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Charming calls the dwarfs to help control the crowd and patrol. Emma and Regina spoke to the head of the Storybrooke Fire Department and he told them the fire was set only in one room. He pointed at the room where Henry's art project was located. "How was the fire caused?"
"Someone lite matches on easels. Everyone was safely evacuated."
Both Emma and Regina both felt devastated for Henry and anger rising, thinking of Henry and had a feeling who was behind the crime. "Regina, you do not think?"
"Oh, yes. Emma, I will be right back I am going to put a protection spell on your house just in case they get any ideas." Regina poofs away.
"Dad, this is was not a coincidence that only the room was on fire what the one with Henry's paintings. Regina and I think it was the bullies to get revenge on being arrested. All I can think of is Henry, he is going to be so devastated."
Charming hugs Emma, "Henry will be okay eventually, for now, we need to catch these teenagers. We need your mother." Regina poofs back from casting the protection spell from the Swan-Jones house.
"Yes, I can call Killian and tell him Leo is sleeping over at my house tonight and to tell Mom to meet us here." Emma calls Killian," Killian."
"Emma, is everything okay?"
"Not really. Can you please tell my mom that she is needed over at high school and that Leo is sleeping over at our house? Please call me if Hope gets hungry."
"Sure, Emma. I will call you when she needs you, love, be careful."
Killian still at Granny's with the kids and walks over to Snow White. They walk away from the kids, "Snow White Emma just called me and to tell you that you are needed at the high school and Leo is sleeping over at our house."
"Killian, what is going on?"
"From what your husband told us that the fire department is at the school and Regina and Emma went with him to investigate. I am assuming they need you for your tracking skills."
"I am going there right now." Snow White went to Leo, "Leo you are sleeping over at Emma and Killian's tonight. Behave for Killian." Snow White rushes out of Granny's.
Henry was still holding Hope, "Dad what is going on?"
"Lad, I am not sure what is going on but both of your moms and grandparents are needed. Leo is sleeping over at our house." Killian gets Leo, "Little prince, it is time to leave."
"Killy, I am sleeping over. Where is Emma?"
"Your big sister has to do something but she will come later." He turns to Henry. "Henry, please give me your sister and carry the diaper bag."
"Sure." Henry hands over Hope to his Dad and carried the diaper bag to the car with Leo. Henry buckled Hope to her car seat. "Hope, Leo is sleeping over Mommy is working tonight." Leo sat next to Hope on the other side. "Henry, is Hope going to okay without Emma?"
Hope was gripping Henry's finger."Leo, she has you her uncle and me her big brother to watch her and Killian."
Killian checked on the kids and drove them back home. When they arrived home, Henry carried the diaper bag and put Leo to bed in the guest room while Killian tended to Hope. After Henry put Leo to bed, he checked on his Dad with Hope. Killian changed Hope out of her dress to her pajamas.
"Dad, how is Hope?"
"So far, so good. I am hoping your mom gets back before her next feeding or else we are going to have a long night."
Leo enters the room, "Killy, I cannot sleep."
"Little prince do you want Henry to tell you a bedtime story?"
"Yes, can you please tell me a bedtime story?"
"Sure, Leo and Hope will join us."
"Lad, we can tell the story in my room."
"Sounds good." Killian held Hope and Henry sat in between Killian & Leo. He read the two stories from his book until Leo and Hope fell asleep. Killian puts Hope in her cradle and Henry carried Leo back into the guest room.
Henry and Killian talk in Henry's room. "Dad what is going on, please tell me?"
"Your grandpa was called in by the fire department that there was a fire at the high school, your moms and grandma had to all in to investigate."
"There was a fire at school?"
"Yes, lad. That is only all I know so far. Your grandparents and your both moms are going to solve the case."
"Lad, please go to bed."
"I will, I am tired. I am just hoping Mom returns soon for Hope's sake."
"Same here, Henry. Your speech and your artwork were amazing."
"Thanks, Dad. Can we sail or practice sword fighting tomorrow?"
"We will see, we can most likely practice sword fighting on the Jolly Roger."
"Awesome! Night, Dad."
"Night lad."
When Snow White arrived at the high school there were crowds of people, the dwarfs were on patrol. "Emma, sweetie."
Emma looked hurt. "Sweetie. What happened here?"
"The fire department told Regina and me that the fire was only in one room, where Henry's art project was located. The caused by someone who burned matches on Henry's art projects. Regina and I assume that it was the three boys who want revenge on Henry. He is going to be devastated when he finds out and will feel guilty"
"Oh, sweetie." Snow White hugs her. "Henry will get through this. We will find whoever has done this and have them arrested."
"Yes, I know. Regina went to my house to cast a protection spell just in case the bullies are out to get Henry."
Regina and Charming were waiting for them. They searched most of the night for clues. The fire department gave them clues like footprints. Emma found fingerprints and used security cameras to track who came in and out of the school before and after the fire. On the security cameras, she found two of the three boys wearing ski masks. "Mom, Dad, and Regina, I got something." She shows them the proof. Killian calls Emma. "Hold on one minute, Killian is calling me. "Hi, Killian. Is she hungry?" She can hear Hope in the background crying.
"Yes, she is Emma, I tried the bottle feed her she is not taking it."
"I am on my way home." She hangs up the phone and sighs. "Dad, I need to back to Hope. Can you and Regina arrest all three of them and bring them to the station. I can get back to interrogate them."
"Emma, you need some rest."
"I want to catch the ones who set the school on fire."
"Emma, your daughter needs you and you have not slept properly in weeks."
"You should listen to your parents."
"Fine, I will sleep for a few hours and I will come to interrogate them. Is that a good plan?
"Emma, I will call to update you."
"I can tell if they are lying or not. I am coming back after I take care of my daughter. I want to get them in jail the ones who are getting revenge on my son." Emma began to go home.
Regina, Snow White, and Charming are worried for Emma. "Charming, she needs to rest, she is a new mother and stressed out now especially if this fire was revenge on her son."
"I agree with you Snow, Emma is the one who can tell who is lying."
"I agree with you too, she needs to rest or else she will have health issues. She is sleep deprived and she needs to help her kids. Especially those who are giving payback to our son. I will take the first shift of interrogating them."
"I think, we let her interrogate them and she is back on maternity relief we can ask Killian to help us. Once we find them."
"Knowing our daughter she is not going to stop until they are in jail. I told the dwarfs already to search for the three of them. Let's help the dwarfs and arrest them."
"Luckily, I know how to track them." Regina, Charming, and Snow White go to work.
Emma walks home and enters the house hearing Hope wailing at 1:00 am. "Mommy is home baby."
Killian has Hope in his arms and walks to greet his wife. "Love, you do not look good."
"Killian, give me our daughter first." Killian hands crying Hope to Emma. Emma snuggles Hope and kisses her. "Baby mommy is home sweetie, I have your food." She brings Hope to the living room. Hope quickly eats and Emma rubs her head. Killian sat next to his two loves. "I am exhausted and upset."
"Do you want to tell me what happened?"
Emma spoke a low voice. "Fire was only in the room where Henry art project was."
"Only our son's project? Emma, you don't think?"
"Oh, yes that what Regina and I thought automatically once the chief of the fire department told us about the fire located and how it started."
"We assume the three bullies purposely lite a match and set it on his project on fire. My parents, Regina and the dwarfs are finding the boys and arresting them. I am going there as soon as they bring them to the station to interrogate them."
"Love, you are exhausted and you need to rest."
"I am the only one can tell they are lying or not. I am hurt that they are out for revenge against our son."
"Emma, can you just watch them from the one view mirror and see if they are lying while your Dad and I can interrogate them?"
"Yes, that will make me feel better. I can bring Hope with me, so I do not have to worry about feeding her." She bends down to Hope who was still eating, "You want to come to work with Mommy and Daddy? You can be my little partner." She gave her little kisses."Now, I am worried about Henry, how am I going to tell him?"
"Love, he is going to be upset but just be yourself and be there for him."
"I want to protect him from bullies, he is my baby."
"Emma, he faced many challenges in his life already worse than being bullied, remember Neverland, curses which he defeated some on his own. He gets your bravery from you his mom. He will be strong like you, love." He kisses her on the head and hugs. "Please get some sleep while you wait to get called in."
"Thank you, Killian. You are my rock."
"I will always be there for you Emma." Emma burped Hope. Killian took Hope back into their room. Emma changed out of her dress and put on leggings and a tank top. Emma fell asleep. Hope slept in a little longer because she was exhausted from the art show and crying until her Mom coming home late to feed her. Killian got up at 6:00 am to change Hope's diaper. Killian heard Emma's phone ringing, he answered. "Hello."
"Killian, it is Charming. Is Emma asleep?"
"Yes, but I do not want to wake her."
"I know, we know she is sleep deprived."
"She told me everything last night when she came home."
"We have the three boys in custody. We can let them stay in custody until Emma is awake."
"Aye, I told her that I can help and she can watch through the one-way mirror to watch the interrogation to see if they are lying."
"That is a good idea. Who is going to watch Hope?"
"Emma is going to bring Hope with her, so she would not worry about feeding her."
"Snow White can help Emma out in the station. For now, the dwarfs are keeping a close eye on the boys."
"Let them stay in the cell a little while longer, Emma is worried and stressed about Henry because of them."
"Yes, tell her when she is awake to come to the station."
"Aye, I will. I know she is going to tell Henry before, it might be a while."
"Tell her to take her time, we want them to make them worry more as they wait."
"Aye, we will see you soon."
"Oh, Belle knows what is going on she offered to watch Leo. She is going to pick him up at 8:00 am."
"Snow White does not mind watching Hope at the station?"
"Hold on....She doesn't mind as long as it helps Emma to have Hope around, one less worry for Emma."
"Aye, we will see you soon."
Belle picked Leo up. Before Belle left, Belle met Hope. Killian brought Hope downstairs, "Little Lass, this is Belle."
"Killian she is adorable. She is a mix of you and Emma."
"Aye, our little Hope is my little love."
"Any updates on the high school?"
"I am not sure yet, Emma, Regina and the Charmings are still working on the case. Thanks, for watching Leo."
"It is not a problem. Who is going to watch Hope?"
"Emma is bringing Hope to work, she is still not taking the bottle. She is a new mom plus trying to get the ones who are hurting Henry."
"The bullies?"
"Please let me know if you need anything. Please tell Emma that I will come by later to give her the gift for Hope."
"Aye, I will." Belle and Leo leave. "Hope, let's go check on your mommy." He brings Hope to their room, Emma was awake and dressed for work. "Morning, love."
"Morning, Killian. Hi baby." Killian hands over Hope to Emma. "Hope, are you looking forward to coming to work with Mommy today? You get to see mommy as a sheriff." She kisses Hope on the cheeks. "Is Henry awake?"
"Yes, he is."
"I need to tell him. Can you get him?"
"Sure, love."
Killian brings Henry to their room. He hugs Emma. "Mom, what happened? What time you got home last night?"
"Hi, Henry. I got home around 1:00 am."
"Love, I can take Hope." Killian gets Hope from Emma's arms. "Hope, we need to let Henry talk to mommy alone."
"Mom, what happened?"
"Kid, there was a fire at your listen to me do not panic..someone or someones lighten a match on your art projects and caused the classroom to get on fire."
'What?! Who did this? Did Jasper, Horace and Jack did this?"
"We have a few suspects in custody. Henry I am going to get them and put them in jail, I promise you that kid. From what your Grandma told me last night, they can be expelled and be sent to prison." Emma hugs Henry for a very long time, while he cried his eyes out. "Henry look at me." He looked at his mom, "You have the real murals, they did not destroy them, Henry. They are next door. They did not get the originals."
"I just hate to think that it is revenge for suspending them."
"Henry, it is not your fault, it is their fault they are the ones who-who bullied you for no reason, remember that."
"Yes." She hugs him again.
"I have to go to work to help with the interrogations. I am bringing Hope with me, so I do not have to worry about feeding her. I am going to make them pay okay? You still believe in me?"
"Yes, you are my Mom, I will always believe in you fighting for us." He hugs her. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Henry." Henry went to his room. Killian returned with Hope.
"Love, how did he take it?"
"Not well." She sighs and rubbed the temples of her head. Killian sits next to her. "Love, you are doing best as a mother being honest with him during this situation. I can keep him busy today. I did promise him a sword fighting lesson or a sailing lesson."
"You would really do that?"
"Aye, he is my son. I know you would be worried sick about him at work and I know our little Hope is going to with you today, to make your day easier, Henry and I get some father and son bonding time."
"Your the best, you know that?"
"Aye, I will help you and our family in anyway that I can."
"Thank you." They kiss. Hope looked at her parents. They giggled. "You want a kiss too baby girl?" They both kiss her.
Emma got Hope dressed for the day and packed her diaper bag. Henry watched her prepare for Hope. "Mom, can you please tell me what is going on while you are at work?"
"Henry, I will. I always tell you everything."
"I want to know that is all."
"Yes, I understand that, Henry. What are you doing with your Dad today?"
"I think he is going to give me a sailing lesson like he said before the art show."
"I know you two will have fun."
"Yes, we will some father and son time. Are you going to okay with being sheriff and mommy duty?"
"I think so, I was able to watch Leo as a newborn while at work. Your sister is going to be with me or your grandma." Emma looks at Hope, "Hope, you are coming to work with Mommy today." She looks back at Henry, "It was hard to manage to be out of the house to work and rush home to feed her. I do not want to make Hope very upset like last night. I am sorry I made you wait to eat sweetie."
"Hope, have fun with Mommy at work today, be a good little girl." He kisses Hope's hands. "Is this your mom and daughter bonding?"
"It could be. I cannot wait to get this crime over with so I can spend time with the both of you."
"Mom, we love you, especially all of the many amazing things you do for the both of us? Right Hope?" Hope gurgles. "Henry, Hope and I have to go, we have to go to work."
"Mom, be safe." He hugs her.
"Henry, I am not going to get hurt."
"I know, I....."
"Hey, we are both going to be okay. We are going to be with your grandparents and with your other mom. We can have a family movie night tonight. How does that sound?"
"It sounds like fun. Can we order pizza?"
"That sounds like a great idea, kid. I have not had pizza in a long time." She talks to Hope, "Hope, you did not like pizza when you were in my tummy." Emma kisses Hope on the cheek. "Now, you are going to have the milk version of it tonight. Say bye-bye to Henry, Hope. Tell him we will see you later." She giggles. Henry kisses Hope."Have fun with Mommy little sis."
Emma carried Hope and the diaper bag and the carrier downstairs. Killian was down waiting for them to help Emma carry things out to the car.
"Love, are you sure you can handle Hope and work?"
"Killian, we will be fine. My mom is going to help me out with Hope. Can you text me often to let me know how Henry is?"
"Sure, love. I know you will be worried about him."
"He needs you, Killian. I know that he will be happy sailing lessons that will cheer him up."
"Aye, I will make sure our son has a good day. Hope, be a good girl for mommy." He kisses Hope on the head. "Daddy will miss you, little love."
"Henry is worried about Hope and me now. I promised him movie night and pizza."
"Aye, that sounds like a good idea." They kiss. Killian helps Emma bring the diaper bag and the baby carrier to the car. Emma put Hope in her car seat. "Emma, please be careful."
"Killian we are only going to be at the station."
"I know, love. I am just worried that is all."
"I know, my two boys are overprotective for me and Hope. We will see you tonight." They kiss. Emma goes in the front seat and turns around to Hope. "Hope, are you ready to watch Mommy work in action as a sheriff?" Hope gurgles. Emma smiles and starts the car. Killian watched the yellow bug head to the station.
When Emma arrived at the station she went in the back of her car to get Hope, she put on the carrier and unbuckled Hope from her car seat and placed her in the carrier. "You get to see mommy work today little duck." She kisses Hope on the head and Hope put her hand on her chest. "You are just happy that you are with me." Emma grabbed the diaper and Hope's quilt and entered the sheriff station. "This is where mommy works." Emma saw Charming, Regina and Snow White talking, "What is going on?" They all looked at her. Charming helped Emma by taking the diaper bag and quilt, " I will put this in your office."
"Emma, you brought Hope."
"Yes, I did. I cannot be away from her too long without worrying that she will starve, she had a meltdown by the time I came home last night." Charming returns. " Killian took Henry out sailing today, he took the news of the fire pretty hard. So who is being interrogated first?"
"I am going to do the interrogations, the first one is Jack. He is in the first room."
"I can watch your conversation and can tell that is he lying or not."
"Emma, I can watch Hope."
"Hope, be a good girl for Grandma. Mommy won't be too far away baby" She kisses Hope on the head and cheeks and takes Hope out of the carrier and hands her to Snow White. Emma takes off the carrier and walks with her Dad. "Where did you find them?"
"We found Jack at home and Jasper and Horace out in the woods. We found the two of them at 4 in the morning."
"Did you find evidence? Besides the security camera and the footprints?"
"Yes, your mom found footprints out of the school with ashes from the fire from two different footprints and the crime lab is still working on the fingerprints."
Charming entered the interrogation room. Hack looked afraid. "Can you tell me where you were between 10:00 to 11:00 pm?"
"I did not help to cause the fire. I was at home with my parents. They were furious on what I did to Henry and grounded me. They do not want me to friends with Jasper Jr. and Horace Jr. They were my first friends when I arrived in Storybrooke but I knew what I was doing to Henry wrong. Yesterday, they told me their plan on revenge on Henry at school. I told them I could not get in trouble anymore especially destroying school property. I did not go to the art show since I was grounded if they saw me I knew they would force me to help them with their plan."
"Jack, I will be right back." Charming exits the room and talks to his daughter. "Emma, what do you think?"
"I can tell that he is telling the truth. Regina got the results, two fingerprints and none of them are his. Can you ask him if he knows where Horace jr. and Jasper Jr. hid during the art show? Then we can let him go, his parents are waiting for him. "
Charming went back in. "I believe you. We did not find your footprints or fingerprints from the crime scene. I have one more question before you leave. Where do you usually hang out with Jasper Jr. and Horace Jr.?"
"We usually hang out in the back of the school or at Horace jr.'s house."
"How about in the art show?"
"We usually hang out at a janitor's closet during school hours."
'Thank you for your time. You are free to go. Your parents are waiting for you." Charming escorted Jack out of the room, Jack turned to Emma. "I know you are one of Henry's moms, can you tell him that I am sorry for bullying him? I was with the wrong group of people. I had nothing to do with the fire."
"I can tell him but you can apologize him to yourself."
"I will." Emma went back to her office to check up on Hope. Charming brings Jack to his parents who were with Regina. "Mayor Mills, can you tell Henry that I am sorry for hurting him."
"I can tell you made bad decisions but I know Henry will forgive you if you tell him yourself. I had made bad decisions myself and I learn from them. I know you can make good decisions too."
"Thank you for understanding."
Charming talks to his parents. "He is free to go, he was not at the school during the crime. We had no evidence that he was there, we only saw 2 out of them in the ski masks on security cameras and we needed to make sure he was not involved."
Jack and his parents left. "Charming, do you want me to interrogate the next one knowing the other two are the ones who did the crime?"
"We can do them one at a time. Jack told me that they told him their plan but he did not want to get in more trouble than he already was from the suspension and did not want to be expelled from school." They went to the next interrogation room to wait for Emma.
Emma went to her office and hears Hope crying. "Hope, mommy is here."
"Hope, mommy is back. She is getting hungry." She hands Hope to Emma. Emma rocked and bounced Hope until she calmed down. "Shh, baby Mommy is going to feed you, little duck." Emma got the burp towel and began to breastfeed Hope at her office desk. Snow White closed the blinds for privacy. Hope latched quickly and Emma rubbed her head and kissed her as she ate. "Mom, how was she when I was working?"
"She napped mostly and I changed her diaper. How was the first interrogation?"
"Well, Jack told us his side of the story. He was not at the school. He was home grounded for bullying Henry. He told us that Jasper Jr. and Horace Jr. told him of their plan and they wanted him to help but he said no. He also said that if he was there they would force him to help them but he was grateful that he was grounded and he did not want to destroy school property. He apologized to me for bullying Henry."
"He did?"
"Yes, I think he made the wrong group of friends." Emma switched Hope to her other boob to feed her.
"Wow. I did not expect that from him. He did seem like a good kid in class, Jack gets good grades in my science class. His parents that came when Jack was here for the suspension they seem to be really disappointed in him for being a bully to Henry but the other two parents seem like they were disappointed in their sons for bullying the wrong student."
"Do you know what are you doing to do after they confess?"
"I was thinking of putting them in jail."
"What about their parents?"
"If they want revenge on us for putting their children in jail...well we have magic on our side if they try to get revenge of us or we can lock them up if they plan on hurting us." Hope was done eating. Emma burped her daughter. "Mommy has to go back to work, sweetie." Hope began to cry. "Awww, Hope you want to come with Mommy? can watch Mommy in action little duck but you have to be very quiet okay?" She kisses her cheeks."Mom, can you pass me the carrier?"
"Emma, do you think she will distract you in watching the interrogations?"
"If she gets fussy, I will bring her back here." Emma put the carried on and then wrapped Hope in her duck swaddler and gently put her in the carrier.
"I am coming too, just in case you need her to be with me during the interrogation."
"Sure." They walk to the next interrogation room seeing Charming and Regina. "I am back. I brought my little partner, she wanted to be with me."
"Charming, I will take Hope if she cries."
"Okay, Regina and I are going to interrogate both of them and Grumpy is keeping watch just in case their parents come." He kisses Hope on the head. "You get to watch Grandpa and Mommy work." Regina and Charming went into the room to interview Jasper Jr. Emma turned on the speaker so Snow White and she can listen to the conversation. Hope slept soundly on her Mommy's chest.
Charming and Regina took turns questioning Jasper Jr. "Can you tell me where you were between 10:00 to 11:00 pm?"
"I was in the school during the art show."
"Where were you during the fire?"
"I was not in the art classrooms."
"We have you and Horace Jr and you caught on security cameras where the fire was set."
"How did you know it was us? They wore ski masks?"
"I did not mention ski masks." Jasper Jr looked guilty.
"We have your fingerprints and footprints as evidence. Now tell me whose idea was it to set the fire?"
"Horace Jr. He was mad the most for being suspended and out in jail as punishment. We knew Henry was going to be at the art show. He thought of the whole plan. I was angry too but not as much as he was. I am sorry that I caused the fire."
"Thank you for your honesty." Regina and Charming exit the room.
"Emma, what do you think sheriff?"
"He is telling the truth. We have to put him in prison. Both boys are going to be expelled from school."
"Charming, we have to interrogate Horace Jr. I have a feeling he will be the most challenging one."
"Same here." They all walked to the next room. "Miss Swan, how is Hope?"
"She is being a good girl, she is sound asleep. She loves being around me."
"How is Henry?"
"Killian text me that he is having a fun time sword fighting and sailing lesson too. He insisted to stay with Henry."
"He really does care for him."
"Yes, he loves him as his own. He wants Hope and Henry be treated the same from what his father did to him, which was awful he did not want to be the same as him."
"He is definitely not like him at all."
"Yes, he changed so much. If he has not changed, I would not have this little girl." She rubbed Hope's little hands and kissed them. Regina smiles at Emma and Hope.
Regina and Charming enter the last room for interview Horace Jr. Snow White and Emma watched the interview from the one-way mirror while listening in.
"I did do nothing."
"We know you were the one who caused the fire. We have your fingerprints and footprints and security videos."
"How do you know it was me?"
"Your two friends told us."
"Well, they were lying. Jack was a wuss for not joining us."
"Jasper Jr. told us that is your plan."
"No, it was NOT!!"
"Horace Jr. you better tell us or you want me to use this." Regina threatens him with a fireball. There was a knock at the door by Emma with Hope crying, "Regina." Regina walks out of the room. Emma was calming down Hope by rubbing her back. "Regina, do not threaten him with a fireball. He already scared Hope with his screaming."
"I have to Emma in order for him to tell the truth."
"Fine, just do not hurt the kid or set the room on fire. One fire is enough for us to deal with."
Regina returns to the room.
"Fine, I will tell you the truth. As long she does not fire a throw a fireball at me." Regina nodded. "I was mad at Henry for telling on us and I wanted revenge as payback. So I decided to set his easels on fire. I did not expect to cause the whole room on fire."
"If you have not bullied him, you would not have been in suspension. Now you and Jasper are expelled from high school and going jail."
"You both are being charged with destroying school property." Regina and Charming walk out the room. "Emma, I need you to help me arrest them and send them to prison."
"I knew he was telling the truth once Regina threatened him. Mom, can you watch Hope?"
"Sure, honey."
Emma took Hope out of her carrier, "Hope, mommy will be right back sweetie, be good for grandma while I get the mean boys out of here then we can go home." Hope cries when Emma gives her to Snow White. "Emma I got her."
Charming handcuffed Horace Jr. and Emma handcuffed Jasper Jr. and walked them out of the station. "We are sending the both of you to prison." Emma put Jasper Jr. in the car and Charming put Horace Jr. "Grumpy make sure they are in separate cells in prison."
"Will do, Emma." Charming and Grumpy drove them to Storybrooke Prison. Emma returns inside to Hope who was still crying in Snow White arms and she hands Hope to Emma. "Hope, baby we are going home now. The mean boys who hurt Henry are going to prison." Hope stopped crying once she was in Emma's arms.
"Mom, I never felt so relieved that we got the boys."
"I know, sweetie. They hurt Henry and getting them to prison was the right thing to do. Regina, how long is the school going to be closed for prepares from the fire?"
"I have to talk to the contractors and see how long it will be closed. Maybe a few days or a week. I will let the school know as soon as I figure it out but for now, the high school is closed. Emma, I am so happy we got them too."
"I am just happy you did not hurt that boy."
"I was about to hurt him because he hurt our son physically and mentally."
"I know the feeling. I reminded him this morning that he has the originals in Hope's room, they did not destroy them. He is having fun with Killian." Hope gurgled. All of them giggled. "Hope you want to see Henry and Daddy? We are leaving soon baby." Snow White and Regina helped Emma packed her car. Emma buckled in Hope. "Mom and Regina thank you for all of your help with Henry."
"Emma he is both of our son and he was hurt and needed to helped."
"Yes, no one hurts our son." They hug.
"Emma, I love watching Hope. She is such a sweetie. I will see you Monday morning to watch Hope. Now I have to pick up Leo from Belle." Snow White and Regina left together. Emma drove her and Hope home. When she parked the car, she saw her two boys coming up from the marina. Henry saw her and runs to Emma. "Mom! Dad and I had so much fun today we practiced sword fighting and sailed today. It was awesome! How was Hope?"
"She was a very good today. Let me take her.."
"Mom, I can take her out of her car seat." Emma let him. Killian came to Emma and kissed her. "Hello, love. How was it?"
"It was good, we sent Jasper Jr. and Horace Jr. to prison. Jack was the one who was not there and he told us that the other two planned out the fire." Henry took out Hope from the car. "Hope missed her Daddy and Henry. She was a good girl while I was working."
"Hope, you saw Mommy work and caught the bad guys." Henry kissed Hope. "I missed you today little sis."
"Aye, Daddy missed you too, little Hope." He kisses Hope on the cheek.
Henry carried Hope in and Emma and Killian unloaded the yellow bug. "So, it went well today?"
"Yes, it did. Hope only cried once because she did not want anyone else but me so I had to hold her during the interrogation. I was listening and when the last one was screaming he scared Hope. Other than that she likes being with me at work. I am just happy that Henry's bullying problems are gone and he can go to school safe whenever the school reopens due to the fire."
"Aye, the sailing lesson and sword lessons cheered him up."
"I had a feeling that it will help him. Since Henry has Hope, I need to take a well-needed shower."
Aye, I will watch them. I can order the pizza. What type of pizza do you want?"
"One regular and one pepperoni pizza."
Emma took a long shower. After her shower, she heard Hope hungry cry. "Henry, can you please bring Hope to her room?"
"Sure, Mom." Henry brought up crying, Hope.
Emma got a burp towel and prepped to nurse. "I know Hope, you are a hungry baby." Henry hands her Hope." Hope latches on quickly.
Henry watched Hope eat. "Mom, how did it go?"
"Jasper Jr. and Horace Jr. were the ones who caused the fire and Jack was not there, he was grounded from the suspension. We told them about the evidence like the footprints, fingerprints and the security cameras. They were only two of them in ski masks. Once we figured Jack was innocent, we know that it was Jasper Jr. and Horace Jr. They told jack of their plan and he told us everything and Horace was the one who planned the fire. They are in prison. They are not coming out."
"Really? They are?"
"They are Henry. I told you that I will get them for what they did to you."
"Thank you, Mom. I always believe in you. I love you."
"I love you too kid." He hugs her. "Careful of your sister." Henry kisses Hope and then his mom.
"Did Hope had fun at work?"
"Oh, she saw me being the sheriff that is for sure. She only got scared when she was with me during Horace's questioning, I was listening in. Hope wanted me. When Horace Jr. started screaming at your other mom and Grandpa, she got scared. Your other mom threatened him with a fireball by the way." They both laughed. Killian comes to Hope's room. "The pizza is here." Emma burped Hope, was done eating. "What movie we should watch Henry?"
"I was thinking we can watch a Disney movie Mom?"
"Sure, kid. What Disney movie do you want to watch?"
"We can watch the little mermaid."
"That is my favorite Disney movie. Hope, you are going to love this movie."
Emma dressed Hope into her little mermaid outfit that Ariel gave her. "Hope, this is a little big for you now but I want to take a picture of you in it. You look so cute!" Emma took a few pictures of Hope. SHe changed Hope into her pajamas. They played their kissing game. "Hope, we are having your first movie night with you here little duck." She kisses Hope again. Emma brought Hope downstairs to the living room while Henry set up the movie and Killian brought the food in. "Emma, it is my turn to hold the lass. You can eat." Emma hands over Hope to Killian.
"Thank you, I did not eat all day." Emma grabbed one slice of each pie. And sat in the middle of Henry and Killian with Hope on the couch. "Mhmm.., I have not had pizza in a long time."
"Enjoy it, love." He bends down to talk to Hope in his arms. " "Hope, Daddy missed you so much today. Did you miss me, my little love?" Hope touched his face. Emma took a picture of Hope with Killian. "Aww. Hope missed her Daddy. When I told Regina and Mom that you two were having fun, Hope made a noise, saying that she missed Daddy and Henry."
"Little sis, we missed you too today. The next time you and Mommy are coming with us." Henry and Killian took turns holding Hope because they missed her. Eventually, Henry and Hope fell asleep, while Emma and Killian with Hope in his arms were awake for the whole movie. "You know I am happy we have family movie nights."
"Same here love."
"I think Hope loved the movie."
"Same here, until she fell asleep during the scary part." They giggled. They snuggled together. They kissed. " I am so relieved we resolved Henry's school bullying issues and one less thing to stress out about."
"I hate when our son is getting hurt. I am happy that our little family is now all happy."
"Same here, love." They kissed.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now