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One night, Killian wakes up in the middle of the night feeling that Emma was not next to him. He jumps out of bed, worrying where she was. "Emma?" He walks downstairs. "Emma?" He hears some movement from the kitchen. He sees the refrigerator light on. "Emma?"
"I am down here." Emma was on the kitchen floor with a lot of ingredients scattered around her.
Killian turns on the kitchen light."Swan, what the devil are you doing on the floor?"
"Eating. This little girl wanted a little midnight snack."
"Why are you on the floor?"
"I took out a lot of ingredients and I needed to sit down."
Killian sits by his wife. "What are you making?"
"I am not sure actually?"
"How do you not know what are you making?"
Emma puts her hands on her baby belly, "Our little girl wants, pickles, yogurt, something sweet & sour and ice cream all at once. How would you explain that?"
Killian makes a disgusted face. "Yea, our little Hope wants to try everything at once."
"Aye, she does." He watches Emma making the food mix. She puts chocolate ice cream, pickles, yogurt, mayonnaise, and ketchup.
"Do you want some?"
"No thank you. How about you eat your "snack" on the table, while I clean up."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." He gently helps her stand up and she eats her snack, while he cleaned up the ingredients. "Baby girl, I hope you like it because I am eating this mix of food just for you sweetie." He finished cleaning and joined her at the table.
"You know you could go back to bed."
"No, I want to keep you company. How does that snack taste?"
"It satisfies our little girl, which makes me happy."
"Aye. The next time you want a snack, please wake me up so I can get it for you."
"Why? I did not want to wake you up."
"I do not mind waking up to my two loves a snack and I got worried when you were not next to me."
"Aww. I will wake you up next time when my cravings are needed at night. For some reason, when I had pizza yesterday with my parents, the baby did not like it."
"Aye, really? How so?"
"I took one bite of a slice and I went straight to the bathroom to vomit. She doesn't like pizza but she likes this ice cream, sweet and salty mix."
"Our little lass might like food different."
"Maybe, I have a feeling she will like food once she is a year old but now she wants to try different flavors." She rubs her baby belly, "Baby girl, I have a feeling you are not going to be a picky eater like Mommy."
"Maybe she is going to take after me, a healthy eater."
"Hey, I am not that picky now." She giggles. "I think it's time to back to bed." They walk back to bed together.
When they get back to bed, "Killian, can you please massage my back? It is hurting so much."
"Sure, swan." He massages her back.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome love." They kiss.
The next morning, Emma wakes up with Killian next to her. "Morning love."
"Morning. How long have you been up?"
"Not too long. I was watching you sleep. Our little lass loves to move when you are sleeping."
"I know, which is why it is so hard to sleep." Emma pulls up her nightshirt and they both watch her baby belly moving crazy. "Baby girl, are you having fun in there?" Killian chuckles.
"She is so active. I think she gets it from me."
"Love, I think she gets it from the both of us." They both laugh.
"We now know, that we are going to be chasing her all over the house."
"Aye, I cannot wait for that to happen."
"Same here." She rubs her baby belly. "Mommy cannot wait to hold you and play with you little Hope."
"Aye. Little lass, you are taking up after the both of us. Daddy and Mommy always were the ones chasing the villains."
"Do not worry baby girl, Mommy made sure all of the bad people go away, so you do not have to worry about villains or curses." She continues to rub her belly. "I like feeling her move, it makes it feel more real and special connection, you know."
"Aye, our little lass is growing inside of you, of course, she is going to have a special connection. You are her Mommy. She is going to love you."
"I know. I am looking forward to all of the beginning we are both going to experience with her you know."
"Aye. I cannot wait. What do you want for breakfast?"
"Pancakes with mixed berries."
"Pancakes with mix berries coming right up."
"Thank you." They kiss. Emma reads Harry Potter book.
Killian goes to the kitchen and makes a phone call. "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Regina. I do not think having the party at Granny's is a good idea. Do you think we can have it at her parent's house instead?"
"I can ask Snow. Why?"
"I was just thinking that Emma would be more comfortable at her parents' house, not in a diner and not be able to put her feet up."
"I will call Snow and text you what she says."
"Great. Thanks, Regina. The party is next Saturday?"
"Yes, I can have Henry come over to your house to help stall Emma."
"Sounds good."
"One more question, would your sister happen to surprise my wife at her baby shower?"
"She is not invited. I spoke to her about what a jerk she was to Emma but she is not invited."
"Good, I wanted to make sure because I do not want my very pregnant wife to get stress and go into early labor."
"I know, Killian. I have a feeling since her emergency room incident, she does not want to go early labor. I have to go call Snow. I will let you know what she says."
"Great, nice talking to you Regina."
"Bye, Killian."
Killian cooks the pancakes. Emma slowly arrives in the kitchen, wearing leggings and maternity long sleeve shirt with her a hair up in a crown braid. "Something smells good."
"Aye, they are almost done, love. What are you doing today?"
"Well, I was thinking to have Henry over so we can paint together. I also need to pack my hospital bag today. For whenever she decides to come, we can easily grab the bag and rush to the hospital. What are you doing today?"
"After work, I am thinking of getting the fuzzy rug you want for Hope's room."
"You will get it for me?"
"Of course, Emma. I would do anything for my two loves." Killian kisses her on the cheek and rubs her baby bump. He sets the pancakes on the table.
"Your the best you know that?"
"Aye, I know. You helped me become a better person."
"I cannot imagine raising a family without you. I still cannot believe that you sold the Jolly Roger to get back to me, that was when I knew you loved me."
"I love you when we met in the Enchanted Forest."
"Really? Even though I was walled up and left you to the giant?"
"Aye, when I helped you with your scratch, I knew that I love you."
"Really? Weren't you mad at me for leaving you?"
"Yes, that I got over with it and I was stuck with Cora. I went with her to see you again."
"Aww, you are so sweet, you know that."
"Aye." They kiss on the lips.
They ate their breakfast. After Killian cleaned up the kitchen and got ready for work. "Bye, love. I will see you after work. He kisses her on the cheek while she is on the couch.
"Bye, we will miss you."
"Aye, I will miss you both."
"Have a good day at work."
"Thank you, love, I will bring the fuzzy rug after my shift."
Emma coos to her baby bump, "Daddy cares for you and Mommy so much. You will love him as much I do little Hope."
Killian walking to work. He gets a phone call from Snow White. "Hi Snow."
"Hi, Killian. I just got off the phone from talking to Regina. I do not mind having the baby shower at my house."
"Great, love. I do not think Granny's would have been too comfortable for Emma. I think she would feel more comfortable at your house."
"Sure, that is no problem. What baby gifts does Emma need for the baby?"
"She mentions baby walkie-talkies, the play mat, and the chair that rocks the baby to sleep itself."
"I put those on the list for others to get baby gifts for her."
"Thank you, Snow. Oh, can you tell Henry to meet me at the baby store after school? I need his help to get a white fuzzy rug for the baby's room."
"Sure, what else are you getting for the baby?"
"We have not bought diapers for the lass yet."
"Make sure you buy newborn size diapers, there are many sizes."
"Will do love. Thank you, Snow."
"Your welcome. I will see you soon."
After his shift, he gets a call from Emma. "Hi, honey."
"Hi, Emma. How are my two loves?"
"We are doing fine. She is moving a lot today."
"Aye, Henry is meeting me at the baby store so he can help me carry the rug home."
"Great. Henry and I can paint later on."
Killian and Henry arrived home later with a white rug and two packs of newborn diapers.
"Hi, Honey."
"Hi, Emma. Is this the rug you wanted to Hope's room?"
She looks at the rug. "Yes, you got the right one. Thank you." She kisses him on the cheek.
"Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Mom. We bought diapers for Hope."
"That is great, you can put the diapers on her changing table."
"Sure Mom." Henry hugs Emma. "Hi, Hope. Your big brother is here." He kisses the baby bump. She giggles.
Killian and Henry brought up the rug and diapers upstairs. Emma told where Killian to place the rug in the baby's room. Henry put the diapers on the changing table next to the lotions, cream, and baby wipes.
"Henry, do you want to paint now?"
"Sure, Mom. Where do you want to paint?"
"We can paint in the living room."
"Sounds good. I will set the art supplies downstairs."
"He looks excited to paint."
"Yes, he does. I am too." She leans on to him as much as she could, "I cannot believe that she is almost here. Her room is almost finished."
"Aye, she is going to be here very soon."
"Yes. Now, I need to go downstairs to be with my son, while he is still an only child."
"Aye. He is going to love little Hope."
"I know, we all love her already." They kiss. Killian gets on his knees and pulls up Emma's shirt. "My little lass, we love you so much. We have your bedroom set up already, I know you are going to love because Henry painted so many murals in here that makes your room the prettiest room in the house." Killian kisses her baby bump a few times. Emma giggles.
"Oh, I packed my hospital bag today. Can you please bring it downstairs and put in the closet. "Sure love."
Emma slowly goes the stairs to the living room. "Hey Mom, I have a snack for both of us and the paints are ready. I put down newspaper down on the carpet so we will not get them stained."
"That is great, let's get started." As they painted, Emma told him about her childhood. "When I was in elementary school, my favorite class was art ever since I love art. I love to paint and draw."
"Now, I know where I get it from."
"Yup. It runs in the family."
"I always wonder who does the illustrations in your storybook?"
"I have no idea. They usually appear."
"I remember when you helped me believe during the last curse, your version of the book was great with your drawings."
"Thank you, Mom."
"Your welcome. I am just happy we do not have to go through any of those curses anymore."
"I know. Me too."
"Can we watch Star Wars tonight?"
"What is for dinner?"
"Anything but pizza. Your sister does not like it."
"Yea. I was over at Mom and Dad's house watching Leo. Let's just say once I ate some I headed straight to the bathroom to puke."
"Wow. What other food that makes you sick?"
"Indian food, the mackerel fish that your Dad loves to cook and certain odors too." They ended up doing a lot of paintings on paper and canvases. Emma created a canvas painting for her daughter, her name Hope Jones. She also painted a swan too. Henry painted a pirate ship. Henry cleaned up and they all ate dinner together. They watched Star Wars together. Emma sat in between Killian and Henry. Emma has a Braxton hicks contraction. "Oh..." She breathes in and out slowly. "Emma, are you alright love?" "Mom are you okay?
"Braxton hicks contraction." She gripped Killian's good hand hard.
"Henry, can you get your mom a glass of water?"
"I am on it." He rushes to the kitchen and returns with a glass of water. He gives it to his Mom when the Braxton hicks contraction stops. She sips the glass of water. "Wow, that was very painful...Not again." She takes slow deep breaths and takes Killian's hand again as she was in pain. Emma sighs in relief, "Finally, that was a long one."
"Mom, are you sure you are okay?"
"Yes, I am Henry. They are the fake contractions, not the real ones." Henry hugs her for a long. "I am okay do not worry."
Killian looks worried and whispers, "Emma you sure?"
Emma cups her on his cheek, "Yes, I am. I am only 32 weeks. She is not coming yet." She lies her head on Killian's shoulder and Henry leans on Emma, while she rubs her hands on her baby bump. "Baby girl, your coming next month. We are all looking forward to meeting you."
"Little sis, we cannot wait to meet you."
"We all are excited to meet you, little love." Henry went to bed. Killian and Emma eventually go to bed. Emma wakes up at 3:00 am. She rubs her baby belly. "You want Oreos, baby girl. Let me ask your daddy to get us some." She wakes up Killian. "Killian?"
Groggily, "What is it swan?"
"Our little girl wants Oreos."
"Emma, it is 3:00 in the morning."
"You told me when the last time I have a craving at night to wake you. Or you want me to go down there myself."
"Fine. Do you want milk to go with your Oreos?"
"Yes, please."
Killian brings her a tray of milk and Oreos. "Thank you." He gives her the tray and goes back into bed with her.
"I am glad my two loves enjoying their cookies."
"Do you want one?"
"Sure. Since I am up anyways, why not."
"I am sorry that I woke you up."
"That is alright love. I will do anything for you and our little lass." He rubs her baby belly and they kiss. After they finished their snack, Killian brought down the plate, cup, and tray back to the kitchen. He looks at the sonograms on the kitchen door. "I cannot believe that I am going to be a father soon with my true love." He returns to his bedroom and finds Emma back to sleep. He kisses her on the head. "Night Emma." He kisses her baby belly, "Night baby Hope. We love you so much, little lass." He goes back to sleep.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now