The Ugly Duckling

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A few days after Henry's birthday, Hope was having a very rough night. She woke up wailing in her crib. Emma came into her daughter's room, "Hopey, Mommy is here." She takes Hope from her crib, "Hopey, did you have a bad dream?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "Mommy is here." She gave her kisses on her head and takes Hope downstairs, to Killian and Henry in the living room. "Someone is having a rough night."
"Little love." Killian kisses Hope on the head. "Did you have a bad dream?" Hope continued to cry. Thunder and lightning began, which made Hope cry more. Killian gets Hope quilt as Hope was gripping her Mommy. "It is just a rainstorm, Hope. We are safe inside, sweetie." She hugs her daughter. "Mommy."
"You are with Mommy baby girl. I know you are afraid. We get to snuggle all night."
"Hope, we are safe inside, little sis." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek.
"I think she is afraid of the thunder but she was crying before the storm started. I think she had a bad dream."
"Little sis, did you have a bad dream? Or are you afraid to sleep alone in your room?" Hope dug her face into her Mommy's chest. "Hope, it is alright, baby if you are still afraid to sleep alone in your crib, that is alright. Mommy can sleep with you in your crib or you can sleep with Mommy and Daddy." She gave Hope kisses on her head and rubs her back. Killian returns with Hope's quilt. "Little love, Dada has your quilt." He wrapped Hope in her quilt. "Dada is here." Thunder made a loud sound that shook the house, Hope screamed. Emma hugged Hope tighter in her arms Killian wrapped his arms around his and daughter to help Emma comfort Hope. He faces his little lass, "It is okay, Hope. It is just a very loud sound that sounds scary, little love. It is not going to hurt you." He rubbed Hope's back, "You are with Mommy Daddy and your big brother, little love. We all love you. We do not like seeing you afraid little love. We are not on the Jolly Roger in the terrible storm, like last time. We are home and safe all together inside, where we are nice and warm in our house. We are all together, little love. The thunderstorm will be over soon, little love. " Hope looked at her Daddy and grabbed his hook. "Mommy and Daddy are with you and Henry, Hope." He gave Hope kisses on her head. Emma was surprised that he thought of that storm in the Enchanted Forest when they were separated from their children. "Mommy."
"Hope, we are all here with you baby girl because we love you so much. Mommy and Daddy are not leaving you, sweetie. You are safe with us baby girl, no one is going to kidnap you, or the big storm that separated our family. You have Mommy, Daddy, and Henry all here to be with you when you are afraid, baby girl, to make you feel safe and happy." She puts her head on top of her daughters and rubs her back. "You are safe at home with Mommy, Daddy, and Henry." Henry sat next to his Mom and sister on the other side, "Little sis, I know you are afraid of thunder. The last time when it was raining this bad, we were separated from Mommy and Daddy, but we are at home inside where it is safe and we are all together, Hope." Hope stopped crying and still gripping her parents. "It is okay, Hopey. The thunder will be gone soon. You want a story?"
"One story coming up, little sis. I will be right back, Hope." He kisses Hope on the cheek. Henry goes upstairs. "Hope, is Henry going to read you a story?" Thunder and lightning shook the house. Hope screamed. Emma and Killian hold their little girl. "Hope, it is okay..."
"Little love, the storm is almost over. I can tell because pirates can tell when a storm is coming and ending." Hope reached for her Daddy, Emma hands over Hope to her Daddy. Killian hugs his little lass, "You are safe little love, with Daddy, Mommy, and Henry. You give the best hugs, Hope."
"I am right here, baby girl." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "I am not going anywhere." Killian snuggled with his wife, Hope grips her Mommy. "You are with Mommy and Dada, little love."
"Dada." He gave Hope kisses on her head.
"Dada is right here, Hope. I love you, Hope." Hope smiled, which made both of her parents smile. Henry returns downstairs. "Little sis, I have two books."
"Kid, one book only."
"Okay, Hope which book? My book to the Ugly Duckling?" He gave Hope the option and she holds the Ugly Duckling book. "Good choice, Hope."
"Mommy." She shows the book to their Mommy, which made their parents both smile.
"Good idea, little sis. Mommy can read us the story."
"Henry and Hope, I will read you the story." Hope babbled loudly.
"Yes, little love. Mommy is going to read her favorite story. Is it one of your favorite stories?" Hope screamed.
"Dad, that is a yes from Hope." Hope babbled. Henry gave his Mom the book. Hope was sitting on her Daddy's lap and gripping the book. "Hope, let Mommy read the book, little love."
Emma chuckles, "Killian, she is just excited that Mommy is reading to her." She kisses Hope on her head. "Mommy needs to open the book to start the story. Can you let me open the book?" Hope babbles and lets go of the book. "Thank you, sweetie." Emma opens the book and reads the story, "Once upon a time, there was a Mommy and Daddy duck..." Hope stood up on her Daddy's legs and gripped her Mommy. "Little love, you want to see the pictures of the ducklings?" Hope babbled.
"Come here to Mommy, Hope." Killian puts Hope on his wife's lap. Hope touches the pages, "B-b.."
"Book. That is right, baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma continued the story and thunder shook the house and Hope began to cry all over again. Emma hugs her daughter. "It is okay, baby girl. It is okay..." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"Little love, the storm is almost over." He rubs Hope's back. "Dada doesn't like thunderstorms either, Hope." When the thunder stopped, Henry gave back the book to his Mom.
"Little sis, do you want to continue to read the Ugly Duckling?"
"Hope, Mommy will continue reading the story to us." He wipes Hope tears away from her cheek. Emma continued reading the story, with the help of Henry turning the pages. Hope started crying again when the story was over. "I will read to you again, Hope." Emma read Hope the story over and over again until the thunderstorm stopped and the storm passed. Emma kisses Hope on the head. Henry looked down at his sister who was fast asleep on their Mom. "Mom, Hope is fast asleep."
"Yes, we have to let her sleep. The storm finally stopped."
"Aye, I told you that the storm is almost over."
"Yes, two hours later. Hope was crying for three hours."
"We all need sleep, love."Henry gets the book from his Mom and goes to bed. Killian helped his two loves from the couch and they walked back to bed together in their bedroom. "Killian?"
"Yes, love?"
"You knew that Hope was scared of the storm? How? You knew she was afraid because of the storm we went through in the Enchanted Forest."
"Emma, I hate storms as a young lad. The last storm we went through was when we got separated from our children. I hate when our family is apart." Emma hugged Hope tighter in her arms. "I can never forget that storm because I almost lost my true love and I did everything in my power to get you to safety and our children back in this realm." Emma was in tears, knowing Killian is with her forever. "You did everything and you saved me."
"Emma, I love you, I told you love that we are both fighters and survivors. We are not going to be separated from our children."
"I will always have you and you will always have me."
"Aye, you are my brilliant kind-hearted wife." Killian snuggled with his wife and they kiss. The next morning, Emma gets a phone call from her Dad. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Emma. Did I wake you up?"
"Yes, what is going on?"
"We need to check around town if there were any damaged from last night's storm?"
"Oh, I can imagine. I will meet you at the sheriff station Dad." They ended their phone conversation. "Love, what is going on?"
"My Dad needs my help to look for damage around town after the rainstorm from last night."
"Love, do you want me to go with you?"
"Killian, Hope needs one of us to be with her. You and Hope can meet me at the station later. I know our baby girl needs her rest." She puts her sleeping daughter in Killian's arms and kisses her on the head. Emma gets dressed and Killian watches her when she was wearing a bra and jeans. "Swan."
"Yes?" He gives her a look and she gives him a smirk, "You like what you see captain?"
"Aye, you are my hot pirate wife."
Emma lies down and leans on him. "What are you going to do about it captain?" She tugs his shirt.
"This." They make out. Hope fusses.
"We will continue tonight, captain."
"Love, we will see you later." They kiss. She kisses Hope on the head and leaves to the sheriff station. Emma arrives at the sheriff station in her yellow bug seeing her Dad who arrived first. "Hi, Emma. How are you?"
"Very tired. Hope was up crying for three hours straight during the storm all she wanted was me to hold her and read The Ugly Duckling over and over again."
Charming smiles. "I have a feeling it is her favorite story."
Emma smiles. "Yes, it is one of her favorite's Dad. Her favorite is my story, the long lost princess meets the pirate."
"I am not surprised." They both smiled and went to work in the police car and drove around town to see any damage was caused by the rainstorm overnight.
Back at the Swan-Jones house, Henry enters his parents' room seeing Hope sleeping on their Dad. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Henry. Are you tired?"
"I got more sleep after Hope fell asleep. The Ugly Duckling is due at the library today."
"Lad, I can return it on my way to work."
"Great. I am going to visit my other Mom at her office. " Hope wakes up.
"Hi, little love. Did you have a good night rest?" Hope babbled loudly and hugs her Daddy.
Henry faces his sister. "Good morning, Hope."
"Henwy." Henry smiles.
"Lad, I need to change her. You can play with her while I cook breakfast."
Henry gave Hope kisses while Hope makes poop. "Hope!"
"Little love you are just being a smelly pirate." He tickles his little lass and changes her diaper in her room.
"Mommy went to be sheriff early today, Hope. We are going to be with Mommy at the sheriff station later." He got Hope dressed for the day and brings her to the kitchen and let her walk. Henry was chasing his sister all over the house while Killian cooked their breakfast. After breakfast, "Dad, I will see you two later."
"You are going to visit Regina?"
"Yes." Hope babbled. "I will see you later, baby sis." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek as she hugged his face. "Hope!" Hope laughed. "We will play later." Henry leaves the house. Hope and Killian play in the living room, Hope was playing with her toys that light up and sing. She loved sitting with her Daddy and holding his hook. "Little love, you like Daddy's hook?" Hope babbled loudly which made Killian chuckle. "Do you want a pirate story?" Hope makes a lot of poop. "Aye, that doesn't sound too good. You need a new diaper and maybe a new outfit." Hope fusses and went to play with her toys. Killian loved watching Hope play even though she needed a change. Killian checked the time which was for them to head to the station. He changes Hope's diaper and into a pirate shirt and shorts in her room He packed Hopes diaper bag and including The Ugly Duckling book while Hope walked around the room. "Hope, it is time to go to the sheriff station, little love." Hope reaches up to her Daddy.
Killian smile and holds his little love. "Yes Hope up!" Hope smiles. "You and your new words, Hope." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek and carries her outside.
After the patrol, there was no damage from the storm, Emma and Charming got breakfast to go at Granny's and waiting for Regina to talk about the prison update at the station. "How is Leo?"
"Rumplestilskin working with Leo a lot on his darkness. Sociopath makes it more challenging to work with."
"How is home with him?"
"Rough." Emma knows how her Dad and he looked tired and stressed out.
"Dad, if you need a place to sleep, for a break. You can always welcome to my house."
Charming smiles and hugs his Dad. "You will always be my little girl."
Emma smiles. "You are my Dad. You are always welcome at my house. " They hug. "I know my little girl would love you to come over to play."
"If you need me to babysit, I am your man."
Emma chuckles. "Thanks, Dad. Hope still needs to adjust to you...after with Mom and Leo."
"I know. We can start slow steps." Regina arrives with Henry. "Hi, Emma and David. We just came from the prison."
"Henry, you went to the prison with Regina?"
"Yes, I wanted to make sure the ones who threatened our family stays in prison."
"Kid." She hugs her son. "They are not going to get out, your Dad and I made sure of that."
"Miss Swan, I also had an update on Zelena she is tied up on a chair with endless flames, thanks to the magic from Rumpelstiltskin gave to your pirate on Henry's birthday."
"Well he hates your sister as much as my family and I do. She finally gets the punishment she deserves from what all she has done to my family." Henry holds his Mom's hand. Regina had blueprints and showed Charming, Emma, Henry and the rest of the squad her idea of how to improve the prison.
Meanwhile, Killian was walking Hope into town, Hope was babbling to her Daddy, "Oh really? You like ice cream?" Hope babbled. "And granny's?" Hope babbled. "Aye, my favorite place in our house." Hope babbled. "I know, I know it is not part of the main street apart but is part of town. "
"Our home is the best home in the whole town." Hope clapped her hands. Killian smiles and enters the library. "Little love, when Daddy came here to the library for the first time, I came here to scare people then when I got closer to your Mommy I became a nice pirate."
"Dada." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek and made her laugh. Belle carried books to find Killian and Hope in the entrance. "Hi, Killian. Hi, Hope."
"Hi, Belle. Hope say hi to Belle, little love." Hope babbled.
"What can I do for you both?"
"We are returning a book."
"Okay." She goes to the table, Killian gives The Ugly Swan book to Belle. Hope began to cry, "Mommy...b-b...Mommy...b-b-b...Mommy..."
Killian hugs his little lass as she was crying into him. "Hope, don't cry, little love. Shh...shh...I know you love the book Hope but we have to return it. Okay? I know how much you love Mommy reading you the story." Hope just continued to cry.
"Belle, we have to go. I know Hope wants her Mommy. Emma was patrolling with Charming this morning. I know Hope misses her Mommy all morning."
"Hope, don't cry. You are a little reader like your Mom and your big brother." She rubs Hope's back.
"You are with Daddy, little love." He gave Hope kisses. "I know you want to see your Mommy."
Hope cried more. "Mommy...b-b-b....b-b-b..."
"We will see you around, Belle." Killian walks to the sheriff station carrying his little lass and trying to calm her down. They arrived at the sheriff station seeing his swan in a meeting with, Henry, Regina, Charming, Mulan, and Lily. "Mommy..."
Emma sees her very upset daughter. "Meeting needs to be paused, my daughter needs me." She goes to Killian and Hope who was crying for her."Hopey."
"She wants her Mommy." He puts their upset daughter into his wife's arms. Henry went to be with his Mom and sister. "Mommy got you. What is the matter, sweetie?" She kisses Hope on the head and rubbed her back.
Emma knew what her daughter meant something happened to The Ugly Duckling book "Hope, The Ugly Duckling book?" Hope looked up at her Mommy and hugs her more. She looks up at her husband. "Killian? What about The Ugly Duckling book?"
"Hope and I returned the book on the way here."
"Dad, you returned it with Hope."
"Yes, lad."
Emma has an idea of how to cheer up her daughter. "Boys, I know how to cheer up Hope. " She faces her squad. "Regina and Dad, can you both update Killian on the new prison?"
"New prison, swan?"
Emma smiles,"Yes, we are expanding the prison in a separate location. I am tired of these villains getting out and causing trouble." Hope cried more. "Hope, we are going to have Mommy and Hope time." She brings Hope into her office. "Hope, I have something to show you." She puts Hope on her chair and went through her spot where she puts her small black box of what left of her childhood, she showed this only to her husband and her son, now her daughter is going to see it. "Hope." She puts Hope on her lap. "I got something to show. It is a special box that only Daddy and Henry knows of besides me." She opens her box and Hope stopped crying. "You want to know what the box was for baby girl?" Hope looked up at her Mommy. "I will tell you. This box has all of my momentos of my childhood." Hope babbled. "Momento is an object of an event that reminds you of a moment." She shows Hope her glasses, "I wore glasses what I was sixteen years old when I was a runaway." She shows the toy ring, "I got this ring from a quarter toy machine, you put a quarter in a machine and a toy comes out." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. This box is what was left of my childhood besides my baby blanket. I did not have enough toys or a home-like you have. I kept what I can because a lot of toys or other memories got lost when you move around a lot." She kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, the reason I wanted to show you my special box. I want to show you something from the box." She puts the box on her desk and takes out The Ugly Duckling torn pages. "This is my favorite story growing up."
Hope screamed in happiness, "Mommy...b-b-b.."
Emma smiles. "Yes, Hope Mommy's favorite story." She kisses Hope on the head. "You love when I read to you this story." Hope held her Mommy's hand. "I will always read to you, baby girl. Always." She hugs Hope. Hope grabbed the pages. "Hope, be gentle. The pages are old. Do you want me to know why I only have the pages and not the book?" Hope babbled and looked up at her Mommy. "Once upon a time, Mommy was in a bad foster home. I always love reading books and this story The Ugly Duckling was my favorite. The story was about a duck that did not fit in and was all alone in the world, like I was. The book was full of fairy tales like Henry's book. I borrowed the book from the school library one day. I could not put the book down, the ugly duckling reminded me of me someone wo did not belong and out all alone in this world and unloved like I was." Hope babbled and hugs her Mommy." Emma smiles. "When I came back to my foster home with the book, my social worker was there. That was a bad sign for me Hope because when a social worker comes meant that a foster like I was, you were being taken away from another home to put into another bad home or a group home. I went up to pack my garbage bag to pack my belongings. I knew I had to return the book. I tore the pages and put it in my garbage bag, I kept ever since. I almost used the paper to create a fire when I run away from my bad new home and lived on the streets. August told me to not destroy them and lead me to the police station. I changed my last name to swan. Now you know why my last name is Swan and why The Ugly Duckling is my favorite book. You and Henry are my little ducks and I am the Mommy duck. " Hope smiles and hands the pages to her Mommy. Emma was in awe, that Hope understands her story and smiled. "Thank you, Hope." Hope babbled. "You want me to read the story to you?"
Emma chuckles. "I will read the story to you. Once upon a time, there was a Mommy and Daddy duck..." Killian saw his wife showing Hope her box of memories of her past and reading to their little lass through the window. He took pictures of Emma and Hope's mother and daughter moment. Charming stand next to Killian. "Let me guess, Emma, calmed down Hope."
"Aye, Emma is doing that. She is being an amazing Mommy to Hope, making our little lass happy." They watched Emma reading to Hope the pages. Emma read the pages to her daughter until she fell asleep. "I will always read to you, baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian enters the room, "Hey."
"Hi, love. I saw you showing Hope your special box."
"Yes, I showed her my memories of what is left of my childhood and the special pages." Killian smiles seeing the torn pages. "You showed Hope the pages?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, Hope now knows the meaning of part of her last name and why I love the Ugly Duckling. She understood my past." She kisses Hope gently on her head.
Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. "Aye, she understands her Mommy. I know you and I are not going to let Hope have a bad past as you and I went through love." He kisses her on the head. "Hope is going to have everything that we did not have as children loving parents who always protect her and care for her." Violet and Sir Morgan arrive at the station. Henry enters the office. "Mom, Dad Violet, and Sir Morgan are here. They want to talk to you, Mom."
"Of course."
"Love, I will take Hope to my desk." Emma kisses Hope on the head. He takes Hope from his wife and takes her out of the office. Emma cleaned up before letting Violet and her father in. "Come in." They entered the room. "Hi, Violet and Sir Morgan. You two can take a seat. I have to clean up. Sorry for the mess."
"Emma, I know Hope is here. It is alright."
"Killian and I bring Hope to work with us." She sits down. "What can I do for you both?"
"Please call me Emma, Sir Morgan."
"Okay, Emma. I want to press charges against the security guard who kidnapped my daughter."
"The security guard was under a spell."
"He still kidnapped my daughter and got her heart taken out."
"Yes. I will be right back." Emma leaves the room to Regina and Henry, "Regina."
"Yes, Emma."
"Violet's father wants to press charges to the security that kidnapped Violet."
"He was under a spell."
"Yes, I know. I told him that but he still wants to press charges on the man." Charming and Killian come by, "Love, Sir Morgan wants to press charges to the security guard?"
"Yes, the one who kidnapped Violet. It was not his fault, he was under a spell."
"Emma, he just wants to protect his daughter."
"Aye, he wants to make sure Violet won't be kidnapped and used for evil deeds again." Hope fusses. " Shh...shh.." Henry takes Hope from their Dad and sat at his Dad's desk.
"I just feel that it is not the man's fault, it was not his choice. He was in control of his mind."
"Emma, I know dark magic. He was not in control like Violet was.."
"But I feel like we should charge him because he did kidnap Violet but I am torn, it is not his fault but it is." Killian rubs his wife's back.
"Love, listen to what your gut is telling you. You know what is the right thing to do."
"You are right." She holds his hook hand. "We are going to press charges against him. I will tell Violet and her father. Dad, can you arrest the security guard?"
"Yes, I will. I just need his name."
"I will be right back."
"Mom. What is the wifi password?" Hope was awake sitting on Henry's lap. "I have a few shows on my iPad for Hope to watch to distract her from the case."
"Right." She gets Henry's password and types the code. Hope babbled. "Hope, are you going to watch a show on Henry's iPad?" Hope babbled. She hands her son back his iPad.
"Swan, when did we get wifi here?"
"I installed wifi here about three years ago."
"I have been using my phone data at work this whole time."
Emma chuckles. "I will put the wifi code on your iPhone too, captain." She puts the code.
"Thank you, love."
"You are welcome." They kiss. Henry puts on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Hope screamed. Emma chuckles, "Henry, you know how to make Hope happy."
"I love making Hope happy. She is my little hero after all." Hope babbled.
"I will be inside with the case." Emma enters her office, "Sorry about the delay, Violet and Sir Morgan." She sits back down. "Sir Morgan, we decided to press charges against the security guard."
"Great. What do we have to do?"
"Well, first we need to hear Violet's statement again." She goes to her file drawer and takes out a pack of papers. "For you Sir Morgan, I need you to fill out these forms for me."
"That is not a problem at all, Emma." Sir Morgan fill out the forms.
"Violet we can talk in another room." She looks out the window and sees Killian.
He comes over to his wife, "Swan is everything alright?"
"Yes, Sir Morgan is filling out the forms to file the report. I need to hear Violet's statement in another room. How is Hope?"
"She is watching Pluto and playing with Henry. Mulan and Lily are doing patrol. Regina is waiting for you."
"Oh right...the new prison...Killian, I need the dreamcatcher from home. So I can see who the man kidnapped Violet."
"Aye, I can get it from home for you."
"Great, thank you, deputy."
"Your welcome, sheriff." They kiss. "I will be back." Emma guided Violet to the interrogation room, she hears Hope crying.
"Emma, I can calm down Hope." Regina goes to Henry and Hope who was crying and hugging her brother while standing up on his lap. "Hope, are you protecting Henry from Violet?"
Regina smiles. "You are doing great at protecting Henry, just like your Mom."
Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope you are my little hero." Hope hugs her brother. "You give the best hugs and my little protector. You protect me and I protect you." Hope babbled and hugs him tighter, wrapping her legs around his stomach. "Hope, too tight, little sis." Regina giggles. "Little sis, do you want to play in our playground? Or go to the beach? Or walk in town?" Hope babbled. "We can walk into town." Hope babbled.
"Henry, I will tell Killian and Emma where you two are going."
"Thanks, Mom. I know Hope needs fresh air and a place to run around."
"Just watch Hope."
"I know, I will carry her or hold her hand when we walk. I will call my parents it anything happens."
Henry gets his sister's diaper bag and carries his sister. "Henwy." Hope makes poop.
"Hope." Hope laughs.
"Very funny." He changes Hope's diaper and takes her out of the sheriff station to the town.
Emma sat down across from Violet. "Now, Violet. I need you to tell me what happened."
"I was at the stables riding Pumpkin. As I was leaving I was knocked on the head and passes out."Emma writes down Violet's statement. "The next thing I know I was in a prison cell...Medusa and Zelena were working together and another witch...someone gave Zelena the spellbook even though she doesn't have magic she can still take out Violet's heart and control me..." Violet began to cry, Emma stops writing and places her hand onto hers, "You are doing great, Violet. Take your time. I am not in a hurry."
"I told them that I do not want to do Henry and his family are my friends..." She stops for a moment to breath, "Zelena said to me in a threatening way, "You do as we say...there are many witches in here, I may not have my powers but others do have their magic to use on you which is why they have your heart...The next thing, I was being hit again and end up in the woods by the town." Emma knew Violet was keeping something from her. "I will be right back." She finds Killian by his desk."Killian?"
"Yes, love. I have the dreamcatcher. Henry and Hope went on a walk into town."
Killian knew something was wrong with his wife."What is it, love?"
"When you were controlled by Rumpelstiltskin, were you aware the whole time what you were doing?"
"Yes, I remembered everything. He was controlling my heart but he did not control my mind. Do you think Violet is hiding something?"
"I know that she is not telling the whole truth."
"Love, I can talk to her, I know how a villain controls your heart. I will get her to talk."
"I am your deputy, swan."
"Thank you, deputy. First, let's see who is the one kidnapped her." Charming and Lily gathered around Emma to see the dreamcatcher. She used her light magic and saw Violet's memories, not one clue on what the security guard looked like. "Swan, the witches know who the lad is."
"Emma, I can go to the prison to the witches with Lily."
"Okay, Dad. Before you two go, from Violet's story, besides the security guard we need to press charges on Zelena and the witches." Charming and Lily leave to the prison.
"Swan, I can interview Violet more to see what else they had done to her but I agree we need to charge them too." Killian enters the room, "Hi, Violet."
"Hi, Killian. Where is Emma?"
"Aye, Emma wanted me to talk to you, love. I know how you feel Violet, the Crocodile, Mr. Gold, he took my heart to control me. "
"Aye, I know when your heart is being controlled by that crocodile to steal other fairies magic including my wife but I prevented Emma for not getting rid of her magic. I was stopping Emma for giving up her magic, the crocodile tricked her into getting sucked into a magical hat but Elsa stopped her and he took my heart. Emma knew I was not myself when the crocodile told me what to do and what to say. Belle stopped him from crushing my heart and Emma gave me my heart back. Violet, you need to tell me everything of what the witches did to you." Emma smiled watching her Killian being a caring deputy and telling Violet story of Rumpelstiltskin using him when they began dating. "Killian, I had no control felt like my body and mind were two separate places and had no control."
"Violet, what did the witches did do to you? I know you are not telling me the whole truth. Those evil magic women are not going to hurt you or ever going to get out of prison." Violet stays quiet, Emma enters the room and sits next to her husband. "Violet, we need to know what happened so the witches can get the punishment they deserve."
"I will tell you both what happened...only if you promise me they get in trouble."
Emma faces Violet and holds her hand. "Violet, you are not in trouble here. They are going to get the punishment that they deserve. You were being used by them and they hurt you. It is my job to protect everyone in town. The ones who used you to hurt my family is going to the punishment that they deserve." Killian saw Emma being her sheriff and kind self all at once wanting to protect the town and their family. "Emma, it was all Zelena threatening me and scaring me and forcing me to hurt you all. She...she wanted me to strangle Henry and you...the other witches listened to Zelena, she promised them to get them out...She wanted me to hurt you all and other witches threatened me by hurting my heart."
Killian put his hand on top of Violet's, "My wife and I will get them, Violet. You are not going to get from then again." Emma and Killian looked at each other knowing they are going to get Zelena and witches from all of what they have done. Emma walks with Violet back to her office and tells Sir Morgan about pressing charges to Zelena and the other witches which he agreed on and they left the sheriff station.
Charming and Lily returned to the sheriff station with the security guard and put him in an interrogation room. "His name is Derek, he was a guard in the Enchanted Forest." Emma observed her Dad's interview with the man. "Tell me what you know about Zelena."
Killian and Regina join Emma listening in. "I can tell you about Zelena only a deal."
"What is the deal?"
"You do not charge me for what I have done to the girl. I need a new job. Zelena knew I was going to report her."
"Depends on what you tell me."
"Zelena has an underground group of villains that work for her and want revenge on the heroes. They would meet in a room to plan ways to get back at the heroes."
Emma needs to know what Zelena was up to, she went into the room, "Tell me everything you know about Zelena's right now. She threatened the town and my family for far too long. I need to know every detail got that?" Derek nods his head and told her everything.
"I know you are telling the truth. You are going to get a new job. The mayor is right outside and related to Zelena but nothing like her. She will get you a new job far away from the prison."
"Thank you, savior."
"You are welcome. As long as you tell us the truth, we keep our end of the bargain."
Henry and Hope returned from the town, Hope just wanted their Mommy. Killian heard Hope's crying, "Regina, the kids are back."
"I will update on what you missed. I have a feeling we are going to need this prison sooner than expected."
Killian finds his two children by his desk. "Little love." He takes his lass from his son. "Hope."
"Hope wanted to come back. We are with Daddy, Hope. Don't cry." He bounces Hope up and down.
Belle entered the sheriff station, "Hi, Killian, Henry, and Hope."
"Hi, Belle."
"Hi, Grandma."
"Hi, Henry. I am here to Hope a little gift."
"Hope, Belle is here to see you, little love." Hope was still crying.
Belle faces Hope. "Hi Hope, I have a gift for you." She shows Hope The Ugly Duckling book. Hope stopped crying and smiled. "This book is for you, Hope."
"Yes, Hope Mommy's favorite story. Mommy can read us the book." Hope gripped the book.
"Hope, say thank you to Belle for giving you the book." Hope babbled.
"You are welcome, Hope. I know you are going to love being read to by your Mommy." Hope smiled.
"Grandma thank you for the book. I know I am going to read this to Hope, a lot." He takes Hope from their Dad."Hope, I will read to you." He carries Hope to their Mom's office.
"Belle, Hope loves that book."
"That is why I gave it to her. I felt bad when you returned the book this morning. I can see how much Hope loved the book."
"Are you sure Belle..."
"Yes, Killian. The book belongs to Hope now."
"Aye, it is Emma's favorite story and Hope too."
"I am glad to make Hope happy. I saw you being an amazing Dad to Hope."
"Thank you, Belle. I will always be there for her and the rest of my family." Belle leaves the sheriff station. Emma, Regina and Charming return with Derek. "Swan."
"Killian, we are releasing Derek. He told us everything we need to know about Zelena and her underground group of villains."
"Aye, he is telling the truth."
"Yes, he is. We just need to work on this new prison to separate Zelena and her group of villains." They joined Regina, Charming, Lily, and Mulan to planning on building the new prison and where. Henry hears their Mom. "Hope, Mommy is back. Do you want to show her the book?" He leads Hope to where their Mom was standing and gives Hope the book. He watched as his little sister was walking over to their Mom and pats the book onto her legs. Emma felt the pats on her leg and looks down seeing Hope holding The Ugly Duckling book, "Mommy." Emma smiles down at her daughter and kneels down to face her little girl who was very happy. "Hope, what do you got there?" Hope shows her Mommy the book.
"Mommy's favorite story?" Hope babbled. She holds Hope on her hip. "How about we call it, Mommy and Hope's favorite story? Do you like the sound of that, Hope?" Hope babbled loudly which made her Mommy smile while Killian watched his beautiful caring Emma being an amazing Mommy to Hope.
Henry joined his sister and Mom. "Mom, Belle dropped by and gave Hope the book as a present."
Emma gave Hope a big smile. "Did Belle gave you the book?" Hope nods her head. "I know I am going to be reading this book to you all the time now." Hope hugged her Mommy.
Killian takes the book from his little lass, "Dada has your book, little love."
"Killian, Belle gave Hope the book?"
"Aye, she saw how much Hope loved the book and upset when we had to return it."
Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you tired being little sheriff today?" Hope dug into her Mommy's chest. "Hope, we are going home, baby girl."
"Yes, Hope. Home."
"Mom, I will get Hope's diaper bag packed." Henry goes into her office.
Killian knew his wife was tired from working a long day. "Love, do you want me to order in pizza when we get home?"
"Yes, that will be perfect after a long day of work." Hope cried more. "Hopey, we are going home. I know you are tired and you want to cuddle with me while I read you The Ugly Duckling."
The squad saw what was going on. "Emma."
"Yes, Dad?"
"I can plan with Regina on the new prison. I know Hope had a long day. You need to rest you been working with me since this morning."
"Thank you, Dad. Can you text me updates?"
"Yes. Or I can come over tomorrow and update you."
"Sounds like a plan." Hope cries more. "Killian, we need to take Hope home."
"Aye, swan." Henry has the diaper bag and his backpack. They took the yellow bug home altogether. Hope was still crying, "Swan, I will sit next to our little lass." She puts Hope in her carseat. "We are going home, baby girl. We are going to have dinner." Hope cried more. "Hopey."
"Love, I will drive." Emma sits in the back with Hope. Henry sat next to his Dad while he drove them home. She takes Hope out of her car seat and nurses her after they went up to her room. "You just needed Mommy's milk. We are at home. Mommy is tired too."
Killian ordered in pizza for the family. Hope was fast asleep on her chest. Henry enters the room, "Mom how is Hope?"
"She is sound asleep. I am pretty sure she was just hungry and tired."
Henry put his head on his Mom's shoulder and she puts her head on his head. "Are you okay Henry?"
"What did you find out today from the security guard?"
"He told us that Zelena is running an underground group of villains who want to destroy the heroes."
"Henry. Your other Mom and I are working with your Dad and rest of the squad are building a new prison. We are going to put Zelena and not as evil villains to another prison and separate her team."
Henry hugs his Mom. "You really are keeping the town safe."
"I am doing my job as your Mom to protect you and Hope from danger. It is also my job to protect the town from villains too but you two are my first priority." Henry hugs his Mom and sister, know they are safe. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you, too, Henry." She kisses him on the head. "Thank you for watching Hope today."
"You are welcome. I took Hope into town and we walked around until Hope wanted you and Dad. After my other grandma gave Hope the book, I read the book three times to Hope until you were finishing questioning the security guard."
"I know you and I are going to read the book all the time."
"She takes after you, she loves The Ugly Duckling."
"She sure does, kid." Hope woke up. "Hi, baby girl." Hope was happy. "Did you hear Mommy and Henry talk about you?" Hope babbled.
"Hope, do you want to play with me?" Hope crawls to Henry. "Mom, I will take Hope downstairs. You need to rest."
"Thank you, Henry." Henry brings Hope downstairs to play. Emma fell asleep. Killian Henry and Hope ate dinner in the kitchen. After dinner, Killian bathes Hope and Henry read her a story from his storybook in his room. Killian brought up a slice of pizza for his wife, he knew she had a very long tiring day being sheriff. He kisses her on the had, Emma, wakes up smiling seeing her husband. "Hey, you."
"Hi, love." They kiss. She sits up on the bed and ate her pizza.
"Did you and the kids eat already?"
"Yes, love. I know you need to eat." He sets his wife's tray by their bed and cuddled with his wife, "You did amazing today love being Mommy and sheriff today."
"Thank you. You are my deputy and a great daddy today." She hugs him. "I would not have done all of this parenting and working as a sheriff without you on my side."
"Somehow you were mommy and sheriff today with Hope."
"I love being her Mommy. I knew that she needed me when you brought her to work. Plus now my whole family knows about my past box."
"Hope loved seeing your box with the Ugly Duckling pages." Emma smiles. Henry walks behind his sister who was holding the Ugly Duckling book. "Mommy."
"Aye, I have a feeling that Hope wants her Mommy to read her favorite story."
Emma chuckles and leans onto Killian. "I do not mind, reading to Hope, I love reading to our little duckling."
Hope was at the side of her parent's bed."Up!"
"Yes, little love, up!"
"Hope, you have a new word!" Hope babbled.
"Lad she said up this morning when it was time to leave for work. Now you and your Mom know."
"Hopey. You want me to read to you?" Hope reaches out to her Mommy. Henry puts Hope on their Mom's lap. "Mom, I read to Hope your story and the Ugly Duckling five times today. Your turn."
Emma smiles knowing Henry was being a great big brother to his sister. "I will read to your sister, kid."
"I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Henry." Henry hugs his Mom and goes to his room.
Hope hugged her Mommy. Emma pats her daughter's butt, "You need a change, baby, before storytime." Hope began to cry. "You need a change baby girl." She changes Hope's diaper as Killian held his little love's hand. "Dada is here. Mommy is going to change you and you will be all clean, Hope." She chews on her Daddy's hook.
"She loves her Daddy's hook."
"Aye, she just wanted to be held all day. I think she is teething love."
Emma rubs Hope's cheek. "Hopey, is another tooth hurting your mouth?" Hope looks at her Mommy and reaches out for her Mommy's hand and grips it. Killian holds Hope in his arms. "Mommy will read you a story while you chew on Daddy's hook." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Hope hugs her Daddy.
"You can be with Dada little love." Henry hugs his Mom and goes to his room.
They went back to their room and got Hope comfy. Emma read to Hope their favorite story, "Once upon a time there was a Mommy and Daddy duck..." Hope fusses.
"Little love, do you want your Mommy?"
"Come to mommy, little duck." Killian puts Hope on his wife's lap.
"You can hold my hook little love." Hope chews on her Daddy's hook as her Mommy read to her their favorite story until Hope fell asleep in her arms.
"Sweet dreams, baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head and puts the book on the side.
Emma smiles, "Yes, she loves me reading to her. I will do anything for her."
"She has you her amazing Mommy."
Emma smiled. "She has you and me, Killian her parents. We are never going to leave her." He wrapped his arm around his wife.
"You and I will always be here for Hope."
"That is right, captain." Emma yawns. "I have you on my side."
"Aye, that is right my swan, I have you my beautiful wife on my side who is an amazing Mommy to both of our children."
"I love you, Killian."
"I love you, Emma." Emma fell asleep in her husband's arms and with Hope on her fast asleep. She is going to keep the town safe with Killian's help to keep their children safe. Even with the villains, nothing was going to stop her from keeping everyone safe, her job as a hero and most important of all, Henry and Hope's mother. Killian watches his true love sleeping on him, he is going to protect his wife and his two children from the villains in this town. He promised himself when he married his true love that he will always protect them and their family will never be torn apart. He falls asleep knowing his two loves are safe in his arms.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now