Last Few Days Family of Three

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Henry has been staying over at Emma and Killian's house over the break. Henry has been spending more time with his mother while Killian was at work. Henry and Emma watched a lot of movies together, did a lot of art projects and Henry read a lot to baby Hope which Emma love most of all. Henry helped Emma as much as possible since she was almost 40 weeks pregnant. It was a coincidence that Henry's spring break was at the time around Emma's due date. While Henry was over more often, Killian checked up on the Jolly Roger since he knew since Hope was coming any day soon, he wants to be around Emma just in case she goes into labor. Emma wakes up in the morning, cooing to Hope, "Little Hope, you are 40 weeks this week. You are getting so big inside of me. We are all looking forward to meeting you very soon baby girl." She kisses her hand and put it on her baby bump.
Henry comes into her room with a tray of her breakfast, oatmeal with mixed berries. "Good Morning, Mom."
"Good morning, Henry."
He sets her breakfast tray on the side and gives Emma a hug. He kisses her baby bump, "Good morning little sister, Henry loves you." Hope kicks.
"Of course, she kicks to you and to your Dad."
"How are you feeling for being 40 weeks pregnant?"
"I still feel huge and swollen knowing that she can come on Friday is making me really excited."
"We are all excited mom."
The doorbell rings. "I will get it." He gives his mom her breakfast tray and goes downstairs. Emma eats her breakfast.
Henry opens the door and Regina was on the other side.
"Mom?" He gives her a hug."
"Hi, Henry. How is it over here? I got your texts and your visits are very short."
"I know, Mom. I am so sorry, I just been spending so much time with my other mom lately before my little sister arrives. She can come any day now because my other mom is 40 weeks."
"Where is Killian?"
"He is at the docks."
"If you want I can keep an eye on Emma and you can spend some father and son time."
"Really you would do that?"
"Yes, Henry. I can. Now go, I will call if anything happens."
"Thanks, Mom." He hugs her and runs to the marina.
Regina comes to Emma's bedroom. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Regina. I did not know you were coming by."
"I came by to see Henry. I know that he has been very helpful and he deserves a little break. I told him to have some father and son time with Killian."
"Yes, he has been really helpful. Thank you for letting him stay over during his break."
"It is no problem. I know once your little girl arrives, you are going to be busy."
"Oh, yes we definitely going to be busy."
"How are you feeling?"
"Huge, swollen and so much joint & back pain but she is coming this week." She rubs her baby belly. "Henry has been so helpful and he wants to be around here when she is born to get to know her,"
"I understand. He has been looking forward to his baby sister ever since he found out."
"I know, since I been on bedrest he has been very overprotective of me and my little girl. He has actually been reading to her a lot recently."
"Yes, when I am taking a nap or awake Henry comes in here with his storybook sits by my baby bump and reads to her. Now I know because this little girl here moves around differently whenever Henry is around." She giggles.
"Wow, she is not even born yet and already loves Henry."
"Yes, I know they are going to be really close." After a while, Henry and Killian returned. Henry comes straight upstairs, "Hi, Mom and Hi Mom!!"
"Hi, Kid." He hugs her. "How was your sailing lesson with your Dad?"
"It was so much fun!! It was not too cold out so it was not too bad sailing." He turns to Regina, "Thanks mom for letting me go sailing." He hugs Regina.
"I am glad you had fun with Killian." Henry and Regina go to his room and talk. Killian enters their room,"Hello, love. How are my two loves are doing?" He kisses Emma and sits next to her. "We are doing good. She loves to move around so much but I know she is running out of space in here." She rubs her baby bump. "Are you ready to be a Daddy? Tell me, if you are scared?"
"Becoming a Daddy to our little lass will be the best thing that ever happens to me. I am not scared just really excited to be a daddy."
"I am a little scared of being a mommy from the start. I am not sure if I will be perfect."
"Emma you do not have to be perfect for our little girl, she loves you for who you are. You are her Mommy, no one is perfect."
"You are so right." She kisses him on the cheek. "She is going to love you and me so much. She shows her love already with every move and kick she makes when she is around you and Henry."
"She loves you too, Emma. SHe knows who has been carrying and caring for her for the last nine months. She knows you first."
"You are right." She leans on Killian and rubbing her baby bump. "Mommy loves you baby girl, Mommy hopes you love me when you are here." Hope kicks. "She kicks to answer my question!"
"I told you, Emma, she loves you so much already." She rubs her baby bump.
The next few days have flown by for Emma. On Thursday night, the night before her due date. Her body feels off. She was in bed with Killian, Emma felt her baby bump move hard. "Ahhh."
Killian wakes up. "Emma! Are you okay love?"
"I think I am on labor."

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now