One on One Time

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One morning when Killian and Emma were both off from the sheriff station, Emma wakes up Henry. "Henry, it is our one on one time today...." Henry wakes up. "What do you want to do?"
Henry smiles. "Can we go to the arcade and play games?"
"Yes, we can."
"Can we do art in the pottery store?"
"Yes, we can. After breakfast, we are going out."
"Awesome!" Emma leaves the room to find her daughter who was walking around in her room. "Hopey." Hope smiles and hugs her Mommy's legs. She lifts her daughter up and sniffs her. "You make poopy?" Hope babbled. Emma changes Hope's diaper and plays a special game. She brings Hope downstairs for breakfast, Killian had breakfast ready. "Morning, little love." He gave Hope kisses on her head and Emma places Hope in her high chair and spoonfed her breakfast. "What are your plans with Henry today?"
"He wants to go to the arcade to play video games and pottery store to do some art. What are your plans with Hope?"
"I was thinking after her nap, Hope and I will go on the Jolly Roger. I need to check on the ship. She can have playtime on the Jolly Roger."
"Yes, Hope. You and I are going on the Jolly Roger today." Hope babbled.
Emma chuckles, "She takes after you, my pirate."
"Aye, that is right, my swan." They kiss. Henry joins them for breakfast. Henry rushes to eat. "Lad, slow down. You will get sick if you eat too fast."
"I am just excited, Dad."
"Henry, slow down. I do not want you to get sick when we are out having fun."
"Fine, I will slow down." Hope began to cry. Emma takes Hope from her high chair and lets Hope snuggle her. "Little sis, are you going on the Jolly Roger with Dad?"
"Little love, after your morning nap, we are going on the Jolly Roger." Hope babbled.
"Killian, just watch our little pirate because she is walking a lot more now."
"I know love. That is why I have the baby gates around my ship." Hope fusses, Emma sets Hope down and she walks to Henry. "Hi, little sis. You want to sit with me?"
"Henwy." He puts Hope on his lap and she hugs him.
"Love, I was thinking we can have a date night soon. We haven't had those in a while."
"We can definitely need a date night soon."
"Mom, Dad, I can watch Hope when you two go out on a date night. Hope and I will have Henry and Hope time. Right Hope?" Hope babbled and laughs as Henry lifts her up and down.
"Killian, when we go to Florida, I have a feeling we can have a few date nights."
"Aye, when we are going to Florida again?"
"In the first week of August." They heard a crash, Hope knocked out Henry's glass of orange juice and began to cry. "Love, I will clean it up."
"I will get our daughter." Henry gives Hope to their Mom and helps his Dad to clean up the mess. "Hopey. It is alright. We are not mad at you. It was an accident, that is all." She rubs her back as Hope dug her face into her Mommy's chest. "Hopey...shhh...shh..." Hope hugs her Mommy. Henry kisses Hope on the head. "I am not mad at you, Hopey."
"Kid, I will get your sister calm down..."
"Mom, take your time. Let me know when you are ready to leave."
"Thanks, kid."
"Mom, I do not want Hope to be upset." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma takes Hope up to her room and rocked her in the rocking chair until Hope fell asleep. "Mommy is right here baby girl." She gave Hope kisses as she was snoring on her which she loved. "I love you, Hope." Killian found his two loves in Hope's room and he gently kisses Emma on the head. "How is our little love?"
"Sound asleep." She puts Hope in her crib. Hope fusses and Killian let Hope hold his hook and she stopped crying. "She loves her Daddy's hook."
"She loves her Dada." They kiss. "Hope is going to be with me. Have fun with our son."
"Thank you, captain. Have fun with our daughter." They kiss. Emma drove Henry into town in the yellow bug. "So kid, what do you want to do first? Arcade or pottery store?"
"Henry? We can do whatever you want."
"Can we go horseback riding?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, we can, Henry." Emma drove Henry to stables. Henry rushes in. "Henry, slow down." Henry goes to his white and light brown horse. "Hi, Phillip."
"Henry, you know this horse?"
"Gramps gave him to me."
"When you and Grandma were in the Enchanted Forest. He was preparing me to be a prince and he gave me Phillip train me like a prince. I have been taking care of him ever since you and Grandma were in the Enchanted Forest. When I cannot come, Grandpa takes care of him for me. "
Emma was impressed. "Why you never told me about your horse until now?"
"I never got a chance, you know from a curse after curse..."
"You decided to show me, Phillip, today?"
"Yes. Come meet him. Phillip, meet my mom, Emma. Mom this is Phillip."
"It is so nice to meet you, Phillip." She pets Phillip as her son grooms his horse. "Do you know how to ride him?"
"A little bit. I need to ride more."
"I can drive you here anytime."
"Can we bring Hope here?"
"We can try and see how she reacts to the horse and to the stables, first."
Back at the house, Hope woke up from her nap holding her Daddy's hook. "Dada." Killian smiles. "Hello, little love. Did you have a good nap?" Hope smiles. Killian carries Hope on his hip. "We are going to the Jolly Roger." Hope smiles. Killian carries the diaper bag and Hope and walked to the Jolly Roger. Hope fusses. "Hope, you want to walk?" He puts Hope down and let her hold his hook and they walked to the docks together and Killian helps Hope walk on deck. "Wa-wa."
"Yes, little love. You can walk around on our ship." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Killian watches Hope as he checks on the ship. Hope began to cry. "Hope." Killian holds his little lass in his arms. "Hope, Daddy is here." He gently kisses her on the head. "What is the matter?" Hope hugs her Daddy. "You just want to be with Dada?" Hope babbled. He sits on the deck. "We are having Daddy and Hopey time."
"Yes, Hope. We are having one on one time on the Jolly Roger. Do you want a pirate story?" Hope began to cry. "Why are you crying, little love?" He checks her diaper. "Aye, you need a change." He takes her inside his captain quarters and changes her diaper. Hope continued to cry. "Are you hungry little love?" He holds Hope in his arms as she cried into him. "Hope..." He rubs her back to calm her down. "You are with Dada...Dada is here." He kisses Hope on the head. Killian gets a facetime call from his wife. "Hope, Mommy is calling us, little love." He answers his iPhone and sees his wife. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Killian. Hopey, Mommy is on the phone sweetie. Why are you crying baby girl?"
"I am trying to figure it out swan. Our little love..." Hope hugs her Daddy. "Little love, say hi to Mommy."
"Hopey, Mommy is on the phone." Hope stopped crying. "When I get home we can snuggle and you can tell me all about what you are up to with Dada. I know your Dada is enjoying your snuggles."
"Love, how is your day with Henry?"
"We are at the stables?"
"Yes. Henry decided to show me his horse today."
"His horse?"
"That was my reaction too. Apparently, while we were on our beanstalk adventure my Dad got Henry a horse, to train him to be a prince."
"Oh, really? He just kept his horse a secret all this time."
"Yes." She shows them, Henry, riding his horse. "Look, Hope, Henry is riding a horse."
"Hope, do you want to ride the horse little love?" Hope fusses. "Swan, I think Hope is hot from the heat. I am going to take her home." He kisses Hope on the head. "You just too hot little love? Emma, have fun with Henry. We will see you at home later."
"Love, Henry needs his one on one time with his Mom. I can be with our little love."
"Thanks. We will see you two later."
"Hope give Mommy kisses." Hope kisses the iPhone screen which made her parents smile.
"Hopey, we are going to snuggle and play when I get home, baby girl. I love you." She blew Hope kisses which made her smile. "Love, we will see you at home later."
"I love you, Killian."
"I love you too, Swan." Emma ended their facetime call. Hope began to cry. "Are you hot little love? Do you want to go home to play?"
Killian smiles. "We will go home, little love." he carries Hope home with her diaper bag and turns on the air conditioner once they get entered the house. Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry? Let's have some lunch." He puts Hope in her high chair and heats up her lunch in the microwave, macaroni & cheese, broccoli and cut up hotdogs. "Here you go, little love." He puts the food on her high chair. Hope eats her food while Killian had his own lunch. Hope babbled happily. "Is your lunch your yummy?" Hope babbled loudly. "After lunch, we can play." Hope smiled which made him smile.
At the stables, Emma was taking pictures of Henry riding his horse. "Mom. You want to ride him?"
"Sure. I never rode a horse alone before, only when your Dad helped me. Is that why you were good with the horses when we were in Camelot?"
"I thought you were at the stables for Violet?"
Henry smiles. "Let's just say I was there for the horse." Emma gave her son a look. "Okay, for Violet." Emma smiles. "Mom, Phillip is gentle." Henry gets off his horse and helps his Mom onto the horse. "You can do it, Mom."
"Kid, what should I do? Your Dad never taught me how to ride the horse by myself."
"Hold the reigns and tell where the horse to go with the reigns. Also, move your legs to tell him to go."
"Phillip, we are going to go nice and easy." Emma got Phillip to trot around, which she enjoyed. Henry took pictures of his Mom riding his horse. "You are doing great Mom!"
"Thanks, Henry!" Charming arrives at the stables doing is checkups on the horses with Snow White and sees his daughter's yellow bug. "Snow, check on the horses." Snow White heads into the stables as Charming finds his grandson coaching his Mom on horseback riding. "Your Mom is doing great, Henry."
"Gramps!" He hugs his Grandpa. "This is Mom's first time on a horse by herself."
"Oh, really?"
"She is a natural."
Snow White arrives. "She takes after me. There is Phillip."
"Henry, how do you stop?"
"Mom, pull the reins." Emma stops riding and sees her parents.
"Hi, Dad. Mom..."
"Emma, you are a natural rider."
"Thanks. Henry, you were right about Phillip, he was very gentle." She pets Phillip on his nose.
"I did choose Phillip for Henry."
Snow White was mad. "This is Henry's horse? Not Leo's?!"
"No, Phillip is afraid of our son."
"Dad, you got Henry a horse without telling me or Regina."
"Regina knows because when Whale resurrected Daniel..."
"You mean there is more of the story when Emma and I were away..."
"Yes. While you and Emma were away in the Enchanted Forest, I wanted to teach him the responsibility of a prince. He was at the stables while Regina and I were finding Daniel and we did the connection he was going to the place where he was killed and we found him and Henry was in danger. Regina took care of Daniel. Other than the resurrection of Daniel, Henry is responsible for taking care of Phillip. When he cannot come, I take care of Phillip. I also take care of the rest of the horses."
"Henry only decided to show me his horse today. You are right Dad, Henry is very responsible." She hugs her son. "Thanks, Mom. After I groom the horse and feed him can we go to the arcade and lunch?"
"Yes, we can. We can do whatever you want." Henry brings Phillip back into his stable.
"Emma, let me guess one on one time?"
"Yes, Dad. Killian is spending the day with Hope and Henry and I are having one on one time." Charming heads to the stables with Henry.
"Yes, Mom?" Snow White hugs her daughter.
"I miss you, Emma. I saw your riding. You take after me. I had horses and won many jumping competitions."
"Oh, really? I had no idea you owned horses and competed."
"Yes, there is so much we do not know about each other. Emma...I miss you. I know what I have done has been awful and wrong."
"What about Leo? Are you still in denial? Have you accepted for who he is?"
"Emma, he is my son."
"Yes, what are you doing now? Being in denial? While he likes to hurt the people of the town and your own granddaughter? He is not allowed in my house for my child's safety. He likes hurting for fun."
Snow White began to cry. "I am tired of seeing his destruction and I am a bad mother."
"Mom, you aren't...."
"I did not raise you...with Leo..he is out of control..."
"Mom, I have been telling you for months that he is out of control. You need to discipline him and teach him from right and wrong."
"I just wanted to be a great Mom but I am not..."
"Mom, you are kind caring person but you need to stop the denial and accept for who Leo is and get the help he needs. Then when he improves on his darkness and sociopath...all I am saying is in order to be a good parent is to accept him for who he is and support him what he needs and be honest with him, that what a real parent does."
"Emma...are we..."
"I do not trust you, Mom...How can I? You do not listen to me when I tell you what to do and be in denial. You blame everything on can you do that to your daughter?! I have trust issues all of my life when I lose someone's trust it is hard to get it back."
"Emma, I am your mother!"
"Yes, my own mother who did not raise me, I was abandoned again and again!! I lost people's trust all the time until Henry found me! I trust Henry and Killian! You were one of the first people that I trusted and I lost it when you do not care about your granddaughter, listen to me about Leo and slapping me in the face and blame me for your can I trust you now? Tell me..."
"I do not know Emma...I want to have my daughter back..."
"I cannot deal with this anymore. You just need to concentrate on Leo on his darkness and sociopath and accept him then we will work on our relationship. This is not the mother-daughter relationship I ever dreamt of, not parenting my own mother." Emma leaves her Mom and finds Henry. "Henry, are you ready to leave?"
"Yes, Mom." He hugs his Mom who was crying. "Mom, I am right here. Gramps and I saw you arguing with Grandma." She hugs her son. "I know you need a hug."
"Thanks, kid. Now let's go have more fun. We can do anything you want?"
"Can we go to the arcade and after grab lunch?"
"Yes, we can, Henry."
"Dad, I cannot talk to Mom...."
"I am not forcing you..."
"Good." She hugs her Dad. "I cannot..."
"I know...I know..." He rubs her back until she stopped crying. "Your mother is wrong about your brother and you are right about him. You are still my princess." Emma smiles. "If you need me to come over call me."
"I will call you. You are my Dad, you are always easy to talk too.."
Charming smiles. "Of course, you are my daughter."
"I am..." She wipes her tears. "Just with Mom, it is always so hard."
Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, I know you are right. Grandma is being hard headed."
"You are right, Henry. Your grandma is hard headed. Your uncle loves causing trouble but Archie, Rumple, and Regina are working with me to help with Leo."
Emma stops crying. "Kid, let's go to the arcade."
"Yes, Mom."
"Emma, you can call me anytime."
"I know." She hugs her Dad and heads into her yellow bug and drove back into town.
"Mom, are you okay?"
"I am better now that I am not anywhere near my Mom."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Yes, you can." She parks her car in a spot. "What do you want to ask me about?"
"Are you mad at me for not telling you about the horse?"
Emma smiles."Henry, I am not mad at you. I am impressed that you can ride Phillip so well."
"Yes, Henry." Henry hugs his Mom.
"Can we bring Hope next time?"
"Yes, Henry. I have a feeling Hope will just want to walk around. Is there anything else you want to talk about?"
"How do you know?"
"I can read your face, I am your Mom, kid." Henry hugs his Mom.
"Our family adventure back here was so scary. I thought we were going lose you..." Henry was crying. Emma hugs him tight knowing how afraid he was of losing her. "Oh, Henry..." She kisses him on the head. "I was so unconscious when I was holding onto Hope and leaving through the portal without knowing if you were alright...that was the worst feeling ever Mom...I did not want to lose you...all I kept thinking was about you and taking caring of Hope...I was thinking about being Hope's legal guardian. I did not want Hope to be alone like you were I am not ever going to leave Hope, Mom. I want to be her guardian because Hope trusts me and not our grandparents." Emma loved how much her son cares for his little sister and willing to be there for her no matter what. "Henry. You are a great big brother to Hope." She hugs her son. "Your Dad saved me like we always do for each other. This time, he CPR and held onto me while he called for your uncle for help on his shell. He left the shell in your pocket knowing he had a way to stay in touch with you and Hope and knowing we were going to be rescued. You should know by now Henry, no matter what I face I always fight through whatever life throws at me. Your dad and I have that in common. I am always going to be there for you and Hope, no matter what. Your Dad and I all could think about you and Hope, being separated from you two in another realm and get back to Storybrooke."
"Hope was with me most of the time when you and Dad were away, I was taking care of her..."
" I know." She puts her hand on her son's face. "Regina and Allison both told me how much Hope was clinging onto you, you taking good care of her and telling her that we were coming back."
"I am her big brother, that is my job. Am I Hope's guardian?"
Emma smiles. "Your Dad and I have been thinking about that recently, we want you and Allison to be Hope's guardians if anything happens to us, I know you will be there for her but Henry your Dad and I are going to be around for a long time." Henry hugs his Mom.
"That is what I like to hear."
Emma kisses Henry on the head. "Do you want to get lunch?"
"I am starving."
"Me too, kid." They go to Granny's and talked more. At the Swan-Jones house, after Killian and Hope had their lunch, he changes Hope's diaper and into a new outfit of a pink romper with swans on them with a matching bow bandana. He takes pictures of Hope in her outfit. "You look so cute, little love. Your Mommy is going to love it because of the swan and you being so adorable." Hope smiles. "You want to play downstairs?" Hope babbled. He carried Hope downstairs and let her walk in the living room. He turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the television and watched his little lass walk around the living room and playing with her toys. Hope carried her big Pluto and walked to her Daddy who was sitting on a blanket on the carpet. He puts hope on his lap. "Dada."
"Hopey." He kisses her on the head. "Are you happy to be at home with Dada." Hope babbled. "Aye, it was too hot for you on the Jolly Roger." Hope began to cry. "Hope, you want to play flying Jolly Roger?" He positions Hope in his arms and flew her around the room. "We are flying little love...."He moves her up and down. "Hope, we are going to sail on the ocean." He lowers her down and moved her up and down in waves. Hope babbled. "Yes, little pirate we are landing on our port." He puts Hope on the couch. Hope moves around and he puts her on the carpet. Hope began to cry. Killian holds Hope. "Hopey, why are you crying little love?" He checks her diaper, clean, and he bounces her up and down to calm his little lass. He takes Hope up to her room and sat on the rocking chair and rocks her. "Mommy will be home soon, little love. You are with dada. Dada is here." He gave Hope kisses and calm her down, he knew Hope wanted Emma. "Hope, Dada is holding you. He loves your hugs. I know you want your Mommy but Dada can protect you too. Did you know that Daddy saved Mommy when she got hurt jumping off the Jolly Roger?" Hope stopped crying, Killian smiled, Hope wanted a pirate story. "Once upon a time..."
After lunch at Granny's Emma took Henry to the arcade and spend a few hours of videogames. She kept getting updates from Killian about Hope. Emma went shopping with Henry in the art supply store, he needed more art supplies and they planned to do a splatter paint project soon in their backyard. They arrived home finding Killian and Hope in the living room playing. Hope was babbling away. Emma smiles seeing Hope loving her time with her Daddy. "Hope..." Hope turns around and smiles big, "Mommy."
"Yes, sweetie. Mommy is home." Hope gets up and walks to her Mommy as fast as her legs can go, Emma kneels down and opens her arms to hug Hope. Hope hugs her Mommy back and gave her kisses, which made Emma awe. "Hopey. Did you have fun with Dada today? I love your outfit you are wearing." Hope babbled. "You had so much fun day with Dada." She gave Hope kisses as Hope hugs her. "I missed you too, baby girl."
"Hi, Swan."
"Hi, honey." They kiss. "How was your day with Hope?"
"Hope felt better here in the air condition house than on the Jolly Roger. We had lunch together, played and read stories. Henry, how was your day?"
"It was fun. I surprised Mom by showing her my pet horse."
"Is that why you knew about horses and knew how to ride when we were in Camelot?"
"Not to impress Violet?"
"Maybe?" Killian chuckles.
Hope began to cry. "Hopey, stay with Dada. Mommy smells like horse poop. After I take a shower, we are going to snuggle." Killian takes Hope from his wife.
"Little sis, what did you do with Daddy?" Hope babbled. "You had fun with Daddy?" Hope smiled. "I rode a horse today named Phillip. He is my horse. He can be our horse. We can take turns riding him. Would you like that little sis?" Hope babbled.
"Lad, let's see how Hope reacts to the horse."
"Kid, she is still too little to ride the horse just yet."
"Mom, she can pet Phillip."
Emma smiles. "Let's see how she reacts when she sees Phillip. Okay?"
"Okay. Can Hope do splatter paint with us?"
"Yes, she can Henry."
"Oh no, not crazy painting again."
"Dada." Emma smiles seeing Hope copying her brother.
"This time Hope is going to be more covered in paint with you both."
"Yes, Mom and I bought art supplies after we went to the arcade. I know Hope wants to paint with us. Right Hope?" Hope babbled. "That is my little sis." Henry plays with Hope in the living room while their Mom took a shower. After Emma took a shower and got dressed into comfy clothes, once she arrived downstairs she sees Hope walking towards her as fast as her little legs can carry her. She scoops Hope into her arms. "Hopey, you want to snuggle?" Hope babbled. "Yes, we need Mommy and Hopey time. Our girl time." Hope smiled. Henry goes to take a shower while Killian cooked his family dinner, he enjoyed hearing his swan and their little lass laughing and talking together. "Hopey, you want me to sing to you?" Hope babbled loudly. "I love you, You love me, We're a happy family, With a great big hug, And a kiss from me to you, Won't you say you love me too, I love you, You love me, We're best friends like friends should be, With a great big hug,And a kiss from me to you, Won't you say you love me too."
"I love you, too Hopey." She kisses Hope on the head. "Do you want a story?" Hope gave her Mommy eye contact with her ocean blue eyes, "I will take that as a yes. Once upon a time, there was a lost girl who traveled to find her son..."Hope looked at her Mommy and listen to the tale. Henry saw his mom having one on one time with Hope so he went to the kitchen to help his Dad with dinner. "Lad, how were the stables?"
"I taught Mom how to ride Phillip."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, Mom told me she only rode with you on a horse in Camelot."
"Aye, it was back when she was the Dark Swan and the horse ride got her to get the nasty crocodile out of her mind."
"Dad, our day was going great until..."
"Until what happen, lad?"
"Gramps and Grandma came...Mom and Grandma got into another fight."
"Mom was crying to Gramps and me."
"Your Mom looks better now."
"Yes, but...when will Grandma stop fighting with Mom? I hate seeing Mom getting upset."
He rubs his son's back. "I am not sure Henry but I know for your Mom it is hard for her to trust people. Now when that trust is broken, I am not sure if your Mom can ever trust your grandma again."
"Dad, Mom has us, her family that she trusts."
"Aye, it was so hard for me to gain your mother's trust and I am not ever going to break her trust."
"I know." Emma carries Hope into the kitchen, "See Hopey, I told you that Henry was with Dada."
"Little Sis." He gave Hope a kiss on her cheek. "Is Hope alright Mom?"
"She just wanted her big brother to join us, story time or playtime. We were playing and she kept saying your name."
"Dinner is not just ready yet. Henry helped me cook enough."
"Hope, I will play with you and Mommy little sis." Hope babbled. They went upstairs to Emma and Killian's bedroom, Emma sat with Hope on her bed, Hope was sitting on her Mommy's lap as Henry was tickling her. Hope walks to Henry and gave her a hug. "Hopey, you gave me a big hug." He lifts her up and down. Hope laughs. Henry made silly faces to his sister to make her laugh more. Hope tried copying her brother. "Good try, Hopey."
"Henry, let me try. Hope." She sticks out her tongue, and Hope copied her. "Good job baby girl." Hope places her hand on her Mommy's face. "Hopey." Hope stands up on her Mommy's legs with the help of Henry and gives her Mommy a big hug. "You just missed Mommy today, right Hope?" Hope babbled. "You are right, Hope. We have the best Mommy." Henry joins their hug.
"You two give me the best hugs."
"We love you, Mom."
"I love you both so much."
"Yes, Henry?"
"What are your plans for tomorrow?"
Emma smiles. "My plan is to spend all day with you and Hope."
"I love that idea."
"Me too, kid." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hopey. We are going to play all day tomorrow." Henry and Hope both fell asleep on their Mom. Killian finished cooking dinner and found his family in their room, with Emma who was awake, which he enjoyed seeing his swan with their ducklings. He joined his family on the bed and wrapped his arm around his swan. He kisses her on the head. "How are our ducklings?"
"Fast asleep on me. I love them both so much."
"Me too, love. They are ours."
Emma smiles. "That is right, they are ours."
"They are not going anywhere, swan."
"Yes, they are safe home with us." They kiss and enjoy the moment with their children and would not trade it for the world. They are grateful for being home with their children than separated in another realm, fighting to get back home to them. "I love you, Emma." 

"I love you, Killian." They kiss and fell asleep.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now