Art Show

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After the park, the family took the yellow bug back home. Hope was being snuggled by Emma on her parents' bed, "Hope, Mommy missed you when I was working today." She kissed Hope on the cheeks. "I am so happy you behaved for Daddy and Henry." Hope reached her hands to Emma's cheeks. Emma just smiled. She hears a camera click. Emma looks up," Sorry, Mom I could not help it."
"It is okay, kid. Come sit with us."
"Are you feeling better now?"
"I feel relieved, a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, which I have not felt in a long time."
"I am glad to hear that, Henry."
"Mom, here a few photos I took while we were on the ship of me and Hope." Henry showed the pictures to her through his iPhone, pictures of Hope and Henry selfie, a selfie of Hope grabbing the steering wheel and picture of Hope and Emma looking at the ocean."
"These pictures are great, Henry. I love the one Hope holding onto the steering wheel."
"Yes, that is one of my favorites." He leans his head on his mom's shoulder, "Thank you for all that you did today."
"Your welcome, Henry. I hate when one of my babies get hurt, that pisses me off the most." She hugs him with one arm and held Hope. "I will always fight for you two, you know that?"
"Yes, I know that is why I told you first." He bends down to Hope who had her hand in her mouth, "You hear that Hope, Mommy will always fight for us when we need her." Henry slept on Emma's shoulder while Hope slept in Emma's arms. "I love you both so much." Emma fell asleep between her two children.
Killian answered the door, after he heard the doorbell, it was Regina. "Hi, Regina. How was putting the lads in jail?"
"It went well. Where are Emma and Henry? I want to update you all at once."
"They are all upstairs in our room, I think." The both go upstairs and stop at the entrance of the bedroom and were in awe. They both took their phones out and took pictures of Emma, Henry, and Hope sleeping together. "This is the best thing that I have seen all today."
"Yes, this makes today arresting those boys worth it, seeing Henry now happy with Emma and Hope. I am so happy I have my phone this time."
"Aye, it does. Should we wake them?
"Yes, I know Emma wants to know what happens after she left, it was her plan after all."
"Aye, that is a yes then." He walks to Emma and gently taps her on the shoulder. "Emma, love wake up."
Emma woke up, "Oh, I fell asleep."
Killian chuckled."Love, how can you not fell asleep with our two kids that are sleeping on you. We have company."
Emma looked at the entrance. "Regina, Hi. How did it go after I left?"
"Should we talk downstairs"
"We should. Killian, can you help? I am in between the two of them." Killian takes Hope out of her arms. Emma wakes up Henry, "Henry, Regina is here."
Henry wakes up, "Mom, you are here." Henry hugs Regina.
"Yes, I am. I am here to update all three of you on what happened after Emma left." Killian carried sleeping Hope downstairs and everyone sat in the living room to listen to Regina. "After Emma left right after she and Charming put the boys into the police car. I rode with Charming to the sheriff station. The three boys were so nervous. They were put into three separate cells. They were given one phone call each. Their parents came furiously that their sons were arrested. Charming and I were telling their parents if they were not bullies in the first place, they would not have been punished. I told the parents that the Principal and I including the town's sheriff have a zero-tolerance policy if children bully others to a point of injury they will spend their suspension at the sheriff station. We explained to them who they bullied the son of the mayor and the town's sheriff, the parents were not surprised because you know they are former villains themselves but they yelled at their kids for bullying the wrong student. They did not mind leaving their son's in jail except for Jack's parents who were disappointed in him and wanted him to be released and grounded him after the two-day jail suspension. The dwarfs are keeping an eye on especially Grumpy. "
"Moms, thank you for both for helping me today. I am so lucky to have you both." Emma and Regina both hug Henry.
"We are lucky to have you, Henry."
"I feel relieved now that I can go to school without being aware of my surroundings of constantly being in fear."
"Oh yeah, Emma did you made in time to feed Hope?"
"I met them at the diner before Hope had a meltdown."
"Aye, Granny helped us to distract Hope before Emma came rushing in to feed her. Other than that this little lass had fun with me and Henry." Hope woke her and began to fuss. "Little lass, we were just talking about you." They all laughed.
"I think it is time for her next feeding." Killian hands over Hope to Emma. "Hope, do not cry baby. Mommy is going to feed you." Emma brings Hope upstairs to feed her.
"Lad, do you feel safer to go to school tomorrow?"
"Yes, for tomorrow while they are at the sheriff station, not sure when they return to school on Friday."
"Henry, they are learning their lesson if not they are going to be back in the station."
"You sure Mom?"
"Yes, from what Emma and I experienced today, they are going to be afraid of you once they see you again knowing you come from a very powerful family."
"Lad, in case anything happens when they come back and hurt or threaten you call me or your mom we will straighten them out."
"Yes, Henry. You should have seen your other mom in the office yelling at the principal, I am pretty sure she would not have taken no for an answer."
"Yeah, I can imagine that."
"Henry, we have to leave soon. You have school in the morning."
"Dad, I will see you after school tomorrow right?"
"Aye, lad. We can start your lessons on sword fighting."
"You mean it?"
"Yes, Henry." He hugs Killian. "You are the best. I am going to say bye to Mom and Hope." He runs upstairs. Regina and Killian laugh.
"You're going to teach him to sword fight?"
"Aye, he asked me when he told me about the bullies, he wanted to protect Hope in the future."
"He really looks up to you as a Dad."
"Aye, he does. After Emma and Henry spoke on Saturday about the bullying she told me how much Henry considered of me as his real father because I teach him on how to be a man, help him with his homework and guiding him. He does not consider Baelfire as his father because he was never around and that he was a selfish ass that did not care for him or Emma."
"Wow, I had no idea he knew so much of what Baelfire did to Emma and how much he was aware of Bae being an ass."
"I know. I never liked Bae anyway. You are a better father to him than Baelfire."
Back upstairs, Henry finds Emma and Hope in the nursery. "I came up to say goodnight."
"Hope, Henry is leaving for today. You want to say bye-bye?" She hands Hope to Henry.
"Hope, I had so much fun playing with you and Daddy today. I love you, little sis. I will see you tomorrow. Maybe you and Mommy can watch Daddy teach me how to swordfight?" Hope gurgles. Henry kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope." He puts Hope in her crib. Henry gives Emma a big hug. "Mom, thank you, thank you for everything you did today."
"Henry, you are my first baby, of course, I will help you always. I love you so much." She kisses him on the head as he continued to hug her. "I cannot wait to see your art project on Friday night."
"Yes, I am looking forward to showing all of you. Please bring Hope."
"Of course, Henry. I know she was the reason you got the award."
"Yes, I need her to be there."
Emma gives him a look."Why?"
"All I am saying she needs to be there. I will see you tomorrow Mom." He hugs her again, "Thank you for being you."
"I am just being myself especially for you and Hope."
"Bye, Hope. Please give Mom and Dad rest tonight." Emma laughs. Henry leaves with Regina. Emma takes Hope from her crib. "Hope, I wonder why it is so important to be at Henry's art show? Did he tell you?" Hope just gurgles. "You are good at keeping secrets, little buttercup." She gives Hope a few kisses.
Friday came very quickly. Henry had better days in school. The bullies stayed far away from Henry. Henry came home for the weekend as usual. Emma dressed Hope in a yellow dress with a matching bow headband. "Hope, you look so cute in your first dress baby girl." She gave Hope many kisses. Emma fed her before she changed her but she packed her diaper bag with a cover just in case Hope goes hungry during the art show. Henry and Killian wore a suit and Emma wore a dress. "Love, you look amazing."
"Awe, you are so sweet, I hope I look good, especially after giving birth 2 weeks ago. Look at what Hope is wearing."
"Little love, you look so cute in your first dress." He kisses Hope on the cheeks. "I want to take a picture of my two beautiful loves." He takes of picture of Emma and Hope. He made silly faces so Hope looks at the camera. Henry enters Hope's room, "Mom, Dad are you almost ready? I have to be there soon."
"Henry, you look so handsome."
"Thank you, Mom."
"One more picture before we go." He took a picture of Emma and Henry, then Henry and Hope and then with all three of them. Killian carried the diaper bag and Emma held Hope. Killian drove them to the school. Henry ran to the school while Killian found parking. Emma took Hope out of the car seat. "Hope, we are at Henry's school to see his art projects. This is also where Grandma works." When Killian, Emma, and Hope arrived inside their whole family was there, the Charmings and the Mills. Robin was holding 2-year-old Rowand and Roland was wondering around the room with Leo playing."Swan, it is about time you make it, I am just kidding."
"Hey, I have a newborn. Plus, Killian here took so many pictures before we left the house." They both laughed.
"Hope, you have a pretty dress."
Robin, "Rowand this is Hope, Henry's baby sister. Be gentle." Rowand was too shy to say hi to Hope.
"Where is the lad?"
"He was not with you?"
"He ran in here before we parked the car."
"From what I know, he made it very clear to me that he needed Hope to be here."
"Emma when did he tell you that?"
"Right before he left with you on Tuesday."
"The lad just texts me, he is with his art project in the next room."
Snow White and Charming got Leo and Roland who were playing in the room and they all walked to next room. When they all entered they were in awe. There four large easels set up like Hope's room but the easel form of the murals. They see Henry with the art teacher. The art teacher announced Henry and he would explain his artwork. Henry went to Emma, "Mom, I need to borrow Hope."
Emma was surprised. "Okay.Hope, be a good girl for Henry." She hands over Hope to her son. Killian wrapped his arm around Emma, while Charming videotaped Henry's speech. Henry held Hope in the center of artwork. 'Hi, everybody. My name is Henry Mills. I just started this year as a freshmen. As most of you know me as the quiet kid who got three bullies suspended a few days ago. Before that, I was going through rough time most of the whole school year, especially in the hallways and being afraid of where I turned if one of them were going hurt me. When my mom told me that she was pregnant, I was beyond thrilled. I was hoping that I would have a baby sister, which she did. When my dad and I painted her room. I created these murals a much bigger version of these in my sister's room in all of one day. Ever since I created the original version of these murals for her, art began my escape from being beaten. If it weren't for my little sister here , I would not have taken art more seriously and create it into my passion and I would have not know where I would be without art as my escape." He bends to Hope, "Hope, I love you so much little sis. I have to thank you for giving me inspiration for art." Hope gurgled and put her hand on Henry's face. Everyone was in awe and clapped. Most of the family were in tears. Killian whispers to his wife, "Emma, your Dad is recording this whole speech." "Oh, good. I was not aware that he was going to make a speech. I know my mom is taking pictures." They both laughed.
After the clapping died down. The art teacher, "When Henry showed me the picture of his adorable little sister's bedroom, I told him to create the murals on easels. With Henry's love and passion for art. I give this award "The Artist of the Year," to Henry Mills who is the very first freshmen whoever gotten this award." Henry's whole family was surprised. Everyone clapped and cheered for Henry.
"Hope, this is for you to, if it weren't for you, I would not have gotten this. " He kissed Hope on the forehead, while everyone was cheering. His art teacher hands him his trophy. Emma and Regina who were still crying took pictures with Henry, Hope, and his art teacher. Henry took pictures with Hope and his award. Snow White took a picture of Henry with his trophy. Everyone in his family took pictures with Henry and Hope. The art teacher took a picture of Henry's whole extended family with the murals in the background. Emma hugged Henry first, "Henry, your paintings are an amazing kid. So you have to do a speech the real reason why you made sure I was bringing Hope tonight?"
"Yes, I could not have done it without her and without you and Dad too." Hope began to fuss. "Lad, I will take Hope." Henry hands Hope to Killian. "I had no idea that you were creating the smaller version of Hope's murals."
"Dad, I did keep it a secret for this event, I only gave you a clue on what is was."
"Lad, we are both so proud of you."
"Thank you, Dad." Killian gently hugs Henry with Hope in his arms. "We cannot forget the artist inspiration." Emma giggles. Killian gives Hope kisses. Henry gave Hope kisses too.
"Kid, I am so proud of you. I love your speech you made almost your whole family cry."
"Thank you, Mom. I did not expect most of our family to cry".
"Henry, I was in tears the whole entire time and including your Dad." Henry hugs Emma.
"Henry! Your paintings are amazing like in Hope's room."
"Thank you, Mom."
"Were you prepared to do that speech?"
"Well not exactly, I just decided what to say once I had Hope with me."
The Charmings congratulated Henry next and Leo gave Henry a big hug. "Henry, when did you do these easels version?"
"Around last month."
"They are amazing as the ones in Hope's room."
"Henry, I saw the murals when I was baby proofing the house and I had no idea that you made all of them in one day."
"Yes, gramps, that I did."
"By the way, I got your whole speech recorded."
"Gramps, you really did?"
Charming laughed"Yes, I had a feeling something was going once you held Hope."
Robin and Roland congratulated Henry last. "Henry, I had no idea you were into art."
"Robin, I mostly draw and paint in my other mom's house."
"Henry, can you teach me how to draw?"
"Yes, I can teach you, Roland."
Regina, "For this special event we can have dinner at Granny's." Everyone agreed. They all left separately to Granny's. Henry decided to bring the trophy to Emma's house because which was where he got inspired to do art. Henry rode with Emma, Killian, and Hope to Granny's. Granny and other workers set up tables together so everyone could eat together. Henry brought his trophy with him. Emma held Hope who was fed in the car before they entered the diner. As everyone ate their meals, Charming stood up. "Everyone I would like to propose a toast to the man of the hour, Henry. Everyone raise your glasses to Henry."
Everyone, "To Henry."
Henry stood up, "Thank you, everyone, this whole year was very rough not until Hope arrived only two weeks ago and before she was born she already changed my life. I want to toast to my baby sister Hope. To, Hope."
Everyone, "To Hope." Emma and Killian and the rest of the adults had tears in their eyes again for the second time that very night." Henry sat down next to Emma and Regina. "Kid, you love making me cry."
"Henry, you are making us all cry tonight." Regina and Emma both laughed. Hope began to fuss
"Hope, what is wrong baby? Do you want your big brother?"
"Come here little Hope." Emma hands over to Henry. "Are you happy to be held by me?" Hope gurgled happily.
"Hope, you really helped Henry out, in so many ways." She moved when Regina mentioned Henry's name.
"Mom, she always moves around when my name is mentioned."
"I can see that."
Charming, goes to Emma and whispers "I got a phone call from the fire department. We are needed at the school."
"What happened? I do not know but I have a feeling you and Killian are both needed."
"Regina, can you take Henry and Hope home to my house?"
Regina steps away from Henry and Hope."Emma, what is wrong?"
Charming, "I got a call from the fire department, we are needed at the school."
"The high school? I am coming with you."
"Love, I will bring Henry and Hope home. Call me if you need anything."
"I will." Snow White, Killian, and Robin stayed with the children as Emma, Regina, rushed out to back to the high school. When they arrived, there were fire trucks in front of the school and crowds of people around the school. The only room was in smoke was the room where Henry's art project was in.
To Be Continued...

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