody and Gideon?" Hope babbles. "Aye, Belle and Ariel we are sitting together during cake, Hope wants to sit with her friends." Emma chuckles, she loves how much Killian being a Daddy to their daughter. Ruby helped passing out cake. "Emma, Killian is amazing with Hope."Emma smiles. "Yes, he loves being a Daddy to Hope and Henry.""I knew you and Killian were meant to be when he first came into town. You two always were giving each other looks." Emma smiles. "I just did not want to admit it yet...""I knew you two were soul mates.""He cared for me on our first adventure, the beanstalk in the Enchanted Forest. I could not open my heart to him yet but I eventually did on our trip in the past." She watches Killian with Hope. "I am so lucky to have him in my life." Henry approaches his Mom. "Mom?"Yes, Henry?" "I have one more gift for Hope.""Is it another surprise like the bouncy house you didn't tell me about?" Ruby chuckles."It is nothing like the bouncy house?" She gave him a look. "Mom, Hope's gift just came in the mail.""Okay. You can give it to Hope later, kid. She is having fun with your Dad, and her two friends." Belle and Gideon were playing on the swings while Ariel and Melody were with Hope and Killian. Hope was hugging Melody and babbling away. "Mel-Mel." "Hope, Melody is always so happy when she is with you." Hope babbles. "Ariel, Hope is always happy to see Melody." Hope babbles. "You want to have a playdate with Melody?""Yes."Ariel and Killian both laugh. "Hope, you are in luck, we are staying in Storybrooke for a little longer. You and Melody can have playdates." Hope screamed for joy. "I have a feeling there will be a playdate tomorrow." Emma approaches her husband. "Do I hear a play date captain?""Aye, Ariel, and Melody are staying in Storybrooke longer.""Yes, we are staying here a few more days. I know Melody and Hope want to have a playdate.""Ariel, you and Melody can come over tomorrow. Hope was showing Melody her toys before, I know Hope will have fun having her best friend over to play." Melody babbles. Hope babbles back. Melody began to cry. "Melody. You are tired. Emma, we will see you and Hope tomorrow. It is getting close to Melody's bedtime.""We will see you tomorrow at around 11:00 am?""Great." Prince Eric, Ariel, and Melody leave. Ashley and Alexandra leave as well. Lizzie comes to Emma. "Auntie Emma, can I have a slice of cake?""Yes, Lizzie." Emma brings back to the table. Allison, Elsa, and Ruby helped clean up. Rumpelstiltskin joined Killian and Hope's table. "Crocodile.""Hook.""Dada." "We are not going to fight this time, little love." "Your Dad is right, Hope. I am here to see you. You are Gideon's friend and Henry's little sister.""Henwy.""I know you love Henry very much." Hope babbles. "Hope is saying Henry is the best, right, little love?" Hope babbles and holds her Daddy's hook.Gideon returns to the table with Belle. "Hope.""Ee-on." She walks over to her friend and babbles to him. "Hook, let's just say I am making sure they are getting the punishment they deserve." "You did not hurt my mother in law right?""I did not. She mostly spoke to me about Emma.""I know she wants to be with Emma but does she realize what she has done to our Hope?""I do not know, Hook. To me, she is still in denial." "Aye, that is what I have been hearing. She has not changed." Charming joined them."Rumple, I can talk to my wife." "Aye, you need to talk to her Charming.""I will.""Let's not talk about it around the little lass and Emma."Belle carries Gideon, "Rumple, we should be going home. It is getting close to Gideon's bedtime." Hope babbles. "Hope, you and your Mommy can come to the library for you to play with Gideon.""Ee-on."Hope hugs Gideon. "Belle, we will visit the library soon." Rumplestliksin, Belle, and Gideon left. Emma goes closer to them. "Killian? What are you talking about to Gold before he left?""We were talking about the case.""No not today. It is Hope's special day." She hugs her husband. "Yes, swan. It is our lass's special day." He kisses her on the head. Hope walks over to Henry and Regina on the hammock. "Ina!""Hi, Hope." Hope babbles. Henry picks up his sister and let her join them in the hammock."Henwy.""Baby sis, are you having fun today?""Castle.""Yes, you love the bouncy castle. Did I choose the right one?""Yes." Henry hugs his sister. "Ina.""My castle in the Enchanted Forest was very different than the bouncy castle that Henry got for your birthday party." Hope babbles and hugs Henry."She loves you, Henry.""Yes, she does and I love her. She knows that she is safe with me." He kisses her on the head.Emma approaches them. "Mommy." Emma holds Hope on her hip, she begins to cry. "Hopey, you are with me." Hope hugs her Mommy.Allison goes to Emma and Killian. "Emma, is Hope okay?""I think Hope is either tired or just wants to be held." Hope babbles. "You can be held." "Little sis, do you want to open more presents?" "No.""Kid, I have a feeling she will open them later. She is just getting cranky. Sweetie. Are you tired?" Hope lies on her Mommy. "Yes, you are." She kisses Hope on the head. "Are you hungry? We still have Auntie's spaghetti and meatballs.""Auntie.""Emma, I will make her a plate." "Thanks, Allison." Allison makes Hope a plate of spaghetti and meatballs which Hope ate happily. "Is it good Hopey?" Hope babbles. "I made it especially for you." Hope smiles. "Hope loves your spaghetti and meatballs." She kisses Hope on the head. The squad left, it was only Allison and her family, Regina, Liam, Charming, Elsa and Anna were left. "Lizzie, we have to leave.""Anna, Elsa will you come back?""Yes, we will. I had so much fun with you today." Anna hugs Lizzie. Emma lets Hope be held by Allison and approaches Elsa and Anna."Emma, we have to go back to Arendelle.""Thank you for both coming today.""We would not have missed Hope's birthday." Emma and Elsa hug. "If you need to talk, you can always message me I can come to Storybrooke.""Thank you." They hug. Lizzie hugs Elsa. "Lizzie, do you want to walk with Me and Anna to our portal?""Yes! Mommy, can I go please?""Yes, you, Connor, and Dad can go.""I will bring them home after, they have school tomorrow." They all said goodbye to Hope and left. Allison and Charming helped clean up while Regina and Henry were talking."Killian, I am going to take Hope upstairs.""Alright, love. The workers are coming by soon to take the bouncy castle away. I will make sure everything is cleaned up and meet you inside.""Thank you." They kiss. Emma takes Hope from Allison and brings her inside to her room. Emma changes Hope into a clean diaper and into Ariel nightgown. Hope babbles. "You love your new Ariel pajama dress." Hope smiles. The doorbell rings. It was August. "Hi, August.""Hi, Emma. Hi, Hope." Hope smiles. "I brought Hope a birthday gift.""Come in. Do you want food? We have leftovers from the party.""Sure." He puts the gift in the living room. They walked to the kitchen and August made himself a to go plate. Allison approaches Emma and Hope. "Hope, you have a very pretty Ariel pajamas!" Hope babbles. "Wow, she is your twin." Emma and Allison both laughed. "You both have the same laugh.""August, this is my best friend Allison. Allison, this is my friend August, we go way back.""Emma and I go way back in the very beginning of the dark curse. I took Emma from the wardrobe tree." "You know Emma since she was a baby?""Yes, since Emma she was a few hours old. When Emma entered Storybrooke, I tried to get her to believe in magic but Henry got her to believe." Hope babbles and hugs her Mommy.Henry entered the kitchen. "It was teamwork, Aunt Allison. We both have to get mom to believe.""Now, Emma had a normal life.""Henry was the one who found me and changed my life forever. He brought me to Storybrooke to my family" Hope babbles."You too, baby girl. You made me a mommy from the very beginning." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "Do you want to open your gifts?'"Gifts!" They went into the living room. "Emma, I think Hope wants to open my gift first.""Okay, August. Hopey, open the big one from August." She shows Hope the present and helped her open the gift, which was a rocking horse. Hope babbles. "It is a rocking horse." Hope climbed on and rocked back and forth. "August, she loves it. Thank you.""You are welcome. I really am glad she loves it because I made this just for her.""You did?"Emma smiles. "Yes, I did. Papa let me make this one for Hope for her birthday. I wanted to Hope to have a special birthday gift since her Mom is my longest friend." Hope was going fast."Hope slow down, baby girl." Kilian enters the room."Our little lass has a rocking horse?""Yes, August made it, especially for Hope.""Aye, we just have to watch her...""Yes,I do not want her to get hurt.""Dada.""Hope, this is like the horse when Dada rhode with Mommy in King Arthur's realm." Hope babbles. "We can have the captain Swan story tonight for bedtime," Hope screamed. Emma laughs."Emma, she takes after you she loves stories.""Yes, August she does. She loves storytime especially her favorite stories from Henry's book and The Ugly Duckling book."August smiles. "Oh really? The same story when I stopped you from tearing pages of when I found you in the streets as a child?""Yes, the same exact story. Belle gave us the book version. Whenever we read it to her, she gets upset if we do read it only once.""She takes after you.""Yes, she is my mini-me." Hope babbles."You want to open more presents, little love?" Killian takes Hope off the rocking horse. "This one is from Ashley." Hope opens her gift which was Ariel water shoes."Mommy!""You got matching Ariel water shoes?""It is from Ashley love."Emma chuckles. "I am not surprised. We did find Ashley on our case with her stepfamily finding her with her lost shoe." "That was an interesting case when we helped her with her stepfamily.""Yes, all three of us Swan-Jones family working together." Hope carry her new water shoes to Allison. "Auntie.""Hopey, you got Ariel water shoes?" Hope smiles. "They match your Ariel 2 peice bathing suit, I got for you. You can wear a whole Ariel outfit at the beach." Hope grabbed Allison's hand and led her to the living room."Hope, did you bring Auntie Allison in here to see your gifts?""Auntie."Alison smiles. "Hope wants me to see her presents. Did you get a horsey?" Hope babbles. "I made the rocking horse." Allison was impressed. "My Dad is Geppetto. He taught me everything I know.""Wow, you are Pinnochio.""Yes, I am." Hope opened more gifts, she got coloring books, toy swords, and music toys. "Emma, I have one more for Hope." Allison gives Hope her gift, which was a doctor kit."Hopey, you can play doctor." "Henwy.""You want Henry to be your patient?" Henry enters the room "Oh no, I am in trouble." They all laughed."Aye, lad. Hope wants you to be her first patient using her new medical toy kit." "Yea, I have a feeling I will be Hope's patient." Hope babbles. Henry gives Hope one more gift. "Hope, this is from me."Hope opened her gift which was The Swan Princess movie DVD. "Mommy!" Hope shows the DVD to her Mommy. "Hope is that me the Swan Princess?""Yes, Mommy." Everyone laughs."Swan, that looks like the outfit you wore in our time travel trip."Emma smiles. "You are right. Hope the swan princess Odette looks a lot like me." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Killian, we can watch it as a family movie, tomorrow.""Aye, I know what movie we are watching. It is a good choice, lad." "I had a feeling Hope will like it. I know my little sis and what she likes." He kisses her on the head. Regina, Liam and Charming joined everyone in the living room. As the adults were all talking, Hope was getting sleepy. Killian helps his wife up and leads his two loves upstairs. He helps Hope brush her teeth. Hope yawns as her Daddy holds his little lass and carry into her bedroom and sat on the rocking chair. "It is your bedtime.""No.""Yes, little pirate. You had a very busy day turning two years old. Dada remembers when you were born. I never left your Mommy's side. When you were born, Mommy was finally a Mommy from the very beginning. When the nurse laid you in my arms, I was finally a Daddy to a little lass." Hope babbles. 'Yes, you will always be my little pirate princess.You turned me into a Daddy which I thought would never happen until I met your Mommy." "Luv Dada.""I love you so much, Hope." He kisses her on the head. He loves his little pirate princes and will always be there for her. Hope fell asleep in Killian's arms. "You will always be my little lass. You take after your Dada and Mommy, a little fighter-survivor." Emma was in awe and took a picture of their Daddy-daughter moment. "Good night, little love. I love you so much." Emma left them and went downstairs and talked to the rest of their guests. She sat next to Allison and Henry. "How is my little niece?""She is fast asleep on Killian.""My brother got Hope to sleep.""Yes, Killian is very persuasive even with Hope.He got her to sleep.""I am not surprised." Liam checked the time. "I have to go back to the docks.""You can say goodbye to Killian, they are in Hope's room." Liam goes upstairs finding Hope fast asleep on his brother. "Killian.""Hi, Liam. Hope is fast asleep and not letting me move."Liam smiles. " She knows that she is safe with you, brother.""Aye,she is my little pirate. When she is scared she knows that she can come to me. She is terrified of thunderstorms just like I was. I am not like our Dad,I will never leave my daughter.""You are nothing like our Dad. I have to go. I am running late. Bye, Hope. I will visit you and your Daddy soon." He kisses Hope on the head."Liam, come visit us more. You are part of our family.""I will, Killian. Every time I see you, you are an amazing Dad.""Thanks, Liam." Liam leaves the Swan-Jones house. Emma and Henry were cleaning the kitchen and living room with the help of Allison."Emma, I have to go back to the woodshop.""August, thank you for dropping by.""I really Hope will like my gift. Ever since I heard what happened. I wanted to make Hope a special gift.""August, she is going to love it." Before he left."I am happy, Emma, that you finally have a home.""If it was not for henry bringing me here, I would not have a family. For trying to get me to believe.""I know you were the one who was going to beat the curse. I am happy Hope loves The Ugly Duckling.""I showed her the pages and why the story meant so much to me as a child.""You still have them?"Emma smiles. "Yes, I kept them. I show them to Hope and read it to her at the sheriff's station if I do not have the book with me.""I am very happy you finally have your family, Emma." They hug. They hear Hope crying. "Swan?""I am coming. Allison, come up with me." "Bye, Emma.""Bye, August.""Your old friend?""Yes, more like my first friend." Emma and Allison go upstairs, Hope was crying. "Sweetie.""Mommy." Emma takes Hope from Killian. "Hopey, why are you crying baby girl?" Hope dug her face into her Mommy. "Hopey, Auntie is here. Why are you crying little niece?" Hope cried more. "Emma, how does Hope usually sleep?""Recently, we got her to sleep in here and then she wakes up in the middle of the night.""Aye,she sleeps with us for the rest of the night. Our little lass feels safe with us." He kisses Hope on the head."You are safe, baby girl. You are with Mommy, Dada and Auntie baby girl. You are not alone. You have all of us who love you so much." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope stopped crying. "You just wanted to sleep with Mommy, little duckling.""Allison, we do not know how to sleep train her again, she is afraid not being near us.""Hope has been through so much recently, you and Emma are both making sure she is safe and happy. You both are great parents reassuring Hope that she is safe." She faces Hope. You are with your Mommy, little niece. You are going to see me tomorrow for my birthday." Hope smiles.Emma sits down on the rocking chair."Allison, what time should we come over tomorrow?""I get off work at 4:00pm.""You have to work on your birthday?""Yes, Killian but I do not mind. I am just having dinner and cake. You four are welcome to join us.""We will be there. Right Killian?""Aye, yes, we will."Allison kisses Hope on the head. "Happy birthday, Hope. I love you so much." Emma rocked Hope to sleep. "Emma, I will see you tomorrow.""If you have any questions about her bottle feeding her...""I have one question,how should I bottlefeed her the bottle or sippy cup?""First the bottle with her meals.""Thank you, Allison.""You are welcome, Emma. I will see you all tomorrow." Allison leaves the Swan-Jones house. "Are you okay?""It is going to be weird not nursing her...out of her whole life until today I was nourishing her..."Emma was in tears. "You are my very strong swan who fed our little lass for more than two years. She is very healthy, Emma because of you." Emma gave him a teary smile and he kissed her on her forehead. "You are on my side.""I am always going to be on your side, Emma." They kiss. Charming arrives upstairs."Hi, Dad.""I am bringing up Hope's Minnie Mouse doll, Henry told Regina and I where everything goes.""Love, do you need anything else?""I am good for now." Killian goes downstairs. "How is my little pirate- princess?""Fast asleep. She had a very busy day." "How is my little girl?"Emma smiles. "Exhausted but very happy. I have both of my children with me. It would have been very different if Killian and I did not have found Hope in time." She kisses Hope on the head. "You are a great mother to her, Emma.I am so proud of you.""Thanks, Dad." He hugs her. "About what your Mom has done to you and your family, Emma... I am sorry. Sorry for not stopping her at her attempts and Leo hurting your family.""Dad, the last attempt was not your fault.""I am going to make sure your Mom is getting the help she needs and turn good again.""Thanks, Dad.""You are welcome." They hug. "You will always be my Dad.""You will always be my little princess." He kisses her on the head. "I have to go, Lily is watching Leo.""I will see you soon, Dad." Charming leaves. Killian stops Charming. "We need to talk. I want to make sure my family stays safe and unharmed." They go outside. Henry and Regina were in the kitchen eating leftovers. "Hope is happy Henry.""Yes, I want Hope to be happy and to keep being happy.""No matter what Hope goes through, you, Emma and Killian are always there for her. You always make Hope extra happy, Henry.""I just can't stop thinking about her almost stop breathing..." Regina hugs her son. "Henry, Hope is recovered with Emma and Killian, the help she needed from Allison right away. She is home safe with you, Emma and Killian with her family.""You chose the right doctor out of Storybrooke, Aunt Allison. She saved Hope.""Yes I did, Henry. Now Hope had an amazing birthday. She loved the bouncy castle that you rented.""Dad and I rented it...I showed him and he gave me the okay to order it. She was bouncing on it with Melody and Gideon. She had fun today.""That is why you are the best big brother to Hope because you always give her the best gifts and surprises." Regina and Henry talked longer until she had to leave. Henry goes upstairs to check on his sister and his other Mom while Regina overhears Killian and Charming's conversation. "What is going on?""Your majesty, I just want to make sure my family is safe, especially my daughter.""I want to help, I hate Snow almost killing Hope, just seeing how Hope is clingy to you and Emma. Henry...he is staking it really hard.""I know, Regina, the lad has been talking to me about it.""We can work together to get Snow White to realize what she has done to Hope.""Regina, we have to, my family is torn apart all because of my son's sociopath behavior and wife's denial.""We will work it out starting tomorrow." Charming and Regine left in separate cars. Killian returns inside finding Emma, Hope and Henry in their room. "Dad, we have a plan tomorrow. Before Aunt Allison's birthday at her house, Mom and I will show Hope The Swan Princess movie." Henry holds his sister as their parents got dressed for bed. "Mom, she is fast asleep.""She had so much fun today Henry. She loved the bouncy castle.""You are not mad?""At first yes because I do not like surprises. Then I saw how much fun Hope had, it made me very happy. It was a great idea, kid. Next time tell me.""I will, Mom." Henry hugs his Mom. "I thought I saw my swan enjoying the bouncy house." Emma smiles and playfully hit her husband's arm. "I did have fun in it because Hope wanted me to be with her.""Mom, you and Aunt Allison were the first ones in the bouncy house.""Well, we just wanted to make sure it was safe...We had fun.""My swan did have fun?""Yes, I did captain. We all made Hope have a very special birthday.""Yes, we did, Emma." They kiss. "Mom, I took so many photos today.""We can develop them and put them in our family photo album.""Yes!" Hope wakes up. "Sorry, Hope.""Mommy." Emma takes Hope from Henry. "Hopey, did Henry wake you up? You want a bedtime story?""Mommy... Dada...""Emma, Hope wants our story?""We can all tell Hope our story captain." They all get into bed and took turns telling Hope their parts of the story until Hope fell asleep in between her parents. "I am sorry, I woke her up.""It is okay, kid. I had a feeling Hope needed a story today to complete her birthday." Henry kisses Hope on the head and goes to sleep in his room. "Sweet dreams,baby girl. We love you so much." "Our little pirate is 2 years old.""Yes, I know we are going to have more Swan-Jones family adventures this year.""Aye, I had a feeling we are going to have amazing family adventures." He kisses Emma on the head. "I love you, Killian.""I love you, Emma." They kissed and fell asleep knowing their daughter was home safe with them and celebrated her birthday with them which could have been different if they did not get her to Allison on time. They cannot wait to see what happens next in their family adventures as Hope is getting bigger.

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