Henry's Big Night

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It was the week of Henry's art show, Emma and Killian noticed how their son was excited about his school art show and how Hope is being involved as much as possible. Hope has been sleeping in her crib at night with her Mommy so Henry and the rest of the family got more sleep. Henry got ready for school and head downstairs to join his family for breakfast in the kitchen, Emma was feeding Hope her breakfast. "Morning, Mom."
"Morning, Henry."

"How was sleeping with Hope last night?"

"Not too bad. It is a bit cramped for me in the crib but it helps Hope to feel safe." Hope babbled.

"Morning, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head and Hope babbles.

"Dad, what is for breakfast?"

"Pancakes, eggs and bacon."

"Hope, did you help Daddy cook this morning?" Hope babbled.

"Kid, that is a yes from your sister. Your Dad let her mix both pancake mix and eggs." After they ate breakfast, Killian and Emma were cleaning up the kitchen.


"Yes, Henry?"

"What are you doing today?"

"I am not sure, Henry maybe go into town with Hope. Why?"

"I was wondering if you and Hope can join my art class today?"

"If it is alright with your teacher. I can take Hope to your class. What time is your class today?"

"It is at 11:30am, right before lunch."

"Henry, if you want to, we can go out to lunch at Granny's after your art class."
"Really, Mom?"

"Yes, Henry." Henry hugs his Mom. Emma and Killian smile at each other and she kisses Henry on the head.

"I cannot wait. I will text you when I ask my teacher." Henry goes to his sister. "Hope, you are going to join my art class today with Mommy." Hope reached out to her brother, he kisses Hope on the head. "Henwy."

"We are going to do art at my school. I will see you later, Hope." Hope began to cry. Henry leaves for school. "Hopey." Emma takes Hope out of her high chair. "Hope, do not cry. We are going to see Henry later in school. We are going to join his art class. We are going to see Henry, soon."

"Little love, Dada has to go to work. I know you are going to have a fun day with your Mommy and Henry. Be a good little lass for Mommy today. When I get home we are going to have Daddy-daughter time." Hope smiled as Killian kisses her on the cheek. "Love, if you need anything call me."

"I will call. I know that Henry and Hope will have fun with me today. Did you see how happy Henry was when I told him that I will bring Hope into his art class?"

"Aye, I saw the look on his face. He is very excited for you and Hope to join him at school."

"I am just worried about all of Hope's injuries and kidnappings...I am just afraid he is not open with me."

"Love, he will talk to you if he needs too. You are his Mom and he loves you and Hope so much."

"I am thinking maybe he invited Hope and me to his art class to talk, that is why I decided to take him out to lunch or maybe my mom is bothering him in school..." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Emma, he probably just wants more time with his mother. After your lunch with Henry, I can take Hope and you can take Henry back to school so you can have one on one time."

"Thanks, I really do appreciate that. I just feel that I do not spend enough time with him as I do with Hope." She shifts Hope onto her other hip. "Emma, Hope and Henry have different needs."

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