Travel Day

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Snow White watched Hope in the morning as Emma packed her luggage for the family vacation. Emma went to check on Hope with her mom in Hope's room. Snow White was holding Hope in her rocking chair. "Mom, how is Hope?"
"She was a little fussy but now has calmed down."
"Last night, Hope and I did skin to skin because she was in a very bad mood. I still do not know what upset her, but once we did skin to skin she calmed down."
"Whatever it was, she is happy now. Are you looking forward to Boston today?"
"Yes, I am. This is Hope's first long car ride, I am not sure how she will react being in a car seat for a long time. " Emma goes to Hope. "Are you looking forward to your first road trip baby?" She kisses Hope on the head. "I still am not sure if I should bring her stroller or the only carrier?"
"Emma, just bring both just in case. You get too tired of using the carrier. Are you okay sweetie?"
"I never took a baby on a long car ride before. I am not so sure how I can feed Hope if I am driving or what if we get stuck on gridlock traffic and she needs a change?"
"Emma, I know you are nervous but Hope will be fine. Henry is sitting in the back with her."
"Or, I can let Killian drive if she needs me. Henry can ride shotgun helping with directions, we have a GPS in our new car." Hope began to fuss. "Hope, you want Mommy baby girl?" Snow White hands over Hope. "Little Buttercup, you just wanted Mommy." Hope happily gurgles. Emma smiled happily at her daughter as she let Hope grabbed her finger.
"Emma, Hope loves you so much, she knows you are going to do best for her even in car situation."
"Hope, are you going to be a good girl in our car ride today? We are going to have so much fun in Boston." Emma gets a phone call from Henry. "Henry, is everything alright?"
"Yes, Mom. I am in between classes now. I have the last period free today. Can you pick me up from school at 2:00 pm and we can go to the pottery store before our trip?"
"Yes, we can Henry."
"Also, my luggage bag for the trip is in my room at your house."
"Great. Henry, your Dad and I are going to pack to a car before we go to the pottery store."
"Great, Mom. I am looking forward to after school."
"Me too, Henry. I will see you later." They hung up. "Hope, Mommy and Henry are going to make pottery while you and Daddy have fun together." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Henry called?"
"Yes, he has the last period free and wants to leave school early to do some mother and son time before we go on our trip. I got to finish packing, Hope be a good girl for grandma. Mommy is next door, sweetie." She hands Hope back to her Mom. Emma returns to her room to finish up packing. A little while later, Snow White went to talk to Emma in her room. "Emma."
"Yes, Mom."
"Hope is napping. I just want to say that you are doing an amazing job with Hope and Henry. I know that you are worried, but you have your support system your adoring husband Killian and Henry with you on this trip."
"Thank you, Mom. For your support."
"Anytime, Emma. I am your Mom and want to be here for you when I am needed."
"I like the sound of that. I was thinking, on Tuesday morning, we can have a girls' day at the nails salon, the three of us."
"Emma, that sounds like fun."
"Yes, I am thinking of Hope getting her first little pedicure."
"I love the idea,Emma. We can do that Tuesday morning. I hope you have a good trip, Emma"
"Thank you, Mom." They hug. Snow White leaves to work. Emma takes the baby monitor with her and went to her yellow bug and got Hope's car seat and put it in her new family car. She also placed a mirror across of Hope's car seat so she can see Hope as she is driving. She returns inside, hearing Hope crying. Emma goes up to get Hope. "Hope, are you ready for your lunch baby? shh..shh..Mommy has your food." She gets a burp towel and sat with Hope in the rocking chair and preps to breastfeed her. Hope latches on very quickly. "Hope, do you know why Mommy wants to be perfect?" Hope looks at her Mommy. "Hope, you are my second chance at being a mommy from the start, I did not have this time with Henry and I do not want to make any mistakes. I know you love me for who I am no matter what, little girl." Hope places her hand on her Mommy's chest. She kisses Hope on the head. "I love you too, my little buttercup." After Hope was finished eating, Emma read her a story from one of the books on her bookcase. Killian returns home and began to pack the car with everyone's luggage. Emma brings Hope to the new car to check on how Killian was packing the car. "We are going to check on Daddy to see how he is doing loading the car." Emma and Hope see Killian struggling fitting Hope's carriage. "Killian, do you need help?"
"Aye, I do need your assistance."
"Let me, help. Hope, mommy has to help Daddy pack the car." She kisses Hope and hands her to her Daddy."
"Hi, Hope. How is my little lass today?" He kisses Hope on the head.
Emma arranges the back of the car to fit their luggage and Hope's supplies. "Killian, I put Hope's car seat in the new car already. Let me teach you how to strap her in." Emma teaches Killian how to put Hope in her car seat. She let Killian try and he learned quickly. "I told you can learn." She kisses him on the cheek.
"Swan, why is there a mirror facing our lass's car seat?"
"So, when one of us are driving we can easily check on Hope." Killian takes Hope out of her car seat. "Oh, Henry called. He gets out of school early today, he asked me to pick him up from school so he and I can do pottery store earlier before our road trip."
"What time should Hope and I pick you two up from the pottery shop?"
"You can pick us up at 4:00 pm?
"Sounds good. Who is driving first?"
"I was thinking we can take turns. Depends on Hope...."
"Emma, are you alright love?"
"I am just nervous, I never had a road trip with a baby before. I do not want to mess it up. While driving, what if she needs to be fed or changed or we are stuck in gridlock traffic..."
"Emma, you and I can take shifts driving. So either way, we will be with Hope, if she needs us. I have a feeling love Hope will be fast asleep."
"You are probably right." She talks to Hope. "Mommy is a little-worried baby, I know you will be a happy baby in the car right?" She gives Hope multiple kisses on her cheek.
"Emma, we are going to be fine with Hope on her first trip." He hugs Emma with hope in the middle.
"Oh, I got to pick up Henry."
"Swan, have fun with Henry. We will see you later, love." They kiss.
"Hope, have fun with Daddy. Mommy will see you later." She kisses Hope on the cheek and walks to the high school to meet up with Henry.
Killian looks at hope, "Little love, what do you want to do just the two of us? Do you want to go to the Jolly Roger?" Hope gurgles happily. "Hope, let's go have some fun on our ship little love." Killian gets Hope's diaper and puts Hope in the carrier and they walk to the marina.
Henry gets out of school and sees his mom waiting for him. "Hi, mom."
"Hey, Kid." He hugs her. "So are you looking forward to pottery?" They began to walk to town.
"Yes, I am. Have you ever done pottery before?"
"I had done pottery a little bit in school. I am more comfortable drawing and painting."
"Don't worry mom, I can help you."
Emma hugs Henry. "Thanks, kid." They walk into town and went inside the pottery store. Henry decided to make Dobby from Harry Potter out of clay. Emma wanted to make a vase in the ceramics section. She tried her best with the pottery machine. Emma and Henry have a laugh attack as Emma does her best with the machine.
"Mom, you weren't kidding when you said you never done pottery machines before."
"I told ya, kid. I was not kidding." She laughs. "How is your clay of Dobby going?"
"It is going well." He used clay tools to make Dobby.
"It looks good so far Henry."I think I made an exploded vase. I like this getting messy for fun, not cleaning up messes for everyone in town."
"Mom, this is art it is supposed to be messy fun which is one of the reasons why I love clay art. I can help with yours."
"Are you sure kid?"
Henry takes her clay and used the machine and made the vase.
Emma was impressed by her son's art technique."Wow, Henry, you are really good at art kid."
"Thanks, Mom. I get the art skills from you."
Emma smiles."You are sweet, kid."
"I get the kindness from you, even though I do not look like you. I get your personality."
"Yes, you do."
"Not the walls part.
"You got that right."
They both worked on their projects after Henry fixed his mother's project.
Henry and Emma both were up to paint part of their projects."Henry is clay art is similar to drawing?"
"Not even close Mom." They both laugh. "Do you think Hope will be more of a pirate or a princess?"
"Well, we both know that Hope loves the ocean like your father. She so far has my stubbornness. I do not think princess, maybe a fighter, not a savior. I am not sure yet."
"Mom, she is part pirate."
"Yes, she is."
"Yes, Henry."
"I love our family for the way it is."
"Me too, kid."
Meanwhile, Killian and Hope were on the Jolly Roger. Killian brought Hope to his captain's quarters. He placed Hope on his chest and spoke to her about all of his pirate adventures that he had. "Little Hope, there was one time when I traded this ship that we are on to get a magic bean to jump a portal to get back to your mother to break a curse. Your mommy and Henry had their memories wiped because everyone who lived in Storybrooke had to return to Enchanted Forest due to the evil Peter Pan's curse. Then Daddy went to NYC to give Mommy's memories back and lass that was hard . I made your mommy believe me and she saved Storybrooke. Your mommy saved Storybrooke from curses, villains and your big brother Henry saved everyone from a curse or two himself." Hope listened to her Daddy talk. "Hope, I hurt a lot of people on this ship but when I met your mommy, she changed me for the better lass." He kissed Hope on the head. Hope began to cry. "Little love, what is the matter?" He sniffs her. "You need a change little lass." He puts Hope on his bed and set up the changing pad and a clean diaper and other supplied he needed to change her. Hope cried during her change. "Little love, I know I am not Mommy but you have to stay still for Daddy." Hope squirmed a lot. She kicked her dirty diaper onto Killian's face. He luckily had baby wipes to clean his poop covered face off. "Hope that is not funny. You are definitely a pirate though." He gives her kisses."You are a little pirate." Killian eventually got Hope changed. He texts his wife "Our little Hope is a pirate, she gave me hard time changing her diaper." Killian showed Hope what each part of the ship worked. He carried Hope in his arms and pointed and showed her every part of the Jolly Roger. He checked the time, "Hope, we have to go in our new car lass to pick up Mommy and Henry." Killian put Hope in her carried and grabbed the diaper bag and went back to their house and put Hope in her car seat. "There you go little Hope." He gives her a kiss. He puts her diaper bag on the floor nearby and put her carrier in the trunk. He got to the driver's seat and sees Hope's reflection from her mirror."Hope, this is Daddy's first time driving in this car. Now, let go get your Mommy and Henry."
Back at the pottery store , they were glazing their projects. Emma got a text from Killian with a photo included. Emma gets into hysterical laughing. "Mom, what is so funny?" She shows Henry the text and picture of Killian with poop covered face with a text saying:"Our little Hope is a pirate, she gave me hard time changing her diaper." Henry ends up laughing. "Now, we know Hope is part pirate." They finished their projects and paid. They had to pick up their finished projects in a week. They heard a honk from their family car. "Mom, Dad and Hope are here." He runs outside to greet his Dad who was getting out of the car. "Dad!" He hugs Killian."
"Hey, lad. How was your time with Mom?" "It was fun. I want to do this again with Mom. How was your time with Hope?"
"I brought Hope to the Jolly Roger, I told her stories about my adventures until she kicked her dirty diaper on me." Henry laughed and Emma came out of the pottery store laughing.
"Sorry, Killian that is really funny."
"Hi, Love. I heard you had a fun time with Henry."
"Oh, yes we did. Right kid?"
"Right, mom. I told Dad that I want to do this with you again."
"Henry, I would love to." She hugs Henry. Henry checks on Hope. "Killian, besides Hope showing her pirate side, how was your Daddy and daughter time?"
"I took Hope on the Jolly Roger, I told her my tales of my pirate adventures, I kept it kid-friendly of course. I also taught her what every part of the ship does."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, Swan." They kiss.
Henry gets out of the car. "Mom, Hope is crying."
"Let me feed her before we drive. I do not want to pull over to breastfeed." Emma goes in the back and takes Hope out of the car seat. "Hi baby girl, Mommy is going to feed you right now before we go to Boston." Hope latches on quickly. "When we go to Boston, it is a different place than Storybrooke, there are a lot of tall buildings, skyscrapers, and many people walking around. Boston is a different place than Storybrooke baby." After Emma fed Hope and burped her. Hope fell asleep. She kissed Hope on the head, "Hope when you wake up you will be in Boston." She puts sleeping Hope buckled in and covered the car seat. She gets out of the car, "Hope is fed and asleep. Now let's go."
Henry sits in the back with Hope."Mom, why is Hope's car seat covered?"
"She can get cold easily in the car and it is easier for her to sleep." Killian sat next to Emma as she drove them to Boston.
"Dad, can you help me with my math homework? I am having trouble understanding math."
"Sure, lad. We can do your homework tonight before sightseeing tomorrow."
"Yes, I am looking forward to seeing the aquarium."
"We all are looking forward to the aquarium Henry. Please study as I drive so your other mom does not get mad at me for not letting you study." The road was not too bad once they hit the highway there was traffic. Henry studied for his final exams and Emma and Killian talked quietly. They held hands while they were stuck in traffic. "Henry, can you check on your sister?"
Henry stopped studying and peeked in Hope's car seat, seeing Hope still asleep. "Mom she is still asleep."
"Thanks for checking up on her, kid." She talks to Killian, "We left Maine around 4:30 pm, I think we can reach our hotel by 8:30 pm."
"Love, if Hope needs to be fed we can get pull over." He rubs Emma's shoulders. Within the two hours, Hope began to cry on the highway in traffic. Henry checks on Hope. "I think she needs a change." Emma sighs. "I am afraid this will happen. "
"Love, we can pull over on the next exit."
"Yes, once we get out of this traffic." She looks up at the mirror at crying Hope. "Henry, can you please try to calm down Hope?"
"Sure, Mom." He takes his storybook out. "Hope, baby sis. Do not cry, Hope. Mommy is driving she cannot change you right now little sis." Since they were stuck in traffic Henry decided to take Hope out of her car seat. "Hope, do not cry. Henry got you. Mommy will get our car off highway soon than her or Daddy will change you." He sniffs Hope. "Mom I think she is wet not poop.
"Henry put Hope back in the car seat now. It is very dangerous for her being out of her car seat."
"I only did what you asked."
"Yes, you did kid. But taking Hope out of her car seat while the car is moving or not it can very very dangerous."
"I understand Mom."
"Henry, you can talk to her, read it to her play with her not taking her out of the car seat."
"Yes. Mom." He moved his seat to the middle seat and buckled up. He gives Hope her pacifier. "Hope, you want a story? He gives Hope a little hands kisses. "Once upon a time, there was a princess named Snow White, who beloved in the whole land." As he read on, Killian spoke to Emma in a low voice, "Love, he was only trying to help her stop crying."
"I know he was, but taking Hope out of the car seat at that very young age or any age without a seatbelt can be caused of death. What if we get hit by a car and Hope was not in her car seat, we can lose her."
"Emma, Hope is okay. Where did you learn all about driving safety?"
"I learned from experiences and watched videos about car safety as a part of training to become a sheriff and also I watched about driving with a newborn during bed rest on Youtube while you were at work." She looks at Hope's mirror. "Killian, look Hope looks so happy Henry reading to her. I love her blue eyes full of curiosity."
"I love our little Hope too. Henry got her pacifier to calm her down."
"While she is calm down, let's make a stop so I can change her." Once traffic finally moved Emma finally got off the highway to change Hope at a gas station. "Bathroom break."
"Mom, can I get snacks? I am hungry."
'Yes, you can. Can you get me some chocolate, Twizzlers and a bottle of water?"
"Sure, Mom."
"I will go with the lad."
"Hope, let's get you changed baby girl." Emma set up the changing pad and took Hope out of her car seat. She quickly changed Hope. "Hope you are cleaned up baby girl. Are you feeling better now baby?" She held Hope. "I do love my Hope snuggles so much. You are being such a good girl for Henry. Yes, you are. We are almost there." Hope began to move around and stretched. "Yes, Hope we have been driving for a long time, so stretch your cute little body while we are at a rest stop." Hope continued to stretch. Killian and Henry returned from the gas station store.
"Mom, what is Hope doing?"
"She is stretching her body out, she was in the car seat for too long." Emma kissed Hope. "Baby girl we are almost at Boston. Then when to get to the hotel you can stretch all you want." Emma placed Hope back in her car seat and cleared off the regular car seat. Killian helped Emma cleaned the car. Henry gave Mom her snacks. "Mom, are we almost there."
"Yes, we are almost there. I figure almost another hour then we can buy some dinner before we go to our hotel for the night."
"Love, can I have my turn in driving? You can sit in the back with Hope. You need to rest."
"Sure, Henry. Do you mind to sit in the front and help your Dad follow the GPS?"
"I get to ride shotgun yes!" Emma and Killian laughed. "I am done studying Mom."
"Mom, I will help Dad with the GPS."
Henry and Killian sat in the back while Emma and Hope sat in the back. "Hope, Mommy is next to you." Hope just smiled. "Yes, you are happy Mommy is next to you." Emma began playing with Hope by "chewing her little feet and hands." They did their kissing game too. Killian glanced at his wife and daughter playing together. He thought, "I am so lucky to have an amazing wife and Mommy to our little Hope." Emma played with Hope and talked to her. While Killian drove the of the rest way to Boston. Henry told him the directions from the GPS app. Henry turned around watching his Mom interact with Hope. "Mom, are you having fun with Hope?"
"Yes, I am. I am trying to keep her awake as much as possible so she can sleep in the hotel room tonight." She turns to Hope. "Mommy wants you to get a good night's rest so you can be awake for the aquarium tomorrow, Hope." She gave Hope kisses on her head.
"Everyone, we are in Boston."
"Yes we are here!"
Emma clapped Hope's hands,"Yay, we are in Boston, Hope." Henry was amazed by the tall buildings. "Mom, this is Boston from what I remembered when I found you."
"Yes, this is the city where you found me but a different part of the city kid." She turns to Hope. "Hope, look at the tall buildings." Henry found a drive-thru restaurant and Killian ordered for all three of them. Once they parked their car, Emma took out Hope in her car seat wrapped her in her quilt, while Henry got a rolling cart to help unload the car with his Dad. Emma held Hope as they entered their hotel. Killian pushed the luggage cart with Henry. Emma registered for their checking in. "Hi, I am Emma Swan-Jones. I have a reservation in this hotel for tonight to Monday morning."
"Yes. Swan-Jones. 2 adults, 2 children?" Hope began to fuss. Killian went to Emma, "Love, I will take her." He takes Hope.
"Sorry about that. Long car ride."
"That is okay. She is adorable."
"Thank you. Yes, that is us, 2 adults and 2 kids." Emma signed a few forms and gave her credit card information. She was handed 3 hotel keys.
"Enjoy your stay."
"Thank you." Emma walked back to Killian who was holding Hope. Henry got maps and pamphlets of what to do in Boston. Emma handed Killian and Henry their keys.
"Swan, this is a key to our hotel room?"
Emma giggled."Yes, it is. Henry and I will show you how it works. We are in room 504." Killian hands over Hope to Emma. They took the elevator to their floor. Emma showed Killian how they key card works. "Just tap the key card and wait for the light turns green."
"Swan, it is like magic."
Emma giggled. They entered their nice hotel room with a crib already inside for Hope to sleep in. Henry and Killian unloaded the luggage cart, while Emma laid Hope's quilt on one of the beds and let Hope lie down on her back. "Hope, I knew you were in the car for a long time baby girl." Hope moved around on the quilt and Emma moved Hope's little legs and arms for a little bit since she in the car seat for a long time. "You did a very job on your first long car ride Hope. Mommy is so proud of you." Henry brought over Hope and Emma's luggage to their bed. "Mom, here is your luggage and Hope's."
"Thank you, Henry. What do you think of the hotel?"
"I like it. There is a pool on the first floor."
"Maybe we can go swimming tomorrow."
"Awesome. You and I can. I know Dad hates the pool."
"Aye, you two can go and I can stay here with Hope." Hope began to cry.
"Hope, it is your dinner time baby." Henry passes Emma a burp towel as she preps to breastfeed her. "Hope, Mommy has your food, sweetie." Emma lifts up Hope from her quilt and puts Hope in her arms. Hope latched on quickly. "Yes, that is Mommy's good girl." She kisses Hope on her head. "Killian, can you pass me my dinner?"
"Sure, love." He hands Emma's meal to her. She had a cheeseburger with fries. Killian sat next to Emma on the bed. "Do you think Hope will give us a long night?"
"Maybe, who knows. But she did so well in the car ride. She was awake for about half of the 5-hour car ride."
"Mom, I kept her awake with my story and you played with her."
"Yes, kid. We both kept her awake."
"Dad after we are finished with our dinner, can you help me with my homework?"
"Sure, lad. Can you show me what you are working on first so I know how to help you?"
"Sure." He hands Killian his math textbook. "Thank you for helping me Dad."
Emma leans her head on Killian. "See, you are his father."
"Aye, I am." They kiss. Hope made a noise. "Little love, I am your Daddy too." He kisses Hope on the head.
"They both love you." After Hope was fed and burped. Killian held Hope while Emma took a shower, as he was going over math with Henry at hotel room's table. Emma watch her husband holding Hope and helping their son with his math homework when she finished with her shower. She gets Hope out of Killian's arms. "Sweetie, we have to let Daddy teach Henry." She changed Hope into her pajamas. She placed Hope into the crib and Hope began to cry. "Hope, what is the matter baby? You do not like the crib? I know it is not like the one Daddy custom made for you, sweetie." Emma takes Hope out of the crib, she stopped crying. Emma kisses Hope on the head. "You want to sleep with Mommy?" Emma took her pajama shirt off and Hope's pajamas off. She did skin to skin with Hope. Emma placed over Hope's quilt on Hope which was big enough to keep both of them warm. Hope fell asleep as she did skin to skin with her Mommy. "Mommy loves you so much Hope, my baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head and falls asleep. Killian checks on his two loves and kisses them on the head. Henry and Killian reviewed math on the other side of the room. They went to sleep on the other bed to give Emma and Hope space in the other bed.

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