On Your Side

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Two weeks later after Henry's fight with his grandma at school, he was being teased by his classmates and by the older students on how he fought with his grandma in the hallway. One of the popular jocks, James nudge him against the lockers and called him a Momma's boy. Henry could not take it anymore, so he decides to call his Mom after he was shoved against the lockers. "Leave me, alone James."

"What are you going to do about it? Tell your grandma?"
Henry was mad. "Leave me alone."
James pushed him against the lockers hard. Henry couldn't take it anymore, he pushed James harder against the other side of the hallway. James punched him in the face and he punched him back in the face. James was stronger than him, he launched onto Henry and kept hurting him. Teachers saw the fight and pulled James off of Henry.
Emma was playing with Hope in the living room which was surrounded by baby gates. Hope was playing with toys and her Mom was singing to her. Hope's bowel blockage recover within a few days. Emma gets a call from Henry. "Henry?"
"Mom, I need you."
"Henry, tell me what is wrong?"
"I am in my art classroom. I got into a fight."
"Henry, I am on my way." Emma got Hope diaper bag ready and brought Hope to the high school. When Emma and Hope arrived at the school, Regina and Killian were already there with Mrs.Foxworth in front of the art room. "Regina."
"Hi, Emma. I got a call from the principal office and brought Killian with me."
"Aye, I got a call too."
"Henry called me."
"Mrs.Jones, I saw the fight happened. The one who started is in the principal office. Henry is in my room. I took Henry in here. He is not talking."
"When Killian and I came here, he is not talking to us, either."
"From what Henry told me on the phone is that he got into a fight."
"Bloody hell." Hope fussed in her Mommy's arms.
"Regina, I can talk to him. If he lets me, I can ask him for you and Killian to join in."
"Alright. Just make sure he is alright?"
"That is my first concern." She looks at her son in the classroom, sitting on the floor and covered his face. "Henry never get into a fight in school or called in the principal office."
"Love, I will hold Hope. Our son needs you." Killian takes Hope from Emma and the diaper bag. Hope began to cry. "Hope, Mommy has to talk to Henry. Be a good little pirate for Daddy." Emma enters the classroom Henry sees his Mom. Emma saw the black eye and bruises on his face and rushed to his side. "Henry! What happened?" Henry saw his Mom and began to cry. She instantly hugs him and let him cry onto her and she rubbed his back until he stopped crying. "Mom..."
"Henry,I am right here."
"Ever since grandma and I argued in the hallway a couple of weeks ago, I have been bullied. I did not want to tell you because...it was a popular jock. His name is James and he is one of the popular jocks...I thought if i ignore him he will stop, or get teased more since he is popular and everyone will be mad at me for getting him into trouble."
"Henry, you know from last time that you need to tell me when it starts. I do not care of who he is or how popular he is, he hurt you. He did not have the right to bully you and injure you." She got Henry to look at her in the eyes. "Henry, you are my everything ,my son. You should not have been bullied for standing up for your family members. This teenager should not be hurting you. You can always come to me when someone hurts you, I am your Mom and it is my job to protect you especially when you are being hurt and bullied. No one, I repeat no hurts my children."
"Mom, I am sorry that I did not go come to you. I was about to call you when he shoved me instead we got into a fight, which he started. I called you because I wanted to tell you first, I know you are going to do everything to get James into the punishment he deserves. Just today I could not take the bullying anymore of him shoving me against the lockers and teasing me about grandma. He pushed me hard against the lockers and I pushed him back then he punched me in the face, I punched him but he is stronger than me and he punched me in the eye..."
Emma hugs her son. "I am here for you, Henry. It is my job to fight for you when you need me. I am going to get that popular jock, James punished."
Henry hugs his Mom. "I am tired of being teased and I stood up for myself which you, Dad and my other Mom taught me. Yes, he is bigger I needed to defend myself."
"I know you defended yourself, Henry. You fought for yourself. Did you tell your principal that he has been teasing and hurting you?"
"Yes, I did. I told her that he been teasing me and shoved me against the lockers. Mrs.Foxworth was there, she told the principal that she witnessed me being teased and pushed against the lockers. My eye and face really hurt."
She looks at his face. "Henry, we are going to get your face checked out with your Aunt Allison. You are covered with bruises."
"My face really hurts."
"I am going to make sure this bully of yours gets the punishment he deserves." Henry hugs his Mom. They hear Hope crying outside.
"Mom, Hope is here?"
"Yes, I brought her here with me. She is with your Dad and Regina."
"Can I talk to Hope?"
Ema smiles. "Yes, you can. I will bring her in. As your Mom, I am so proud of you sticking up for yourself, especially to a mean bully."
"Thank you, Mom. Fighting hurts, I do need some lessons from you and Dad."
Emma smiled. "I know your Dad and I will give you lessons on sword fighting and defend yourself too ."
"Mom, I am looking forward to our family vacation."
"Me too, Henry. We are going to New York on Sunday. We all need a break from here. I will be right back."
Emma goes out of the classroom, "Emma, how is Henry?"
"Before I tell you both what happen, Henry wants to see Hope." Emma takes Hope from Killian. "Hope, Henry got hurt. I know you are going to make your brother very happy." Hope babbled. "Good." Emma takes Hope inside the classroom. "Henry, someone wants to see her big brother."
"Hope!" Emma smiles as Henry takes Hope from her Hope saw her brother's face and began to cry. "Hope. I am okay little sis. It is me, Henry. Even though my face is bruised, the bully did not hurt me on the inside, I am a fighter just like our Mommy and Daddy." Hope puts her hand on his face. "I am going to be okay, sis. I am just so happy to see you." Emma smiles and leaves the room.
"Love, tell us what happened, to Henry."
"Regina, do not get mad."
"I am already mad that Henry was in a fight, and also surprised, it was unlike him to get into a fight."
"Regina, there is a reason that he got into the fight in the first place. Ever since my Mom argued with him in the hallway two weeks ago..."
"Henry has been bullied and teased by a popular jock James, being pushed against the locker and teased. He could not handle it anymore and pushed James back and he got on top of Henry and punched him..."
Regina got mad. "I am going to teach that boy a lesson." Killian grabbed Regina's hand.
"No, fireball your majesty. Swan, what do you have in mind?"
"Henry faced is bruised up we need to take him to hospital to get him checked out. Regina, we can arrest James as his suspension? Henry told me that he did not want to tell me of his being bullied again because this James is a popular jock and doesn't want the student body to hate him."
"Emma, I have an idea. Where is James?"
"In the Principal's office."
"No one hurts my son and gets away with it." Regina rushes to the office.
"Mrs.Foxworth, can you tell Henry to get ready to leave. We will be right back."
"Love, I am coming with you."
Emma and Killian runs up behind her, "Regina. What are you going to do?"
"Not hurt him but punish him my way."
"No, fireballs."
"I am going to use that as a threat but we can definitely arrest him." Snow White sees Regina and Emma in the hallway.
"Who are you going to arrest Regina? Emma?"
Emma saw her Mom and lunges at her. "Mom this is all of your fault!" Killian holds his wife from attacking her Mom. "If you have not fought with Henry in the hallway, he wouldn't be hurt now." Killian pulled Emma back.
"What are you talking about?"
Regina was mad but not as bad as Emma. "Snow, there was a fight in the hallway an hour ago, it was a jock who was bullying Henry, Henry fought back and he is injured now."
"I did not cause, Henry, getting hurt, Regina."
"Aye, you did Snow. If you have not argued with Henry, he would not have been bullied and not be hurt right now." Henry carried Hope and saw his parents arguing with their grandmother. "Mom, Dad, Mom..."
Snow White saw her grandson's face. "Henry, I am so sorry this happened to you." Killian let Emma go. Emma goes to her children."Henry, let's get your face checked out. Regina..."
"Go, Emma. I will meet you there later. I need to arrest James as his suspension. Lily is coming to bring him to the station."
Killian puts his hand on his son's shoulder. "Lad, we are taking you to the emergency room. You are going to be alright, Henry."
"Dad, I do need a fighting lesson from you and Mom."
"Aye, how about a sailing lesson on Saturday?"
Emma takes Henry and Hope to the car. Before Killian leaves he talks to his mother in law. "Snow, this is the last straw. You got your grandson hurt all because of you arguing with him in front of the whole school and being bullied again. You completely lost your daughter's trust now. From the fight two weeks ago and now...I really do not know how Emma or my children will trust you ever again." Killian left Snow White in shock as Regina went into the office to arrest the bully who hurt her son. Regina spoke to the principal after Lily arrested James for his 3-day suspension at the Sheriff Station. "Regina, since Snow White is the cause of Henry's injuries and being bullied. She is going be suspended for a school week. Can you let Snow White in?"
"Yes." Regina leaves the office and finds Snow White.
"Regina, I am sorry that Henry got hurt."
"Henry is hurt. I have to go see my son. Your boss wants to talk to you." Regina leaves the school as Snow White faces her boss.
Killian drove Henry and his two loves to the hospital. Emma walked into the hospital with her son, as Killian carried Hope. Emma registered Henry in the emergency room and got him a bed. Allison sees the Swan-Jones family and Henry's injured face. "Oh my gosh, Henry. What the heck happened to your face?"
"I was being bullied in school after my grandma and I had that argument in the hall. A popular jock was teasing me and pushed me against the lockers. He teased me and I told him to stop which he did not and shoved me more and I thought of fighting back my parents always taught to stick up for myself than we got into a fight and I was on the floor and pummeled by him."
"Henry, I am going to examine your whole body to make sure there are no severe injuries."
"It is mostly face and eye that hurts the most."
"I will examine everywhere to make sure nothing is broken."
Hope wanted to move around. "Love, I can take Hope out of here. You can call me when he is ready."
"Dad, can you stay? I want you both to stay, please?" Emma and Killian both looked at each other.
"Lad, Hope and I stay." Killian held Hope as Henry was being examined as Emma focusing on her son who needed her when he was hurt or possible injuries.
Allison examined Henry everywhere. "Henry, I need to get you scheduled in for an MRI to check your brain and an eye test to check your vision. The good news so far is you have no broken bones."
"How about my face?"
Allison examines Henry's face. "You have no deep cuts. I am going to give you ice packs for your bruises for now. Are you feeling light-headed or dizzy?"
"My head hurts."
"After your MRI, I can give you Tylenol, for now, we have to wait it out, Henry. I am sorry."
"That is okay." Henry hugs his Mom.
"Henry, I am right here. You are going to be alright." While Allison was scheduling Henry's MRI and vision test, Hope was being nursed by her Mom.
"Mom, can I hold Hope after you feed her?"
"Yes , you can. Hope might be napping after she is fed. She skipped her morning nap this morning."
"Mom, I am sorry."
"Henry, you have nothing to be sorry for." She sits on the bed with her son. "Hope knows her brother needed me and she is being such a good girl all morning." Hope tugged her Mommy's hair. "Hopey. Are you being a silly little pirate princess?" Hope stopped eating and spat upon herself and began to cry.
"Love, I can change Hope." He takes Hope from his wife. "Little pirate, do not cry. Daddy will get you cleaned all up." Killian takes Hope to the bathroom.
Henry has an ice pack to his face. "Mom, what if something is bad happened to my head? I do not want to cancel our family vacation." Emma hugs her son.
"Hey, if we need to cancel. We can reschedule the trip."
"Henry, if you are hurt we are going to reschedule the trip and when you recover we can all go together and enjoy the trip and have fun okay?" She kisses Henry on the head. "I want us all to have fun and not be in any pain on our family vacation. No matter what happens, you have me, your Dad, Hope and your other Mom on your side. "
"I love you, Mom."
"I love you, Henry."
Killian and Hope return. "Hope, we are back with Henry and Mommy."
"Henwy." Hope reached out for her big brother. Killian smiles and hands over his daughter to his son. "Hi, Hope. Did you give Daddy trouble?"
"No." Henry, Killian, and Emma all laughed. Henry kisses Hope as she hugs him. "Hope, you want to play." Henry plays tickle monster with his sister until she falls asleep. Henry lies on the bed and Hope fell asleep on him. "Mom, Dad, Hope is so happy to be with me."
"Yes, your sister is taking a nap on her big brother."
"She loves sleeping on me. I love her and she loves me. Mom."
"Yes?" She sits near Henry and Hope.
"When you brought Hope to me after we spoke, she knew that something was wrong and I told her that I was hurt and she put her hand on my face after she got afraid. I have the best sister ever who cares for me."
"Henry, of course, Hope cares for you. She knows you take care of her all the time and you love her so much. She knows that you are hurt and wants to make you happy, you make her happy all the time."
"I love making Hope happy." Henry kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope." Henry falls asleep. Regina walks in saw Henry and Hope sleeping. "Hi."
"Hi, Regina." Emma, Killian, and Regina walk to further away from Henry and Hope. "How did it go?"
"Lily came and she arrested James. Lily and your Dad did his questioning. He is suspended for three days."
"That is great. I still want to talk to him."
"I know he will get more afraid from you. I also stayed in the room when he was being questioned making him more afraid."
"I am going to make him more afraid."
"How is Henry?"
"He has no broken bones, he is going to get his eye checked out and a MRI on his brain, he has a headache...I cannot believe he got bullied all because of my Mom argued with him in school." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Love, Henry is getting the care he needs here from Allison. He takes after you, love, he is a fighter, he defeated curses."
"Yes, he did by himself but he never got into a fight and possible an injury all thanks to my Mom."
"There is another thing, I need to tell you and Killian."
"What is it, Regina?"
"Snow White got called in after Lily arrested James. The principal spoke to me about it but I left it in her hands. Since your Mom caused the fight with Henry in front of the whole school which caused James to bully Henry...your Mom got suspended from work for a week." Killian held Emma's hand, she was in shock. "Emma..."
"My mom got suspended?"
"Yes, because of her fight with Henry and caused him to be bullied, she was hold charge of Henry's being bullied."
"I am surprised, even though she caused so much trouble for Hope and Henry, I am somehow surprised that she is suspended from her job." Hope was crying. Killian gets Hope from Henry. Allison came in, "Emma, Killian, and Regina. I need to bring Henry up to his MRI. Emma you or Killian can come up with us and Regina."
"Allison, I can stay with Hope. Henry's Mom's can go with him."
"Hope, be a good girl for Daddy. Mommy and Henry will be back soon." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Love, Hope will be with me, love."
"Killian, there is a play area for Hope to play in. I know Hope needs to crawl around."
"Aye, I can bring Hope there."
"Killian, clean Hope's hands after she plays with toys and makes sure she doesn't put them in her mouth."
"Aye, I will wash Hope's hands after she plays with toys."
"I do not want Hope getting sick before our trip." Hope fussed in her Daddy's arms.
"Swan, Hope wants her Mommy." Emma takes Hope from her husband.
"Hope, after Henry's MRI test, we can cuddle. I have to see Henry has any injuries." She got Hope to stop fussing. "You can play with Daddy then we can cuddle." Hope babbled. Killian takes Hope from his wife. "Killian, I have bottles for Hope just incase..."
"Love, Hope will be with me. We are going to be nearby."
When Henry was being sent to the MRI floor, Killian takes Hope to the waiting area with toys, while Emma stayed with their son. Killian takes Hope to the waiting room of the children pediatric ward. "Look, little pirate. There are toys for you to play with." Hope played with toys and crawled around the room, Killian played with his little lass. They see Ariel and Eric with baby Melody entering the room.
"Hi, Ariel."
"Hi, Killian. Hi, Hope." Hope babbled.
Killian looked down at his little lass and smiled."Little love, Melody is taking her nap."
"Yes, she is. Melody has her second doctor appointment with Dr.Cameron. She looks a lot like Emma."
Killian chuckled. "Aye, Emma and Allison can be sisters. They met when Hope had her first appointment now they are best friends and family members ever since."
"Besides Melody's appointments, Dr.Claire told us not to leave until the six-week appointment."
"Aye, that is the check-up of postpartum."
"That is right. What are you two doing here?" Hope fussed. Ariel takes Hope and put her on her lap. "Hope, do you want to say hi to Melody?" Hope smiled. Eric put Melody close to Hope. Hope babbled. Killian took pictures of the lasses together.
"Yes, little love, Melody is sleeping." Hope touched Melody. "Hope, be gentle, soft to Melody." He taught Hope how to be soft with her little mermaid princess friend.
"Aye, are you happy to see your friend?" Hope smiled. Killian gets Hope from Ariel.
"Hope, I saw you talking to your friend. Did you say hi to Melody?" Hope gripped her Daddy's hook. "Did you tell Melody that you love the ocean?" Hope smiled. "Aye, that is my little pirate princess." Ariel and Killian giggled. Killian gets Hope a toy to play with. "Here you go, little love." Hope played with her small Pluto doll. "Ariel, Henry is in the emergency room because he got into a fight in school with a lad that bullied him. He couldn't take it anymore and fight back."
"Why was he being bullied?"
"It is a long story, Emma and Snow White have been a long fight which turned into a family. Snow's son injured Hope, which caused a fractured rib. He hurt Hope a few times and Snow White was in denial that her son has darkness in him.."
"Yes, Belle told me about this fight, everyone knows that he has darkness but Snow White is in denial."
"Aye, exactly. Hope had two surgeries thanks to Snow White's son fractured her rib which caused internal bleeding twice. Hope is recovered now but no matter how much Emma tells her mother the truth, she just ignores it. Their fights are so bad, Snow is getting Henry involved. Which leads to why Henry is in the Emergency Room for being hurt by a bully who was teasing him when he was only defending his Mom and Hope during a fight two weeks ago."
"Wow....I do not know what to say."
"Aye, this family feud has been complicated. Charming is on our side but he also has to be there for his wife, he is torn between mother and daughter. I know Emma was raised with no parents and from what she learned as an orphan, to be honest, and trustworthy to your children which she is with Hope and Henry. She is always fighting for her loved ones especially when her children get hurt. How is being a mother?"
"I am loving it. We are working together being new parents. Belle gave me baby supplies and books to read on how to raise a baby. We are staying on our ship."
"Aye, that is your second home then?"
"Yes, it is. Is your home more on land or sea now?"
"Our house on land is our home and the Jolly Roger is our family second home, right Hope? You love the Jolly Roger?" Hope babbled. "Aye, you are my little pirate. Hope loves being on the Jolly Roger."
"So does Melody. She is sleeping in her crib in our captain quarters and enjoying rocking of the ship at night."
"Aye, our lasses are very similar already." They giggled. Hope began to cry. "Little love, are you hungry?" Killian bottle feeds Hope. "There you go, little love."
"Dr.Cameron is great with children."
"Aye, yes she is. She is Hope's godmother. She is the best doctor that Regina hired."
"She has two jobs?"
"Aye, she works as a children doctor and in the emergency room. She is with Henry now, so your appointment might be late."
"That is alright. Henry needs to be looked at."
Back upstairs in the MRI floor, Allison settled Henry on the MRI machine, with earphones on and kept a sheet on him since the machine room was cold."Henry, just lie down and keep your head still the whole time." Allison pressed the button and Henry entered the tunnel. She sat with the technician as Henry's MRI test ran. Waiting in the room, Emma and Regina were waiting for their son. Regina was sitting down while Emma was pacing around the room. "Emma, Henry is going to be alright."
"I am just mad that he was bullied all because of my Mom caused him to be embarrassed and he was teased for sticking up for Hope and me."
"Emma, he fought for you and Hope, which you taught him."
"Yes, well, if he gets a serious injury because of my Mom, I will never forgive her because she would have hurt both of my children...we can only wait." Allison was in the other room, seeing Henry's brain. "Henry's brain is normal. He has no injuries." Allison pressed the button when Henry's MRI test was complete. "Hi, Henry. Did you have a nice nap?"
"I was not sleeping."
Allison giggles. "I want to tell your test results to your Moms and you together." They walked out together. "Allison, Henry alright?"
"Emma, his brain is normal. He has no broken bones or head injuries."
"Oh thank gosh." Emma hugs Henry.
"Allison, what is next for Henry?"
"Regina, the next test is going to be for his eye. I am going to check his retina in his right eye and see if is injured or not."
"Aunt Allison, my head still hurts?"
"I can give you Tylenol. Did the bully hit your head hard?"
"He jumped on me and I landed hard."
"Nothing in your head is broken. Your head hurts because of the bully jumped on you and hit your head hard which is why our head hurts. I will bring you back to the room and give your Tylenol. You need to rest before your next test." They return to the room. Henry falls asleep.
"Allison, are you sure he is alright?"
"Henry has one more test for his vision. He has no broken bones and his head and brain have no injuries. I will check on him later before his eye exam." Allison leaves. Emma sits nearby Henry.
"You take after me, Henry. You are a fighter." Emma held ice onto Henry's bruises. Killian returns with Hope, he places his hook hand on his wife's shoulder and she knew it was him and grabbed it and kissed his hook.
"Hi, love. I am right here."
Emma looks up seeing Hope with Killian. "Hi, honey. Hi, Hope."
"How is our son?" Hope reached out for her Mommy.
"His MRI test is normal and has no head injuries."
"Aye, that is a good thing, love."
"Yes." Emma takes Hope from her husband. "Hope, we have to be quiet, Henry is sleeping. Did she have her nap?"
"She was playing with the toys and had babbled to Melody, no nap yet."
"Hope did you have fun with Melody?" Hope babbled.
"Aye, they are here for Melody's appointment. They are staying in town for 6 weeks on their ship. Belle got them baby supplies they need to last for the few weeks they are here. I taught Hope how to be gentle to Melody." Hope began to cry.
"Hope, Mommy is here." She checks her diaper. "You need a change." Killian hands over the diaper bag. "Love, I can be with Henry for a while. Hope wants to be with you." She looked down at Hope who was crying and gripping her. "Just call me when he is getting his eye test."
"Aye, I will love." Emma gets Hope changed in a single bathroom. After Emma changed Hope's diaper, she sat on the tile floor and began to cry with Hope on her lap. Hope looks at her Mommy, "Mommy." Emma hugs Hope. "Mommy is sad that Henry got hurt. He should not have gotten hurt in the first place, it was all Grandma's fault. If Grandma did not cause a fight with him in front of his classmates, that mean bully would not have hurt Henry." Hope looked at her Mommy and placed her hand on her Mommy's face which made Emma smile. "You are right, Hope. Henry takes after me, he is a fighter like you and I are baby girl." Hope babbled and hugged her Mommy. "You and I are snuggling now. You always know when I need your hugs." She kisses Hope on the head. "You make me happy during bad times. I love you, Hope."
"I know what you are saying, I love you, Mommy." Hope babbled. Emma smiled and she watched Hope sleep on her after she fell asleep. "Let's go back to Henry and Daddy." Emma carried Hope back to Henry's room. Henry was still asleep, her Dad was in the room with Killian and Henry. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Emma. I came by to see how Henry is."
"Yes, he has no serious injuries. His MRI went well, no head injuries. What is the update on James?"
"He is in a cell for three days."
"Good, he hurt my son. It is all Mom's fault."
"Yes, I know. Your Mom is suspended from work."
"I know, Regina told me. Is she mad at me?" Hope moved in her sleep
"Let's talk somewhere where you can sit down with Hope." They walked to the waiting area. "Your Mom is mad at herself now that she got suspended."
"Dad, it was her fault. She was the one who started the argument with Henry in front of the whole school. Ever since their fight, Henry was being picked on by the bully James at school. Now he is hurt and in the hospital." She hugs Hope.
"Emma, he is going to okay."
"This is all Mom's fault. Henry stood up for me and Hope. He shouldn't have been teased for standing up to Mom. He was so embarrassed Killian had to pick him up. Now he is in the hospital, injured. Does Mom care about Henry and Hope?"
"Emma, your Mom cares about Henry and Hope. She is just mad at herself or fighting with you, and being in denial for so long it got out of control."
"I told her many of times of Leo's denial but she did not listen to me. Now both of my children got hurt because of her ignoring the truth." Hope began to cry. "Hope, it is okay...shh...shh.Mommy is only talking to Grandpa." She bounces Hope up and down and Hope gripped her Mommy and fell back to sleep. Emma kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma, you are amazing with her."
"She is my daughter, I love her so much. I am always going to be there for her and honest with her, not denial like Mom has been lately."
"Emma, I do not see any denial in you. Your mom is slowly adjusting to having a son with darkness in him?"
"Yes but I think her suspension will wake her up even more since she fought with Henry in school."
"It is Mom's fault."
"I know, Emma."
"Dad, just make sure Mom knows it is her fault that Henry got hurt in the first place."
"Emma, I will. I feel sorry for Henry that he gets hurt in the first place." Killian finds his wife and father in law.
"Emma. They are taking Henry to get his vision checked."
"Let's go." She stands up carrying their sleeping daughter. " Dad, I will see you later." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife.
"How did the talk go with your Dad?"
"It was alright, we mostly talked about Mom..." Killian rubbed his wife's shoulders. They met Allison, Regina, and Henry in the ophthalmology room.
"Henry, your Mom and Dad are here with Hope."
"Mom, Dad. Aunt Allison dilated my eye. I cannot see straight."
"Emma and Killian, I already told Regina and Henry that his eye needed to be dilated to check on his retina in his right eye, to see if his vision is normal or not. His vision will be blurry for a few hours then it will be back to normal." Hope woke up from her nap.
"Hope, Henry is getting his eye checked by Auntie Allison using a special machine." Hope fussed. "Killian, can you hand me a toy for Hope?" Killian hands Emma Hope's small Pluto doll. "Hope, look who I have." Hope babbled and held her favorite toy and cuddle with her Mommy. Allison checked Henry's retina. "Henry, look up...I know it is hard with the light...look to the left..look down..look at my ear."
"It is hard."
"I know, Henry. Just listen to my instructions, you are doing great." Allison looked into Henry's retina. "Henry, your retina is normal no damage. Your vision is clear."
"My right eye is good?"
"Yes, Henry. You can go home now just get some rest. Your headache will be gone soon. If not call me."
"I will Aunt Allison."
"Lad, let's get you home." Allison got Henry a wheelchair. Hope fussed.
"Mom, Hope can ride with me." Emma passes Hope to her brother and Hope sat on her brother's lap. "Hope, I love you so much, little sis." Hope babbled. "We can read a story later, just you and me." Killian got Henry and Hope into the car, while Emma and Regina spoke to Allison.
"Allison, are you sure Henry is alright?"
"Emma, his brain is normal and his eye is normal, no damage. If his headache gets worse, call me and I will meet you here. For now, he is good, Emma."
"How long will his head hurt?"
"Regina, it can be a day or two, depends on how he feels tonight and tomorrow."
"Emma, I can stay with Henry for a while."
"You can come over, Regina."
"Love, are you ready to go?"
"Yes, Regina is coming over."
"Aye, let's go. Allison, thank you for today with Henry."
"You are welcome, Killian. As always if you have any questions or concerns, you know to call me."
"Aye, we know by now." Killian drove his family home while Regina followed the Swan -Jones family in her car. When they arrived home, Killian helped Henry walk to his room since his vision was still blurry. Hope was crying. Emma takes Hope from the car seat. "Hope, we are home. Let's get inside, I know that you are hungry." Emma takes Hope inside, Regina followed them inside. Killian brings Henry to his room. Regina sees their living room which was full of baby gates. "Wow, Emma. Your living room is full of baby gates."
"Yes, Hope is crawling more now. She needs a safe place to crawl than into furniture. We take turns playing with her in the baby gated area." Hope continued to cry. "Hope, I know. You are hungry, baby. Mommy will feed you." Emma puts Hope in her Bumbo chair and put a bib on Hope. "Hope, you are going to try bananas tonight." Emma smashes up bananas into a bowl and spoon feeds Hope to try. "Hope, num-nums." She spoonfeeds Hope bananas and Hope ate it. "Hope you like it? Is it yummy?" Hope babbled.
"Hope is already eating solid food?"
"We are slowly getting her to eat soft food, she is still being breastfed. She has been trying to steal my food."
"Yes, Hopey. You are my sneaky little pirate." She kisses Hope on the head. "We are feeding her baby cereal, smashed fruits. She likes to try anything. She will let me know when she doesn't like it." Killian returns from upstairs, "Little love, are you having bananas." Hope babbled, spit out some of the bananas, Emma used the bib to wipe Hope's spit up. "Henry is asleep."
"Regina, I think Henry should stay home tomorrow to recover from what happened today."
"Emma, I was thinking the same." Hope babbled. Emma fed Hope more bananas.
"Henry is staying home tomorrow. I am just mad that Henry got hurt in the first place."
"Emma, I am mad too. I was able to get James to talk. I may have used my magic to make him afraid and if he ever hurt Henry again, he is afraid not to hurt Henry."
"Your majesty, did you burn the sheriff station?"
"No, I did not. I got him to confess to his bullying though."
"Aye, what did the lad say?"
"He thought that it was funny how Snow White caused a fight with Henry."
"Regina, he was really embarrassed."
"I know, Emma. He would not even talk to me until Killian came and picked him up."
"Aye, the lad called me and we talked on my ship. He is still mad at Snow WHite."
"Killian, I know your whole family is mad at Snow White. Snow is suspended from working for a week, maybe that will wake her up and learn not to stop fighting with you all."
"I am hoping, Regina. From Henry and Hope both getting hurt and from our last fight. I do not want her in my life, I do not trust her with my children. I lost my trust in my Mom. I am tired of arguing with her, today...Henry got hurt. That is the final straw." Hope babbled and reached out to her Mommy. "Hopey, are you full of bananas? Hope smiled. "Yes, you ate so much. Hope, now it is bath time for you." Hope babbled. She brings Hope upstairs to get a bath. Emma looks on Henry, who was fast asleep. "Hope, we have to be quiet, Henry needs to rest. He had a rough day." Hope reached out to her brother. "Henry needs to sleep. When he wakes up later, you can play with him. I know you love Henry so much."
"Yes, you love Henry. He loves you so much, Hopey." Emma gives Hope a bubble bath. Killian was cooking dinner for the rest of the family. "Killian, is this your routine?"
"Aye, I cook dinner most nights while Emma gives Hope a bath or play time. Henry usually helps me cook dinner. For tonight, Henry will be resting. I know Emma, she is going to keep a close eye on him tonight."
"I can stay until the evening to keep an eye on Henry, I was surprised that he got into a fight and now he is hurt."
"The lad fought for himself, he has two mothers and I taught him to fight for himself."
"That is right. Henry learned from all of us."
"Aye, that lad gets his fighting skills from all of us."
After Emma gave Hope her bubble bath she brings Hope downstairs for play time. Emma goes over the baby gates and plays with Hope. "Mommy."
"Baby, do you want to sing?" Hope crawled onto her Mommy's lap. "If you happy and you know it claps your hands." Emma claps Hope's hands If you happy and you know it claps your hands." Emma claps Hope's hands, "If your happy and you know it, your face will surely show it, If you happy and you know it claps your hands." Emma claps Hope's hands, "Clap..clap" Hope giggled. "You like Mommy clapping your hands." Hope clapped her hands together. "Hope! You can clap your hands by yourself!" She kisses Hope on the head. "Killian!" Killian rushes in the room with Regina. "Love, what is wrong?" Killian joined his lasses in the playpen.
"Hope, show daddy." Killian sits next to his two loves. "Hope, clap..clap.." Hope clapped her hands. Killian smiled big. "Little love. You can clap your hands." Hope babbled and clapped her hands. "Very good little love, clap...clap..." He looks up at his wife who was beaming with pride "Emma, you taught her how to clap her hands."
"Yes, I did. I taught Hope how to clap her hands." Hope babbled.
"Little love, do you want to sing and clap your hands?" Hope smiled. "Swan, Hope wants you to sing again."

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