8 Months Along

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The next morning, Emma wakes up happy to see Hope sleeping next to her. Hope woke up a few times during the night afraid, they both were reassuring her that she was safe and with them. She and Killian know Hope getting to know her grandma or trusting her will be hard. She noticed Killian was not in their bed. "Leia, we have to find your Daddy." She waddles to find Killian and Henry setting up Leia's new changing table. "My two boys are hard at work."
"Mom!" Henry hugs his Mom. "Hi, Mom."
"Hey, kid."
"I am helping Dad build the new changing table."
"You are doing a good job."
"Thank you, Mom."
"Morning, captain."
"Morning, swan." They kiss. "What time is your appointment?"
"10:00 am."
"Aye, we will leave around 9:15 am."
"I am going to get ready." She waddles back into her room and gets ready for the day, wearing maternity jeans and a gray tee shirt.
Hope wakes up. "Mommy!" Hope hugs her Mommy.
"Good morning, little duckling. We have to get ready for the day. We are going to see baby sister in the special machine."
"Yay!" Hope goes to her room. Emma laid out two outfits for Hope to choose from, Hope chose the Minnie Mouse shirt with the purple skirt. "Bwaid, please." Emma combs Hope's hair and braids it. "Thank you."
"You are welcome, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head. They were heading downstairs, Killian stops his swan.
"Emma? You are wearing different shoes."
Emma sighs. "I cannot see my feet anymore."
"How about I put your shoes on you that match."
"Yes, please captain."
Killian places Emma matching flip-flops on her. He helps his wife up and leads his swan to the yellow bug. Henry buckles Hope in. Killian drove his family to the hospital.
"I am hungry too, little sis."
"We are going to eat after my appointment."
Killian stops the car. Henry and Hope walked with their Mom inside. Killian parked the car and followed his family in. They went upstairs to the OBGYN floor. Emma signs herself in and sits on the chair. "Killian, Leia is getting so heavy to carry. Walking is my workout."
"If you need me to carry you.."
Emma smiles. "Killian. I am too heavy for you to carry. After Granny's I want to go home and relax. I am very tired."
"Aye, you do need to rest."
"Can I get Hope a snack at the vending machine?"
"Okay, not a big snack. We are going to Granny's after my appointment." Henry walks with Hope.
"Henry's birthday is in a few weeks, we are going to have an 18-year-old son."
"Aye, whatever he wants. He is going to get it."
"I have a birthday present for him."
"When do you want me to pick up his birthday present?"
"I want to pick up his birthday present."
"Are you sure? Emma..."
"Killian, you and I are going to get Henry's birthday present together."
"Emma Swan, room 1."
Killian helps his swan up. "Now, let's go see our baby."
"Yes. I really need to pee, I always have to drink so much water before sonograms." They enter the room, Killian helped Emma up. "Leia, we are going to see you on the sonogram today. We love you."
Dr.Claire enters the room. "Hi, Emma." Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Dr.Caire."
"How was your vacation?"
"It was fun. Killian barely let me lift anything. He also surprised me with a trip to New York after Florida."
"That sounds like fun. I saw Henry and hope in the waiting area, Hope was eating a rice Krispy treat. I told Henry to bring Hope in when she is finished eating." Emma lies down and pulls down her tee-shirt. "How are you feeling?"
"Very huge and very tired. My daughter is moving around so much at night. She is keeping me up at night, always moving in there. She loves kicking my ribs which hurt."
"You are almost there, Emma. You are 8 months pregnant today, July 20th, almost at the finish line."
"Yes, I am going to deliver a healthy baby girl in September. Can we have a 3D sonogram?"
"Yes, you can." Dr.Claire examines Emma's belly. "You are measuring as you should be."
Henry enters the room carrying Hope. "Mommy!"
"See, Hope. We did not miss the baby sis's picture."
Dr. Claire,"Hope, I was waiting for you and Henry to come." Hope smiles.
"Hope, you can sit next to me sweetie."
Henry puts his sister next to their Mom."Hope and I are very excited to see Leia."
"Your Dad and I are very excited too, kid."
"Now, it is time for the sonogram." Dr.Claire sets up the sonogram machine. The lights went down. Dr.Claire squirts gel onto Emma's baby belly and doppler to look for the heart Dr.Claire checks the heartbeat, there was a fast loud heartbeat. "Emma, your baby is healthy."
"Leia has a strong heartbeat."
"Aye, just like her Mommy." He kisses her on the head.
Dr.Claire continues the sonogram. "There is your baby girl."
"Baby sis!"
Emma was in awe, "My baby. My baby duckling."Killian was smiling.
"There is her heart...her stomach.. her legs...her feet."
"Her little feet are so cute."
"You are not the one feeling her feet kicking inside of you."
"This is her face."
"Aww. She is so cute."
"She looks like you, Emma."
"I think she looks like Hope."
"No, you Mommy." Emma and Killian both laugh. "Leia! We can see you!" They continue to laugh.
After the appointment, Killian drove his family to granny's."Little sis, let's get our booth."
"Okay!" The brother and sister went ahead inside to their booth. "Hi, Granny."
"Hi, Hope."
"Pic-ture of baby sis!" Hope shows Granny the sonogram.
"Wow! Your baby sister is getting so big!"
"As you can see, Mom had her sonogram today. We all got to see our baby sister today."
"I know you all must be hungry."
"Yes, we are. Mom is hungry especially."
"I will get your usuals."
"Chocolate pancakes. Pwease."
"You got it, Hope." Granny went to put in their order.
Killian helped his very pregnant wife out of the yellow bug. "Thank you."
"You are welcome, Emma."
"Do you think Hope is right? Leia looks like me?"
Kilian miles. "I think she looks like you. Leia looks a lot like you and her big sister." Emma smiles.
Emma turns around and sees her Mom. "Mom. Hi."
"How are you?"
"I am good. Craving for a grilled cheese. How are you?"
"Good but also disturbed learning of what Zelena has done in my body. Now, the whole town gives some weird looks. Or they come up and tell me what I or Leo has done to them or their children."
"Zelena has done plenty of damage to everyone, especially telling Leo to hurt a lot of children."
"Leo has done a lot of damage for fun."
"I am disciplining him, Emma. I hate what he has done to Hope and to you all." Emma rubs her baby belly feeling Leia moving inside of her, which Killian noticed.
"Snow, I know everyone will see you are the real you. I know Leo will stop being mean to everyone. Now, you must excuse us, my swan needs her craving." Snow White leaves as Emma and Killian walked his swan. "Thank you. For that. I do not know what to say to her.."
"You are welcome, love. I see you were rubbing your belly."
"Leia was moving around, she knew I was not myself."
"Aye, she knows her Mommy." They enter inside of Granny's.
"Hi, Killian, Hi Emma. Your orders are coming up."
"Thank you, Granny."
"Mommy sit next to me!"
"Yes, I will sit next to you, little duckling." Emma sits next to Hope who hugs her Mommy. Killian sits next to Henry on the other side of their booth."I am craving for a grilled cheese and onion rings all morning."
"Hope and Henry told me you were hungry before your appointment. Hope showed me the sonogram of her baby sister."
Emma smiles. "Yes, Hope was very excited to see the baby on the sonogram today."
"Hope and I think she looks like Emma."
"She is healthy, which is the best news ever."
"Yes, that is the most important thing."
"Yes, Hope?"
"Color with me."
"I can color with you." Emma colors with Hope.
"Dad, are we going to finish putting together the changing table when we get home?"
"Yes. I was thinking we can go fishing afterwards."
"Hope, I was thinking we need our girl time today."
"Yes, girl time!"
"We can get our nails done."
"Yay!" Granny brought their meals. "Thank you, Granny."
"You are welcome, Hope. Emma, Killian, you are raising her right. I know you two are going to raise Henry and Hope's sister just the same."
Emma and Killian at Granny. "Thank you, Granny." Granny heads back to the counter.
The doorbell rings, Alexandra and Ashley see the Swan-Jones family. "Hi, Emma! Hi, Killian!"
"Hi, Alexandra!"
"Hi, Emma. How are you feeling?"
"I am doing good. We saw the baby today in the sonogram."
"Ashley, she looks like Mommy."
"She does Hope?"
"Yes!" Ashley smiles at Hope.
"Ashley, do you and Alexandra want to join us?"
"Yes, we would love too." Killian sits next to his swan, so Ashley and Alexandra can sit next to Henry. He was talking to Alexandra and his sister, coloring with them.
"Emma, Killian, what happened last night?"
"I got called on a case about Snow White...
"Is she in the pyschward?"
"No, not anymore."
"Leo told my Dad that Zelena was in my Mom's body for the last three years terrorizing my family."
"Oh my gosh. Is Zelena in the pyschward?"
"Yes,we made sure of that me and Regina."
"Getting Snow White's trust back will be hard for us." Hope hugs her Mommy. "For all of us. Hopey, do you want to show baby sis's picture to Ashley?"
"Yes!" The sonogram was passed around to Ashley.
"Hope, I can see why you told me your sister looks like your Mom. She looks like you and your Mommy." Hope smiles.
"She looks like you when you were inside my belly, Hope." She hugs her daughter.
"Mommy best hugs."
"What about Dada's hugs?"
"Want Mommy hugs, Dada."
Ashley, Emma, and Henry all laugh. "Killian, I can see she takes after Emma."
"Aye, she does."
"Luv you, Dada."
"I love you, Hope."
"Emma, I know you are going to have two girls attached to you."
Emma smiles, "I just know they will be attached to the both of us. Our daughter on the way is going to be a pirate just like the rest of our family." Granny and a waitress bring everyone their breakfast. Emma helped cut up Hope's chocolate chip pancakes.
"Hope, you and I have the same breakfast."
"Yes, Alex. We do." Emma and Ashley both smile at their daughters.
After the diner, Killian crossed his three loves to Three Bears nail salon. "Hi, two manicures and pedicures."
"Nail colors." Hope goes to the nail polish section.
"Hope, choose your nail colors, sweetie."
"Swan, are you sure you are going to be alright here? I thought you wanted to go home and rest?"
Emma rubs his hands. Her husband was being overprotective of her and their daughter on the way, "Killian, my manicure and pedicure is going to help me relax. Also, Hope and I are going to have our girl time here. It will be fun."
"Dada,girl time." She hugs his legs.
Killian smiles and kneels down to his little daughter. "Alright, Hope. You are going to have fun with your Mommy. Keep an eye on your Mommy and baby sister."
"Yes,Dada." She hugs her Daddy.
"We are going to have our pirate time, later."
"Pway Jolly Woger."
"Yes, Hope." He stands up. "Emma, I will pick you two up later."
"Killian, I can drive."
"If you need anything, call me."
"I will, captain. Have fun fishing with Henry."
"I will, swan. Have fun on your girl time." They kiss. Killian leaves the nail salon.
"Hope, let's pick our nail colors." Emma chose two different red shades of polish. Hope chose pink and purple.
One of the workers leads Emma and Hope to the comedy seat and helped Emma sit down. One worker painted Hope's nails and the other worker with Emma. "Mommy, it tickles."
"They are scrubbing your feet, it's making you laugh?"
Hope laughs. "Yes." Emma smiles.
Killian and Henry walk home to the backyard to the shed. Henry carried the fishing container as his Dad carried the poles to the Jolly Roger. Henry set the sail as Killian lowered the anchor. Henry steers the Jolly Roger as his Dad tells him where to steer to the middle of the ocean. "Stop here lad."
"Aye, aye Dad." Killian lowers the anchor. Henry hands his dad his fishing pole. They cast their liens to the ocean. "Sailing and fishing on the Jolly Roger are more than fishing Leroy's boat."
"Aye, the Jolly Roger is the best vessel to fish on. Do you want me to show you how I catch fish during my pirate days?"
Killian gets texts from Emma, a picture of her and Hope getting their nails done, a mother and daughter selfie. Killian gets a net and Henry helps lower it. "One day, my crew and I were sailing to other realms, to get something from Pan. We were stuck in the middle of the ocean because there was no wind. So we were stuck in the ocean not able to move. My crew decided to drop the huge nets and caught loads of fish, and a few clams and seahorses."
"Awesome. I think we are only going to catch fish here."
"Aye, let's see who can catch the most fish."
"You are on!" They cast their fishing lines.
Emma was getting her nails dry, Hope's nails were already dry. "Mommy, bored."
"You are bored?"
"How about I tell you a story?"
Emma at chuckles at her daughter's excitement. "Once upon a time, there was a long-lost princess of the Enchanted Forest. There was a dark curse coming, her Daddy put the baby princess inside a magical tree that sent the little princess to another realm into a forest. The little baby princess was lost until Pinocchio found and brought her to safety..." Hope hugs her Mommy which made her smile, her two daughters were hearing her story. Leia kicks. "Baby sis.."
"She is hearing the story baby girl."
"A lot of stowytime with Leia?"
"Yes with you and Leia. A lot of snuggles and storytime with my two girls."
Henry and Killian could not go to catch any fish. "Dad, no fish."
"I know, lad. It is a beautiful day to sail. We can sail around."
"Yes!!" They put their fishing poles away and continue to sail around.
After Emma and Hope got their nails done, they were walking around town. Killian texted her that they were having seafood for dinner. "Hope, how about we go to the bread store? Can you help me choose the bread?"
"Yes, I will help!" They went across t street to Storybrooke Country Bread to get bread for their meals.
The mother and daughter enter the store, they see James the baker. "Hi, James."
"Hi, Emma. Hi, little Hope."
"Hi!" Hope goes to the cookie section. "Cookies, Mommy."
"We can get cookies too. But we need to choose the bread first." They looked at the different bread styles, baguettes, brioche, challah, ciabatta, egg twist bread, Italian bread,and cinnamon roll twist breads. Hope points at the egg twists and ciabatta.
"Good choices, Hope. Can we have two egg twists and two ciabatta?" James got their order into a bag."Now, you can choose cookies."
Hope went to the cookie sections, sugar cookie section, chocolate chip cookies, Italian style cookies, in shapes of hearts, butterflies. "Jolly Woger cookie Mommy!"
Emma smiles. "Yes, we can get you one. How about we get 4 Jolly Roger cookies."
"Yes, and book one for Henwy."
"Good choice. Three ship cookies..."
"Four Mommy."
"Four ship cookies, one book sugar cookie, and 6 chocolate chip cookies." James got their order and total them up. Emma pays for the goods.
"I help Mommy."
"Can you please put the cookies in a separate bag."
"I can do that." He puts the cookies in a separate bag.
"Thank you, James."
"You are welcome, Emma."
"Hope, you can hold the cookie bag to the car."
"Yes!" Her Mommy gives her the bag. They walked back outside. "Mommy, cookie tweat."
"You can have your cookie when we get home."
"Hope, hold my hand. We are crossing the street." They cross the street back to the front of granny's. She opens the car. Hope hopped into the car to her car seat. Emma made sure Hope buckled correctly and set the bags next to her.
"Hi, Emma!"
Emma turns around seeing her Mom. "Mom..." Hope began crying.
"Hi, Hope."
Hope gets out of her car seat and stays in front of her Mommy. "Stay away from my sister and Mommy."
'I am not going to hurt you or your sister or Mommy."
"Not twue." Hope hugs Mommy's legs. "You lie."
"I am telling the truth."
"Stay away from Mommy and sister." Hope cries more.
"Mom, stop. She is only three years old and knows all of her life that you were hurting her." She rubs Hope's back. "Hope, we are going to go home, sweetie."
"Home." Emma puts Hope in her carseat. "Mommy."
She hugs her daughter. "I know you are afraid. You are staying with me. We are going to go home, sweetie." She closed the door. "Mom, when Zelena was in your body, she acted so nice and yelled all at once. She was screaming all the time saying that she is good, I am not going to hurt you, I want you in my life, to me. When she spoke to her she either yelled at her saying I am your grandma, yelled at her using her light magic on Leo who hurt her."
"Hope has light magic?"
"Yes. She takes after me. The point is Mom, she is terrified of you. It will take a lot of time for her to trust you. A lot of time for my whole family to trust you."
"Okay, I understand. If you need anything ,Emma. Call me."
"Thank you, Mom." Emma waddles back to the driver's seat and has a Braxton hicks contraction. "Oww!" She breathes in and out.
"Mommy is okay, sweetie."
Killian and Henry went walking home carrying lobster they bought by port since they did not catch any seafood. They brought the lobsters into the kitchen. Killian gets a phone call from Emma. "Emma? Are you alright?"
"Killian, I need..." She breathes in and out. "I am in town with Hope...I am having Braxton hicks in the car.." She was in tears.
"Emma, I am going to drive you two home. Stay where you are. Just breathe in and out of the fake contractions." Emma smiles. "I am on my way, Emma." He ends the phone conversation.
"Dad, what is wrong with Mom?"
"She is having Braxton hicks contractions in the car and I also hear Hope crying."
"I am coming too." They walked back into town seeing a crowd including Granny, around Emma's yellow bug.
"Killian, Emma is alright. She just had Braxton hicks contractions. I saw Snow White out here talking to Emma and Hope, afraid around her. Hope stopped crying when Emma's fake contractions stopped a few minutes ago. I also gave Emma some fruit salad. She was craving some sweet fruits. Your three girls are okay."
"Thank you for staying here with them until we came."
"You are welcome, Killian. I love helping Emma and your family."
Killian opens the back of the yellow big smiling hearing his swan happy. Emma sees her husband and smiles big."Killian!" Emma hugs her husband.
"I am here, Emma." He hugs his swan."I told you, Swan, I was coming. How are you feeling now?"
"I just had my first of many Braxton hicks contractions. They are painful."
"Mommy is okay."
"I told her that they are practice contractions, my body getting ready for Leia to come."
"Leia kicked."
"You did feel her kick today at the nail salon." She hugs her husband. "I am okay, our baby is okay. Also, granny gave me some fruit salad which Leia likes me to eat."
"Aye, she is taking after her Daddy already, wanting fruit."
"Dada! Cookies."
"Mommy bought yummy cookies?"
"We are going to eat them when we get home."
"We also bought bread for tonight's dinner." Killian got into the driver's seat and drove his family home. Henry was sitting next to his sister and look at the bag.
"No peeking, Henwy."
Henry gives his Mom a look. "She chose the cookies herself and wants to surprise you and Dad at home."
Henry smiles."Okay. Dad and I bought home lobster for dinner."
"I thought I smelled seafood on you two."
"Sorry, swan. I know your nose is sensitive."
"That is okay, I am not nauseous." They arrived home, Henry and Hope walked inside. Killian helps his swan out of the car. "I never had a Braxton hicks contraction in the car before. Thank you for coming, I was getting afraid."
"I told you, love, I am there for you when you need me and our children." He rubs her baby belly. "I am there for my family. How was your girls day with Hope?"
"It was fun, Hope and I chose different nail colors. I told Hope a story when my nails were drying when she was waiting for me to finish. We went shopping. My Mom came by... Hope got out of her car seat and told her to get away from me and the baby."
"She wanted to protect her sister and Mommy."
"Yes,she did. She was crying too. I do not know if I can trust my Mom or not. Hope is terrified of her. I told Snow that Hope is terrified of her. I don't know if it is my hormones clouding up my emotions and trust. I do not know if I can trust my Mom."
"You do not have to rush to gain her trust her back. Trust takes time. For the past three years, we believe Snow White has caused terror in our family. It will take three years... Or more to gain her trust back completely." Emma hugs Killian as best as she can knowing her husband was right. "Do you want to lie down before dinner?"
"Yes, I really need to lie down. Making this little pirate princess is very very tiring." Killian leads his swan inside. They see Hope showing Henry the cookies in the living room. "Hope, are you showing the cookies to Henry?"
"Yes!" Emma smiles as she sits on the couch. "Henwy yours!"
Henry smiles seeing the book cookies. "This is my cookie?"
"Hope found it and told me it was yours."
"Awesome!" He hugs his sister. "Thank you, for choosing a special cookie, Hope."
"Your welcome, bro."
"Which one did you choose for yourself?"
"Jolly Woger. Dada Mommy too!"
"Little love, did you find Jolly Roger cookies?"
"Yes! Dada, you Mommy me and Henwy!"
"Thank you, Hope."
"Yes, I got two cookies!" Emma and Killian smiled at Henry.
As Killian was steaming lobsters in the kitchen, he watched Emma lying down on the couch watching Henry and Hope talking and eating their cookies. Emma was feeling huge and tired. All she wanted to do was lie down on the couch. He set up the table for lobster, heating up corn in the oven.
"Mom, are you okay?"
"Yes. Leia is moving so much." She lifts up her shirt showing Henry and Hope Leia moving around inside of her.
"Leia moving."
"Yes, little sis. We can see Leia moving around inside of Mommy's tummy."
"Baby sis!" She hugs Mommy's baby belly.
"Baby sis, we can see you moving inside of our Mommy. This is so cool."
"Yes, it is cool, but for me, it hurts."
Hope kisses her Mommy's baby belly. "Better?"
Emma smiles Hope wanted her pain to go away. "Yes, sweetie, all better." Hope goes to her Mommy and hugs her. Emma kisses her on the cheek. Henry takes a video of Leia moving on his iPhone. "Awesome." Emma and Killian smile at each other, their children are excited to meet their baby sister. They all cannot wait to meet Leia, the newest Swan-Jones arrival.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now