Val-tines Day

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Emma and Killian rescue their children right before Valentine's day. She was almost 10 weeks pregnant by the time Valentine's day arrived. It's been over a week since she and Killian saved Henry and Hope from Neverland, Hope has been extra clingy to her and Killian. He wakes up early, letting his swan rest and his little Hope rest. He gently kisses Emma on her head. "Happy Valentine's Day, Emma. My beautiful swan." He gets dressed and kneels to his wife's abdominal. "Happy Valentine's littlest love. Valentine's day is a special day to show love to one another. Daddy loves you so much." He kisses Emma's abdominal and goes to the kitchen to bring up his swan a tray of cold water with lemon and a small sandwich to help her ease her morning sickness, with a note. He leaves it on her nightstand and kisses Hope on the head and Hope wakes up. "Dada!"Killian smiles seeing how happy Hope seeing him. "Good morning, little love." He holds Hope on his hip. "Happy Valentine's Day, Hope.""Happy Val-tines Day, Dada." He kisses Hope on the cheek "Do you want to come to town with me? We can get breakfast together? Have Dada and Hope time.""Yes! Dada Hope time." "Aye, little pirate. Daddy and Hope time." He takes Hope into her room and changes her red Valentine's day dress, and leggings outfit, and new underwear. For the first few days of potty training, Allison recommended them to let her sit on the potty in the living room which helped. Henry borrowed a book for his Mom and Dad to read to Hope on potty training. Hope has been doing a pretty good job telling them when she needs to go. He brushed her teeth and brushed her hair. "Hope, do you need to go potty?""Yes." He helps Hope get settled on the potty, waiting until she was done on her pink potty. "Very good, Hope." He gets her cleaned up. "Hope, now you can put a sticker on your sticker paper." He gives Hope star stickers to choose from and she puts it on her reward paper. It was Emma's idea for the sticker reward system for Hope. They got bundled up and walked together, Killian holding Hope on his hip into town. Emma wakes up seeing the cold lemon water with ice and a sandwich, with lettuce, cold deli meats, and cheese with a note. Happy Valentine's day Emma. I took Hope with me into town, we are having a Daddy-daughter date. We will be back in a while. I left you cold food to help you ease your morning sickness with the little bean. Love, Killian. Emma smiles her husband is such a caring man and daddy. "Killian." She eats her sandwich and drinks her lemon water. "Baby, Swan-Jones. This is your Mommy. I love you so much. Today is Valentine's day where we show love to each other. Mommy loves you so much." She kisses her palm of her hand and lays it on abdominal. "We all love you so much.I cannot wait to meet you and be your Mommy from the very beginning."Henry wakes up seeing his Mom awake. "Happy Valentine's Day Mom!""Happy Valentine's Day, Henry." They hug. He faces his Mom's abdominal where his littlest sibling is growing. "Happy Valentine's Day, baby sis or baby bro. Your big brother, Henry loves you so much." He kisses her abdominal. "Where is Hope?""Your Dad took her into town." She hugs her son. "How are you doing?"He sits on the bed. "The second Neverland trip was not as bad as the first time. I am hoping that I am turning 18 in August, not 17 years old again...""We weren't there for too long. We were only there for a day. You are still turning 18. Hope is still turning 3 years old." She noticed something was wrong with her son. "Are you okay?" She puts her hand on his cheek. "I know you have something on your mind." Henry hugs his Mom and she hugs him back. "What is it, Henry?""I have been having nightmares of Neverland. I cannot stop dreaming of Pan...and both trips to that place.""You have not been sleeping?""Not too much."Emma wrapped a blanket around her son."How about you join me here? We can talk or you can try sleeping right now." Henry lies down next to his Mom and hugs her. She kisses him on the head. "How is the baby?""Growing and not giving me morning sickness now.""Is the sandwich and lemon water is helping?""Yes, I think the cold food is easing my morning sickness." She hugs her son. "I am happy that I am not sick this morning because I get to spend time with you." She kisses him on the head. "You are my first baby, kid.""You are not missing anything in my life now, Mom." "How long have you not been sleeping?""Since we got back from Neverland.""You could have told me, kid.""I told Dad about my nightmares when you were sleeping. I know you and Dad both have nightmares. He told me talking about it helps. I spoke to him about it but I also wanted to talk to you about it, when I am doing now. ""You can tell me about them, Henry." Henry hugs his Mom."Well, one of my nightmares is Lost Boys chasing me in the forest. Another one was the ghost of Pan chasing me and crushing my heart. It is a mix of both trips. The first trip to Neverland was worse." Emma hugs her son. "Pan is dead, Henry. He is not going to hurt you ever again.""I know...I hate bad dreams.""Me too, kid. I hate when I get them. Talking about nightmares help." Henry hugs his Mom. "That is why I wanted to talk to you.""You are with me, Henry." She rubs his back until he fell back to sleep. "You are my first baby Henry." She was cherishing these moments with her son while she can, she still feels she missed so much of his first 10 years of his life when she was not there for him. Killian and Hope went to a few stores and one of them was the flower shop. "Buttercups.""Yes, Hope, buttercups. We are getting buttercups for Mommy." "Pwetty!""Do you think Mommy is going to love them?""Yes!" After he paid for the flowers. They were walking around town. "Potty,Dada!""We are going to find you a bathroom, Hope." He holds Hope and enters Granny's. "Hi, Killian.""Hi, Granny.""Potty, Dada!""Hope, you can use the bathroom.""Thank you, Granny." Killian takes Hope to the restrooms. He sets her on the potty and cleaned her up when she was finished. "Done!""Very good, Hope! We are going to add that on your sticker wall at home." He walks with Hope back to the diner. "Sit chair!" "We are going to sit in our booth, little love." A waitress gave Killian a booster seat and put Hope in the booster. He takes a picture of his little love on his iPhone. Granny approaches them. "Hi, Killian, what can I get you two?""Aye, our usuals. Can we have two cinnamon hot cocoas, a sesame bagel, and a bear claw to go?""You got it. Two usuals and an order to go.""Cocoa, Dada.""Aye, one cinnamon hot cocoa with our usuals.""You got it.""Hi, Granny.""Hi, Hope. Are you having breakfast with your Daddy?""Yes! Dada is best." She reaches out for her Daddy's hook. "Dada. Stowy.""Aye, do you want a pirate story?""Hero Dada and Mommy." "Aye, you want to know how Mommy and Daddy rescue you and Henry?""Yes! Sit with you.""Yes, you can, Hope." Granny unstraps Hope and lets her climb onto her Daddy's lap. Granny smiles seeing Killian and Hope's first of many daddy-daughter dates. "Once upon a time, when Lost boys captured a little pirate princess and her prince pirate big brother. The pirate and princess-savior was getting the Jolly Roger for their new adventure..."Granny gets their order, Killian had waffles with bacon and Hope had her pancakes with blueberries. He cuts her food up for her. She had a piece of her pancake and smiles. "Is it good, little love?""Yes!" When they were finished, Granny brought the check with a valentine's heart shape cookie."Ookie!" "Killian, it is peanut-free.""Aye, thank you, Granny." "Ank you, Granny." Granny smiles. "You are welcome, Hope." Hope eats her cookie as he paid the bill."Dada." Hope shows him her cookie. "Bite, dada." Killian smiles as he takes a bite from Hope's sugar cookie. "Thank you, Hope, for sharing your cookie with me." She finishes her cookie. The door of granny's ding. Hope began crying and holding onto her Daddy's leather jacket. Killian holds his terrified daughter "Dada...Dada!""Little love.." "Hope, Killian..." Killian holds more protectively in his arms hearing Snow White's voice. He turns around seeing his mother in law. "Hi, Killian.""Stay away from my daughter!" Hope cried as she hid her face in her Daddy's leather jacket."Hi, Hope.""Bad." Hope gripped her daddy. Killian takes Hope outside, as Snow White was following them"I am not bad, I am our grandma, Hope!""Bad." "Leave my daughter alone, Snow White!! You are not ever going to get close to our family again My family does not trust you." He steps away from his mother-in-law."Snow White!" They look at Granny who was angry and had a reusable bag for Killian. "Snow, go inside now. Stop scaring Hope. I will be with you in a few minutes.""But I was not...""Yes, you are. Now go back inside. Now!" Snow White did as she was told. Hope was wailing. "You are with me, Hope. You are not going with her. You are with Dada." Granny gives Killian a reusable bag to carry everything he had. "This will help you carry everything home.""Aye, this will help.Thank you, Granny.""You are welcome. Hope, do not cry. You are with your Daddy. She is not going to hurt you.""Want Mommy.""We are going home to Mommy, little love." He looks at Granny. "Thank you, Granny.""You are welcome, Killian. Tell Emma, her morning sickness will pass."Killian was surprised."How...""I noticed her body was changing and her appetite had been on and off when I saw her last in town. Also, Red told me there must be a reason why Mulan was on your mission to save Henry and Hope."Killian smiles. "You are right. Only Mulan, David knows besides us and Allison knows.""I will keep your secret, Killian. I am happy for you and Emma. You two are great parents.""Thank you, Granny. We are very excited. Now, I must take Hope home to Emma." "Please, tell Emma. I see why she does not trust Snow.""Aye, I will." Killian walks with Hope home.When Henry woke up, his Mom was still fast asleep. He kisses her on the head. She wakes up. "Hey, how about we play video games?""Yes!" Henry runs ahead downstairs to set up the x-box and game. As they were playing, "Have you heard from the schools yet?""Not yet. There is a new program for Brown in the art department in Boston which is an extension program from Rhode Island. I applied to that program.""I know you will get in because you are a very talented artist.""Speaking of art?" "What about art?" "Can I paint the baby's room? I was thinking of a nautical theme for the baby's bedroom? I know Dad will love it!"Emma smiles. "You can definitely paint the baby's room! I think the nautical theme will be perfect for the baby boy or girl.""Yes! That is what I was thinking. Hope's room is the fairytale book theme, your true love story. The baby's room will be a nautical theme." He looks down at his Mom's belly. "This is your big brother. I am planning how to decorate your bedroom, baby sis or bro. I painted our sister's bedroom. I am going to paint your room, too." Emma smiles. "Your big brother is very talented. He is the best artist in his house." Henry smiles, seeing how happy she was pregnant again, he was so happy to be a big brother again. "I am taking Ava out for our first Valentine's Day together as a couple."Emma smiles. "What are your plans?" "We are going out for lunch today."Emma smiles. "Where are you two going for your date?""I have a romantic idea from what Ava loves about being in the woods. She wants to take me to my favorite spot in the woods. I am going to surprise her with a picnic. I am hoping she likes my picnic plan." "She is going to love it." She hugs her son."If you are going out with Dad, let me know I can watch Hope.""I am not sure, kid.""I know Dad has something planned for you, Mom. Let me know when so I can watch Hope.""Thank you, Henry." She kisses him on the head. They continue to play videogames. When they heard the door open Hope was crying. Henry paused the game as Mom went to his Dad and sister. Emma sees her very upset daughter walking towards her. "Mommy!" She kneels to her daughter. "Hope." She scooped Hope into her arms and hugged her. Hope gripped her arms around her neck. "You are with Mommy, baby girl. You are home. Shh..shh." She bounces her up and down and looks at her husband, Killian mouthed, "Snow White."Emma sighs and hugs her daughter. "Hope, you are safe. You are with me. Shh...shh...""Mommy.""You are with me, baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. "You have a pretty dress on, sweetie." She takes Hope to the living room and sits on the couch. Killian follows them carrying the shopping bag. When Hope was crying less, Emma braids her daughter's hair. "Did you have a good Daddy and Hope time this morning?""Granny's.""Dada took you to Granny's?"Yes!" She kisses Hope on the head. "Little sis, Henry is here." He kisses her on the head. "How was Grannys?" "Good." She holds his hand. "Dada is right next to you and Mommy, little love." He lets Hope hold his hook. "Little love, I had so much fun in town today with you. We went shopping and were walking around town.""Hope, did you go shopping with Dada?""Buttercups for you, Mommy.""Buttercups?" Emma smiles and Killian shows his wife the buttercups. "Buttercups for my swan.""Killian." Emma was in awe. "My favorite." She takes them and smells them. "Thank you. They smell so beautiful."Hope sniffs them. "Flower store.""You and Dada went to the flower store?""Yes!" "Swan, as soon as we entered the store, Hope said buttercups." Emma smiles. "I also got you and Henry granny's."Henry took his bagel. "Mom, are you hungry?""I will eat my Bearclaw later, kid. I am going to drink my hot cocoa with cinnamon first. I am full from my breakfast." She looks at her pirate. "Thank you for my cold breakfast. It made me less sick.""You are welcome, love." They kiss. "After shopping around town, we went to Granny's.""Potty at Granny's."Emma smiles big. "Hope, you went on the potty at Granny's?""Yes!""Very good, Hope!" She hugs her daughter. "Little sis you did a great job!" He high fives his sister."She did a very good job of telling me when she needed to go.""Sticker.""Aye, Hope, we need to put a new sticker on your sticker wall." "Mommy." "How about you pick a sticker with me and Daddy?""Yes." Emma gets up and carries Hope to the bathroom. Killian shows Hope the Disney princess stickers. "Which one do you want to put on your sticker wall?""Punzel.""Aye, Rapunzel it is." He gives the sticker to Hope."Hopey put it on your paper." Hope puts the Rapunzel sticker on her paper. "Good job Hope!" They return downstairs to the living room. Hope goes to her big brother and hugs him. "Punzel sticker.""Yes! Rapunzel is my favorite movie.""Movie.""Little sis, do you want to give Mommy and Daddy their Valentine's gift?""Val-tines gift!" Henry gives his Mom and Dad their gifts."Happy Valentine's Day from Hope and me." Emma and Killian opened their gifts which were small canvases of each other, Emma had a painting of herself in half a heart and Killian had the other half of the heart of himself. "Killian?" She connects her canvas next to his. "Our canvases go together.""Aye, the two pieces of the heart go together. True love." "Yes, true love." They kiss. Henry took pictures of his Mom and Dad. "Henry, we love your art.""Thanks, Mom." She hugs her son."Art!""Hope, you did such a great job helping Henry! My little artist!" She hugs both of her children."Card! Dada, Mommy!""You made us a card, Hope?""Yes, Henwy me." Henry gives his parents the homemade card with a painted heart on the front. Killian opens the card. Happy Valentine's' Day, Mommy and Daddy. We love you both so much. You are the best parents ever who always helps us, love us, there for us and rescue us. You two are our heroes. Love, Henry, and Hope.""Aww." Emma began crying and hugged her two kids. "I love it, Hope and Henry.""Don't cwy.""These are happy tears." She hugs them both. "I am so happy you two are home.""You and Dad saved us Mom from Neverland.""Mommy Dada hero!""They are our heroes, little sis.""Henwy hero!" Henry holds Hope. "I am your big brother, Hope.""Hero too!" Henry spun Hope around."Swan, don't we have presents for them too?""Yes we do!" "Gift!" Henry and Hope sat down as Killian gives Henry and Hope their gifts. Henry got a new video game. Hope got a white and red Valentine's bear, holding a heart. "Val-tine." Hope hugs her new stuffed animal. "Bear!""What are you going to name the bear, little sis?""Val-tine bear." Henry smiles. "Swan, I have a gift for you." Emma opened her gift which was a heart-shaped container of chocolate-covered strawberries and a new swan bracelet. "A new bracelet and chocolate-covered strawberries!""I know my swan has been craving chocolate.""You know me so well, captain. I love my bracelet too." They kiss. She puts the bracelet on. "I have a gift for you too." She gets the gift and gives it to her husband. He opens his gift which was a mug, best husband, daddy and captain with hearts and hook all over the mug. "Emma, I love it." They kiss."Swan, how about I make us bacon lettuce and tomato sandwiches for lunch.""With mayonnaise?""Of course, love.""That sounds delicious." "Ookie Granny.""Little sis, you got a cookie from granny?""Yes.""Mom, Hope got a cookie from granny today."Emma looks at her husband. "Hope got a cookie from Granny?""Yes, granny gave it to Hope when we went to the diner. After she let Hope use the bathroom. After we ate our breakfast, she gave Hope a heart shape cookie." "Henwy, art.""You want to do more art?""Yes, you Mommy.""Mom, Hope wants to do art with you and me?"Emma smiles. "I have not done art in a while.""Yes!" Henry went to get his art supplies. "Swan, I will make us lunch.""Sounds like a good plan." They kiss. Killian goes into the kitchen and makes lunch whenever his swan is hungry to eat.Emma cleared the table and Henry set the art supplies. "Mommy." Emma put Hope on her lap. "You can paint with me on my lap.""Paint!""Little sis, what colors do you want to paint with?""Wed, blue, pink!""We do not have pink paint, little sis.""Oh no.""Hope, we can make pink paint." Emma mixed red and white. "You mix colors to make other colors, like pink. You mix red and white. What does it make?" "Pink!""That is right, sweetie. Red and white make pink." Henry puts on the paper blue, yellow and red. Emma gave Hope a color lesson using paint. Hope mixed the colors. "Gween,owange, and purple.""Good job, Hope." Henry smiles seeing his Mom teaching his sister and took a picture on his iPhone. Hope did her own painting mixing all the colors together and making a mess. Emma chuckles. "Hope, we can write your name. She used Hope's hand to write her name. "H-O-P-E. What does that spell?""Hope!" "Very good, Hope!""Mom, she can read her name.""Yes, she can. With your help reading to her, she is learning to read."Henry smiles, he is teaching his sister to read. "I am going to read Hope more often than usual." Killian enters the room seeing the artwork. "Looks like my family of artists has been busy.""Dad, we have been painting a lot. Mom and I are teaching Hope about colors with paint.""Aye,I can tell.""Little sis what does blue and yellow make?""Gween!" Emma and Killian clapped their hands. "Yay for Hope!"Good job, little sis! High five?""Five! They high five. "Dada, paint!""Aye you paint is all colors, little love.""Colors, yes! For you!"Killian smiles. "For me?""Yes!""Thank you, Hope." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "Swan, I think Hope can show Melody art fun when we go see her for Melody's birthday party next week.""Mel-Mel!""Little sis, we are going to play at Melody's house for her birthday.""Castle.""Yes, castle." "Killian,we got to get Melody a birthday gift?""Yes, we will, love." She rubs her abdominal. "The little Swan-Jones will enjoy its ride on our ship for the second time.""Yes. Our littlest pirate loves it's Daddy's ship and cannot wait for our family adventure." He kisses her abdominal. "I love you, littlest love." "Henwy!" She goes to her brother."Hope, you have paint all over your hands!" Hope was chasing Henry around the living room. "Hope, stop it!" Emma was laughing."Swan, I got this." He gets up and gets Hope. "Hope, it is time to wash up.""No. More art,dada!""Hope, you are getting paint all over the floor. Time to wash your hands." Killian takes Hope upstairs. Henry and his Mom clean up the living room. "Mom, you are good at teaching Hope.""I had help for you, Henry. We read to her all the time. Your Dad and I teach her how to count and colors. We all teach Hope, kid.""I am proud of Hope, Mom. She can read her name.""I saw the look on your face when she read her name of a proud big brother."Henry smiles. "I am proud of Hope, Mom. I love teaching Hope." He hugs his Mom. "We are teaching her together. There was a knock on the door, Henry answered the door, it was Ava. "Hi, Henry.""Hi, Ava." They kiss. "I am going to get changed and then we will go.""Henry, take your time. I can talk to you Mom." Henry goes upstairs."Hi, Ava.""Emma!" She hugs Emma. "How are you?""I am doing pretty good. I am not as sick today.""That is a good thing. I know Killian is taking such good care of you. Like he did in Neverland."Emma smiles. "He always does, Neverland was the most overprotective he has ever been.""How are Henry and Hope since we rescue them?""Henry has not been sleeping too much. Hope has been extra clingy to Killian and me. I never got to thank you for helping us rescue Henry and Hope.""I always wanted to come on your adventures to another realm. Henry told me about your adventures to the other realms. I am happy to help get my boyfriend back.""You are a great girlfriend Ava." Henry returns holding Hope. "Hope, I will be back soon.""Tay, bro.""Little sis, I am coming back. You are going to be here with Mommy and Daddy. When I get back we are going to have H&H time.""Pway and stowy.""Deal, we are going to play and storytime when I get back."Emma takes Hope from Henry and whispered, "You look good Henry." "Thanks, Mom." He hugs her. "Be careful.""I will." Henry holds Ava's hand and they leave. Henry carried a picnic basket as Ava led him to her favorite spot in the woods. Ava was leading the way. "How can you not get lost here?""I am familiar with the woods. I know you were here?""Yes, when there is a new villain in town or when my mom comes here to escape being the savior when she discovered her magic from the Snow Queen.I am not familiar as you are.""How did your Mom defeat her?""It was not just her, it was Elsa and Anna too." They continue walking as Henry told her about Emma defeating the Snow Queen. They arrived at Ava's favorite spot in the woods with a view of all the wood and the river. "Now I told you a story. It is your turn." He hugs Ava. "Why is this your favorite spot?""Okay,I will tell you the story. After you help me set the picnic.""Deal." They set the picnic on the picnic blanket, Henry made sandwiches, cookies and fruit salad and apple cider. He wrapped his arm around his Ava. "Tell me, how you found this place?""Okay, I was walking to collect firewood..." Henry was enjoying spending time with his girl.After Henry closed the door, "Henwy!" Hope began crying."Hope, do not cry. He is going on a date with Ava. Valentine's day is for couples to go on dates. You get to spend the rest of the day with me and Dada.""Baby."Emma smiles."And the baby too." She kisses Hope on the head.Killian sees his three loves together. "Swan, how about we watch a movie?""That is a great idea. " "Aye, I can make the popcorn. Emma,I gave""Good, be safe than sorry.""Aye, he asked me for dating advice. The lad knows he does not want to be a Dad just yet. ""I know you gave him good advice, you are a great dad." They kiss. He goes into the kitchen. Emma sits on the couch with Hope. "Hope, what movie should we watch? Aristrocats?""No.""Finding Nemo?""No.""The Little Mermaid?""Yes!!" Hope hugs her Mommy. Emma chuckles, knowing that they have the same favorite Disney movie. She sets up Disney+. Killian enters the room with popcorn with melted milk duds. "Popcorn ready.""Movie is ready." "What are we watching?""Mel-Mel Mommy movie."Emma chuckles. "Oh, really, little love? We are watching The Little Mermaid?""Yes!" Hope hugs her daddy."You get to watch the movie with me and Mommy, little love.""Sit with you.""You can sit next to me Hope." Killian puts Hope on his lap and gave her kisses on her head. Emma pressed play on the remote and the movie starts. Killian wrapped his arms around his swan. Emma hugs Killian and kisses him on the cheek. "Happy Valentine's Day, Killian.""Happy Valentine's Day, Emma." They kiss. "I have my three loves with me. I love you all so much.""Luv you Dada.""I love you, Hope." Hope hugs her Daddy. "Mommy luv you.""I love you, Hope." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Hope goes onto her lap. Killian hugs his three loves. The family enjoyed the movie. Hope was fast asleep on Emma when the movie was over. Killian changed the streaming to Netflix to watch Outlander, which made Emma happy. He went into the kitchen to make a special treat for his swan, cookie dough and put scoops of chocolate ice cream, and puts it in the freezer. Emma felt sick and placed Hope on the couch and went to the bathroom to vomit. Killian returns back and pauses Netflix. Emma felt awful and felt Killian hook on her shoulder. "I am right here, Emma." She leaned back and felt him hugging her. "I am sorry...this Valentine's day is not romantic." She began crying.He rubs her back. "Shh...shhh...I am not mad. You did not ruin Valentine's day. I love spending time with you and our family at home." He places his hook on her abdominal. "I love our littlest love. I love my beautiful wife." She leaned her head against his neck. He kisses her on the head. "I love you so much, my beautiful wife who is carrying our newest little baby. You are an amazing Mom to Henry and Hope who love you so much. You are going to be an amazing Mommy to this little love." Emma smiles knowing her husband always know what to say to cheer her up."This baby is very lucky to have you as it's an amazing Daddy. I love him or her, you and Henry and Hope. My family. I love you so much, Killian.""I love you, Emma." They kiss. "Henry told me of what he wants to paint the baby's room theme?""What does he have in mind?""A nautilus theme for the baby's room walls."Killian smiles, loving Henry's idea. "Henry thought of a pirate theme for the baby's room?" Emma smiles. "Yes! For a boy or girl, it will be a perfect masterpiece of the baby's room walls.""Aye, I love the idea.""I can tell. You are so happy.""Yes, I am.""I have been thinking about baby names.""Oh really?""Yes, I have been thinking of boys names if we have a boy this time.""What are the names you have in mind love?""I can only think of one name, Killian, we can call him Ian for short after it's Daddy." Killian began crying. Emma was smiling knowing he was so happy."Emma..." They hug. "I would love to have a son named after me. If we have another little daughter, I won't be mad. You will not disappoint me if we are having another daughter, love." "I am happy to have another son or daughter, we already have one of each.""When do you want to find out the gender?""I was thinking we can find out during my 12-week appointment with the blood test.""Aye, I will be holding your hand while you take the blood test.""I have the best husband ever.""I love the best wife ever." They kiss. Emma gets sick again. Killian rubs her back. When Emma felt better, Killian leads his swan back to the living room. "Swan,more Outlander?""Yes!" She sits down and puts sleeping Hope on her lap. "Baby, your sister is not squishing you, she is sleeping on my lap." She rubs her abdominal, "Mommy loves you so much, little one." Killian returns with a heart-shaped chocolate chip cookie covered with chocolate ice cream on top, seeing his swan talking to their littlest pirate. "Littlest love, you and your Mommy are about to have a sweet treat." Emma sees what her husband was holding. "Killian, what is this?""A little Valentine's treat for you and me to share." Emma smiles seeing her husband being so romantic. "You are being so sweet.""I thought this will make our stay at home Valentine's day, special.""It looks delicious." He spoonfed his swan, the cookie, and ice cream. She smiles. "Mmm. It is so good. Try some." Killian tries the cookie and ice cream combination. "It is very very sweet." Emma chuckles knowing her pirate is not a sweet fan but will have sweets with her. "Speaking of sweet, tell me about your daddy and daughter's date with Hope?""Aye, we went to Granny's, she just wanted to tell me the story of how the brave princess and pirate rescued the little pirate princess and prince pirate. She sat on my lap the whole time." Killian shows his photos of Hope at granny's and a photo of him with Hope at their booth. Emma saw the pictures and was in awe of her amazing husband bonding time with their little girl. "I had so much fun with our daughter.""I know that you are going to be an amazing Daddy to this little one." She places her hand on abdominal."I cannot wait to be a Daddy again from the very beginning all over again with my beautiful swan." He rubs her abdominal. She placed her hand on his hook. "Pretty soon, I will be showing soon.""Aye, I cannot wait to feel the baby kick.""Me too, first I will be the one able to feel him or her move around then the kicks I am excited to be a Mom from the very beginning again with you on my side.""I wouldn't have it any other way. I have the best bravest woman I know, my swan." They kiss and continued eating their Valentine's treat and watched Outlander together. "Happy Valentine's day, Killian.""Happy Valentine's day, Emma." They kiss. Emma was enjoying her Valentine's day indoors with her husband and daughter and happy that Henry is out on his date with Ava. After their long picnic in the woods, it was dark out by the time Henry and Ava returned to Maine Street. Henry and Ava were walking into town holding hands. "Henry!" Henry turns around and sees Violet. "So it is true?!"Violet...""Henry is that your ex-girlfriend?""Yes, Ava.""This is HER?!" Henry never heard Violet scream ever.Ava was getting mad. "What is your problem?""Henry is my boyfriend!"Henry was mad and stepped in between the two girls. "Violet you are not my girlfriend. Ava is. You were ignoring me in school, did not help when I was getting bullied before I had to be homeschooled. You were never there when I needed someone in school as support. You are not my girlfriend.""You never told me that we were over.""You stopped talking to me, which made it clear to me. Ava and I have a lot in common. Ava is there for me and my family. She called me when Hope almost died. She came with my parents to help them rescue Hope and me in Neverland." Ava was curious."Who told you about us dating, Violet?""I just found out...""Violet, I am sorry that you just found out but Ava and I have been dating for a few months now. You stopped talking to me and we grew apart. I got to know Ava and we are there for each other." Violet walks away. "Violet!" Henry goes up to her. "I am sorry we did not work out. Who told you about me dating Ava?""Regina.""My other Mom?! She has been against me from dating Ava because of their past in the Enchanted Forest....""Henry, I am sorry. I just know now that it was Regina using me for her own plan.""It is just my other Mom wanting to tear me and Ava apart.""I am sorry for not being around that often. She seems to be a great girl for you." She looks at Ava. "Ava, I am sorry for getting mad. I am happy for you Ava. Henry is the best. You are very lucky to have him as your boyfriend.""Thank you, Violet." Violet leaves. Ava held Henry's hand. "Henry?" "Why does she always do this? My other Mom is ruining our first valentine's day. I am so sorry Ava."Ava hugs Henry. "I am not mad at you. Once Violet told us that it was Regina, I knew it was Regina's plan.""You are not mad about our first Valentine's day ruined?""A little but I had a wonderful evening with you at my favorite spot in the woods. It can be our special spot." Henry smiles knowing they have a special place of their own like his parents has. "I like that." They kiss. He chose not to go straight home. Ava follows. "Henry...""Ava I have to talk to my other Mom alone.""I will be nearby.""I will be right back." Ava stays behind staying nearby knowing Henry needs her support. Henry marches to the Mills house, he was always unhappy there and hates how his other Mom is trying to break them up. He knocks on the door. It was Robin. "Hi, Henry.""Hi, Robin. Can I talk to my mom?"Robin got the sense of something Regina did to him because Henry was mad. "I will get her, lad." "I am staying here." Robin leaves. After a few moments, Regina comes to the door. "Henry, hi.""I know what you did. You were trying to ruin my date with Ava by using Violet.""I did no such thing.""Yes, you did! Violet told us that you told her about me and Ava. You got her mad so she can ruin my first Valentine's day with Ava. You always use revenge as your only option to get back at people instead of talking to people. This is why you make me so mad! Revenge and magic is your only option why can't you just talk?! You are not getting my trust back, if you continue trying to ruin my love life.""Henry, I am sorry.""I do not believe you. Everytime, I come here, I feel like the same 10 year old kid, unhappy, sad and alone. You told me I was crazy when I was believing in magic while you were awake the whole curse watching everyone here being miserable.""I gave you everything Henry, not Emma. She was in prison...""Yes, she was in prison because Neal framed her for his crime and had me in prison. She gave me up for my best chance, which was her way of loving me. I ran away to her because she was the one to break the dark curse and find a Mom that loves me. She knew I was unloved when I found her. She stayed for me. I am happy living with her, she gives me the family I always wanted. A family full of love with two supportive parents who care for me and my sister. Not using magic and revenge to solve all of their problems.""I am still your Mom.""Not the way you've been acting.""I went to Neverland to get you back again!""You did, I still do not trust you.""I want you back in my life again.""If you want me in your life again, you have to accept Ava as my girlfriend and get Snow White to stop bothering my Mom and the rest of our family. Those are my terms." "It will take some time for me to get used to Gretel...""Ava.""Ava as your girlfriend but with Snow White...""If you do not stop Snow White from scaring my sister and bothering my Mom, I cannot trust you. You need to prove to me that revenge and magic is not your only answer.""What happened to you?""Me? I am defending my family. I am tired of you trying to break Ava and me up. I am so tired of Snow White scaring my family since you let her out of the psych ward.""Henry...""You ruined my first valentine's day as a couple with Ava with Violet.""I am sorry, Henry. I will work on getting to know Ava. Snow White, I need to work on that more for Emma. She was clearly still mad at me in Neverland, her and Killian.""Of course, they are mad at you because you let Snow White out of the psychward for revenge for being the last one knowing Ava and I were a couple!" "You are right about Ava and Snow White. I do need to fix my mistakes on both of them. I want you back in my life.""You just need to fix your mistakes with Snow White and stop ruining my dates with Ava." Regina knows she has to prove Henry to get his trust back. Henry leaves and heads back to Ava who hugs him. "I heard you screaming.""I was defending you and my family. Let's just say I set my terms to get my trust again. To accept us dating and to stop Snow White stop bothering my Mom and sister.""Are you ready to go back home?""I am but I want to walk you home." They held hands as they walked to the Tillman's residence. He walked her to the door. Ava hugs him. "I am not mad at you. I saw Emma in your voice hearing you yelling at Regina for all she has done and defending your family and me. I have a very strong best boyfriend.""I had so much fun tonight before the detour here. Thank you for showing me your secret spot.""Our secret spot." They kiss. Henry walked home happy knowing he has a special place just for him and Ava to talk in. When he returns home, he sees his Dad and sister in the living room. "Henwy!" Hope dressed in a heart pattern pajama set and went to her brother. "Henwy!" Henry scooped Hope into his arms smiling happily to see his baby sister happy to see him. "Hi, Hope. Did you have fun with Mommy and Daddy?""Yes. Ava?""Ava and I had a fun Valentine's day date together. We went to her favorite spot and had a picnic.""Gen-man."Henry smiles at Hope's new world. "I am a gentleman?""Yes." She hugs her brother. "Henwy miss you.""I missed you too." He smiles as he hugs his sister. Emma enters the room knowing something happened. Killian and Emma looked at each other, knowing something happened. "Pway, Henwy.""Little love, we are doing art together.""Hope, after you finish art with Dad, you and I have H&H time. Deal?""Deal." Killian takes Hope into the living room. "Henry." Henry hugs his Mom. "What happened?" He did not say anything just hugged his Mom. "Where do you want to talk?" He shakes his head no. "No?""I just want to be with you.""Okay. Do you want to go to my room or your room?" He nods his head yes. "Your room?" He shakes his head yes. "Okay, we will talk in your room." Henry goes to his room. Killian knew something was going on and went to his swan. Emma gave him a look. "Killian, I will talk to him. Something must have happened during his date.""Aye, he was so excited when he was telling me his plans.""Same here, something must have happened after his date.""Emma, if you and Henry, need me, I will be right here.""I know he will talk to you later after he feels better.""Henwy, Mommy.""Henry will play with you soon, sweetie when he feels better. He is sad.""Henwy." Hope goes upstairs. Emma and Killian follow their daughter. She kneels Hope. "Hope, Henry needs to talk to me first then he will play with you." Killian takes Hope to her room. "Henwy sad.""Aye, we can make him art to make him happy.""Val-tine Henwy."Killian smiles. "Aye, we can make a Valentine for Henry, little love." They go to the living room. Emma goes to Henry's room, he was lying in bed looking like he was in deep thought. "Hey. It is me, kid." She lays on the bed next to him. "I am right here, Henry, whenever you are ready to talk." She laid her hand on his shoulder. Henry turned around and hugged his Mom who gave him a big hug. "Thank you for staying here when I brought you here." Emma began crying. "When you found me, I knew you needed me, Henry. You were unloved alone, and did not have friends. That what I was not expecting when I gave you up,I wanted you to have a family and friends, everything I did not have. When I found out you did not have all of that I could not leave you again." "You are my Mom, you just knew I needed you. I am happy to have a Mom that loves and cares for me and does not use revenge to solve problems." Emma hugs her son."Did Regina do something on your date?""Yes, our date was going so perfect, Mom. Ava took me to her favorite spot in the woods. Now, it is our spot." Emma smiles thinking they have a special spot as she and Killian has. "After..." He got sad. Emma held his hand. "On our way back to town, Violet found us. She was mad and yelling at me. She thought that we were still dating. I told her who she never stood up for me in school when I was getting bullied. We stopped talking a while ago before I started talking to Ava. I just knew Ava cared for me when she is always there for me when I need to talk to her. I am always there for her. She helps our family. She even came with you and Dad to Neverland to rescue us.""She is always helpful, kid. I can see why you like her.""I do like her, Mom. She is part of our family. After I told Violet all of that. She told us that it was Regina who told her about us dating and was not mad at me and Ava. I was so mad at my other Mom, she was trying to ruin my date night with Ava. I went to her house and told her...she wants me to be in my life again and gain my trust. I told to get my trust again, that she needs to accept who I am dating and stop grandma from scaring Hope and bothering you if she does it. She apologized about Ava, I do not know if I believe her. I do not know how I can fully trust her again..." Emma hugs her son. "You have a family that loves you and Ava, remember that.""Ava told me that she saw you in me, when I was defending her, you and Hope with my other Mom.""You take after me, Henry. I always defend my loved ones.""I hate how she let Grandma out of the psych ward to get you mad and scare Hope. I hate seeing you fighting with Grandma and how she kidnapped Hope. Now, she is trying to break me and Ava up." Henry gets sad."I am proud of you, Henry. You stood up for yourself and told Regina how you feel.""I knew that I needed to speak up for myself to her..." "You did, Henry. Regina will see what I see when you and Ava, love each other and a good couple." Henry smiles as he hugs his Mom. Emma knew he felt her better. "I love you, Henry.""I love you, Mom." He looks down at her abdominal. "How is the baby?""The baby caused me a little morning sickness today. But I love him or her so much." He places his hand on the abdominal. "Little sis or little bro, our Mommy is the best. You are going to be very lucky to have our Mommy your whole life. You have a family that loves you. You have me as your big brother. " He kisses his Mom's abdominal. "I am very happy that you are having another baby, Mom.""I am very excited because I get to raise you, Hope, and this baby together. I never thought I would be raising you or have you in my life..." She began to cry."Mom, you stayed here when I brought you here. You met Dad and fell in love. We have a normal family, Mom. Everything you always want me to have. I have you, Dad, Hope, the baby, Ava, and Gramps all people that love me." Emma hugs her son. Hope enters the room. "Henwy!" Hope goes to her big brother and shows him a painting of a heart. "For you!""For me?" He takes the painting. "Heart!" "I love the heart, little sis." Hope climbs onto the bed and hugs her brother."Luv you.""I love you too, Hope.""H time.""Yes, H& H time. Mom, I am feeling better. I owe Hope our one on time."Emma hugs them both and kisses Henry on the head and Hope on the cheek. "I love you both my two Valentine's.""Happy Val-tines Day."Emma and Henry both smile. "Happy Valentine's Day." She goes to Killian in the hallway and holds his hand and gave him a look knowing Henry is going to be okay. They took a glimpse of their children talking. Killian guided his swan to their room. Emma hugs her husband and sighs. "Regina tried to ruin Henry and Ava's date night with Violet.""How?""Regina told Violet about Henry and Ava dating. Violet found them and began arguing. Henry told her they were broken up and how she was never there for home when he needed her in school. She told Henry that it was Regina who told her. He went to Regina's and stood up for himself telling her that she had to accept who he was dating. Also, he told her to stop Mary-Margaret to stop bothering us and scaring Hope.""Oh really?""Yes. Those are his terms to get her to trust again."Killian was impressed. "Our son is a lot like his Mom." Emma smiles. "Yes, he takes after me. But he does take after his Dad too.""Aye, he takes after both of us love. Just like Hope does." He kneels down to her abdominal and places his cheek on where his little one was laying in his swan. " And this little love will definitely take after it's Mommy and Daddy like it's big brother and big sister. Little love, this is your Dada. I love you, Mommy, Henry, and Hope so much. You are going to be the littlest love in our family. We love you so much."Emma smiles seeing her husband being such a daddy to their baby on the way. Next Valentine's day their family will have a new member to celebrate Valentine's day with. Killian aces his swan. "I love you, Emma.""I love you, Killian." They kiss.

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