Sailing Adventure Family of Four

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With the help from Snow White of watching Hope in the mornings, made a huge difference for the sleep-deprived new parents Emma and Killian, they were able to get more sleep. Henry was excited for the weekend, getting to spend the first weekend with his baby sister, by staying over not leaving at night. Killian and Emma were relaxing in the living room, cuddling with Hope in Emma's arms. "I was thinking love, since Hope is a week old and it is Henry's first weekend with Hope, maybe we can have a family outing on the Jolly Roger."
"That is a great idea. I felt like we have not been outside in a long time." Emma looks down at Hope, "Hope, do you want to go on Daddy's ship? We can watch daddy and Henry drive the boat. Would you like that?" She kissed Hope little cheeks. Hope gurgled.
Killian talks to Hope, "Daddy can show you your pirate side little lass."
"I think Hope is looking forward to it and I definitely am." They kiss.
Henry comes home. "Mom, Dad."
"We are in the living room, Henry."
Henry enters the living room. "Hi, Mom, Dad and Hope."
"Hi, Kid."
"Hi, son. We were planning a little getaway tomorrow for all 4 of us, on the Jolly Roger."
"That sounds awesome. Mom, can I hold Hope?"
"Sure, you can." She talks to Hope, "Hope, Henry is home for the weekend, baby girl." Emma hands over Hope to Henry. "Hi, Hope." He sits down on the couch, kissing her little hands. "Lad are you ready to show skills to Hope and Mom tomorrow?"
"You bet I am. Mom, I am getting better at sailing."
"I know you are. Since we are going sailing tomorrow, I better pack her diaper bag now." She bends down to Hope, "Hope, be a good girl for Henry." She kisses her on the forehead and goes upstairs. Emma goes to Hope's room and began to pack, "Extra diapers, wipes, baby powder, outfits, changing mat, hat, baby suntan lotion and bibs...Oh a baby transfer holder for me." Killian comes to Hope's room. "Swan, you got everything for our little Hope?"
"Just about everything, I need to figure how to use the baby carrier. I think that is the best way to hold her on the ship."
"Aye, if you want to you both can lie down or use to breastfeed, you two can always use my captain quarters."
"That will be great. If she is like you, she is going to love the ship."
"Aye, she will." They kiss. "I will make our lunches for tomorrow. Come, downstairs love, I want to show you something." They both go downstairs into the living room, seeing Hope on her play mat with Henry lying next to her. He was showing her the toys on her playmat and how they work.
"Aww, they look like they are having so much fun."
"Aye, they are. Let's see how tonight goes when Hope keeps everyone up." They both laugh and cooked dinner together. They hear a bang and heard Hope crying. They rush to the living room. "Henry, what happened?" Emma rushed to get Hope and checked for any injuries.
"Dad, part of her play mat fell."
"Did the play mat object fell on Hope?"
"No, it did not fell on her."
"Mommy got you, Hope. Shh...Hope, you are not hurt, baby. You were scared of that noise baby. You are okay.." Emma kissed Hope and rocked & bounced her and rubbed her back until Hope calmed down.
"Mom, I am sorry."
"Henry you did not do anything wrong."
"Mom, I accidentally yanked on the top of the toys and that is how it fell, away from Hope."
"Henry, it was an accident."
"Lad, it was an accident. You did not injure her."
"Can I apologize to her?" Emma gave Hope to Henry. "Hope, I am so sorry that I got you scared little sis. Do you forgive me?" Henry gave her his finger and she put it in her mouth. "I guess that is a yes." They all laughed. Hope began to cry. Henry hands over Hope to their mom.
"Hope, are you hungry baby girl? Let's get you fed." She kisses her and brings Hope upstairs. "Lad, want to help me make our lunches tomorrow and dinner?"
"Sure." While they were cooking, "Dad, you are not mad at me?"
"Henry, I am at mad at you son, it was just an accident son. Your sister is not hurt."
'I know but I still feel awful."
"Lad, we all mistakes and we learn from them."
"I will be right back, I want to check up on her." He goes upstairs to Hope's room seeing his mom rocking Hope in the rocking chair. "Hope, are you excited to go on daddy's ship tomorrow? You are going to see how Daddy and Henry drive the ship. It will be fun. When you are older you are going to learn how to run the ship." She gives Hope tiny kisses on her cheeks.
"Mom, how is Hope?"
"She is not injured Henry, she is happy now and fed." Emma bends down to Hope, "Henry is here baby. You want Henry to hold you, sweetie." Emma lets Henry sit down on the rocking chair and hands over Hope to him.
"Hope, I am looking forward to tomorrow sailing, I know you're only a week old but you are going to love it. Daddy is the best teacher. Give Mommy and Daddy sleep tonight."
"Henry, this little girl has not given me or your Dad any sleep yet. You will be hearing her crying all night."
"I do not mind, I just want to be around her, that is all." Hope gurgles. Henry kisses Hope on the head. "I love you little Hope."
Hope begins to cry. "Hope, what is the matter?" She gets Hope from Henry's arms. "Do you need a change?" She sniffs her. "Yes, you do sweetie. Do not cry, I am about to change you." Emma changes her. "You are a clean baby girl." She wraps her in her duckling swaddler. "Mom, I am going to help Dad in the kitchen." He goes downstairs.
Emma brings Hope to her room and relaxes in her bed. "I love holding you baby girl. I love our snuggles." Hope began to fuss. "Hope, what is the matter, baby?" Emma unwraps the swaddler and puts Hope on her chest. "You just want to feel Mommy?" she kisses her on the head. "I love you, my little pirate princess...I have an idea of what you are going to wear to your first pirate adventure tomorrow."
Hope gave Emma and Killian long night. Henry wanted to help, Emma gave in at 4:30. "Hope, you are keeping your brother awake." Emma gives Hope to Henry. He sat nearby his parents and held Hope until she fell asleep. "Sleep dreams little sis." He kisses her on the nose and put her back in the cradle. He went back to bed.
Killian got up early and began to pack supplies and their food for the day packed in the cooler in the kitchen. He goes back upstairs to get Hope before she wakes up Emma. "Little lass, do you want to help daddy to prepare for our pirate adventure?" Hope gurgles and moves her hands. Killian kisses her on the head and they went downstairs. Killian shows Hope on what they usually pack for their sailing adventure. After he puts Hope in her moving chair so he can cook the rest of the family breakfast.
Henry comes down to the kitchen, "I woke up to the smell your bacon." Henry sees Hope happily in her moving chair. "Good morning Hope, are you having fun in your chair? Are you watching daddy cook?" He gives her a kiss on the head and sat by Hope's chair.
"Henry, this is our usual routine, I bring her down here in the morning to let your mom sleep in more. She loves watching me cook."
"Mom was not kidding when newborns keep up everyone in the house."
"Aye, your sister does."
"Now, I understand why she wants me to sleep at my other mom's house during the week."
"Aye, your mom was right. Hope will be keeping us up all night for the next few months."
"Isn't grandma helping during the day? I do not see her by the high school in the mornings."
"Aye, she helps out in the mornings by watching Hope so your mom mostly can get extra sleep."
Emma wakes up and goes down the kitchen to see her family. Killian and Henry are talking in the kitchen and Hope were in her chair. "Morning boys, morning baby girl."
"Swan, you are up?"
"Yes, I am." She kisses him on the cheek. "Something smells good."
"Hope, this is the beginning of pancakes."
"Henry!" They all laughed.
"Sorry, Mom. I could not help it, mom."
Emma bends down to get Hope. "Baby girl, mommy was not mad at your brother." Emma turns to Henry. "Are you ready for sailing?"
"Yes, I am. I just need to get dressed."
Emma holds Hope while Emma ate her breakfast. "Do not worry baby girl, you are going to get the milk version of this soon. Did you have fun with Daddy?" She kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope loves her morning with me. "
"Are you excited that we get to go sailing with Hope?"
"Yes, I love to show little Hope the ropes of sailing. Do not worry little Hope, when you are older you can sail for now you can watch Daddy and Henry." He reaches to hold Hope's hand and she takes his finger and puts it in her mouth. "Little lass, is my finger yummy?" They both giggled. After Emma finished her breakfast, she got Hope ready for their sailing adventure. Emma chosen her outfit, a onesies with hooks and pirate on them, a little yellow bow headband with her duckling swaddler. "Hope, you are all dressed. Now, you are coming with me so I can get dressed." Emma placed Hope in her cradle while she got dressed for sailing. Emma wore a light blue button down long sleeve and maternity jeans. Hope began to cry, "Hope, are you hungry? Come on, you need to eat before we go on Daddy's ship." Hope quickly latched on. "Your a good girl Hope." She kisses her on the head as Hope ate. Hope put a hand on Emma's chest as she ate, "Mommy loves you too, sweetie." Killian came upstairs to see Emma feeding Hope, "Is everything packed for Hope, love?"
"Yes, just need her quilt. I am going to try the baby transfer holder to carry Hope on the ship."
"Aye, I will bring the diaper bag downstairs so Henry and I pack the ship. Come when you two are both ready."
After Hope was fed and burped. "Come on, Hope. We have to meet daddy at his ship." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Emma puts her in the baby holder after swaddling her. She tightened the straps on the carrier to her body. "Hope, are you comfy in there? You are on Mommy's chest, which makes you happy." She kisses Hope on the head. "Now, let's go meet Daddy and Henry at the ship." Emma slowly walking with Hope. "Hope, it such a nice sunny day out to go on your first sailing trip baby girl." They walk to the marina, and see Killian's Jolly Roger. "We are here, Hope." Killian greeted them. "My two loves." He hugs them. "Hope, are you ready to see Daddy's ship?" Emma opens the carrier so Killian can give her a tour. "Killian, wrap Hope in her quilt first before the tour and put her in the carrier." Emma put the carrier on Killian and gently put Hope strapped in. Killian gave Hope a tour of the whole ship. "Hope, time for your tour of daddy's ship.
Emma talked with Henry. "Is everything packed?"
"Yes, it is."
"Are you going to show me how much you improved?"
"Yes, I am Mom."
"We have not spoken alone before Hope has been born. How are you feeling with me since Hope has arrived?"
"Mom, I never have seen you so happy ever. I just think what happened if you kept me?"
"Oh, Henry." Emma gives him a big hug. "I regret giving you up every single day. I was in prison, with no job only GED and I was homeless. I wanted to give you everything that I could not give you. I think if I had you when I was a little older, I would have been as happy as much I am now with your sister."
"My dad did not care for you or me only about himself. I do not blame you for hating him. I certainly do. Mom, I am so happy you have Killian and he is a much better Dad than he ever was."
"Henry, I love you so much. I am so grateful for having you in my life, which changed mine so dramatically. You're stepdad..."
"No, Killian is my real Dad. He helps me with homework, play video games, teaches me how to sail, and to be a man that is a real dad. I am so happy you both have Hope because you both deserve a child from true love. I am not jealous, I love Hope."
"Henry, I love you and Hope equally."
"I know mom. I love you all." They hug. "I cannot wait to show you and Hope how much I improved."
"Henry, you can always talk to me."
"I know, I love talking to you Mom. There is something going on in school..."
"Henry, what is it?"
"Art is my get away from being bullied in school."
"How are being bullied, Henry?"
"Being pushed against the lockers, being tripped and being teased mostly by the older boys."
"Henry, why you did not tell me any sooner?"
"I thought I could handle it myself."
"Henry, if they beat you, I can put them in jail."
"Mom, you would really do that?"
"Yes. Henry. You are my son and I would love to treat those bullies at school a lesson on what jail is as their punishment for being a bully."
"Mom, please do not mention to anybody about this. I do not want anyone else to know. Especially at the art show next Friday."
"Henry, please tell me if they a hurt you, I will lock them up."
"Yes, I will call you right away."
"Good." They hugged. "The next time it happens, please tell me right away."
"I will, Mom."
Killian and Hope returned from the tour. "Hope enjoyed the tour. I showed her everything. Her diaper bag is in my cabin." Emma strapped the baby holder onto her, while Henry held Hope for a little but showing her the steering wheel. "Emma, is everything okay with Henry?"
"Yes, I was just making sure how he was doing with Hope being here and he told me about school."
"What about school?"
"He does not want anyone to know only me. But if you talk to him I know that he would tell you. For now, he spoke to me about it and if he needs help I will help him."
"Emma, if you need help whatever is bothering him you can count on me."
"Yes, I can." They hug. "He also told me that he thinks of you as his real father, he hates you know who and does not consider him as his father. He knows that your his father Killian because you are always there helping him, guiding him, teaching him and being there for him. That is what father is for Henry."
Killian had tears in his eyes. "I really do think he is one of my own you know. I love him even though he is not mine."
"I know and he knows." Hope begins to cry. "Aye, I think our lass wants to start our family of four sailing adventure."
"I think she takes after you already."
Henry gives Hope a kiss and gives Hope to Emma. "I think she wants you, Mom."
"Thanks, kid." Emma held Hope in her arms, while Killian and Henry began to prep to sail. "Look Daddy and Henry are preparing the ship." As they set sail, Emma showed Hope the ocean. "Hope, look at the pretty ocean." Hope reaches out to the ocean. Emma giggles. "Hope, you cannot swim yet baby." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian watches Emma and Hope enjoying the view. Killian took a picture of his wife and daughter enjoying the view. "Henry steer to right and then the left and go straight ahead. "
"Aye, Dad."
Killian goes down to his wife and daughter. "How is Hope enjoying the ride so far?"
"Hope loves it. When I told her about the pretty ocean she reached out both of her hands and wanted to go in."
"Hope, I knew you love the ocean like Daddy." He kisses her on the forehead.
"Can you hold Hope for a sec, I want to put on the baby holder so I can strap in Hope."
"Sure, Hope daddy is very happy you love the ocean like me." He gives Hope kisses and she gurgles happily. Killian sniffs Hope. "Emma, I think she needs a change." He hands her to Emma. "Baby girl, you need a change." She gently puts Hope in the baby holder and goes to the captain quarters. "Hope, we are going to Daddy's ship bedroom." Just as Killian said before, he put Emma's diaper bag in the captain quarters. She put the changing mat on the bed first and got a clean diaper, wipes, and baby powder ready for Hope. When Emma got Hope naked, her poop smell was really strong. "Oh, Hope." She covers her nose." You had a big poop blowout." She got her phone out and text Killian, "Need your help with Hope." Killian came right away. "Emma, what is wrong?" he sniffs. "Oh bloody.."
"Yes, our little girl had a poop explosion. It went through her diaper to her onesie. I need your help changing and cleaning her up."
"Aye, luckily you are prepared."
"Yes, this is why I always pack just in case something like this happens. Can you get me a clean onesie while I begin to change her." Emma began to slowly clean Hope off from the poop blow out." "Baby, you got really dirty." Killian got a garbage bag prepared for when Emma took off Hope's dirty onesie and used many wipes to clean Hope off. Hope began to cry. "Hope, do not cry baby, Mommy and Daddy are cleaning you off, you will feel clean soon baby." Killian passed Emma the clean diaper, and baby powder once Hope was poop free. Emma gently changed Hope into a clean outfit. "There you are Hope, you are all done and clean." Emma lifts her up and gives her a lot of kisses. Killian threw out the poop stained clothes and the many baby wipes into the garbage. "Killian, can you check in her carrier if it has any poop stains."
Killian checked the carrier. "It smells like poop. I can clean it off quickly. He got more baby wipes and cleaned the baby holder, while Emma held Hope. "This is nasty."
"The next time Hope has a poop explosion, you are cleaning her then you will see how hard it is to clean poop."
"Little love, you are clean. You want to see Henry drive a ship?" Emma put Hope back in the carrier and they all went to see Henry.
Emma and Hope went to the steering wheel, "Look Hope Henry is driving the ship. He has gotten so much better than the last time I saw him. Daddy is a good teacher."
"Mom, is everything okay with Hope?"
"Yes, I needed your Dad's help, because this little girl had a huge poop explosion."
"Oh, Yes. Hope had a huge mess that went through her clothes."
"Wow. Hope, are you giving Mommy trouble?"
"Hope, you are not giving Mommy trouble, Henry was just teasing." Hope was nestled on her Mom's chest.
"How is the baby holder going?"
"So far, it is keeping Hope being held by me easier and I can move around without her in my arms all the time but she is loving the ocean like your Dad."
"Henry, we can stop here for lunch. Lad, come help me with casting the anchor."
"Aye, aye Dad." After Killian and Henry hosted down the anchor, Killian set down their lunch as picnic style. They all ate on top of a blanket. Emma ate easily with Hope in the carrier sound asleep. Henry and Emma cleaned up the picnic and Killian began to set sail and let Henry steered. Emma watched Henry steer while sitting down with sleeping Hope."Henry, you are doing great!"
"Thanks, mom!"
Emma whispered to sleeping Hope, "Henry is steering the boat great Hope. One day you are going to drive daddy's ship." She kisses Hope on the head multiple of times. "Mommy loves you so much my little buttercup." She watches Henry and Killian talk, Killian teaches Henry how to steer. After a little while, Hope woke up from her nap and began to fuss. "Hope, are you ready for your lunch? Mommy will feed you in Daddy's comfy cabin." Emma sat on Killian's bed and took Hope out of the baby holder and preps to breastfeed her. "Here,you go baby." She kisses Hope on the forehead. Hope latches on quickly. "Are you having fun on Daddy's ship? I sure am. You are getting good naps on the ship because of the rocking of the boat." When Hope was done, she burped Hope. She cleared the bed. Hope lied down on inside of the bed by the wall and Emma lied right next to her on the edge of the bed. Emma watched Hope moved around on the bed and played their kissing game with her. "You like Daddy's bed? Me too, baby girl." Hope grips Emma's finger and Emma kisses her small hand. "I love you so much Hope." Emma watches Hope until Hope fell asleep. Emma fell asleep. Killian went down to check on his girls. He found them asleep. He wanted to tell them that they are back in Storybook, but he took a picture of them sleeping together. "My two loves, enjoying my captain quarters. I cannot wait for more of our family adventures." He kisses the top of Emma's head He whispers to her, " I love our little family." Killian quietly went back upstairs to tell Henry to slowly start packing and let Emma and Hope sleep in his captain's quarters.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu