Before the Trip

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Emma packed most of Hope's needs for their weekend trip in the nursery. She takes Hope out of her crib. Emma decided to take a break and bring Hope downstairs for tummy time. Emma lied next to her daughter, "That's it, Hope, stretch your little body, baby." Emma hears the doorbell and takes Hope with her to answer the door. "Hope, I wonder who it is. Let's see who is at the door." She opens the door. "August."
"Hi, Emma."
"Please come in." Hope's head was against Emma's shoulder.
"Emma is this little Hope?"
"Yes, this is my little girl. Hope, say hi to August, sweetie."
"Hi, Hope. Wow, Emma, she is the spitting image of you with Killian's eyes."
"She is a mini-me." They sit on the couch. "Hope, you want to meet August. He was mommy's friend growing up." Emma hands over Hope to August.
"Hope, you look exactly like your mom when she was a baby, I know because I knew her as a newborn from escaping the curse. We were in the same foster home for a little while after we were found on the side of the road."
"August, you remember that?"
"Yes, I do Emma. I went into many temptations in this world, and I did my best to keep an eye on you as a kid."
"August, you were just a child yourself in a new world."
"I promised my father to protect you."
"August the foster system was horrible, I do not blame you for running away. I eventually ran away a few times."
"Yes, I found you to return to the system."
"Yes, when I got my last name, Swan."
"Hope, I gave your mommy the idea of her new last name."
"I cannot believe that it was you who gave me the idea to change my last name. Now it is my nickname and Hope's last name Swan-Jones."
"Hope, you have no idea how hard your Mommy had it in the system. I am grateful to see your Mommy happy with a family that loves her." Hope began to fuss in August arms. "Hope, you want your mommy? Here you go, Emma." He hands Hope to Emma.
August smiles at happy Emma handling fussy Hope. "Hope, do not cry. Mommy is holding you baby girl." She gives Hope little kisses and rubs her back as Hope rested on Emma's chest.
"Wow, Emma you are amazing with her."
Emma smiled, "Thank you, everyone,who has come to see her has said that."
"Really, Emma. You have come so far from the foster child, prison.."
"Hey, you know that I was not supposed to be there."
"I know, but you needed to be watched and not continue a path of bad because of Neal to become the savior."
"Yes, I had Henry in prison which is makes much worse and Neal was an ass for not apologizing to me for framing. He was a selfish person who did not believe me when Tamara was up to something that sent Henry to Neverland for Pan." Hope makes a little cry. "Hope, baby mommy is not sad or mad, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head and rubs her back. Hope falls back to sleep.
"Wait, Neal never apologized for framing you?"
"Yes, he did not apologize for everything he did to me. I never can forgive him. Then my parents named my brother after him which was very awkward."
"Did your parents know anything that Neal did to you?"
"Not at the time. Until I was pregnant with Hope and I called my brother that name and all of the flashbacks came and I had to ask him to call him Leo for now on. I explained to my family what happened and they understood. Now everyone calls him Leo."
"Wow, when did this happen?"
"When I was 5 months pregnant and at my parents' house for a gender reveal party for this little girl right before we announced her gender." Hope happily gurgled which made Emma and August smile.
"She really loves you, Emma."
"Yes, Hope senses everything when I am sad, angry, upset and happy. I love my little Hope."
"How is Henry being a big brother?"
"Henry loves Hope so much, he reads to her all the time from his storybook, talks to her and holds her. She loves her time with Henry. He only was a little jealous for me raising Hope from the very beginning. We had a long talk. We are actually are going to Boston for our first family vacation this weekend."
"Oh really?"
'Yes, we are. We do not want to travel to far with a newborn."
"Is that why you have a new car?"
"Yes. We got a new car yesterday."
"We are planning a lot of family vacations this summer, Henry is looking forward to vacations out of Storybrooke, not including escaping curses or fighting villains. We all never had actual family vacations well until this weekend."
"How is being a mom from the start?"
Emam looks down at Hope. "I love it being a mom to a newborn so much. When I got pregnant I had my doubts because I never raised a newborn before when she was born all of my maternal instincts just came to me. I am never letting her go, you know what I mean."
"I am so happy for you Emma, for what you went through now you have a beautiful daughter, a very supportive husband and Henry being there for you."
"I know, I am very grateful for my whole family."
Henry comes home from school. "Mom."
"In the living room, Henry."
"Hi, Mom. Hi, August."
"Hey, Henry. Long time no sees." Henry sits with them on the couch. Hope began to fuss.
"August, I will be right back, I have to feed Hope."
"Take your time, Emma."
Emma gets off the couch with Hope crying. "Mommy is going to feed you in a minute baby girl." She brings Hope upstairs.
"So, Henry how is feel to being a big brother?"
"It is awesome, and I love Hope so much. Mom is great with her. I am just happy to be a part of their lives as much as possible."
"Your mom tells me that you read to Hope."
"Oh yes, all the time, I began reading to her before she was even born. She loves when I read to her."
"Do you read to her from the book?"
"Yes, all the time. Belle did give Hope a bookcase full of books as a gift, mom mostly read to her those books."
"Oh, you know that I won an art award in school?"
"You did Henry?"
"Yes, I did the same murals in Hope's room but on easels at school."
"Really? That is awesome!"
"Yes, until they were caught on fire the easels versions."
"Henry, your sister has the originals."
"Yes, she does. I took pictures of the easel version." Henry shows August the pictures on his phone.
"These are really good but my favorite are the ones in your sister's room. Did your mom love the room and the crib once she saw it?"
"Yes, she was speechless and she cried a little."
Emma brings down Hope. "Henry, someone wants her big brother." Emma's hands Hope to Henry. "Hi, Hope." He gives her little kisses. She grabs Henry's finger and puts it in her mouth. "Hope cut that out." Emma and August laugh.
"He really is close to Hope."
"They are very close despite the age difference."
"Does Hope like her crib? I did help my Papa make her crib."
"You did?"
"Yes, I did. Your husband had specific instructions on what he wanted on the crib."
"I love the crib and Hope uses so far for her naps. Not the nights yet, she keeps everyone up at night."
"Mom, where is Dad?"
"Your Dad is back working at the station, your grandpa called him in."
"Oh, you had a whole day with Hope?"
"Mostly, your grandma watched her in the morning letting me sleep in a little more because someone kept me up all night." She kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Mom, I am going to read her a story."
"Okay." Henry takes Hope upstairs.
"Henry calls Killian Dad?"
"Yes, he does. He did not know his father and he felt Killian was more of a father figure to him, he helps Henry with his homework, guides him, teaches him how to be a man and teaches him to sail."
"Wow, Killian is really is there for him."
"Yes, he is. He is there for both of them."
"Emma, I am happy that you got your happy ending."
"Thank you, August."
"I also got Hope something." He hands Emma a small box. Emma opens the box. "Aww, August, she is going to love it, a swan rattle."
"Yes, it will remind her of where her mommy used to be."
"August, thank you." Emma hugs him.
"Your welcome, Emma. I am so happy to see you have the life you always dreamed of."
"Thank you for visiting."
"Hope is adorable and Henry is great with her. I will come back soon." August leaves. Emma goes upstairs to find Henry with Hope in Henry's bedroom.
"Mom, Hope is loving this story. Right Hope." Henry kisses Hope on the head.
Emma sits down on Henry's bed. "Oh, really."
"Yes, she is." Emma watched Henry read to Hope. When Henry was finished reading to Hope, "Hope, look what August got you a swan rattle." Emma hands the rattle to Henry.
Henry shook the rattle to Hope. "Hope, do you like your rattle." Hope grabs the rattle and puts it in her mouth. "Mom, she likes it."
"Yes, she does. Hope you like your rattle baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. "Henry, I scheduled our trip we leave Friday after school and we return to Storybrooke, Monday morning. We will drop you off at school, late."
"We have Saturday and Sunday full of sites?"
"Yes, kid."
"Awesome. Hope we are going to have two fun days in Boston." Henry sniffs Hope. "Mom, I think she needs a change." Henry's hands Hope to Emma.
"Henry, just make sure you bring your school bag in the car on Friday."
"Yes, Mom. I will. I already packed my bag for Friday."
"I am mostly packed Hope's stuff." Hope began to fuss. "Okay, baby mommy is going to change you, sweetie." Emma takes Hope to her room to be changed. Henry follows the girls to Hope's room. Emma changed Hope and into a new outfit. "Hope, you are now clean baby girl." She played their kissing game and let Henry joined them. Hope began to cry. "Hope playtime is over, baby girl." She lifts Hope up and rocks her and bounces her until she calms down. "It is okay sweetie."
"Mom, is Hope okay?"
"I think playing was too much for her."
"Hope, we will play later little sis." He looks around the room. "Mom, you pack a lot for Hope."
"Yes, kid. Hope needs a lot of stuff for a vacation. I packed extra diapers, medicines, clothes, wipes. Not including her carrier, carriage but I think she likes the carrier though."
"Mom, we can take turns holding Hope."
"I just want to be prepared."
"Mom, you are not going to forget anything. If you forget something we won't judge you, right Hope?" He takes Hope little hand and kisses it.
"Thanks, Henry. It means a lot to me coming from you."
"Mom we love you for who you are, we do not need you to be perfect." Hope began to cry again.
"Hope, what is the matter, baby? I just changed you and fed you." She rubs Hope's back and bounced her.
"Mom, what is wrong with Hope?"
"I am not sure why she is crying Henry, I will try to rock her I think she is tired." She sits down in the rocking chair. "Baby mommy got you, sweetie, do not cry Hope." She kisses Hope on the head as Emma gently rocks her. " it is okay." The front door opens and closes.
"Dad is home. I will go get him." Henry comes back up with Killian.
"Hi, Emma. how are you and Hope?"
"Hope is crying, I changed her and fed her and she is still crying." She rubs Hope's back and rocks her.
"Love, let me try."
"Hope Daddy is home from work." She hands over crying Hope to Killian.
"Hope, Daddy is here little lass. Why are you crying?" He puts Hope on his chest. "Little love Daddy do not like it when you are upset." He rocks Hope.
Emma and Henry go to the bedroom. Emma sits on her bed looking sad and rubbing her temples. "Mom, are you okay?"
"I do not know what I did wrong?"
"Mom, Hope is probably is having a mood."
"Henry I always make her stop crying."
"I know mom, maybe she misses Dad, he just got back to work now."
"Maybe you are right, kid." Henry hugs his mom. "You are always there for me when I need someone to listen."

"Mom I am here to listen, you would do the same for me. Mom, Hope loves you the most remember that." They can hear Hope cry louder. Killian brought very loud crying Hope into the room.
"Emma she wants you, she got louder once you left the room."
"Aww, Hope, come to Mommy." Killian hands Hope to Emma and kisses Hope."Hope, you are in Mommy's arms sweetie. Shhh...shh...I have an idea." Emma placed crying Hope on her bed and takes her shirt off, bra still on. She takes Hope's onesie off and placed Hope on her chest. Hope calms down within a few mins of skin to skin. "Do you feel better baby?" She kisses Hope on the head.
"Wow, Mom that was quick thinking."
"Thanks, kid. Dr.Cameron did say skin to skin is good for newborns. Skin to skin helps with baby's minds, heart, and lung function and reduces crying." She wiped Hope's tears with her shirt.
"Mom, you knew what to do."
"Yes, after I was less nervous, I thought of skin to skin to calm her down. I do not want to see Hope sad." Killian went to Hope's room to get her quilt.
"Neither do we, Emma." Killian goes to Hope puts her quilt on her body, "Little lass, you look so comfy on your mommy." He kisses Hope on the head. "Daddy missed you today little love. I gave you your blanket to keep you warm while you are doing skin to skin with Mommy."
"Dad, how was the first day back to work?"
"It was a good day son, mostly did patrol no catching robbers nothing like that today. Henry, do you want to help me cook dinner?"
"Yes. Mom you are going to be okay with Hope?"
"Yes, Henry. Hope is happy to be on me. I am okay with that."
"Love, I brought home a few more groceries on the way home especially some chocolate ice cream."
"You did? Thank you. I will have some later." They kiss.
"You are welcome Emma, for now just concentrate on Hope." He kisses Emma and Hope on their heads. Henry and Killian go downstairs to cook dinner.
"Mommy does not know why you are upset, Hope but I am happy to help you in anyway to make you feel better. I love doing skin to skin with you my baby, it is extra Hope snuggles which I love my Hope snuggles." She gives Hope multiple kisses on her head and rubs Hope's back. "On Friday you are going to on your first road trip with Mommy, Daddy and Henry. Mommy chose a big car. You will have fun in the aquarium. You will see so many fishes, whales, and sea creatures." Hope was awake listening to her mommy. "You like listening to Mommy." She kisses Hope on her head. "When you are older, I am going to braid your blonde hair, you and I are going to go shopping and get our nails painted. When you are able to talk we can have girl chats all the time. So when you are older, if you sad or mad you can talk to me okay?" She kisses Hope. "I love you Hope." Hope grabs her mommy's finger, "You just wanted your mommy." Hope falls asleep comfortable on Emma and her favorite quilt wrapped on top of her.
Killian went to check on his girls, Hope was asleep on Emma and Emma looked like she was about to fall asleep. Killian went in and gently shifted Emma to middle of their bed so when Emma asleep they would not have to worry about Hope falling off the bed. Killian whispered, "How is Hope, love?"
"I talked to her for a little while about the trip and what are we going to do when she gets older like shop, talk and get our nails done before she fell asleep. When I said I love you to her she grabbed my finger and fell asleep."
"Emma, I told you she is going to love you so much."
"You were right. I think she just wanted her quality time with her mommy."
"Aye, I read in the book that an hour a day for first three months of the lass's life skin to skin is very good for the babe."
"I will do this more often. I love my extra Hope snuggles." Killian and Emma kiss.
"Love, get some rest too." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, you are being a good lass giving extra love to your Mommy."
"I packed her stuff for the trip."
"I will pack my stuff tomorrow love, do not worry about me. Night."
"Night." Emma falls asleep. Killian looks at his two loves and closes the bedroom light. "I love my Emma and Hope so much."

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