Emma's Birthday

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After the Swan-Jones trip to New York, Emma and Killian had to go back to work. When Emma was at work, Killian watched Hope. He does the morning shift and she does the afternoon shift and always feeding Hope before leaving to the station. "Hope, it is just you and me today little love. Do you want to go on Daddy's ship?" Hope babbled. "Aye, little love. That is a yes from you." Hope is getting so big and almost close to talking. He packed her diaper bag, her quilt and brought Hope to the Jolly Roger. He brought Hope down to his captain quarters and let Hope have tummy time on his bed. Hope is getting stronger, her head lifting up and roll from her back to her stomach. He had to watch Hope since she can roll off his bed. "Hope, look what Daddy got you." He shows her Pluto, Hope smiled and grabbed it from her Daddy and sits up. Hope puts Pluto in her mouth. Killian loved when Hope is napping on him, Hope snuggled on her Daddy with Pluto in her hand.
Henry comes home knowing his Dad and sister are on the Jolly Roger. He drops his school stuff and heads towards the docks. He finds his Dad with Hope in the captain quarters. "Dad, I knew you and Hope were here."
"Aye, lad. Hope loves the Jolly Roger."
"Since, Mom's birthday is coming up. I want Mom to have the best birthday ever."
Killian smiled. "So do I son. She told me she just wants to spend time with her family."
"We can definitely do that. Do you think she wants to sail on her birthday?"
"I am not sure lad, we can ask her on her birthday. Or we can spend the day at home?" Hope woke up from her nap. "Hope, your big brother is here."
"Hi, little sis." He lifts Hope from their Dad. "Hope, do you know what Mom wants to do for her birthday?" He kisses Hope on the head. "I know whatever we do for Mommy on her birthday she will love it." He tickles Hope and makes her laugh.
"Lad, is that your Mom?"
"No, Aunt Allison." They go back up on deck. Allison arrives on the Jolly Roger, she got a text from Henry to meet him here. Allison sees, Henry Hope and Killian. "Hi, Henry. Hi, Hope and Killian."
Hope sees her auntie Allison and babbles reaches out to her. Allison gets Hope from Henry. "Hi, Hope. Are you having fun on Daddy's ship?" Hope hugs her aunt. "Aww. Hope, I love you so much, sweetie." She talks to Henry. "Henry, why you told me to meet you here?"
"Dad, Hope and I are planning Mom's birthday and we want you to help us. "
"Henry, I would love to help." They sit on the deck and talk about what they wanted to get Emma for her birthday, Henry planned a trip to the pottery store with Hope to make a gift for her, Allison wanted to her and Emma to get their nails done.
"I know that my Mom wants to be with her loved ones because she was alone without her family most of her life. I definitely know Mom wants a chocolate cake for her birthday,
"Lad, we can arrange that. We can spend her special day at home."
"Henry, I am taking the day off on your Mom's birthday so I can spend time with her."
"Aunt Allison. I know Mom is going to love having girl talk." Allison laughed.
"Yes, I know she will love it." Hope babbled. "Hope, you are going to be with Mommy and auntie during girl talk." She kisses Hope on the head and tickles her niece and makes her laugh. After a few hours of planning Emma's birthday, Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry little niece?"
"Aye, she has not eaten since Emma went to work."
Emma arrives on the Jolly Roger, hearing Hope hungry cry and seeing her family on the ship."Hope, Mommy is here."
"Mom, how did you know that we were here?"
"Oh, I went home and no one was there. I knew my family was here. Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Emma. Henry and Killian were showing me the Jolly Roger." She takes Hope from Allison and nurses her. "What do you think of the Jolly Roger?"
"I like it. I can see why the ship is your second home."
Emma smiles. "Killian, can you get Hope's quilt?'
"Aye, love." He returns to below deck to get Hope's quilt.
"Allison, I know Hope is turning 6 months old on 20th on a Saturday, can her appointment be on Monday the 22nd?"
"Yes, it can. Emma, we need to have a girls day soon."
"When are you off from work?"
"I am off on October 23rd."
"My birthday?"
"Yes, I am off that day. What do you want to do?"
"With you included, I want to spend a day home with my family. That is all I ever wanted on my birthday to be with my loved ones."
"What did you do last year?"
"For my birthday last year, Killian, Henry and I rode on the Jolly Roger. We could not sail too far because I had very bad morning sickness, it was around the time, I found out that I was pregnant with Hope." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma, that must have been a great birthday present."
"Yes, a second chance on being a mommy yes. Now Hope is here. For my birthday, I want to be with my family."
"Emma, I am honored to be part of your family."
"Yes, you are apart of our family." Hope stopped eating and babbled. "Yes, Hope. Auntie Allison is in our family." She burped her and Hope hugged her. "I love my Hope hugs." She kisses Hope on the head. "Allison, Hope is almost 6 months and getting so big."
"Yes, she is. Hope loves her family."
"Yes, she certainly does."
"Swan, do you want to have dinner at Granny's?"
"Sure, Allison do you want to join us for dinner?
"I would love to join you all." Emma carried Hope and walked ahead with Killian. Allison and Henry walked behind them. "Henry, I know what your Mom wants to do for her birthday."
"She wants to spend the whole day with her family."
"Does that include girl talk?"
Allison laughed. "Yes, Henry. I am off on your Mom's birthday."
They entered the diner saw Granny. "Hi, Emma, Killian, Hope, Henry and Allison."
"Hope, we are with Granny." She lets Granny hold Hope.
"Emma, when are you both going to let me babysit her?"
"Granny, we will let you watch Hope soon. She is very attached to me, Killian, Henry, and Allison."
"Emma, I am happy to hear that Hope is loved by you all. I know Hope is a little pirate."
"Aye, she has her personality from Emma and loves the ocean like me."
"I had a feeling that will happen. She looks like Emma but has the ocean in her blood."
"Aye, you are right. Granny." Hope reached out to Killian. "Hope, Daddy got you, little love." Hope hugs her daddy and he gives her kisses on the head.
Emma, Killian, sat in their usual table with Hope, Henry, and Allison. Killian and Emma sat together, Allison and Henry sat across from them. They took turns holding Hope. Henry gives Hope to their Mom. 'Hope, can you say Mommy....Mommy.." Hope copied her Mom. "Hope you are almost talking."
"Yes, Emma. Hope will be saying her first word very soon."
"How many S-H-OT-S at her next appointment?"
"Only two."
"Love, I will be there."
"Yes, Hope is going to need the both of us there. I am not going to work that day."
"Love, I can do both of our shifts."
"Thank you." They kiss. They ate dinner at Granny's as a family, talking, laughing and being with one another. Henry, Emma, and Killian showed Allison all of their photos from their weekend getaway to New York Comic Comic Con and Brooklyn.
"Allison, I never got to thank you for directions to the Brooklyn Children Museum, Hope loved it. I knew she wanted to move around and run." Emma giggled.
"Hope will be crawling and walking pretty soon. I have a feeling another family trip to New York is a must, next time I am going to take Hope to the museum."
"Aye, Henry and I are going to be the ones touring around."
"Dad, you avoided the second day of the comic con on purpose to avoid the many many teenagers taking photos or you or with you at the convention."
"Well, I do have my dashing good looks. I can't help it if many lasses like to take pictures of me." They all laughed. "Killian, you are my one and only pirate husband."
"Love, I will never forget that. You are the most beautiful strong lass in all the realms." They kiss. "You see what I mean Aunt Allison, they always kiss." Allison laughs. At the end of the evening, Hope was fast asleep on Auntie Allison.
"Henry, your sister loves sleeping and hugging me at the same time."
"Yep, Hope gets that trait from Mom and Dad."
Killian laughed, "Kid. Really?"
"What? Mom, you and Dad are always hugging and sleeping together, Hope gets it from both of you."
Emma smiles. "Henry, you are right kid."
"Emma, I will see you both soon. I have to go home and spend time with Connor and Lizzie before I put them to bed." She kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, good night little niece." She hands over Hope to Emma. Hope woke up crying.
"Hope, you are with Mommy sweetie. Auntie Allison has to go home." Hope cried more.
"Emma, let me hold her one more time." She takes Hope from Emma. "Hope. Do not be sad, little niece. Your Mommy and I are going to do girl talk real soon which you are going to be with us. In a few weeks, you, Daddy and Mommy are going to visit me at work. Would you like to see my office again?" Hope smiled as Aunt Allison kissed her. Hope hugged her. Emma was in awe. "Hope, I love you too so much. When I come over I get to play with you." Hope babbled. "Yes, I promise. Now be a good girl to Mommy, Daddy, and Henry. I will visit you soon." She kisses Hope on the head and gives her back to Emma. Hope began to cry again. "Hope, do not cry little sis. Look what I have for you." Henry gives Hope her Pluto which helped Hope calm down.
"Emma, we can get together after work tomorrow?"
"Yes, that sounds like a plan."Allison leaves.
"Emma, you and Allison are so much alike."
"Yes, Granny we have the same laugh and voice but different hair color."
"I can tell she is part of your family."
"Yes, Allison is apart of your family."
As the weeks went by closer to Emma's birthday, when Henry was watching Hope when Emma was working he brought Hope to the pottery store to make their Mom birthday gifts. He pushed Hope in her stroller to the pottery store."Hope, Operation Mommy is a go you know what that means?" Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope, we are going to make Mommy birthday gifts from you and me, which is a secret to Mommy." Hope smiled. "Yes, you and I are going to make gifts for Mommy." Henry got a mold for Hope to use. Hope sit in Henry 's lap and he pressed Hope's hands on it, which made Hope cry. "It is over little sis." He kisses Hope on the head until she stopped crying. Henry helped Hope painted her hands with different paints and placed them on the mold, which Hope enjoyed. He wrote "To Mom. Happy Birthday, Love, Hope." "You like the paint on your hands?" Hope babbled. "Yes, you like to paint like me." Henry got Hope a paper so she can make handprints on paper for a card for their Mom. "You are making a card for Mommy, Hope. She is going to love it." As the fingerpaint dried he cleaned up Hope's hands so their Mom won't find out that they were making gifts for her. When Hope was napping in her stroller, he wrote on the paper, "Happy Birthday to my Mommy. I love you so much, Love Hope." Henry made his Mom clay version of their Mom's yellow bug car for her and written down on how much she means to him and painted it. After he was done, he paid the worker and was told when to pick the items up. Hope woke up needing a change. "Hope, I will change you." Henry changes Hope's diaper. "Hope, we are going home to see Mommy." Hope babbled. "Yes, Mommy is at work when we get home we will see her." Hope smiled. "I know you have fun with me. Right?" Hope smiled big and babbled. "Remember do not tell Mommy that we are making gifts for her, it is a surprise we are going to give her on her birthday." Hope smiled. Henry pushed Hope in her stroller home. He enters the house hearing his parents in the kitchen. "Mom, Dad."
"Henry we are in the kitchen." Henry takes Hope from her stroller and brings her with him to greet their parents.
"Hi, Henry. Where have you two been?"
"Oh, Hope and I were just walking around and we went to the park."
"I am glad that you bundled her up."
"I only changed her diaper once and she had a nap in her stroller."
"Henry, I know that Hope had fun with you." She hugs her son. "You are getting so big."
"Mom, I will be always your son."
"Yes, you are my only son." Hope babbled. "Hope, did you have fun with Henry?" She takes Hope from his arms. Hope smiled. "You did." She kisses Hope on the head. "It is time for you to have a bath, little pirate princess." She takes Hope upstairs for a bubble bath.
"Lad, where did you really take Hope?"
"Oh, to the pottery store and we made each Mom a present each."
"Lad, I knew that you were up to something."
"Hope behaved, she loved getting messy with paint."
"Will these presents will be a surprise for me and your Mom?"
"Yes, Dad. All I am saying Mom is going to love it."
"Lad whatever you both made for her she will love it."
"Aunt Allison told me what Mom wants to do for her birthday."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, Mom wants to have her birthday with her family."
"Aye, so a family day including your aunt."
"Yes. I have a feeling there will be a lot of girl talk."
"Aye, lad. I have that exact same feeling."
"What are you getting Mom for her birthday?"
"I have a few ideas. A few gifts and a date night on another night."
"You mean Aunt Allison will babysit?"
Killian smiled. "Yes, lad but on another day. Your Mom wants to be with your family."
"We will give her the best birthday ever."
"Aye, lad we will."
On October 20, 2018, Hope turned 6 months old on a Saturday. Henry was visiting Regina at her office and Killian was working at the station. Emma had one on one time with her little girl. Emma took a picture of Hope with a teddy bear that had Hope's name and date of birth on it, with blocks with number 6 and letters of months. "Hope, you are 6 months old today!" She lifts up her daughter. "Hope, you are half a year old. You are with me on my birthday month this year which is the best birthday ever. Before my last birthday, I found out that you were in my tummy which is one of the best birthday gifts ever, to be a Mommy from start. Now you are here and you are going to celebrate my birthday with us our whole family." Hope hugged her Mommy. "I love you so much, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head and Hope babbled, which made Emma smile. "Yes, I love my Hope hugs." Emma brings down Hope to the living room to play, Hope had walking toys to help her stand up but Hope still does tummy time to get her body stronger. Emma sits on the ground with Hope and Hope sits nearby by her and Emma loves playing with Hope making her stand up more. "Yes, you are getting stronger Hope. Pretty soon, you will be standing up in no time." Hope babbled and sat on the floor and rolled on her belly. "You are getting so good little Hope." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Emma played with Hope by lying on the floor with her during tummy time and talking to Hope and lifting her up and down and kissing her. "Hope, do you like Mommy and Hope time?" Hope smiled. "Yes, I love Mommy and Hope time." She hugs her daughter and Hope did not let go. "Hope, do you want to go to the park?" Hope smiled. "Yes, let's get our fall clothes on and we go play." Emma dressed Hope into a long onesie with ducks on them with baby jeans with a fall coat and a hat. "You look so cute." Emma got her coat on quickly and got Hope's diaper bag ready. Hope began to cry. "Hope." She lifts Hope from her bed and let her snuggle on her. "Hope, Mommy is not leaving you. We are going to go play in the park and play together. I am not going to work. We are having Mommy and Hope time." Emma carried Hope in her carrier and the diaper bag. She walked with Hope to the park. "We are at the park. You want to go on the swings now since you are sitting up all by yourself?" Hope smile. Emma placed Hope in a baby swing and pushed her slowly, seeing if Hope likes it or not. "Hope, you are on a swing." Emma pushed her daughter more on the swing since Hope likes the swings and took a few pictures to show everyone else Hope was on the swings for the first time by herself. After a while on the swings, Emma knew Hope needed her nap. "Hope, it is your nap time sweetie." Hope began to cry. "I know, I know. You are having fun but I know you my little pirate princess needs her nap." Hope began to wail and Emma sees Robin with Roland and Rowand nearby. "Look, Daddy, it is Henry's sister and Mom." Emma placed Hope in her carrier and hugs her daughter. "Hope, it is okay baby. Mommy got you. We are going home." Emma takes Hope far away from Regina's family to calm down her daughter. "Shh...shhh...Hope we are away from her....Shh...Mommy got you, Hope...Mommy got you." Emma bounced her daughter, talked softly to Hope until she stopped crying. "I know you are afraid baby. Mommy got you....Mommy is here....Mommy is not going to let anyone hurt you." After a while, Hope calmed down and fallen asleep gripping her Mommy, which Emma did not mind, her daughter knows she can go to her when Hope needs her for anything. Emma walked out of the park and sees a little brunette, yelling "Auntie Emma!"
"Hi, Lizzie!" Lizzie hugs Emma's legs. Allison came nearby. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Allison!"
"Aunt Emma, how is Hope?"
"Lizzie, there is a little girl in the park who makes Hope very afraid of. Whenever she sees this girl she cries so much."
"Aunt Emma does she likes me?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, Lizzie. Hope loves you. She only cries when she sees this one little girl. Not you." She looks at Allison, knowing she knows the story. "I just got Hope calmed down from being very afraid."
"How is she now, Emma?"
"We were about to leave the park, she loved the swings. Hope saw you know who and freaked out. It took me a while to calm her down. Now she is napping and gripping me, a little afraid."
"Emma, she knows she is safe with you."
"Yes, Hope knows that she is safe with me."
"Auntie Emma, can you and Hope come over one day to have tea with me and Mommy?" Emma was in awe and kneels down to talk face to face with her niece. "Yes, Lizzie. Hope and I would love to come over to your house for tea. What do we have to wear?"
"Hope can wear one of my dresses."
"Aww, Lizzie you are so sweet. I think Hope might be a little too small for your dresses. I know Hope will have fun with you in tea time."
Lizzie hugs her aunt and kisses Hope on the head. "I know you and my Mommy are like sisters. I know you will have fun at my tea party."
"Yes, we will Lizzie. When can we come over?"
"Mommy, when can they come over?"
"Emma, are you and Hope free to come over now?"
"Allison, Hope and I love to have a tea party with Lizzie."
"Great, it is an unexpected girls day. When Hope wakes up she will be happy that she is over at my house."
"Yes, especially her being terrified this will cheer her up." Lizzie holds hands with her Mom and aunt Emma as they walked to Allison's house. When they arrived at Allison's house, "Aunt Emma, can I show you my room?"
"Yes, Lizzie. You can show me." She puts the diaper bag down and follows her niece. "Where is Connor?"
"Oh, he is at a friends house." They entered Lizzie's room, all of the Disney Princess bedroom all pink and girly with a tea set and table and chairs.
"Lizzie your room is very girly."
"Thank you."
Hope began to wake up from her nap. "Hi, Hope. Did you have a good nap?" She kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, we are with Lizzie. Lizzie, Hope is awake."
"Hope!" Emma laughed as Lizzie was happy to see Hope awake.
"Hope, Lizzie invited us over for tea. We are in Auntie Allison's house." She takes Hope out of her carrier and hands her over to Lizzie.
"Hi, Hope."
"Lizzie, Hope can sit on the chair on your tea table." Lizzie had a tea table with a tea set. Lizzie talked to Hope and showed her how to have a tea party, Emma took pictures of Hope had her first tea time. Allison brought up a toy tea kettle.
"Allison, is this what you and Lizzie do all the time?"
"Pretty much, a lot pretend, tea time, house or coloring. Lizzie loves Hope."
"How did you know we were at the park?"
"We were going to go to the park for a little while until we bumped into you and Hope. We were talking about having you and Hope over for tea. Lizzie knows you and I always talk so she wants the four of us together. "
"Mommy, you brought it up."
"Yes, I did. Are you going to wear your princess dress?"
"Lizzie. Can you keep a secret?"
"Did your Mom tell you I have light magic?"
Lizzie eyes popped opened with happiness and curiosity."No."
"It is true. Light magic is good magic. Who is your favorite Disney Princess?"
"Belle." Emma snapped her fingers and Lizzie had a Belle gown on from the movie. Lizzie smiled big. "Aunt Emma!" She hugs Emma. "Thank you."
"Your welcome, Lizzie. You can keep it as long as you are a good girl."
"I will Aunt Emma. I love it." She hugs Emma again.
Hope made a sound. Allison gets her niece from the chair. "Hi, Hope. You are at my house." Hope smiled and Allison picked her up and Hope hugged her. "Are you happy to be with me and Lizzie?" Hope babbled. "Yes, Lizzie found your Mommy and you at the park. She invited you and mommy over here to play." Lizzie was in charge of tea time and talked to her aunt, mom, and Hope. Emma and Allison took a lot of photos of tea time with their girls. Hope began to cry.
"Allison, Hope is hungry." She hands over Hope to Emma. "Mommy is going to feed you, sweetie." Emma nurses her daughter. After Hope was fed, "Lizzie, Hope will love a story if you read her one."
"Yes!" Lizzie goes to her book section and picks out a book to read to Hope. "Can Hope sit next to me."
"I can bring Hope to your bed." Hope fusses and reaches out for Aunt Allison. "Yes, Hope. I know you want your auntie, Allison."
"Yes, Hope. Auntie Allison is right here." Emma hands over Hope to Allison. Hope hugs Allison. "Allison, Hope loves you."
"Yes, she does. She is not going to be happy on Monday."
"The last few times we took her to your work Hope was always happy to see you."
"Can I read to Hope now?"
"Yes, Lizzie you can." Lizzie read to Hope sitting in between Allison and Emma. After Lizzie read she wanted her Mom to read them a story, which she did. Lizzie fell asleep on Emma and Hope fell asleep on Allison. "Our little girls are tired out from all the fun they had together."
"Yes, Lizzie had so much fun with Hope. Do you want to talk downstairs?"
"Yes." Emma laid Lizzie in her bed tucked in. Allison carries down Hope to her kitchen.
"Do you want hot chocolate?"
"Yes. You know me by now." Emma takes Hope from Allison and sat on the kitchen table. She gets a Facetime call from Killian. "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Love. Hi, Hope." She shows him, Allison. "Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Killian. Your girls are over at my house. We bumped into each other at the park and Lizzie invited them over for afternoon tea."
"Aye, an unplanned girls day?"
"You got that right." Emma and Allison laughed at the same time."How was your shift?"
"It was good, quiet not busy. How was the park?"
"Hope went on the baby swings by herself today. As we were leaving Hope began wailing and saw Rowand."
"The poor little love, was she terrified?"
"Yes, our little Hope was screaming her lungs out. I got her calmed down and we bumped into Allison and Lizzie on the way out of the park. Hope had her first tea time and she had fun with Lizzie, me and her auntie."
"Aye, it looks like my two loves are having so much fun. I just want to let you know that I will be cooking dinner soon and Henry is home from Regina's office."
"We will be home in a few hours."
"Aye, have fun with girl talk." They end their facetime call.
Allison set down hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies. "So, Emma. Your birthday is on Tuesday. What do you want me to bring?"
"I want to have a family day, with you, Henry Killian and Hope. My parents and Leo are coming for dinner since they have work and Leo have school during the day. Can you bring over cupcakes?"
"I can bring over that. Anything else?"
"Can we do each other's nails?"
"Yes!" They both laughed. "I know you are going to have a great day."
"Yes, I always wanted my family for my birthday...now I have everyone that I care about on my special day." They talked more until the sunset. Hope was getting cranky. "Hope, we are going home now sweetie."
"Hope. I need a hug from my niece." She takes Hope from Emma. "Hope, did you have fun at my house?" Hope smiled big and babbled. "Yes, I will see you very soon at my work." Hope hugged her aunt. "Hope, you give great hugs sweetie." Hope made poop. "Emma, Hope needs a change before you leave." Emma chuckled.
"Yes, Hope needs a change." Emma changes Hope in the guest restroom and placed Hope in her carrier. "Allison, thank you for having us over."
"You are welcome, Emma. I come over to your house unannounced and you come here unannounced. It should be normal for us by now." They both laughed. "I will see you both soon." Emma walked home with Hope. She sees a familiar yellow bug car. "Do my two loves need a ride?"
Emma smiled. "Killian."
"Hi, love."
"Yes, we do need a ride." Emma puts Hope in her car seat and sits up front with her husband. "How did you know that we needed a ride?"
"Aye, you walked to the park. Allison's house is opposite side of where we live. I do not want my two loves to walk in the dark by themselves." Emma kisses Killian on his scruffy cheek. "How was girl time?"
"It was fun seeing Lizzie and Hope interacting with each other was so cute. Lizzie has this tea party set in her room and she taught Hope how a tea party works and she read Hope a story. Allison and I had one on one time with our nieces, our girls played together, which was adorable. When they both napped, Allison and I had girl talk."
"Love, it sounds like Hope and you had fun."
"Yes, yes, we both did. I can already imagine us playing pretend, house and tea party when Hope is older."
"Aye, I would love that. I also can imagine Hope playing pirates."
Emma laughed. "Yes, that I can see that happening in a few years from now either at home or second home on the Jolly Roger."
"Hope can play on the Jolly Roger anytime she wants to."
"She is your first mate."
"Aye, she is love." They kissed
Emma smiled, she can already see Hope and Killian playing pirates together on the Jolly Roger and in their house, her two pirates. When they returned home, Killian carried Hope inside. Henry runs to his Mom and hugs her. "Mom!"
"Hey, kid. I did not see you all day. How was your day?"
"It was good. I spend time with my other Mom today. How was your day with Hope?"
"Hope and I played here before we went to the park. She went on the baby swings. When we were getting ready to leave, Hope was cranky for needing her morning nap. Hope began wailing and I saw Rowand. I had to calm down Hope which took a while. Then on the way out, we bumped into Allison and Lizzie. Lizzie invited us over for a tea party."
"How was the tea party?"
Emma smiled. "It was fun. It was so cute how Lizzie was teaching Hope on how to do tea time. Here are the pictures. I took a lot of pictures of Hope today." She shows Henry and Killian, pictures of Hope throughout the day happy in the park swings to tea time with Lizzie and Aunt Allison and Lizzie reading to Hope and her and Allison selfies pictures together. "Mom, it looks like you and Hope had a lot of fun today."
"Yes, we did. Tomorrow, I was thinking you and I go to the movies."
"Just the two of us?"
"Yes, Henry."
"Mom, can we see the new movie that just came out, Venom?"
"Yes, we can kid."
"Yes, a new Marvel movie. I am so excited." He hugs his Mom and goes to his room to get his homework done for the rest of the weekend. Emma and Killian laughed how happy Henry was seeing a movie tomorrow with his Mom. "Love, I can watch Hope tomorrow. Hope and I need daddy-daughter time."
"I know Hope is going to love her one on one time with you."
"Aye, I know. My little pirate and I are going on the ship."
"That will be great. You and Hope have one on one time and I have one on one with our sixteen years old."
"Emma, Henry will always want to spend time with you."
"I know. He loves our family."
"Aye, he does." They kiss and put Hope to bed for the night in her crib.
On October 22nd on Henry's way home from school, he dropped by the town's pottery store to pick up his and Hope's gifts for their Mom. He wrapped them in a gift wrapping paper and placed Hope's card on to of her gift to their mom before wrapping hers. He knows his Mom is going to love both of their gifts. He goes to the shed in their backyard and hides them there for the night. When he arrives inside, he hears Hope crying. He knew that Hope had her vaccine shots with Aunt Allison. He finds Hope crying in her room with their Mom holding her. "Mom."
"Hi, Henry."
"How is Hope?"
"Oh, she had two shots and in pain. I just gave her another dose of her Tylenol. Hope, Mommy knows you had a rough day. The pain will be over soon, baby" She kisses Hope on the head.
"Mom, it is my turn to hold Hope." Emma smiles and hands over Hope to her son. "Hope. I am home from school. Did you miss me?" She hugs her brother. "Hope you did miss me. I missed you so much. Mom, get some rest. You look like you can sleep for a few hours. I have Hope now."
"Thanks, Henry." She kisses Henry on the head and Hope on the head. "Hope have fun with Henry." Emma goes into her room to take a long needed nap after being with a very cranky Hope. Henry brings Hope to his room. He lied down on his bed and had Hope still hugging him which he did not mind. He loves his Hope hugs. "Hope, you never guess where I went after school today?" Hope looked at Henry. "I went to the pottery store and brought home our presents for Mommy. Hope, Mommy is going to open them tomorrow." Hope smiled. "Yes, tomorrow is Mommy's birthday. We are going to give her all the love and attention she deserves right Hope?" Hope babbled. "Yes, that is right." He places Hope on his bed and tickles her and makes her laugh. Hope sat on his lap as he read from his storybook. "Hope, which story do you want to read?" Henry showed her the stories and she babbled when Henry opened the page to their Mommy's story. "Hope, you want to read Mommy's story? Is it because Mommy, Daddy and me are all in it?" Hope made a loud sound, which made Henry smile. "Yes, you love our family story. Mommy's story. How about we read it in your room?" He takes Hope and the book her room. He sits on the rug with Hope sitting up on his lap, Hope love being with Henry. "Hope all of the murals I painted here is Mommy and Daddy's true love story which is in this book." He showed her the pages of their parents love story in the book and on the walls. "Hope, I painted them from my imagination and parts of the book. I always wanted you to know where your family came from. I had to find Mommy to get our family together for you little sis. You have Mommy and me for you to ask us if you need to know about our family." Hope smiled and hugged her brother. "I love you too Hope." He kisses Hope on the head and opens the book to their mom's story. "Once upon a time, there was a long lost princess..." Emma heard Henry's whole conversation in Hope's room through the baby monitor. She loves how much Henry and Hope love each other and for their whole family.
On October 23, 2018, Killian got up early to get Emma's birthday breakfast ready. Hope was still sleeping in between her parents on their bed. Killian placed a bed rail on his side of the bed so Hope won't fall off and got ready for the day. He changes Hope into a onesie with anchor, "Today is my mommy's birthday." He cooks Emma pancakes with mix berries and eggs on the side with cinnamon hot chocolate. Henry went down later and got his and Hope's gifts for their Mom ready to bring them up with her breakfast.
Emma always has been alone on her birthday. Only until last year, she was able to celebrate with her loved ones, her family Henry and Killian and now she is a mommy again to her baby Hope. She has been looking forward this year to her birthday to having her family complete together for her birthday. She wakes up on her left side seeing Hope who was staring at her with her big ocean blue eyes who was on her tummy time facing her mommy who was waiting for her to wake up. Emma smiles big knowing her daughter was waiting for her to wake up. "Good morning, Hope." She takes Hope into her arms. "Hope, do you know what day it is?" Hope babbled. "Yes, today is Mommy's birthday." Hope smiled. "Mommy is so happy to have you, Henry, Daddy, Auntie Allison and grandma and grandpa with me to celebrate my birthday. When I was growing up I was alone..." Hope hugged her Mommy. "Now I am not alone anymore. I have you, Henry and Daddy." She kisses Hope on the head. Henry and Killian came in with gifts. "Mom Happy birthday!!"
"Henry, thank you. You got me presents?"
"Yes, Hope and I both got you presents." Henry sits on the bed with his Mom and sister. Killian puts down the breakfast tray and takes pictures of Emma and the kids together.
"Happy birthday Emma."
"Thank you." They kiss "Hope already greeted me already."
"Aye, little love did you say happy birthday to Mommy." Hope babbled.
"Mom. Can you open your gifts now?"
"Yes, Henry I can." Emma lets Hope sit in between Hope and her and Killian sat on the bed with his family and took pictures of Emma on her special day. "Which one should I open first?"
"Hope, do you want Mommy to open your gift first?" Hope smiled. He hands over Hope's gift to their Mom. Emma opened the box and sees the card. "Awww. Killian looks Hope's handprints."
"Mom, Hope had so much fun finger painting."
"Henry, it looks like Hope did." She talks to Hope. "Hope, did you have fun painting with Henry?" Hope babbled. "Mom, I think is Hope trying to say is yes and she wants you to open the card that she made you." Emma giggled. "Okay, Henry. I will open the card that Hope made me." She opens the card, of course in Henry's handwriting, "Happy Birthday to my Mommy. I love you so much. You are the best mommy who cares for me and always be there for me and Henry. Love Hope." Emma had tears in her eyes and lifts up Hope. "Hope, I love the card you made me sweetie. Thank you, Hope." She holds her on her hip and opens her gift. It was Hope's handprints in a mold with a lot of colorful handprints of Hope around it and says, "To Mommy. Happy birthday, Love, Hope." Emma began crying more. "Hope, I love the gift that you made me." She gives Hope a hug. "I love my Hope hugs. Mommy loves your hugs."
Hope says "Mommy." Everyone was surprised.
Emma smiled big."Hope....say that again. Mommy..."
"Mommy!" Hope smiled. Killian, Henry, and Emma were screaming for joy. Emma hugs her daughter and kisses her and cries more.
"Hope that is right Mommy. I am your Mommy. I am so proud of you, Hope. Your first word!" She hugs her little girl. "Killian, Hope is starting to talk."
"Aye, our little lass said her first word your name."
"Hope, you said you first-word little sis!"
"Hope, can you say Daddy...Daddy..."
"Mommy!" She hugs her Mom.
Emma laughs. "Awww, Hope! That is right, Mommy. I am your Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Love, I got it on camera!"
"You did?!" Killian shows Emma and Henry the video.
"Hope, you are talking little love." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope smiled.
"Henry. Do I have one more gift to open?"
Henry smiled. "Yes, you have one more gift from me." Killian takes Hope from Emma.
"Let's see what Henry got Mommy for her birthday, little love." He had Hope on his lap and took video and pictures of Emma opening up Henry's gift.
Henry sits next to his Mom as she opened up the present from him. She opens the box seeing her yellow bug car with words all over the car on what she means to him. Emma began to cry. "Henry, are these...."
"Yes, Mom. These words in your car are words on how much I love you and how much you mean the world to me."
"Henry...." She hugs him very tight for a long time and cried.
He hugs her back."Happy birthday, Mom."
"Thank you, Henry, I love it. Now I have to think where to put it here or in my office at the station?"
"Wherever you want." Henry was tearing up from his Mom's reaction of his gift that he made her.
"I...I did not expect you to cry."
"These gifts that you and Hope gave me are my best loving birthday presents. You both made them for me. I know you both worked really hard on them." Emma continued to cry. "I...barely had any presents like this mostly hand me downs or nothing as a child....now I have you and Hope...you both gave me presents on my birthday." Hope reached over to her Mom.
"Swan, Hope wants you." She takes her daughter from her husband.
"Mommy." Emma smiled.
"Yes, Hope. You are saying your first word on my birthday is making it extra special." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Having you and Henry on my birthday is the best gift of all my family."
"Hope, operation Mommy is complete." He kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Henry, you included Hope on her first operation."
"Yes, I did. I had it all planned out except for Hope saying her first that is Hope's surprise to all of us." He kisses Hope on her cheek. "Hope, Henry is so proud of you. You saying your first word on Mommy's birthday. Did you plan on it?" He kisses Hope until she laughed.
"Love, Hope knew you needed something special on your birthday. Your chance of being a Mommy from the beginning. Hope saying, Mommy, as her first word is the best gift."
"Yes. it is. Hope knew last year that she will be with my birthday this year because she was in my tummy last year...now Hope is with all of us who made our family complete." Emma still crying. "I am going to be crying all day."
"Mom, we love you. We are going to make you happy on your birthday which always should be happy." He hugs his Mom. "We love you, Mom. You are our Mom." Emma felt loved by her two kids and it is only the morning.
"Swan, I have a gift for you too."
"Hope, come to Henry little sis." He lets Hope sit on his lap. "Let's see what Daddy got Mommy for her birthday." Killian gives Emma a wrapped gift. Emma opened the box it was earrings with swans on them. "Killian, I love it."
"Swan, you are my swan. Once I saw them, I knew it was going to yours."
"Thank you." They kiss.
"Love, one more gift. He hands her a small red velvet box. She opened another box it was a gold necklace with an "E" for her, and she began to cry all over it again. "Killian, this is gorgeous... I love it. Can you help me put it on?"
"Of course, love." He helps Emma put her necklace on. "
I will wear them both today."
"Love, I got you something else." He hands her a paper. "Date night on 10/24/18."
"Killian, where are you taking me?"
"It is a surprise love. Allison is going to babysit Hope in the evening."
"Yes, Hope Aunt Allison is coming over tomorrow."
"Killian, I am looking forward to our date night. I know Henry and Hope are looking forward to Allison being with them while we are on our date."
"Aye, love you will love it swan."
"Anything I do with you I love."
"Aye." They make out.
Henry covered Hope's eyes. "Hope, Mom, and Dad are kissing you and I are going to play downstairs." Henry takes Hope downstairs to play. Killian and Emma snuggle in bed together after they had their makeout season.
"Happy birthday Emma."
"Thank you." They kiss and Killian kisses Emma from her hips to her head making her laugh. They hear the door open, "I think Allison is here."
"Aye, we better go down there before Henry tells her about Hope's first word before we get downstairs." Emma laughed and they kissed. They walked together downstairs. When they arrived Allison was with Hope and Henry in the living room.
"Emma, happy birthday!" Allison hugs Emma.
"Thank you, Allison!"
Hope fussed in Henry's arms. "Mom, Hope wants you."
"Hope, you want Mommy?" She takes Hope from her from. "Hope, you want to tell auntie what you did this morning?"
Allison leans to face to face Hope. "Hope, what did you do this morning?"
"Hope, Mommy."
Allison smiled big. "Hope, my little niece said your very first word!" Emma lets Allison hold Hope. "Hope, I am so proud of you!" She kisses Hope on the cheeks and made her laugh. "Emma, when did she say mommy for the first time?"
"Henry and Hope gave me birthday presents in my bedroom. After Hope gave me my present I hugged her and she said, Mommy. I was crying enough already and when she said her first word, I cried after we were all shocked."
"Aye, here is the video." He shows the video of Emma opening up Hope's gift and Emma hugging her and Hope saying Mommy for the first time and all of them screaming of joy.
"Emma, Hope saying Mommy on your birthday must have been very special."
"Yes. I did not expect that to happen."
"Aunt Allison, we all did not expect that to happen." Hope began to cry in her aunt's arms.
Emma gets Hope from Allison. "Hope, are you hungry? Mommy will feed you." She brings Hope upstairs to her room to nurse her and eat her breakfast. Emma burped Hope. Emma looked at Hope's ocean blue eyes."Hope, I love you so much, sweetie. You are getting so big. No matter what you will always be my special baby girl. My one and only baby girl." Hope smiled. She kisses Hope on the head and Hope hugs her which made her smile big. "That is my little duckling."
Henry and Allison entered Emma's room. "Mom, can I show Aunt Allison my gift that I made for you?"
"Sure, you can." Hope was still hugging Emma, which Emma loved.
Henry gives Allison the pottery version of Emma's car. "Henry this is really awesome. How did you create this?"
"The yellow bug is my Mom's car. It was the car that she had from my Dad..it was the car that she brought me home here and now it is her home. I wanted to recreate it for her by writing words on it how much I love her and how much she meant to me."
"Henry that is really sweet."
"Mom loved it."
"Henry, I really love it. I know you worked really hard on it. Come here." Henry hugs his Mom. "I love you, Henry."
"I love you, Mom." Hope began to cry.
"Hope, it is your nap time sweetie." Emma rocks Hope to sleep and puts her in her crib for her nap. She looked at her Hope, knowing how she is here with them all especially on her birthday her second chance on being a mom on her birthday with her beautiful baby girl. She returns to her room to see Henry and Allison in there.
"Emma, I have few gifts for you."
"Allison, you did not have to get me anything."
"Emma, you are my best friend sister. It is your birthday." Allison gave her a few boxes. Emma opened up clothes for her to wear in the fall and winter.
"Allison you got a good taste in clothing and these will keep me warm here in the winter." She opens the smallest box, it was an Alex and Ani bracelet, "sisters." Allison, I love it thank you." She hugs her.
"You are welcome."
"When is your birthday?"
"My birthday is April 21st."
"No way. Hope and you have almost had the same birthday."
"Yes, I almost have the same birthday as my god niece."
"Yes. You are meant to be her godmother." They both laughed.
Emma hears Hope crying through the baby monitor. "I will be right back." Emma enters the room, hearing Hope wailing. "Hope, what is the matter baby girl?" Emma takes Hope from her crib and hugged her and kissed her on the head. "Did you have a nightmare? hmm... Mommy got you." Hope continued to cry. " It is okay Hope, Mommy got you." She gets Hope's quilt from her crib and sits on the rocker and slowly rocked Hope wrapped in her quilt while Hope gripped her Mommy. "It is okay Hope. Mommy got you...You are with Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head and let Hope rest on her, her Hope snuggles.
Killian comes to Hope's room. "Emma, is Hope alright love?"
"I think Hope had a nightmare. I put her down for her morning nap and a little while later she was wailing." She frowned. "Our little Hope had a nightmare." She kisses Hope on the head. "She still is gripping me and slowly stop crying."
"Little love. Your nightmare is not going to happen again, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head and looked at her matching blue eyes. "Not on my watch. Daddy is not going to let that happen." Emma smiles having her caring husband protecting their little girl from her nightmares. "Daddy does not like nightmares too. You can always come to Daddy and Mommy whenever you are afraid little love." He let Hope grip his hook and she fell asleep. "Swan, she is asleep right after she held my hook."
"Killian, she wants us both to be with her. She knows her Daddy and Mommy are being there for her."
"Aye, we both are." They kiss.
" My little duckling pirate. We can snuggle in our room."
"Love, that is a great idea." They walked together to their room and watch Hope sleep.
"How did you know to come upstairs?"
"Allison heard from the baby monitor and knew Hope needed the both of us. She is with Henry downstairs getting an art lesson."
"Hope, Mommy and Daddy are with you, sweetie." They both looked at Hope sleeping on Emma with her small hand holding her Daddy's hook and her other hand gripping her Mommy. "I am loving my birthday so far just being with my family." They were together with their little girl who loves and needed them and there for her.
While, Emma and Killian were with Hope upstairs, downstairs, Henry and Allison were baking a birthday cake for Emma. Allison brought over cupcakes for Emma but wanted Emma to have birthday cake since she probably did not have a birthday cake in her past birthdays. "Aunt Allison, I never baked before."
"You never have?"
"Yup. You are teaching me."
Allison laughed. "I can teach you to bake and I can teach your Mom to cook."
"That is a good plan." Allison laughed. "Thank you for buying the baking supplies. I did not want my mom to know only Dad knows."
"Your welcome, Henry. I know your Mom will be very surprised."
"Yes, she will." Allison and Henry baked Emma a chocolate cake, with chocolate frosting and Henry decorate his Mom's birthday cake with different color frostings and sprinkles and many candles on top at the end.
"Your Mom is going to love it."
Hope woke up from her nap. "Mommy!" Which woke up her Mom and Dad.
Emma smiled. "Hi, Hope. Did you have a good nap sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head which made her smile. "Hope, you want to play with Mommy?" Hope smiled. "We will play." Emma and Hope played their special game, Emma loved playing with Hope because it made Hope laugh a lot being kissed everywhere and tickled. Killian took pictures of Emma and Hope playing together. While Emma got dressed for the day, Killian played with Hope. Emma left the room to see what Henry and Allison were up to. She found them watching a Star Wars film. "Hey, kid."
"Hi, Mom. We are watching Star Wars. Want to join us? I made your favorite popcorn with melted milk duds"
"You made my favorite snack, kid." She sits next to her son and he hugged his Mom and watched the movie. After the movie was over, Henry was sleeping on her lap. "Allison, he is passed out."
"Well, he taught me a lot on how to draw today. He looks comfy on you."
"Yes, he loves his Mom." He kisses Henry on the head enjoying her teenage son loving his time with his Mom.
"How is your birthday so far?"
Emma smiled. "I am really loving it, being with my family which all I care about. I did not expect to have Hope say her first word which is my name on my birthday. It was amazing to hear her first word, which is making my birthday extra special. Can I do your hair?"
"You mean braids?"
"Yes!" They both laughed. Emma let Henry sleep on the couch. Allison and Emma went up to her room to do Allison's hair. Killian was with Hope in her room. Emma did Allison's hair in a crown braid.
"Emma you are amazing with braids."
"Thank you." She hugs Allison. "I am so happy to have you as a sister on my birthday."
"I am happy that I am your sister." They both laughed. Emma did her own hair. They talked more. Killian brought in crying, Hope. "Swan, Hope needs to be fed."
"Hope, Mommy will feed you little duck." Emma nursed Hope. "Hope, did you just wanted to join girl time hmm?" She kissed Hope on the head.
"So Emma what is your birthday dinner tonight?"
"Killian cooked roast beef, mash potatoes, and green beans. My parents are bringing ziti too." After Hope was fed Hope she sat in between her Mommy's legs as her Mom was in Indian style playing with a chew toy.
"Emma, since your hair is in a crown braid, Hope won't be tugging your hair."
Emma chuckled. "Yes, I have to tie my hair up more often now. I am not cutting my hair, I love it long. How about you?"
"Oh, I tried different styles and shades of brown. I love my natural brown hair and long. I tried short when I was in high school, I hated it."
"When do you think I should start feeding Hope solid food? I still want to breastfeed her."
"Hope should be trying solid foods by now since she is 6 months. Breastfeeding Hope is still very important. Has she been trying to grab or eat your food?"
"No, not yet."
" She can slowly eat solids not too much like avocados is a good some with one taste, not multiple tastes at once. Not until she is interested in eating your food."
"Is it normal for her not wanting solid food yet?"
"Every baby is different. Hope will tell you when she is ready. I know that Hope is going to have her first tooth coming soon." She tickles her niece, which made Hope smile.
"How did you know?"
"Hope is drooling a lot more, putting her hands in her mouth and her toys in her mouth."
"We are making sure the living room is clean when she is on the floor and no small objects. We do not want Hope to choke."
"Every small object can be dangerous for Hope."
"I know. Henry, Killian and I are cleaning all the time now. We do not want Hope to choke." Hope reached out to Allison."
"Hope, you want to play with me?" Allison gets Hope from her. Allison plays with her and helping Hope stand.
"Hope, are you standing up like a big girl?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you are." Emma kisses Hope on the cheek. Emma made funny faces to Hope copied her Mom, which made Emma laugh and she tickles her daughter, which made Hope laugh.
Allison placed Hope on her lap. "Hope, are you being kissed by your Mommy?" Hope babbled. "My turn to make you laugh." Allison tickles Hope's tummy and made her laugh and Emma joined them, they were both tickling Hope. Killian enters the room smiling seeing his two loves and Allison playing together, he took pictures of the lasses.
"Swan, your parents are here."
Emma stopped playing with Hope. "Hope, grandma, and grandpa are here. Mommy is going to go say hi to them. You have fun with auntie." Emma leaves the room. Hope begins to cry.
"Little love, do you want your Mommy?"
"I think Hope wants Emma." Allison hands over Hope to Killian.
"Little lass, Daddy will take you to Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head.
Emma goes downstairs and sees her parents. "Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad."
"Emma, happy birthday." Snow White and Charming both hug their daughter together.
"Thank you, Mom and Dad." She hugs her Mom back. She knows this day was hard for both of her parents. She knows her Mom was feeling like how she felt on Henry's birthday was always hard for her, now Emma has her mom in her life and Henry was in her life.
"I got you a gift." She hands Emma a wrapped box.
Emma opens her gift, a gold bracelet. "Mom, it is beautiful. I love it." She hugs her Mom. "Thank you."
"I am glad that you like it."
"Emma, happy birthday."
"Thank you, Dad." She hugs her Dad.
"Happy birthday sissy."
"Thank you, Leo. Can I have a hug?" Leo hugs his sister.
Killian brings down crying Hope and Allison followed them. "Swan, Hope wants her Mommy." Hope was reaching out to her Mommy.
"Hope, you want Mommy." She takes Hope from her husband and Hope gripped her Mommy. "Hope, say hi to grandma and grandpa." Snow and Charming gave Hope a kiss on the head.
"Hope, you sure love your Mommy."
"Yes, Mom. She loves me." She kisses Hope on the head.
Mom, is Hope okay?"
"Your sister just wants me."
"Hope, do you want to play with me?" Hope smiled and reached out for her brother. "Mom, Hope wants to play with me." Henry takes Hope from their Mom.
"Henry, can I play with you and Hope?'
"Yes, you can Leo." Henry played with Hope and Leo in the living room. Emma and Snow White watched from a distance while Allison, Charming, and Killian set up Emma's birthday dinner. Hope was sitting on the carpet playing with one of her toys. Leo was playing with his trucks.
"Emma, Hope is getting so big."
"Yes, my little girl is getting so big..." Hope puts a truck in her mouth and Leo yanks it out of Hope's hands and pushes her, and Henry catches his sister just in time as Hope began to wail. Emma and Snow White rushes to their kids. Henry was mad."Leo, you do not push Hope."
"Henry, give Hope to me." Henry gives Hope to their Mommy. "Hope, you are with Mommy. Mommy got you." She was mad. "Leo, you do not hurt your niece. Hope can get hurt really easily."
Killian, Allison, and Charming came rushing in. "Emma, what happened love?"
"Leo yanks his toy truck out of Hope's hands and pushes her. Henry caught her in time before she landed on the ground." She soothes Hope.
"Emma, I can examine her."
"Thank you, Allison."
"Did she hit her head on the ground?"
"Aunt Alison, Hope was sitting up, Leo pushes her and she falls backward. I caught Hope before she fell on the ground."
"Henry, you saved your sister. Just in case, I am going to examine your sister." She talks to Emma, "Emma, let me examine Hope." Emma hands over Hope to Allison. "Hope, I am going to check to see if you are hurt, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Henry, here are my car keys. I have my doctor bag in my trunk. Can you get them for me?"
"Yes, I can. I will be right back."
Allison takes Hope to the kitchen with Emma and Killian following her, leaving the Charmings alone with Leo.
"Leo, how could you do that to your niece?"
"She was putting my truck in her mouth."
"Leo she is a baby and you could have hurt her really bad. Her head is still developing."
"Leo, you have no television for a week."
"No, Leo. Your mean behavior has gotten out of control."
"You have to be a good boy. Hope is your family you do not hurt your family members or anyone else, especially Hope."
"You are in time out now." Snow takes Leo in a corner and made him face a corner and watched his timeout.
Killian sat close to his wife and daughter. " Emma, hold Hope so I can examine her." Emma its on a chair and set Hope on her chest. "Hope, Auntie is going to check your head and neck sweetie." Henry arrives with Allison's doctor bag. "Henry just in time." Allison put gloves on and examines Hope's head. "No, bruises or swelling on her head. Henry, when she landed back on you, did she landed on her neck or head?"
"Hope landed in my hands. She did not fall on the ground... It all happened so fast."
Killian put his hand on Henry's shoulder."Lad, you caught Hope."
"I do not want Hope to get hurt."
Allison examines Hope more. "Hope you are alright sweetie. Your big brother caught you just in time."
"Allison, are you sure?"
"Emma, Hope is alright. Henry caught her just in time before any serious injuries."
"Henry, thank you for catching Hope in time."
"Mom, I do not want Hope to get hurt. I knew Leo was going to do something since he pushed Lizzie in the pool..." He kneels down and talks to Hope who was hugging their Mom. "Hope, you are okay little sis. I will always be there for you whenever you need me to help you." He kisses Hope on the head which made Hope smile.
Charming enters the kitchen, "Allison, how is my granddaughter?'
"Hope has no injuries."
"Dad, she is just afraid that Leo pushed her and yanked the toy from her." She held Hope tight in her arms. "Hope, Leo needs to be nice to you sweetie. You are with Mommy. Henry saved you just in time."
"Leo is grounded with no television or screen time for a week. He has been a lot of sharing issues and fights in school. Once he pushed Hope, that was the bottom line. He is in time out, your Mom is watching him."
"Dad, why has he been acting up?'
"I do not know Emma. Your Mom and I need to figure that out." He talks to Hope. "Little princess, I am glad you are okay. Grandpa will make sure Leo won't hurt you again." He kisses Hope on the head who still holding onto her mommy very tightly. "I know you are with your Mommy who won't let anyone bad happen to you."
"Dad you are right, Hope knows she is safe with me. I have a feeling Hope won't let go of me for the rest of the night."
"Love, you might be right knowing our little lass."
"She takes after me." She kisses Hope on the head. "Can we eat soon?"
"Love, you are the birthday girl." They kiss. Hope reached out for her Daddy. "Little Hope, you want Daddy?" He takes Hope from his wife. "Hope, you are okay little love. Tomorrow, you and I are going on the Jolly Roger for daddy-daughter time. Would you like that?" Hope smiled and babbled. "You are my little pirate." He tickles his daughter and made her laugh.
"My two pirates." Killian and Emma kiss. Snow White and Leo enter the kitchen.
"Leo, do you have something to say to Hope?"
When Hope sees Leo she began to cry. "Hope, it is okay little love. Daddy got you." He bounces Hope and soothes her and takes her away from Leo and by Allison who was helping Charming setting up dinner.
"Emma, I am sorry I pulled the toy away from Hope and pushed her."
Emma kneels down to her little brother and talks to him in a serious tone. "Leo that was a very mean thing you did. Hope can get hurt very easily, if Henry did not catch her in time she could have gotten hurt very bad. Why did you push her?"
"She had my toy in her mouth. I did not want to have my truck in my mouth."
"I understand that Leo. Hope is only a baby and babies tend to put a lot of things in their mouth. You do not grab and push Hope. You do not, I repeat do not ever hurt Hope. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Emma."
Hope cried louder. "Love." She walks to her husband and daughter.
"I am coming." She walks to Killian and Hope.
"Mommy." Snow and Charming go closer to their daughter and granddaughter were standing with surprised looks on their faces.
She takes Hope from Killian. "Yes, Hope. Mommy. You are with Mommy, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma, did Hope just said Mommy?"
Emma smiled. "Yes, Mom. Hope said, mommy. Hope is starting to talk. She said her first word this morning." She kisses Hope on the head. "I was about to tell you when the incident happen. Now you both see it for yourself." After the Charmings congratulated on Hope's saying her first word, everyone had dinner together. Emma had Hope on her which she did not mind at all, she loves her baby Hope and loving being a mommy from the very beginning on her birthday. After dinner, there was birthday cake. Henry lite the candles and Killian carried the cake.
When Emma saw the cake, "Killian, Henry?"
"Mom, aunt Allison and I made the cake today while you and Dad were with Hope."
'Yes, we did. It was Henry's idea." They sang happy birthday to Emma, while Charming recorded it. Emma had Hope on her lap, Henry and Killian at her side. "Hope, you want to help mommy blow out my candles?"
Emma smiled big. "1...2...3.." Emma blew out her candles. Everyone cheered and Emma clapped Hope's hands. Charming and Snow White took pictures of Emma with Killian, Hope, Henry, and Allison. Kilian took pictures of Emma with her parents. Emma loved having her parents, her brother, her best friend, her adoring husband and her two children with her on her birthday, she was not alone and she knows that she will never be alone ever again on her birthday. "This is the best birthday that I ever had. I am with you all." Henry hugs his Mom.
"Mom, we love you. Right Hope?"
"Mommy." She hugs both of her children and so grateful for both of them.
"Love, happy birthday."
"I love you."
"I love you too Emma." They kiss. After cake, Snow White, Killian and Allison cleaned up. Charming talks to Snow White. "Snow, I am going to bring Leo home so I have one on one time with him to see what is going on with him."
"Please tell me what you figure out."
"Yes, I will."
"Snow, I can give you a ride home."
"Killian are you sure?"
'Aye, love. I can. I know you want to spend time with Emma."
Emma was with Hope on the couch.
"Emma, I am going to take Leo home."
"Leo, you know I love you right?'
"I love you but you have to be gentle and nice to Hope."
"Yes, Emma."
"Emma, I will drop by to see you tomorrow." He hugs Emma and Hope. "Hope, I know you are happy with Mommy. I have never seen your mommy so happy ever until you came Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. Charming and Leo leave.
"Mom, can I read to Hope?"
"Yes, you can." Henry went upstairs to get his book. Allison enters the living room.
"Emma, what time are you and Killian going on your date tomorrow?"
"I am not sure yet."
"You can text me the time. I know Hope and I are going to have fun." She tickles Hope on her belly. "Hope are we going to have fun tomorrow?" Hope smiled. "Yes, we are."
"Are you sure Hope is okay?"
"Emma it has been a few hours. Hope has no swelling, no vomiting and she is not dizzy. She is her happy self."
"I just wanted to make sure."
"I know. You are her Mommy, you are concerned about Hope's safety." Henry comes back to the living room with his storybook.
"Aunt Allison, Hope is not hurt because of me."
"That is right Henry. You are doing what a big brother does, protecting his little sister from getting hurt."
"Mom, can I hold her?"
"Henry, Hope is clingy. We can try." She gives Hope to Henry and he lets Hope sit on his lap.
"Hope, look what I have my magic storybook."
"Emma, I can come by before your date so we can talk."
"I am looking forward to it." Emma hugs Allison. "Thank you for all you did today. Being with our family celebrating my birthday day with me and examining Hope when Hope almost got hurt."
"Emma, you are my sister. I had so much fun today and especially spoiling you." They hug.
"Girl talk tomorrow before my date night with Killian?"
"Yes." They both laughed. "Henry, Hope. I am leaving."
"Aunt Allison do you have to go?"
"Yes, Henry I have to. Tomorrow night, I am going to watching Hope."
"Yes! I know we are going to have fun tomorrow night."
"Yes, we are. You still need to teach me to draw?"
"Yes, I can." Hope babbled. "Hope, auntie Allison will play with you a lot tomorrow, little sis." Hope made her poop face. "Mom. Hope needs a change."
Emma takes Hope from her son. "Hope, you need a change and get ready for bed."
"Bye, Hope. I will play with you and Henry tomorrow." She kisses Hope on the head. "Emma happy birthday."
"Thank you, Allison." They hug. Emma brings Hope upstairs to settle down for the night.
Henry hugs. "Thank you, Aunt Allison, for helping Hope today."
"Your welcome Henry. You saved her from not landing on the ground."
"I know. You made all of us happy today especially Mom."
"Henry your Mom has you your Dad and Hope. She is very lucky to have everyone in our family to be with her on her birthday."
"My mom is not alone she has us."
"That is right. I will see you tomorrow." Allison leaves the house. Henry went upstairs to get ready for bed. Snow White went to find Emma and Hope in Hope's room. "Hope, you are all ready for bed baby girl." She lifts up Hope from her changing table and held her in her arms and spun her around and kisses her on the cheek. Emma nursed Hope for the night and after talking to her. "Hope, you are Mommy's baby girl. I am so happy that you are in my life. You gave me a second chance of being a mommy and I am loving it so much. You said your very first word today." She did nose to nose with Hope, "I am so proud of you Hope. Mommy is so happy you said your first word on my birthday which made it extra special." Hope babbled. "Yes, last year you were in my tummy now this year you are here with me and making my birthday a very happy day." Hope grabbed her Mommy's face. "I love you too, Hope." She rocked Hope to sleep and put her in the crib when she was asleep. "Good night, Hope. I love you so much my baby girl." She watched Hope sleep for a few minutes and leaves the room. She sees her Mom. "Mom."
"Hi, Emma. I saw you with Hope. I did not want to interrupt."
"We can talk in the living room." They go downstairs. "Is this day hard for you? I know on Henry's birthday for the first 10 years of his life it was awful not being with him on his birthday."
"I never forget the day you were born Emma. It was the happiest day of my life and then the saddest day when I had to give you up so you can get away from the curse." Emma hugs her Mom. "I knew you were going to defeat the curse."
"I did, Mom. Now I am with you."
"I missed out everything with you Emma. I wanted to be your Mom but we were in the curse and then you broke the curse all of our memories came back and you were an adult not a baby anymore..."
Emma hugs her Mom was about to cry."Mom, I understand why you gave me up. Yes, I was alone...I am not alone now which is more important."
"Emma..." She hugs her daughter. "I did not raise you which I feel guilty the most of and now you are a great mom to Hope and Henry..."
"I get the kind caring personality and stubbornness from you, my mom."
'Yes, you get that all from me." They both laughed and continued to talk. Killian listened to their conversation until he heard Hope crying.
He goes upstairs to check on his little love. Henry was with her in the nursery, Henry holding Hope. "Hope, you are with me, little sis." He soothed her until Hope stopped crying. "Hope, I am so happy you are my baby sister. I love you so so much. I do not want you to get hurt." Hope babbled. "I am so happy you are not hurt Hope. I do not want someone that I love so much I do not want you to get hurt." He kisses Hope on the head and she placed a drool covered hand on her brother's face. "I love you, Hope." Hope babbled. "I know you are saying 'I love you, Henry." Killian chuckled. "Hope, I am so proud of you today, operation mommy was a success. We made mommy so happy on her birthday." Hope smiled. "Yes, Hope. You said your first word, mommy! Which made Mommy, Daddy, and me so so proud of you. I know you do not understand now but I know you will talk so much soon and we will have a conversation. I have to teach you how to keep secrets. I love you so much Hope, you are getting so big." He kisses Hope on the head. "You make Mommy, me and Daddy so happy Hope. We all love you." Hope smiled. " You have to go to sleep. I am not leaving until you fall asleep." Hope whimpered. "Hope, I will stay with you. You and I can sleep together. Would you like that?" Hope smiled and babbled. "Mommy is with grandma downstairs. We can sleep in Mommy and Daddy's room. We can have a sleepover." Henry takes Hope and her quilt and sees their Dad. "Hi, Dad."
"Lad? What are you up to? You have school in the morning."
"Yes, I know. Hope was crying and I came in here to make sure she was okay from almost getting hurt today after I changed her diaper. She just wanted me to hold her. Can we sleep in your room please? Since you have the baby rail on your bed, I do not want Hope to roll off the bed. Hope wants to sleep with me."
Killian smiled. "Henry, you are a great big brother. As long as you sleep in my room not staying up reading to or talking to Hope. You and Hope can sleep in there."
"Yes! Thanks, Dad."
"Little love, you have to let Henry sleep, he has school in the morning." He kisses Hope on the cheek. Henry brings Hope to their parent's room and had the baby rails on each side of their bed was up. Henry laid down in the middle of their parents' king size bed and had Hope sleeping on him. "Good night Hope. Henry loves you so much." He kisses Hope on the head and watched her fall asleep and fell asleep right after.
Killian goes downstairs seeing Snow White and Emma having mother-daughter time. "Killian."
"Yes, Snow."
"Can you drop me off? I have to teach in the morning."
"Aye, love I can. First, before you leave, Emma our kids are up to something."
Emma gives her husband a look. "Killian, what are Henry and Hope up to?"
"Love, you have to follow me and see for yourself lasses." Emma and Snow White followed Killian to their bedroom and he turned the light on.
Emma and Snow White see Henry and Hope both sleeping together tuckered out. Emma and Snow White took pictures. "Aww.Henry and Hope my two babies. Killian...why they are in here?"
"I came up there to check on Hope, Henry got there before me. I was listening to their conversation, he was telling Hope how much he loves her, how we all love Hope and how she is getting bigger...after the incident today he told her that he will always be there for her. When he said she had to go to Hope got sad. The lad said sleepover in our room since we have the baby rails on our bed, which made Hope stop crying."
"Killian." She hugs her husband. "They can sleep with us. A family sleepover is a good ending on my special day."
"Love, I cannot think any better." They kiss."I will see you when I get back."
"Emma." Snow White hugs her daughter. "Happy birthday."
"Thank you, Mom." Killian drives Snow White back to her farmhouse. Emma gets dressed for bed Emma made sure her kids had a blanket. She took a few pictures of them sleeping together. "My two babies, my family. I love you both so much." She kisses Henry on the head and kisses Hope on the head. Killian returns from dropping off his mother in law. Emma was still awake with the light on watching their kids sleeping. "You are still awake?"
"Yes, I am. I waited up for you."
"Aye. you don't say." He wrapped his arms around his wife and kisses her on the head.
"I had a great birthday. This is my best birthday ever."
"Love, that is amazing to hear."
"Yes, it is. I had all of my family together. I have gotten so many gifts. My favorites are the ones from Henry, Hope and you."
"You don't say." They kiss.
"We need get some sleep."
"Aye, we do love. How are we going to do this?"
"I was thinking since they are in the middle, we can sleep on the sides."
"We can cuddle a lot tomorrow."
"I was about to say, that is a great idea. I do not mind having Henry and Hope sleeping with us."
Emma smiled. "I love you."
"I love you so much, Emma." They kiss and hug. "I am so happy you had your best birthday ever."
"With you and our family, every day is special."
"Yes, it is love. Our family is everything to me."
"Love and family are all we need." They kiss a long passionate one. He got Emma comfortable in bed and got him assorted on the other side of their bed, they both slept close to their children as possible. She reached out her hand and he gave her his hook hand and grabbed it. Killian turned the light off next to him. "I love you."
"I love you, Emma." Emma falls asleep first. "Happy birthday Emma, my swan."Emma and Killian fell asleep holding hands with their children sleeping in between them, their family all together." They slept happily together as one whole family, Swan-Jones family.

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