Finally Disciplined

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All Emma can see was chaos around her Mom's hospital room, her little brother screaming his head off, her parents do not know what to do, broken windows, and broken machines. Leo threw the IV holder through the hospital window Emma could not send it. "Leo..." He continued to scream. Emma used her light magic to put him in a chair wrapped up in the rope so he wouldn't escape. "Stop it! You do not scream at our parents like that."
Emma looks at to eye to eye and spoke to him in a serious tone. "You listen to me. You do not hurt other people. You do not ever come into a place like a hospital destroying hospital property and screaming out at our Mom and Dad after hurting our Mom. You do not scream at our parents. You do not hurt Hope and your classmates. Do you understand?!" Leo did not respond and kicked her in the knee. "Dad, why did he destroy the room?"
"Leo got mad that your Mom told him that he is in trouble for hurting her."
"Yes, Emma?"
"Call the dwarfs."
"Leo needs to have a taste of what is it like to be in prison. One night in the jail cell the station and a tour of the real prison will teach him a lesson. The dwarfs will watch him in jail."
"I will call Leroy."
"Emma, he is only five years old."
"Mom, he is five years old and causing so much hurt and trouble at such a young age. He needs to be punished. You and Dad are not disciplining him which is showing since you are not yelling at him for a meltdown, Lily had to call me to help stop screaming. Besides Leo hurting, Hope, you and his classmates. He just destroyed a hospital. As sheriff of this town, he is going to get punished my way. He is five years old. Mom he needs to learn his lessons the hard way, look at your hospital room, it is destroyed. He needs to be punished for it." She talks to Leo. " Leo, you are going to be jail for two days as your punishment and you will get a tour of the real prison if you continue this darkness path."
"I like hurting people."
"Try me." Leo kicked his sister in her knee. "Lily, hand me the handcuffs." Lily hands Emma the handcuffs and she puts the handcuffs on her brother. "Leo Nolan is under arrest for destroying hospital property."
Emma leads her brother through the hospital handcuffed and puts him in the sheriff car. "You want to be a bad boy, you get punished for your crimes." Emma closes the door on her brother.
"Swan, are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Yes, he needs to learn his lesson on his darkness, if he learns his lesson, he will not hurt others or destroy property. My mom is only going to hold his hand and baby him. He just destroyed a hospital room and needs to be punished."
"I know, love. Leo is going to listen to his older sister."
"He will, hopefully."
"He will love. Do you want me to come with you?"
"You are my deputy."
"Aye, I am, love. I will go wherever you need me."
"I will get him to the station. I need to come back to be with Hope."
Snow White rushed out of the hospital. "Emma, you cannot do this."
"Mom, he will be in the station for one night in jail, one day in the station and the next day Leroy and Killian will give him tour of the real prison. He needs to be punished for breaking hospital property. He will learn his lesson, Mom. He is not going to get hurt Mom. The dwarfs will be watching him. Killian, Lily and I will be watching him, Mom."
"Mom, he needs to be punished."
"Mommy, do not make Emma do this."
"Leo, your behavior has been very bad. You do need to be punished. You have to listen to Emma."
"Leo you destroyed a hospital bedroom, you need to be punished. Listen to Emma." She kisses Leo on the head.
"Aye, let's go then, sheriff."
Emma gets in the car and drove Killian and her brother to the sheriff station. Emma escorted her brother to the sheriff station. Emma locked Leo in the jail cell. "Leo, you want to bad choices? You will get the consequences of a criminal." Killian watched Leo. Emma saw one of the dwarfs, Leroy.
"Hey, sis. Why did you arrest your brother?"
"Leroy, Leo has been causing trouble for months. He severely injured my daughter to a point she needed surgery not once but twice, he injured his classmates, he threw a fire truck at our Mom and left her unconscious."
"Snow White is in the hospital. Is she alright?"
"She is awake and in recovery. When our Mom punished him he a had a fit and destroyed hospital property, and screaming his head off."
"Sister, you have me and the rest of the dwarfs because no one hurts Snow white."
"Exactly, Leroy. She is my Mom and his Mom but he needs to learn his lesson. I was thinking can you give him a tour of the prison tomorrow to see what is it like for prisoners?"
"You got a deal sister." They shook hands. "Your brother will be in good hands and we will be tough with him but he is only five years old not too hard."
"Thank you, Leroy." Emma gets a phone call. "Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Mom. Hope needs to be fed and I am having trouble calming her down."
"Henry, your Dad and I will be back from the station in a few minutes."
"Sheriff Station?"
"Yes, Henry. I will explain when we get back." They ended their conversation. "Leroy."
"Emma, we can watch your brother."
"Thank you, Hope needs me. She is in the NICU, she almost died from having a second internal bleeding surgery."
"What happened?"
"Leo fractured her rib hitting her with his fire truck and her fractured rib caused her internal bleeding and then she got sick it caused her more internal bleeding."
"Love, was that Henry?"
"Yes, we need to get back to Hope."
"Aye, Leo is behind bars."
"Killian, me and the rest of the dwarfs will watch him."
"Aye, Lily is going t watch him too, she is doing patrol now." Emma drove herself and Killian back to the hospital. They walk back into the hospital. Killian held his wife's hand. "Are you okay love? You hardly said a word since we left the station. I know by the look on your face that you need to talk, love."
"I am just telling myself that I made the right decision to put my five-year-old brother in jail..."
"Emma he was getting out of control, he had no one telling him what to do or telling him to stop. He severely injured our daughter, his classmates, your mother and he destroyed hospital property, he needed to be punished, love. You are my smart, brave sheriff wife made the right decision." Emma hugs her husband. "Thank you for being on my side."
"Love, I am your deputy and your husband. I know you made the right choice."
"Thank you, again." They kiss. They went back to the NICU seeing Henry holding crying Hope.
"Mom, you are back!"
"Yes, Henry, I am back." Emma takes her crying daughter from her son. "Hope, mommy is here. Mommy is back. Shh...shh...You are with Mommy, sweetie." Hope was gripping her. "I am back, Hopey."
"The nurse gave her another IV after she began crying for food and now she has been crying more ever since. I tried my best."
"I know you did your best, Henry. Hope is in a lot of pain." She sits on the rocking chair with her daughter and nurses her. Hope gave her trouble, she won't let go of her and won't eat. "Hope, you need to eat sweetie. I know you are very hungry." Hope fussed and hugged her Mommy. Emma was in awe. "Hope, baby girl you just want to hug Mommy." Hope babbled. "You are with mommy sweetie. I know you are in a lot of pain. Mommy will make you feel better which I am now. I know you need mommy's hugs." She kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy had to be sheriff for a little while but I am here with you and Henry. You are safe with Mommy, Hope. Mommy is not going anywhere.I am staying with you and Henry." She nuzzles her head against Hope and Hope falls asleep.
Killian smiles at his little lass. "She is fast asleep love."
"I know, I can tell by the way she is breathing on me. Can you fix my shirt?"
"Of course love." Killian gently helps Emma fix her shirt while Hope slept on Emma. "Our little love just wanted her Mommy."
"Yes, she wanted her Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. "After this hectic evening, it is good to be back here."
"Mom, she stopped crying in your arms and fell asleep."
"Yes, kid. Your sister just wanted me. Henry, we are so sorry we took so long. We did not expect to be out that long. It got a little crazy."
"Mom, what happened?"
"We kind of arrested Leo and put him in jail for two nights."
"You put your little brother in jail?"
"At the sheriff station, not the real prison."
"Lad, Leo was out of control. When your Mom and I got to your Grandma's room, Leo has destroyed the room, broke the window and screaming his head off. Your grandparents had no control over him."
"He destroyed the hospital room?"
"Yes, he did, son. Your Mom put him in his place."
Henry smiled. "It is about time. Did you put Leo in his place? How?"
"I got tired of him screaming and seeing the destruction he caused and no one had control of him. I had enough of it, so I decided to take control used my light magic to tied him up to a chair using rope. I spoke sternly to him about not hurting others and ruining the hospital room and threatened him. He kicked me in the knee. I arrested him. My Mom was against it but I am the sheriff and he is going to get learn a lesson on when he does something bad they have consequences."
Henry was surprised. "Wow. You did this Mom?"
"Yes, I did, with the help of your Dad, Lily, and the dwarfs. The dwarfs are taking shifts watching him."
"Mom, you are definitely being sheriff today."
"Yes, I was. I am hoping that Leo will learn his lesson and cause less trouble."
"He needs to stop hurting people. Do you think his time in jail will learn his lesson?"
"Yes, that is one of the reasons why I put him in jail to give him an idea if he continues his dark path and not crying of hurting people."
"Mom, he will learn. I have a feeling that will happen."
"I hope so too, kid. Leroy is going to give Leo a tour of the real prison tomorrow."
"Swan, I think once the little lad noticed what it is living inside of the real prison is like, he will lessen his darkness."
"Didn't I sent you to prison when you were trying to give me my memories back?
"Aye, you did. All I remember is that they fed me a baloney sandwich, whatever that was and I was in jail until you got me out."
"I am sorry about putting you into jail in New York."
"Love, you did not have your memories and I have been too many worst prisons before as a pirate and in Wonderland."
"Really Dad?"
"Aye, the worst one was in Wonderland when Cora was the Queen of Hearts."
"Wow, you worked with Cora after she put you in prison?"
"Yes, I did after you broke the cursed love and all I wanted was to get my revenge but when I met you, you changed my world."
"You changed my world." They kiss.
During the evening, Snow White angrily walks into the NICU room. She slaps Emma on the face.
"What the heck Mom!" Hope woke up wailing. "Hope, Mommy is okay sweetie."
Killian holds Snow White's wrist."Mom.What the heck you could have hurt Hope! She is in recovery from your son! You hurt your own daughter but take it easy on your son!"
"I do not care, you put my son in jail."
"Henry, can you watch Hope?"
"Come, to Henry little sis." Henry takes his sister from his Mom. "Hope, Mommy is a fighter, she can take a hit from our Grandma who is being out of line and unfair to Mommy."
"Why did you slap your daughter? My wife?"
"She put Leo in jail."
"Hope, Mommy will be back soon, sweetie. Do not cry." She kisses Hope's hand. Henry sits down with Hope. "Mommy."
"Mommy is going to be alright little sis."
"Killian, before you hurt my Mom. Let me knock some sense into her."
"I am not going to hurt her even if I want too."
"I will get you an ice pack." He let go his mother in laws arm. "Snow, do not ever hurt my wife ever again. You are mad at her but she was the only one who is disciplining your son who is out of bloody control who is hurting your granddaughter and classmates." Killian leaves the NICU to get an ice pack
Emma talks to her Mom in the hallway far from her family and the rest of sleeping babies. Emma was mad. "Why did you hurt me? You do not hurt Leo?"
"I am mad."
"Yes, I am mad at you and Leo, I do not go hurting him and you."
"You put him in jail."
Emma got mad. "I had it up to here with your denial and Leo's uncontrollable darkness. From what I saw in your hospital room that Leo was out of control and someone needed to be strict with him. You and Dad were just watching him scream his head off after he throws the IV pole out the window, destroying hospital property. He is out of control Mom. He needs discipline from hurting my daughter and his classmates that he thinks is for fun. Hurting other for fun! He is not ever going touch Hope ever again. He is not hurting Hope ever again not my daughter. I have to put him in jail because you could not discipline him. He was out of control and needed punishment. Now he is getting the discipline he needs, staying overnight at the sheriff station and getting a tour of the real prison tomorrow to show where he is going to live in if he continues his bad path of darkness without being disciplined. He is out of the control since no one was being strict with him, as his older sister and the sheriff had to be the one to put him in his place. Do not be mad at me, I told you that he needs help from the beginning but you are in denial and did not listen to me, Allison, Dad, and his school now your son is in jail. He needs help to control his darkness, I was able to and I was the dark one. If he is not going to learn, Leo is not going to be in my family. My children safety is more important than Leo and I am not letting Hope get hurt from him ever again."
"Emma, he is your brother."
"Yes, he is but if he loves hurting my daughter. My daughter means the world to me and I am her mother who will always protect her and be honest with her. Even though I had no parents, I learned how to be a good parent." Hope continued to wail. "If I can be a good parent being honest with my children and get the help that they need when they need it, you can to Mom." She looks in at Hope who was crying.
"Emma, I did not raise you but you are a better parent than I am."
"Mom, if you stop being in denial and accept that Leo needs the help he needs then you can be a good parent. If you continue, Leo is only getting worse." Killian returns with an ice pack.
"Here you go, love."
"Thank you." They kiss. She puts the ice pack on her cheek."My daughter needs me. If you have listened to me earlier, Leo would not have been in jail now, you and Hope would not have been in recovery." Emma leaves her Mom with Killian and gets Hope from Henry. "Hope, Mommy is back, you are okay. Shh...shh...Mommy is here. Mommy needed to tell grandma to face the reality that is all about Leo. Mommy is here. Are you hungry?" Emma nurses Hope. "Yes, you were hungry." She rubs Hope's head. Henry held the ice pack on his Mom's face. "Mom, how is your face?"
"I know where I can fight from, my mom. My cheek is alright with the help of ice it won't bruise."
"It looks like it did hurt."
"It did. I did not expect her to slap me."
Killian walks to his mother in law."You have no right to slap your daughter."
"I am mad that she put her brother in jail."
"Snow, Emma did was right. I saw your hospital room, it was a disaster. Leo needs discipline. The dwarfs and Lily are watching him."
"The dwarfs will let me see him."
"Aye, they are pretty mad at the little prince for causing you to have a concussion, they are on Emma's orders not let his parents visit him."
"Snow White, this is for his own good. Leo needs to realize if he continues his dark path as he been going on it will get worse for him as he gets older. He is only five years old and his darkness is really worse than I was when I became a pirate. Emma has changed my life around, I know with you, Charming, Regina, and Lily on his side, his darkness will be able to be controlled not wild and crazy out of control at it is now. You have to accept Leo has darkness in him and help him. If you do not you will lose your family, your daughter and eventually your son who will have darkness in him and have no love in him."
"Killian, you are right. I do not want to lose my family both of my children. Emma did what we could not do, discipline him and me being in denial of Leo's darkness did not help him made it worse and I do not want to lose my only daughter."
"In order to get Emma to trust you again, is to accept Leo has darkness in him, get the help he needs and stop fighting with your daughter."
"I need to get Leo the help he needs, help him in order to have my daughter back and in time Emma will be in my life again."
"Aye, that is right love."
"How is Hope?"
"Hope is in a lot of pain and she hates the blood transfusions. She loves being held especially by Emma while in recovery."
"I did not raise my daughter but she is a wonderful mother."
"Aye, she is strong like you. I know my Emma, she loves Leo but ever since she found out you were pregnant with him, she felt replaced."
"Like we said in echo caves, I wanted another turn at being a Mom from the beginning."
"Aye, you do not think her magic acted up when Elsa came into town, she was jealous the life you were raising with Leo, she was being replaced."
"Emma loves Henry and Hope equally. She may not have parents but she has experience with bad parents and she learned from her past to not be in denial, be honest, open and be there for your children."
"She is being a better Mom than I am with Leo, all I did was be in denial of his darkness, fight with my daughter and slap her in the face when she was the only one who stopped Leo and disciplined him."
"Emma, got tired of her brother hurting her family which is why he is being punished.
"Yes, son?"
"Hope wants storytime from you." Killian smiled.
"Aye, I will be right in."
"Good. Grandma, my Mom did the right choice by putting Leo in jail to teach him what his future will be like if his darkness continued the way was going. I know that you are mad but you did not have to slap my mom, she is the one who is disciplining him."
"No, grandma. Leo severely injured Hope who needed two surgeries. I almost lost my baby sister a few days ago. Leo is out of control and my Mom was the only one to put him in his place. I did discipline him but he did not listen to me. I do not want Leo to hurt Hope ever again."
"Henry, I am talking with your Dad, your Mom is right."
"You finally understand."
"Henry, Hope has us her family to protect her if Leo ever comes near her to hurt her again. She has us son. You are her personal hero."
"You are right, Dad. Hope, wants a story from you."
"Lad, I will be right in." Henry returns to his Mom and sister.
"Killian, I will let you go. I know this jail time will help Leo's behavioral issues." Snow White leaves. Killian returns to his family. "Swan, how is our little love?"
"Hope's tummy is full, she wants to be held by me and she wants a pirate story from her Daddy."
"Little love, do you want a story?" Hope makes poop. "You need a change than storytime." Emma changes Hope's diaper. Emma and Hope play their special game, to make Hope happy. Hope hugs her Mommy. "Are you comfy little duck?" Hope babbled which made Emma smile. "You are all clean and ready for storytime with Daddy." Emma sits on the rocking chair with her daughter and Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. "Hope, are you ready for storytime?" Hope babbled. "Aye, little pirate. Once upon a time, there was a dashing handsome pirate who was traveling on the Jolly Roger..."
"Dada." Emma and Killian both smiled at each other.
"Yes, my little love, that is right Dada..." As Killian told his tale about his pirate days, Henry draw his family on his drawing pad, his next art project, instead of using his iPhone for a photo he is using his drawing pad to capture his family memory, knowing both of parents are there for them and fight for them when they need them. A few hours later Henry was sleeping and Hope was sleeping around 11:00 pm, Emma was resting with Hope and she gets a phone call from Lily. "Hi, Lily. How is Leo?"
"Can you take a shift? I think he needs his sister. I know your parents aren't allowed in here."
"I will come in now." She ends her phone call.
"Love, what is wrong?"
"Lily wants me to take a shift with Leo."
"Love, do you want to?"
"I did put Lily and the dwarfs on extra hours. He is my brother."
"Love, I know that you made the right decision."
"Me too. I am the only one who is disciplining him."
"You are my love. My beautiful caring love."
"Hope." She kisses Hope on the head. "All of this fighting with my mom and Leo is all because of Leo hurting our daughter."
"You are doing amazing love, las her Mommy."
"I know, I am not going to let anyone hurt our little girl. I went mama bear mode on my Mom after she slapped me in the face." Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. "You do not deserve that slap, you did the right decision putting Leo in jail when he was out of control. You should have been the one hurting her in the face after all the denial she has caused from your brother hurting Hope."
"I will never hurt my Mom. That is why I was surprised and mad when she hurt me. I always think she favorites Leo since she did not raise me..." Emma began to tear up. "I do not understand it, he got our parents and he has darkness...I was alone most of my life, I was still a good person. I turned dark to prevent Regina to be dark even when I was the dark one, I was able to control it. I was still a good person."
"You have a good heart love. Your heart is so full of your family, Henry, and Hope. You are just being yourself and being their Mommy when they need you." Hope fussed. Emma positioned Hope on her, snuggling. "Like right now, with Hope. She loves you so much and knows that you are there for her."
"She knows that I am there for her and Henry. I am not treating them equal, no favorites."
"That is right love, Henry and Hope both know that you are there for them and love them the same, which is showing a lot on our family and how close they are as brother and sister, as our family full of love with honesty and trust."
"Killian.." Emma cried into her husband." He wrapped his arms around his love and let her cry, she needed to cry and he knows she is mad and upset and stressed about her Mom and brother. "Your Mom was just mad and she knows you are an amazing Mom who was fighting to keep our little love safe."
"Killian, I am a good mother and as a daughter...I do not think I am."
"Love. Emma, your parents are so proud of you of how far you have come in your life, you are their daughter with a home of your own, a job and a family, you are successful love. Our two children are proud of you and love you so much. I love you so much, you are my world. Our life together with our two children is what you always dreamt of. We are living your dream together. It may not be perfect but we are together and our children are happy, healthy and have two parents who never leave them."
"I love our life together, you, me, Hope and Henry all of us together. I will do anything for our children and be there for them when they need me. They are never going to experience what I went through being alone and having no home. They will always have both of us and home with us."
"That is right love. They have us and a home that we created together." Hope woke up crying.
"Hope, Mommy got you. What is the matter?" She checks her diaper, clean. "I fed you an hour ago."
"Little love, do you want a story?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "Love, she wants you. I think she heard our conversation."
"I think you are right." She stands up and walked Hope around the room and bounced her and gave her kisses. "Killian, can you call Lily, to tell her that I am not coming to the station? Hope needs me. I am not leaving my daughter."
"I had a feeling you will say that our little loves want her Mommy." He talks to Hope. "Hope, Mommy is not leaving you, little love. Mommy is staying with you." Hope gripped her Mommy.
"Your Daddy is right, Hope. Mommy is here and I am not leaving my daughter who needs me, I am going to give a lot of snuggles, kisses and Mommy and Hope time you need because I know you are in a lot of pain. It is my job as your Mommy to be there for you when you need me the most and all the time." Hope hugs her Mommy. "That is my little Hopey. Mommy is going to give you all the cuddles." She kisses Hope on the head. Henry approaches his Mom and sister. 'Hope, you did wake me up but I love you, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Henry, if you want to join us you can."
"I do feel lonely sitting on the other side by myself."
Emma giggled."I know Hope wants to be with her big brother next to us."
"Love, I will call Lily." He goes into the hall. Emma sits down on the rocking chair with Hope and Henry sat nearby. Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, can I be honest with you?"
"You know you can tell me anything."
"I know, I heard your conversation with Dad about Grandma and Leo, and about me and Hope...Mom, you are our Mom and we love you so much. You are fighting with grandma but you are being our Mom especially when Hope is in the hospital you are on mama bear mode. You did not hit your Mom back when she slapped you. I agree with you Mom, grandma favorites Leo. I know you do not have favorite me and Hope even though you are raising Hope from the beginning but you are treating us equally and I love my baby sister. All I am saying is continue on being you even though it is rough now with Hope, our family is stronger together and being there for Hope."
"Henry from my experience at the foster system is that to treat my children full of love, honesty, and trust. I learned from my experiences by the mean foster parents that I never will treat my children the way I was treated like I was nothing and used for extra money from the government." Henry hugs Mom. "You are our Mom, you are nothing, you are a kind, helpful, and caring person who loves being our Mom every day and love being with Hope and I. You are nothing like the awful foster parents, you did not deserve them. You are with us now and I know when Hope is home we are going to have a lot of one on one time." Hope babbled. "Hope, you are going to be with Mommy and Henry. We are going to play a lot with you, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. "We have the best Mommy ever."
"That is right, Hope. Mommy will always be there for you and Henry." She kisses Hope on the head. Henry kisses his Mom on the head. "I love you, Henry."
"I love you, Mom." Hope babbled. "I love you, Hope."
"Mommy loves you, Hope." Henry and Emma talked until Hope fell asleep at dawn. Henry fell asleep on Emma's shoulder. Killian returned into the room. "Where have you been? I was getting a little worried."
"Sorry, love.I knew Henry needed one on one time with you. I do love seeing our children together with you, love."
Emma smiles. "I would not have this family without you."
"You only had Henry, I came when you were a brave strong Mommy and now you are a Mom of two."
"That because you got my heart to trust a good brave man."
"That is right." They kiss. "I called Lily and she is staying with Leo. I told her that Snow White came. She called her to tell her Leo is alright and she and Charming can pick him up at the prison after Leo gives him the tour in the morning. I forgot to tell you that, Allison told me when you were at home with Henry that Hope can go home sooner than she expected, with her recovery going well."
Emma smiled. "Yes, we can all go home together. When I brought Henry home without you and Hope, it did not feel right our whole family weren't together."
"Love, we are all going home together very soon. I know our two children will be sleeping with us in our bed and watching Netflix together."
"Also together in our second home."
"Aye, I knew I married a pirate."
Emma giggled. "I married a pirate."
"I always knew there was a pirate in you."
"There was a little pirate in me, Hope."
"You are a pirate swan, a survivor, and fighter."
Emma smiled. "You definitely married a pirate, then, captain." They kissed.
Emma gets a phone call from her Dad. "hi, Dad."
"Hi, Emma. I am here with Leroy and Lily, they want me to ask you if you want to bring Leo to the prison for the tour."
Emma gets flashbacks when she was in prison. Killian held his wife's hand knowing something was wrong"Dad, I...I asked Leroy to give the tour. You can go with him Dad."
"I can go with them."
"Just make sure to tell Leo if he continues to act this way and not listen to anyone and cause trouble, he will end up in prison."
"Emma, I will scare him if he does not listen and I will call or visit you later."
"Looking forward to the report, good luck." They ended their conversation, Emma still has her children around her, she hugged Henry and kisses him on the head. She kissed Hope many times on the head, "They are here with me."
"Love, are you alright?" He rubs her knee.
Emma hugs both of her children. "My Dad...he asked me to go to the prison with them to give Leo the tour...after being inside myself, I promised myself not to go back in a prison...that I will be a good person and never go back...Emma began to cry and hug her son and kisses Henry on the head. "I love you Henry so much." Hope fussed. Emma hugs her daughter. "You are with Mommy baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma, you are never ever going back that bloody awful place where you did not belong to go in the first place, Neal was an ass for framing you and never gave you a real apology just excuses. You are my lovely caring brave wife are never going back there. You are going to be with us your family."
Emma and Killian looked down at their daughter and smile. "That is right little love, you will have your amazing Mommy." Hope gripped her Mommy. "Our little lass knows her Mommy is here for her for now and forever."
"Our little girl is very smart. Hope, Mommy loves you so much, baby girl. I will always be there for you." She hugs her daughter.
Allison enters the room, "Hi, Emma, Killian. Hi, Hope. How are you, little niece?" Allison takes Hope from Emma. "Let me see your scar." Emma wakes up Henry. They gather around Hope and Allison as she was being examined. She puts Hope in her incubator. She examined Hope's scar. "You are looking good, Hope. Emma and Killian when was the last time, Hope had her blood transfusion?"
"Yesterday evening around 9:00 pm."
"Hope is looking better with her blood transfusions in her. How was she overnight?"
"Hope was in pain but she was sleeping on me most of the night."
"Emma and Killian, Hope is healthy to go back home today." Emma and Killian both smiled. "She had enough blood transfusion and her new scar is healing properly. She will be in pain but she will recover."
"Hope, Auntie Allison said you can go home." Hope babbled. "Does she need to go to physical therapy?"
"Yes, she needs physical therapy."
"I can take her."
"Mom, can I come to her physical therapy session?"
"Yes, you can, Henry. When you start school again, you can help me with Hope physical therapy at home."
"Actually, i can ask Ms.Jane to do some of her physical therapy sessions at home."
"At home, Allison?'
"Yes, that can happen. Henry can join some of her physical therapy sessions with Ms.Jane at your house. Ms.Jane can bring the toys needed and I know Hope will be happier at home."
"Allison, that is great. I also like to bring Hope to her physical therapy here too, I know Hope will have gun with so many toys to play with."
Allison examined Hope using sonogram machine. Emma held Hope on her lap. "Hope, it is not going to hurt sweetie." Allison looked at the sonogram machine at Hope's blood vessels. "Emma, her blood vessels are clear. Hope, your vessels are healing." Hope smiled. "Emma, Killian and Henry, Hope will be in a lot of pain."
"Aunt Allison, I know Hope want to move around."
"I know, Henry. Hope will be wanting to move around but she will be in pain."
"How about her fractured rib?"
"Her fractured is mostly healed. Now we have to focus on the internal bleeding. You call me any time to ask questions and I will visit Hope. If you need time off Emma, I can watch Hope."
Hope began to cry. "Allison, thank you. I will call you when I need a break. I know Hope is happy to be going home and no more needles." Killian and Henry packed their overnight bags.
"I can hold her." Emma hands over Hope to Allison. "Hope, do not cry. You are going home with Mommy, Daddy, and Henry." Hope hugs her aunt. "I will visit you very soon, little niece. Mommy you and I will have girl talk." Hope babbled.
"Emma, have you heard from your Mom?"
"She came in here mad and slapped me on the face last night."
"What the heck?"
"I arrested Leo yesterday for destroying hospital property."
"No way you did?"
"Yes, I did. I came into my Mom's room, Leo was screaming his head off, my parents did not do anything and I saw the window broken...I lost it, Allison. He had no discipline. Leo was out of control. I ended up using my magic to tie him down onto a chair and spoke to him strict tone and he kicked me. I arrested him and got the dwarfs and Lily to watch him. The dwarfs and my Dad are showing the real prison."
"Way ago Emma, you are definitely showing your women power."
"Yes, I had enough Leo's out of control darkness and not getting punished by my parents." Hope began to cry. "Allison, let me hold Hope." Allison gave Hope back to her Mommy. "Hope, you are with Mommy, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. "Leo's darkness was out of control, no one was stopping him and I got tired of him being out of control, hurting his classmates and Hope. He is not ever going to hurt Hope ever again. I will do anything to make sure my daughter is never going to get hurt from him."
"Hope has a strong fighter Mom who is getting what needed to be done for her and the rest of Storybrooke."
"Aye, Allison, you are right. Hope and Henry have a mother who fights for everyone, especially her children." Killian kisses Emma on the head. "Little love, Dada has a surprise for you when we leave the hospital."
"Killian, you can change Hope into her outfit."
"That I can do love." He takes Hope from Emma. "Little love, we are going home and no more needles." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope."
"Emma, if you need to talk about anything you can always call me."
"We can get together soon."
"Emma, we can do that. I can come over tomorrow."
"Sounds great." Hope began to cry.
"Love, Hope is hungry."
Emma gets Hope from her husband. "Hope, mommy will feed you right now." Emma nurses Hope.
"Allison, how long is Hope recovery?"
"Possible two more months."
"Hope will be in recovery until she is eleven months. Will she have delays of moving around and eating?"
"When Hope gets less pain you and Emma can start puree foods. When she is not on recovery anymore, Hope can try harder foods but for now breast milk and slowly puree food. As for her walking, the physical therapy will help her muscles get stronger and Hope will be able to move around a lot and will be crawling in no time."
Henry sits next to Hope and their Mom. 'Henry, Hope is full. Do you want to hold Hope?"
"Yes." Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Hope, look what I have Pluto." Hope smiles. He gives her the big Pluto and Hope holds it. "Mom, Hope is ready to go home."
"She is ready to go home with all of us." Emma hugs her children. "Hope, we are going home sweetie." Hope babbled. Emma hugs Allison. "Allison, thank you for helping us with Hope. Whenever you need me, call me. You are in our family."
"I am your sister even though we are not related."
" You have saved Hope. We can never be able to repay you." Emma began to cry. "Thank you."
"You are very welcome, Emma. She is my little niece, I was not losing my goddaughter." They hug. Henry brings Hope to his Mom and Aunt. "Hope, are you comfy being held by Henry and your Pluto doll?" Hope babbled. "Yes, you are. I will visit you and Mommy tomorrow." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Aunt Allison, thank you for all you did to Hope and for letting me in here when I was sick. Also, for sticking up for my Mom and sister when Leo and our grandma were fighting."
"I will always fight for my family members especially when they are being mistreated or hurt. You can call me anytime, Henry."
"I know, Hope knows that. Right little sis? You trust Auntie Allison?" Hope babbled. Emma, Killian, and Allison smiled.
"Henry, we need to take Hope home."
"Yes, Mom. Hope we are going home together, little sis." Henry carried Hope out of the hospital with their parents walking next to them holding hands and the overnight bags. Killian gets their car, Henry buckled Hope in. Killian drove his family home. He parks the car by the docks. Killian takes Hope out of her car seat."Little love, look where we are." Hope babbled. "Yes, little love. We are at our second home, the Jolly Roger." Hope babbled.
"Dad, I think Hope is trying to say, "Can we go on the ship?'
"Aye, you are right Henry. Hope we are going on the Jolly Roger, little love." When they got on the shop, Hope fussed in her Daddy's arms. "Yes, little pirate you can move around." He puts Hope on the floor and she scooted around. Emma hugs her husband. "Killian, look at our little pirate moving around."
"Aye, our little pirate loves Daddy's ship."
"Our little pirate is calling me."
Emma giggled. "Go be with our little girl, she wants her Daddy." Killian kneels down to Hope.
"Little love, Dada is here. Where do you want to go?" Hope put her hands on her Daddy's knee. "Do you want to go on the steering wheel?" Hope smiled. "Aye, you can help me steer the ship." Killian takes Hope to the steering wheel. Hope grabbed the wheel. "Hope you are a little pirate."
"Aye, just like dada." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma and Henry took pictures of Hope and Killian Daddy-daughter time. Emma hugs her son. "Henry, this was a great idea. Hope is so happy now."
"Mom, I know my little sister and to make her happy, family time on our second home."
"You were right, Henry. Hope needed the Jolly Roger, she needed fresh air after her being in the NICU for days."
"She is getting it now, fresh ocean air. Hope and Dad are enjoying the fresh ocean air."
"Yes, Killian."
"Our little love is asking for you." Emma smiles and goes by the steering wheel to her daughter and husband. "Hope, Mommy is here. Are you driving Daddy's ship?" Hope babbled. "You are Daddy's little girl, who loves the ocean."She kisses Hope on the cheek which made Hope smile. "How is our little pirate?"
"Aye, she knew to grab the steering wheel once I brought her here."
"She is happy to be on her Daddy's ship."
"Aye, she needed the ocean air, it is in her blood."
"Yes, she is our little pirate." Emma saw Henry drawing. Emma sits next to her son. "What are you drawing?"
"Well, instead of using my iPhone, I been drawing the memories." He shows her the drawing that he had drawn in the hospital, of her Hope and Killian together. Emma smiled big. "Henry, this is amazing. What are you working on now?"
"I can show you. I just began it." He shows his Mom, his drawing pad, of his Mom, Hope, and Dad by the steering wheel. "Henry, you are my very talented son."
Henry hugs his Mom. "Thank you, Mom. I am just happy that we are home and Hope is happy."
"Me too. Henry. We are together." Henry continued to draw, Emma sat next to her son watched her son draw and watched her daughter and husband enjoying being on the Jolly Roger together, her two pirates. They are finally home, their second home. Her family is together, happy and healthy. Even though her daughter is in recovery she is happy and with them which all that matters. Emma heard Hope crying, Killian brought Hope to her and Henry. "Emma, our little pirate wants her Mommy." Killian hands his daughter to his wife.
"Hopey. Did you have fun steering Daddy's ship?" She kisses Hope on the head.
"You are with Mommy, baby girl. I know you had fun with Daddy." Hope gripped her Mommy. "You are with Mommy."
"Little Sis, you can draw with me later? I do need my art assistant."
"Yes, little sis. You can draw with me later." He kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope smiled. "You are the best art assistant and the best little sister ever. I love you, Hope." Hope babbled. "I know, you are saying I love you back. Right?" Hope smiled. Hope fell asleep. "We will draw later after you nap little sis."
"Henry, I know Hope will draw with you later. She needs her nap."
"I know."
Emma gets a phone call. "Killian, can you answer it? Hope just fell asleep." Killian answers Emma's phone. "Hello?"
"Killian, where is Emma?"
"Charming, Hope just fell asleep on Emma. She doesn't want to wake her up. How did the prison tour go?"
"Emma was right. Leroy gave him a tour. Leo was afraid and clung onto me, terrified, that he might end up there as he got older. At the end, I told him if he continues being bad and hurting people he would end up in prison. He ended up crying. I asked him, are you going to listen to Lily and Regina in your darkness lessons? He said, "I can't help it. It is fun hurting Hope. If you hurt Hope, you go to prison."
"Aye, he will learn. For now, Leo is not allowed around Hope."
"I understand. Leo is not allowed around Hope. I do not want Hope to get hurt. Leo is going to get the help he needs."
'Aye, let me know how it goes."
"I will, please tell Emma."
"Aye, I will."
"How is Hope?"
"She got discharged this morning. We are on the Jolly Roger now. Our little love needed fresh air and she is enjoying her Daddy's ship."
Charming smiled. "I am not surprised she is part pirate. I will visit soon."
"Aye. see you soon." They ended their conversation. Killian sits next to his two loves and wrapped his arm around them.
"What did my Dad say?"
"Leo was terrified in the prison tour. He is going to take his darkness lesson more seriously but he likes hurting people."
"He will learn."
"How is our little pirate?"
"She is sound asleep on me and happy to be on her Daddy's ship. She missed her second home and the ocean air."
"That is our little pirate princess."
"Yes, our little pirate, captain." They kiss. They went back to their home when it was getting dark after hours on the Jolly Roger enjoying the open ocean air and being on the boat as a family. Killian did a load of laundry, Henry and Hope did art together after Hope had a bubble bath. Henry helped his Mom give Hope her bath. At night, everyone was dressed in pajamas and in bed. Emma checked on Hope who was sleeping with Henry in his room, who was tried out of drawing. Henry was awake. "How are my two artists?"
"We got some of my recent drawing done. My little art assistant fell asleep. Hope and I will work more tomorrow. I am just happy to be home."
"Yes, Henry. We are all home together." Henry kisses Hope on the head.
"I love you, Hope. You are home with your whole family who loves you so much. We are going to read, play and draw a lot together." He hands over Hope to their Mom.
"Henry, don't go to bed late."
"I am going to bed soon Mom. Night, Mom." Henry hugs his Mom.
"Night, Henry." Emma takes Hope to her room. "Goodnight, baby girl. We are all so happy you are home. You are going to get better really soon." She kisses Hope on the head and puts Hope in her crib. "Sweet dreams, baby girl." Emma goes to her room, Killian was in bed already.
"Hope is in her crib?"
"Yes, she is sound asleep." They cuddled. "Hope had a very busy day, leaving the NICU, being her little pirate self by scooting on your ship and drawing with Henry."
"Hope is happy to be home. I am so happy she is healthy and able to have fun on our second home today."
"She is going to be in pain but she has you, me, Allison and Henry to help her."
"Aye, she is going to get stronger. Pretty soon she will be crawling around here and we are going to chase her around the house."
Emma chuckled. "I cannot wait for that."
"Me too, love." They kiss. "I love you, Emma."
"I love you, Killian." Emma fell asleep in her husband's arms. They were so happy to be home and sleeping in their beds. Home sweet home.

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