Returning Home

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Emma and Killian sadly had to return to Storybrooke, Maine. Emma and Killian checked out of their hotel. Before their flight home, Emma had to go shopping to buy some summer wear for the summertime, which was her souvenir. Killian drove Emma to the closest mall. Killian never saw a huge place full of stores. "Swan, what the devil is this place?"
"It is called a mall, Killian. It is a huge building with many places to buy clothes sometimes they have movie theaters too. I have not been to a mall since I was in the system."
"Ah. What are you looking for?"
"I am looking for summer clothes, maybe some cute summer rompers for the little duckling too."
Emma waddled slowly to a few stores. She found summer clothes for herself such as summer dresses, long tee shirt dresses, and she found matching dresses for her and Hope. "Killian, look what I found. This will be perfect for me and Hope to match. Isn't this too adorable?"
"Love, I love it." Emma found little rompers for little Hope and bow sets.
After shopping for a few hours, they had to go to to the airport. They returned their rented car. Killian and Emma arrived at the airport early. After the security line, they got lunch. Emma bought a whole box of Cinnabon for Henry. "The lad, will all of that?"
"They do not have Cinnabon in Storybrooke. He will be happy."
"What about Regina? She is a health freak?"
"Well, I think Henry has it once in a while. She will be fine. He can share it with Roland and Rowand."
Emma was able to get to their seats on the airplane first since she was pregnant. Killian carried her carry-on bag. Emma mostly slept on the flight on Killian's shoulder. He rested his head on hers. When they landed in Maine, it was dark. "Back to the cold."
"Do not worry, Swan. It will summer very soon."
Killian picked up their luggage from the carousel and as they were leaving their gate, they saw a few familiar people. "Mom, Dad, Leo!"
Snow White went straight to hug Emma. "Oh, honey you got a nice tan!"
"Thank you, Mom. We had an amazing babymoon." Leo hugs Emma, "Sissy!"
"Hi, Leo."
Charming went to hug Killian, "How was the babymoon?"
"It was very fun and relaxing."
Charming hugs Emma and Snow White hug Killian.
"Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Emma. How was your trip?"
"It was amazing. We went to the beach every day, swam in the ocean. I even had a spa day. It was great."
"I can tell, you both have suntans." He took the luggage from Killian.
Snow White, "So were you overprotective with Emma?"
Killian held Leo. "Yes, I was a little but not crazy. I just helped her when she needed it."
Killian and Emma held hands as they five of them walked to the truck. Emma showed her mom the photos of the beach, ocean, the photos took her standing by the ocean, sitting by the crashed waves, tanning, reading a book and sleeping under the umbrella, pictures of both of them by the waves and pictures of Emma in a bikini with the big baby bump.
"Wow, Killian. You really took great photos of Emma."
"Thank you, Snow."
Emma showed her Mom her manicure. "I also had a prenatal spa treatment. I had a full body massage, it was amazing. It made me forget the heaviness of my pregnancy for a little bit."
"Dad, can we drop off by Regina's? I want to give Henry a few souvenirs that I got him."
"We went shopping at a mall right before we went to the airport. Never been to a huge place full of stores."
"I thought you had fun?" She giggled.
"I was happy to see you happy. You tried on so many clothes Swan."
"Hey, there are no malls in Storybrooke and I got cute clothes for the baby, I thought you enjoyed."
"Yes, I did Swan."
Emma and Killian went to Regina's house. Killian helped Emma out of the truck. Killian carried the bag of souvenirs for Henry. Snow, Charming, and Leo went to their house to drop off their luggage.
Emma rung the bell. Regina answered. "Emma, Killian welcome back."
"Hi, Regina. I bought some souvenirs from our babymoon trip."
"Yes, come on in. You got a great tan."
"Thank you." Henry came running down the stairs.
"Mom, Dad you are back." Henry hugs Emma first then Killian.
"Hey, kid. Not too tight."
"Hi, son."
"We got a few souvenirs for you."
"Awesome!" They all sat in the living room. Killian gave Henry the box of Cinnabon. "Awesome you got me a box of Cinnabon!"
"Yes, please share with Roland and Rowand."
"I will."
"Henry, please put them in the kitchen. We can have it for breakfast in the morning." Henry went to the kitchen with Killian. "I am going to say hi to Robin."
"So, how was your trip?"
"It was amazing and relaxing."
"I can see by your suntan that you enjoyed the beach."
"We both definitely did. Oh, here are photos that Killian took."
Regina was impressed. "Wow, you both look like you had a fun babymoon."
"Yes, we did."
"I never seen you look so happy and content. How is your pregnancy going?"
"It is going really good. She was kicking a lot when we were by the ocean and in the ocean. She definitely takes after her Daddy by loving the ocean." She giggles. "I am uncomfortable and having hip, joints and back pain and breast pain but she is almost here."
"I am so happy for you and Killian. You are finally getting a second chance at becoming a mom from the very beginning."
"Thank you. I know. I am enjoying this pregnancy every minute. When I was pregnant with Henry, I ignored my pregnancy. I was not in denial but I could not be a mom, being in prison and being abandoned from that ass Neal."
"Emma, Henry brought you to your family. He is happy that you are in his life and he is thrilled to become a big brother. I know Henry and Killian are helping you as much as they both can."
"Oh yes, they are, especially Killian being an overprotective father, already."
"See. He is a way better father for Henry and already an overprotective Daddy to be."
"Yes. Oh, I got a few more souvenirs for Henry."
"Henry! Can you please come back to the living room please."
Henry and Killian returned to the living room. Henry was stuffing his face with Cinnabon. "Henry, I told you that was for breakfast tomorrow."
"Sorry, Mom. I could not help it."
"Henry, I got you a few more souvenirs. Check them out."
He opened the bag. "No way. You got me a Star Wars tee shirt, and a Harry Potter tee shirt."
"Yup, here is one more bag."
Henry opened the last bag. He reads the blue shirt, "Big Bro." "You got me a big brother tee shirt!?"
"Yes, I did." Henry hugs Emma. " I also got a pink onesie for your baby sister that says "Lil Sis."
"Awesome!" He hugs her again.
Henry shows the tee-shirt to Regina. Henry brought his new tee-shirts to his room.
"Once, I saw the tee shirt and the onesie I could not help myself getting it for him and the baby."
"It is adorable."
"Swan, I think we should go home. I know that your parents dropped off luggage and we had a long day."
"You are right." He helps her off the couch.
"Do you need to drive you home?"
"Sure. If that is not a problem for you."
"Not at all," Regina calls Henry. "I am dropping off Emma and Killian home."
"Can I come?"
Regina and Killian sat in the front. Emma and Henry sat in the back, "Mom, how was the trip?"
"It was fun. We mostly spend time at the beach. Your Dad did not like the pool."
"Yes, I did not like it because of it chlorine water that just sits there and it is not real water." Emma, Regina, and Henry all laughed.
"I had a prenatal spa treatment, which felt amazing afterward. We mostly spend our time in the ocean. Your little sister knew we were in the ocean because she was kicking so much."
"Oh really. She is definitely a pirate."
"Yes, she is. When she is born, all 4 of us will go to the beach during the summer."
"It sounds good to me." She showed Henry the pictures from their trip.
Regina dropped off Emma and Killian. "Thank you for the ride, Regina."
"Your welcome Emma. Glad to have you both back home."
"Bye, Dad, Bye Mom."
"Bye, Son." "Bye, Henry."
Regina and Henry drove off.
As they entered their house, Emma felt something off with her baby bump, a sharp pain. She falls to the floor, Killian catches her. "Emma!"
Emma looks frightened "Call an ambulance. Something is wrong." Killian calls an ambulance. They pick her up right away. As Emma was lifted into the ambulance, Killian went with her. "Do not worry Emma, our baby girl will be alright." They hold hands as the ambulance takes them to the hospital.
To be continued...

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