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As Emma was in recovery, Killian was at her side when she needed him. She barely can move her upper body because she was in so much pain. He helped her change her outfits, bathe her and kept her comfortable anywhere inside the house. Killian did all he can because he almost lost his wife again, he is just so grateful for finding her and having her home with their family. Besides, her body pain, Emma has been having nightmares of Oliver abusing her and her time in the foster system the abusement and neglect, she would be screaming in her sleep. "Ahhh...AHHH....get away from me!!" Killian wakes Emma up from her nightmare. "Emma...Emma! Wake up love, you had a nightmare. Emma...Emma..." She wakes up seeing Killian and began to cry. He hugs her right away. "It is only a nightmare. are safe now, you are safe. No one is going to hurt you. I am here." Hope wakes up crying. Henry gets Hope from her crib. "Hope, Daddy is with Mommy who had a very bad dream." "Mommy.""We can cheer Mommy up soon, little sis." Hope did not understand why her Mommy cannot carry her or able to do their normal stuff together like baking, Henry and Killian did their best to make sure Hope was with Emma in recovery as much as possible since Emma needed to rest. Emma calmed down in Killian's arms. "I hate nightmares.""Me too, love. I still get them, sometimes it is when I was a pirate, to losing my brother Liam...or the underworld.""I really am sorry about that. I could not lose you, my true love...""You are my true love, and we could not be apart. I have been through much worse love than the underworld.""I hated being the dark one...I am sorry for turning you into the dark one.""Love, I am not mad at you any more about that, you came to rescue me and return me home. You found me. I got to help you defeat Hades and the powerful Zeus sent me back to you since he knew we were true love as a thank you to help defeat Hades.""Yes, we would have no idea how to defeat him without your help." She hugs him. "I would have been alone and miserable without you and not have our family." "You have me, love. Our family is together and happen. We are raising our children in a normal life together." Emma hugs her husband. Henry carries Hope into their parents' room. "Mommy is with Daddy little sis." "Henry and Hope, you can join us." Henry hands over Hope to their Mom onto her lap."Mommy.""Hi, Hope. Mommy had a bad dream. Daddy, you and Henry are making me feel better." Hope babbles a lot. "The dream will go away?" Hope hugs her Mommy."Easy with your hug to Mommy, little love.""Dada." Emma chuckles. "Dad, let me translate. Hope is saying that she not going to hurt Mom. Did I get that right Hope?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "Henwy.""Hopey." He kisses Hope on the head and hugs their Mom."You two are making me feel better.""We hate seeing you sad, Mom.""I love you both so much." Henry hugs his Mom as she kisses his and Henry on the head, Killian smiling seeing his family together. Henry and Hope fell asleep around Emma. Emma loves how her children love her and want to be with her. "I love you so much, Henry and Hope. I love being your Mom." She smooths Henry's hair, who was sleeping on her lap. Hope was sleeping with Killian. "Are you in pain love?""I am not in too much pain. I am happy."Killian smiles. "You are?"Emma smiles. "Yes, I am happy. I have you and our children with me in my recovery. I am so grateful for all of you.""Aye, you will always have us swan." They kiss.The next day, Killian brings up a tray for Emma. "Love, I have medicine and a snack.""Thank you." They kiss. She ate her snack and took her medicine and leans on her husband, "I am tired of being in this cast. I just want to tear this cast apart and not be in so much pain and uncomfortable...and not being able to move around or even bath myself.""Love, you are getting stronger every day.""I hate being so useless. What kind of mother am I to Henry and Hope if I am in recovery from another surgery..." Emma began to cry. "I do not want to be that mother who always not doing her job and rely on everyone else." Killian hugs his wife."Emma, I love you so much. It is my job to take care of you. I know you are my swan who takes care of herself because you were on your own most of her life with no one in this realm that cared for you. I am your true love who always put you first and takes care of you because you deserve the help after all you did for this town and helping others. It is my job to take care of my kind-hearted strong amazing wife the mother of our children. You are not useless love. Hope and Henry love spending time with you no matter what condition you are in healthy or in recovery." Hope was crying in her room, "I will be right back, I want to check on our daughter." Emma slowly got up and walked to her daughter's room. Hope was crying standing up in her crib. "Hopey. Mommy is here." She gave Hope kisses on her head, as she hugged her face with her sticky hands. "I am right here. I cannot pick you up but I am right here." Hope reaches out to her Mommy. "I have an idea, little duck." She gets their favorite story. "Hope, sit down on your bed. Mommy is going to join you. Sit." Hope listens to her Mommy. She puts the side facing her of the crib down and sat down next to her daughter. "Mommy!" Emma fixed her legs in Indian style and let Hope sits on her lap. She lifts up her pajama shirt and shows Hope her bandages. "Mommy got a big owie which makes my ribs hurt and I cannot carry heavy objects." Hope babbled. "Can you kiss my owie to make me feel better?" Hope hugs her Mommy and gives the ace bandage kisses. "Thank you, Hope. You are making me feel better." Hope babbled. "Yes, the very bad man who took Mommy away hurt me but Daddy rescued me. This big owie is the reason why I cannot carry you for a little while." Hope babbled. "You are right, I will be better soon and we can go out and play for our one on one time." Hope babbled. "You want to go to the park and by the ocean." "Wawa.""Yes, Hope. I can probably your Daddy to let us go to our second home sooner than my full recovery." Hope babbled. "Dada taught you so much how to sail?" "Mommy..b-b-b-..." She pats The Ugly Duckling book. Emma smiles, she loves her daughter. "Book. I will read The Ugly Duckling book to you." Hope clapped her hands. She lets her daughter sit on her lap. " Are you comfy, my little duckling?" Hope babbled loudly, which made Emma smiled so big how much her daughter loves their special time together. She gave Hope kisses on her head. "I love you so much, baby girl." Hope babbled. She hugs her daughter as best as she can. Hope holds her Mommy's arm. "Once upon a time, there was a Mommy duck and Daddy duck..." Killian found his wife in their daughter's room sitting in Hope's crib reading to her, their favorite story. Killian took pictures of their one on one time. "Mommy.""Yes, baby girl?" Hope hugs her. "I love your hugs." Hope babbled a lot. "Oh, really? Tell me more about your day." She loved Hope babbling to her. Emma lied down and Hope sat next to her and patting her head and babbles to her Mommy. "Mommy." She began to cry. "Hopey." Emma hugs her daughter. "Why are you crying, baby girl? Are you hungry? You want a snack?" "Love, do you and Hope want ice cream for a snack?"" Yes, Hope. We are going to have ice cream, sweetie." Hope hugs her Mommy. "I am right here. I am not going anywhere." Hope wanted to nurse, Emma let Hope be nursed. "Swan, Hope still wants to be nursed.""I know. I thought she was weaning but I guess not."' She rubs Hope's head. "She just wants my milk still. I do not mind." Killian goes downstairs to make his wife a bowl of ice cream since he knows already she needs to eat after nursing Hope. He returns with ice cream. "Thank you.""You are welcome, love." They kiss. Emma burps Hope who fusses. "Hopey. Does your bow needs to be fixed?" She fixes Hope's bow headband. "There you go." Hope smiles. "You love when I put you in dresses and bows." Hope babbled. "Yes, we need to go girl shopping soon." Hope claps her hands. "Swan, someone is looking forward to girls shopping day."Emma giggles. "Yes, our little girl loves her time with me." She faces Hope. "When I can walk again and carry you without being in pain. The first thing that, I will do when my owie is all better, we will have a girls day shopping just you and me." Hope hugs her Mommy's head. "Hope." Hope babbled. "Little love, be gentle with Mommy." Hope kisses her Mommy on the head. "Thank you for the kisses, Hope. You are being gentle." Hope babbled. Emma kisses Hope on the cheek. Two weeks later, Emma and Killian were snuggling in the living room while Hope took a nap in their bed. They were watching the news, a hurricane was heading to Storybrooke. "Not a bloody storm.""I know you and Hope hate storms. Hope is a little pirate after all, like her Daddy. You both have me.""Aye, I do have you. Also, I know how to calm down our little love." He gets up. "Love, since there is a storm coming. I have to go check in town to help your Dad and the rest of your squad to make sure the town is prepared for the storm and get us supplies.""Killian, I am going with you.""Emma."I am still sheriff. It is my job to make sure the town is safe."Killian cannot say no to his wife. "I will get our little love." Killian carries Hope to the car and Emma buckles Hope in her car seat, Killian drove them to the sheriff station. Killian carries Hope and made sure his wife was alright since she was in recovery goes to the sheriff station and joined the meeting, "Sheriff Swan-Jones, you are back.""Yes, I am back. I had to make sure the town is safe from the storm.""Ina!""Hi,Hope." "Hope, Mommy and Daddy need to listen to Regina, okay?" Hope babbles and walks around.""Love, stay at the meeting. I will watch our little lass." Hope tugs her Daddy's hook. "Hope, Daddy will play with you in Mommy's office, little love." Killian plays with Hope while Emma joined the meeting. Regina telling everyone about her magic plan to protect the town read a list of supplies that everyone needed to get everyone prepared for the storm. Amma stood up. " I just want everyone on won prepared for the storm, just make visits to everyone home making sure they have supplies. After the meeting, everyone spread around town making sure everyone was prepared for the storm. Charming hugs his daughter. "How are you feeling, Emma?""The first two weeks were the worst pain but now I got used to the cast and it is itchy, I am getting better." "How is Leo and Mom?""Your Mom is stricter with your brother but he loves causing trouble. Heis learning, I think." Killian carries Hope. "Hope, Mommy is right here." Emma holds Hope. "Hope, say hi to Grandpa." Hope began to cry. "Hope, I am sorry for yelling at you...""Dad? What happened when you babysat her?""I was cooking, I yelled at her for taking out the pots and pans, I took them away from her.""Hope, Grandpa did not know." Emma hugs her daughter. "Henry told me how you let her after I yelled at her. I apologized and Henry got mad at me for yelling at Hope, not at Leo. Henry was right.""Dad, Hope, and Henry love you. They do not hate you. Hope, grandpa loves you. He said sorry for what he did." Hope reaches out for Charming.Charming holds Hope. "Hi, Hope. How is my little princess?" Hope babbled a lot. "You have been spending time with your Mommy and Daddy. That is great, they are the best." Hope babbled loudly. Emma smiles. "Love, we need to go grocery shopping and check the Jolly Roger before the storm.""I can put a protection spell on the Jolly Roger." They went grocery shopping. Killian pushed the shopping cart while Hope rode in the seat who kept trying to grab everything she can put her hands on. Killian let Hope walkaround, Emma watched her. Emma and Killian both chuckle. "Our little pirate is like her daddy.""Aye, we have to teach Hope not to steal. She is being a little pirate." He puts back the cereal. Hope screamed. "Hope, we are not buying the cereal little love We do not steal, even if it is part of our pirate side." "Hope, walk with Mommy baby girl." She gave Hope her hand and they walked together. Killian took pictures of them together. Emma taught what every grocery items were they passed while Killian continued shopping items on their list. Hope keep trying to grab anything, cereal, cans, and water bottles. "Hope, no. We are not buying that. We have to put it back." Emma puts the items back. Hope babbled. "Hope, we are only buying what we need for the storm. Killian, what is next on our list? I have a feeling Hope wants to help us shop. " Emma holds Hope on her right hip."Pasta. Hot cocoa, milk, and marshmallows, container of water bottles..." "Killian, Hope and I will get the hot cocoa, marshmallows, and pasta.""Aye, I will finish the rest of the shopping." "Hope, you can help Mommy choose the pasta and hot cocoa." Hope babbles. Killian got waterbottles pack, deli meat, and bread. He finds Emma and Hope in the aisle looking for hot cocoa packs, Emma letting Hope decide which brand to buy. "Which one?" Hope grabs the blue box, "Good job Hope." Hope babbled. "You can hold it for me." She gets marshmallows after she gave Hope a kiss on the cheek. "Hope, did you choose the cinnamon hot cocoa all by yourself?" Hope screamed happily, which made her parents smile. "She is holding the box for me. Hope loves being my little helper.""Aye,she is our little helper." As they were checking their groceries out, Hope was crying wanting to hold her items. "Love, I got her." Killian holds Hope in his arms as Emma pays for the groceries. "Hope, don't cry. After we are done shopping, we are going to the Jolly Roger.""Wawa?""Aye, little love. We need to check the Jolly Roger before the storm comes. Your Mommy needs to use her light magic to protect the Jolly Roger during the big storm." he puts Hope in the cart seat and pushes the cart to their yellow bug. Emma and Killian unloaded the cart and put Hope in her car seat, Killian drove his family to their second home. Emma loved watching Killian and Hope prepping the ship for the storm. Emma knew Killian needed to check on the ship. "Hope, come here little pirate." "Mommy." Emma takes Hope from Killian and sat on the deck with Hope. "Are you helping Daddy with the Jolly Roger?""Wawa!!" Emma chuckles and hugs her daughter."You are my little pirate." Killian returns, "Aye you both are my pirates. Love, I am done checking on the ship." He helps his two loves up and they went off the ship together. Killian holds Hope as Emma uses her light magic to put a protection spell over the Jolly Roger. "Mommy.""Yes, little love. Mommy used her light magic for good, Hope."Emma smiles and faced her daughter. "'Mommy will teach you magic when you are older, Hope. You will use your magic for good, baby girl." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. They returned home and unloaded the groceries. The storm was beginning, strong wind and heavy rain. "Love, the storm is starting.""I know, I called Henry is not picking up his phone." "Emma, I am going to find him." They kiss. Kilian leaves. Emma holds Hope and enjoys her snuggles in the living room. Killian drives to the high school in the family car, he was not there as he was driving, the strong wind was affecting his driving and he turns and crashes the car. Twenty minutes later, Regina drops Henry off. "Mom."Emma rushes to her son and hugs him. "Henry, you are home.""Yes, I am.""I have been calling you, you did not answer your phone.""My phone battery died. My other Mom dropped me off after we talked at her office.""Henry, I sent your Dad searching for you." "Mom, I am sorry.""You should have had Regina call me. We were getting worried because we did not where you were now since the storm is starting." "Mom, I really am sorry.""I know. Now I have to search for your Dad before this storm gets worst." Hope fusses. Emma calls her husband but Killian did not pick up, she gets a bad feeling that something was wrong with Killian. "The phone lines are down. Henry, stay inside with Hope. I am going to get your Dad." Henry takes his sister from his Mom. "Mom, you and Dad always find each other. I know you will find him""I am going to bring your Dad home. Take care of your sister.""I will, Mom." She puts a cover on her cast and her raincoat on and leaves the house and drives her yellow to find her husband. She searched around town and passed high school and makes a stop when she sees their family car crashed into a tree. "Shit!" She rushes out as fast she can due to her recovery condition and the storm. "Killian!!" Her heart dropped, he was not in the car. She looked for her husband. "KILLIAN!!" She was getting soaked from the rain and knocked down and in pain, she did not care, she wanted her Killian. She got back in her car and continued to search for him. "Where are you? Killian, I am going to find you." As soon as the car crashed, "Bloody hell." He gets out of the car and began to walk home in the strong wind and pouring rain. He saw a car coming, the yellow bug. "Emma!" Emma continued searches on the empty road until she saw a figure shadow in the strong rain and wind. She squints and sees Killian her heart drops in relief, and stops the car. She gets out of the car. "KILLIAN!!""Emma!!""Killian!"She gets out of the car and rushes to hug him. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" "Love, I am not injured." He carried her into her yellow bug. "Swan, what are you doing out here? You are still in recovery.""I came out here to find you." She puts her hand on her Killian's scruffy wet cheek. Regina brought Henry home and his phone battery died. I tried calling you but the phone lines went down because of the storm." "Do you just came to find me?""Yes. I always find you as you find me."The wind was pushing the car. Emma used her light magic to protect the car from moving. "Killian, I thought I just lost you when I saw our family car crashed into the tree."Killian hugs his wife who was crying."Emma, I am survivor love, I am not going anywhere. I am not hurt. This bloody storm caused me to drive off the road and crashed into that damn tree."She felt safe in his arms. "I am just happy that I found you You are not injured.""Aye, I have been through much worse and now you found me. I am going to drive us home." He puts his black leather jacket on her knowing she was cold. He drove them home, Emma used her magic to prevent their only car from crashing until they arrived home. Killian knew his wife was in pain as helped his wife inside. "Killian, I am fine.""Love, I can by the look on your face that you are in pain." Henry opens the door. "Mom, you found Dad.""Yes, I did, kid." Henry let them in. Killian carried Emma to their room. Killian helps Emma gets changed. He took a shower. Emma was waiting for him in their room"Killian, are you sure you are okay?" she puts her hands on his scruffy face. Killian knows Emma was worried about him. "Emma, I am not hurt,love." He hugs her."You found me, Emma.""I had a bad feeling that something bad happens to you. I had to find you. I did not want you to be stuck in that storm and get hurt." "You found me, Emma. I would be still in that awful bloody storm if you did not go out and searched for me. You saved me, Emma.""You do it for me, and I will do it for you." "That is why we are true love, Emma. We save each other and always there for each other." They hug. "I am right here, Emma. I am not going anywhere." They hear Hope crying in her room. Killian gets Hope from her crib. "Hi, Hope. Dada is home." Hope hugs her Daddy. "Mommy found me in the storm and rescued me. You want to snuggle?""Mommy..."Emma approaches her daughter. "Mommy can snuggle with you and Daddy, baby girl. Mommy knows how much you and Daddy are afraid of storms." Hope reaches out for her Mommy. "Love, we can snuggle downstairs." Killian carries Hope downstairs. Emma sits down on the couch and Killian hands over Hope "Mommy."'Hopey." She hugs her daughter. "Love, how about we have a light-up fire on in the fireplace?'"I love that idea. I am still cold." Killian lits a match in the fireplace. "Hope the fire keeps us warm. We do not touch the fire we will get very bad burns, owies." Henry brings in hot cocoa with cinnamon. "I thought everyone needs hot cocoa with cinnamon.""Thanks, kid." He gives his Mom a cup. "I also made a smaller version for Hope. Hers is warm, not hot. ""Henry, that is so sweet of you. Hope, you are going to try your first cinnamon hot cocoa." Henry helped his sister drink her cinnamon hot cocoa. Hope smiled. Killian took pictures of Hope drinking her first cinnamon hot cocoa. "Mom, she loves it.""Yes, Henry, she loves cinnamon hot cocoa just like the rest of her family." She kisses Hope on the head."Mommy." She reaches her sippy cup out to her Mommy."Hope, you want more cinnamon hot cocoa?""Mom, I get Hope more." Killian was looking out the window remember every storm he had been on during his childhood as a slave being whipped, abused, working in the storm and being a pirate before meeting his true love."Dada."Emma knew something was going on with her husband. "Killian, Hope wants you to sit with us." "Coming, love and little love." He sat down next to his wife."Dada." He puts Hope on his lap and hugs her. "Dada.""Hopey." He kisses her on the head. She grabs her Daddy's hook, he chuckles. "You are my little pirate." The strong wind shook the house, Hope began to cry. Killian holds onto his little daughter. "Hope, it is only wind, little love." He rubs her back. "You are safe, Hope. Dada got you. Shh...shh..." Henry returns with hot cocoa and Hope's baby blanket. He wraps Hope in her quilt. "Hope, you are home with your family not out in the storm. We are safe, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head who was clinging to her Daddy. "Dada is here, you are staying with me." Hope falls asleep.Henry sits next to his Mom and hugs her. "Thanks, kid. Hope is afraid.""Welcome, Mom. I know my sister when she is afraid. She has all of us. Dad, Mom. I really am sorry for not calling. I did not think you will be worried.""Next time, make sure Regina calls us. In a storm like a hurricane, no one should be in it. We were getting worried, kid. I sent out your Dad to search for you.""Aye, I was out searching for you. Our family car crashed when I was looking for you from the storm winds. I am not injured, all I could think about was finding you and left the car and continued to search for you in the bloody storm. Until your Mom found me.""I was searching for you when Henry came home. I just knew something bad has happened. I saw the car crash and you weren't in the car. I thought you were kidnapped. I went back into my car and searched for you until I found you.""Love, once I saw you I was worried because you are still in recovery, soaked to the bone and cold.""Yes, I was cold, in pain and soaked and all I could think was finding you. I thought you were injured or lost. I was just so happy to have found you."Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "You found me and rescued me from that awful storm. I am going to take care of you like you take care of me and the rest of our family. We are home."Emma hugs Killian. "Yes, we are all home." Henry joins their hug. "Mom,I knew you will find Dad.""Aye, your Mom found me in that storm. The important thing is we are all home, inside and safe until this storm is over." Hope wakes up. "Mommy?""Hi, Hope. Mommy is next to you and daddy." Hope fussed."Hope, you want your Mommy?" He puts Hope in his wife's left side. "She is grouchy from her nap.""Mommy."Hope fell back to sleep. " You can nap on me, Hope. You are still tired." She hugs her daughter. The power went out. "The bloody hurricane.""Killian, we have our fire to keep us warm." "Love, I have flashlights." Henry used his iPhone to help his Dad to get the supplies. They return with supplies from the basement flashlights, radio, and a generator. "I guess we all sleep in here tonight. We are going to have a family sleepover in the living room." "Yes!" Henry and Killian set up an emergency air matress for Henry to sleep in, while Killian made the couch comfy for his two loves, and kept the fire on. Henry read books, while Killian and Emma snuggled. She kisses him on the cheek. "We are nice and cozy.""Aye, just the way I like it, a warm house and being with my family.""Yes, we are home altogether.""Thank you for rescuing me today, love.""You are welcome, Killian." They fell asleep snuggling and holding Hope while Henry slept on the air mattress. A few hours later, everyone woke up from a loud bang. Hope woke up crying. Emma hugs her daughter. "It is okay, baby girl. Mommy is here. We are not in danger. We are safe." Killian sees what made the loud sound, he looked out the window a tree has fallen in front of their house. "Emma, a tree has fallen." Henry helps his Mom and sister up. Henry holds his sister."Oh, man. We are going to have to do a lot of patrols after...""Emma, you are in recovery. Your Dad and I with the rest of your squad will do patrol. You are in recovery.""Killian, every time the town needs me, I am in recovery.""Love, you saved the town many times from villains, curses, and war, you need time not to be the savior." Hope babbled. "It is hard not to be savior, it is a never-ending job.""You are not only savior, love.""I know, being a Mom to Henry and Hope is my first priority but I want the town to be safe for them.""I know love. That is our job as their parents to keep our family safe home." Hope walks to her Mommy. "Mommy up!" Henry gives his Mom his sister. "Mom, you are the savior this hurricane is nothing compared what you did for the town. While Dad is at patrol tomorrow, Hope you and I can have a movie day...""Henry." She hugs him. "I love that idea, we need the power to get back on first. We can do an art project tomorrow.""Yes!"" But a day with my two kids sounds a lot more fun than cleaning up the town." Henry hugs his Mom. Hope began to cry. "Hope, why are you crying? Are you still tired?" Hope dug her face into her Mommy's face. "Hope, we are going back to bed."Killian faces Hope."Little love, are you afraid of the storm?" "Dada." Emma smiles at Hope loves her Daddy. Killian takes Hope from Emma. "Hope, you are with Daddy, little love." Hope continues to cry. "Do you want to have our pirate talk?" Hope hugs her Daddy around his neck. "You have a tight grip, Hope.""Hope, be gentle on Daddy.""Love, Hope is not hurting me. She just wants to be with her Daddy." He kisses Hope on the head. He sits back on the couch with Hope, Emma wrapped Hope's quilt on her daughter and gave her a kiss on her cheek. Henry sits next to his dad and sister. She sits next to him and lies her head on Killian's shoulder and kisses him on the cheek. Emma happy to have Kilian home with her and their family. Everyone was safe inside during the hurricane. After the storm recovery and the town was hurricane-free, Killian and the rest of his family went on the Jolly Roger to check on their second home. Suddenly a large set of tentacles come from by the Jolly Roger and grabbed Killian! "Bloody hell!""KILLIAN!!" Hope was crying and Henry was screaming. Emma grabbed his hook until the tentacles pulled Killian into the ocean! "KILLIAN!!"To Be Continued.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant